Monday, February 06, 2012

General "Fear" Takes Kenya To The Brink Yet Again

I love watching 24, the series from Fox TV.

Those who have watched it know that it is much more than just a cops and terrorists action thing. Indeed in my book the script writers predicted correctly that America would get a black president sooner rather than later and their prediction about America’s first woman president (Hillary Rodham) will come to pass very soon. On the other hand students of movie-making will quickly recognize the fact that the script writers and directors pay very close attention to characterization and that is part of the reason why watching 24 is not good for heart patients (there is way too much suspense).

Indecisive Presidents Can Cause Serious Trouble.

But let me stick to the politics portrayed in 24 and its’ relevance to Kenyan politics at the moment. I recently started watching earlier seasons in sequence and at the moment I am enjoying Season 4. In the particular episode I have just watched. Terrorists bring down Airforce one and the president of the United States is critically wounded necessitating his Vice president, Charles Logan (Gregory Itzin plays the role brilliantly) to be hurriedly sworn into office, in the middle of a crisis.

President Logan’s first act as president is to retire to the bunker (which is about 200 metres underground below the White House) for his own safety. And even while there he is still very much concerned about his personal safety “The terrorists will come after me next,” he screams at his chief of staff at one point.

But even worse is what happens next when quick critical decisions need to be made. Students of management will tell you that a quick decision that may turn out to be wrong is much better than no decision at all.

President Logan reminds me a lot of President Kibaki (remember the nickname his own constituents gave him years ago, General Kugoya-excuse my Kikuyu spelling) which means General Fear.

Kenyans forget very quickly but historians will note that it was President Mwai Kibaki’s indecisiveness that got us to the brink in January 2008. Older Kumekuchans will remember the timeline of events I gave that led to the troubles that almost shut down the country.

Now at the sunset of his presidency, Kibaki true to his character is leading the country into another serious crisis. Two ICC suspects have been traversing the country with a tribal message very similar to the tribal messages the Kibaki campaign team was promoting in the last presidential elections. The gist of that message is best portrayed in what John Michuki said in front of witnesses in late 2007 and I quote; “A Jaruo president of this country? Over my dead body.”

Supporters of these two mass murder suspects have already declared severally during their rallies which they conveniently call “Prayer meetings” that “NO RUTO AND UHURU, NO ELECTIONS.”

Why is the president hesitant to stop Uhuru and Ruto? After all he is not standing for a third term (or is he?). Could it have something to do with the ICC being after him? What is really going on?

And to make matters worse the government seems to have sanctioned the hate rallies because the Vice president of the republic of Kenya is always at most of these rallies. Besides one of the suspects is still the deputy prime minister of the republic of Kenya.

Mercifully, according to my information the ICC (which is much more decisive) may put a stop to this madness soon. But if they don’t, God help Kenya because the decision from State house will never be made.

It is instructive how President Charles Logan’s presidency ends and I believe that Kibaki will end up in exactly the same way after he leaves office at the end of this year. Just watch 24 season 4 (towards the end. Start at episode 15 to get a true gist of what happens).

Those naïve Kenyans who are very loud here in Kumekucha comments but have never really learnt about the realities of politics need to watch 24 again, this time round paying close attention to the politics.

TI Reveals just a little of the real Ruto/Uhuru message during their "prayer meetings."


  1. Ama it is simply fear driving Uhuruto and co. to make all that noise. The two are already in the sniper-scope of the ICC (yes, bwana Mwarang'ethe, we all know what you think of the ICC ad nauseum and I do agree with you in any case) and a tiny little warning from them is enough to get the cowardly scavengers around Uhuruto running for the hills frantically clucking like the proverbial scared chicken.

  2. Brilliant post Chris. I wish Mwarangethe could learn to write like this.

    This Chris pensioner guy can sell ice to an eskimo if it involved writing a post..eish!!!

  3. Poor chris, you are getting brainwashed by hollywood, bollywood and nollywoods.
    If thats where your source of info and inspiration is coming from, then I am afraid you will soon become a vegetable. Its a pity really because this blog has lots of potential only if yo can stop running aroud and put your thinking caps on. Leave bruce lee and jack bauers to the theatre.. Its sad I have to spell this out for you coz I really expect better.
    Last year it was multilevel marketting con artist, this year its bringing theatre theatrics to kumekucha? Na kweli!!!

  4. Chris,

    It is good that, you have time for FICTIONS.

    For us, we prefer to hanker in the DUSTY and LONELY libraries where REALITY resides.

    As such, from our DUSTY and LONELY libraries, we see/hear a gathering storm that will sweep a WHOLE CENTURY'S DELUSIONS of UNIVERSAL SUFFRAGE AND CHILDISH democratic experiments.

    Yes, for the WHOLE of the looooong 20th Century, you been taught that:

    (a) the role of statesmen is that of a mathematician to count the NUMBER OF HEADS.

    Soon, you shall realize that, MEN OF WEALTH/PROPERTY, (Michuki's) will not sacrifice PROPERTY to POLITICAL SHIBBOLETH of COUNTING HEADS.

    Anyway, some ages ago, we wrote this:

    "Oligarchies Unite for The Final Assault on the Sheeple."


    Now, we are HEARING this from Romania:

    "The left-wing opposition USL alliance, headed by Victor Ponta, is currently leading the opinion polls. Mr Ponta suggested last week that Romania should either have early elections similar to Spain, or temporarily INSTALL a TECHNOCRAT administration, LIKE ITALY."


    Anyway, we are off to enjoy:


  5. The two are already in the sniper-scope of the ICC (yes, bwana Mwarang'ethe, we all know what you think of the ICC ad nauseum and I do agree with you in any case)


    "However, Mr Moreno-Ocampo says that the Judges DID REVERSE THE BURDEN OF PROOF TO THE SUSPECTS but based their factual findings on the basis on whether the evidence presented by the prosecution was met the standards for the cases to be sent to trial."

    mmmmmmmmmm, a Court that REVERSES BURDEN of PROOF as it goes on along.


    Remember these words written on this blog a few days ago:

    By so distorting evidentiary rule, [NUREMBERG TRIAL] they ensured it was IMPOSSIBLE TO QUESTION ANY EVIDENCE the Tribunal COULD FIND USEFUL TO NAIL the suspects.

    We do not seek to burden readers with technical issues of law, but, should Kamau Kuria be interested in the truth and not legal propaganda, he can read for instance the In Yamashita case where Justice Rutledge noted that:

    “... So far as the admissibility and probative value of evidence was concerned, the directive made the commission a law unto itself.”

    Anyway, why these guys are WASTING time defending themselves in such a PARTIAL COURT, is beyond understanding. If they are WISE, their option lies in a counter attack.

    However, since they have QC's, who are paid KES 40, 000 PER HOUR let them go on and on and on. We shall see the end.



  7. This is for Mwarang'ethe. Please stop hating other Kenyans more so Luos. For we are Kenyans first and our communities second.
    Your love for books is good but why don't you translate it to materials worth reading!? You write long boring articles with very little value. Could I suggest that you provide source or quotes where you read these ideas from.

    You blindly support Uhuruto without seeing that they are putting the country in tension for no apparent reason.
    If a minister in UK govt could resign for (alleged) asking his wife to take driving speed points, how about people accused crimes against humanity? Your kiuk blood tells you to hate others for no reason.

  8. Why are Kenyans so tribal like this. Yet even members of the same tribe do not seem to help each other? I am in there Diaspora and we have one of own Kenyan compatriot who down ill near meeting his maker. His family is struggling very much in this winter. This man is Kenyan first but he happens to be from the Mt Kenya. Andu a nyuba have not contributed a dimer to help his family. Yet jaruos and Kaleo who did not even know him before he fell ill are now contributing 100s of dollars to keep the children fed.
    You ruo hates why don't you help your own?
    How about that poor girl who is breaking stones to feed her family yet you claim to own Kenya. Kubafu sana

  9. What hogwash.

    The fear that i see is that of a resounding ODM and of a Raila defeat at the upcoming elections.

    Now, instead of facing the fear squarely and thinking through legitimate actions that can persuade people to their camps, the violence-inclined ODM brigade is adopting similar tactics as they did in 2007.

    Namely suggesting that their opponents are upto no good--remember how they said that camp Kibaki was already rigging elections from early 2007 and onwards and that if ODM lost it would be because of rigging.

    Well, here we are--similar logic being used yet i can bet you that ODM and Raila are the ones creating the fear in the run up to elections, which as they did before, they plan to make as violent as possible to camouflage their impending and sure defeat.

    Kenyans should beware of these NO RAILA NO PEACE HAKI YETU thugs and their plans to make Kenya ungovernable yet again.

  10. We are onto them this time around.

  11. It is impossible to make people understand their ignorance; for it requires knowledge to perceive it and therefore he that can perceive it hath it not.
    Jeremy Taylor

  12. Anyone knows why Mudavadi has a bulls eye on his forehead just by daring to seek ODM nomination this time not staged like the previous one??

    Well, seems Chris of Kumekucha doesnt find that developing saga exciting enough to expose the HYPOCRICY that is Odinga Demons Movement.

  13. Fear......hmmmm....... why would a landlord be afraid of a man who asked teneants not to pay rent? why would a people fear a man who called them adui and coined the 42 vs 1 slogan? why would a people fear the Lesotho solution? I would tell them be very afraid my children very afraid!!!!!

  14. Mwarangethe says

    "Oligarchies Unite for The Final Assault on the Sheeple."

    My response:

    Do you see any difference between the Western Oligarchies and the Local Oligarchies?

    Do you want to tell me that our locals haven't adopted western feudalism?

    Do you want to tell me that what we see does not amount to 'neo-imperialism' in which the 'local oligarchies' are the heads?

    When the foreign colonial masters left after our 'independence', local colonial masters took over. There is no way we can ignore them and focus on foreign imperialists unless you want to tell me that they are agents of the foreign oligarchies/imperialists.

    I see ours to be a true reflection of the foreign imperialism. Or rather our leaders are adopting and mastering from foreign imperialists, and to some extend working with them since they share the same mission and vision.

    Not focusing on them at first and focusing on the others who are far will get a lashing from our Wahenga waliokula chumvi kem kem tumboni waliosema:

    Usiache mbachao kwa msala upitao.


    Fimbo ya mbali haiui nyoka.

  15. Mwarangethe says

    "Oligarchies Unite for The Final Assault on the Sheeple."

    My response:

    Do you see any difference between the Western Oligarchies and the Local Oligarchies?

    Do you want to tell me that our locals haven't adopted western feudalism?

    Do you want to tell me that what we see does not amount to 'neo-imperialism' in which the 'local oligarchies' are the heads?

    When the foreign colonial masters left after our 'independence', local colonial masters took over. There is no way we can ignore them and focus on foreign imperialists unless you want to tell me that they are agents of the foreign oligarchies/imperialists.

    I see ours to be a true reflection of the foreign imperialism. Or rather our leaders are adopting and mastering from foreign imperialists, and to some extend working with them since they share the same mission and vision.

    Not focusing on them at first and focusing on the others who are far will get a lashing from our Wahenga waliokula chumvi kem kem tumboni waliosema:

    Usiache mbachao kwa msala upitao.


    Fimbo ya mbali haiui nyoka.

  16. Mwarangethe

    The extend that I'll agree with you is that we are focusing so much on the election as if it's our solution, yet failing to focus on the real problems and solutions.

    Our politics had generally been a fight for resources by the rich, and divisive politics are sometimes used to achieve this as this, among others, make the common mwananchi to focus on 'effects of problems' rather than the causes of the problems.

  17. Chris tell me why my comments are dissapearing.....

  18. The liberators of libya that were supported by the imperialists are still committing acts of genocide.
    As usual the Ocampo fellow and the ICC finds no fault as the black libyans are slaughtered like chicken.
    I remember Mwarang'ethe was a lone voice here predicting what would happen but as usual gullible Chris and sheeple Taabu and their choir girls could hear none of it.

    Here is the clip:

  19. Since we know whom we are dealing with in General "Fear", his (mis)advisers should be the ones held responsible for his irresponsibility should we go over the brink!!

  20. Mwarangethe says

    "Oligarchies Unite for The Final Assault on the Sheeple."

    My response:

    Do you see any difference between the Western Oligarchies and the Local Oligarchies?

    Do you want to tell me that our locals haven't adopted western feudalism?

    Do you want to tell me that what we see does not amount to 'neo-imperialism' in which the 'local oligarchies' are the heads?

    When the foreign colonial masters left after our 'independence', local colonial masters took over. There is no way we can ignore them and focus on foreign imperialists unless you want to tell me that they are agents of the foreign oligarchies/imperialists.

    I see ours to be a true reflection of the foreign imperialism. Or rather our leaders are adopting and mastering from foreign imperialists, and to some extend working with them since they share the same mission and vision.

    Not focusing on them at first and focusing on the others who are far will get a lashing from our Wahenga waliokula chumvi kem kem tumboni waliosema:

    Usiache mbachao kwa msala upitao.


    Fimbo ya mbali haiui nyoka.

  21. The liberators of libya that were supported by the imperialists are still committing acts of genocide.
    As usual the Ocampo fellow and the ICC finds no fault as the black libyans are slaughtered like chicken.


    Bwa ha ha ha ha hi hi he we we we wa wa wa

    Well, well, just watch that KAMZUNGU NOT LEARNED lawyer/god of the SHEEPLE called SIDNEY KWIRAM from the so called HRW.

    These are the SAME DELUDED/IDIOTIC gods at the ICC who write SHORT things that SHEEPLE can understand.

    If she ever attended an African Teacher class, she would know how DELUDED and IDIOTIC she looks/sounds.

    However, since she is a GRADUATE of the IVY LEAGUE of FOOLS, and they say things SHEEPLE can understand, we leave to enjoy:

    For Jah set I and I as a watchman,
    Around Babylonian walls,

    Fight down war and crime, Rasta fight down war and crime,
    Fight down war and crime and build up di righteousness.

  22. I see ours to be a true reflection of the foreign imperialism. Or rather our leaders are adopting and mastering from foreign imperialists, and to some extend working with them since they share the same mission and vision.


    Bwana Philip.

    We have responded to this and the previous question.

    We hope that response, although toooooooo looooooong, will be published soon.

  23. Chris, wacha ujinga!!
    Publish Mwarang'ethe's article ASAP. This one you are trying to maintain is BORING and BRAINLESS!!
    Get out of the movie theatre and do whats right.

    Publish, we are waiting!!

    Kumekucha readers.

  24. A 'bulls eye on his forehead'! Says who?

    Hope Chris does not waste any of his valuable energy, time and space on Weakleaf the son of the late Mzee Moses Mudavadi.

    The man is a character that has proved to be one of the most weakest political leaks at both regional and national levels since the day he was inducted into corridors of political inheritance at time when he least expected it.

    Well, it's a known fact that Weakleaf became a 'made-man' under the auspice of Mzee Moi, when the former president decided to grant his long time friend a posthumous political award and personal recognition of sorts by appointing the dead man's son as the parliamentary replacement.

    Weakleaf is noted to have said, I'm not 'Uhuru-Ruto Project' yet he seems to conveniently forget the fact that he's still viewed by many as 'Moi's Project' in the same way as 'Uhuru Project,' that was designed by Mzee Moi and KANU's engineers then embedded with a chip that was meant to disorient political trends in Kenya, or worse self-destruct at a future date.

    So far, the real joker in the ODM's pack is, of course, none other than Weakleaf the son of Mzee Moses Mudavadi. He's a character who has vested interests in maintaining the status quo as opposed to uplifting the economic and social well being of the people in the western region and rest of the country.

    However, it is going to be real interesting to watch a caged tussle for ODM's political leadership unfold between the two beneficiaries of direct political inheritance - son of the late Mzee Moses Mudavadi and the son of the late Mzee Oginga Odinga.

    Unless the whole business of grass roots affair that's purported to be going on within ODM's camp is only a ruse designed to disguise the real political intentions of the duo at the helm.

    While at the same time creating an impression for the gullible adherents of ODM - in western Kenya - that Weakleaf 'can be' a formidable political contender with a mind of his own.

    Can a cowering leopard ever dare to change national politics? What about its posture, let alone its natural hunting style?

  25. Administrator2/7/12, 9:26 AM


    Re: Disappearing comments

    The spam filter had blocked some of your comments.

    We have released these and so all your comments are now published

  26. The vice president of the republic of Kenya is always at most - not all - of these rallies.

    Hmm. It goes with out saying that Kipepeo, Kigeugeu, Kaloser, Katikati, a man who is well known to be an opportunistic political lightweight in the whole of the country, has lost whatever national appeal he may have had before 2007.

    To make matters worse, he's current shameless and unprincipled political coat-tail riding on Uhuru and Ruto's anti-ICC bandwagons continues to erase or rub out any of the statesmanship qualities he may have tried to portray or sale to the public in the last ten years.

    As a matter of fact, political prostitution has never ever made a president out of any man or woman worth the highest office in any civilised land known to human beings.

    Musyoka's days are numbered, the writing is on the walls and semi-barren lands of driought stricken areas of Mwingi.

    There are those who can't wait to see his sorry full of political shenanigans locked out of the next parliament and left to freeze in oblivion.

    Further, Kenyans will be better served by any other candidate or candidates of substance as opposed to the same old ghosts from KANU's bygone era.

    Such as self-resurrected political characters like Raila Odinga, Joseph Saitoti (Moi's left-hand man), Uhuru Kenyatta (Moi's project), Kalonzo Musyoka (Moi's loyal errand boy), William Ruto (Moi's herdboy), Weakleaf Mudavadi (Moi's project), Chirau Mwakwere (KANU diehard/Moi's loyal emisssary aka 'eyes on the grounds'), et al.

    Self-serving political characters that will never ever bring about any real politicak change after 2012?

    Or worse if any one of them is elected as Kenya's next president for all the wrong reasons under the Kenyan skies?

  27. Philip's remarks are right on the mark. The formerly semi-oppressed Kenyan natives are now the full-feldged oppressors suffering from an acute bloated syndromic case of wannabe 'little wazungu' (mimi bwana kubwa). Kenya's oligarchies have been known to perfect the art of oligarchical mimicry 100%.

  28. The John Michuki and his ilk of 'chuki chuki' are to be forgive for their ignorance and superiority complex.

    Most of his agemates, people who were born before Kenya attained its independence will no longer be alive or around by the time peace loving Kenyans from all walks of life head to the polls during the 2017 general elections.

    Well informed Kenyans are steadily moving away from the old mentality of my village jigger is better than your village jigger, including the sickening politics of tribal chauvinism that still cultivated by the likes of Michuki's rika and other generations that have been infected with the deadly disease of that only ends up gnawing at their own ethnic nervous system and eating away any social progress that has been made since the 1800s.

    By the way, I am well aware of the fact that I may die soon or before the 2017 general elections, and while some wazee of Michuki's age are left behind to continue dwelling in their tribal chauvinistic cesspools for a short while.

    Kenya is greater than some of these people with twisted political and ethnic minds, and it will still be around after we (people above twenty years age) have all gone by the year 2050 or 2060.


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