Friday, January 14, 2011

The next cabinet minister you will see in handcuffs is...

Revive your wet "seemingly dead" cell phone or make new all your scratched CDs DVDs all by yourself

While it is true that nothing really great can be accomplished without teamwork, it is amazing the difference that a single person can make. Kenyans now know this after the change of guard at the KACC, Kenya's anti-corruption body. Suddenly, with the same laws (because the new constitution is yet to be fully implemented) the anti-corruption watch-dog has teeth that are biting deep and causing many politicians sleepless nights.
Two days ago the man at the helm of this suddenly dreaded body PLO Lumumba called a press conference and announced that they were at an advanced stage of prosecuting the next big fish. A cabinet minister no less. And this time it will be for mis-using CDF (Constituency Development Fund). Lumumba revealed that somebody had come forward with evidence that they felt was compelling.

Calling press conferences to announce these kind of things is in itself a very clever strategy because it will be easier for the press and public to know if the prosecution is stopped. By the way this is a very likely happening because information made available to this blogger indicates that there are many politicians looking to make deals with the executive to be protected from Lumumba and his boys. Naturally some of these guys are bound to make offers that the executive cannot refuse.

So who is this minister? That is the big question on the minds of Kenyans. I have tried to do plenty of digging with my sources but nobody seems to have an idea. Seems that these guys who presented the evidence were very careful because carelessness would easily cause them to lose their lives because going to jail is not a joke.

However I do have plenty of information on the ministers in government who are corrupt including one notorious one who is said to continue carrying home briefcases full of cash everyday from the office. Regular readers of this column know why information on ODM ministers is so readily available while there is hardly anything on PNU affiliated cabinet members. If you read an earlier post you will know that it is because tax payers funds have been used extensively to investigate ODM ministers and naturally this cash briefcase carrying minister is from ODM.

Sources indicate that the next minister in court will be from PNU. This will help Lumumba and his boys paint a picture of being fair in targeting both sides of the political divide. However other sources insist that once again that minister will be from the ODM side. I have no way of telling who is right so we shall have to wait and see what happens there. However if the next arrest will be from the ODM side chances are very high that it will be a certain rather careless fellow called Otieno Kajwang. Read about the trouble ODM went into to save this unpopular MP in 2007. In life there are people who are usually meticulous and very careful in what they do so that it is very difficult to pin them down. Retired President Moi comes to mind. John Michuki (who has done countless deals over the years) is yet another. Mr Kajwang has however bee overly careless since his days as a lawyer where his license to practice was literally taken away because of some client money that developed feet and disappeared into the undergrowth.

Folks, all in all, things are about to get very ugly and I will explain exactly why and how in my next explosive post sometime this coming weekend.

Hot tips to help you make more money in 2011: See also Mpesa's brilliant entrepreneurial ideas and Mwarangethe's factory in Kenya in the comments area.


  1. Seems the PNU thieves are going to be let go without answering for their THEFT.

    IMPUNITY still reigns SUPREME.

    The Grand Regency theft, The Triton oil theft.... AND MANY OTHERS...

  2. This is reporter911 formerly tiskie and I am a regular at Jukwaa. I am a strong supporter of raila and I will continue to assist our next president until he is coronated as the head of state. About the corruption issues, see my comments in Jukwaa where people with my own goals have given an indepth look onto this issue.

  3. Chris,

    Why waste a whole post to say absolutely NOTHING!

  4. Comment No.1 - Huyo ni jaruo

  5. What has happened to the KK naysayers, pundits, opportunists, commentators, house helps, cooks, traditional blog healers, exported villagers,deported diasporans and drunkards with their opinions, critics, propaganda, mud sling'ing, juice and all other yucky stuff?

    Kwani, you bloggers don't know / can't see that PLO is buying time, he couldn't make a go at PNU and ODM at the same time, that would have led to a vote of no confidence, and out major for PLO.

    So, for a cooling off period, why not go after PS's and parastatal heads, remember ODM are still smarting and heffing. PNU ministers are not safe and when PLO goes after them, ODM will not back anybody in parliament, as simple as that, a double edged excaliber.

    PLO is a one man show and it's all about showbiz, calling press conferences while indicating which ministries are being investigated is a no brainer. Investigations 101 dictates that all affairs be carried out discreetly to avoid cover ups.

  6. Anon 5.37 am

    Nisamwambia wewe ni Okuyu

  7. What has happened to the KK naysayers, pundits, opportunists, commentators, house helps, cooks, traditional blog healers, exported villagers,deported diasporans and drunkards with their opinions, critics, propaganda, mud sling'ing, juice and all other yucky stuff?

    Kwani, you bloggers don't know / can't see that PLO is buying time, he couldn't make a go at PNU and ODM at the same time, that would have led to a vote of no confidence, and out major for PLO.

    So, for a cooling off period, why not go after PS's and parastatal heads, remember ODM are still smarting and heffing. PNU ministers are not safe and when PLO goes after them, ODM will not back anybody in parliament, as simple as that, a double edged excaliber.

    PLO is a one man show and it's all about showbiz, calling press conferences while indicating which ministries are being investigated is a no brainer. Investigations 101 dictates that all affairs be carried out discreetly to avoid cover ups.

  8. @Chris,
    It's public news that Kajwang is being investigated for granting 4 work permits, so your news imeoza. The law and his office permits, did the law permit Triton and Ango leasing?

  9. What has happened to the KK naysayers, pundits, opportunists, commentators, house helps, cooks, traditional blog healers, exported villagers,deported diasporans and drunkards with their opinions, critics, propaganda, mud sling'ing, juice and all other yucky stuff?

    Kwani, you bloggers don't know / can't see that PLO is buying time, he couldn't make a go at PNU and ODM at the same time, that would have led to a vote of no confidence, and out major for PLO.

    So, for a cooling off period, why not go after PS's and parastatal heads, remember ODM are still smarting and heffing. PNU ministers are not safe and when PLO goes after them, ODM will not back anybody in parliament, as simple as that, a double edged excaliber.

    PLO is a one man show and it's all about showbiz, calling press conferences while indicating which ministries are being investigated is a no brainer. Investigations 101 dictates that all affairs be carried out discreetly to avoid cover ups.

  10. Chris you are an idiot

  11. What has happened to the KK naysayers, pundits, opportunists, commentators, house helps, cooks, traditional blog healers, exported villagers,deported diasporans and drunkards with their opinions, critics, propaganda, mud sling'ing, juice and all other yucky stuff?

    Kwani, you bloggers don't know / can't see that PLO is buying time, he couldn't make a go at PNU and ODM at the same time, that would have led to a vote of no confidence, and out major for PLO.

    So, for a cooling off period, why not go after PS's and parastatal heads, remember ODM are still smarting and heffing. PNU ministers are not safe and when PLO goes after them, ODM will not back anybody in parliament, as simple as that, a double edged excaliber.

    PLO is a one man show and it's all about showbiz, calling press conferences while indicating which ministries are being investigated is a no brainer. Investigations 101 dictates that all affairs be carried out discreetly to avoid cover ups.

  12. What has happened to the KK naysayers, pundits, opportunists, commentators, house helps, cooks, traditional blog healers, exported villagers,deported diasporans and drunkards with their opinions, critics, propaganda, mud sling'ing, juice and all other yucky stuff?

    Kwani, you bloggers don't know / can't see that PLO is buying time, he couldn't make a go at PNU and ODM at the same time, that would have led to a vote of no confidence, and out major for PLO.

    So, for a cooling off period, why not go after PS's and parastatal heads, remember ODM are still smarting and heffing. PNU ministers are not safe and when PLO goes after them, ODM will not back anybody in parliament, as simple as that, a double edged excaliber.

    PLO is a one man show and it's all about showbiz, calling press conferences while indicating which ministries are being investigated is a no brainer. Investigations 101 dictates that all affairs be carried out discreetly to avoid cover ups.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Bwa haha haaaaa he he heeeee hi hi hiiiiiiii ho ho hooooo, PNU is going down! Let us simply flash down this stinking poop party

  15. Bwana PLO is spoilt for choice whichever way he looks for the big fish. Madam Ngilu could as well be next at the fraudulent water ministry. But I just hope PLO will dig deep into Amos Kimunya's conduct over the last five years. Kimunya- the baby faced schemer- has suddenly become one of the richest politicians in Kenya in the shortest time possible. He's already erecting a multi billion project of upscale apartment blocks in Upperhill area of Nairobi. They can be seen clearly from Madaraka/Nbi West roundabout. This project in my rough estimate is worth over 3 billion shillings. This is just a tip of the iceberg as far as his property portfolio is concerned. Kimunya should be placed under PLO's microscope soonest before he hatches up another dubious project. But in all these corruption scandals, one wonders what Kibaki knows since he condones them to the fullest!

  16. Surely Chris!

    Is it that you are running out of ideas/ spy shortage / informers or you are simply psychologically traumatised by ODM/ PNU corruption?

  17. You may divide societies into two groups:

    (a) parasitic societies,

    (b) producing societies.

    As concerns the PARASITIC societies, they can only be run via:

    (a) fraud,
    (b) corruption, and
    (c) violence.

    As such, to believe that, our problem is corruption is nothing, but, a delusion.

    However, that is exactly the OLIGARCHY wants their sheep to believe. And, boy, they have succeeded.

    Also, it is equally important to note that, when once productive societies, turn/become parasitic as we see in the USA, fraud, corruption and violence becomes the norm.

    For what is going in the USA as its economy tumbles, see this:

    "The Secret World of Extreme Militias."



    At the same time, we believe people/citizens should be armed as Americans are.

    In this sense, we totally reject the OLIGARCHIC idea of MONOPOLISING violence by the so called State which is so worshipped today.

    So, we would wish to see a Kenya where the Kalenjin, Maasai, Kikuyu, Pokot, Somali warriors are armed like we see with the American militias.

    We must add, not armed to rob others, but, to defend their lives, families and property.

    As an example, we know the Maasai are involved in some land tussle with the GOK, as we are reading this:

    "Members of the Masaai community armed with MACHETES, BOWS and ARROWS keep vigil at the controversial 2,400 acres piece of land in Mau Narok after they forced out a team of surveyors send to subdivide the land last month."


    Our only DEEP regret is that, the Maasai's unlike the Pokots do not have AK 47's and such. They should consider consulting Pokots on this matter.

  18. @ Mpesa,
    Wacha KUSAMBAZA!!! Uwongo, where exactly in Upper Hill, because the major project of housing in apartments is owned by a foreigner.

  19. Mwarangethe,
    Is corruption a delusion? Will arming the maasai's improve an already bad situation? Potelea pote!

  20. @mwarangethe,

    You two-faced exported villager, has arming American citizens stopped corruption in their society?

  21. Anonymous said...

    You two-faced exported villager, has arming American citizens stopped corruption in their society?

    1/14/11 6:31 AM


    No. But, when things get very bad, they will remove their government by force of arms.

    If you noticed, we wrote that, corruption is becoming endemic in places like the USA because, their society has turned into a PARASITIC society.

    What will you do when things get very bad in Kenya?

    They/Americans who are awake will do it because, some do still remember this:

    "God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts
    they misconceive.

    If they remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. ... And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are NOT
    WARNED from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of

    Let them take ARMS. The remedy is to set them right as to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost
    in a century or two?

    The TREE of LIBERTY must be refreshed from time to time, with the BLOOD of patriots and tyrants.
    It is its natural manure."

    By the DRAFTER of their DECLARATION of INDEPENDENCE, Thomas Jefferson.


    Also, some do remember this:

    "Government is not REASON; it is not eloquent; it is FORCE. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master."

    By their FIRST president, George Washington.

    We guess you would call Jefferson and Washinton exported villagers.

  22. Chris
    Go on Sherriff Lumumba,go on!BLIND ambition will NOT fail to impress and expertly raise the hopes of disillusioned Kenyans after all the long years spent believing Kenya "iko na wenyewe"

  23. Anon at 6.21

    Kindly read my post again before getting your knickers in a twist. I said in simple English that Kimunya's dubious project is in Upperhill Area and can be seen from (Langata Rd (Madaraka Estate) junction. What I forgot to add is that these apartments which cost roughly 3BN are curiously situated right next to the railway line. Isn't this illegal surely? How were the pieces of land acquired and why isn't the useless Orengo doing something about it? Another dubious project is Ruto's big ultra modern hotel opposite the Wilson Airport/Langata Rd junction. Kenya Airports Authority contest that land. A little bird tells me powers that be are awaiting it's completion so they can knock the structure down before re-taking the land..hehehehe!

  24. @mwarangethe,

    You LIAR! Is corruption a delusion? And why are you lying to us by quoting ex-presidents, Even the ganstas of the bronx can't overthrow the government. Leta ingine will you bro, we have lived in the USA long enough! You sit pretty with your factory back in Kenya while pretending to be here in the USA. I thought you said waweru of KRA is a robber, why are you letting him rob you? Or you are also robbing poor Kenyans?

  25. Mpesa,

    It's public news what you are yarping and just like Chris' post, imeshaoza.

  26. Kenya's cabinet ministers are known for their corruption to the point where some members of their families are now based outside of the country after having left the country in the last several years for safety reasons.

    Over all, Kenyan society is so corrupt from top to bottom, from the middle to the top, and from the bottom to the middle.

    Endemic corruption is deeply embedded in the country to the point where it runs horizontally and vertically within all segments and angles of the society.

    So far, time and resources are always wasted fighting those at the top, while those in the middle and at the bottom continue to indulge in various shades of corruption as they ply their trades around the country.

    Believe it or not, eighty out of every ten Kenyans are corrupt to the tilt. [*Watch the three year undercover documentary made by a combined reseach team from one Kenyan university, Canadian university, Norwegian university, two British universities, and Transparency International].

    Kenya's number one religion and revered national profession is corruption. Nigerians are now becoming very envious of their evolving Kenyan counterparts.

    That's why knocking off one minister after another will not help with fight against corruption.

    A more effective method needs to be implemented besides the current public spectacles that have become so familiar.

    How about implementing tough methods such as asset forfeiture, freezing of all accounts, real jail time, restitution and ten year supervised probation with regard to any person arrested for corruption.

    *Kenya has become one of the most preferred point of destination for counterfeit pharmaceuticals, beauty products, pesticides, fertilizers, auto parts, clothing, electronics, foods items, food ingredients, drinks, books, batteries, cell phones etc, that flow in from China, South Korea, Middle East, former East European nations, Asia, Nigeria and South Africa.

  27. @mwarangethe,

    You LIAR! Is corruption a delusion? ...You sit pretty with your factory back in Kenya while pretending to be here in the USA. I thought you said waweru of KRA is a robber, why are you letting him rob you? Or you are also robbing poor Kenyans?

    1/14/11 8:01 AM


    First, a few days ago, we noted in our usual travels across valleys from our Mt Kenya of Human Hisory hideout, we managed to pass thru Tunisia and Algeria. When we were there, we heard many funny stories.

    We have also heard rumours of the coming POLICE STATES around the world as the OLIGARCHY tightens its grip on VANGUISHED HUMANITY.

    Well, we are now hearing from Tunisia that, some strange guys there have declared a state of emergency.

    We are hearing this:

    "A state of emergency has been declared in Tunisia amid protests over CORRUPTION, UNEMPLOYMENT and INFLATION.

    The decree bans more than three people from gathering together in the open, and imposes a night-time curfew."



    Now, as concerns CORRUPTION, we have many times said this. Corruption may APPEAR ON THE SURFACE as our MAIN problem, but, that is not so upon deeper reflection.

    Why do we keep on saying this? It is this, and you better read and REFLECT upon what we are saying.

    In today's society, we confuse two things:

    (a) knowledge, and

    (b) understanding.

    Now, to know is F£4Ing EASY. All you need is some Pavlonian dog memory and time. Very unfortunately, our school system focuses on KNOWLEDGE.

    In this scheme of things, to know that, Moi, Kibaki, Ruto etc is corrupt is OBVIOUS.

    NB: All of us know this.

    However, to KNOW is not to UNDERSTAND. And, it is the UNDERSTANDING that is lacking in how we address our problems.

    The question is, do you KNOW or, do you UNDERSTAND?


    As concerns Waweru and his friends, let us say this. In the last 6 months, our LANDDEVIL has increased rent by 100%.

    When you increase rent that way for NO SERVICES RENDERED, you squueze two people:

    (a) the industrialists, and
    (b) labour.

    In this scheme of things, all our contributions here on kk and to the COE was how to:

    (a) convert our economic structure from:

    (i) feudalistis system to an industrial system because, it is only when we convert our economy like that of Singapore, we can remove rampant corruption.

    In simple words, to purport to fight corruption in a FEUDALISTIC/PARASITIC economy is a DELUSION.

    Hope that explains matters.


    Anyway, we are off to the Mt Kenya of Human History for we an appointment with a guy called Diocletian. We heard rumours that, he issued the infamous Edict of Prices/INFLATION.

    We are told by stupid historians that, this law was supposed to control PRICES/INFLATION and FREEZE wages.

    To the amazement of this WISE Emperor who you cannot compare with KIRAITU (petrol prices control), the prices kept going up and up.

    In the process, we heard, many HEADS were cut off for selling above prescribed prices.

    In the end, we have heard that, many people just GAVE up and entered GOVERNMENT WELFARE PROGRAMMES where the Roman State would provide FREE WHEAT from Africa.

    We also heard some rumours that, these people on the DOLE became so stupid such that, they could not COOK FREE WHEAT.

    As a result, the Roman State in its ABUNDANT WISDOM made PUBLIC OVENS to bake bread for its STUPID masses who were enjoying circuses (read TV operas and so called news) and BREAD.

    NB: Do we hear welfare is under attack in the West?

    NB: Did we read in our new law that, there will be PENSIONS for Wazees to retire in dignity and such FREE LUNCHES?

  28. *Kenya has become one of the most preferred point of destination for counterfeit pharmaceuticals, beauty products, pesticides, fertilizers, auto parts, clothing, electronics, foods items, food ingredients, drinks, books, batteries, cell phones etc, that flow in from China, South Korea, Middle East, former East European nations, Asia, Nigeria and South Africa.

    1/14/11 8:34 AM


    mmmmm, thy comment reminds us of some battles between NOBLES, PRIESTS and EMPEROR as to who owned the right to WIND.

    In fact, some owners were given EXCLUSIVE patent right to build, construct windmills because, they wanted to own WIND.

    A bit of history of the IP. Before the IP rights were protected by the State, VIOLENCE was used.

    As an example, in the Middle Ages, making and dying of cloth was in vogue. Thru the monopolisation of these technologies by LARGER CITIES, they intercepted the production of the RURAL AREAS.

    NB: Cities today means West.
    NB: Rural areas means 3rd world today.

    In fact, we are told this:

    "all through the 14th Century regular ARMED expenditions were sent out against all the villages in the neighbourhood and LOOMS or fulling - vats were BROKEN or CARRIED away."

    There you are. These early attempts to MONOPOLISE technology which was enforced by violence is the FORERUNNER of today's INDUSTRIAL PATENTS which are under the TRIPS in terms of the WTO.

    NB: The WTO is the imperial framework of keeping Africa down.

    Now, since we are born into this system, we think it normal. It is not.

    As a matter of fact:

    (a) Hollywood was founded by PIRATES who were running from copyright laws.

    Now, who complains about piracy more than the same Hollywood today?

    (b) states like Switzerland developed without IP laws.

    Thus, do not swallow the Western PROPAGANDA meant to keep us poor.

    The present patentIP structures is one of the KEY means of MONOPOLISING VALUE and INTERCEPTING much of today's wealth.

    Note this. The present IP structure ensures technology is SELECTIVELY shared within SPECIFIC political boundaries and alliance of societies.

    As such, societies outside these groups, e.g. Africa is denied the use of valuable social knowledge.

    Why has the West not licensed these technologies to Africans since independence?

    And, where they have done so, have you seen the restrictions?

    There is simple reason for all this. Deny Africa the chance to MANUFACTURE its products and thereby, retain it as:

    (a) a captive market for manufactured goods from the East and West, and

    (b) source of CHEAP raw materials because, if you have no knowledge of converting your raw materials into manufactured products, you must sell the raw materials.

    And, whoever buys your raw materials has the say.

    So, we reject these propaganda about piracy in Africa. After all, is scooping oil while polluting the Niger Delta not piracy?

    Or, piracy is only when Africans try to make stuff?

  29. Anon 8:01 is one Taabu mingi sana.And while at it,Raila see's his dreams of becoming president go up in smoke.He is surely following the tracks laid by Jaramogi.

  30. @anon 9.34 am aka mwarangethe,

    I am NOT Taabu!!! May a thousand ants bite your tiny d!€k and may an army of lobsters pluck out your tongue. The problem with you Mwarangethe is that lazy bloggers here at KK allow you to ran amok helping you to inflate your ego.

    A cosmetic factory my foot, ain't you part of the corporate robbers? What's the difference between you and Tax man Waweru? Is corruption a delusion as you have stated? Why dont you tell lazy bloggers how the 2nd amendment on the right to bear arms came about, wasn't it because of the whites fearing attacks from the native red indians and black slaves, plus the government could not afford an army, instead of skewing facts to suite your mien.

    Be truthful dude, don't think we are all blind to follow what you state here, you think we are fools, if I knew those fakes a$$ products that you sell and at the same time preaching to us about USELESS paper, why are you in business then, for Utopian dollars, I would rally up a public boycott, kwenda huko.

  31. @anon 10.11 AM,

    If you have been in this blog long enough you will realise that Mwarang'ethe will choose a paragraph from your statement that suites him, in your case, the right to bear arms, on him robbing us with products utangoja? Or am I stirring up an hornets nest.

  32. Still waiting for another big sturgeon to bite some dust while his being reeled in from the tributaries and estuaries of corruption.

  33. Oh yes! Another corrupt African dictator has bitten dust, and I hope a large number of Ivorians will borrow some critical lessons from the Tunisian disposal, ASAP.

    Mmmmmmm! Carthage has fallen again? One less dictator on the African continent and one more body to be hosted by those who were very happy with the way the fallen dictator was doing a very great job by fighting immigration to Europe, stifling any forms of demands for democractic institutions, and containing any sort of opposition underguise of fighting extremism.

    Let him have his cake while Tunisians find ways to start afresh in 2011.

    Laurent Gbagbo is next!

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Is corruption a delusion as you have stated? Why dont you tell lazy bloggers how the 2nd amendment on the right to bear arms came about, wasn't it because of the whites fearing attacks from the native red indians and black slaves, plus the government could not afford an army, instead of skewing facts to suite your mien.


    We answered the issue of corruption as a delusion.

    For strange reasons, that response vanished from kk.


    As concerns American's right to bear arms, you have to bear this in mind.

    The drafters of the American constitution unlike OURS who call themselves COE, were well versed in human history.

    Because of this knowledge, they were VERY WARY of STANDING ARMIES.

    Hear James Madison on this issue and you understand better so that, you do not payuka payuka ovyo ovyo:

    "Of all the enemies to public liberty WAR is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded, because it comprises and develops the germ of every other.

    War is the parent of ARMIES; from these proceed DEBTS and TAXES; and ARMIES, and DEBTS, and TAXES are the known INSTRUMENTS for bringing the MANY UNDER the DOMINATION of the FEW.

    In war, too, the discretionary power of the EXECUTIVE is extended; its influence in dealing out offices, honors, and emoluments is multiplied; and all the means of seducing the minds, are added to those of subduing the force, of the people…. [There is also an] INEQUALITY of fortunes, and the opportunities of FRAUD, growing out of a state of war, and … degeneracy of MANNERS and of MORALS…. No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.

    A STANDING MILITARY FORCE, with an OVERGROWN EXECUTIVE will not long be safe companions to liberty. The means of defence against foreign danger, have been always the instruments of tyranny at home.

    Among the ROMANS it was a standing maxim to excite a war, whenever a revolt was apprehended. Throughout all EUROPE, the armies kept up under the pretext of defending, have enslaved the people.

    Oppressors can tyrannize only when they achieve a STANDING ARMY, an ENSLAVED PRESS, and a DISARMED populace

    A well regulated militia, composed of the body of the PEOPLE, trained in arms, is the BEST most natural defense of a FREE country."

    Argue against that eloquence with crucial historical knowledge they never teach you about standing armies.

    NB: How is the USA today?

    Doesn't it have over 700 military bases around the world? That sounds to us like the Roman LEGION.

    Is it not following the exact steps of the Roman Empire and Old Europe?

    Anyway, let us continue enjoying popcorn as we wait for your response.

    And, while at it, look around you and will see the instruments of tyranny everwhere:

    (a) Debts.
    (c) Taxes.
    (c) standing armies.
    (d) Disarmed press.
    (e) Disarmed SHEEP.

  36. Anon 10.18 am

    You were right, mwarangethe went for the bait of right to bear arms and twisted it further and chose to ignore my question of why is he in business?

    The FACT remains that the 2nd amendment was created because of the THREAT OF: Native Indians and African Slaves. The government did NOT have the requisite finance to cater for an army to protect its citizens from the aforementioned Indians and Slaves, from history they knew what they had done and feared future repurcussions PERIOD and not what mwarang'ethe would want us to believe.

    The truth hurts mwarangethe, you pay taxes like everyone else, you are in business searching for that paper, you twist statements and place them out of context, wake up bro.

    The Algerian dictator has been overthrown mwarangethe and guess what? WITHOUT ARMS! Don't bring us your war wishes, we don't wish to spill blood that you so much crave.


  37. Mwarang'ethe,

    Trying to sound intelligent with abbreviated web references and dead-man talking quotes, never made a scholar, but only makes you sound like an exported village voodoo priest. The scorching sun will only become hotter, do make use of the sun screens from your factory. Come down from the Mt.Kenya of Human history before you fall down and break all your bones. Lol

  38. It serves lazy kk bloggers right, when one man/woman/hermit/ E.T/ Sumerian historian/ Vampire/ Tax Man/ Factory owner/ Arms campaigner is allowed to dictate comments and is used as the sole librarian/ well/ web page/ harbinger of all knowledge, without asking yourself questions like why should I believe what am being forced to believe. Remember the net is full of psychos and all want us to believe what they believe. Even devil worshipers, robbers, molestors, arms dealers, alqaeda have there web sites to make people believe on their cause.

  39. The Algerian dictator has been overthrown mwarangethe and guess what? WITHOUT ARMS! Don't bring us your war wishes, we don't wish to spill blood that you so much crave.


    1/14/11 12:42 PM



    Another DELUSION.

    We saw this coming anyway and we passed thru those valleys a few days ago. In any case, this DECADE will see many heads roll.

    Already, we hear rumours in Argentina, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Yemen, Jordan and even Bangladesh.

    Remember all this is about TAX/ROBBERY, as we are reading this:

    "The protests started after an unemployed graduate set himself on fire when police tried to prevent him from selling vegetables without a PERMIT. He died a few weeks later."

    NB: Licensing/permits is there in most cases to allow TAXATION/ROBBERY.

    However, what has CHANGED or will CHANGE? We answer, nothing.

    "A state of emergency was declared earlier, as rumbling nationwide protests over economic woes snowballed into anti-government demonstrations."

    A tank cannot disperse wasps.

    Let ask this, to what extent is the coming GLOBAL INFLATION and which is driving food/basics prices so high is as a result of expansion of USELESS PAPERS by USA, UK and others?

    And, since this is part of the problem, whereby, our "FRIENDS" are EXPORTING inflation to the rest of the world, how does chasing Tunisian president solve the matters?

    Again, whether you like it or not, untill the masses understand this MONEY/BANKNG thing, they will keep on yelling like straw dogs.

    We are off to Mt Kenya of Human History to watch these dramas properly.

  40. @Mwarang'ethe,

    Never knew you had a small cosmetics factory, am just curious, where do you store you money? You always tell us banks are robbers, and why are you in business? As you have always stated that money is useless paper, and what if one day your business grows and becomes a monopoly? Or better you become a billionare or is that another name for oligarch.

  41. Wewe Mwarang'ethe,

    Sumerian voodoo priest wacha kutu toshanisha manze! Hiyo story unasema, ilikuwa niku lorenzo buda, ilibidi ma youth wa Tunisia wang'oe gava vile ilikuwa ngori.

    Kwani buda una operate bila leseni? Na ushuru kwani unahepa?, utawekwa mchuma na gava, na hio ni noma jo, kwanza ju ya hiyo story ebu fikiria miaka ka ruabe back.

    Unadhania sis ni mafala Mwarang'ethe, usijaribu kutuweka ndethe buda na knowledge ya babylon, kwanza wewe si rasta na utawacha ku misuse jina ya his majesty Bob Marley ju hata hujui kugota.

    Wewe ni high priest wa ocha, fala mang'aa

  42. Mwarandethe,

    The Bible already predicted the end of the world, you don't have to repeat it like a broken tape recorder, and since you endlessly quote the Bible out of context and you want us to bear arms so that we spill blood, be sure that your name is not with St. Peter, prepare to go and burn in HELL, unless you repent, get SAVED!!!

  43. @ anon 8:34 AM. Kindly provide the title of the TI documentary or better yet, give a link to access it.

  44. Arap Moi was very lucky to have quit in 2002, otherwise he would have faced the Ceasusecu treatment or been humiliated and forced to flee the country like Ben Ali.

    "And the people wanted life and the chains were broken. A lesson for countries where presidents and kings have rusted on the thrones."

    "Tunisia ... the treets creates change."

    "It actually happened in my lifetime. An Arab nation woke and said enough."

    "The president was brought down by the greed of his second wife, Leila Trabelsi and her clan."

    Mohamed Bouazizi was three years old when Zine el-AbidineBen Ali took power in a bloodless coup in 1987.

  45. mwarangethe,

    2nd amendment was created to check NATIVE INDIANS and BLACK SLAVES PERIOD! Don't we have OLIGARCHS! In USA? More so than in Kenya.. UKs family land ownership is peanuts compared to the 2 million acres the likes of Ted Turner own, how comes the drafters of the American constitution who were so well versed in HISTORY didn't check on this. And what currency can we use to purchase your products? Am sure you have a business plan to one day emerge as the dorminant player, to exploit the poor masses. You are one FAKE brother

  46. Don't we have OLIGARCHS! In USA? More so than in Kenya.. UKs family land ownership is peanuts compared to the 2 million acres the likes of Ted Turner own, how comes the drafters of the American constitution who were so well versed in HISTORY didn't check on this. And what currency can we use to purchase your products? Am sure you have a business plan to one day emerge as the dorminant player, to exploit the poor masses. You are one FAKE brother

    1/14/11 10:48 PM


    Brother, the MAJOR problem with you is the inability to LISTEN/READ and LEARN.

    About two years ago, here on KK, we wrote something like this.

    When American States started writing their consitutions, states like Massachusetts declared man has three rights:

    (a) life,
    (b) liberty,
    (c) property.

    Since most of the guys who were drafting the American laws were LAWYERS and land SPECULATORS, they decided to omit word PROPERTY and put a meaningless phrase, "pursuit of happiness."

    We added that, with the removal of the word property from their declaration, the American Revolution was NIBBED in the bud.

    We can also tell you this for free. It was the The Boundaries Proclamation of 1763, which prohibited white settlement west of the Alleghenies, reserving these lands to the Indians who had taken part in the called Pontiac's Rebellion which was the REAL DEAL in the American Revolution.

    This Proclamation was opposed by people like Washington and Benjamin Franklin who were obtaining land grants for SPECULATION.

    Thus, what you are saying, we have written about it here. It is only that, you have perhaps no memory.

    If you wanna know how land GRABBING was accomplished in the USA, we can give you ample references.

    It is from these understandings of the meaning of land, we have talked about LAND, LAND, LAND so many times until people like you wonder whether there is anything else to discuss.

    For instance, it may come as a surprise to many, but, the way the land question was handled from day one, has now come to haunt America.

    And, unless Americans understand this, they are done. Thats the verdict of history.

  47. Don't we have OLIGARCHS! In USA? More so than in Kenya.. UKs family land ownership is peanuts compared to the 2 million acres the likes of Ted Turner own, how comes the drafters of the American constitution who were so well versed in HISTORY didn't check on this. And what currency can we use to purchase your products? Am sure you have a business plan to one day emerge as the dorminant player, to exploit the poor masses. You are one FAKE brother

    1/14/11 10:48 PM


    Brother, the MAJOR problem with you is the inability to LISTEN/READ and LEARN.

    About two years ago, here on KK, we wrote something like this.

    When American States started writing their consitutions, states like Massachusetts declared man has three rights:

    (a) life,
    (b) liberty,
    (c) property.

    Since most of the guys who were drafting the American laws were LAWYERS and land SPECULATORS, they decided to omit word PROPERTY and put a meaningless phrase, "pursuit of happiness."

    We added that, with the removal of the word property from their declaration, the American Revolution was NIBBED in the bud.

    We can also tell you this for free. It was the The Boundaries Proclamation of 1763, which prohibited white settlement west of the Alleghenies, reserving these lands to the Indians who had taken part in the called Pontiac's Rebellion which was the REAL DEAL in the American Revolution.

    This Proclamation was opposed by people like Washington and Benjamin Franklin who were obtaining land grants for SPECULATION.

    Thus, what you are saying, we have written about it here. It is only that, you have perhaps no memory.

    If you wanna know how land GRABBING was accomplished in the USA, we can give you ample references.

    It is from these understandings of the meaning of land, we have talked about LAND, LAND, LAND so many times until people like you wonder whether there is anything else to discuss.

    For instance, it may come as a surprise to many, but, the way the land question was handled from day one, has now come to haunt America.

    And, unless Americans understand this, they are done. Thats the verdict of history.

  48. Mwaragethe is not far from the truth with regard to patents. I believe Africa can claim ownership of like 5% of world's patented information. Closer home, we have a bloated outfit in the name of Kenya Industrial Property Ins who do very little rather that waste tax payers money. Simply, this business of intellectual property protection smacks of clever arm-twisting by powerful nations.

  49. mwarang'ethe posting as anon 1.29 am

    Your writing without quoting works of others tells it all.

    And you are always busy villifying Taabu for being critical. Your theories ni kama Mshuto, they STINK for a while and then just decipate into thin air.

    I repeat again the 2nd Amendment incase your teacher taught you the wrong stuff, is that it was from ab initio, meant to protect the americans from NATIVE INDIANS and BLACK SLAVES!

    I ask the same questions that are hurting to you: again why are you in business? Do you pay the taxes that you so much villify? Are you aiming to be a market leader?

    Talk about having your cake and eating it at the same time, i maintain that you are a FAKE!

  50. Chris, Taabu, or Luke, can you post something new, this one has been polluted by mwarang'ethe. Please see his re-cycled theories all over the blog.

  51. You mean mwarangethe archives all his posts? For future references waaah! This is one idle man

  52. I ask the same questions that are hurting to you: again why are you in business? Do you pay the taxes that you so much villify? Are you aiming to be a market leader?


    Business is SERVICE to your fellow human beings.

    And, what did Jesus say about SERVICE? He is the answer:

    "... whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant."

    A farmer is a businessman who grows your food (we do also farming) is offering valuable services.

    A fisherman in Lake Victoria is a businessman and is offering valuable stuff to humanity.

    What services do monopolists who monopolise what God gave free to all mankind offer? Nothing. Thus, he is a robber.

  53. @Mwarangethe,

    SERVICE to the PEOPLE my foot! Cosmetics contain harmful substances, you are only out to make a quick buck, and to answer your question for you, YOU PAY TAXES!!! And will continue to do so till the day you die, it hurts doesn't it.

    SERVICE! To the poeple should be FREE! Sio kutupiga ngeta with marked up prices, Lol. I'd rather buy foreign than give you a dime. I maintain you are a FAKE!

  54. @ mwarangethe, I have been fortunate to delve deeper into some of your material via KK and other sources and what I have found out left me completely dumfounded and disillusioned especially when one reads the real history of capitalism and free markets...
    But I insist on clinging to some small shred of hope, just hope that we will one day stop inhaling the contents of that pipe (opium)...
    How do you get mwananchi off that pipe is my question? will it take a spark like that of Tunisia for us to wake up? if we do wake up what will it take for the mwananchi to realise the economic path we have been following is an illusion leading to despair and poverty... How do you get wanjiku off that pipe....?

    Ken Thumbi

  55. @Mwara"N"gethe,

    Both you & your "intellectual attacker(s)" are in denial of obvious TRUTHS! & have also not shown sincerity on the part of each others criticism & consequently, you have both unleashed mindless forms of debate & theoretical cries just to parry away accusations & counter accusations.

    Mwara"N"gethe sorry to say this but you have a this, let me call it habit to always want to DOMINATE & PRESCRIBE the course of KK debate & as a result, you fall into the trap of plagiarizing the works of others with the hope that they will appear SUPERIOR in THOUGHT & consequently SILENCE would be critics.

    Have you noticed that the moment you dominate a blog other would be bloggers simply shy away from participating in any healthy & rational debate.

    Please note, I don't mean that textbook theories have no relation to the real world. What I have a problem with is that you tend to act as the sole possessor of wisdom always struggling to customize your theories to fit the situation on the ground.

    Surely, customizing a quotation of Jesus to refer to business as a service only serves to potray you as intellectually barren or are you? & further, only leaves you exposed to more "intellectual" attacks.

    My word of advice, do not expend so much of your time and energy replying to busy - bodies. I only hope that I won't be put on trial for committing a CAPITAL OFFENCE by the KK hang jury.

    The Oracle has Spoken

  56. Cool content. Will be back soon.

    Julia Kuree
    kiev prostitutes

  57. Mwara"N"gethe sorry to say this but you have a this, let me call it habit to always want to DOMINATE & PRESCRIBE the course of KK debate & as a result, you fall into the trap of plagiarizing the works of others with the hope that they will appear SUPERIOR in THOUGHT & consequently SILENCE would be critics.


    Plagiarism is defined in dictionaries as:

    "the wrongful appropriation, close imitation, or purloining and publication, of another author's language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions, and the representation of them as one's own original work."

    Source: Wikipedia.

    If you understand the meaning of the word Plagiarism, you will see that, your accusation is BASELESS.

    Give us any other person who gives references to our ideas than we do and then we take from there.

    We provide sources of our information so that, any INTELLIGENT person can verify. What is wrong with that Sir?

    As concerns DOMINATION and PRESCRIBE, we also totally reject such a unheard of accusation.

    The problem is this. Most of us have SAME sources of information.
    For instance, when it comes to CORRUPTION, almost everyone believes this is the MAIN problem in Kenya.

    This is so because our understanding of this issue is from media, TI, KACC, and the politicians.

    In such a case, when we reject such theories as BULLSHIT, offcourse, we are attacked for being "rebellious."

    As you would expect, whoever rejects the DOMINANT DISCOURSE has the burden of prove.

    It is from this perspective, we seem to dominate and prescribe because we have a duty to defend and educate.


    @ Ken Thumbi

    It seems to us that, we have like two options.

    First, if one has the resources, one may start like a university dedicated to Economic and Political Liberty as seen from Ancient times to 2011.

    From that kind of education, you will produce people well educated, not TRAINED people well versed with history of liberty. Under such education, it would be easy to reform land systems.

    The other option would be to introduce competitive MONEY to the State Money. When we have alternative money, people will have a choice.

    With that choice, they will go for stable money and leave State money. When that happens, States will be forced to stop endless counterfeiting.

    So many benefits would flow from this. For instance, if you wanna start Iraq war?

    Fine, then, you will have to go on TV and announce how much tax people must pay to kill Iraqs.

    People do not like taxes, so, there will say no, and unnecessary wars will be ended, not, by democstrations and OPIUM, but, by control of the ultimate BALLOT, which is MONEY.

    Do you wanna expand the government as the new katiba proposes?

    Fine, put the bill infront of the people who are screaming about implementation and tell them, we will increase your income tax up to 50%.

    Again, these people including akina Chris, Taabu and Phil will say no.

    That way, we will be able to have less government and keep more of our money.

  58. Peaceful street protests is the
    way to go Kenyan people

    Tunisia-change in leadership
    Security has been stepped up in centre of the Tunisian capital, a day after President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali was forced from power by street protests

  59. @Mwarandethe,

    BULLSHIT! Kwenda huko mafi ya kuku, which duty to defend and educate? Wacha zako mbuyu, una endelea kututoshanisha! Mchuma kati kati ya rasa ina kufaa vilivyo. unalishwa na pia unalambana na walami huko cha mbele, shoga wewe!

  60. Mwaran'gethe is an IDIOT with a fucktory that is busy shafting the poor masses. spare some time and use your own words, instead of magnifying and re-processing ideas from your intellectual fucktory.

  61. somebody is trying to get real crafty with that Ken Thumbi post or am i lying?

  62. Does the name Michael Mwarange sound familiar? To anyone on kk. woolala Mwarang'ethe you begun a cosmetics factory, what happened to that tree project for diesel, also jatropha can make you good dollars

  63. Mwarang'ethe,

    Avoid flying to close to the sun as you leap from Mt. Kenya of Human History

  64. @Bashing Mwarang'ethe galore.
    Why don't you guys counter Mwarang'the with substance or some constructive punching sound effects minus the juvenile mud slinging games 24/7?

    Don't you you guys ever get sick and tired of going after some people's comments just for the hake of it?

  65. @anon 9.40 am aka Mwarangethe,
    Even Chris knows that this is the KK wild wild west, so we can't stop bashing fake salted intellectuals, Mwarang'ethe is a faggot and a BIG LIAR!

  66. Anytime I see Mwarang'ethe behaving like a toddler, with 70% of the blog content with irrelevant posts i'm off to do other things, as we wait for another post to close down this tired one.

  67. Congratulations is in order for a TRUE Kenyan intellectual for representing our country well in the world of Physicists Michael Nakasala Muchemu, not fake a$$ economists

  68. Raila, the object of Jaluo worship, is busy fighting with the Kalenjins leaders. In 2007, he endlessly called Kikuyus names including "kabila adui." Sometimes, I wonder whether some of his nuts are loose.

  69. Mwarang'ethe loves BULLSHIT and popcorn.

  70. Raila is not fighting the Kalenjin.
    It is Kenyans fighting the rebouncing of KANU, but using the ODM route.

    PNU/old guard and KANU agents is 100% involved in all this but the Kenyan public are more clever than all this

    Nyayo reminded Kifaki of his Mugumo tree quote during Kirima's funeral!

  71. Tunisia's Lesson for a rotten leadership



  72. The horses’ mouth

    You will read and hear many things about Dr Kosgei what nobody will tell you is - “she does not want to be involved as deputy leader of Government business with the racket of withdrawal from the Rome Statute – “let the people who stated it finish it” she also wants to be free from conflict of interest which any disciplined, experienced and honest representative of all Kenyans would naturally do in this situation.

    She also has no wish or desire to be involved (as part of the leadership of Government business) in this issue. Going abroad to tarnish her reputation, career and name is not one of the things she signed up for in Government. “Let the one who was behind this in the house as called out by Hon Marende not once and not twice, three times be the face behind the issue - nobody asked me for my opinion and I will not carry anybodies bag. I am overburdened by genuine work representing Kenyans interests. Let those who have free time continue with their scuttle diplomacy that will not lead anywhere and do not add any value to our republic"

    I must admit her experience and connections (what does she know that others don’t) are serving her well. Continue serving wenyeinchi zealously and with dedication as you have always done. We know you have a lot of work with the drought and no budget worth its name, while others are getting a quarter billion each in defence of killings of the same wanainchi you are fighting to save from drought. We salute you for avoiding the tribal and this political and satirical conflict of interests, you just had to Dr Kosgei. Continue with the work you were entrusted. Your service to the nation has been noted and will be rewarded.

    Speaks volumes doesn’t it and you heard it here first.

    The Sign

  73. Well guess who is left holding the bag .... the car has left and he has remained holdig the spanner, this thing is going nowhere .....leteni ingine mupatie Mr ambi abebe

  74. @ The Sign. Just what reputation does the "unpleasant woman with a large scar on her face" (to quote the original Rogue Ambassador, the late Smith Hempstone) still have to protect? Hasn't she tarnished her own name enough by selling a fraudulently acquired plot to NSSF at hyper-inflated rates costing the taxpayer tens of millions? Isn't there still a court case pending on this issue making her a potential PLO suspect & minister-in-handcuffs-in-waiting?

    If you're to trust Chris's sources the only commendable thing she has done in her career is slap Kalonzo when he was Minister for Foreign Affairs & she was the PS.

    I fail to understand why we can't look beyond "leaders" who were weaned at the foot of the despot, Moi. Until we get rid of the Nyayo protege's we will just keep on recycling the same old problems.

    PS: Kalonzo, Uhuru, Ruto & Nyayo sharing a dias? I hope Ocampo's people were watching the contempt with which the gang of impunity consider his restraining order on any of the Ocampo 6 meeting....

  75. Anon 2:27 PM
    Don't you think it's too little too late? How clean or corruption free is the holier than thou person who does not want to be involved as deputy leader of government business?

    Oh, how Kenyans wish that the same individual had the courage, fortitude and conviction to quit or refuse being involved in government business during the days of Nyayo.

    Why now? Why the change of heart? Is it a show and tell gimmick in preparation for an electionoscopy in 2012 or what?

    Little has changed, same old government, same old script, same old players with an exception of some new characters here and there.

  76. Horses' Mouth,

    What type of breed are you and why does breed speak through one mouth?

    Are you Throughbreds or Quarter horses? Are you a mares, geldings or stallions?

    And if so, is your breed always responsive and in tune with your riders?

    In other words, are you willingly guided or controlled with with no apparent resistance or are there times, days or seasons when you engages in pinning ears?

    Best of luck and don't colick before the stakes begin in 2012.

  77. Wewe Bobby6Killer,

    Stop washing your dirty linen in public, sometimes it is best to keep your mouth shut! On matters kk, political, scar face, flintstones et al. Choose your white HORSE! will you, before kk slaps you back in the face and gives you an unpleasant scar in the face. Giddiap!

  78. @Chris,
    The more things change the more they?

    Talk of the "son of the devil" and he will appear in some of the most familiar places around the world.

    Baby Doc Duvalier is back and ready to help rescue the very same country the Duvalier family and cronies left behind buried deep in abject poverty, chaos, mayhem and hellish existence under the skies above the face of the northern hemisphere.

    The real question on everybody minds is why now, who gave the green light, who is behind him, and what the heck was he thinking?

    Where is the ICC when we need it and why is he not confined at The Hague?

  79. Baby doc duvalier will be chicken fodder for Mwarang'ethe, let baby doc be prepared to be dressed in Sumerian folklore diapers!

  80. @ anon 8:32. Clearly part of the lunatic nyayo brigade. Last time I checked my wedding certificate did not bear the name Sally Kosgei. So how her misdeeds become my dirty laundry is a mystery.

    Your propensity for violence has been well documented & endured since '92. It's the last kicks of a horse that's been too long in dying. Your scar will be proudly worn as a badge of honour.

  81. @Bobby6Killer,

    Scuttling around issues like used underwear always leads one to have and wear the title of a Mac-Noughton! Society member, By the way who cares that you are married to that paper? For a man who is in his 40s prefering the kicks of a dying horse to knock of his teeth and be branded with a horse shoe scar is surely a proud tag to wear.

    For trying to spread a false Propagander ,i give you a FAT grade E, "Sally Kosgei slapped Kalonzo" is a slap you wish you had.

  82. Mwarang'ethe does make a lot of sense on Kumekucha as opposed to those who are now so much addicted to jumping onto every comment he makes, without offering any relevant rebuttal, different perspective, or educated point of view.

    Mwarang'ethe, I may not agree with every perspective that comes from your cuneiform sources but I do look forward to them.

    Thanks in advance.

  83. Bobby6killer,

    Hapo unene ukwili wa mambo. Wacha wenye kofu wajiweke kitanzi. Chaguo ni lao.

  84. @3.10PM as Mwarang'ethe,

    Mwarang'ethe you don't have to post as anon to make a point. We know you are itching to make a contribution, well you can go ahead and fill the blog with references from others of what we had read long ago.

    Don't be shy mwarang'ethe we miss you sana tena sana, come out of the shadows.

  85. @Bobby6Killer,
    Kovu and not kofu as the type found at Kivulini, Mwembe Tayari, Ghanjoni, or "Kinondoni Ndogo" -Mtwapa.


Any posts breaking the house rules of COMMON DECENCY will be promptly deleted, i.e. NO TRIBALISTIC, racist, sexist, homophobic, sexually explicit, abusive, swearing, DIVERSIONS, impersonation and spam AMONG OTHERS. No exceptions WHATSOEVER.