Monday, March 29, 2010

Too young to die?

A fascinating and yet gruesome crime took place about 12 days ago in a Nairobi high rise building.

A cleaning woman, 25 year old Rachel Aoko Okello who worked at the NSSF building in the community area was sent to the ATM to withdraw cash for one of her bosses. That was the last time she was seen alive. Initially her colleagues were puzzled because the money she was sent for was not the kind of amount that would tempt anybody to do “G4S disappearing act.” Their faith in their colleague was confirmed 9 long days later when her decomposing body was found in the registry of the same NSSF building.

What is puzzling police even more is that initial indications are that some kind of chemical was used to muffle the smell of the decomposing body. The obvious idea seems to have been to delay the discovery of the body. Rachel was raped before she was murdered. Even more baffling in this case is that police have evidence obtained from the scene of the crime that suggests the victims’ assailant revisited the corpse several times in the 9 days before it was discovered.

About two months ago the body of yet another young woman was found dumped on a footpath next to a house that most neighbors believed hosted regular sex orgies for the rich and powerful of Nairobi.

The chances of these two crimes ever being solved are slim. And the sad thing is that there are many more young lives being snuffed out in Kenya (and especially in Nairobi) these days which never attract the attention of the press and thus go unreported. Dozens have been brought to my attention.

The truth of the matter is that even as we retain leaders and people in decision-making positions from another very different age who still believe in old solutions for new problems, crime has escalated to a very high level in Kenya. It is probably being fueled by plenty of serious drugs easily available and desperation amongst many young people, we can also not rule out the influx of all kinds of DVD movies very cheaply available at 50 bob a pop that promote all kinds of cultures as well as giving all kinds of sick ideas to minds hungry for those sick ideas.

The result is that our police force is already terribly overwhelmed.

It is fairly easy to criticize the Kenya police for their crime-solving methods but admittedly the lack a lot of the tools required for modern-day crime-fighting is one major impediment.

A few years back I talked to a source very close to the CID department who assured me that despite their bad reputation the truth is that the CID always got their man and a very high percentage of the crimes that came to their attention were always solved. He quickly added that I should not ask for details on the methods they employed. Although I thought I had a pretty good idea of the methods he was talking about I prodded him to tell me more and what he revealed almost made me pass out in shock. He told me that the CID did not just torture suspects carelessly; he said that they regularly consulted some top notch witchdoctor and were thus able to very accurately recreate exactly how a crime was committed. I tried unsuccessfully not to burst out laughing loudly.

I don’t think that a state-of-the-art forensic laboratory is enough to change the crime-fighting ways of our cops. The archaic laws of our country will not accommodate scientific evidence too well. After all audio tape recordings are still not admissible in our courts as evidence. These are some of the things our COEs would have had time to look at in an ordinary sane country, but alas, we have been too busy dealing with the powers of the executive and devolved government to spare any thought to creating a new constitution where fighting the rapidly increasing crime rate will be easier. And so as badly as our cops are doing, I guess they are on their own.

This week’s kumekucha classified ads: Property listings and a laptop for 3,500 among other interesting ads.


  1. Chris ma broda oo,
    we are firmly in the middle of a fierce and vicious class and ethnic war between the middle, rich and poor class

    The gap between poor and rich is alreaady gigantic and ever increasing.The impoverished masses are fighting tooth and nail for a piece of the national cake by hook or crook-they are turning in droves to all sorts of life of crime.meanwhile the tinier rich class and tiny middle class are "fighting" by sitting in their fortressed homes stirring ethnic hatred against....from the comfort of their rocking chairs.someone please sort out this mess please?

    meanwhile never before seen crime wave is on a runaway spree with outmatched police working night and day to deny the rise in violent robbery,cold blooded carjackings and all types of daylight street conmanships.

    I know you are a praying man Chris-hebu tuombe tafadhali...

    PS:-but first,is it Samba Mapangala or Les Wanyika? and don't ask Sayra-amenoki

  2. In the United States of America, the land of the brave, the free and civil society, it's known as a Crime Scene Unit or Crime Resconstruction Unit, and the unit's witchdoctor or witch or wizard is known as a veteran detective incharge of the homicide unit or department.

    Was your article about the death of a women "too young to die" or the quasi investigation methods employed by the CID in the respective African country?

    BTW, every 60 seconds a woman is raped in the United States of America, and many young women go missing every month, and countless others are murdered every year.

    Some homicide cases get solved within forty eight hours, others take days, weeks, months or even years. While so many others end up as cold cases. There are so many cold cases in the USA that date back to the early 1940s and 50s.

    Rape is rape regardless of whether it occurs in Africa, Asia, Europe, Middle East, Canada, Mexico or in the United States of America.

    However, your article on "Too Young To Die?" does not do any justice to the victim in question and to the whole issue of rape and murder of women (and young adult males) in that respective African country. I was left expecting to learn more about the case and whether there any other relevant cases beyond the second one mentioned.

    Do you have any rape and murder statistics from the respective nation? Your friend from the CID might be of some help.

    FYI, which is already known by you at this point in time, the death of a black American woman or Latina woman in the USA never attracts much attention and many cases go unreported every day, week, month, year and every decade. The argument among some media house has always been that such cases do not merit headlines or primetime news coverage due to the fact that they are a common occurrence which should be left or placed (hidden) within the inside pages of willing local newspapers.

    Why? Maybe you could answer that simply question in your next article, be it on Kumekuch or somewhere else.

    As we all know, a new constitution will take a long time before it can bring about any meaningful changes in how the police detectives, vice squad units, homicide units, anti-gang unit, drug enforcement units, special victims units, crime scene units, CID, the police headquarters and law makers respond to such cases.

    in the meantime, the criminal minds will always ply their sickening trade in any corner of the globe regardless of whether a country has a modern day police force, best homicide detectives in the world, a strong judiciary system or a great constitution with all of the enshrined rights and privileges for its citizens.

  3. Regarding Crime in Kenya.

    Gone are the glory days of law and order under Mzee Daniel arap Moi. He may not have been a saint in the department of protecting people's personal rights, freedom of expression, Kamukunji gatherings and political opposition, but he sure knew how to keep all the mendes [[...young, old and foreign criminals...]] at bay, as well as to lock up those who were unlucky to get caught by the long Fimbo ya Nyayo.

    Blame the spike in violent crimes on the human rights legions of advocates and career anti-police factions. Thsy have always wanted to have their cakes from Geneva and eat them at the same time.

    Just deserts

  4. Anon 3/25/10 2:05,

    Well said.

    For Luke, Crime is crime. Giving it an excuse of poverty and rich is condoning it. This is not to say that in poverty ridden area crime is not ramphant. But it is also to say that crime such as rape, murder, or orgies are found even in rich neighbourhoods, and even in advanced or developed countries and economies.

    Evil springs forth from hearts of man. It takes different forms depending on the economic level or status of the person.

    Some rich man/woman would spend a lot of money to kill the other for example a business deal gone sour or expected tender running into millions of money. Some small person will kill, maim and rape a person for as little as less than Kshs.20/- to even Kshs.2,000/- In both cases, these are crimes against humanity only performed differently.

    What man needs is a change of culture that should complement the change of economy. Which means that as man rectifies the laws that improve the economic status of the common person, and as structures are put in place to improve the economic status of the country, there should be other ways of appreciating the roles of religion in the affairs of humanity from kindergarten, to school and all the way to the work.

    Religious studies should be compulsory and certain values should be upheld in all spheres at all levels that any "free spirit" as the liberalists put it should be frowned upon.

    This is not to say that crime will be totally eliminated. No. That would be unrealistic. This is to say that they will be reduced to manageable levels.


  5. Sasa Luke ma broda,

    Kumebe huko Kenya yetu?

    I can c that u have not lost time in catching up with the real mood on the ground.

    We shud get together sometime so that I introduce Les Wanyika to u properly. We seem to be talking abouyt 2 different groups. Hehehehehe!

    Concerning things soccer, it seems that the Taboo has worked on you and things r not too rosy for you in the English premiership. Ashindwe!! Please confirm or deny.


  6. Chris,
    Wewe wacha kuregarega. Chris you are a GOONER (#3) and Luka is idly walking alone (#6/7). Meanwhile B. Munich watakiona leo, na bado, MTADO?

  7. Luke said...
    We are firmly in the middle of a fierce and vicious class and ethnic war between the middle, rich and poor class
    The gap between poor and rich is already gigantic and ever increasing
    We addressed this issues a few days ago. Thanks for reaffirming.
    Anonymous said....
    What man needs is a change of culture that should complement the change of economy.
    This was one of a few possible solutions we proposed

  8. Religious studies should be compulsory and certain values should be upheld in all spheres at all levels that any "free spirit" as the liberalists put it should be frowned upon.


    We hope not religious studies like of the priests we know cannot spare even deaf young boys.

    We further hope, it is not religious studies that produce "saved" men like Bush who relish in seeing innocent human blood flow like water.

    NB: We will be back with a piece on why the flow of blood we see is just the beginning and why much more innocent blood will flow, and especially in Africa in the coming decades unless fundamental changes are done in the internal and global culture/economy.

    We can assure thee, this piece will perhaps, be the most depressing article most have ever read.


    What man needs is a change of culture that should complement the change of economy. Which means that as man rectifies the laws that improve the economic status of the common person, and as structures are put in place to improve the economic status of the country,


    We agree.

    Further more, how man organises his physical reality and the importance he attaches to the material stuff determines whether he can seek spiritual enlightment.

    Our current "civilisation" is not organised in a way that can allow spiritual enlightment.

    In addition, we forget one simple truth. Social world has two dimensions. When we talk about crime, we are talking of one side of the coin, i.e. the physical manifestation.

    The other side of the coin is the spiritual/philosophical dimension. Unfortunately, this side is seen by very few people and no one listens to them. After all, they are very "difficult" to understand cos people normally want "easy" and "quick" solutions.

    The way to understand what we have stated is this. Do you know how many contracts make your mobile phone? Very few people bother with such "finer" and "difficult" details cos all we focus on is the gadget. However, when you appreciate such "finer" i.e. intellectual dimension/unseen dimensions/details about physical things, you learn a lot.

  9. A TRUE BANANA REPUBLIC – if you know what I mean

    "Kenya's Attorney General Amos Wako has denied having been involved in the drafting of international agreements that have made the country a “dumping ground for (Somali) pirates.” ... "it was all done by the ministry of Foreign Affairs,” he told the committee.
    - DN

    Since when is WETANGULA who has difficulty with the English language let alone LAW negotiating treaties and laws on behalf of Kenyans – Jameni Kenya Yetu

  10. That thing between women's legs is their greatest advantage, men have fought wars in all ages for it, and is also sadly, their greatest disadvantage and cause of unbearable pain to many.

  11. Kumbavu checkens out!

    Draft law: Kibaki's expected visit to House flops

    By NATION Reporter
    Posted Tuesday, March 30 2010 at 16:36
    There was a sense of confusion on Tuesday when an anticipated visit to the House by President Kibaki flopped.

    Both President Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila Odinga had been expected to attend the Parliamentary debate on the proposed new constitution. Mr Odinga was present during the debate, and called for support of the proposed draft law in its current form.

    Parliamentary sources had earlier intimated that the President was expected at Parliament Buildings at 3pm to attend the debate ahead of the vote on Thursday.

    From as early as 8am, all indications were that the President was expected in Parliament. Presidential security, complete with a sniffer dog, were at the Buildings to ensure security arrangements were in place.

    They combed the Old Chambers, venue of the debate and its environs. A parking lot at the main entrance normally reserved for visitors was cleared in anticipation for the President’s visit who was expected to attend the sitting as the Othaya MP.

    However, by around 10.30am, the security men left the premises. Director of the Presidential Press Services Isaiya Kabira discounted media reports that the President was expected in Parliament saying there had been no communication to that effect.

    A source in Parliament said the President was expected at 3pm, in time of the debate. “We were expecting him at that time but it appears there is now a change of mind,’’ he said on learning that the visit would not be on after all.

    Justice and Constitutional Affairs Minister Mutula Kilonzo said: “I think it is too early for the President to attend the debate today (Tuesday). The best time in my opinion, for the President and the Prime Minister to attend should be tomorrow (Wednesday) when the House begins debating the amendments so that they can offer leadership.'' MPs begin debate on proposed changes suggested by political parties and individuals this morning. ODM has proposed amendments to the draft constitution to provide for regional governments-as the second unit of devolution in a three level government with 80 counties. PNU supports between 77-80 counties and Ndaragwa MP Jeremiah Kioni has proposed an amendment to that effect.

    Two weeks ago the President and Prime minister were expected to meet with MPs at a kamukunji (meeting) ahead of the debate on constitution review but the forum did not take off.

    Although Speaker Kenneth Marende had announced to the MPs that the two would attend the kamukunji to help rally MPs behind the proposed new law, there was no official communication on why the meeting flopped.

    While Joint Government Whip George Thuo said it was not necessary for the President to be in Parliament to guide MPs in carrying out their national responsibility, his ODM colleague Jakoyo Midiwo attributed the failure to the fact that MPs did not reach a consensus on how to handle the draft constitution at a four-day retreat at the Kenya Institute of Administration in Nairobi.

  12. Synovate Opinion Poll today!

    ICC tomorrow!

    A defining week in the Politics of Kenya

    No wonder the President kept away from Parliament today.

    How could he when Odinga asked legislators not to amend the draft?

  13. In United Kingdom "The land of hope and glory", it's called the scene of crime.
    In London, everday a young person mostly male under 20 yrs dies needlessly through either knife attack or gun violence. The problem is everywhere my friend. It's called broken society. Too many kids born of single mothers out there with no fathers as a role models. That's is the problem my friend. Men should take up responsibilities! PERIOD

    Kumekucha Princess

  14. Princess,
    You must be one of those products of single mum. And BTW what is wrong with a single mum? You may be staying in the UK but still stuck in the village stereotypical murk. I would rather a polished kid from a single mum anytime rather than your tin gods who blunder our country only to call a press conference when Mary/Winnie is mentioned. Tafuta baba yako ama uulize mama.

  15. Taabu@4:25am,
    Kwenda huko bure kabisa, the moniker is different but the posted comments the same unmistakeably recognisable sentence construction and signature style of delivery so why hide behind the anon handle bro?

    don't believe everything you see/hear especially in EPL. LFC logo is phoenix lakini Taabu anadhani sisi ndovu

  16. Kibaki- This "war on terror " could be something beneficial to your regime
    unfortunately BARAKA OBA is the president in USA

    Please give us the Draft law as it is!Kibaki meets top security chiefs over war on terror

    Updated 2 hr(s) 22 min(s) ago
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    By Cyrus Ombati and Roselyne Obala

    The deportation of four Pakistani nationals on suspicions they could be terror suspects, has raised alarm in Government.

    The arrest caused a storm in the Government following claims the four United Arab Emirates workers were members of the Saudi Royal family.

    On Monday, President Kibaki summoned top security chiefs, including Police Commissioner Mathew Iteere, and top Immigration officials to explain the action.

    Sources said the officers defended the deportation, saying the four did not have proper immigration papers.

    Those deported were identified as Ibrahim Ali Ibrahim, a soldier with the United Arab Emirates, Abdallah Saleh Omar Aljabry, a policeman with the United Arab Emirates, Bilal Abod Slim and Muhtasam Mohamed Mafudh.

    Immigration stamps

    Sources also revealed Saudi authorities had complained to the President over their deportation.

    When the four Pakistanis were stopped at the Moi International Airport in Mombasa last Tuesday, they did not have immigration stamps to allow their stay here.

    "We were justified to deport them because there were so many anomalies on their immigration documents. We, however, cannot say they are terror suspects," said an officer who sought anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter.

    The Monday meeting is also said to have discussed general security and the measures being take to counter terrorism.

    Security officials have in the past weeks stepped up vigilance at major entry points and have detained at least 20 suspects for questioning.

    A recent UN report has confirmed several Diaspora support to the militia groups and that some Al-Shabaab leaders live in Nairobi where they are raising funds for the insurgents.

    Terror gangs

    Elsewhere, two Pakistan nationals were arrested at the Kenya-Uganda border for entering the country illegally.

    The foreigners aged 40 and 43, are being held by the police on suspicion of connections with terror gangs.

    Teso District Anti-Terrorism Police led by local OCDP Elphas Korir arrested the duo, whose mission in the country is still unknown. The two are being held at Malaba police station.

    Mr Korir directed the DCIO Amos Teben to investigate their mission.

    Read all about: terror suspects Mathew Iteere Police Commissioner CID

  17. On broken society and the children of single mothers: I suspect gender equality and social cohesion are mutually exclusive. I do not see men "taking up responsibility" where the law and society demands no distinction between genders. To think a single mother (parent) is less than ideal is to call into question the concept of gender equality. But today who wants to admit to that reality?!


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