Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Simama Kenya Rally that Never Stood

In this YouTube clip, Alex Chamwada of Royal Media has a one on one interview with the Simama Kenya Patron Jimmy Kibaki ahead of the much talked about big political announcement on January the 31st. President Mwai Kibakis elder son jimmy praised Saboti member of parliament Eugene Wamalwa as presidential material. He referred to him as the embodiment of the leader Kenya needs.

Breaking News (Updated 1700 hrs EAT, 28/01/10)

As if the organisers had read this Kumekucha post, the much publicized Simama Kenya Rally has been called off. Jimmy Kibaki told reporters earlier today that "police had already withdrawn a licence earlier issued to them". You can read more on Jimmy's press conference here.

According to the self confessed tribeless Jimmy Kibaki, first time parliamentarian and Saboti MP Eugene Wamalwa is the best presidential material there exists to succeed his father come 2012!

Keen observers of Kenya’s political landscape are not convinced. Indeed, the general view amongst most residents and leaders of Western Province and the country at large is that Wamalwa’s unholy dalliance with proponents of still-born KKK alliance, his open flirtation with the amorphous Simama Kenya and his declaration to run for presidency are premature, ill-advised and bound to fail even before they start. Most people reckon Eugene is a mere pawn in the wider Kibaki succession intrigues and a clever scheme to chip away some of ODM's support base ahead of 2012.

To begin with, who or what is Simama Kenya? It should be recalled that inside the tenth parliament, PNU is not really considered to be a political party and was in fact just a vehicle for Kibaki’s abortive re-election through a coalition of various parties. In other words, there is no political party for Jimmy Kibaki to manouver himself and join the high octane succession politics, hence the idea of Simama Kenya. Observers opine that with the prospects of being elected in Othaya dwindling by the day it is only a matter of time before Simama Kenya is swiftly transformed into a political party to be used a springboard by Jimmy Kibaki into parliament, even if as a nominated MP.

All eyes however, will be focused in Bungoma this weekend when the political future of Saboti MP Eugene Wamalwa is put on the line when he hosts a Simama Kenya financially backed rally in Bungoma. The rally has been called ostensibly to launch the young Wamalwa’s so-called grand march to State House. An endorsement from Jimmy Kibaki may not mean much to casual observers, but remember it is one Gideon Moi – then known as ‘Chairman’ and a powerful member of Moi’s kitchen cabinet - who convinced his father, retiring President Moi, to pick up and support Uhuru Kenyatta as successor in 2002, at the expense of a much more experienced KANU line-up.

Simama Kenya Patron Jimmy Kibaki says they want to use the Bungoma rally to make “a strong political statement”. Apart from being Kibaki’s son, and whose father’s tenure is the most disastrous since independence, one wonders what other qualifications does Jimmy Kibaki possess to even suggest a presidential candidate to Kenyans.

Fast forward to 2009 and the Kibaki’s succession - not due until 2012 - is being fiercely contested behind the scenes that it has already claimed the political futures of the likes of Amos Kimunya and Martha Karua, and now threatens the delivery of an acceptable constitution. After ignoring the plight of Wamalwa family - moreso his late mother and widow - for the better part of Kibaki’s first term, PNU never even considered Eugene for any cabinet posting following the NARA agreement. In fact PNU chose to reward the likes of Wakoli instead of Wamalwa.

Then Jimmy Kibaki walks in with one of the most outrageous proposals since Kibaki was declared presidential poll winner. Wonders never cease. What would motivate Jimmy Kibaki to become so desperate to spend a substantial part of a family fortune looking for a possible Kibaki successor then unexpectedly fall on to support a rookie MP as presidential candidate even before he himself has established himself a front runner in succeeding his father President Kibaki as Othaya MP? Even as this happens and quite interestingly, the final constitution has yet to pass the referendum test and the executive set-up of the country is still unknown, not to mention that Eugene has no public service record worth talking about!

The answer probably lies in the activities of Simama Kenya in 2009. Prior to anointing Eugene Wamalwa, Jimmy Kibaki had struggled for to be front runner in succeeding his father’s political province in the face of being rendered irrevant by one Mary Wambui in Othaya, which has been formed the bedrock of his father’s support for more than three decades. The same Jimmy Kibaki has reportedly spent huge sums of money in attempting to rope-in so called young leaders to his side, where he managed to get firm commitment from Kamba political minion Kiema Kilonzo and perennial parliamentary race loser Tony Gacoka.

Jimmy then set his eye higher; Identify a worthy presidential candidate from one of Kenya’s populous communities. The carrot was dangled in the faces of not less that than five leading politicians who were promised an endorsement from President Kibaki if they accepted to be the torch bearer although Simama Kenya is not a registered political party in itself. Well informed intelligence sources intimate that Jimmy Kibaki has prostituted Simama’s support to Musalia Mudavadi, Uhuru Kenyatta, William Ruto, Peter Kenneth and Eugene Wamalwa. All but Eugene politely declined, choosing to play their cards close to their chests. The inexperienced and obviously excited Eugene was found to be a willing partner but the rest of these politicians were non committal. None was ready to ditch their political parties for an unknown entity like Simama. Remembering his own brother’s poorly organised and ill-fated presidential campaign in 1997, Eugene’s acceptance of jumping into bed with Jimmy Kibaki has largely been driven by promises of substantial funds being injected into his presidential campaign, expected to take off soon after the forthcoming referendum.

The reality though for Eugene Wamalwa is that his political ambition is not to actually win the presidency, but an acceptance to be used to split the Western Province vote and thereby frustrate Musalia Mudavadi’s and by extension ODM’s fortunes. ODM’s enjoys a huge support base in the Western Province where it also hold 18 of the 24 parliamentary seats.

Apart from former Bundalangi MP Raphael Wanjala who has come out openly in support of Eugene (read – hopping to cash-in on Eugene’s pay-cheque), the rally has sparked confusion in Bungoma District where there are two other presidential candidates (Moses Wetangula and Bufwoli Wakoli). Wakoli and Wetangula presidential charades complete a three pronged attack on ODM’s support base in Western. Most of the other leaders in Western are wary of the real intentions of Jimmy Kibaki who is seen as a front stooge for the KKK alliance which wants to test the Western political waters through Eugene Wamalwa.

Eugene Wamalwa has a remote chance of dislodging Musikari Kombo from the Chairmanship of Ford Kenya, which he claims is his vehicle to the presidency. In an instant, Eugene- who is a trained lawyer - has proposed various amendments to FORD-K’s constitution most of which are aimed at giving him a soft landing amongst party delegates. Among the amendments he has proposed is one to allow any member to contest the presidency and not just the party chairman. Eugene knows he has to elbow out senior party stalwarts like Kombo and Wetangula so he has been quick to also proposed the creation of the ceremonial posts of party leader and party patron, in the hope of accommodating and appeasing other president wannabes’ in FORD-K.

However much they try, Eugene’s rally in Bungoma this weekend has already been seen to have all the hallmarks of a KKK rally. Sources intimate that to avoid this satanic name hanging over their heads Messrs. William Ruto, Uhuru Kenyatta and VP Kalonzo Musyoka are tacitly planning to send their lieutenants to ‘endorse’ Eugene in Bungoma and at the same time introduce a catchy “One Kenya” (OK) slogan.

The race for 2012 is on!


  1. Vikii, yes kumekucha Vikii, should run for the presidency 2012.
    Folks, lets support this guy, he is ours and it would be nice to have someone from our 'own' net community.
    He has proven time and again he's got what it takes to steer our nation into the right direction.

    Kumekucha Princess

  2. It is Raila, not Ruto who has too many enemies to take him down.

  3. ...with the proposals in the draft constitution barring presidential candidates from running for parliament,I highly doubt if Wamalwa will step up to the plate...this Simama Kenya is Kibaki's "youth for kanu"...honestly, who will dare step up and risk juicy parliament...?

  4. The trick is to step down at the last minute in favour of so and so, and form a pre-election alliance / coalition that promises certain seats for certain persons

  5. First of all I do not understand why people should be selectively demonised for exercising their democratic rights to seek electoral offices for which they are qualified. Eugene Wamalwa is a Kenyan of sound mind aged over 35, a registered voter (and he can still re-register if need be), is a member of a political party called the PNU which is duly recognized by the Registrar of Societies and meets every other requirement in the book. His only crime according to the author of this piece is not belonging to the ODM whhich he delusionally believes is the party formed in heaven and on whose ticket everybody should run. Otherwise where was this same unduly-zealous writer when then first term MP for Mvita constituency, Najib Balala, declared Presidential ambitions in 2005? It is not hard to see the warped logic employed here; Najib Balala's 'candidacy' was calculated to help Raila Odinga's bid. Wamalwa's hurts that bid and that is why they are now looking for mud to sling!

    If Jimmy Kibaki is "unqualified to suggest a Presidential candidate to Kenyans", surely what qualification would one obscure Philemon Wesonga (call him Phil) have to suggest one. This is the same fellow who has literally spent every day of the last five years in Kumekucha selling Raila Odinga's candidacy to Kenyans. Are you suggesting that you are any more Kenyan than Jimmy?

    Phil, nobody cares a damn about your full-throttled endorsement of Raila Odinga and his politics, but the problem crops up when you demonize everyone else who doesn't suck up to him. Eugene has the exact same rights to run for President as Raila Odinga, Bifwoli Wakoli, William Ruto and everyone else. Even if Jimmy and Eugene were being fronted by VP Kalonzo, UK or Ruto, what is illegal about that? It is politics, the kind drawn straight from the Raila Odinga political handbook.

    So Mr. Phil, just like Raila Odinga held a poorly attended political rally at the Mau the other day which he christened "government afforestation exercise", Eugene has the right to hold his in Bungoma at the weekend. And that is beauty of democracy!

    Your second comment is an exact copy cat of what both Balala and Raila Odinga did in 2007. You've got to live with it.

  6. I would not mind voting for Eugene if only he was not sponsored by jimi and was his own man, not riding on his late brother's name. I do not like jimi and will really feel bad if he gets to parliament. Me not being so lucky, jimi will be the next mp for Othaya if the constituency is not split up. Too bad for me for even if it is split up he will still be the MP and the other MP will be 'Wambui wa Kanu'. I thought jimi is a non-starter until I worked for a month in Othaya community last November and listened. People, money can move mountains.

  7. I have read with caution this posting and the the things being said here were the same ones that Obama was accused of. Young, inexperienced etc. I think that time has come to get rid of these heirs to the Kenyan throne. How do we vote for Jaramogi, Raila and now Fidel!. Wamalwa is the right man for the job.

  8. Now, they have turned their attention, fury and anger on Eugene Wamalwa. Eugene, has not been castigated or pilloried in his own party or constituency, but ODM, feel that he is on the wrong.

    Poor souls. You are on the wrong side of history as Vikii said yesterday. Horrible you are. That Eugene can shake the ODM base in Western Kenya is poison to them. That he can solidify the Bukusu and Ford-Kenya base is bad for people who thought they were on top.

    Eugene, like any other Kenyan, Raphael Tuju, Najib Balala, Uhuru Kenyatta and Kalonzo Musyoka has the right, as an independent person to decide his destiny.

    Please decide on what goes on in your party. You have told us that Raila is the man to beat. Let it remain so. He remains with his LUO-KAKAMEGA vote. Musalia could not marshall the Western vote in 2002 and should have his position threatened.

    Stay in you party buddies. It is a competition of numbers and the bigger your tally the higher you serve and it is a game of wits. Eugene has a right, so is Kukubo and Nazlin Nassir and Koigi Wa Wamwere, not forgetting Martha Karua. Why did you not blame Martha Karua??? She was going to spoil the PNU base, something that did not happen.

    Poleni Sana. Go Eugene Go!!!

  9. Is this the same Phil who has been throwing snides at Chris for calling Raila future political chances bluff!!
    He always says that Raila attracts so much attention because of his 'leadership acumen'.
    In the same breath can we say the same of Eugene of Jimmy after this long elaborate proipaganda script??

  10. they call him a political genius..
    they say he sees miles away ahead of his opponents...
    they have elevated him to near god status..
    they follow him like moth attracted to light...
    they have always fought his real and imaginary battles...
    he is now 65, lost elections 3 times...
    and engineered a bloody coup and genocide in a span of 3 decades...
    his followers would die for him...
    ironically they die of hunger...
    in one of Africa`s largest slum...
    under his watch...

    How vain can some Kenyans be???

    Phil`s sympathiser

  11. vikii na wana pnu wengine. can one of you guys tell me who among uhuru, kalonzo, ruto and any other kkk presidential wannabe will be the pnu presidential candidate.

    ya pili, the mungiki have effectively taken over kikuyu votes (the mungiki guy is the next big thing in kikuyuland and kikuyus will all vote for the mungiki candidates in whatever party - nani anapinga?) vikii, where does that leave empty suit kalonzo who was banking on kikuyu votes? Forget about drunkards like uhuru.

  12. anon 5:45 aka Phil,

    Kikuyu's are smarter than you dimwits. Thats why they have produced 2 presidents out of 3. You talk of Mungiki...te he he wish.
    We are solidly behind Kalonzo, Ruto, Balala and other kenyans have said the same thing too. Mr 8% is taking it 2012 inshallah....Raila like father like son will die without ever spending a night in state house.
    You can use this information as a loan guarantee in any bank...


  13. The Kibakis, Odingas, Mois and Kenyatta will do anything under the sun, just like the Sicilian Mafia, to protect their huge illegally gotten wealth. They will pour billions to make sure they get a puppet they can manipulate for their own selfish ends. Billions are already set aside for media campaigns to blitz Kenyans with propaganda just to influence the elections in 2012. It's time for anew order and Kenyans who care about the future of their country must reject these relics who happen to be past their sell-by dates. These dynasties delusionally believe they own Kenya just like a piece of toy to be manipulated. They lack the vision to take us to 2030 and beyond and will use all sorts of propagandists like Philemon Othieno and other spin doctors to take them to power at all costs! It's time the Luo waved goodbye to the enslavement of the Odinga family which they have blindly followed since independence. It's time for our brothers from MT Kenya to realize that the Kenyatta's own illegal lands the size of Nhyanza province. It's time for the Kaleos to realize the Mois became one of the richest families in Africa by riding roughshod on their poor backs. It's time for a new order! Wake up Kenyans!

  14. why does this jimmy talk as if he has a hot potato in his mouth!!!

  15. is wetangula, bufwoli wakoli and the rest in ODM?

  16. Do the Math baba! It is easy. Whatever the case, Kalonzo Musyoka will go the the elections ahead of Raila Odinga by about 200,000. That is, he can (or will) sweep 75% of Eastern Province, which will equal Raila's Nyanza and half Western. He will tip the scales in Central and why should Kabila Adui not give him even more?

    If it is a contest between Raila and Kalonzo, trouble for you guys. At least, Ruto will do justice to a dictator and then the rest will be history. We were told that Raila does not need Ruto. He depends on other people from the Rift Valley region. Where are those people now?

    Ati Raila ahead of Uhuru in Central, then, ask Wangari Karua what hit her. That was even before the PEV was visited proper. When it is brought up after June, go home.

    It is still possible that Raila can be a Kikuyu Elder (Moi was one) and still lose by a country mile. Still waiting for the coronation scheduled for Ruringu stadium. Now, Kibaki's son is bad? What came of the Bondo Declaration or the Fish Eating Ceremony.


  17. The trick is to step down at the last minute? the same way intelligence was taken for a ride during the MOCKERY that was ODM nominations in 2007. Ati traverse the country in mock campaigns and then declare Raila presidential candidate. Aah!

    We have seen it. Honestly, what was ODM thinking of the intelligence of Kenyans before the hammer-slinging thugs descended on Kalonzo Musyoka? Reap what you sow!

  18. @Deroo,
    Man up and stop the IMMATURE practice of mistakenly believing that painting your object of hate bad makes your lot look good. You are one eloquent youthwinger who would do with some basic lessons in self-education. When the political heat is unfavourably too much you take a hidding only to emerge firing from your ass ati KABILA ADUI. Don't you have anything else ama you are stuck in gear 1?

    Stop weeping louder than the bereaved Derrick Otieno.

  19. Youthwinger. We know the youthwingers on this blog


    PM tours west Kenya to strengthen party

    Posted Thursday, January 28 2010 at 11:39

    Prime Minister Raila Odinga heads to Western Province Friday to consolidate his support ahead of the controversial Simama Kenya rally set for Bungoma on Sunday.

    Organisers of the PM’s visit to Kakamega said he would preside over the ODM’s delegates conference to be held at the Golf Hotel.

    Mr Odinga held a similar meeting for Nyanza Province party delegates at Homa Bay town last weekend to help forge the party’s unity.

    The PM’s spokesman Mr Dennis Onyango confirmed to the Nation that Mr Odinga will be in his close ally, Musalia Mudavadi, stronghold.

    "Yes, we are going to Kakamega," said Mr Onyango.

    A member of the Western Kenya Elders Advisory Council, Mr Lucas Watta, who is involved in organising the conference said they expect members from all the 24 constituencies in the province to attend.

    ODM garnered 18 out of the 24 parliamentary seats in the province during the last general election but its grip in the region is being challenged by Saboti MP Eugene Wamalwa’s efforts to reinvigorate Ford Kenya, the party that held sway in the region prior to the last general election.

    Mr Watta said Mr Odinga’s visit was pre-arranged and that it had nothing to do with the Simama Kenya rally.

    The organisers of the Bungoma rally say they will use it to make a major political statement and launch Mr Wamalwa’s 2012 presidential bid.

    But Thursday, Mr Watta who is also a Bungoma nominated councillor and a former Rift Valley police boss described Mr Wamalwa’s bid as a pipedream.

    “Western Kenya residents are still fully behind Mr Odinga and Mr Mudavadi. We are united and will not fall prey to any attempts to split us. Mr Wamalwa should be careful not to be used by our Central Kenya brothers the way former ministers Mukhisa Kituyi and Elijah Mwangale were and dumped,” Mr Watta said.

    He added: “Ford-Kenya chairman Musikari Kombo also failed in his efforts to take Luhyas to wrong route in 2007.”

    The elder said Simama Kenya’s slogan Raundi hii siyo mchezo (This time it's no joke) could incite Kenyans to violence as it could be interpreted to mean 2012 elections could still be “rigged” as claimed in 2007.

    Mr Odinga met delegates from the 21 constituencies in Coast Province in December to counter an onslaught launched by Agriculture minister William Ruto and Najib Balala (Tourism) over his leadership.

    In a show of might, Mr Odinga also led 15 Cabinet ministers and more than 50 MPs in attending a rally at Tononoka Grounds where he announced ODM was still the party to beat in 2012 elections and could not be derailed on its march to State House.

    During the Homa Bay meeting, Mr Odinga launched a countrywide drive to galvanise support for the ODM ahead of the 2012 General Election.
    He said the move was aimed at reinforcing the party's grassroots support ahead of the next elections.

    "The basis of a party is the grassroots and the masses. As a party, we have realised that we must reinforce the foundation. Today we have begun a countrywide programme to meet grassroots leaders and iron out differences," he said.
    This round of activity came in the wake of another strategy in which the PM was meeting community elders to boost his grassroots support.

    The PM maintained that the party was stronger even in territories that were formerly not friendly.

    A recent opinion poll showed that Mr Odinga’s popularity in Central had risen significantly, and overtaken Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta who had been seen as the region’s formidable contender for 2012 elections.

  21.'s called use and dump...Tuju, Kombo, Donde...let us see who will step up to the plate, ready to forget parliament if they do not capture the will tell

  22. yes..crazy politico yakikenya,aha

  23. I have metamorphosed. First, on this blog I was posting PORN. Because I supported PNU in 2007. Then I was an NSIS spook. Then I was laughing at the death of the Kones' Family. Then, I was a PNU mole. A juvenile, a youthwinger, uneducated. Today, I am Derrick Otieno (Oh Dear Oh Dear). All from one person who does not want to read the reality that Raila Odinga is struggling in the national political pedestal. It all comes from an anonymous man/woman who feels that anything I write (a personal opinion) is not right and should not be written. He is even saying that I stay away when the political scenario is hot. I dont know how he reached that, but, in the last five years, I have visited Kumekucha on daily basis, apart from a moment in China where Kumekucha was blocked. That I decide not to ping to a thread does not mean that I do not visit, but it is by choice. Choice that has seen me avoid various posts.

  24. A lot of you may not know but Simama Kenya has a lot of support with the youth. Jimmy does not need Simama Kenya to run in Othaya. He can run with any other party and still have a good shot at winning. Simama Kenya is Jimmy's tool to cushion his family from the inevitable change of leadership, from the old to the new, that will occur in 2012. In 2012 there will be a rise that will see the youth begin to take form as leaders and a change in attitude that will enlighten youth. They'll realize the power they have to change this country if they work as a team, no matter their tribe, culture, clan, or any other stereo-type that has been placed on their shoulders by their back-ward elders.

    You can't blame Kibaki Jnr for wanting to cushion the past generation from the frustration of the incoming generation of leaders. WAKATI UMEFIKA!!!

  25. Guys, you need to read what Sunny Bindra wrote in last week's sunday nation. I like the part about GDP growth being headline news in India but in kenya head line news is about some silly poticians. No surprise that india will soon be the 3rd largest economy.

  26. Do you see how infighting in PNU has partly constributed to cancellation of Simama Bungoma rally. Now they want to blame it on ODM, which had its own function planned in Kakamega nearly 100kms away? The Simama-KKK-OK idea is simply not palatable to many residents in Western Kenya. Neither is it palatable to KKK themselves perhaps apart from those in Eastern.

    What's more: The soap opera that is the Kibaki succession is getting interesting by the day. It played out quite well in Naivasha, dont you all agree?

    As regards, Simama Kenya, the police withdrew the licence apparently because of insecurity, but surely sample this:
    -Who controls the ministry that the police falls under and considers 2012 as their last chance to run for presidency? George Saitoti PNU Chairman.
    - Who stands to lose most should Simama transforms into a political party? Uhuru Kenyatta (PNU Leader in Central Province).
    - Who had the most hopes of succeeding Kibaki's political constituency and even betrayed opposition in 2007? Kalonzo Musyoka KKK Architect.
    - Who might not even be elected MP if Eugene's candidature is actualised? Moses Wetangula.

    - Whats the common thread running through all these names? PNU souls who want to succeed Kibaki and who it would not be in their interest for Eugene to be associated with the first family in a succession term!

    Matters in PNU are not made easy by the fact Kibaki has so far not shown any preference to any successor and Jimmy's endorsement is the closest the Kibaki family has 'identified a successor' to the patriarch.

    PNU want us to believe that it is ODM that is having unity problems, but sincerely speaking who between Kalonzo, Ruto and Uhuru will step down for the other? Have we not been on this road before during the ODM-K days? Doesn't each of them always claim to have a bigger stake than the other to run for presidency?

    Personally, amd happy that the excess baggage that was William Ruto is no longer in ODM and is now openly building UDM grassroot network in Rift Valley albeit with plenty of difficulty. He is certain that he will be on the presidential ballot paper, and was hopping to have Eugene as his running mate. With just 5 MPs, he can find a seat to bargain from on the national political table.

    On the other hand, and if truth be told, there is no love lost between Kales and Kiuks, so the KKK alliance is DOA. Kalonzo is hopping that Ocampo will make his work easier by swiftly indicting Ruto and Uhuru so he can have KKK / OK constituency all to himself and without any credible challenge. Word on the ground is that he has actually assured exPresident Moi that he will have man-Gideon Moi as his running mate if Ocampo makes short work of Ruto. The fire inside PNU is intensified by the fact George Saitoti is also claiming his stake as the highest and most faithful of all Kibaki's supporters. He is ready to ditch PNU for ODM if he is not the torch bearer or if Kibaki openly endorses any other candidate. Take your pick guys - who has a bigger ego than any of these PNU pretenders to the throne? Kalonzo, Ruto, Saitoti, Uhuru, Eugene, Wetangula, Wakoli, not forgetting Karua............. and then you say ODM is having problems?

  27. OK-KKK-simama , OK if KKK ISIMAM(e) , leta ingine hizo zote zime flop , lol

  28. Why are people so stupid? Honestly, why?

    ”All eyes however, will be focused in Bungoma …..when the political future of Saboti MP Eugene Wamalwa is put on the line when he hosts a Simama Kenya financially backed rally in Bungoma " - Verdict NON STARTER - BURIED ALIVE

    It will be an uphill task to climb out of this” setback” read disaster. Its easy to spend money yapping about the youth without any rock solid agenda or ideology that address their plight. Let’s assume all this was about the youth. How was Wamalwa chosen and who were on that shortlist ... they never bothered, because as in the old days - that’s how” projects” were run. The only difference is that this project is being run through proxy. If they actually cared/bothered about the youth this Simama hydra would get a shortlist of literarily a thousand and one capable ,astute, able and willing youth with solid track records , better education & leadership qualities to choose from , not forgetting " real life experience " - people whose parents struggled with their school fees , their water was cut from time to time because they could not pay bills or no water and electricity if they lived in the country side, they had to survive in school, one pair of socks with holes , uniform had to be washed at night to be ready for school the next morning - survived due to their intelligence and hard work. Todays ”Self Made” real people with real Kenyan experience and with fresh ideas.

    Is simama talking about the” real” misery of the youth? The best person to lead and solve the youth’s problems is one who has experienced what they are trying to solve in the first place. A privileged class experience and golf club idea is what put us in this mess. Our agendas are different. These home grown “foreigners” to your real life experience will never choose somebody capable to solve your problems, they always anoint one of their own - you can take that as security to Equity Bank.

    I guess the real question to Sir Jimmy since he is the patron for this ”youthful change” scheme is - what exactly is the reason for his support? What failures were committed by the presidency pre and post PEV and how did he reach the conclusion that Wamalwa will be the best person to solve them as President, who was the runner up ?

    How did those problems affect the youth and country in general and what has he himself done, seen to be doing or been doing to address them pre and post PEV. If he answers these questions honestly starting with the mistakes and logically following up with effects, his contributions and how Wamalwa will solve them, we might just start to believe him otherwise as it stands any intelligent man realises that since” its not business as usual” he’s just been woken up from the bubble that is state house and handed a script for protecting their gains and maintaining the privileges from outside.

    This hydra was a little premature regarding the presidency. The rules of engagement has been changed at Naivasha , the players of this Simama Kenya con have been exposed watch out for the next tentacle – but I can guarantee you it will be with these same players marketed to benefit the youth but geared to protect their interest. If we fall for it again without hard questions Kenya will remain the same. You will remain having the biggest freshwater lakes in Africa , drought , starvation while irrigating Egyptian farms, Matatus hold people hostage , while the rail system is sold off to their fellow “ foreigners “ and assets used for bank loans that have nothing to do with transportation citizens squatting while mass tracts of land is held for speculation etc e. I can go on for ages with problems caused by these “ home grown foreigners “ but suffice it to say real change can only come through real people - be very afraid when privileged names bandy around other privileged names as the best thing that has happened to you.

    There is really no substitute for stupidity.

  29. Mau Thieves, Maize thieves, Y92 Thieves, Goldenberg thieves, etc will always continue to rule Kenya, because Kenyans are blind and s....

    Kumekucha rafiki. Dont sleep.

  30. I don't know why anyone should bother replying to the manufactured lies and crass propaganda of this ODM-R cult adherent, after all, fanatics always have tunnel vision and it is a waste of time responding to their nonsense. Nonetheless, it is criminal to allow their falsehoods to fester.
    What this fellow does not tell you and in fact doesn't seem to realise is that whether ODM-R likes it or not, there is going to be a cataclysmic generational change of leadership in 2012, and Raila Odinga will be swept aside into retirement and political irrelevance by the tribeless OK Alliance fronted by young politicians like Balala, Uhuru, Kalonzo and Ruto.
    In pursuit of this exciting event by the OK Alliance, there will be no divisive stepping aside for anyone as bw. Phil hopes and prays. Instead there will be a democratic contest for the OK Alliance ticket just like Obama and Clinton contested the Democratic party ticket and then united to take on and defeat the Republicans and form the Govt. Alternatively, they could all run in a first round race against each other and ODM's Raila where it is very unlikely that anyone candidate could get over the 50%+1 threshhold. The top 2 candidates would not get more than 30% of the vote in this first round. OK Alliance affiliated candidates could then unite in the second round to support their colleague against Raila who will likely be one of the top 2.
    Given that OK Alliance combined potentially controls at least 70% of registered voters, ODM-R would be taken down in a landslide.
    This is what informs the sheer terror and fear in ODM-R that their man is on borrowed time and that his political career is at an end.
    In this regard, take it from me that Wamalwa and Jimmy are indeed part of the OK Alliance strategy to make sure the Bukusu vote is kept away from ODM-R and the so called Western Alliance of Luos and the wider Luhya, themselves very unreliable and fickle allies.
    In a word, Raila is in big trouble contrary to what bloggers like the author and the EA Standard strenuously try to portray, and the frustrations are manifested in the lies, bitter hatred and malevolent waru-in-the-throat jealousy directed at Jimmy Kibaki whose only crime is to be fortunate enough to be the privileged son of a very wealthy politician.

  31. Rimi,

    The Standard reporter did not talk about romours and predictions. He said what is happening on the ground. Your piece is full of romours, innuendos, wishful thinking, and propaganda-like predictions. Just dream on. Kenya will not change in a day. Most of the guys you have lines up may never see the inside of parliament again. Lets start counting .... 1. Magara, 2. Balala, next?

  32. Kimi,

    As the saying goes, leave politics to politicians. Writing passionate articles in a blog will never change what is happening on the ground.

    Is it a wonder Raila is more popular than Uhuru in Central Kenya? Or that poll was cooked? Where were the vijana during the polls? Did the pollster target wazee only?

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