Thursday, October 01, 2009

Ringera’s Reappointment: The Perfect Plan That Never Worked

Nothing fascinates me more than studying the decision-making process in the corridors of power. All through history we have seen the interaction between he-who-the-buck-stops-at-his-desk and their close advisors. Remember the case in the good book of the King’s advisor who committed suicide because his correct decision was not followed?

If I was to look at Kibaki’s administration and describe the decision-making process in one sentence I would say that this is the presidency of perfect plans that never worked out. Intelligence usually breeds arrogance and arrogance is deadly because it leads to lots of mistakes. That is why a wise man once said pride comes before a fall. Well the president is surrounded by some very intelligent chaps. Their undoing is that they are also some of the most arrogant folks the continent has seen since the days of King Shaka Zulu. And to make matters worse they are also tribalists. They “know” that their tribe is superior. When you “know” something there is no point debating about it. What for? Si you KNOW?

These fellows always come up with perfect schemes that sometimes end up hurting a lot of people. There are numerous perfect plans that have been hatched during Kibaki’s tenure but I will give just two. One is the perfect plan behind the hurried reappointment of Ringera and the other hurt the nation beyond repair. Let me start with the latter.

In the run up to the 2007 general elections intelligence reports clearly showed that President Mwai Kibaki would lose the election by a landslide. In fact some patriotic Kenyans in the intelligence community, knowing what was being hatched leaked some of these highly confidential reports and they were published all over the web.

Now “the perfect plan” was hatched. Hold the election results from some Mount Kenya constituencies until the very end. And then let the president win by a slim margin of say 200,000 votes. Kila mtu anajua wa-Kikuyu ni wengi, ongeza Wameru na waembu hapo na mambo kwisha (everybody knows that Kikuyus are many just add a few Merus and Embus there and everything will be fine).

These intelligent fellows knew that some people would not take such election results lying down so they sent a large contingent of riot police to Kisumu as the final touch to this “perfect plan.” You guys know what happened.

The “Ringera perfect plan” went like this. KACA holds some rather sensitive information about the Anglo Leasing scam. Anybody looking at it would NOT even need to be a lawyer to see that the trail leads right back to one man and one man alone. That man is Mwai Kibaki. Mwai Kibaki is Anglo Leasing. Even Chris Murungaru was a mere servant following instructions. And so this little parastatal called KACA, ironically established under the initiative of Mwai Kibaki himself is a cause for great concern amongst the president’s handlers. And so the perfect plan was hatched. Hurriedly re-appoint Justice Ringera and only one of two things will happen;

1. Parliament will make noise and finally accept the decision, narrowly (with a little prodding from the executive in the right places).

2. Parliament will reject the appointment and to derail KACA will with-hold funding, meaning that the operations of the anti-corruption body will grind to a halt indefinitely.

Either way the interests of the executive will have been achieved. To be honest the first time I heard about this plot (shortly after the re-appointment of Ringera) I was sure that it was going to work exactly as planned.

Well you folks know what happened. The unexpected happened. The president’s own loyalists turned against him and legislators from both sides of the house ganged up together to say “NO.” Uhuru Kenyatta was sent with some cash to distribute (which he did) but it had no effect on the final outcome. Some MPs took the cash and still voted with their conscience (although some simply stayed away from the house).

The good thing about this “perfect plan” is that only Ringera’s ego was badly hurt. However of great concern is yet another looming “perfect plan” being hatched for the Kibaki succession. I don’t know the whole plan yet (although I can guess) but it is already beginning to take shape with careful security and finance appointments. And as usual plenty of people will get hurt.

God save Kenya from “perfect plans.”

Below is a guest post from one of my top notch guest writers.

Out Goes The-Never-Was Draggon Slayer Ringera as The-Law-Breaker Kibaki Goes Scot Free!

By Guest Writer
Today’s lead story by the Standard reads: “What Ringera did not say was that he was a marked man, the writings were on the wall, and he could not even see the President on Tuesday because it seemed, he too, had given up on him. The hostility to the reappointment was beginning to cast the President in bad light . . . Sources revealed the President’s aides were reluctant to allow the meeting because it had leaked to the Press. The meeting would have cast the picture of a conspiracy between Kibaki and Ringera.”

My take is that the fate that befell Ringera is a wake up call to those we have entrusted with public offices. It’s time it dawned on them they are in office to serve their fellow citizen and not their godfathers. One may sleep on the job or cover up the dirty tracks of his/her powerful godfathers to suit their personal interests. But when the public tide turns against the officer, the cord linking the person to the godfather will definitely snap and the fall will be as thunderous and painful like that of Ringera.

If I was Ringera, I would have read the public mood from the onset and asked myself why Kibaki was so desperate to return me to office through the back door. I would have been candid and admitted I had not delivered as per the public expectations. Surely, the man earned Sh2.5 million each month for five years and tax payers pumped billions of shillings into KACC annually for its operations and not one head has ever been convicted over mega graft. Ringera only waves figures of Cabinet Ministers and other public officers he has investigated and recommended prosecution.

If I was Ringera, I would not sit in an office and see my bank account swell while the fruits of my work are not visible. There’s no doubt Ringera faired very poorly in investigations related to the Anglo Leasing and other scandals that touched on people close to Kibaki and Moi. Ringera served personal interests of Kibaki and Moi and that’s why Kibaki could break the law to keep him in office. Ringera frequently went to State House to meet Kibaki. For what? Isn’t he directly answerable to Parliament only as the law says? Have we ever heard him driving to Parliament to upgrade his employer (Parliament) on the progress he has made in the war against graft?

I admire Ringera for his brilliance and intelligence. But I pity him for making a fool of himself and opening himself to public ridicule for allowing himself to be used by Kibaki for his selfish motives and then get ditched when the stench became so much for Kibaki to bear. Kibaki has a reputation for use and dump.

On the other hand, the debate on Ringera shows how the Kenyan nation is made up of hypocrites. MPs who supported or bashed Ringera are no angels. Apart from all MPs – Kibaki and Raila included - refusing to pay taxes and taking a moral high ground in the wake of the Ringera saga, we know that corruption is oiled by politics. Almost every MP is in the so-called August House because they bribed voters with their ill-gotten wealth. You must be God’s sent angel to hit the campaign road in Kenya on empty pockets, campaigning on a platform of a clean name and impressive credentials, and win voters to your side.

A big number of our MPs are as corrupt as the majority of Kenyan voters. They bought their parliamentary seats and we sold them to the highest bidder. Other MPs – Cyrus Jirongo, Zakayo Cheruiyot, William Ruto, Ephraim Maina, Prof George Saitoti, Kiraitu Murungi, Musalia Mudavadi, just to mention a few – have been adversely mentioned in mega corruption under the Kibaki and Moi regimes.

Our Parliament is filled with looters, murderers and tribalists who can’t pass the moral test of how they made their wealth or made it to Parliament. The debate on Ringera in Parliament betrayed that. MPs who were unfortunate to see Ringera knocking on their doors questioning how they got their wealth or how their abused their offices fought hard to see him exit.

Raila Odinga, the self-proclaimed advocate of the poor Kenyans, is neither an angel as he has never cleared his name in the Kisumu Molasses Plant trade-in for dirty politics with Moi when he dissolved his NDP party to join Moi’s gravy train of looting Kenya.

The MPs should now ride on the same wave they set in motion and force themselves to pay taxes like the rest of us, drive Amos Wako and CJ Evans Gicheru out of office. As long as Kibaki and the cable of corruption remains intact, the war on corruption will remain a mileage and Ringera’s replacement will face the same hurdles. Will those MPs who were being investigated by Ringera sit back and allow his successor to continue with investigations or others will allow fresh investigations on themselves?

I admit I hold no monopoly for integrity or moral conscience. And I submit that none of the 222 MPs – including Speaker Kenneth Marende – and a majority of Kenyan voters hold that monopoly. We are all sucked into the corruption web and filth that has sunk Kenya into the hole we find ourselves in today. Who can cast the first stone he/she has never sought a bribe or offered a bribe to win a favour or escape the law or influenced decisions to their favour?

We are all chameleons like Amos Wako who play to the tune that pleases whoever is in State House. If Raila become President, we would see Wako swinging his loyalty to him overnight. Our collective moral conscience is seriously wanting and we have to collectively go back to the drawing board if we want to genuinely save Kenya. But we’ll all sink with our motherland due to our collective greed and ignorance and the chronic obsession with our ethnic cocoons. The Ringera debate has largely argued and won on the basis on political, tribal inclinations and personal interests. Few have the interest of Kenya at heart.

While the Ringera saga has consumed the energies of MPs and ordinary Kenyans, blaming the dragon slayer for all manner of evils (real and imagined), I hold a different view. The saga exposed the selfish man that is Kibaki. He exposed Ringera to public ridicule and hatred and then sat back in State House to enjoy the man’s name and reputation being torn to shreds. Why should the Standard pretend to look like Kibaki’s apologists? Hammer Kibaki for his evils and stop painting him to look like an angel.

Although Ringera shares some blame for accepting an illegal re-appointment, MPs and Kenyans should have equally turned their guns on Kibaki. Kibaki broke the law in bypassing the advisory board and Parliament in re-appointing Ringera but all anger was directed at Ringera leaving Kibaki to walk scot free with his evils. What will stop him from driving Kenya into another senseless drama?

It’s under Kibaki’s reign that Kenya almost became another Somalia over the flawed 2007 Presidential polls. There are conflicting theories that both Kibaki and Raila fiddled with results in their political backyards. If that was not the case, why did they agree to share power if each knew he had won legally? Those who disagree with that view can argue it to their graves. I believe Kibaki and Raila are not angels and I would not put my life on the line for any of them. They are a curse to Kenya and that’s why we went into mayhem chopping each others hands and heads to put them into powerful offices. Those who worship and lick the bottoms of the two men with their tongues should answer this: Does Kibaki and Raila suffer like the rest of us or aren’t they driven by personal greed?

Martha Karua is another Kibaki. We know the role she played in Kibaki’s “WIN” triggering a bloodbath in Kenya and now she seizes every moment to fool our imaginations why she is God’s gift for Kenya as Kibaki’s successor! The media and foreign missions in Kenya seem to have been fooled. If Samuel Kivuitu and his ECK team were demonized for overseeing flawed elections, where does that leave the likes of Kibaki, Raila, Karua and all the 222 MPs?

The best thing God can do to save Kenya for us and future generations is to speed up the Hague Train so that Kibaki, Raila, Karua, Ruto and all those who think they own Kenya or have a monopoly of violence and impunity can answer for their sins. When that happens, we’ll know we are all equal before the law. We’ll learn to respect each other despite our tribal backgrounds. This will give us an opportunity to sit down like equal partners and agree to move forward like civilised creatures not primitive creatures who kill each other for politicians who care little about us.


  1. Guest writer said.......Raila Odinga, the self-proclaimed advocate of the poor Kenyans, is neither an angel as he has never cleared his name in the Kisumu Molasses Plant trade-in for dirty politics with Moi when he dissolved his NDP party to join Moi’s gravy train of looting Kenya.

    Can you please substantiate this statement that is obviously far fetched and unwarranted?

    Its hight time people stopped peddling rumours and confronted facts.

    The Kisumu factory was sold in a public auction. I want to say here and now, that if you, Guest Writer, spent a coin of your money, I challenge you to table the official payment receipt that you may have contributed in exchange for a full refund! Unless you do that, you have no right to write as if it is your own personal money that was used to purchase this plant. For god's sake, that factory prematurely ended Dr. Ouko's life. That factory sat unutilized and like a museum for more than two decades before right thinking Kenyans decided to revive it. Unless you are a share holder, please spare us the useless innuendos.

    The bone of contention is probably the land on which the factory sits. Government does not SELL land. Government lawfully ALLOCATES land. The then president acted within the law when he allocated this land to the buyer of the Mollases plant.

    You do not expect an investor to buy a factory as large as the Molasses plant, and then proceed to operate it from the air, do you? It must sit on land somewhere.

    So, before you pen your half baked and emotional rumours, please check out the facts and point out the exact illegalities so we can have a well ventilated debate.

    One wonders what weed some of these people smoke before they purport to lecture the rest of us.


  2. I'll still be giving you important leaks... but some will also appear in the new blog we talked about. Last night, they tried to get the files from the KACC vaults. Didn't work coz Ringera wouldn't play ball until the 150million is in his account. Interesting times

  3. Are you serious that after all Ringera will get 150M even though he denied that he doesnt want the money?

  4. Phil,

    You cleverly evaded another point raised by the guest writer. Is Kabila Adui paying his taxes as an MP for Langata and also as Prime Minister? (like Muthama, Peter Kenneth etc) I also challenge you to post the names of all the employees in the Molasses plant including senior management!

  5. All politicians use and dump. Our cousin barry is the biggest dumper. There is always enough room under his bus. He will not protect you, especially if you are black.

    Is phil denis onyango? If not, phil should ask onyango to share his salo with him.

  6. M-Pesa said...

    You cleverly evaded another point raised by the guest writer. Is Kabila Adui paying his taxes as an MP for Langata and also as Prime Minister?

    Our comment:

    One can understand the feelings of Kenyans on the issue of taxation of mps. However, it is our considered opinion that merely chasing mps to pay tax is a waste of time and resources. In fact, the rich are enjoying this circus for it diverts attention from the real issue facing us.

    This is the reason for our opinion. Even if Raila paid, let us say 400, 000 kes per annum as tax from his salary/salaries, as long as the land he owns in Karen/molasses etc is untaxed, the increase in his land value will always offset his tax bill. As we know, he can take "equity" from these lands which banksters love very much and speculate at NSE and make more money.

    However, the guy in Kibera, Korogocho etc who pays his rent to the landdevil, and then tax to the tax collector/robber, (like Phil assuming he lives in Kibera) has no means whatsoever of crawling back his tax.

    Thus, without taxing the land/natural, the super rich do not pay any tax even if they appear to pay to the masses who do not differentiate btw substance and appearance.

    Therefore, instead of demonstrating as Caroline Mutoko and her friends were doing the other day, Kenyans should demand in one voice:

    - tax on land/natural resources,
    - tax on pollution and waste and pollution so as to remove/drastically income/wage, consumption and capital taxation.

    Thats seems to us the only way of ensuring justice and equity.

  7. Now that M- Pesa has raised the question of taxation, let quote very briefly some of the views of two great economists on the question of tax.

    Francois Quesnay wrote that:

    "That taxes should not be destructive or dispropionate ... and that THEY SHOULD BE LAID DIRECTLY ON THE NET PRODUCT OF LANDED PROPERTY, and NOT ON MEN'S WAGES, or ON PRODUCE where they would increase the COST of collection, operate to the DETRIMENT of trade, and DESTROY every year a portion of the nation's wealth."

    Let us see what Adam Smith who every capitalist knows about. He wrote that:

    "The expense of government to the individuals of a great nation is like the expense of management to the joint tenants of a great estate, who are obliged to contribute IN PROPORTION to their respective INTERESTS in the ESTATE.

    In the observation or neglect of this maxim consists, what is called EQUALITY or INEQUALITY OF TAXATION."

    He also added that: "Ground - rents, and the ordinary rent of land, are, therefore, perhaps, THE SPECIES OF REVENUE which can BEST BEAR to have a peculiar tax imposed upon them."

    If Kenya is a free market economy as we tell/lie to ourselves, how come these teachings of Adam Smith are missing in our economic schools and in our economy? How come the magicians at the World Bank are silent on this question?

    And, to what extent do we distort our economy by ignoring these teachings? In our view, this is the ISSUE and not more taxation.

  8. Mwarengethe, your theories sound good but i think you just avoided answering a very simple question.

  9. Anonymous said...
    Mwarengethe, your theories sound good but i think you just avoided answering a very simple question.

    Our response:

    Which question is that? And, if it is about value of credit certificates, we are silent deliberately for when you try to answer the question we asked, you shall start seeing the matrix. Thats the best way of learning.

    We asked, what is the definition of Kenyan shilling which we have used since independence as a unit of account or as a measure of value? Answer this question first.

  10. for the record, you who keep saying raila said 'kabila adui'.....please state the evidence, when and where did he say this????? anyway moving on.
    WAKO should be removed next.
    WAKO if your reading this, we Kenyans are demanding you resign......pronto!
    YOU have cost KENYA alot with your grinning incompetence and corruption

  11. If you want to know the owner of a dog,just hit it and if you attack the owner,the dog will instinctively come to the masters' defence.Well,well,it didnt take long for the asslickers that the guest writer wrote about, to start barking at the mere mention the masters corrupt ways.How dare this guest abuse our hospitality?We all know some people are 'as clean as cotton' dont we?

  12. Thanks God

    Kenya's presidency is neutralised.Kibaki is but a silly and ineffective "dully elected " president.

    Kibaki is a lame duck- In the past year not even one of his "orders" has been satisfied-Mau,IDP and others. He even let down Michuki's matatu rules (to accomodate Mungiki) in stealing elections).

    Now ICC- it is a smoke screen- The two principals should be in that Waki envelope.

    I like it. It is a time that all, including the said two are working very hard to avoid being in the envelope.

    But, those in it-say Police comish Ali, will he not say he followd orders from the commesder in chief?
    will Ruto not say he followed orders from "ODM's chief"?

    Interesting times ahead.

    Lets watch the film.

    And b4 I get off, UHURU KENYATTA and JIMMY KIBAKI will never make it in Politics-Uhuru better stay in Gatundu. Jimmy, dont even think about it. Your dad is a "common thief" which has caused so much short and long-term painful effect on Kikuyu's.
    Kibaki almost got Kenya the Somali way.sad. but he did.

    Kikuyus will "pay" for his greed for genrations to come!

  13. thank goodness. the poll tax should be reintroduced in kenya, and land taxes should imposed on every inch of land that has been deeded.

    kenyans are always ready and will to kill each other, even their kin for the sake of land, so why not impose hefty taxes on one of the most priced possessions in the country.

    and confiscate untilized land. there is plenty of it.

  14. You are addicted to demonising kikuyus conveniently forgetting that Karua called for a recount of ALL the votes odm rejected the call they only wanted PNU strongholds recounted
    Your guest writer got it right, both odm and pnu fiddled with votes as per the kriegler report.

    To Raila apologists

    • Raila is not Mr clean has never been, he is a child of privilege, his father held the monopoly for the production of gas cylinders in the country and when he succumbed to moi’s seduction he was handed the lucrative energy ministry where he became the sole supplier of bitumen (tarmac)during the moi regime.
    • He has never accounted for the money raised from poor wananchi to purchase the molasses plant yet he eventually bought the plant for himself and never paid the full value for the land.
    • Regardless of how he would discount his taxes any man of integrity would simply pay his due taxes as a matter of honour period, this is not a debatable issue

    It is a pity how these American conservatives (Republicans) masquerading as ‘consultants’ in Kenya still suffer from President- Bush hangovers.

    The pro-Kibaki pollster (Steadman) Dr. Tom Wolf, who has greatly benefited from our coffers (via quarterly polling contracts) thanks to his proximity to Kibaki, is now expressing Bush-hangover and trying to critique America’s new foreign policies.

    America has a new President, a new party in power, and a new set of policies for Africa – so please stop dreaming about the origin of the idea of targeted sanctions being unclear. The notion of trying to spite, rubbish or question policies emanating from the office of U.S. Asst. Secretary of State (Africa), Johnny Carson - an African American - will not wash. They are truly representative of Obama's own views.

    It is in fact Obama’s U.S. foreign policy revisions for Africa that will inform the NEW democracy-promoting USAID manuals. These right-wing-nuts still don’t get it.

    Smart, targeted-sanctions to individuals is a clearly thought-out strategy customized for Kenya and a host of other nations. It is complemented this time (in concert) with new diplomatic realignments with China and Russia (previous saboteurs), and Wolf had better understand that the State Department is at liberty to pin-point individuals it deems to be largely responsible for sabotaging reforms in Kenya – whether through sheer job descriptions or specific intelligence gathered.

    For instance, you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to quickly figure out that one William Ruto, and another Uhuru Kenyatta, are not exactly supporting the formation of a local tribunal to try PEV masterminds.

    Unless one is both blind and deaf, George Saitoti’s public pronouncements to the effect that reforming police is akin to triggering a revolution clearly tells where he stands with regard to police reforms.

    The U.S., like ordinary Kenyans can see all these. They are at liberty to take any action they deem appropriate, regarding such individuals (& families) accessing their land.

    Wolf’s crazy insinuation that Kibaki should take flak for Uhuru and Raila take the blame for Jakoyo is as silly as it gets. Kila mtu atabeba mzigo yake! Nothing like collective blame or buck-passing. Sanctions must be laser guided to individual targets.

    It is clear that Wolf has little clue as to the mandate given to the GCG by the NARA deal when he states;

    The larger question which thus emerges is whether the pursuit of these reforms is inherently hostile to the survival of the GCG itself, and whether, to the extent that it is, the Americans and other external actors pressing for them recognize this contradiction?

    The GCG was formed precisely to effect far reaching reforms and if that is not happening then the GCG does not need to even exist.
    Isn’t it also astounding that Wolf is only discovering today that Ranneberger is loud?

    Wolf is today accusing Ranneberger of adopting ‘loud mouth’ diplomatic etiquette yet he was silent when Ranneberger was at his loudest in December 2007, just days before the election, when the Ambassador loudly contradicted his own Steadman Poll findings showing Raila with clear lead ahead of Kibaki? Didn’t Ranneberger loudly claim the contest was ‘too close to call’ rubbishing all opinion polls? Wasn’t that a blatant show of loud-mouth and meddlesome interference in Kenya’s democracy by a foreign diplomat? What has changed about Ranneberger? Nothing, expect the policy book he is reading from!




    It is a pity how these American conservatives (Republicans) masquerading as ‘consultants’ in Kenya still suffer from President- Bush hangovers.

    The pro-Kibaki pollster (Steadman) Dr. Tom Wolf, who has greatly benefited from our coffers (via quarterly polling contracts) thanks to his proximity to Kibaki, is now expressing Bush-hangover and trying to critique America’s new foreign policies.

    America has a new President, a new party in power, and a new set of policies for Africa – so please stop dreaming about the origin of the idea of targeted sanctions being unclear. The notion of trying to spite, rubbish or question policies emanating from the office of U.S. Asst. Secretary of State (Africa), Johnny Carson - an African American - will not wash. They are truly representative of Obama's own views.

    It is in fact Obama’s U.S. foreign policy revisions for Africa that will inform the NEW democracy-promoting USAID manuals. These right-wing-nuts still don’t get it.

    Smart, targeted-sanctions to individuals is a clearly thought-out strategy customized for Kenya and a host of other nations. It is complemented this time (in concert) with new diplomatic realignments with China and Russia (previous saboteurs), and Wolf had better understand that the State Department is at liberty to pin-point individuals it deems to be largely responsible for sabotaging reforms in Kenya – whether through sheer job descriptions or specific intelligence gathered.

    For instance, you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to quickly figure out that one William Ruto, and another Uhuru Kenyatta, are not exactly supporting the formation of a local tribunal to try PEV masterminds.

    Unless one is both blind and deaf, George Saitoti’s public pronouncements to the effect that reforming police is akin to triggering a revolution clearly tells where he stands with regard to police reforms.

    The U.S., like ordinary Kenyans can see all these. They are at liberty to take any action they deem appropriate, regarding such individuals (& families) accessing their land.

    Wolf’s crazy insinuation that Kibaki should take flak for Uhuru and Raila take the blame for Jakoyo is as silly as it gets. Kila mtu atabeba mzigo yake! Nothing like collective blame or buck-passing. Sanctions must be laser guided to individual targets.

    It is clear that Wolf has little clue as to the mandate given to the GCG by the NARA deal when he states;

    The larger question which thus emerges is whether the pursuit of these reforms is inherently hostile to the survival of the GCG itself, and whether, to the extent that it is, the Americans and other external actors pressing for them recognize this contradiction?

    The GCG was formed precisely to effect far reaching reforms and if that is not happening then the GCG does not need to even exist.
    Isn’t it also astounding that Wolf is only discovering today that Ranneberger is loud?

    Wolf is today accusing Ranneberger of adopting ‘loud mouth’ diplomatic etiquette yet he was silent when Ranneberger was at his loudest in December 2007, just days before the election, when the Ambassador loudly contradicted his own Steadman Poll findings showing Raila with clear lead ahead of Kibaki? Didn’t Ranneberger loudly claim the contest was ‘too close to call’ rubbishing all opinion polls? Wasn’t that a blatant show of loud-mouth and meddlesome interference in Kenya’s democracy by a foreign diplomat? What has changed about Ranneberger? Nothing, expect the policy book he is reading from!

  18. The amount of money is enough to support those still crying in the mesh. After all I guess we will just stand and watch the money pass by.


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