Thursday, October 01, 2009

Hague Express: Paid-up Passengers Boarding

Who let the elephant (Moreno Ocampo) back into the house?Ticket holders in the name of supporters, funders, organisers and perpetrators of post election violence have today began the final leg of the journey aboard the train to the waiting jail cells at the Hague.

This must surely be Justice Waki's moment of triumph. Without a doubt, Waki's infamous list will be expanded, expounded and finally revealed. Nobody just wakes up one day and begins to hack their neighbour with a machete. The prosecutor must have found this point intriguing,leading him to declare that Kenya must be made a world example of managing violence

Deliberate, focused and impartial investigations will reveal that the ground is levelled and ripe for prosecuting both organs of state and spontaneous acts of ordinary criminality. surely justice delayed is not justice denied.

But wait a minute, we are independent and sovereign. True, we may be used to blackouts, floods and famine but still we have pride even after begging for alms. And who said you cant sink your teeth into the very hands feeding you? Welcome Prof Moreno, make the kings of impunity shake and dissolve inside their boots.


  1. At this hour, one can only sum matters this way. Kenyan courts and their grudges, oh, no judges are nothing but mere tools of the mighty.

    No wonder the image of justice in Kenya has slipped the bandage from one eye so as to be able to use the scales to weigh the bribes she receives.

    Consequently, to expect Wanjiku when facing the mighty to get justice in these dens of injustice is like expecting a new born baby to fight it with a pack of hyenas in Masa Mara.

  2. kenya's problems are deep seated and we (kenyans) are the problem. don't give bribes or take bribes if you expect to see real justice and progress in kenya.

    kenyans are their own worst enemy, from the villages right up to the static house, call it state house if you may.

  3. Now begins the fall of the prince of violence whose campaign stratergy was founded on 'Kabila adui' slogan.
    Raila and his flower girls who went uttering madoadoa aka wiping Kikuyu from Riftvalley must be wetting their sagging pants knowing that you can hire the best spin doctor to cheat the world how you had a lengthy meeting with Obama on democracy but those spin doctors will not wipe the blood stains in your shirt and dyed hair.
    And before morons come shouting stolen elections, they need to tell us what elections harmless women and children next door stole.
    Taabu must bemoarning after cheering the slaughter of Kikuyus since his relatives are going down pronto!!!!!!


    Not only those who stole the elections but also more so, the same people, thieves, GEMA, who think that they can steal everything from land, jobs, scholarship, everything material, GEMA must know that their 100-year plan of domination of the rest of the other Kenyans is soon coming to an end with justice descending on Kenya from The Hague.
    Its not a surprise that GEMA stands for Grab Everything Material Available!
    Now is the time for them to answer for all their crimes, selfish criminal domination,criminal grabbing, assassinations, etc, etc.
    Now is the time for Waki to tell the world why he chose to punish the Kalenjins, Luos and the rest while sparing the godfathers of impunity like Mwai Kibaki, Mutula Kilonzo,Kalonzo Musyoka, George Saitoti, Jenga Karume, John Chris Kirubi, John Michuki, Martha Karua, Kabando Wa Kabando, Cardinal Njue, to mention but a few.
    Luis Moreno Ocampo! Welcome but remember that the father of impunity, Mwai Kibaki, single-handedly appointed Philip Waki to carry out the 2007 post elections-violence!!


  5. 'Kabla ya kushika wale walitoa fujo,lazima kwanza washike wale walipanga njama ya kuiba kura'.Dont you just love the way Kenyan politcians think and reason.Its pure drama!Ocampo,here we come!


    Not only those who stole the elections but also more so, the same people, thieves, ODMorons, who think that they can steal everything from land, jobs, scholarship, everything material, ODMorons must know that their 100-year plan of domination of the rest of the other Kenyans is soon coming to an end with justice descending on Kenya from The Hague.
    Its not a surprise that ODM stands for Overall Destructive Minds!
    Now is the time for them to answer for all their crimes, selfish criminal domination,criminal grabbing, assassinations, etc, etc.
    Now is the time for Waki to show proof to the world why morons pretending to be Kalenjins spokesmen, Luos kings spread impunity.
    Luis Moreno Ocampo! Welcome but remember that the father of impunity, Raila 'Mwizi wa Mahindi' Mollasses Odinga, single-handedly blew the whistle for the 2007 post elections-violence!!


  7. ...."What Kenyans needs to do is to forget the past and move on as one sovereign nation. Kenyans need to forgive one another and pray that past violence will not happen again. Since the violence that rocked this nation after the elections, we have made tremendous gains which can easily be eroded with the interference of foreigners like Ocampo or Obama. Only Kenyans can fix their own problems since we understand ourselves better. Foreign elements trying to meddle in our internal affairs will only bring more chaos and bloodshed in this republic. It's pointless to target any tribe or anyone so as to settle political scores! Please, let's forgive, forget and move on as one peaceful nation!"...

    That and more similar tripe coming soon to a funeral or political rallies near your town starring the usual suspects.

  8. Ata Ocampo aimbe, our work will not be finished untill we wipe them out. Then we can make our bedrooms at the hague after Kenya imefagiliwa. We are not going to be slaves and that is for sure. Even if we are taken to the Hague, we would have left hope, freedom and opportunity for our children and tribesmen, not slavery and dissillusionment.

  9. HEHEHE. There is a saying that goes ' if you throw a stone at a pack of dogs, the one that yelps the loudest is the one that has been hit'.
    All this bickering, and name calling based on no factual foundation but mere emotion just goes to prove the above.
    Kweli kumekuchans, do you think the international community (ICC included) operates on tribal whims and innuendos like most of us kenyans do.

  10. Ocampo said he doesn't care about stolen elections because theft of an election is not a crime against humanity. Also, the claim that the PE violence was spontaneous is not a defense against international crimes. So ODMorons like LUKE should engage better lawyers, not village witchdoctors and fishmongers.

  11. Michuki,(masterminding killings of non kikuyus, even on PNU leaning Luhyas on Nakuru -Naivasha roads) Saitoti (senseless killing of the Sabaot), Kibaki, Uhuru Kenyatta (Naivasha Massacre), Martha Karua (Transporting Meru & Embu youths to western Kenya to kill, who never returned to their homes, etc are all PNU headed to the Hague.Not to forget Ali, of the famous sheepish smile.

  12. Poor odm. raila must regret defending the killings on BBC hardtalk. Ati those shildren were burnt for democracy to flourish..

    The poor BBC guy looked visibly disgusted and stunned.

    What a moron. But he is after all the big ODMoron

  13. Blogger Mwarang'ethe said...

    At this hour, one can only sum matters this way. Kenyan courts and their grudges, oh, no judges are nothing but mere tools of the mighty.

    No wonder the image of justice in Kenya has slipped the bandage from one eye so as to be able to use the scales to weigh the bribes she receives.

    Consequently, to expect Wanjiku when facing the mighty to get justice in these dens of injustice is like expecting a new born baby to fight it with a pack of hyenas in Masa Mara.

    10/1/09 3:18 PM

    I will second that.

    It's difficult to understand what some of these anti-reformers really want.

    Presently, the entire judiciary, right from the state law office through to the court of appeal is like an extension of the Presidency (executive).

    You tell the Hague bound passengers that it is better to have a local and independent (emphasis) Special Tribunal for Kenya, then that unfriendly, self-centred and very corrupt Kikuyu-Kalenjin alliance suddenly comes to life to oppose it.

    They imagine that Ocampo will take years to investigate and indict. How wrong they were. Ocampo has all the evidence he needs. The crooks who financed Mungiki to torch houses with people inside, the commanders who sent police to shoot, rape and kill unarmed innocent civilians have been fingered and as we predicted on this blog way back in January 2008; their time of reckoning has come.

    This time it is personal. President Obama himself is advocating for comprehensive reforms and pushing for the punishment of PEV perpetrators. Wana ndizi mutaweza kweli?

    Did I hear someone say kazi iendelee? Well I say Kazi imeanza! Let's see them air the stupid domo adverts against Ocampo and Obama. Lets see them mobilise mungiki to prevent Annan and Ocampo's planes landing at JKIA beginning this weekend. Lets see them evade ICC indictments which, by the way, are coming as soon as December. What a fantastic Christmas present it would be!!!!

    Justice must be delivered to those who died believing in democracy and rule of law.

    I just love this!

  14. Yeah I love this too. GEMA will simultaneously rid itself of the moi created Mungiki and ODM?

    What better Christmas gift?

    I am not sure who implanted in these moron's heads that Mungiki is supported by ordinary Gema people.

    kweli wajinga ni wajinga

  15. kalonzo is the only guy smilling at this Ocampo biashara.

    WEven if it does not touch raila, it will surely bring down the kalenjins. Without their support, raila is a sitting duck.

    Forget kyuks. They wont win it even if they nominate an angel to represent them.

    That leaves wiper. If he gets Gema behind him, thats all he needs to do. Especially by reminding them of the atrocities the other side committed aganist them.

    I think I can wager my salo who the next presi will be..

  16. Kalonzo will be the next President of the Republic of Kenya with a Kikuyu PM and a muslim VP. That is the winning strategy.

  17. Phil said:

    The crooks who financed Mungiki to torch houses with people inside, the commanders who sent police to shoot, rape and kill unarmed innocent civilians

    Bad manners indeed to be one sided when we all know crimes against humanity were committed across party and tribal lines. Watch how the likes of Ruto will whine over the weekend and even bring back Mau forest threats to camouflage the Hague express.

  18. Kyuks WILL NOT be running for the presidency, so ODMorons and ODMites shoul relax. However, their vote for the winner will be so overwhelming that they will continue to rule by proxy.

  19. I think its over for Raila. Thats the best he will ever be; a prime minister who fights for space with muthaura

    But it will take a few nmore rounds of violence and deaths aka struggle for democracy before this sinks into the minds of his legion of sheep

  20. M-Pesa

    You have said it well.

    I nearly wanted to remind Phil to include also the warriors who torched a church with women and children inside.

    To all.

    I still have hope that things will get better and that we will soon have a leader we all want. But I also hope that we will live tribalism aside as we choose a leader.

    Then after that we will go to land issues and solve it, then go for anglo-leasing and goldenberg witches.

    All in all I'm grateful for external support we are getting. Why? Because I know we will never have a clean individual who can bring reform to Kenya without external support, otherwise without that support that leader will either be killed or be toppled from government - that's how far we have reached.

    Look at Raila, even if he might appear to be better than the others I highly doubt if he can ever bring reform.

    All the reforms we want as people of Kenya eventually affects very powerful individuals who in turn will not want to go down the drain alone. I don't think Raila can vigorously fight the likes of Moi in his quest to bring reform, so is Kibaki, since once in a while they have all been in party with Moi in the grabbing of resources in our motherland.

    Kalonzo is the last person I can thing of to bring reform - I put him in the same rank with Ruto when it comes to reform. Karua and Kiraitu had shown us they could bring reform but this changed as soon as they started swimming in power. We all know Kiraitu involvement in Anglo-leasing and Karua involvement in election 2007 and further Koffi Annan led negotiation.

    I put Mudavadi in the same rank with Amos Wako because I feel he will dance to the tunes of Moi or any powerful clique that will be existing. In the end when you look at all our presidential aspirants you see only foxes in sheep's skin.

    Despite all these I still believe that even a non-reformist, when pushed to the limit,can still bring reform and that's why I still insist that our current leaders need external pressure to move, because as people of Kenya it has been hard since in most cases they easily divide us and make us to fight each other instead of fighting them (you know this is how it is especially when you see Ruto, Uhuru and Moi having supporters).

    Do you all remember about constitution in 100 days? Then later in 6 months? Or Job creations for youth?

  21. If you mother cannot teach you, the world will and its brutal. If Kenyans thought ocampo would bring justice than you all got it wrong. Iraq is a good example when out side intervien, it very painful long process.
    Kenyan you all forgot charity begin at home.

  22. What I've come to learn is that all Mungikis are Kikuyus but not all Kikuyus are Mungikis.

    All Kiambaa murderous warriors were Kalenjins but not all Kalenjins are murderous warriors.

    All Kisumu town looters were Luos but not all Luos are looters.

  23. kibaraka kalonzo-kaluzaa will never ever become the president of kenya, let alone become the prime minister. another mkamba from ukambani will become president or prime minister but no kibaraka kalonzo-kaluzaa the man has perfected the art of wiesel politics. he has no national appeal and he is a wannabe chief kivoi.

  24. Philip wrote

    Then after that we will go to land issues and solve it, then go for anglo-leasing and goldenberg witches.

    Our comment.

    As concerns Anglo Leasing, we think that this is a simple matter.

    Taxes can only be levied and collected for public purposes. As concerns the Anglo Leasing debts and expenses, they were/are meant to enrich a few individuals unless proven otherwise.

    This being the case, all the Parliament needs to do is declare Anglo Leasing debts/expenses PERSONAL DEBTS of those involved. If Kenya loses any case, or if we incur any expenses fighting the arbitration cases connected with the Anglo deals, we craw back our money from the salaries, retirement benefits and other assets of those involved.

    The question then is, what has prevented Parliament from doing this? Or, even better, what has prevented any of the mps from introducing such a simple bill?

  25. Blogger Philip said...


    You have said it well.

    I nearly wanted to remind Phil to include also the warriors who torched a church with women and children inside.

    Mpesa / Philip

    You may remember that tens of Kalenjin youth were rounded up in Eldoret to face PEV charges in Martha Karua courts. That was in 2008.

    So far, as we approach end of 2009, not even one person has convicted of any PEV offence. Not even Mzee Jackson Kibor who was reportedly one their commanders and financiers. What does this tell you about selective justice?

    Instead we have seen the Kalenjin youth who were specifically charged with murder and arson on the Eldoret Kiambaa church released for lack of evidence. They had been held in maximum remand prisons as the government held sham trials.

    Obviously Ocampo will have to again do thorough investigations and apprehend the real culprits. He will rely on the same discredited Kenya Police. You will be surprised that the real culprits might not even be ODM supporters. But I will let Ocampo do his work.

    Unlike you guys who see things only in terms of 'kabila adui', I am strong believer in democracy and the rule of law. Perhaps you could also care to tell us what is illegal about participating in MASS ACTION. Doesnt the constitution accord me freedom of assembly, association and movement? Try and tell Michuki and Maj-Gen Ali!

    Perhaps you could also care to tell us if it was alright for intoxicated and hired Kikuyu youth to mount highway roadblocks in Naivasha and proceed to flush out and kill passengers whom they imagined were from 'kabila adui'.

    There's a lot to this PEV saga than just anonymous blogging here in Kumekucha.

    You guys ought to come to the ground and get to hear it from the victims themselves. Victims who government could not protect at their hour of need. Instead of protection, government sent police and invited state security agents from Uganda to tear gas, loot, maim, rape and kill the very people they were meant to protect. That to some of us is quite normal and within the law.

    That shows that even according you the courtesy of a response is a waste of time!

  26. Ocampo might want to proceed but who will be the witnesses? Plus most people who would have been charged have already been taken to Court and acquitted and cannot be charged again even by the Hague. As for the so called masterminds, if there is no evidence for Ocampo to use, then whatever we say just remains rumours. And I doubt there will be any evidence. did you read the Waki Report? It was just heresay through and through. I was even shocked that a judge of Waki's standing could have admitted such evidence. No wonder there was no cross-examination at the hearings.

    That being the case, we better follow the path of reconcilliation so that we heal. So many people who lost everything in Rwanda genocide have had the strength to move on and are now a shining example on many frontiers of national development. so can we. Lets learn the lessons and use them to rebuild our nations into what many other nations will envy. Lets make other people want to become like us, like Kenyans.

  27. Phil, I dont see why odmers feel that two evils balance out each other;

    Raping and torching children in Kiamba was wrong. Take the peps to court. We dont care if they were odm supporters or martians.

    Killing people in Naivasha was wrong. Take the peps to court whomever they might be.

    Mismanaging the election was wrong. Hold the people who managed it, and those who rigged responsible. All of them.

    The reason why we have been puss dancing around this fot two years is because everyone wants to punish the other guy and somehow absolve his people from blame..

    Bure kabisa Phil

  28. alafu this maneno o forgiveness.. si people have to own up t what they did in order to be forgiven? Kwani we are forgiving ghosts?

    Kwanza no forgiveness. Let kila mtu abebe msalaba wake,. I wonder though why its only ODMorons who always talk of forgiveness..

    Makes you wonder....... They know what they did, deeds of a dark primitiveness that is unspeakable

  29. the problem with the forgiveness prophets is because they they were the beneficiaries of the killings, they think we should just shove the dirt under the carpet and walk away. Thats what the rwandese did in 1969. Look what happened to them?

    Maybe next time, it might be you idiots in the camps. Your justifications will be used later to massacre you

    Lets make it clear that whatever your issues are, killing innocent people is criminal.

  30. So far, as we approach end of 2009, not even one person has convicted of any PEV offence. Not even Mzee Jackson Kibor who was reportedly one their commanders and financiers. What does this tell you about selective justice?

    You're looking for Robert Kemboi and Kirkland Langat. Sentenced to death for the murder of a policeman during PEV, but I think their sentences were commuted in the recent round of amnesties.

    Obviously Ocampo will have to again do thorough investigations and apprehend the real culprits. He will rely on the same discredited Kenya Police. You will be surprised that the real culprits might not even be ODM supporters. But I will let Ocampo do his work.

    They weren't released for lack of evidence, they were released for lack of presentable evidence: victims of the Church burning were deliberately intimidated to prevent them testifying; and Kalenjin witnesses were also prevented from doing so. Given credible protection, that will change.

    Investigations have been in progress since late January 2008. Presumably, you know the identities of the perpetrators -- if you know their political affiliation, then you know who they are -- so hurry up and inform the relevant authorities.

    Unlike you guys who see things only in terms of 'kabila adui', I am strong believer in democracy and the rule of law. Perhaps you could also care to tell us what is illegal about participating in MASS ACTION. Doesnt the constitution accord me freedom of assembly, association and movement? Try and tell Michuki and Maj-Gen Ali!

    If peaceful protest were at stake, no one could have any complaints. But we both know that wasn't it. ODMers also allowed themselves the minor entertainments of mass murder and ethnic cleansing. You'll have noticed, I hope, that those are things forbidden by applicable law, in addition to being morally unpleasant. If you want to include them in your use of the term 'mass action', be my guest, but then you ought not to be surprised when it is pointed, firmly, out that 'mass action' is illegal.

    Perhaps you could also care to tell us if it was alright for intoxicated and hired Kikuyu youth to mount highway roadblocks in Naivasha and proceed to flush out and kill passengers whom they imagined were from 'kabila adui'.

    That the other side committed crimes doesn't absolve yours of its own crimes -- or even lessen their seriousness.

    You guys ought to come to the ground and get to hear it from the victims themselves. Victims who government could not protect at their hour of need. Instead of protection, government sent police and invited state security agents from Uganda to tear gas, loot, maim, rape and kill the very people they were meant to protect. That to some of us is quite normal and within the law.

    The prior failure of the state is precisely why they're owed the chance to confront the rapists, murderers and ethnic cleansers in a forum where they're likely to get justice.

  31. Why did Kibaki talk of forgiveness and reconcilliation the last time he mentioned PEV? Is he in the list?

  32. Raila Odinga, the Bondo Bumpkin, is Kenya's own great satan. And remeber what God did to satan. The same awaits the bondo bumpkin by way of ocampo.
    So Tabuu desist from "thumbing" your chest.
    We are happy that Kalonzo is Kenya's next prezzo. NA BADO.

    Kenyan Auditors Suspect Fraud in World Bank Projects (Update1)

  34. When does Prof Moreno arrive in the country? Kazi ianze sasa

  35. Kenyans are a very innocent folk.

    The elites have cause trouble since independence but have always got away scot free.

    This year is a turning point for Kenya as a nation. Enough is enough.

    Let's take Kibaki to Hague first. He started all this mess. Uhuru should be left in Gatundu scared wetting his pants. Ruto should sweat in Eldoret. All those who financed violence should be fined 200millions each and barred from politics for life, otherwise 20 yrs of jail in the Hague.

    The money should go directly to the bereaved families in Molo, Kisumu, Naivasha, Eldoret and Nakuru, etc.

    Justice must be done.

  36. Hey

    The most important I think that should come out of this that.Implementation of accord 4 .I see happening faster than we thought thanks to Kenyan civil Society, us and Parliament now it has shown us that its Independent.

    I acknowledge the facts People have to be held accountably for their own Action good or bad , that simple growth it could be negative of Positive incase of Kenya since the Early 60 its has been Neg.And that is no fictious Stories ,and majority of us knows it, so that is why the latest development is quite Positive that the World candly ready to support achieve this goal.

  37. Loved this video comment at:

    "In summary, wako signed goldenberg contracts, anglo-leasing contracts, entered nolle-prosequi on the Delamere murder of Ole Sesina, and smiled. For 20 years."

    Some guys are just creative in story telling

  38. Anonymous wrote:

    Let's take Kibaki to Hague first. He started all this mess...

    Our comment:

    Sorry to dissapoint, but, Kibaki is not the problem. Equally, Moi was not the problem.

    We believe that, man has two major problems:

    (a) How to prosper, and
    (b) How to govern a government.

    Since man is yet to understand or master how to prosper, he turns to the government for solution. This only complicates his problem for government offers no solution while its intervention brings the problem of how to govern the government.

    All civilized nations enact certain fundamental laws. These are what is called governing powers. All subsequent laws are intended to carry them out into practical use.

    The most important fundamental law in any nation is that which institutes MONEY. This is because money governs the distribution of property, and thus affects in a thousand ways the relations of man to man.

    If wrongly instituted, it cannot be rightly governed by any subsequent laws and the wrong distribution of property consequent upon it must CORRUPT SOCIETY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES.

    The evils engendered can never be remedied except by altering the fundamental law. Changes in the Subsequent laws, so long as they are founded on a wrong base, can only result in the exchange of one evil for another.

  39. The Kalonzo "Msaliti" Musyoka soap opera continues....

    This is a SMS doing the rounds in PNU circles:

    "Forget that Ka-fellow from Mwingi. He can ruka us like he did Raira"

    I repeat what someone has said above over here: Kalonzo "Msaliti" Musyoka will never be the president of Kenya... Period!

  40. to prevent future post election violence allow president only 1 term lasting 7 years. ballots can be counted in London..or Dar-es-Salaam..or Migingo Island!!

  41. We can forsee today that Mwai Emilio Kibaki is going to resign on the 1st of January 2010.

    The EU and the US are intending to freeze his loot he has hidden in these countries. They will ban him and his family from setting a foot in EU, US, Canada, Australia and Newzealand.

  42. kibaki has been banned form entering USA and Europe. That is why he couldnt even go to USA but send Raila. Have you ever heard that he has gone to Europe?




    It is a pity how these American conservatives (Republicans) masquerading as ‘consultants’ in Kenya still suffer from President- Bush hangovers.

    The pro-Kibaki pollster (Steadman) Dr. Tom Wolf, who has greatly benefited from our coffers (via quarterly polling contracts) thanks to his proximity to Kibaki, is now expressing Bush-hangover and trying to critique America’s new foreign policies.

    America has a new President, a new party in power, and a new set of policies for Africa – so please stop dreaming about the origin of the idea of targeted sanctions being unclear. The notion of trying to spite, rubbish or question policies emanating from the office of U.S. Asst. Secretary of State (Africa), Johnny Carson - an African American - will not wash. They are truly representative of Obama's own views.

    It is in fact Obama’s U.S. foreign policy revisions for Africa that will inform the NEW democracy-promoting USAID manuals. These right-wing-nuts still don’t get it.

    Smart, targeted-sanctions to individuals is a clearly thought-out strategy customized for Kenya and a host of other nations. It is complemented this time (in concert) with new diplomatic realignments with China and Russia (previous saboteurs), and Wolf had better understand that the State Department is at liberty to pin-point individuals it deems to be largely responsible for sabotaging reforms in Kenya – whether through sheer job descriptions or specific intelligence gathered.

    For instance, you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to quickly figure out that one William Ruto, and another Uhuru Kenyatta, are not exactly supporting the formation of a local tribunal to try PEV masterminds.

    Unless one is both blind and deaf, George Saitoti’s public pronouncements to the effect that reforming police is akin to triggering a revolution clearly tells where he stands with regard to police reforms.

    The U.S., like ordinary Kenyans can see all these. They are at liberty to take any action they deem appropriate, regarding such individuals (& families) accessing their land.

    Wolf’s crazy insinuation that Kibaki should take flak for Uhuru and Raila take the blame for Jakoyo is as silly as it gets. Kila mtu atabeba mzigo yake! Nothing like collective blame or buck-passing. Sanctions must be laser guided to individual targets.

    It is clear that Wolf has little clue as to the mandate given to the GCG by the NARA deal when he states;

    The larger question which thus emerges is whether the pursuit of these reforms is inherently hostile to the survival of the GCG itself, and whether, to the extent that it is, the Americans and other external actors pressing for them recognize this contradiction?

    The GCG was formed precisely to effect far reaching reforms and if that is not happening then the GCG does not need to even exist.
    Isn’t it also astounding that Wolf is only discovering today that Ranneberger is loud?

    Wolf is today accusing Ranneberger of adopting ‘loud mouth’ diplomatic etiquette yet he was silent when Ranneberger was at his loudest in December 2007, just days before the election, when the Ambassador loudly contradicted his own Steadman Poll findings showing Raila with clear lead ahead of Kibaki? Didn’t Ranneberger loudly claim the contest was ‘too close to call’ rubbishing all opinion polls? Wasn’t that a blatant show of loud-mouth and meddlesome interference in Kenya’s democracy by a foreign diplomat? What has changed about Ranneberger? Nothing, expect the policy book he is reading from!

  45. Hague? Hague kitu gani?

  46. as the omweris are busy flapping their mouths all over the place (and getting nowhere, FAST) the ngwashe's are quietly doing their thing, and organizing to make sure the mijingo omweris (including their blind messiah) stay there.
    Sorrey kwa sisi!

  47. Dear excitables, Ocampo will come and go home, but Kenya will be there tomorrow and the day after. If you are waiting for whites and mulattos to fix the country for you then you are bure kabisa.

  48. Why is Molasses Raila telling mzungus not to lectureus about governance? Raila and Kibaki are a curse to Kenya.

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