Saturday, September 26, 2009

Beware Of Fat Selfish Spin Doctors Who Don’t Care For Kenya

I have interrupted something really important I was pursuing to do this post. To be honest I am totally disgusted at what I see.

Is it a mere coincidence that shortly after Prime Minister Raila Odinga was embarrassed in the famous now-you-are-invited-now-you-are-not-invited fiasco with President Obama ( I will talk about the reason for that a little later in this post) a photograph then appears of the Prime Minister and his wife pictured with the first family of the United States. What was the real purpose of that photograph? More so when you look at the events of the last few days?

Let me cut to the chase. Have you heard of people called spin doctors who are critical to the image of presidential candidates? Well that front page picture was the work of those spin doctors surrounding Raila Odinga whose objective it is to get the son of Jaramogi to State House. Whatever the price, whatever the sacrifice. To them, the intersts of Kenya and Kenyans are irrelevant or secondary at best, to this “noble” objective. (I have nothing against spin doctors, hell I was one some years back and that's why I can authoritatively tell you that the first rule in the game is to be principled and never attempt to deal with lies or hoodwink the public because sooner or later you will always be found out. This golden rule holds true whether you are dealing with a presidential candidate or a consumer product).

It was way too embarrassing and probably very damaging to Raila Odinga to have gotten snubbed by President Barack Obama, a man he has always claimed to be very close to. The truth is that when Obama was a nobody visiting Kenya to trace the roots of his father, Mr Raila Odinga had no time for the “young dreamer” who was fathered by a Kenyan. Fast forward to some two years later and suddenly Mr Odinga was related to the then Senator Obama.

I will repeat what I have said here many times before. If Raila Odinga truly loves this country as much as he claims to then he should step aside and support the younger generation for the presidency of Kenya. I am talking about people closer to the age of his eldest son. Your time is over Raila. Kenya will be forever grateful for what you have done but now it is time for you to step aside with your entire generation and allow the fresh start that is critical to the survival of the motherland. Forget all those plans you have to launch a major youth initiative within ODM to hoodwink Kenyans in the next elections. The idea will be for folks to believe that to elect Raila will be to usher in a new beginning with a fresh crop of young leaders. Yep. You can bet that those leaders will be as young as William Ole Ntimama and as old and violent as Fred Gumo. These two gentlemen are kingpins in the ODM side of the current cabinet. Raila had even offered a man called John Harun Mwau a full cabinet post but he declined. Anyway sorry for digressing but you get the drift I am sure.

Now let’s focus on that controversial meeting with President Obama. Let’s start by mentioning the names of some of the presidents in attendance. President Paul Kagame of Rwanda and Jakaya Kikwete of Tanzania. Both are seen as reformists and the face of the new leadership in Africa that is inevitably approaching with or without America’s prodding, but which that super power would like to speed up and take credit for. Noticeably absent was a man called President Yoweri Museveni. There was a time that he was seen as a true reformist but his true colours have burst out in recent times. Now if you had invited from Kenya the likes of Raila Odinga or Mwai “wacha wapigane” Kibaki in that group you would immediately run into some serious problems. As much as my ODM brothers will disagree with me here, Raila represents the old guard. No matter how much he dyes his hair black and tries to look like he is young. I find it hilarious that anybody would want to put Paul Kagame and Mwai Kibaki on the same table. What would they discuss?

Indeed it is becoming very clear that the new policy in Washington is to keep a safe distance from the jokers in Nairobi calling themselves leaders. Notice that the Visa bans announced did not just affect PNU but ODM folks as well. Notice also the wording of the statement by the US ambassador to Kenya. He said that apart from championing reforms, leaders will have to denounce violence. Now that statement is “pregnant” with a lot of meaning. I suggest that it will make much better sense if you read the last few posts I have done here. I will reveal more in the coming days.

Shame on you Raila Odinga’s spin doctors.

Shame on you Nation Editors for getting sucked into this scheme that is bad for Kenya.

Shame on all of you Kenyans who will never rest until Raila Odinga is President (poleni sana).

P.S. It amazes me how some of my old analytical posts turn out to be so true. There was a time I was sure I was going to be wrong about this post I have linked to below, I almost apologised for it. Well I may still be wrong, but tell me what you think; Why Raila will never be president!


  1. Chris,

    We've been through that road before.Its a tired line / broken record.

    I sympathise with your shameless attempts at twisting history. Anyone with an internet connection can easily access Obama's full itinerary last time he visited Kenya.

    I have news for you. Raila Odinga is not going anywhere. You can twist, spin much how you like but your unconstructive and discriminatory criticism will only make him stronger.

    Support and campaign for your candidate and for heavens sake, let us support and campaign for ours. Its democracy.

  2. Chris wrote:

    I will repeat what I have said here many times before. If Raila Odinga truly loves this country as much as he claims to then he should step aside and support the younger generation for the presidency of Kenya. I am talking about people closer to the age of his eldest son. Your time is over Raila.

    Our comments:

    Bwana Chris, let us be honest. Yes, Raila has his weaknesses, as every man has. We know that even Peter who was brave enough to unsheath his sword to defend Jesus, but, was unable to stand just the scorn and jeers of a crowd so that he had to deny him.

    From where we stand, considering where Kenya is, and the leaders we have, we think that Raila is the best choice.

    Furthermore, this delusion of young Kenyans ati being better is a just hot air. We are not against any young Kenyan. But, let him or her present his/her ideas, and not this stupidity of, oh, oh, it is the turn of young Kenyans.

    For instance, how many young Kenyans know what kind of land reforms we need or have at least articulated such ideas? Even you Chris, we are yet to see any post on land question here.

  3. Have you gone bonkers Chris.Odreamers will skin you alive!

  4. You can talk about everything concerning Kenyan politics and politicians.

    But there is nobody in Kenya today who is able to lead the country with a vision of Raila.

    All the Kenyan politicians are corrupt, including Raila. But he is less corrupt that Uhuru, Ruto, Mudavadi, Kalonzo, Kirauti, Murungaru.

    I would only settle on Balala but he is weak and has no proper vision.

    So It is only Raila who can push Kenya forward for the next 10yrs.

    But Moi, Kibaki, Ruto, Murungaru, Uhuru are already scared because of their mega corrupt past.

  5. Anonymous said...
    Have you gone bonkers Chris.Odreamers will skin you alive!

    Our response:

    The problem with people like you is lack of perspective on issues.

    For instance, we believe that the present colonial land tenure is the main cause of conflict in Kenya and in African in general.

    Thus, we need a more progressive land tenure system that puts land rents in the hands of all Kenyans and not a few idle rich who are emotionally and intellectually pauperized by unearned wealth.

    That being the case, of all leaders we have in Kenya, only Raila has dared to come up with such a proposal. We therefore support him not because we worship him, but, because we believe until proven otherwise, it is thru him that we can have such reforms we yearn for.

    Seen this way, it is impossible to support Kibaki, UK or Kalonzo, for they dare not talk about land reforms. To talk about land reforms is to antagonise the few who have privatised rent that should belong to all. Thats why some are quick to brand Raila a communist and other names so as to hide the real issues from unthinking masses represented by people like who think we are Raila worshippers.

  6. Relax Chris. Cool down bwana. You sound like a typical, conservative, corrupt, and STEALING Kikuyu beneficiary of the pumbavu status quo; who has a very irrational fear and hatred for Raila - they call him Raira.

    Raila is not the demon you make him out to be. The guy is harmless. He can't even hurt a fly. Relax Bwana Chris.

  7. sasa wewe Chris,
    what do you have against FAT people and dying of hair? they are human beings just like the rest of us, and many of them would like to be HEALTHY and not just THIN like the other so called "normal" people.
    more than 90% of kenyans are SKINNY by force and not choice- it's simply NOT their TURN to EAT

    meanwhile all is well in Kenyan politics; the fallout from the POTUS Photo Op is playing nicely into the hands of media houses and political party think tanks

    once again the short attention span of short term memory kenyans is back on individuals and personalities. wacha wale know the rest stupid

  8. Mwarang'ethe,

    You are just brilliant! You put it so well (and I quote you)

    "We need a more progressive land tenure system........ Of all leaders we have in Kenya, only Raila has dared to come up with such a proposal. We therefore support him not because we worship him, but, because we believe until proven otherwise, it is thru him that we can have such reforms we yearn for.

    Seen this way, it is impossible to support Kibaki, UK or Kalonzo, for they dare not talk about land reforms. To talk about land reforms is to antagonise the few who have privatised rent that should belong to all. Thats why some are quick to brand Raila a communist and other names so as to hide the real issues from unthinking masses represented by people like you who think we are Raila worshippers.

    Mwarang'ethe, I agree with you 100%. We do not worship Raila. It is just that we know that, in the drivers seat, he can make real progressive change happen in Kenya and that is why he has my vote. Unfortunately, Mwai "pumbavu" Kibaki STOLE the last elections and is the one with the real power in Kenya and that is why Kenya is moving rudderless without any sense of direction.

  9. Chris,

    Now this is hilarious; Raila represents the old guard. No matter how much he dyes his hair black and tries to look like he is young.

    Our response; Thats one of the most accurate statements i have read in KUmekucha.

    see how Phil, Mwarangethe who today has shown his true ODMoronic colours come out breathing fire when you expose their messiahs nudity. Expect Taabu to drop in oozing foam from the sides of his mouths with e-spears directed at you. Mwarangethe has always pretended to be learned but today he has shown he is just an educated moron.
    How do you tell us that Raila is the only option when the fellow fanned an ethnic cleansing of kikuyu's who he called kabila adui?
    A fellow who appoints killers like Ruto, Ntimama etc, Thieves like Kajwang, Ngilu etc to full ministries?
    A fellow who appoints his own brother to a ministry and his sister to a consular job in the US.
    Leta ingine fala hii.

  10. Anonymous said...

    Now this is hilarious; Raila represents the old guard. No matter how much he dyes his hair black and tries to look like he is young.

    Our response:

    Fine. Well said with insults that have no place in civilised debate.

    Tell us, who are the new guard you and Chris have in mind? Can we have their names instead of spewing hot air here?

    Can Chris also come out and tell us for instance where he stands for instance on the land question?

    And, what do the new guard represent? Where can we see their ideas?

    Secondly, to argue that Raila is responsible for violence is like arguing that Jesus is reponsible for all blood that has been shed in his name by crusaders and others.

    For those who are wise, the current tribal violence was planted way back in 1960's. Kenya had a chance to follow Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore on land tenure.

    However, instead of following wise steps of nations like Singapore, we followed British nonsense and greed. Singapore was poorer than Kenya in 1961. The whole world can now see the difference land tenure can make to a nation. While Sngapore is matching forward, we are stuck trying to solve mistakes that were made 40 years ago. Unfortunately, many cannot see the genesis of our problems and they think that all we need is "young blood." Tell us another one.

    For your information, Jeremiah Nyagah who sat in the same Cabinet as Kibaki warned his people not to buy land in the RV for as he said, there SHALL be violence about these lands in the future. He was right. But, the question is, why did a Minister in Kenyatta Govt. see this violence while people like Kibaki could not see it?

    More so, you need to read Weekly Review of 1960 - 1980, and u will appreciate Kenyan history for you seem ignorant.

  11. Mwarangethe,

    Since you have claimed to have some wisdom, and you talk of Railas land reforms..why does the buffoon still keep the land he grabbed in Malindi?
    and what about the molasses lanmd?

    and before you are quick to quote some useless party policies which never see the light of the day..educate us about why your candidate had to hire people whose land reform credentials are wanting. or is it a case of birds of the same feather aka land grabbers flocking together??

  12. I apologise if there was anything insulting in my post, it was not my intention and I value sober debate a lot.

    Now about Raila. Give me half the power Raila has now as Prime Minister and I will show you true reform.

    My question is what has Raila achieved as Prime Minister so far, apart from telling us to be patient? I am sure that will be the very same mantra the minute he lands in State House.

    I respect the man. He has done a lot for Kenya especially during the dark days.

    But if he wants to be a great man like Mandela let him step aside.

    Now about some of the issues Mwarangethe has brought up... I have written about the land issue before on Kumekucha. I think two years ago. But no problem, I will do another post on this soon. I agree that it is the key to bringing about real change to Kenya.


  13. Now this is funny...

    Now about some of the issues Mwarangethe has brought up... I have written about the land issue before on Kumekucha. I think two years ago. But no problem, I will do another post on this soon. I agree that it is the key to bringing about real change to Kenya?

    You think you did two years ago? No link to the post? Chris, i think you tell a lie!

  14. Anonymous said...

    Since you have claimed to have some wisdom, and you talk of Railas land reforms..why does the buffoon still keep the land he grabbed in Malindi?
    and what about the molasses lanmd?

    Our response:

    Well said.

    Raila can keep, and any Kenyan is free to keep all the land they have.

    We are NOT after abolishing private ownership of land. All we want is for those who hold land to pay 100% tax on land values brought/generated by the whole society so as to fund state/common services which bring about these values.

    Seen that way, those who hold most valuable land, and therefore benefit dispropionately from defence, police, infrastructure, courts we all fund via taxes, must pay to fund these services. Thus, we would expect any Kenyan of good will to engage in these questions and not petty issues of so called "young blood" who have no ideas at all how we can resolve land issues, or are part of this few monopolisers of land rent.

  15. The post I did touching on the Land issue dated July 5th 2006 actually it is over 3 years ago.

    here is the link;

    I am no liar, just pressed for time in most instances.


  16. Ha, checked that post, and guess what? Nothing about land!


    Why do you think Raila was detained by Moi? Could it be he was fighting for Kenya?

  17. Chris,

    We have read the article. Although land is not dealt with expressly, we think you could have developed this thinking to the final conclusion.

    "We need to get very creative here and certain tax waivers can be granted to companies that maintain large work forces. In fact tax policy can be designed to favor larger work forces."

    Yes, we need desperately tax changes, but, they must be fundamental and thats why land question is the central issue.

    Many people, including those who call themselves economists like Kibaki while calling themselves free market people, are ignorant, or deliberately ignore what Adam Smith said about land tax versus wage tax.

    Basically, what we need is removal or drastic cut of tax on income/wages, capital and consumption and put it on land values, waste and pollution.

    However, instead of us doing this, we have loaded all taxes on those who create wealth while idlers pocket unearned income. And, when someone mentions this ugly fact, he or she is branded a dangerous man who wants to play games with private property. Is Wanjiku's earned income not private property? In fact, it is Wanjiku's income that is private property while land rent is not.

    Let those who want to pour chemicals in Nairobi river, pay tax for every litre they pour so that we do not tax Wanjiku to clean their mess which she got nothing.

    Let those who want to own whole of Nai, pay land tax to fund roads, broadband, railway lines, water etc and leave Wanjiku's income for it is her earned income while land values are rent which no one labours for.

    Apart from the question of fairness, land tax will divert resources from land speculation to the productive economy.

    In conclusion, let those who are young blood engage us in these issues and not just flaunt their age.

  18. Bwana na Bibi Chris,
    Allow me 2 minutes of your time. I am not one to jump on condemning bandwagon here any elsewhere. But I want to answer some of your preoccupation with Raila. Iam no Luo neither am I an ODM supporter.

    1. Whom do you propose to be our younger candidate in this time and age? Ruto, UK, Jimmy Kibaki or Kalonzo Musyoka? I believe you will tell me to vote for Kalonzo. If so is he any younger than Raila? Not much. How about his track record?
    Hana msimamo! This man if more of a flag than a leader! He is the VP now and he has been a Minister longer than any other MP bar Kibaki! What has he done to change lives in Kenya and Ukambani in particular? Zip! Wiper!
    Ruto? I am not sure Kenyans would vote for him more so Kikuyus following the past event sof 2007/08 which were truely or falsely attributed to him and/or his associates! And how about his previous records with YK92 etc? Is he clean?

    2. Give me a progressive youth and I will give you my vote. Ok.

  19. Chris,
    I find this post appaling! You claim to have been a spin-doctor. I don't think so. Please tell me that you were better than that baffoon called Alfie Mutua. I don't know where he bought that phd from!

    Can you explain what spin there is in that photo? I think most people here have lost the gist of your post. You claim that that photo never took place or it's posted there deliberately! You are wrong on both counts.

    This photo is one among 134 other World leaders to meet Obama. The meeting took place! You sound like one of those Nation Editors who are trying to justify their mistakes! Are you drowning by any chance? Nation editors are drowning from their tribal and nepostic writing. You too.
    That photo was put there to show the world the RAO is one of the world leaders. You may differ with that assertion. But that is your democratic right to differ.
    Thanks pal.

  20. Chris,

    You said:

    "Now about Raila. Give me half the power Raila has now as Prime Minister and I will show you true reform."

    Chris do I need to remind you that Raila does not have any real power in this government? It is Mwai "pumbavu" Kibaki who has the real "executive" power. The whole power structure as presently constituted is heavily tilted in Mwai "pumbavu" Kibaki's favour (plus the Mt Kenya mafia).

    Chris, no ill will intended, but I do not think you would be able to stand the continuous, silly, petty and malicious sabotaging that Raila has to endure on a daily basis in this government.

  21. ooops sorry guys wrong link. I can't seem to find the article but I will continue seraching for it and post a link on my new post on the thorny land issue.


  22. Anon 3:43 AM,

    You Railaphobic twit..... and twat.

    You make me yawn 50 times.....


  23. Raila takes a picture together with the obama's and Kibaki goes bananas.

  24. Why did Raila form a marriage of convenience with Moi thereby selling NDP and luo for a pittance??

    1. To become the Minister of Energy and fly an army helicopter to Kisumu for his hungry jaluos to dance in jubilation.
    2. To get Molasses Plant and land at a pittance.

    Raila has been an opportunist, corrupt to the core but his worshippers still see a reformer.
    Mwarangethe even says the buffoon can keep grabbed land in Malindi and molasses land clearly showing how low his supporters bend to fight for the looser.

    For those telling us to support Raila since there is nio other better alternative need to have their heads checked. And am suprised Mwarangethe belongs to that choir.

  25. @chris. There was a post earlier on this site about the people who frequent kumekucha. I am sure there is a vast majority of them who are well educated and rational. Do you honestly think they believe what you are trying to make them believe. You seem to be clutching at straws there.
    @mwarengethe. now thats what i call intelligent posting. You are articulate, to the point, factual, and most importantly, you do not use abusive language on your replies, no matter how much they try to drag you towards it.

  26. Chris,
    Does it mean it can only take an anti-Raila's post for Phil to comeback to life again? I have been wondering what happened to Phil, kumbe yuko. hahaha!

  27. Chris, Dr. Abonyo or whatever your true name is.

    Once you were about to come out of the closet and declare your interest to gunner for the biggest political price in Kenya - the presidency. What happened? Is it because your reverse psychology has not worked to weaken your needelessly feared opponents?

    Really, I am not happy with Raila's way of politics presently though his non-confrontational approach is bearing fruit. I would've rather Raila antagonized Kibaki, and even decline sharing power. My approval rating would have been 100% if sat with the opposition. But Raila, though you view him as geriatric already, is smarter than you and me. There is a new way of doing politics and you want Raila to stagnate in the old ways.

    Even Obama whom we both admire is on record as to willing to sit and negotiate with Korea, Iran and Venezuaela.

    So, what is really wrong in Railas' picture with Obama's appearing in the Kenyan press?

    When Kibaki had stolen the election (and I am sure you agree this fact) and was fighting for legitimacy, by appearing in the AU session in Ethiopia, I am sure it was fair game to you, right?

    Again why would a photo opportunity to help bestowe Prime Minister Raila's legitimacy on the world poster board? Let me tell you something Chris.

    I am a Raila supporter (currently my approval rating for him is at 55%) and am critic as well. You ask what the purpose of that photo opportunity and it's subsequent publicatiion in the Daily Nation and The Standard was for. Well, I will tell you in simple terms.

    Raila was telling the world and especially the peace loving Kenyan's that "Musibabaike Kenya. I am not in the Waki envelope. Can't you see? Obama cannot risk posing with me and risk tainting his reputation, and Moreso, ruin his chances in the next election. I was vetted and found clean already, tho!"

    Chris, sometimes before you post, test your hypothesis by looking at matters the unusual way, will you?

    Joram Ragem
    wuod Ndinya, wuod Onam, wuod Amolo, wuod Owuoth, wuod Oganyo, wuod Mumbe, wuod Odongo, wuod Olwande, wuod Adhaya, wuod Ojuodhi, wuod Ragem! (Are you my relative?)

  28. Mwarangethe,

    May i hold up my glass and toast your level headedness. It is such a breathe of fresh air to see a kenyan debating intelligently about politics and not getting all abusive and small minded, which seems to characterize all of the kenyan websites. I am sure that if kibaki had done something worthwhile of supporting, you would have commented about him the way you have about Raila despite his faults. May i say that indeed if there are more of you out here and back home, then Najivunia kua Mkenya!'

    Thank you for reminding me that we are not all nincompoops, bigots and idiots.

    Sometimes i think all is lost, then the universe reminds me, it aint.

  29. Why is Mwarangethe using multiple anon handles to massage his ego???

    Your IP is the same lol...

  30. Land reforms should not scare investors and potential investors, whether local or foreign and should not create or increase poverty.

  31. A young person can rise to the presidency of Kenya as long as
    the individual in question
    (a) Is popularly elected by Kenyans
    (b) has clear independent views, approved by electorates, about the direction he wants to take the country
    (c) not appointed, approved or controlled by foreign or local powers whose interests have been massaged by political elites since independence.
    I would not want my life to depend on someone so old or someone so young that the policies he adapts are those whipped from some un-elected “hot rods” working behind the scenes who cannot be held accountable for what they feed to the “uninformed leader” in charge.


Any posts breaking the house rules of COMMON DECENCY will be promptly deleted, i.e. NO TRIBALISTIC, racist, sexist, homophobic, sexually explicit, abusive, swearing, DIVERSIONS, impersonation and spam AMONG OTHERS. No exceptions WHATSOEVER.