Monday, April 13, 2009

Martha, oh Martha! Tell me Martha

Also published less than an hour ago: Plot 10 has been cancelled

Guest Post by Mwalimu Peter Ngugi

What is your take on the resignation of Martha Wangari Karua from The Grand Confusion that masquarades as the government of the Republic Of Kenya?

I think the truth is, as always, somewhere in-between. It is hard not to admire her in the context of Kenyan politics. She is one of the few cabinet ministers who has actually not used her position for self aggrandizement. The cabal around Kibaki and the elites in Kirinyaga describe her as the Peasant from Gichugu because she has completely refused to use her position to enrich herself. This, in itself, would not be remarkable elsewhere – but it is almost extraordinary in Kenya.

She has my respect.

Do you know Karua appointed 4 true reformers (young people between 28 and 34 years old) as undersecretaries in her ministry, and by last month they had all resigned because of frustration from the office of the president?

But she has, of course, taken some stances that have been quite questionable. Her unwavering support for the thieving Kibaki between 2002 and mid-2008 was frightening in the most meaningful sense. But her fierce independence shone through even then. Even when I disagreed with her, I knew she was not merely positioning herself to “eat.” My attitudes towards her mirror my attitudes toward Raila. There is much to admire about him; but there are many things that he does that makes me go: what the %$#@$%!

I don’t think Martha’s resignation will achieve much unless Raila joins forces with her. In fact, that is the one and only opportunity Kenya has to rise from the ashes like a phoenix.
She will likely lose her parliamentary seat in 2012 as Kikuyus myopically support Uhuru (read Mungiki) for the presidency (God forbid!). It will be ugly! Of course, unless the young Turks re-group: Raila, Muite, Orengo, Anyang, Karua and Imanyara. Abdikadir (of PSC), Makau wa Mutua and Willy Mutunga are trying to broker this. Ruto and Kiraitu will have to be left out for this to work out, though. And nobody seems to know how to do that.

God bless Kenya, God save us from the MOUNT KENYA MAFIA!

Guys, Let's speak up for the Albinos in Tanzania.


  1. you SOB....WHY WHY WHY do you have to come with his statement "...Kikuyus myopically support Uhuru...". On another note Muite and Raila aren't young turks anymore, best to have orengo, Abdikadir (of PSC), et al. But please stop grouping the people like they think with one train of thought.

  2. I would like to comment about this issue. I have been a keen follower of Kumekucha and I have noticed a majority of people tend to leave tribal remarks then keep saying Kenyans are tribal. we need to define who these Kenyans are. Kenya has all over 40 tribes. and if you dig right into history, you will note that soon after Kenyatta died, Moi took over, there is a click of Kikuyu guys who didnt want him to take over based on tribal lines but he eventually did... Moi from the Kalenjin ruled and ruled for a good 24years... we need to ask ourselves where did the tribal politics start to gain ground? if you could rewind back, you will note that Kenyatta and Jaramongi had political issues and this generated into Kikuyu - Luo alliances and it has to be noted that this was all started by politicians not by the mwananchi. the same guys who were in the Kenyatta regime, brought the same type of tribal politics into the Moi regime and rooted itself in Kanu. with Moi positioning himself around power, he started what you can call the Kalenjin rise. they were installed in all institutions same as what is happening now with Kibaki. The Kalenjins ruled everywhere and a point to note, Moi also fell out with Jaramongi, thus in the peoples mind, these two regimes potrayed Jaramongi (Luo) as unfit to rule and this was entrenched in peoples mind for 24 good years. Raila soon after entered the scene, with plots of a coup. yet again, he was portrayed as unfit to rule and dangerous. this fear has lived with some Kenyans for ages upto until it was time to kick Moi out and so people aligned themselves behind Kibaki. Kibaki ofcourse being in the last two regimes, has his mind stuck in time and he still practices tribal politics so he has put Kikuyu people to head all key positions thus locking power to himself. enter 2007, people aligned themselves behind Raila to kick Kibaki out... Kibaki and his croonies steal the elections... the point to note is that, the elections were not stolen by the kikuyu mwananchi but by the executive. Kikuyus did vote for Raila and what makes me upset is the grouping and judging of all kikuyus. one thing you will all learn with time is one. anyone from the past two regimes or atleast one regime in the past will never be able to change Kenya. that will be a dream, not Kibaki, Not Raila, not Uhuru, not Martha Karua, not Mudavadi and not Ruto. a good leader always has a good track record like Obama has. if you go back in time, u will see Mudavadi in Moi regime doing very fishy things becoz he has been ordered to, but he didnt quit, he opted to do them and still get paid. look at all the rest... the people of Kenya will always fight over nothing. Raila is now Prime Minister, since he doesnt get convoys and carpets not to forget toilets, people want to rush and start mass actions... what HE as a good elader should do, if he wants my vote, is order all goldenberg suspects in detention instead of them roaming free enjoying our money, all Mau beneficiaries evicted with no further delay, order fuel prices to be reduced, food prices to be reduced among other key changes we want, if the orders are disobeyed, he calls us to mass action against statehouse of which we will be proud to heed the call.


    "Reform pretensions"

    The Kibaki regime’s loss of the referendum in 2005, illustrated discordance between the people and the company Karua kept.

    When appointed to the Justice docket after the referendum backlash, the long-time member of DP, confirmed her reform pretensions during the Moi era had dissipated.

    But it was the trashing of the Inter-parties Parliamentary Group accord of 1997 that exposed the ‘other’ Karua. The appointment of commissioners to the decadent Electoral Commission in 2007 under her watch proved Karua had lost her reformist mien of the Kanu era.

    The little voice succumbed to the overwhelming power of hubris. She defended the president’s right, under the Constitution, to appoint nearly all commissioners, in breach of trust and the IPPG. The IPPG was dismissed as a gentlemen’s consensus that was inferior to the president’s constitutional right to set rules in a race he was a contestant.

    The incremental gain to level the ground in a General Election was obliterated under the watch of the rebound reformer – Karua of Gichugu.

    The breach of the agreement partly explains the muddle of the 2007 presidential election. The commissioners listened to their master’s voice, as the majority pleaded for free and fair polls.

    Illegality bloomed with Administration Police officers, for example, recruited as election agents, and later deployed to defend impunity. Such is the complicity many rejected. But that is the status quo Karua supported until the power clique she defended assaulted her ego.

    Karua was the classic status quo defender even as millions of Kenyans cried for change. That is how the turnaround girl gained international notoriety at the then ECK’s vote-recasting centre at KICC, even as the electorate cried for fairness.

    Karua’s stand then was that whoever was not happy with election results should go to court. The president of the court then, as now, is Chief Justice Evan Gicheru. Gicheru, a victim of Karua’s little voice, was present at the swearing in of Kibaki even as the election dispute spiralled into mass violence and murders.

    Then, Karua and Gicheru had a common agenda: To preserve the status quo. She had confidence in the Judiciary to arbitrate an election dispute involving the PNU leader. This is the lot that claims they do not want to ‘politicise’ the Judiciary and security agencies.

    Karua’s metamorphosis is astounding. But it is characteristic of politicians whose little voices come alive when personal interest is threatened.

    The resurrection of Karua’s little voice began after the selection of the shared Cabinet. It is also then that her presidential ambition escalated.

    Persuading cynics

    Although Karua has de-linked her belligerence from the choice of PNU loyalist Uhuru Kenyatta as deputy prime minister over her, the snipe between them is too obvious to overlook.

    But she will have to do much than resigning to persuade cynics her turnaround is not a reaction to spite. Even then she has merely woken up to the obvious that: Asante ya punda ni mateke.

    The Narc MoU bungle that soured relations between Mwai Kibaki and Raila Odinga is definitive. Kalonzo Musyoka, the president’s ‘saviour’, could be headed to there. But hold it, full disclosure could be coming in the next dispatch from Karua of Gichugu.


  4. someone on Jukwaa posted this!!!!it says it well regarding Martha Karua kibaki's malaya!

    When did she learn that they are taking kenyans for a ride....she had been the driver for so long while we were being driven to the slaughter house...she has been in the game and now is the time that she can toboa that our politicos are all crooks...i dont trust them....even the hyenas in ODM are all taking us for a ride....the likes of ruto/uhuru/kalonzo even our very own raila who thrive on tribal alliances.....the current cast of politicians are just thugs....we need a new impetus in our politics.

    the reformers of yesterday are today's oppressors and anti-reformists....kenyans can only achieve reforms if we unite as kenyans and not kalenjin/kikuyu alliance or luo/dorobo alliance..but an alliance of all kenyans of real godwill....knowing what we want as a people and going for it together.....

    anyway, karua was the one who fought galantly as the only "man" from central to abet the thuggery by the cartel around the biggest thief around called kibaki.....kibakis end came when he decided to allow anglo-leasing, arturs, goldenburg, extra-judicial killings and famine to affect kenyans while he watched from state house while saying hao ni pumbaff....he only extended his time around..he will fall harder than moi who thought he was invicible.....the people's power will work on him when the right time comes......let karua clean up the mess that she created, she let the ogre grow, hoping that she may be adopted, to become a baby ogre, only to learn that they true ogres are the likes of uhuru, saitoti et al who know how to keep poor people down so that they can continue living in opulence.....

    I have no sympathy for Karua....she did the right thing after so many wrong things...their is nothing like salvation here...that is what the likes of kalonzo are using to cheat the common folks that they are saved yet they practice witchcraft....eti they have now changed and are clean, its their records that speak..and not standing in some pulpit and announcing to all that they are now clean..they must pay for their sins....i dont believe that they will one day stand before god and repent their sins....malipo ni hapa hapa duniani

  5. Karua has learnt the hard way, she being the daughter of a peasant, she fought so hard for the homeguards to remain in power now she has been dumped after being shugged left right and center...they knew that she is just a hoe that can be used and dumped....
    she thought she was in the center of power after having fought so hard for the thief in chief to remain in statehouse.....she is, as Malcom X said, a field negro who tried to act like a house negro...she belongs to the field, toiling for the slavemaster, while the house negro like uhuru, waits to enjoy what belongs to "their" house....they hate poor people, they use their ignorance to keep themselves stinking rich....jigger infested limbs where billionaires ride in choppers.....the real problem with kenya.....the 30 million beggars and 30 billionaires living side by side and the beggars thinking foolishly that what belongs to Maina the billionaire also belongs to Kamau the beggar....the kikuyu peasants need some that the true liberation of kenyans and afrika in general can be achieved.....


    Even in MARTHA KARUA'S own backyard, how many mothers have buried sons mistakenly labeled Mungiki and killed in a hail of police bullets. How many are suffering innocently outside Central Province starting with Rift Valley up to date just because of Martha Karua's and Kibaki's criminal behavior.

    How many of Martha Karua's peasant kin are still counting stars at night in now-tattered IDP tents? How many of their brutalized families in the name of mungiki that the police keeps heaping on them while brutally executing fathers, sons, mothers and daughters in the name of Kibaki PNU party the same kibaki that Martha Karua worshiped in 2007 December election after he had ordered the execution of her own kinsmen??and terrorized children are still trembling in post-traumatic syndrome.

    If you wanna call Martha Karua your Hero ...then may call a spade a spade right here - !!!!!

    Martha Karua under Kibaki was involved in bloodshed, corruption, tribalism, looting, police murders and pain. Grand Corruption that even her own kinsman Githongo couldn't stand, extrajudicial killings, money laundering, mercenaries, media raids, civilian massacres, election theft, toxic tribalism, Anglo-Leasing, attempted constitutional fraud, ethnic favouritism, ethnicization of police and military, extreme poverty, land grabbing, looting of parastatals and public assets including the Grand Regency, sale of islands of the coast of Mombasa -I mean Karua and her cronies are what Kenya doesn't need in 2010

    and believe me Kenyans will make sure of that.. na nimesema quote me on that...

  7. Martha Karua was flawed in her infatuation with a spineless Kibaki. The youth from Nakuru, Naivasha and Nairobi have been exterminated in numbers that even the sadistic and masochistic Daniel Moi did not do. We, the youth have died for Kibaki and died courtesy of Kibaki. Do we need an idiot like that? The country is ready for a revolution, who will impregnate it? I would like to.

  8. I have read this post with a lot of hope but at the end my hope was just that hope! The post didn't have anything new. Neither was it critically done.
    I have known Martha Karua for sometime now. I knew her when she was still Martha Wangari Njoki the firebrand that walked out of Moi's function in Kirinyaga (pertulances and juvinile tantrums I called it then). This Martha was the bright articulate young turk who was aborn in Moi's back side on issues of governance and justice (or lack of them)!
    Then came a change to one Martha Karua under Kibaki. Paradoxically, the renamed Njoki aka Karua lost her powers after lossing her name!She was stubborn but none factual. Rude,full of herself,obnoxious and no-courtious!
    She became a Kibaki appologist, anti-people and anti change.
    Brothers and sister, I beg to differ with all that has been said about the reason for Martha's resignation! She didn't resign because she was being frustrated! If she was the two words befits that. Good riddances!
    Martha resigned because she didn't get what she thought she deserved DPM.
    Take this from me, if Martha had gotten DPM position, she would NOT have declared her intension for view for presidency.
    Finally, her reason for resigning can't hoodwink a toddler. If Martha said that she was resigning because the government was not investigating extra judicial killings or the deaths of Oscar and Oulu, maybe I would have been sympathetic!
    As it is, she deserves all that comes her way. She is a crook par excellencce! We will meet in the Ballot Martha. I will never ever vote for you even if you are the only candidate on the ballot and a gun is on my head. To me and other Kenyans, my brothers' and sisters' enocent blood is smeared allover her as much as Kibaki and Ali. Period. Hypocrite of a reformer! How about Bomas?
    Umevuna ulicho panda! Good riddance.

  9. Mwalimu, whatever Karua's strengths, her intransigence after elections makes you question her judgment.

    Her drive is commendable as is her seeming commitment to reform.

    The key question is - how much of her frustration is from reform being stifled and how much is from not being included in the circle that surrounds the prezzo?

    Let's be VERY CAREFUL about the choices we make. Past behavior is the best predictor.

    BTW, KK, the latter part of comments to the "Spys" post as well as comments to the last two posts are starting to resemble some notion of civility. Kudoa to the commenters.

  10. One Wife Man4/13/09, 2:45 PM

    Guest aka Guesto,

    ....the "young Turks" group-Raila, Muite, Orengo, Anyang, Karua and Imanyara-no longer young anymore.....


  11. Ati "....young Turks Raila, Muite, Orengo, Anyang, Karua and Imanyara. Abdikadir (of PSC), Makau wa Mutua and Willy Mutunga...."

    Give me a F***king break!

    Phil's mistress

  12. Kenya we come:

    Revealed: Why ministers are opposing NHIF plan

    Updated 2 hr(s) 11 min(s) ago
    Related Stories

    Don’t meddle with workers’ funds, Cotu warns Government

    NHIF plans to offer outpatient services

    Without insurance, quality healthcare is out of reach

    By Luke Anami

    It has emerged that three powerful ministers are opposed to the construction of a multi-billion shilling National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) hospital.

    The Standard investigations found out the ministers would want NHIF to buy an existing hospital in Karen owned by a politically influential family.

    It is now more than seven years since the Sh4 billion project was initiated by the NHIF board, which purchased land in Karen at a cost of Sh94 million.

    The delay of the project led the already engaged consultants to take NHIF to court seeking settlement of their professional fees.

    As a result, the Government is facing bills of more than Sh700 million incurred to buy the land, engagement of consultants, and architectural drawings for the project.

    The current NHIF Chief Executive Richard Kerich is now caught in between two opposite sides of the Grand Coalition Government major partners, ODM and PNU.

    "The issue is to commence the project. We cannot as NHIF buy land, commission consultants, pay them and then abandon the project," said Mr Kerich when asked about the delay of the construction process.

    No controversy

    When contacted for comment, Medical Services Minister Anyang Nyong’o said there was no controversy as far as he was concerned.

    Last month a Cabinet paper on the issue was presented to the Cabinet, which referred it back to a sub-committee on social health.

    The committee in turn referred the matter to the NHIF Board chaired by Mr Fidelis Nguli.

    According to Prof Nyong’o, when a matter is referred back to the ministry for clarification, it does not imply that the issue has been stopped.

    Best in East Africa

    "The issue that was pending was clarification of the matter and now that has been done through a Cabinet paper and the project can now take off," Prof Nyong’o said.

    The proposed ultra-modern hospital would have a bed capacity of 900 patients, a renal unit with 200 rooms, 50 operating theatres, a 70-bed burns unit, 100 intensive care unit rooms and cancer research and management facilities.

    It would also include a trauma centre, a geriatric and a terminal care centre.

    If the plan takes off, then NHIF will be setting standards for the rest of the East African region.

    The hospital will cater for many in the region who yearn for quality health care that is otherwise only found in parts of Asia and Europe.

  13. Now ODM wants to push for rforms thrugh parliament as if they did not have that option in the past 1 year , the fact of the matter is that they need to persuade kibaki to play ball because even a bill is passed in parliament , the presidrnt can still refuse to assent and it wil not be law.The only vable option is to garner 22 more MP's and move a vote of no confidence on Kibaki , that is one bill kibaki has no control over.

  14. Seems the only qualification one needs to post disjointed historical facts is to just bash Kikuyu's. Am cool with that since they are used and they still make it by the grace of God. They control the wealth of Kenya and since independence they have produced 2 presidents in a total of 3. Like it or not, thats historical fact.

    About this antikikuyu post masked by heaping praises upon martha, i got confused. When you talk of Orengo, Raila and other pretenders who are supposedly 'nationalistic' to lead reforms i ponder and ask myself.

    Orengo is the Land's minister and Raila is the 'toiletless' PM. Raila illegally acquired land in Malindi meant for the landless and the famous molasses land , ODM has inherited Mau forest literally, a fact published by raila's handpicked group. i can go on but these issues have been burried down and ignored even here at KK. reason, ODM corruption is acceptable and can be ignored.
    Atwoli has also exposed Dalmas Otieno who fleeced NSSF 200 million. As usual ODM will fight for this corruption....then there is the issue of genocide of kikuyus that Raila used as a power bargaining chip....

    so its kinda boring harping of reforms when the fellows you expect to drive reforms have bloody hands and are over 64 years old with corruption chains hanging on their burly necks...oops, eti young turks...

  15. To tell Raila not to whine about a portable executive toilet, a presidential red carpet, and a mile-long security escort is like telling a monkey not to expose its red kundule!!!!!!!

  16. Even in MARTHA KARUA'S own backyard, how many mothers have buried sons mistakenly labeled Mungiki and killed in a hail of police bullets. How many are suffering innocently outside Central Province starting with Rift Valley up to date just because of Martha Karua's and Kibaki's criminal behavior.

    How many of Martha Karua's peasant kin are still counting stars at night in now-tattered IDP tents? How many of their brutalized families in the name of mungiki that the police keeps heaping on them while brutally executing fathers, sons, mothers and daughters in the name of Kibaki PNU party the same kibaki that Martha Karua worshiped in 2007 December election after he had ordered the execution of her own kinsmen??and terrorized children are still trembling in post-traumatic syndrome.

    If you wanna call Martha Karua your Hero ...then may call a spade a spade right here - !!!!!

    Martha Karua under Kibaki was involved in bloodshed, corruption, tribalism, looting, police murders and pain. Grand Corruption that even her own kinsman Githongo couldn't stand, extrajudicial killings, money laundering, mercenaries, media raids, civilian massacres, election theft, toxic tribalism, Anglo-Leasing, attempted constitutional fraud, ethnic favouritism, ethnicization of police and military, extreme poverty, land grabbing, looting of parastatals and public assets including the Grand Regency, sale of islands of the coast of Mombasa -I mean Karua and her cronies are what Kenya doesn't need in 2010

    and believe me Kenyans will make sure of that.. na nimesema quote me on that...


    YOU MUST BE STOPPED!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Pensioners agony as crooks mint millions

    An investigation into the Sh26 billion-a-year government pension system has exposed incompetence and corruption, which is condemning thousands of retired civil servants to poverty. Loopholes, which may have been used by conmen to pay ghost retirees millions of shillings, have also been unearthed by the Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission.

    Related Stories

    * Recall pension officers, report proposes
    * KACC finds new retirement plan illegal unless laws are changed

    Some Sh400 million of pension money is in suspense accounts, some of it because incompetent staff sent cheques to wrong address, the investigation by the commission found. A department, which this year will manage Sh26 billion for 180,000 pensioners, has only three qualified accountants, according to a report of the investigation.

    In its management ranks, there were 24 positions vacant. The commission’s report reveals that corruption networks have infiltrated pensions, fleecing retirees of their benefits or delaying payment. It also points to the possibility that the Pensions Department could be paying millions to ghost pensioners in foreign countries.

    In one case in the 2005/2006 financial year, the department sent Sh79 million to pensioners in the UK through an agency, without supporting documents. Efforts by commission to get details of the UK “pensioners” were fruitless and no one came forward to confirm receiving their pension, according to the Report of the Examination into the Systems, Policies, Procedures and Practices of the Pensions Department, Ministry of Finance.

    “The payment of such pensioners in the UK without proper verification of their existence is a loophole for payment of non-existent pensioners,” said the report, which was given to the department in November 2008 but kept secret. The commission termed the payment an abuse of the Government Financial Management Act of 2004, which requires public institutions to obtain adequate supporting documents for payments.

    “Payment of commission to agents is based on the pensioners paid and this could be a double loss to the government in case ghost foreign pensioners are paid,” said the report. It also suggested that the director of pensions stops payment of overseas pension where relevant verification details and documents are missing.

    The revelations would raise questions over the department’s ability to manage pension issues, especially with the expected contributory pension scheme the government hopes to start in July. Already, the Kenya National Union of Teachers has questioned how the new pension scheme is going to be run and demanded that mechanisms be put in place to ensure the money is safe.

    Pensions Department spokesman Michael Obonyo said problems identified by graft watchdog would all be solved by a new computer system, the Pensions Management Department Information System. It will speed up the processing of pensions and improve keeping of records. “All manual file information will be digitised to enable us access client information at the touch of a button,” he said.

    Mr Obonyo said the department will be ready to manage the new contributory pension scheme as “we are putting in place many reforms that will enable us handle as many clients as possible”. The commission’s report said pensioners and some members of staff at the pensions department were aware of corruption networks that delayed payments.

    They included “brokers” who worked with officers of the pensions department to defraud retirees of their pensions. There were also pension officers in the ministries and officers of the pensions departments. Some networks were between relevant ministries’ staff, pensions staff and staff of the Kenya Revenue Authority who prepare clearance certificates for pensioners.

    To beat the cartels, the report proposed that the Finance permanent secretary and other authorised officers in ministries ensure that all “members of staff who perform pensions duties are frequently rotated to deter syndicated corruption.” In some cases, the report said, members of staff leaked information on payments meant for pensioners, including amounts to be paid and the accounts where the cash would be channelled to.

    “This exposes pensioners and dependants to various risks,” said the report. The report said the department had accumulated a huge suspense account as a result of returned cheques because pensioners could not be traced. The cheques were returned because accounts were closed or the department was slow to respond to requests to send the money to a different account.

    Cheques have also been posted to the wrong address or pensioners have failed to collect their money at designated paypoints, all contributing to huge amounts being held in a suspense account. By mid 2007, Sh465 million went to the suspense account. The report recommended that the department publish in the local newspapers names and relevant details of pensioners whose benefits were held.

    “The pensions department should instruct banks to clearly give details of the pensioners whose dues are returned to the department,” said the report. The report said Sh170 million against pension cheques dating back to 2006, was being held at the pensions department.

    Status of cheques

    The money is in respect of cheques dispatched to various institutions for payment of pensioners “but they have neither been presented to the bank for payment nor returned to the department”. “The department has not made any effort to contact the institutions to establish the status of the said cheques even though they are known to them,” the report said.

    There are times when lack of adequate verification in calculating pension arrears opens an opportunity for payroll officers to pay exaggerated pension arrears in collusion with pensioners. The commission proposes that PSs ensure employees are informed of their retirement a year in advance to give time for processing pensions.

    The department’s budget, which stood at Sh23 billion during the 2007/2008 financial year, rose to Sh26 billion this financial period. The report, completed in February last year, said the department processes about 2,000 files for new pensioners monthly.

  18. She will likely lose her parliamentary seat in 2012 as Kikuyus myopically support Uhuru (read Mungiki) for the presidency (God forbid!).

    Deeply misleading description, since the implication is that those Gikuyu who intend to vote Uhuru are driven by their ethnicity (hence the 'myopically'). But if that was true, then they would have no reason to prefer Uhuru to Martha, yet you acknowledge that they do prefer Uhuru to Martha.

    We're in a security-dilemma-y situation. There's no neutral arbiter; the RVP militias are regrouping nicely; there's no serious prospect of the perpetrators of the mass murders being tried. In those circumstances, it's quite rational to choose the candidate who brings a more credible threat of violence. Fr. Dolan, in the Nation, was pithier: choose a warlord. Uhuru makes a slightly more convincing warlord than Martha does. Which is why her political career hinges on the prosecutions of the perpetrators of the PEV.

  19. I have not received this information from any source. Just my feeling. Martha Karua will remain justice minister. I suspect talks are going on and soon there will be a short appearance by the president and karua on the grounds of statehouse and karua will say she has been assured of the necessary support and she has agreed to withdraaw her resignation letter. Chris, I have beaten you to this one. Remember to give me the credit.

  20. I believe Kenya is cursed. Kenyatta planted tribalism and perfected the art of looting especially public land for his own benefit. Moi ruled for quarter century and with his sons arguably became the richest family in Africa. Kibaki the posh president from Muthaiga Golf Club hates Kenyans and thier guts but only loves the power. Those who fought Moi for many years are now in power but busy stealing from poor and ignorant masses. We have rot in Immigration, Energy, name it yet they won't be sacked. If you are dreaming of a prosperous Kenya in our lifetime, then you need to qickly dash to the nearest psychiatrist!

  21. Daniel Waweru said...

    She will likely lose her parliamentary seat in 2012 as Kikuyus myopically support Uhuru (read Mungiki) for the presidency (God forbid!).

    Deeply misleading description, since the implication is that those Gikuyu who intend to vote Uhuru are driven by their ethnicity (hence the 'myopically'). But if that was true, then they would have no reason to prefer Uhuru to Martha, yet you acknowledge that they do prefer Uhuru to Martha.

    Our views:

    We are not convinced with the above argument. It cannot be true that, just because Kikuyu's/Gema people will vote for UK and not Karua,they are (the Gema people) or will not be driven by ethnicity.

    It is possible to argue that, driven by ethnicity, they will prefer UK to Karua cos:

    (a) UK is not a peasant like Karua as Gema elite would say. That is to say, it is possible that, the Gema people prefer to be led or misled, by those they consider to belong to "royalty."

  22. Karua has already lost the Gichigu Constituency, we can bet.

    To me the only clean politician from Mt Kenya was Bildad. All others are money worshipers who are ready to die and to kill, if the source of cash is threatened.

  23. KK alliance slowly forming. Martha move makes he unacceptable to MKM, and PNU, this allows her to easily slide in to ODM hands, Rail feeling age and time is not on his side he will take karua on board, with the hope of securing the central votes, if raila accepts Karua he will have to ditch ruto, forcing him to make alliance with uhuru, its this KK devil pack that will win 2012 election. KK pack will rig the election that 120% RV go with ruto, Uhuru 120% central, and Kalozoo 100%. Who can bite KK team?

  24. Waweru,

    You are so right! The solution to the Kenyan political problem is armed peace - that is for the major tribes to arm themselves and to present for presidential elections their best warlords. The smaller tribes will align themselves with their survival interests and just as was the case in the days of the Soviet Union and USA struggle for supremacy, such a mutually-assured-self destruction will lead to a detente.

    What happened in the last PEV was an inconclusive struggle and hence tha malaise affecting our body politic. In Raila and Ruto the Luos and Kalenjins had effective warlords respectively. The Kikuyus didn't have a chosen warlord to take an effective defensive campaign to their opponents. Kibaki, in his usual coward style, did not safeguard the national good or come to the rescue of the victimised Kikuyus. It was not until individual Kikuyu heroic citizens started taking personal initiatives to revnge did the tide start turning in the community's favor. It was just then that the international community intervened. Given that Kikuyu revenge momentum had started picking deadly speed in Nakuru, Naivasha and parts of Nairobi, the external intervention was God's salvation of Kenya from Kikuyu mad rage. I hate to imagine mobs of young blood-thirsty Kikuyu men pouring overnight into Nairobi streets from neighboring Central Province.

    It is good it didn't happen and hopefully will never happen. However, because of the inconclusive nature of the last violent inter-ethnic encounters, some communities have become emboldened and may miscalculate and attack Kikuyus in the future thinking that they can win a physical confrontation with the Kikuyus.

    In order to discourage such miscalculations by others, the Kikuyus may have to go for their best warlord possible or at the very least support a warlord from a friendly community who understands the existential threats that Kikuyus face. The aim for the Kikuyus should NEVER EVER be to act aggressively but to make it be known to all that they are ready to defend themselves and their property. The welfare of the community should never again be left to chance.

  25. As i have indicated under anon 10.28pm, karua will most likely remain justice minister. Every president needs hawks and doves. Kibs seems to have too many doves but very few hawks. karua is the quintessential hawk and it would be a big mistake to let her go. Who will hold shouting matches with rao? She will extract a few concessions here and there but over all I dont see her ignoring a direct plea by the president; and the president has to talk to her directly because he is the one who actually needs her, not the other way round. Let's wait and see.

  26. Mwarang'ethe,

    Yes, "it is possible that, the Gema people prefer to be led or misled, by those they consider to belong to 'royalty.'" Though unfortunate, the Gema people would not be uniquely first in that choice given that the Luos have chosen to be led by the Odinga royalty untill the Kingdom come.

  27. "save us from the MOUNT KENYA MAFIA!"

    Why don't you do one, you fucking wanker.

  28. 4/14/09 1:56 AM Re: warlords/armed peace - very insightful.

    Chola 1:21 - Kalozoo.. LOL!

  29. Anonymous said...

    Yes, "it is possible that, the Gema people prefer to be led or misled, by those they consider to belong to 'royalty.'" Though unfortunate, the Gema people would not be uniquely first in that choice given that the Luos have chosen to be led by the Odinga royalty untill the Kingdom come.

    4/14/09 2:09 AM

    Our response:

    Your are right.

    And, as one commentator has argued, Gema may have decided to front a warlord who can "protect" them from other warlords. If that is the case, and it seems is the case, Waweru's argument falls flat.

  30. I don't like this Mwarang'ethe idiot! He makes me sick with his interpretations. Some people are just born thick!

  31. This is the "royalty" that the Gema like to be led by

  32. These are the things that the "Royal" Gema fraudulent president (Kibaki) invites via his pumbavu leadership:

  33. A point of issuse I want to raise with the poster. Why does he think that the Kikuyu will vote Uhuru based on his supposed influence on Mungiki and their mythical support in Kikuyuland?

    If our friend has done his reading he should be aware that Mungiki, when it took up arms in the 1990s was used as a tool to intimidate 'apparent' Kibaki/opposition supporters in Central much like the various other armed militias functioned in Rift Valley.

    Secondly he should be aware that Mungiki have never and are never likely to represent the viewpoints of a political clique that has
    used its tenure in power (since 2003) to exact venngeance, through the police, (just ask Alston)

    Thirdly if he has been watching the news lately he would have seen a recent report of how villagers in Kirinyaga have taken it upon themselves to flush out percieved Mungiki from their midst.

    What he refuses to understand is that Mungiki does not have the blessing of any sane and reasonable Kenayn, leave alone any sane and reasonable Kikuyus and the idea that they can somehow function as a means to rally support fro whomever Kibaki annoints is illogical and highly unlikely

  34. Andruid,

    Are Kikuyu's really sane and reasonable? I doubt it. Look at the individuals who they consider to be leaders

    * Uhuru "millions of acres of grabbed land" Kenyatta.

    * George "Goldenberg" Saitoti.

    There are many others but those two should suffice for now.

    I have been talking to a number of Kikuyus of different shades, ages and genders on the issue of John Githongo, and of late, Martha Karua. They cant hide their disgust and disdain for these two individuals.

    when I as them why, they usually "dance" around the question in an almost comical way - thinking that I can not see thru them.


    I was left flabbergasted. But anyway, it was good to hear this confession from the horses mouth LIVE!

    Now, Andruid, back to the question I asked at the beggining: Are Kikuyu's really sane and reasonable? I doubt it. If you believe in STEALING as a way of life, I have my doubts as to whether you are sane and responsible.

  35. anon@6:36 am:
    I'm afraid the worm lodged in your cranium has gotten the better of you.


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