Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Coalition Troubles In Kenya: What Next?

Press Statement From ODM About Kilaguni

There is plenty of evidence to suggest that Mwai Kibaki sees himself as another Jomo Kenyatta. Cool and calm and collected amidst all kinds of troubles and crisis that are inevitable for a president to encounter regularly. A classic example is during the post election troubles. President Kibaki was calm and asleep as the country burned and was only nudged half awake when calls started coming in from the White House and State department. In fact he even instructed his cabinet ministers to play down the crisis by telling the press those early peace negotiators, Desmond Tutu and former president of Ghana John Kufour were in the country for a cup of tea.

Then yesterday when he came back into the country there were traditional dancers to entertain him and welcome him just like it was in the Kenyatta days. Why doesn’t the government cut this useless expenditure and use the money to feed the hungry? Kenyans would faint in shock if they knew the budget used for welcoming the president back into the country yesterday after a two day trip!!! Wonders never cease in Kenya do they?

But Mwai Kibaki can never be Jomo Kenyatta because 1963 was very different from 2003. Kibaki does not have the power Kenyatta had and never will. Neither is he as cunning as Baba Uhuru was. Again Kibaki cannot arrest Raila and detain him without trial the way Kenyatta arrested and detained Raila’s dad Jaramogi Oginga Odinga.

Still there are some similarities. Kenyatta’s government murdered JM Kariuki, cutting his private parts and stuffing them in his mouth. That dramatically quieted the excitement in parliament at the time and killed the rising ambition and unrest that was brewing against the Kenyatta government. Mwai Kibaki’s government had two top officials of the Oscar Foundation gunned down in cold blood and that quieted the civil society most of whom have now gone underground and have shut their mouths tight since the incident. Nobody wants to stop a hail of bullets from the Kwekwe squad.

But I digress. What I was saying today is that when you understand how Mwai Kibaki operates and thinks, you will know that as I write this post (9:20am Kenyan time) he is most probably still asleep and life is going on in its’ normal slow pace at State House Nairobi. The man probably still believes that there will be no election until 2012. Very funny indeed because the big question now is whether we will have a country left by the time 2012 rolls up. Already it is no longer a question of if the grand coalition government will hold but one of how much longer it will hold.

Still I have to admit that the president’s handlers are extremely busy and working overtime to “read” every move of ODM and Raila Odinga and counter it quickly. Clearly they are running scared. Already the president’s men know that they have William Ruto and a handful of MPs from the Rift valley in their pockets. However they seem to ignore the fact that they have lost the biggest single political party within PNU which is Martha Karua’s Narc Kenya.

In fact one thing the press has totally missed in their reporting of the problems in the coalition government is the fact that major re-alignments that have taken place mean that it is no longer a matter of ODM versus PNU. Martha Karua is now an ODM ally while Ruto is a staunch but quiet PNU supporter. Which is just as well because Ruto and Karua seem to be sworn enemies these days.

However looking at the numbers PNU are clearly in trouble and that is why their empty threats to bring a censure motion against the Prime Minister is hilarious. This is one of the reasons why money would have started talking by now to get the necessary support in parliament, however this time round the government is terribly broke and to make matters worse Anglo Leasing funds in foreign accounts (which would have now been used) were frozen yesterday. Read the story HERE.

Actually whichever way you look at the current political crisis in Kenya, it is clear that we are headed for chaos. For starters ODM are determined that they will not play into the hands of the presidential advisors and walk out of government. Their strategy is to fight from within. And remember that the President cannot fire the Prime Minister because his office is entrenched in the constitution. And then remember that mass action (ODM’s favourite lethal weapon) is scheduled to be unleashed on hapless starving and impoverished Kenyans next week. Actually my sources tell me that ODMers came out of yesterday’s meeting ecstatic, like they had already won the long drawn out battle that is ahead of us. I think they have realized that they have Mwai Kibaki cornered and the sleeping president doesn’t even seem to know it.

Brace yourselves folks, the ride ahead is definitely going to be rocky. Very rocky.

See also: Was Karua Raped?

Kumekucha Launches Campaign

I have no idea how and when but let me assure you that elections are coming soon. Let us start thinking about how we will vote.

One of the good reasons for getting rid of all the old guys in power now is so that younger guys who are more familiar with technology can enable Kenyans to benefit from it. I will give just one example. Technology can be used very effectively to fight crime. We already have hidden cameras in town (not enough) and we already have an initiative by a private company to help people track their stolen cell phones. We also have the stalled DNA testing crime lab that is yet to be built.

However much more can still be done and only younger dot come generation Kenyans can figure this out for the country. As it is with the current jokers firmly in power, George Muhoho will always be re-appointed managing director of the Kenya Airports Authority (I mean the man is over 70 years old!!!). Are there no younger able qualified Kenyans? Besides the man does NOT need the job while many younger Kenyans do!!

As I have said here often, there is no way these old dinosaurs can give us any new ideas.

P.S. The argument I always hear is people asking what the young guys in the current political system have done. Well, the thing is they can NOT do much when the decision-making dinosaurs are still in power. We need radical surgery in Kenya. How about electing a 40 year old as President? Okay Maximum 45 years!!!?

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You can now follow Chris Kumekucha as he receives highly sensitive info throughout the day and even get to know posts he is working on well in advance. You can even have a private chat with him. Follow him at Twitter. Find him in Twitter @KumekuchaChris. You will even get to see a photo of him (never before published on the web but will now be visible ONLY to his followers on Twitter). Remember that a lot of the stuff you will read on Twitter will NEVER be published because, as has been said here before, most of the information Kumekucha receives is too hot to publish or takes too long to verify (or is impossible to verify) and can therefore NOT be published. But you will be able to read it all on Twitter. Get to Twitter pronto, get there now and find Kenya's most popular and influential political blogger @KumekuchaChris

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  1. Chris- you have fallen into Kibaki's time tested trap, just like your fellow ODMers, whereby he 'acts' as a weak and vulnerable leader. Just look how shaky he looked during the riots after the elctions?

    We all thought his presidency would collapse like a house of cards after being sworn in the night lakini wapi! This coalition thing is the worst that could happen to Kenya. You talk of Oscar killings but I ask who should we hold accountable? Kibaki, Raila, both, police, govt?

    There's no way a bus can have two drivers and to make it worse, who hate each other's guts. That bus is only bound to crash as the drivers fight for the steering wheel amid squabbling passangers.

    That's why Kenya was 'somehow' better off between 2002/2007 when there was only one driver. Yes, it was not perfect, but the nation was optimistic and going places. This country will forever remain bogged down in the mud until when there's only one driver who cares and respects the wishes of the people and not tainted with Kenyattaism, Moism and Corruption! Otherwise, save your breath son.

  2. Chris said,

    "And then remember that mass action (ODM’s favourite lethal weapon) is scheduled to be unleashed on hapless starving and impoverished Kenyans next week"

    i like the way you hit the nail on the head on this one. ODM which controls agriculture ministry decided to creat artificial shortage of maize that has seen the poor lack even ugali. Now its the same poor hungry fellows who these evil odmorons will give 50 bob to sing bado mapambano'makulano' in the glaring heat.

    secondly, ODM with majority in parliament has deliberately nat brought any much needed changes through legislature. infact most odm mps only turned up in big numbers to defend ruto and fight their taxation. their leader raila has been hit by scandals himself;
    his son was involved in an accident at night driving a government car, his son fidel was involved in the maize racket, he still has the molasses plant scandal dangling from his neck like a necklace.

    sadly raila the champion of change canm only fight about 'executive' toilets, torn carpets and absent PC.

    its so so sad..


  3. Couldn't have said better mpesa!

    "....There's no way a bus can have two drivers and to make it worse, who hate each other's guts. That bus is only bound to crash as the drivers fight for the steering wheel amid squabbling passangers.."

  4. Chris,

    Raila has been defending this government until last week...have you asked yourself why?

    because he has been enjoying the little power that he demanded after refereeing the slaughter of 1300 innocent kikuyus in rift valley.
    he raise no finger when his odm politicians kill mau forest and when ruto sells maize to southern sudan. even when ntimama was bragging of slaughtering 600 kikuyus he saw no evil as long as he retains the PM title.

    sadly chris chooses to go after kibakis neckk and leave the 'sacred' neck of one raila, a charcoal in the habit of calling the pot black.

    who do you speak for chris? certainly not the poor helpless 36 million kenyans.maybe odm, the house built on blood sheltering thieves and murderers.

  5. If parliament passes a no-confidence vote in the government of the day. What does that mean in Kenya?

  6. Chris,

    You may write acres of spiced words trying to demonise one part of the coalition but its just illusion. odm are half the beast, equally terrorising kenyans by making noise and refusing to pass policies.

    how can raila who many like Taabu and Phil hold in awe concentrate on trivialities like torn carpets and toilets when the poor fellows he claims to represent go for days without meals?
    what is the role of one ruto in creating the current hunger situation? is Ruto not raila's responsibility?
    what about the contentious mau forest, the report compiled by fellows handpicked by raila himself place the blame of mau deforestation on politicians who are ODM leaders. is that why he has choosen to be quite about it? is that why Kumekucha has given this issue a wide berth?

    chris, stop the hypocricy. kibaki is bad but is he the one solely responsible for the problems facing Kenya?

    and you seem to agree that ODM is good in using violence as an option. well the body count hit 1500 the last time i checked. and we still have IDP's thanks to ODM. way to go chris, way to go...

  7. Chris,
    I like the way you people like to underestimate Kibaki. Ati Kibaki was cornered? Let me tell you, it may look like he is, but Kibaki is smarter than what anyone of you thinks.

    While ODMers are seeing this as some kind of victory and dancing halleyuah, I bet Kibaki next move will silence them all. The man is old and he may look indecisive like some of you like to believe, but he is going to FINISH his second and final term intact.

    Chris, you can gloat all you like, but that is the bitter truth.

  8. Don Knw why u guys underestimates MK,he looks sleepy but a very shrewd politician.

  9. Chris:


    He wants an executive toilet to be carried wherever he goes.

    He wants a red carpet wherever he walks.

    He wants to be met by a Provincial Commissioner in every village he visits.

    And finally, he wants an airforce jet to carry him whenever he flies from Nairobi to Kisumu - the air force helicopter is no longer enough for our "Tin God" PM Raila.

    If this is not insanity I don't know what insanity means. Kenyans are indeed very tolerant people!

  10. minister for rural irrigation james Njuguna has resigned. Kibaki is done!

  11. Chris,
    You said Kibaki have lost the biggest single political party within PNU which is Martha Karua’s Narc Kenya. The truth is that Narc is not the biggest partner, They are only a few Narc Kenya mps and only Karua and Mungatana have left so far

    There PM can be sent home without going to a vote of no confidence in parliament. PNU can simply pull out of the GCG and that will the end of NARA. If you look at section 6 of the act, you realise that either of the partners has the power to end this unholy matrimony

  12. One Wife Man4/8/09, 3:13 AM

    Chris aka Kumekucha,
    Judging Dr.Kibaki by his sleep patterns is unfair because the man is an octogenerian approaching his 90s and his state of health has never been the best since the road accident in 2003.that is why he requires alot of sleep in order to maintain his mental and physical wellness and we should not begrudge the man his rest

    having said that, there are advantages to Dr.Kibaki's cool calm and collected demeanor that earned him the reputation of having a gentlemanly mien early on in his political career before his presidency. he doesn't overact to unimportant things like many other politicians in Kenya do. that is why the only time he gets upset is when polygamy is mentioned-that is something important and serious

    ODM can learn alot from Dr.Kibaki- stop complaining all the time about everything and only complain about important and serious things. don't imitate the head of state who is aloof, distant and detached, but also don't become cry babies whining about everything from carpets through to toilets. how will you ever get people to sympathise with you if you cry all the time?

    by the way in case you didn't know Dr.Kibaki is also on Twitter and you can also monitor his every move

  13. Kikuyu's need to learn that STEALING, PROSTITUTION, SWINDLING, CARJACKING, FRAUD, CONMANSHIP and CONWOMANSHIP, which are their predominant "cultural traits," are not honorable types of behavior. They are primitive, backward, stupid and retrogressive.

    These primitive "cultural traits" result in such hideous things such as Kikuyu's chopping off their own fellow Kikuyu's heads off. Why? So that they can be let loose to continue STEALING and EXTORTING from their fellow Kikuyu's !?!? This is ridiculous. This is outright STUPID.

  14. There is a sad belief in Luo Nyanza that if majimbo comes somehow they will no longer be expected to go fishing or cultivating their shambas. Luos need to learn from the neighbouring Kisiis the joys of hard work.

  15. I don't get it, how can a jaruo complain of toilet? Since when did toilets matter to this primitive tribe? If at all matters, then why does Raila not built proper toilets for Kibera residents?
    This is a polite question Ladies and Gentlemen. I am just puzzled.

    Phil's Mistress

  16. Post number 12 highlights just how far we are allowing ourselves to drift from rationality because of our 'superhero politicans' and their 'supervillain' political opponents.

    God rest the soul of that poor buuger in Peace

  17. Listen to Danson Mungatana speak :

    Mungatana say a clique of THIEVING, CORRUPT, SELFISH and GREEDY individuals controls the Kibaki administration "This clique has fought reforms, resisted change and are an impediment to implementation of Agenda Four." He said the clique involves a minister with so much land - Uhuru "Millions of acres of grabbed land" Kenyatta. The group, he said has fought land and judicial reforms so as to guard their ill gotten wealth.

  18. Kibaki needs to taken out so that Kenya can start afresh,i'm telling you that no amount of persuasion and coercion can wake this dude from his deep slumber and like JFK once said and i quote "Those who make peaceful change impossible will make violent change inevitable. ..." so lets nail this guy once and for all!!

  19. In addition to this:

    (Kikuyu's need to learn that STEALING, PROSTITUTION, SWINDLING, CARJACKING, FRAUD, CONMANSHIP and CONWOMANSHIP, which are their predominant "cultural traits," are not honorable types of behavior. They are primitive, backward, stupid and retrogressive.

    These primitive "cultural traits" result in such hideous things such as Kikuyu's chopping off their own fellow Kikuyu's heads off. Why? So that they can be let loose to continue STEALING and EXTORTING from their fellow Kikuyu's !?!? This is ridiculous. This is outright STUPID.)

    They also need to stop their foolish attempts at DECEPTION, DISTORTIONS and HALF TRUTHS. A lot of that is going on right now in this comments section by these mongrels - They are trying to divert attention from the STENCH in the PANUA house where the panua shit has hit the fan and generously sprayed the panua house with the stuff. POOH! They STINK.

  20. KIbaki played odm for fools, now they start yelling and threatening, its all a bag of jang monkey crap, why not quit the government?? oopps thatrs not an option since there is no one to supervise the elections, mass action cant work with millions starving too hungry to give a fwack about politics, so what options do you guys have other than the usual DOMO DOMO TU

  21. Anon 1:08 AM,

    You said:

    ""....There's no way a bus can have two drivers and to make it worse, who hate each other's guts. That bus is only bound to crash as the drivers fight for the steering wheel amid squabbling passangers.."

    All this nonsense would not be happening if Mwai "pumbavu" Kibaki had not STOLEN the elections of December '07. If he had accepted the peoples will all this nonsense would not be happening.

    There is a saying that goes something like this:


    Mwai "pumbavu" Kibaki is reaping the "fruits" of a mandate that he STOLE and did not win. You can not plant cactus and then expect to harvest strawberries. No! Impossible! You can only reap cactus with all its associated THORNS.

  22. like i said ,lets not waste any more time debating on this useless Kibaki,lets waste him and his clique!!

  23. Mwai "pumbavu" Kibaki: Karua ni pumbavu sana

    Lucy: Ati what? Unasema Karua ni pumbavu? She is the only person in PNU who had the "balls" to make sure that you succeeded in stealing the elections of December 2007. Uhuru, Saitoti and the rest were shaking and trembling like leaves. How can you call her pumbavu? That is very unfair.

    Mwai "pumbavu" Kibaki: Yeye ni pumbavu. Wacha wale wanataka kua wapumbavu waendelee kua wapumbavu..

    At this point an enraged Lucy pounces on Kibaki and unleashes many many SLAPS on his unpadded cheeks.

    Lucy: How can you call Karua pumbavu? Wewe ndio pumbavu wa mwisho (She screams this at Kibaki while simultaneously unleashing many many of those patented SLAPS of hers on Mwai "pumbavu" Kibaki's unpadded Cheeks)

  24. @ one wife man @3:13

    About Kibaki being at twitter, it is soooooo obvious that that is a secretary or impersonator.

    How can i tell?

    Well Kibaki can't twit. Not only can he NOT manage anything, but he is asleep most of the day.

  25. Very well put Kumekucha (Chris) @ 4:48 AM,

    "Kibaki can't twit. Not only can he NOT manage anything, but he is asleep most of the day."

  26. Chris,

    You are wrong. The important presidential powers that moi inherited from kenyatta and kibs inherited from moi are still intact. Like others have said and to paraphrase George w. Bush, Kibs is often "misunderestimated". In a recent interview Annan said he gave both kibs and rao the one page document that contained the changes he was proposing and kibs read it very carefully. In fact he read it twice. From that document kibs knew he was not giving up any power. After allowing ODM to appoint half the ministers, the rest of the Government is answerable to the president. That's why whatever "respect" rao gets is that which the president has said he be given. Rao should just eat humble pie and request kibs to restore the "respect" he has been enjoying. Otherwise at this rate, not even a chief will receive him anywhere.


  28. There was a time when MO1 looked just like Kibz, untouchable, he could just goof around and get away with it, I think it's a decease of all politicians its the spirit of fighting to the end then having to leave the country in a rush or get caught in a hail of bullets. Presidents the world over are notorious for being out of touch with reality untill its too late. There is nothing new about kibaki's slothfullness. Some desparados interpret it as cleverness, there is nothing clever about it, Mo1 was so sure project Uhuru would go thru and so sloth kibaki and his stable of clowns are under the illusion that they are in control, very soon they will learn who
    's really in charge....very soon.

    Sir Alex

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Kumekucha aka Chris,

    Let me give you an ant colony analogy.
    Allow me to build on the analogy. An ant colony is an underground lair where ants live. Colonies consist of a series of underground chambers, connected to each other and the surface of the earth by small tunnels. The colony is built and maintained by legions of worker ants.
    Ant colonies are eusocial. This generally involves the production of sterile members of the species, which carry out specialized tasks, effectively caring for the reproductive members. Top on this hierachichal system is the queen. These sterile members are also used for group defense, including self-sacrifice .

    In Kenya, our tribal chiefs (ant colony queens) have perfected the ant analogy. They have sterilised our minds and left us with only the responsibility feeding their cravings...through paying taxes while they dont, adoring and stone throwing or e-fighting for them (phil,taabu,sam okello, chris fall here). Like ants, we daily demonstrate supercoloniality tendency which is agression against other colonies (read other tribes).
    Some are even willing to bite the bullet when the "queens" say so in the name of "haki yetu" which is simply more power to corrupt tribal chiefs.

    Chris, when will you shake off the chains of mental slavery. When will you demand your mental fertility back? Yes you can Chris...if Obama did, you can!!!

  31. Mimi na uliza na roho njema, why Raila, why is Raila the only hope? What has he done to this country? He is 64 years, what is his track record? The man is filthy rich and many in his constituency continue to languish in extreme poverty and now he got the guts to complain about carpet? Hii ni kitu gani...and toilet. What about 1 million masses in kibera his own constituency who don't have even a latrine toilet? PLEE....ZEEEE!!

  32. Mwai "pumbavu" Kibaki: Karua ni pumbavu sana

    Lucy: Ati what? Unasema Karua ni pumbavu? She is the only person in PNU who had the "balls" to make sure that you succeeded in stealing the elections of December 2007. Uhuru, Saitoti and the rest were shaking and trembling like leaves. How can you call her pumbavu? That is very unfair.

    Mwai "pumbavu" Kibaki: Yeye ni pumbavu. Wacha wale wanataka kua wapumbavu waendelee kua wapumbavu..

    At this point an enraged Lucy pounces on Kibaki and unleashes many many SLAPS on his unpadded cheeks.

    Lucy: How can you call Karua pumbavu? Wewe ndio pumbavu wa mwisho (She screams this at Kibaki while simultaneously unleashing many many of those patented SLAPS of hers on Mwai "pumbavu" Kibaki's unpadded Cheeks)

  33. Kenyans past this on your browsers and you will know how Kibaki and his cronies running the central bank of Kenya lie...
    even a grade 5 students can go through this document and poke holes - Hey wake up kenyans you are being taken for a ride!!!
    Kibaki and cronies have pocketed all the money.. Kenya has been raped clean!!!!!!!!!!

  34. I pity that former country called Kenya, guys thought 07 was bad, with the rhetoric on this board, the politicians have really done a number on its electorate.

    God save Kenya!

  35. I'm not Kenyans but I had to say this.. I never thought Kenyans were stupid to allow their president to sale off their countries assets without a fight???

    why?? are you all asleep?

    Essar to acquire stake in Kenyan refinery
    Story link: Essar to acquire stake in Kenyan refinery by Jo Black
    Essar to acquire stake in Kenyan refinery

    Essar Energy Overseas Ltd, a subsidiary of Essar Oil Limited, has entered into an agreement to acquire 50% of Kenya Petroleum Refineries Ltd. (“KPRL”), a 4 million metric tonne (MMTPA) per annum refinery in Mombasa, Kenya.The Government of Kenya holds the remaining 50% of KPRL.

    Essar will acquire the stake from the existing shareholders – The Shell Petroleum Company Limited, Chevron Global Energy Inc and BP Africa Limited. Subject to certain conditions, the acquisition is expected to complete in early 2008.

    The Mombasa refinery is the only refinery in Eastern Africa. It currently produces LPG, gasoline, diesel, kerosene and fuel oil. The refinery is planned to be upgraded by adding secondary units at a project cost of USD 400- 450 million.

    KPRL’s products are sold into the Kenyan market and exported to neighbouring countries including Tanzania, Uganda, Burundi and Rwanda. Demand for petroleum products in these markets is estimated at 5 million tonnes per annum.

    This, the first international acquisition by Essar in the refining sector, fits Essar’s strategy of achieving refining capacity of one million barrels per day. In addition, Essar already has three exploration and production blocks in Madagascar and one in Nigeria.

  36. Raila had a point when he talked about the "carpet" & "toilet", maybe not the best analogy, but the man had a point.

    Partnerships can only be amongst equals. He won the elections, and conceded soome power. How shortsighted these PANUAs can be that hardly two years out of Kenya on the brink of oblivion, they minimize the symbolism that he was trying to get across.

    This is the reason Kenya needs Majimbo, so that all Kikuyus can go back to Central or Eastern and let the rest of Kenyans live freely amongst themselves as self evidenced by the last ballots cast.

  37. KIBAKI'S DEATH SQUAD AT IT AGAIN, NOW IT IS MUITE THEN KARUA(sources say of Karua they said she should be finished and her body never found) this is scary business now)


    Former Kenyan MP alleges death threats
    Update 1 hours and 3 minutes ago

    NAIROBI, Kenya, Apr 8 - Former Kabete legislator Paul Muite claims that his life is in danger.

    Mr Muite said on Wednesday that ‘reliable information’ was leaked to him by some police officers that there were instructions to execute him. He connected the threats to his vocal crusade against the government’s alleged role in extrajudicial killings.

    “Last Sunday, I received specific information from credible sources that members of the ‘Kwekwe squad’ (which had been accused of executions) have been given instructions to get rid of me,” he alleged.

    “My conclusion is that the consistent public stand I have taken on extrajudicial executions may have something to do with it.”

    Mr Muite has continually put the police on the spot over increasing cases of extrajudicial executions. He has already written to the International Criminal Court (ICC) requesting it to open investigations into the allegations. “Behind the scenes I have been urging ICC to take action. “It is possible that the intelligence agencies are aware of my efforts.” He however said that he was yet to receive a response for his request.

    The former legislator was however categorical that he would not report the matter to the police. “It is an insult to my intellect to report to the police since they are the suspects in this case.”

    “I have decided to say this so that if anything happens to me it will be a political assassination,” he said.

    Mr Muite has however remained firm that he would continue with his stand against extrajudicial killings and will furnish the International Criminal Court evidence of the role of Police and senior government officials.

    The United Nations Special Rapporteur, Prof Phillip Alston, was in the country last month and indicted the Police Commissioner and the Attorney General for failing in their respective mandate to stop the executions in which at least 600 youths have documented to have disappeared. Attorney General Amos Wako has however defended himself against these accusations and insisted that he has prosecuted all cases which have enough evidence.

    Prof Alston’s full report is expected in June.

    The civil society movement has been in the frontline pushing the ICC to take over investigations.

    “I want to confirm that plans are at an advanced stage for the ICC to take over investigations,” rights activist Ndung’u Wainaina who was also present at Muite’s press conference said. He said that he had met with senior officials of the ICC and they were positive that they would take over the cases.

  38. Guka wa Obama4/8/09, 10:27 AM

    Paul Muite is a publicity seeking cheap former MP and just like Koigi Wamwere he is just a talker and never a doer.For sheer nuisance value Ababu Namwamba had better get Muite as mentor.

    Even in midst of madness that is Kenyan politics there are still MPs who perform and who wananchi recognise and reward them. One of the most effective MPs atleast in Central Kenya is the Gatanga 'Senator' (yes even Central has a senator) Peter Kenneth and in a queit but most effective way wananchi rewarded him with another manadate and at the rate he is going another term is beckoning.
    When will akina Muite, Gitobu, Ababu et al learn that at the end of the it doesnt matter how many decibels of kelele you make, it is how close the women get clean water, have a bridge done or complete a classroom.

  39. Chris?
    Why would bloggers want to follow you on twitters?(Kibaki mouth piece that you are?)

    Please explain that one?

    But hey wait Chris I think you need to read yours truly Kibaki's C.V


    the legacy Kibaki leaves is right here - bloodshed, corruption, tribalism, looting, police murders and pain. Grand Corruption that his buddy's son Githongo couldn't stand, extrajudicial killings, money laundering, mercenaries, media raids, civilian massacres, election theft, toxic tribalism, Anglo-Leasing, attempted constitutional fraud, ethnic favouritism, ethnicization of police and military, extreme poverty, land grabbing, looting of parastatals and public assests including the Grand Regency and such ......

  40. While this is not in line with the topic of the day, it seems to us, a development worthy noting.

    A few weeks ago, we observed that, Kibaki may end up the Pinochet way for allowing forcible disappearance of civilians, which is an international crime.

    Some of the commentators responded that, our interpretation of the ICC Statute was bogus.

    Now, it can be confirmed that, Muite has written to the ICC about the issue.

    We are aware that, many will be quick to dismiss Muite's actions as publicity seeking. However, given the UN involvement in this issue, we ought not to dismiss the issue lightly. Obviously, Kibaki's advisers are as usual sleeping.


  41. Where is the evidence against kibaki???
    Muite is a spent force. I would never take him seriously. Never!
    Nor do his constituents in Kikuyu. Heh-heh-heh.

  42. Anonymous said...

    Where is the evidence against kibaki???
    Muite is a spent force. I would never take him seriously. Never!

    Our response:

    Two things. First, just ignore Muite for the time being.

    Two, why did Phillip Alston, the U.N.'s special rapporteur on extrajudicial killings, ask Kibaki to break his silence on the issue? Ponder about that, and you will see the implications.

  43. It has come to my attention that Taabu and Phil do not comment on Chris posts. DO we have inner wars in KUMEKUCHA?

    Chris, give us this exclusive and drop the twitter crap. How much have the jokers paid you?

    Diary of a gay kenyan blogger.

  44. anon 2:21PM

    Can't you read?? are you pretending to be a stupid Kenya from central province?? why am I not surprised since you follow Kibaki blindly - I guess you are one of those that share his bloody murderous trend..

    This is What Muite send out to ICC- money made Kibaki and his cronies mad and they have made kenya a killing field for many years


    Kibaki leaves is right here - bloodshed, corruption, tribalism, looting, police murders and pain. Grand Corruption that his buddy's son Githongo couldn't stand, extrajudicial killings, money laundering, mercenaries, media raids, civilian massacres, election theft, toxic tribalism, Anglo-Leasing, attempted constitutional fraud, ethnic favouritism, ethnicization of police and military, extreme poverty, land grabbing, looting of parasitical and public assets including the Grand Regency and such ......

  45. anon6:00 PM

    Hey pal

    you are the money, Chris doesn't need his Taabu friends anymore he is riding high on Kibaki's back.. paid for and delivered! haven't you noticed his posts on here?
    Chris is a Kibaki mouth piece.. na nimesema!

  46. Mwarang'ethe

    You can scream, shout and throw tantrums - it won't help Kibaki
    Hague is a done deal for Kibaki the
    Murderous thug Mzee is going to die in jail or be hanged.. Shenzi kikuyu murderer I pity his children- having a father who is a murderer?? yuk I would never ever go near him or speak to him.

    and by the way all that he stole from the people of Kenya will be returned mark my words!
    Mpumbavu kazee ka Othaya the ugliest face i eve come across shenzi sana Kibaki!
    Thank god Muite found the courage to send his report to ICC now let us see who Kibaki sends to execute him!!

    will it surprise Kenyans No because kikuyu's don't mind executing their own like goats


  47. If he had agreed to the odm victory there would have been no bloodshed, riots, ethnic strife

  48. The person who won is the president. That is why he has no respect for the one who used foreigners to give him a post in gava. Luo nyanza should be made part of UG so M7 can deal with all jang apes. If it remains part of kenya then it should be under KWS.

  49. I am a Luo and I am proud of it. If I am an ape then why did I beat all the Kikuyus in our Faculty and emerge the top student? Stupid.

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