Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Open letter to Phil Of Kumekucha

My dear brother and fellow lover of the motherland,

I hope this note finds you well. You are lost. It is so long since you did a post and I have been wondering what is wrong.

Let me start by stating once again that I sincerely have the deepest respect for you. I can assure you that if the situation was otherwise, I would not have bothered to pen this note to you. Am sure many oldies will agree with me that you did an excellent job leading up to (and after) the botched up presidential elections of 2007.

I read your latest reply to my previous post and it worries me to no end for various reasons.

You said;

Yes Bwana Chris, Ruto must Go, but for God’s sake Kiraitu Murungi Must Stay! Right?
Now where did you get that one? My position, I thought, was clear. The whole LOT should go home. To be honest I have no idea why Kiraitu is in the cabinet in the first place. The latest Triton scandal is just a confirmation that this is a man who has no business being responsible for a cattle dip project, let alone a multi-billion ministry that is vital to the country.

If you have been following the saga of maize in this country, you would not be make such outrageous claims as you have made today. Whatever happened to the real authentic Kumekucha who towered above all blogs including mainstream media?

Obviously, Chris - like thousands of many other clueless (and ohhh yes voteless) diasporans, you have chosen to be drafted into that club which believes that bashing ODM and its leaders will take away the problems bedevilling this country. How sad and unfortunate. As far as I can see bashing ODM only increases web page hits!

To begin with, according to Kumekucha jungle laws, Kenyan ministers are now supposed to resign because there was once Kimunya’s censure motion in parliament which was successful and that he went ahead and resigned. How laughable!

Laughable? Is it? What happened to the old fearless Phil I knew? Are you now siding with known thieves like Ruto? For what purpose? To keep ODM intact so that Raila Odinga becomes the next president? Tut! Tut!

I have a theory my brother. I believe you love Kenya with all your heart, the only problem is that you love Raila more.

And I also believe that the biggest political mistake Raila has ever made is to fail to realize that Kenyans did not vote for him in 2007, they voted against Kibaki. With kibaki out of the picture this time round, things will be very different I assure you. By the way I also voted for Raila but I love Kenya more.

What is amazing is NOT that it has taken so long for someone to come up with the idea of sending Ruto home. What is actually amazing is that Chris imagines 10 million Kenyans are starving because Ruto purportedly sold two million bags of strategic grain reserves (SGR)! It is truly a pity Chris because if you would have taken time to research a bit deeper you would have discovered that ;

One – Kenya depends 100% on rain fed agriculture. In this era of global warming and unpredictable weather patterns, this was the first major cock-up of the Kenyatta, Moi and Kibaki regimes. It is as if Ruto is God the almighty so as to dictate how the weather will be in Kenya!
Two – the current food shortage was predicted as far back as 2007 (yes the election year), but Kibaki and the then Agriculture minister Kipruto arap Kirwa were so busy night running and dancing PNU songs to imagine Kenyans would need food in beyond 2008.

You are right my brother. What I admire about you is the research you apply to many topics before you write. However I put it to you that you are completely ignoring other pertinent facts here. There is actually a lot that Ruto, Raila and Kibaki would have done in March last year which would have helped things a great deal. I mean any primary school child would have told you after the post election troubles that there was going to be a serious food crisis in the country. Have you forgotten those TV clips of maize being burnt? And everybody knows that farming activities have not gone back to normal in Kenya’s bread basket.

But the problem is that Ruto, your beloved Raila and Kibaki should NOT be leaders in Kenya because they are utterly irresponsible and selfish. What were they doing forming a bloated cabinet that is costing us a fortune when they should have been making arrangements in March last year (not now!!!! Surely!!!) to ensure that no single Kenyan (the folks who lined up for hours to vote for them) would die of starvation.

So my answer is that while Ruto cannot control the weather, he should have planned ahead otherwise he has no business being in-charge of the ministry of agriculture. Let us not even go into the maize scandal for now.

Three – and perhaps most importantly, the SGR was just 2 million bags. How on earth Chris was this going to be enough to feed 10 million starving Kenyans, even if it was to be distributed for free to deserving cases?

Four – Of the total 2million bags of the SGR, 1.6 million bags was sold to millers and 0.4million to the so called individuals including the First Lady Lucy Kibaki trading as Gangilly Kenya Ltd (jangili kweli). What is unlawful about this to warrant the resignation of the Agriculture Minister? The fact of the matter is that the SGR was released to the market late last year in a cabinet approved plan aimed at moderating the skyrocketing prices of UNGA.

What are you saying Phil? That because the maize in question was not enough to feed the country, it was okay for people to make money selling it and to cause prices of maize flour to shoot up? Please confirm because this is what comes through from your writing.

Incidentally, prices of food have sharply risen globally over the last two years so this situation is not unique to Kenya nor is it a creation of ODM! I would be pleased if you could please quote for us the relevant LAW/S OF KENYA that says selling or trading in maize is illegal? Or it is the usual yada yada of mere talk and no solid proof to back up claims?

Five - According to the Global Information and Early Warning System of the UN-FAO, their report on Kenya food security situation first anticipated in the early part of 2008 and also indicated that our country would face a serious food insecurity situation due to a combination of factors: Displacement, insecurity, poor rainfall, rising food and other commodity prices, reduced cereal production and livestock diseases; The resignation and/or sacking of the Agriculture minister will never mitigate these problems! Please.

Kumekucha titbits: Have you ever gone through the horrifying experience of having your server crashing? Server recovery in Kenya exists.

Six – contrary to your assertion that Ruto must resign and that there is no other option to alleviate the starvation of Kenyans, there are indeed countless alternatives government can do in order to improve the tragic situation. You further seem not to be aware the government has already declared food shortage as a national disaster and in the process asked for international help on the same. It is an admission that we play too much politics and forget to plan for our very livelihoods. I am hoping that the goodwill of this blog will one day be used to educate Kenyans on issues of that will bring positive change into their lives rather than what is happening now.

Ruto’s resignation is a good place to start because he did nothing. Since March last year he did nothing. It would have been better if he tried and failed. But did he even try? Let us be honest with ourselves Phil. The guy did not have the time of day to do anything about the crisis he knew was coming. How would he when he was already making plans to profit from it. Sorry Ruto must GO!!

By the way the factors that have caused food prices to shoot up globally have nothing to do with what has been happening in Kenya. The Kenyan crisis was created by profiteers in government and everybody knows that.

FYI- Odinga need not to have been Mboya’s political friend. One does not attend the funeral of one’s enemies. Perhaps you could care to tell us why Mboya’s life friends (Kenyatta, Koinange, Njonjo, Moi, et al) kept away from his funeral and only what you call his friends in death (Odinga, JM Kariuki, et al) attended it? Fear of the unknown? You bet!

Mboya and Odinga represented a stark difference in ideologies. It is like trying to mix oil and water! You and I know which side Mboya represented. You and I also know the public service record of Jaramogi Oginga Odinga (may God rest his soul eternal peace) is equal to NONE – dead or alive.

Public service record of Jaramogi???? What??? Anyway let me not say anything about that for now. Wacha I go re-read my history because there is obviously something major I missed here. Strange how ythis public service record is NOT reflected anywhere I know of. Not even in Nyanza. The good and evil that Mboya did can be seen everywhere.

Ohhhh I forgot. I know you love Kenya Phil, the only problem is that you love the Odingas more.

By the way let me end this open letter with a question for you Phil. Don’t you think the fact that the country wants to spend close to a billion shillings on a new office for the prime Minster confirmation that our leaders have lost it? How do you beg for food with one hand while with the other you sign contracts with contractors and pay out hefty suns of public money for an office that will cease to exist when we go into the next elections.

Please answer that one, my brother.

P.S. I hope you will not take this letter personally. You are still my friend and I am really looking forward to the day you will resume your posts in this blog so that you may help us return to that “fearlessness” you keep talking about. As always you are free to post what you want because I do not have to agree with what you say.

Is this what Kenyans are really saying on the ground? If so most bloggers should be ashamed of themselves.


  1. Phil,

    I think this time you really pissed off Chris.

  2. I am eagerly waiting for Phil's response to this, because I think Chris hit this spot on. Regarding Jaramogi, I think he gave very valiant efforts towards public service in Kenya, Nyanza in particular the problem is that he was frustrated by the regime of the day, thus no tangible evidence of the results.
    -Barry O

  3. Good morning Chris,

    On my side, I can assure you nothing has changed.

    Of course I shall be responding to you FULLY in due course.

  4. Chris,

    Why do waste your time with this deluded man?

    I told you the other day your need a re-think of your contributors. Get rid of ALL of them except Kalamari. But I fear you are a coward and like Kibaki you would like to hang on these oldies, good-for-nothing contributors who have nothing new to offer to the readers!

    Get Derek and Vikii back ASAP!

  5. Oh I forgot to add something really important.

    Phil, you seem to be still be totally stuck on party things when even in parliament political parties have dissapeared. ODM and PNU do NOT exist anymore and when you listen to the high quality of debate these days (which I believe is unprecedented) blind party affiliation seems to be a thing of the past.

    Don't you agree with many other Kenyans that this is such a wonderful thing to be happening?


  6. Phil,

    I find it unacceptable that when this country is in such a mess, you can not muster the courage to call a spade a spade. To me, there seems to be a serious lack of leadership in ODM. The party with the majority in parliament has nothing to show for it a full year down the road. Tell me why Kenyans should ever vote for such an outfit again?

    Let me repeat something i said here in KK a couple of days back. Rumor has it that Fidel sold maize to south Sudan. If it is true, then let Raila come out and say so. We can't blame him for his sons deeds, but we will surely blame him if he uses his office to shield him!

  7. Chris,

    if you mean what you said @11:40 PM, then lets have new contributors to this blog! or this CHANGE thing you keep talking about is just a mere word intended to sound cool?

    Actions speak lounder than words!

  8. Even me I want to hear the answers to this letter. Especially an answer as to why the prime minister thinks its okay, to buy a 700 million shilling, office for himself while Kenyans are starving.

    Then without shame, he tells public servants to pay 10% of their salary towards famine relief! Can't he stall the purchase of his office until hunger is no longer an issue in this country?

    Whether you voted for ODM or not , you must surely be able to see what is happening in that party. Therefore, the issue of ODM bashing does not arise at all, unless of course one is in the business of supporting personalities. In all honesty, there is no difference between ODM and PNU and whoever else out there, yet these are the same people who promised us change!

  9. No MEN in Kenya.

    In the good book of Jeremiah, it is written:

    Run ye to and fro through the streets of Jerusalem, and see now, and know, and seek in the broad places thereof, if ye can find a man.

    Just like in these times, it seems impossible to find a MAN in the villages and towns in Kenya.

    Diogenes sought with a lantern at noontide in ancient Athens for a perfectly honest man, and sought in vain. In the market place he once cried aloud, "Hear me,
    men ; " and, when a crowd collected around him, he
    said scornfully : " I called for men, not pygmies."

    Like Diogenes times, it seems Kenya is full of pigmies and not MEN.

  10. chris if you stole or sale 2 million bag maize and second person stole 10 billion worth of petrol which most likely to shoot the price of unga from 40 ksh to 150 ksh

  11. Chris.

    Your greetings of this morning have been well received here in Kibera. We do not take constructive debate personally and you have nothing to fear. However, we take great exception when you use this influential forum to make wild unsubstantiated allegations and launch unwarranted attacks on hard working ODM ministers.

    I may not have posted for a while now, but I regularly comment and indeed do read the blog on a daily basis. Kwa hivyo wana kumekucha tuko pamoja!

    As someone who started posting here way back in 2005-06, you will agree with me that I have been consistent and persistent in the ideals I believe in. Therefore Chris, the fact that you only recall what we posted in 2007 and 2008 says something about you covering up the days we used to disagree (like now) about the politics of the day. As a matter of fact you were a late entrant into the LDP, then the ODM’s ‘Its time for change’ clarion call.

    As regards the maize scandal and calls for Ruto to resign, I am not surprised to see you have conveniently evaded my plea to you to quote to us relevant sections of the law that the minister has broken so as to warrant his resignation or sacking. I am further appalled that you have the guts to call Ruto a thief and a plot grabber, yet there is not a single court of law that has ever adjudged him guilty. Our glaring lack of respect to rule of law in this blog is why I talked of Kumekucha jungle laws.

    The other day I questioned: When and Where did Raila Odinga ever declare to Kenyans that he is candidate for 2012 presidency? Why is it Chris always infers to Raila whenever we are talking about the next elections? I would prefer you mention the names of those who have declared their intentions. And if we have to mention the names of those we think shall be candidates, then let us mention all of the potential candidates not just Raila.

    Of all people, I expected you to be the last to say ........the biggest political mistake Raila has ever made is to fail to realize that Kenyans did not vote for him in 2007, they voted against Kibaki...... For us who live in Kenya, we no this is a lie. Unlike Kibaki or even Kalonzo, Raila campaigned to be nominated by ODM and he went through a gruelling campaign. The mere fact that he topped successive opinion polls, defeated the incumbent at the ballot and also leads the most popular political party point to the fact that your statement above is inconsistent with the truth and quite honestly uncalled for. If indeed ODM gained from a protest vote, why didn’t the other candidates like Kalonzo Musyoka, Kenneth Matiba, etc also gain from it? I will even take you back to 2002 and I will tell you that without LDP’s Raila Odinga led Rainbow Alliance, Mwai Kibaki, then a perennial loser at presidential polls, would never have seen the inside of statehouse. That is why him and his people had to defraud Kenyans in 2007 so as to make it back to the presidency. I wish to repeat that, just like the rest of us, Chris holds only ONE VOTE and he cannot purport to speak on behalf the rest of us. Let him vote for his favourite candidate and by all means let the rest of us vote for ours. Fair?

    Again Chris, reading through your post, one cannot fail to notice that you are laying blame on Ruto for the famine situation afflicting the country. My comments yesterday listed for you numerous points that can be attributed to the food shortage disaster we find ourselves in. You did not challenge a single of them with a counter argument. Even then, you offered no alternative solutions other than repeating – Ruto must go. I leave it to the rest of the readership to judge for themselves. BTW: Ever since joining the GCG, ODM has been working on find sustainable solutions to these problems as can be seen in the PM’s effort to conserve the MAU Forest, and also from the various overseas trips that the PM has made to other countries that have faced and overcome similar food shortage problems as we have now.

    Regarding the SGR, I gave you details of how the maize was distributed and the reason why it had to be released to the market. The era of price controls is no longer with us, but for the maize issue, government had to intervene to save the common man from traders like Gangilili! The body that was responsible for implementing this plan on behalf of government is constitutionally the NCPB. The board of NCPB has already been dissolved and some members of staff sent home in a management restructuring program that was recommended by a leading HR firm. If Kumekucha has a better program that Ruto can implement, why not propose it here so the rest of us can discuss it? Unless of course you want government to plant maize and start milling businesses!

    Talking of research you would not say .......Ruto’s resignation is a good place to start because he did nothing. Since March last year he did nothing. It would have been better if he tried and failed. But did he even try?......... if you have really done research. Like I said, the weather is beyond Ruto's control. However, subsidizing fertiliser prices and costs of other farming inputs, as well as negotiating maize prices with the farmer is something Ruto has done an excellent job on. The fact that we miss food at the present time does not mean it is a mistake of a current minister.It is akin to expect the new ministers taking over portfolios in Zimbabwe today to be balmed for the mess that exists presently. Please Chris, I expect you to know much more than that!

    You talked to the government spending a billion shillings to purchase and renovate a new office block for the prime minister. You further say that this money would be better used buying food for starving Kenyans. Chris, I did not expect this from someone of your calibre. If you do not understand the significance of that investment in terms of governance and service delivery, you better ask and you shall removed from darkness and be brought into light. Nothing could be costlier than the lives of those who were killed by marauding mungiki and police following the stealing of the elections, but Kenyans will bear the cost of Kivuitu's civilian coup for generations to come. In any case, is the Office of the Prime Minister the only place government is ‘wasting’ public money? Why not ask about the millions being paid to the spouses of the President and Vice President? Why not ask about the construction of an official residence of the Vice President? Or even the fact that a leading personality in this country is lead share holder at Triton whose CEO was escorted to the airport and on to a charter flight by plain clothes state security agents; leaving us Kenyan taxpayers with a bill of upwards of Kshs. 10 billion – and that the arrest warrant against the said CEO has already been cancelled by the court and the charges also withdrawn by none other than the state prosecutor, yet the Justice ministers sees all these as normal? Or even that known suspects/gangsters of the Kroll, Aglo-Leasing and Goldenberg billions are walking free giving lectures on good governance and the Kenya We Want? Ohh I forgot...two wrongs do not make a right! those scandals are OK, and it is only the prime minister’s office that is a drain on the exchequer, right?

    PS: the likes of Joe, Mama, Barry O , et al... where were you guys yesterday to answer to my comments? I gather the coast is now clear and you can hide behind Chris’ pen! Na Bado.

    PS2.: The same Prime Minister you never seem to appreciate has been working for you without pay since the formation of the GCG. Recently his security was downsized and their allowances withdrawn. On the other hand, the security protecting the first family and the Vice President has theirs increased while their bosses earn hefty pay for doing nothing but watching TV and shedding crocodile tears at state house and molo.

  12. @Anon [2/11/09 12:45 AM]

    This is a very idiotic question for Chris.

    Anon, you seriously need to liberate yourself from the ODM vs PNU mindset that you are still stuck in.

    Does it make any difference what amounts of money is involved to make one party appear cleaner than the other? Is this your demarcation point between PNU corruption and ODM corruption.

    The bottom line is that these so-called leaders are fleecing us everywhere and ordinary Kenyans can already see that.

    What we are now struggling with as wananchi is how to get rid of these blood-sucking vampiric leaders and whom to replace them with. Damn!

  13. As much as there are many things that need to be done we should also accept that alot has also changed.In the last elections i also supported ODM because i thought that they will bring change but now i have realised that change comes from the people not the leaders and if leaders come from the same society we belong to then they are a reflection of us.

    We are well known that during elections we accept bribes and vote the same people back or vote those with deep pockets to parliamnet.When we the ordinary people will realise our mistakes and decide to reject those we do not want and vote in those we believe that can bring change that is when our leaders will realize that we are also searious.

    Let us be one thing as a country and learn that tribe or personalities cannot help us.They only manipulate us.ODM cannot tell us that they do not have the power these are just liars they even refused to pay taxes while the ordinary people are starving some dying because of hunger.

    Let us look deep into ourselves and see how best we can help our country.As much as we say that we need young leaders (age) wise i think that we want good leadership together with achievements.

  14. Blogger Chris said...
    Oh I forgot to add something really important.

    Phil, you seem to be still be totally stuck on party things when even in parliament political parties have dissapeared. ODM and PNU do NOT exist anymore and when you listen to the high quality of debate these days (which I believe is unprecedented) blind party affiliation seems to be a thing of the past.

    Don't you agree with many other Kenyans that this is such a wonderful thing to be happening?


    Chris - are you by any chance trying to flush our constitution down the toilet?

    Does our constitution say we shall be a multi-party state?

    Perhaps you do not understand how coalition are created or even how they work?

    Again, instead of exposing such ignorance, I kindly request you to get in touch and I shall be pleased to put you back to light!

    BTW: You people seem to be as confused as headless chicken. ODM is no longer in opposition. Raila is not an activist. ODM is in government as an equal partner and Raila is Prime Minister of the Republic. You need to organise yourselves and form a constructive opposition, right from parliament to this blog, because as you will have gathered by now, the Railas, Orengos, Kajwangs, Balalas, Rutos, Ngilus of yesteryears are no longer in opposition to set the pace for you guys. I also neither in opposition and (GOD FORBID) not in the business of scoring own-goals. So Mr. Sam Okello and company please pick up the gauntlet.

    When one becomes inconsistent and ends up scoring own goals like the way Chris of Kumekucha is doing.

  15. Phil,

    You say...

    As a matter of fact you were a late entrant into the LDP, then the ODM’s ‘Its time for change’ clarion call.

    And we expected change. Unfortunately what we see is business as usual, and Phil unashamedly cheering on.

    You say...

    Regarding the SGR, I gave you details of how the maize was distributed and the reason why it had to be released to the market. The era of price controls is no longer with us, but for the maize issue, government had to intervene to save the common man from traders like Gangilili! The body that was responsible for implementing this plan on behalf of government is constitutionally the NCPB

    You also say....

    Like I said, the weather is beyond Ruto's control. However, subsidizing fertiliser prices and costs of other farming inputs, as well as negotiating maize prices with the farmer is something Ruto has done an excellent job on.

    How can you, in the same breath say the era of price controls is gone, and also say Ruto is efficient in subsidizing fertilizer prices and other farming inputs?

    Does free market to you mean colluding to buy maize whose cost of production has been subsidized by the government and sell the same to millers? Doesn't this amount to fraud?

    Ever since joining the GCG, ODM has been working on find sustainable solutions to these problems as can be seen in the PM’s effort to conserve the MAU Forest, and also from the various overseas trips that the PM has made to other countries that have faced and overcome similar food shortage problems as we have now.

    I put it to you Phil, that you are SHAMELESS. Only an idiot can travel to other countries to learn about irrigation.

  16. Chris:

    It good to see that you can also call a spade a spade regardless of whether it is a PNU or an ODM spade. Your mistake is to assume that since Phil appears intelligent, he is equally endowed with reason. No, he is not.

    Phil is intelligent and good in what he puts his mind to. But he has a crippling mental disposition of following the political leaders he adores without question. This blind faith of his borders on religiosity when it comes to Raila. He doesn't simply follow Raila unquestionably, he worships him. It is a pity that a great mind like Phil has chosen to be imprisoned by a messianic view of a fellow man.

    Chris, I don't think you will get far with Phil on matters critical to Raila. When it comes to anything critical about Raila, Phil has closed his mind and encased it in a concrete ball. He would rather burn Kenya and let Raila rule over the ashes than save Kenya from Raila. What is more, this is the social work/gospel he spreads to the Kibera folks daily. It is sad; very sad.

  17. Phil said:

    ... and also from the various overseas trips that the PM has made to other countries that have faced and overcome similar food shortage problems as we have now.

    Our views:

    With due respect, this is utter utter nonsense. Are you telling us that the PM and his ministers do not know what need to be done after 45 years, so that they must burn our money to learn abroad?

    Let me challenge you now.

    If you remember, we sent you an article on the question of maize and the need to change policy. We are yet to receive any feedback.

    On the question of agriculture, we can provide a very cheap and homegrown solution to the issue of famine in Kenya. If the PM is interested, let us know.

  18. For those following kumekucha discussions on daily basis you could have realised that chris has emptied his basket as concerns real topics. Ones he is dreaming his wierd dreams then he excuses himself, next time he introduces his attack on phil, next time it will be on vicky et al as the blog fades out.
    This attack was but a desperate attempt to get inside info from Phil. Well Phil don't pour to much just chill out. Chris needs to do his homework properly and if he is short on this do the humble thing that he asks Ruto to do call it quits.
    By the way on matters corruption we should be all united as kenyans and realise its not ODM or PNU money that was stolen but our moneis. And anyone who does the same should go home period.
    By kanoo

  19. Great posting, Chris. For the first time, you hit nail on head and rose above partisan tribal interests.

    Kenyans continue suffering, languishing in poverty and dying yet the tribal leaders they stick the necks for and adore live and eat like kings and queens.

    The tribal leaders are so selfish and will not share even a dropping grain with the poor subjects who put them in high offices.

    To hell with ODM, PNU, ODM Kenya and all other tribal outfits. Kenyan leadership led by Kibaki and Raila is inept and visionless and it should be thrown out of office - even if by MASS REVOLUTION.

  20. Phil, let me remind you what Kenya needs, and what it expects from the PM.

    When Rome was besieged by the Gauls, as the legend tells us, the Romans had no choice but to purchase immunity with gold.

    And, they were in the act of weighing it, when Camillus appeared on the scene and threw his sword into the scales in place of the ransom, and declared that the Romans should not purchase peace, but, would win it with the sword.

    This act of daring and prompt decision so aroused the Romans that they triumphantly swept from their sacred soil the enemy of their peace.

    Can Raila be a MAN like Camillus? Thats the question facing him. We think 45 years of endless talk is too much. Let us see the actions NOW.

  21. I have never felt the need to defend Phil, but Phil has the right to opinion regardless whether he is right or not.

    Phil, I am with you my friend.

  22. Mwarang'ethe says

    Can Raila be a MAN like Camillus? Thats the question facing him. We think 45 years of endless talk is too much. Let us see the actions NOW

    Spot on! I could not have said it any better!

  23. Phil,

    First and foremost, I am not hiding under Chris' pen. When I read this blog, I will usually address the person who posted and very rarely do I address commentators, unless I am in total agreement with their sentiments.

    Now to the matter at hand, I do not know whether Ruto is guilty, I would like to see the evidence implicating him in the maize scandal for me to judge him. However, just because he has not been proven guilty does not mean he is innocent either, that is why we have Khalwale and Company to probe these things in their parliamentary committees. This morning I heard Khalwale talking about Ruto and he raised some very important issues. The first one is, people from his office used their authority and issued notes to the NCPB to release maize to be sold by whoever was selling it!

    Secondly, the Public Accounts Committee led by Khalwale, conducted investigations and foud that this restructuring you are talking about was nothing more than a mere public relations exercise. It turns out that those who were told to go home are those who were waiting to retire this year. Ruto says they have gone home yet evidence to the contrary shows that these people have not been given any dismissal letters, they are just waiting around to receive their dues from the government when the time comes.

    Thirdly, one of Ruto's new appointees is one Mr. Mohammed Islam Ali. Mr Ali is one of the directors of Mombasa Maize Millers , it does not take an brain surgeon to see there's a real conflict of interest there. You just don't appoint an interested party to such a board.

    When people are saying Ruto should step down, it is not because he is guilty and we want him to go, but we want to verify the allegations being peddled against him without his interference.

    Moving on to the acquisition of Shell/BP House by the Prime Minister, please enlighten me on the 'significance of such an investment' because honestly I don't see! In my opinion, it is a total waste of money because there is nothing wrong with where he operates from currently. BTW, being a former ODM member, there was a time the name of Raila was not to be mentioned in the same breath as that of some of these people you are mentioning Phil. Now you want us to equate the prime minister's actions with people like Kalooser? Why are you contrasting Raila's office purchase with Kalooser's house? As far as I am concerned, Kalonzo is a non-issue, not worth mentioning and should thus not be compared to RAO, the fact that you actually are, tells you how fast Raila has sunk!

    The Kenya We Want Conference, was a brainchild of non other than Raila Odinga, please ask him why, the suspects of Kroll/Anglo-Leasing/Goldenberg and what not were doing at the conference. Please don't blame anyone else for that one.

    I support Chris' assertion that many Kenyans did not vote for Raila because they love him very much. After five years of Kibaki rule ladden with nepotism, tribalism, corruption, impunity, fraud, deception, arrogance, name-calling and what not it was clear they were going to look for someone else to vote for! Raila Odinga was the obvious choice for most Kenyans. Raila Odinga should know, the same reasons that were used to vote for Kibaki in 2002 as opposed to Moi's project were used on him in 2007. It is not like we all of a sudden acquired love in 2002 for 'the perennial loser Kibaki' we were simply voting against political dynasties.

    Things I have learnt from your comment:

    1) Raila Odinga has selflessly worked for us without pay since the formation of the GCG government (tell him to resign).

    2)ODM ministers are hardworking! (no comment)

  24. Folks,

    I wouldn't waste my time with a moron like Phil who is blinded by overgrown foreskin and matumbo eating.

    Lets discuss more important matters than commentetors here, like fake Vikii said, Phil is entitiled to his opinions.

  25. Do you know what is Today In History?
    Freedom for Nelson Mandela after 27years in prison - 11 Feb 1990.

  26. By the way Phil, I forgot, you allege that Ruto has not been adjudged guilty by any court of law for the maize scandal (not that I am saying he is guilty).

    Then in that same vein if we apply your reasoning, then we may say Kibaki is not guilty of election theft, Moi was not guilty of any crimes, Saitoti was innocent of Goldenberg and Kimunya of Grand Regency! No one has adjudged them guilty.

  27. Mama, Thank you for your comments. You are such a joy to read and your points are very sober and articulate. We need people like you, however I don't always agree with you when you start praising that sicko called UrXlnc - he is not what you think he is, he is a hypocrite disguised as a noble character but he is PURE evil.

  28. Chris,

    This is the third time you have reprimanded Phil. The last time if I remember was something to do with "voteless Diasporans", the second time was to do with Tom Mboya and now Ruto. This man will continue to piss you until you kiss him goodbye. He is no good to Kumekucha, in fact he will never stop Raila worship no matter what. And he is also very disobedient to his god, when Raila declared a mandatory circumcision, he never went for it.

    Phil's Mistress

  29. Guys,

    When we are with Vikii in bed most nights he talks very differently from the gibberish I c him posting here. I think my man just loves a good debate and he likes to do it from the seemingly weaker side.

    YES he is hot. But he is mine. Eat your hearts out girls. Muta-do?

    ....Vikii's mistress

  30. Phil belongs to hell!! Ghasia!!

  31. Blogger Mwarang'ethe said...
    Are you telling us that the PM and his ministers do not know what need to be done after 45 years, so that they must burn our money to learn abroad?

    Not at all. ODM has only been in government for less than year and not the 45 years you allude to. Additionally, there is a lot more that encompasses an overseas trip by a delegation of the Prime Minister, Deputy prime Minster and several cabinet ministers. I think that questions regarding the last 45 years should be directed to Kibaki who has been in government most of his adult life, save for the time he pretended to have defected to opposition in the 90s and to a lesser extent Kalonzo musyoka who has been there for odd 20 years.

    Policy is being changed. Some of these things require parliamentary approval and even presidential assent. You will soon see what the ODM backed agricultural minister has been up to. Of course we welcome ideas. Send to: doila2002atyahoodotcom

    Blogger Mama, I honestly do not understand what you are ON about. I have made my points clear in yesterday’s post. Perhaps you could care to read those and help you friend Chris figure out the answers? If you do not understand what goes on in government offices, then I really sympathize with you. The VPs residence has been under construction for the last few years and the cost has risen from a budgeted 50m to nearly 300m presently. I am not mentioning kalonzo as a person but trying to bring to your attention that whereas Kibaki decided to giveaway the official VPs residence to a retiring President Moi, Kenyan tax payers are being forced to pay nearly half a billion shillings to build a palace for the VP. Mind you, at the time the project was approved, kalonzo was an opposition leader and he was amongst those who were critical of the same. So check my words again, it is not about the person but the expense on public funds, which was in response to the query on the PM’s Office.

    If Raila benefited solely on the basis of protest of votes, then I live in a different country and I certainly have no idea what it involves campaigning and defeating a ruling party in Africa. I will not argue about this further.

    Why should Raila resign? Because Mama and Chris said so? Give me a f**cking break. Please re-read the NARA and let you understand why Raila is Pm in the first place. This is a constitutional office and not an institution to be made fun of by misguided bloggers. And like I said before just proceed with your ODM bashing, we know elections are coming, and those of you with fresh ideas, I wish you all the best.

    By the way Chris, I am awaiting your response so I may engage you further. I am particularly keen to learn why Mboya is considered the greatest politician of all time. I am waiting for you to trash the work of the late doyen of opposition politics in Kenya – JOO. Bring it on.

  32. Phil,

    You need to give us a fucking break!

    Go away and never come back you Moron!

  33. Phil said:

    Not at all. ODM has only been in government for less than year and not the 45 years you allude to. Additionally, there is a lot more that encompasses an overseas trip by a delegation of the Prime Minister, Deputy prime Minster and several cabinet ministers. I think that questions regarding the last 45 years should be directed to Kibaki who has been in government most of his adult life, save for the time he pretended to have defected to opposition in the 90s and to a lesser extent Kalonzo musyoka who has been there for odd 20 years.

    Our views:

    Firstly, we have noted the email. Since there seems there are some policy changes on the way, we will wiat for them. Thereafter, we shall comment.

    Secondly, the question is, why does someone stand to be the mp or the president of a nation? From where we stand, one does so, as to provide leadership.

    However, it seems to you that, in Kenya, a leader is elected so as to take trips abroad to learn how to solve the nation's problems. How laughable. Why the hell would one seek to represent his/her people if he/she does not know how to solve their problems?

    It is true that ODM has been in the govt. for only one year. However, is it not right to say that ODM went into the govt. so as to solve the problems facing Kenya? If that is correct, then, the ODM must have done its homework to come up with realistic soultions. If that is not the case, then, ODM has no business pretending to be the solution.

  34. My comment on Kalonzo was not so much about the person as it was about you equating Kalonzo's behaviour with Raila's.

    Just because Kalonzo thinks its okay to steal public money by accepting palatial mansions and paying his wife from public coffers......Raila should follow suit? Is it a competition on who can waste the most public resources? That is my point! I don't care so much about what others do but when the party I voted for gets involved in such practices, then I have reason to scream and shout as a 'misguided blogger.' I still don't understand to whom the PM's office is a 'significant investment'.

    Secondly, I don't care if Raila resigns or not, my point was brought on by your assertion that we are unappreciative of him, since he has worked 'selflessly, without pay' for the entire duration of the GCG. My point was simply this, no one asked him to, if he's tired, tell him to go home.

  35. Mama, you are a good commentator and you should never feel the need to defend yourself. You are better than these so-called men. You represent what I call Girl Power!

    PS.Just keep off UrXlnc!

  36. Mwarang'ethe

    You are right. leaders are elected to lead and not make excuses. It is however grossly unfair to blame leaders for mistakes that is not of their making and at the same time ignore the efforts they are putting in despite of the shortage of tools of trade!

    I received your mail and enjoyed reading your article 'The Ugali Saga : A better Perspective;' however me thinks that it is more of culture than policy. all the same, brilliant ideas, and you post them here on Kumekucha to enlighten some of our readers.

    Will keep in touch here and in the mailbox. Many thanks.

  37. Phil,

    U r a social worker in Kibera, why do you just stick to your social work and spare us your idiocy!

  38. About the fuel saga, people need to know that the fuel in question belonged to triton but they had purchased it from the middle east with money provided by both international and local financiers. Triton sold "its" fuel to another oil company in kenya but failed to repay its financiers. This is all there is to this saga.

    Phil, It is kenyatta (not kibs) who gave moi the vp's official residence.

  39. Kenyans are tired of this kikuyu tricks how stupid do this people think we kenyans are,this people are busy stealing from the country while people in Turkana are dying of hunger,kibaki is busy extending his roots all over the country knowing that come 2012 a kikuyu must stay on,this will not happen and God loves us,we love minister and the prime minister keep fighting to save our,this people who have culture they are not patriotic enough to know that when you steal from the granary you are aloser.By the way Martha karua realy disgusts me,where was she when kibaki was stealing from kenyans wasn't she amongg the people at statehouse,so why pretend now,leave Rutto alone.


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