Monday, February 09, 2009

The Hague: Proven Euthanasia to Impunity

The engines of The Hague express are revving and rearing to go. Kenya’s GATE KEEPERS are scared to the bone marrow.

True, impunity mutates and in Kenya it has a price tag. Thank Mother Nature to small mercies. By one stroke of genius, Justice Waki sealed all the loopholes and the rats are enjoying the run to no where inside the maze.

The political savages are out renting MPs. The big boys weaned on Kenyan’s blood and sweat are doing only what they know best, throwing KES 1m loose change to rookie MPs salivating to gobble as much as they can fearing for their political future. Given this poisoned political environment, Hague remains our singular refuge from this bunch of scoundrels.

With phase I of the GCG premised on entrenching SECURITY IN NUMBERS with regards to corruption and grand looting almost accomplished, it is time to scheme big with eyes singularly trained on the ultimate political trophy come 2012. So why not rent mouths to take Kenyans one more circular round doled in a local tribunal as the vultures cycle carcase Kenya for the choicest of remaining skeleton.

You don’t need to be a NASA scientist to see what the attempts to trash KNHRC findings amounts to. Forget the street rants packaged as pedestrian justification of the right to be hard. The war lords were unreachable and untouchable when they were busy marshaling their militia to decapitate fellow Kenyans. Emptying Nakumatt shelves of all machetes was more of a priority than appearing before civil shenanigans masquerading as seekers of justice.

Judicially failed state
Make no mistake. No Kenyan big gun is comfortable with the Hague where Moreno Ocampo reigns supreme with his meticulous and ruthless prosecution that no wallet can buy. When push graduates to a shove even our local Pol Pot is not sure when the Khmer Rogue generals will spill the beans detailing the massacre organized at his address. Al Bashir may soon be in good company and benefit from Kenyan version of security in numbers.

Most of the MPs are only playing hard ball to hike the value of their lips. Inadvertently Kenyans stand to gain immensely in their selfish plot to derail the formation of a local tribunal which only flag off Hague Express. Speak of unintended wider gain.

Let the faint hearted and smaller version of the present political vermin wax patriotic all the much they wish. We are already a failed state except in name. Let the Hague help sort us out from our perennial mess. We already have our national bum aired to the world and no more share in exposing the smelly rot underneath to the international arena.

In our collective and shameless penchant to live a national lie, we have slept so long with fleas oblivious of the danger thereof. Well, only The Hague can comprehensively disinfect us as a nation.


  1. Sorry, what was that again?

  2. Chris, anyone reading between the lines will know you are referring to Uhuru Kenyatta in respect to KNCHR report. I'm not defending Uhuru. But your selective journalism isolating Uhuru for consistent bashing brings out the tribal journalism you practice.

    All those who masterminded the killings or stole elections should not be spared. Kibaki, your god Raila, Uhuru, Ruto, Henry Kosgey, Martha Karua, Major General Ali and all those whose actions led to the slaughter of Kenyans should be dispatched to Hague for trial. No killer should be spared.

    Raila recently told a public rally in Kibera he was happy the way his ODM supporters made the country ungovernable till he got share of power. Isn't that an admission he was directly supporting the slaughter of innocent Kenyans under guise of fighting for a "stolen" election? Chris, why didn't you take Raila head on? Your god should never be touched?

    Raila had on many occassions incited other communities against Kikuyus. Raila went on TVs several times calling on Kenyans to go for mass action before and presidential votes were announced. Then country burst into flames.

    Then does one need to look elsewhere for the masterminds of the genocide? Raila and his ODM gang are killers. They should have vented their anger on Kibaki and not people they thought voted for Kibaki.

    The innocent Kikuyus had exercised their voting power and its only them who knew whom they voted for. They did not deserve to die for exercising the democracy Raila preaches. The culpit was Kibaki who topped up his votes last day.

    Kibaki stole votes on last day when he saw Raila was leading. Raila and ODM had stolen votes on voting day in their stronghold. The two are thieves. It doesn't matter if you stole first or last or how many you stole.

    The two are thieves and they are solely responsible for plunging Kenya into bloodshed and they should be first to board the Hague plane. No local tribunal as they will manipulate it.

  3. Punishing impunity at the hague is ok, but we should guard against victimising people from particular communities since it will wnd upi looking like selective justice. the reform and punishment of electrol fraudsters should go hand in hand with the loud calls for the trips to hague, otherwise, we are just doing half the job

  4. Punishing impunity at the hague is ok, but we should guard against victimising people from particular communities since it will end up looking like selective justice. the reform and punishment of electrol fraudsters should go hand in hand with the loud calls for the trips to hague, otherwise, we are just doing half the job

  5. To those who live in kenya: have you noticed both the kikuyu and kalenjins are in denial. The kalenjins have convinced themselves that ruto and co are innocent and that only uhuru and mungiki should be tried for the killings in naivasha and central. the kikuyu on the other hand are not "aware" that people were killed in central. Only ruto and his gang are guilty and should in fact go to the hague.

    Anyaway a local tribunal is better. when will the hague take up the matter? Are they not too busy with places that have worse cases than ours.

  6. Taabu,

    You are a disgrace to those heroic Kenyans who want to stand up and take their country back from the political thugs.

    You said, "Let the Hague help sort us out from our perennial mess." You are the type that thinks Mzungu atakunja tengeneza your country while you are busy inheriting your brother's wife. Stop transferring your human worship from Raila to Moreno.

    You can wail as much as want for the mzungu to come rescue you; you can even pray for Hague to come to down-town Nairobi. But untill you wake up and join other Kenyans, and do something for your country, your children and your grandchildren will inherit your old-woman-type of wails.

  7. Anon 8;21, Can you define tribalsim? Isn't Chris a Kamba (Kavila)? Arent Kambas cousins of the Kikuyu? Chris as you say is supporting Raila who is not anywhere near his tribe both gegraphically and dialectwise (bantu/nilote). I think Chris is anything but tribal.

    Anon 10:30, the hague may take long, but the local tribunal will never achieve anything in a thousand years. The hague is still a better option. If it takes 20 years, those who will be alive will be tried. The ones in their forties will be in their sixties and our amazing maker will keep them alive.

  8. Anon 11.29pm,

    Come on, Chris is not a Kamba. Luos like attacking kambas (esp.after the judas decree) while pretending they are kambas themselves. It is a way of reinforcing the crticism and to make others buy it.

  9. Does anybody now remember that last year Taabu was cheerleading the killing and raping of innocent people in the RV? Does someone remember Taabu calling here at KK for ethnic cleansing of Kikuyus from the RV? And now this genocidal character is busy calling for Hague pretending that he did not contribute to the violent events.

    Good people, now you know why Kenya is where it is: it is not because of our leaders. It is because people like Taabu are let loose in our streets and our countryside, and they are ready to practice their craft of hatred with the slightest excuse. Until these people walk on the road to Damascus, Hague or Hague, Kenya will mark-time on the trendmill of ethno-barbarism.

  10. Some time at State House Last week on Tuesday evening (the 3rd of February '09) after Kibaki had expressed his confidence in George "Goldenberg" Saitoti

    Lucy: Saitoti is useless. He must go.

    Kibaki: Lucy, wewe ni mpumbavu sana-

    Lucy: (angrily interrupting) Ati what? Mimi? Mpumbavu? I will teach you a lesson! You spineless man! shriek!!! utakiona leo!- and with this, Lucy proceeds to unleash many, many slaps on Kibaki's unpadded cheeks.

    Kibaki's Theft of the Elections of December '07

  11. Anon 2:12 AM
    Chris is a Kamba witchdoctor, a tribalist who believes Kikuyus are on his way. Lakini yeye ni pepo mbaya. mchawi! Asidwe!!!

  12. I wish Taabu or Chris were buried in the mass grave yesterday. They are better dead! watoto wa sheitani hawa!

  13. What about a witness protection program which is not in place; be it the Hague or local tribunal, all witnesses will freak testifying for safety reasons. I certainly would not trust Serikali with my life and so will many.

  14. Mwalimu T aka Taabu,
    it seems you and Chriso have your own personal cheering squad including those who complete the market.

    If Mohammed won't go to the mountain then the mountain should go to Mohammed!If our politicians don't want to appear before the Hague then let us bring the Hague to Kenya by establishing a local tribunal filled with all but one Kenyan judge- Waki himself.if the tribunal has more than one kenyan magistrate then it stands no chance as its likely they will be rented out for hire

    let the rest of the court be made up of prosecutors from the Hague. let them punish not only the PE violence perpetrators but also the instigators of election rigging. Let Dr. Raila and Dr. Kibaki appear before the tribunal to give their side of the story-what happened may not have been done with their approval BUT it was done on their behalf.

    Let the tribunal finish its work in less than 3 months. When all is said and done let heads roll and those convicted be put behind bars for murder and theft of elections. after that we can have our elections in 2009 December and in 2010 begin again our journey as a country

  15. The height of of IMPUNITY in Kenya. The THEFT of the December 27th Elections by Kibaki:

  16. Anon 8:21 PM,

    Dont worry about wajaluo wajinga, they are all mashogas dying of AIDS!
    Homosexuality in Kisumu is 31.8% among men and 25.9% among women. The highest anywhere in the world!
    It was shown by a Dutch TV how mamas in Nyanza trade their boys in the name of 'adoption' for cash to marauding gay westerners. One 16yrs old boy was "adopted" by a British diplomat working in Nairobi who paid his mother dirty money, the boy is now a 'kept boy' and sometimes used for orgies.

    This too was shown on Dutch TV.

    more to come!

  17. All you Chris and Taabu haters are just people who like living a lie and that is why when Chris and Taabu speak the truth, you start shiting in your pants very loudly... No wonder you hate Chris and Taabu so much.

  18. Some time at State House Last week on Tuesday evening (the 3rd of February '09) after Kibaki had expressed his confidence in George "Goldenberg" Saitoti

    Lucy: Saitoti is useless. He must go.

    Kibaki: Lucy, wewe ni mpumbavu sana-

    Lucy: (angrily interrupting) Ati what? Mimi? Mpumbavu? I will teach you a lesson you spineless man!! shriek!!! utakiona leo!- and with this, Lucy proceeds to unleash many, many slaps on Kibaki's unpadded cheeks.

    Kibaki's Theft of the Elections of December '07

  19. Anon 2.12am

    Even if one of chris' paroos is a kamba, chris was brought up near lake vikii. he has a luo mentality. so he is a luo. Remember if it quacks like a like a duck, it is a duck.

  20. Taabu may pretend to be educated but he chokes up on his tribal mucus daily. If you remove his object of hatred (Kikuyus), he would have no reason to live. Ameze wembe, Kikuyus are here to stay.

  21. Taabu and the ilk,

    If you're wondering where is Kwale, Kwale has no more time for you here, he was headhunted by a Middle East oil company where is analytical and strategic skills are much needed.

    Kwale's pal


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