Sunday, February 08, 2009

Engineered Hunger is Crime Against Humanity

Mama Ethuuko Nangole has become the sad face of a starving Kenya. The grim pictures from other part of the country epitomize the VALUELESSNESS that singularly defines our national leadership.

The guilty are VERY AFRAID running scared and shadow boxing. Following Kimunya’s steps, besieged Ruto has retreated to drumming ethnic support from his political backyard to ward off culpability in the maize scandal. The adage of those refusing to learn from history being condemned to repeat has never been apt. Caught with pants dangling below the knee Bill still shamelessly still borrows Kiraitu’s hitherto sturdy noose in declaring the maize fraud as THE SCANDAL THAT NEVER WAS.

Well, it is true every Kenyan has a right and freedom to buy cereals from NCPB. But you don’t con Kenyans by reverting to painful old corrupt ways of offloading to brokers subsidized grain meant for millers. Samoei should have upped his game to the league of REAL GATE KEEPERS who milk us dry without pedestrian trace of evidence.

Also true is Kiraitu’s neck deep involvement in the Triton oil scandal. But Ruto must know better than poorly mutating the SECURITY IN NUMBERS gimmick. Kibaki and his cronies may have perfected that vice it to an extent nobody in the GGC is left is with any scent, but Ruto’s cheap shots just fell below par. You don’t run after the second thief before dealing with the one already caught.

And Ababu Namwamba’s juvenile jibe of detraction was the last straw that must disabuse us of the deceptive and hollow pride anchored in generation change. Bony Khalwale the bull fighter permuting his political price till the right bidder comes calling but so far he is the only one MP in the company of Imanyara left standing.

Eyes on 2012
The maize scandal may be the eye opener to gullible Kenyans who recycle scoundrels to parliament after every five years. Now they are smarting and earning at individual level the wages of national corruption. The big problem lies in cheap politicization of such grave crimes just like Jimmy Kibaki is doing with thinly-veiled campaign to succeed his father in 2012. If Jimmy thinks Nithi MP deserves full cabinet post, he is better placed to canvass for him from his own dad.

Corruption is what feeds impunity that is presently chocking Kenya. What part of its anatomy can be uprooted that must start from somewhere with somebody. Even Martha Karua’s sermons atop hills is hollow knowing that hers is premised on expediency and self-preservation both disguised to mask her political tantrum. We live in politically volatile and interesting times. The pangs may be painful but the future is promising.


  1. having lived thru numerous shortages in the 70's competent managers would have known to store food in the event of drought/disaster - everyone in Cuba has enought to eat today and has free health care; time to re - nationalize crucial industries..

  2. even american tv is reporting drought and corruption led to maize shortage.....

  3. there is a report 150,000 Indian farmers committed suicide in the last few years because of world trade organization policies encourging free market - result was farmes sold cows for low price to large corporation, took loans for tractors they did not need and could not afford to pay for the tractors.....

  4. after 45 years of uhuru it is ridiculous to see starving kenyans...even moi's and kenyatta's government was more advanced...during the rice shortage rice was sent in by the US government

  5. what sort of a businessman/govt official buy a mercedes when they are starving kenyans....?

  6. This is a post castigating Jimmy Kibaki and Martha Karua for a scandal that has absolutely nothing to do with them.

    When Amos Kimunya was being crucified, you--Taabu--, introduced such fancy descriptions as the king of impunity in reference to the President. In your head and heart, Taabu, the President was guilty because Kimunya, his cabinet appointee was implicated in some sort of imprproiety. Now, William Ruto was brought into the cabinet by Raila Odinga and you do not consider the latter associated with the maize racket.

    Look here, we are a little more intelligent than that. I have said it before that the bucket of blame has to pass through the individual ministers implicated but it HAS TO STOP with the appointing authority. You know that, Taabu. Mdomo yako inakataa lakini akili yako inajua ukweli ni gani. The reason Raila Odinga is wishing discussion on this scandal away is because of two reasons;
    1) He fears a political fall-out with Ruto and that is the height of cowardice and a lack of principle.
    2) His own son is caught up in the illegal exportation of maize to Sudan and any reprimand on Ruto will lay bare the facts about the extent of his son's involvement.

    I am in this blog, Taabu, to remind you some of these things you so conveniently forget.

    And this the same nonsense John Githongo said in his interview with "The Standard". According to Githongo, Raila Odinga is willing to fight corruption, but he lacks the power to make things happen. That's something only Githongo and his fellow ODMers believe. Raila Odinga, constitutionally speaking, is the only person with the power to recommend and ensure the firing of Mr. Ruto. It is in black and white my friends and the sooner you start living in the real world the better. When they talk of bus drivers and pickpockets, they need to be reminded that authority to ensure sanity in the bus rests solely on the bus driver. But you do not fire your comrade-in-crime, do you?

    The same thing is happening with President Kibaki and Kiraitu Murungi. Jimmy Kibaki could be trying to prepare the Meru community for the firing of Kiraitu and his subsequesnt replacement with Kareke mbiuki. His father, however, is a coward of the worst type. He still believes that consolidation of power at every expense is the right thing to do. Some of these games are well beyond the balance of accepted politics and someone needs to tell these people that.

  7. Well taabu, you have eventually posted on ruto! sarah elderkin's and odipo's pieces in the Standard today are better. But well done anyway, you have done something.

  8. Vikii, I am a Raila/ODM supporter, but I am a bigger supporter of justice. I must say again that I agree with you again. If in fact a motion of no confidence is enforced on Ruto I would expect him to resign and if not, Raila to call for his sacking as he has the power to do so. As for Raila's son's involvement in the maize scandal I have heard conflicting stories regarding this, on one side he is rumored to be involved on the other is rumored that this story has been spread using the the NSIS to tarnish Raila's image. On the maize scandal I will give him the benefit of the doubt, but on the oil scandal I am much more skeptical. Again though some excellent points Vikii.
    -Barry O

  9. Vikii:

    I may not agree with you on other issues, but I totally agree with you on this one. You have hit it right on the head. Raila n Kibaki need to carry their own cross and so do the ministers and MP. Raila, has the power to make things happen, so its a big fallacy when Githongo says his hands are tied - my ass! Then why does raila insist the NARA is 50-50?

    What is happening in this GCG is beyond redemption? These political thugs can't get away on this, and they have been caught with their pants down. The public will not accept their rhetoric, and playing the tribal count won't matter any more....

    In my opinion, Raila had the best chance to set precedence on corruption and make his stance known by telling his ministers regardless of their patronage from whatever community, that his side of the coalition will not tolerate corruption - period! What happened - he starts blaming others and allows corruption to thrive....

    In my eyes, these guys are all the same, and they will not change! I had a lot of faith in Rail to make many changes, but I am bitterly disappointed by his actions, and I can now say he is definitely not the kind of leader Kenya needs.

    Whatever political parties any leader comes from, the Kenyan people must demand accountability and results, and not become partisan to support any politician due to their party affiliation or tribal heritage.

    As Kenyans, are we really mature enough to understand what we want? If so, then we must make a stand for good governance, accountability and delivery!!!

  10. "All former employees of the discredited ECK which bungled the presidential election results by allowing it to be STOLEN, by Kibaki and co, will be gagged by the Official Secrets Act and will not be allowed to discuss the messy handling of the 2007 General Election."

    Why the secrecy if you have nothing to hide. We Know the election was STOLEN and this is just another means of trying to make sure that the truth does not come out thru the former ECK employees.

    Kenya is such a big Joke in everyway.

  11. Vikii said:

    2) His own son is caught up in the illegal exportation of maize to Sudan and any reprimand on Ruto will lay bare the facts about the extent of his son's involvement.

    Our comment:

    Can Phil shed more light on what Vikii has said please?

  12. Barry O
    ... but on the oil scandal I am much more skeptical. Again though some excellent points Vikii.

    Our comment:

    We concur.

  13. This Engineered Hunger is just one of the many consequences of IMPUNITY, LACK OF ACCOUNTABILITY, TRANSPARENCY AND JUSTICE. Justice is key here as it ensures that accountability, transparency fairness and equity rule supreme.

    However, as has been evidenced, when you observe Kenyan's, we like to and excel in living a LIE.

    Justice in Kenya shall never be truly realized until those who STOLE the presidential election results face the same sword of justice as those suspected of having fanned the post election violence.

    One led to the other. The post election violence did not happen in isolation. The STEALING of the elections caused and led to the violence.

    Until we have true justice in this country, all these crazy things such as engineered hunger, Triton oil, Maize scandals, IDP's, endless crisis after crisis and the presence of a thief in the office of the Presidency will continue.

    I almost forget. Ordinary Kenyans such as Vikii should stop peddling false hoods (One of Vikii's outright lies is that Kibaki won the election of Dec '07. Nonsense! I don't expect him and many others to believe this, he is one of those Kenyans who like living a lie)

    Check out this video:

  14. Anon 2:18 AM I agree with you kabisa. There is a huge leadership vacuum in this nation at the top. The person who is there stole his way to the position and is not providing any leadership at all and that is why all these misfortunes and crisis' are happening and will continue happening. I keep wondering where is Aaron ringera of KACC? There are so many allegations of corruption everywhere and the man is sleeping. He should be very busy right now doing what he is paid 2.5 million shillings per month (more than the President of the United States) to do

    Kenyans can we stop living a lie.

  15. Mwalimu T aka Taabu,
    I wonder why Lucy has not spoken out in public against the maize scandal and its handling by Ruto? or is the crime of engineered man made hunger less of a vice than natures unexpected freak road accidents? just curious you know

    ((ducking the slap))

  16. Blogger Mwarang'ethe said...
    Vikii said:
    2) His own son is caught up in the illegal exportation of maize to Sudan and any reprimand on Ruto will lay bare the facts about the extent of his son's involvement.

    Our comment:
    Can Phil shed more light on what Vikii has said please?

    Bwana Mwarang'ethe.

    Why dont you ask Vikii to substantiate his comments? You know, its easy to post wild allegations here (like Chris and Okello have made a hobby) and accuse political enemies of all sorts of misdeeds. It is a little more difficult to back-up such allegations. Prove it I say!

    Parliament has been debating both the MAIZE and FUEL scandals for nearly one month. So far, and contrary to what Okello and Chris, and now Vikii are insinuating; the name of Raila Odinga has appeared nowhere and has not been mentioned anywhere with regard to these two scandals! Companies have been mentioned, names have been mentioned but as files continue to disappear at the registrar of companies, we know who the powerful individuals behind these companies are.

    Additionally, KACA, CID and what-have-yous are all investigating those two scams. It has not escaped our attention that ALL have alluded to the fact the deals have their roots firmly placed in the previous regime of grand-confusion of 2004 - 2007.

    We also know that it is the PM himself who has taken it upon himself to suspend his PA - Maj. (Rtd) Mohammed Idriss due to alleged impropriety in the maize saga. While investigations are on-going, we hope that all will be cleared when the KACA report is completed and the culprits taken to court.

    I am not in business of talking aimlessly. I back up my comments with facts! How I wish each one of us would do that, otherwise it is all a waste of time.

    PS: Some allegations have also been made that Raila "fears a political fall-out with Ruto and that is the height of cowardice and a lack of principle." Some of yuu people think we were born yesterday and we do not keep abreast with current affairs. I will reserve my comments on this because it certainly does not deserve my attention nor my response!

  17. Some time at State House Last week on Tuesday evening after Kibaki had expressed his confidence in George "Goldenberg" Saitoti

    Lucy: Saitoti is useless. He must go.

    Kibaki: Lucy, wewe ni mpumbavu sana-

    Lucy: (angrily interrupting) Ati what? Mimi? Mpumbavu? I will teach you a lesson! You spineless man! shriek!!! utakiona leo!!!!- and with this, Lucy proceeds to unleash many, many slaps on Kibaki's unpadded cheeks.

  18. Phil,

    Wajaluo ni mashoga! wewe ni top or bottom? msenge ama...?

  19. Bwana Vikii, the ball is in your court now.

    As you can see, Phil says that these are mere allegations. So, why not shed more light if you can please?

  20. Mwarang'ethe, this is one of the wild unsubstantiated allegations some people are making here at Kumekucha without any real basis but purely on imagination and jealousy.

    This statement appeared on the previous thread by Chris....

    "People like Raila Odinga will rapidly vanish from the radar to the utter shock of some Kenyans who still don’t believe that Raila Odinga will never see the inside of State House as president. Nice man. He’s done a lot for Kenya but that’s fate’s verdict."

    Now now...what is this all about? How sure is Chris that Raila is going for the presidency in the next elections? Why not Karua who has openly declared her interest? Why not Saitoti, or even Kalonzo? Unless of course you have other intentions or a scared of openly coming out to campaign for the alternative that you have!

    It is simply unfortunate that some people are now purporting to speak for and on behalf of 11 million Kenyan voters.

    This is trully amusing because we have reached a point where we do not have any real facts to back-up what we say but rely purely on innuendos to publish untruths to pass them on as political analysis/predictions.

  21. Some time at State House Last week on Tuesday evening after Kibaki had expressed his confidence in George "Goldenberg" Saitoti

    Lucy: Saitoti is useless. He must go.

    Kibaki: Lucy, wewe ni mpumbavu sana-

    Lucy: (angrily interrupting) Ati what? Mimi? Mpumbavu? I will teach you a lesson! You spineless man! shriek!!! utakiona leo!!!!- and with this, Lucy proceeds to unleash many, many slaps on Kibaki's unpadded cheeks.

  22. kenya is in dire straits there is an election looming around the corner and just like in the last election the Idea is to Win.....
    As kenyans we have proved that we will not vote for the right candidate...ask matiba so owing to our tribal thinking politicians are not fools(otherwise they would not be leading us) and have discovered that money may pasued some people beond their tribal leanings one of tow key tribal leasdrs my swing the election.....thats the reality in the moment neither RAO nor Kibaki wants to be seen as a dragon(read politician) slayer it just may cost them an election...and in kenya once your not controling the levers of power your almost its catch 22......You have to sleep with some eveil guys hoping they let you win and somehow allow you to slay them later.....we are stuck!!!

    that means you need a war chest(money) and fast, and people who are willing to get off their keyboards and move their lazy buts off the chaep chairs into action....unfortunately thoes guys are not you and me and they are the ones who 'decide' who gets elected........

    Owing to the current political environment anybody hoping to ascend to the highest office needs cash and thugs becaues you and i are too posh to go out there and make a difference.....So Ruto will loot and get the cash he needs to fuel him to power or at least protect him....mind you if RAO does not get him Uhuru will....Thats how it goes because we are too comfy to go out and do something....
    May point is this is NOT the united states where you peacfully go and vote and hope that other reasonable people will vote with you....TIA this is africa if you sit on your lazy butt stuff is going to happen right infront of your face and you will not be able to do anything about it.

    Sir Alex

  23. Kenyans deserve what is happening in their country. They voted for these leaders who are corrupt. We watched in complete awe as you hacked each other to death, rape and destroyed your country for these corrupted leaders.

    Why can't you be like my country Ghana, we held a very peaceful election, no blood was spilled even when the voting had to go second round.
    Kenyans you are a disgrace to the continent of Africa. Neither is Raila nor is Kibaki worthy the lives of innocent people.
    I hope God bring a curse over your country.

    Kwame Boateng

  24. Phil, You say,

    Why dont you ask Vikii to substantiate his comments? You know, its easy to post wild allegations here (like Chris and Okello have made a hobby) and accuse political enemies of all sorts of misdeeds. It is a little more difficult to back-up such allegations. Prove it I say!

    All Mwarang'ethe is asking is for you to provide any "inside" information you may have. If you don't have any, it is also OK to say so.

    That said, i have heard that rumor from several sources. If it is true, then let Raila come out and say so. We can't blame him for his sons deeds, but we will surely blame him if he uses his office to shield him!

  25. anon 2:54 AM.

    Those slaps from lucy........ that thief Kibaki deserves them. May lucy unleash more

  26. Joe msenge,

    What are you doing here you HIV carrier?

  27. Kwame Boateng,

    Kenyans were angry. They were protesting A STOLEN ELECTION. An election that was STOLEN by a certain soulmate of Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe; that thief is called Kibaki. If he had not STOLEN the election, peace would have prevailed just as happened in Ghana. The original sin is Kibaki's THEFT of the elections.

    This (Kibaki)is someone who is said to be intelligent, highly educated and with a lot of exposure, but sorry when it comes to leadership he is no different from Robert Mugabe who also said to be highly educated and intelligent. Clearly education has not helped.

  28. Kwame Boateng,

    Kenyans were angry. They were protesting A STOLEN ELECTION. An election that was STOLEN by a certain soulmate of Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe; that thief is called Kibaki. If he had not STOLEN the election, peace would have prevailed just as happened in Ghana. The original sin is Kibaki's THEFT of the elections.

    This (Kibaki)is someone who is said to be intelligent, highly educated and with a lot of exposure, but sorry when it comes to leadership he is no different from Robert Mugabe who also said to be highly educated and intelligent. Clearly education has not helped.

  29. Kwame Boateng,

    Kenyans were angry. They were protesting A STOLEN ELECTION. An election that was STOLEN by a certain soulmate of Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe; that thief is called Kibaki. If he had not STOLEN the election, peace would have prevailed just as happened in Ghana. The original sin is Kibaki's THEFT of the elections.

    This (Kibaki)is someone who is said to be intelligent, highly educated and with a lot of exposure, but sorry when it comes to leadership he is no different from Robert Mugabe who also said to be highly educated and intelligent. Clearly education has not helped.

  30. Kwame Boateng,

    Kenyans were angry. They were protesting A STOLEN ELECTION. An election that was STOLEN by a certain soulmate of Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe; that thief is called Kibaki. If he had not STOLEN the election, peace would have prevailed just as happened in Ghana. The original sin is Kibaki's THEFT of the elections.

    This (Kibaki)is someone who is said to be intelligent, highly educated and with a lot of exposure, but sorry when it comes to leadership he is no different from Robert Mugabe who also said to be highly educated and intelligent. Clearly education has not helped.

  31. Kwame Boateng,

    Kenyans were angry. They were protesting A STOLEN ELECTION. An election that was STOLEN by a certain soulmate of Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe; that thief is called Kibaki. If he had not STOLEN the election, peace would have prevailed just as happened in Ghana. The original sin is Kibaki's THEFT of the elections.

    This (Kibaki)is someone who is said to be intelligent, highly educated and with a lot of exposure, but sorry when it comes to leadership he is no different from Robert Mugabe who also said to be highly educated and intelligent. Clearly education has not helped.

  32. This animal called Kwame Boateng,
    should just shut up ghana is no example after producing Nkhuruma what have the done? That was and still is one of the greatest leaders Africa has ever produced...what did you gys do to him? Hey shut up....we on the other hand started with a juvenile deliquent and sadly we are still doing better than you in every measure.....except football.

    Sir Alex

  33. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  34. Kaluki Charles (Mukamba kivindyo, Mundu wa Kalonzo) your Mawaidha's are very X-rated. Go away this is not a porno blog

  35. Some time at State House Last week on Tuesday evening after Kibaki had expressed his confidence in George "Goldenberg" Saitoti

    Lucy: Saitoti is useless. He must go.

    Kibaki: Lucy, wewe ni mpumbavu sana-

    Lucy: (angrily interrupting) Ati what? Mimi? Mpumbavu? I will teach you a lesson! You spineless man! shriek!!! utakiona leo!!!!- and with this, Lucy proceeds to unleash many, many slaps on Kibaki's unpadded cheeks.

  36. The more you justify these killings because of stolen election, the more you justify my claim Kenyans are plain weirdos and scavenging hyenas.

    And I refute your claim Kibaki is the same as Mugabe. Although he is (kibaki) is flawed especially in dealing with corruption, Kibaki has done good things for Kenya but you cannot see that because you blinded by tribalism. In Ghana we have more than 100 ethnic groups but we get on well with each other, we don't have this kenyan idiocy of voting along tribal lines.

    And if Kibaki stole the election why did you not present the evidence before the court of law? Thats what civilised society do!

    Burning people in a church signifies you are cursed people!

    Bye worms of Africa!

    Kwame Boateng

  37. Kwame Boateng,

    you said

    "And if Kibaki stole the election why did you not present the evidence before the court of law? Thats what civilised society do"

    Sorry to inform you that if you thought our society specifically our courts are civilized you are living in dreamland. I shall repeat again If Kibaki had not STOLEN THE ELECTION, no violence would have occured.

    You also said

    "Kibaki has done good things for Kenya but you cannot see that because you blinded by tribalism"

    First of all I am not blinded by tribalism. I am not Kibaki's or Raila's tribe. I simply state and follow the truth. These "good things you say Kibaki has done for Kenya" are so mediocre and substandard that they do not deserve to be commended; he could have done much, much, much better. This is the curse of us Africans: getting satisfied with mediocrity, incompetence and corruption no wonder we African countries are at the bottom of all spheres of life except the negative. We are the richest continent in the world in term of natural resources but the POOREST in terms of the quality of lives we lead.

    I still insist that Kibaki and Mugabe are soulmates. They are cut from the same cloth that has let africa down.

  38. Some time at State House Last week on Tuesday evening after Kibaki had expressed his confidence in George "Goldenberg" Saitoti

    Lucy: Saitoti is useless. He must go.

    Kibaki: Lucy, wewe ni mpumbavu sana-

    Lucy: (angrily interrupting) Ati what? Mimi? Mpumbavu? I will teach you a lesson! You spineless man! shriek!!! utakiona leo!!!!- and with this, Lucy proceeds to unleash many, many slaps on Kibaki's unpadded cheeks.

  39. Anon 5:22 AM,
    You think Riara was going to bring change? A man who have been implicated with scandals one after another since he joined the government?

    Raira ni bure tupu! Ghasia kabisa! Waste of space in kenya!!!

  40. I was told in the mid 70's (or thereabouts) Henry Kissinger visited Kenya officially; at one point he was in a Voice of Kenya press conference and during quiet time there were a few local reporters and technicians; they took the opportunity to ask him what was the liklihood of trouble and a coup in Kenya?; he replied by asking them (something like) 'which country in Africa is safe and secure and free from the liklihood of a coup?' ...this was a few months before Nixon was impeached and resigned...and the US is not even in Africa He He!!

    No matter what troubles there have been kenya has been fortunate to avoid mass violence and potical chaos - thanks to Kenyatta, moi and individual kenyans.....

  41. anon 6:01 AM,

    This is for you and your Raira hatred (it is Raila not Raira as you Mt Kenya mongrels call him)

    Some time at State House Last week on Tuesday evening after Kibaki had expressed his confidence in George "Goldenberg" Saitoti

    Lucy: Saitoti is useless. He must go.

    Kibaki: Lucy, wewe ni mpumbavu sana-

    Lucy: (angrily interrupting) Ati what? Mimi? Mpumbavu? I will teach you a lesson! You spineless man! shriek!!! utakiona leo!!!!- and with this, Lucy proceeds to unleash many, many slaps on Kibaki's unpadded cheeks.

  42. @ 6:27 AM
    So, what does that got to do with raira?

    yes I hate Raira

    I hate Raira!!!! shitty prime minister! I hope he dies soon!

  43. Anon 6:01 AM,

    Just to remind your fraudulent mind. On paper it is said Kibaki and Raila share power 50-50 but IN REALITY it is Kibaki who has the real executive power (90%+ for Kibaki and at most 10% for Raila).

    This is not a Raila regime it is effectively a Kibaki Regime. If you look at Kenya the way it is going and the kind of leadership being shown you will clearly see that it is without direction, incompetent, lucklustre - it is a pumbavu leadership right from the top (Kibaki).

    I put it to you that the buck stops with Kibaki and yet he is absolutely incapable of providing proper leadership. The pumbavu is very busy sleeping at State house and sometimes woken up now and then after receiving a few SLAPS from lucy. I think Lucy needs to slap him more so that he can be more awake.

  44. Anon 6:39 AM,

    Be careful what you wish for. The negative things you wish on others will come to visit you by the bucketloads.

    Your hatred towards Raila will be visited upon you when you least expect it. You will attract it yourself and you will not enjoy it, it will be very painful to you.

    Your death wish towards Raila will be visited upon you when you least expect it. You will attract it yourself. possible a loved one of yours or yourself. Be careful what you wish for.

  45. Anon 6:46,

    who cares about death? we will all have to die one day BUT the soon Raira dies the better for Kenya!

    Kenya will not move forward as long Raira is there!

  46. Anon 6:46,

    Ever heard of the adage that

    Kikulacho ki Nguoni Mwako

    You and your warped sense of reasoning! If you were really honest with your self you would realise that the real people worth "hating" are your fellow mungiki's who just really love to chop their own fellow Kikuyu's heads off; Your fellow Kikuyu thieves who rob from your fellow hard working Kenyans and carjackers who steal cars and rob and rape the occupants.

    Once you wake up from you drunken stupor of blind ignorant hatred you will belatedly come to the realization that your real enemy is "in your clothes" (and not Raira as you call him)

  47. This kwame is a 'typical' african idiot..."Kibaki has done good things for Kenya....WTF.
    They guy was employed by kenyans for certain specifics..
    1) people driven constitution
    2) kill tribalism
    3) end Corruption

    he did none of the above....what f******g good things did he do?.....chief this business of setting for yourself an exam and marking it yourself intead of taking the one prescribed for the course....of some african leaders is what he did....and naturally you being a Ghanain don't know any suprise there.
    Your the first Africa country to get independence and waht do you have to show for it? The one and only Ghanaian with Balls, Nkuruma you sold to the brits at the earliest opportunity......chief no president does for the people 'good things' that is a shitty mentality he is supposed to do what the citizens your a classic idiot!!!! get the FCUK out of this site.

    Sir Alex

  48. Is it cost-effective to sambaza irrigation to tiny farms? If a foreign or domestic investor pours millions/billions into sophisticated commercial farming in shags, would it all end up in flames thanks to jealous neighbours?

    Let me tell you something about poor Kenyans. They are so rabidly jealous you simply can't invest millions in their wretched neighbourhoods, something that's necessary to prevent famine. Would you rather invest millions in South C/Kili/Kile/Westy/Karen/Muthaiga or in shags/Obich/Mathare? I wouldn't invest a penny in my shags Kiambu. Why? They're poor and therefore rabidly jealous. Just ask anyone who's tried investing mob cash in shags, any shags. Then you have poor Kenyans complaining of starvation. Shindwe!

    Between 1960 and 2007, Singapore GDP per capita rose from $427 to $35,163.

    That's an average growth rate of 10.26%. For Kenya to do that at the current population growth rate of 2.76%, the GDP would need to grow by 13.3% p.a. Now, if a measly 7% GDP growth rate can breed so much jealousy that it all ends up in flames, what about a 13.3% GDP growth rate?

    Thanks to jealousy and rampant overbreeding, Kenya will remain forever 3rd world.

  49. Thank you Anon 9:43 AM for that insight!

    You wonder why Nyanza is still underdeveloped? jealousy. If you try to invest in Nyanza or build a good home, expect witches to have a field day on you.

    Jealousy is part and parcel of our country and every community is affect by it.

    We have our own jealousy type here in KK like UrXlnc who suffers silently but yet evidently for all to see.

  50. The prime ministers new office will cost 700 000 000 , lets do some math and see hoow many bags of maize that can buy,alas @3,00 a bag it can buy 2.4million bags of maize and the hunger issue will be solved atleast for now , over to you Mr prime minister.

  51. Vikii,

    Big Phil is OUT!

  52. Kwame
    Who the hell do you think you are? you need to climb down the moral high ground because we know what goes on in Ghana , you are lucky that your elections did not go to the dogs beacuase of what you saw happen in Kenya .Had Atta mills been declared the loser in the run off do you think your country men would have accepted those results? , the tension was already building up in those few weeks to the runoff even here in the diaspora ashantis were not seeing eye to eye with Mills tribes men , shame on you and just so you know Kenya is 10times more developed than your ghana, now go and drink some cocoa and find better things to do next time.

  53. While you are complaining nja, sisi hatuna mataka humo kwetu.

    I found this really funny:)


  54. here is the video again

  55. a society gone mad

    is this leadership?

  56. Vikii,
    How can you do that to Big Phil, you witch must have bribed Roman. The special one raised the bar bro and watch you back even CL is not guaranteed. Just RED.

  57. I don't understand the ending of this post...doom, gloom, misery, then "the future looks promising"...please give some basis for that conclusion...I hope you are right though.

  58. Yaani there are people who still beleive in "Kibaki this, Raila that ..." Both of them and everyone else in this government MUST GO!!!!

  59. UrXlnc,

    why do some people here dont think well of you? are they jealousy of you? But I feel they are right! You are a hypocrite and a dangerous evil person.


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