Tuesday, November 18, 2008

To All The Kumekucha Pioneers

I am about to make a very important post but I am waiting for some information.

As I am sitting here my mind cannot help going back to the beginning of Kumekucha and I think now is as a good a time as any to pay tribute to the pioneers. Those guys who came here when it was lonely and quiet. When there was an average of only one post every 10 days or so. The days following the launch in May 2005, when I wondered whether Kumekucha would come to anything.

Published earlier today: Why has Raila veered off so badly?

The first person who showed their face here was a man who had a strange way with words and his name signified problems. Taabu (what is in a name but a cluster of letters put together for identification purposes?) was a great encouragement in the early days quite often being the only commentator. I must say that kept me going. Thanks mate. I will always owe you a beverage of your choice and more.

Next came Phil. The man who seemed to be so well informed (mostly about one political party). But the reason why I have always loved him so much is that unlike so many commentators here who have hidden agendas this brave man always spelled out his stand right from day one. We all know Phil is ODM but we love him still. Even those of us who are not ODM. Kudos, the captain's man.

Next two guys arrived almost at the same time. Luke and Vikii. I stand to be corrected but I believe Luke came slightly earlier. Vikii was always controversial from day one and that controversy helped attract scores of new readers to Kumekucha. Vikii is the only man I know who can insult you and you find it funny. The thing with Luke is that we seemed to agree on many things and sometimes he made me laugh sana. Like the time he used to start or finish all his posts by reminiscing on Kenya’s meteoric economic growth which was happening as Kenyans starved and were worse off (Remember?)

Finally I cannot forget the first lady who checked into Kumekucha. Her name was Sayra and for a long time she was still too shy to post any comment but we exchanged emails. I panicked when she made her maiden comment because it was an attack on Vicky, a man known never to take a rebuke lying down. His reaction to Sayra’s maiden comment was predictable. I was sad knowing that she would never return. Luckily the girl has a thick skin and these days she is pretty active on this blog. I hasten to add that Proud Kikuyu Woman (PKW) was active making comments before Sayra made her maiden one. She started off as proud (certain tribe) woman. Thanks girl. I have not forgotten you, although we have never agreed on anything, even very mundane things like colours.

There. If I have left out anybody my sincere apologies. As always I am ready to be corrected.

But for now my fellow Kenyans, those are the people who helped Kumekucha survive the early lonely days. I will forever be grateful to them. Three cheers for Taabu, Phil, Luke, Vicky, Sayra and PKW…

…and of course all the early day anons.

I would never have reached this small distance without you guys.

P.S. We have scores of very good people these days. I don’t want any of them to feel left out. You make kumekucha what it is and I love you all… even when I don’t agree with the great love for four letter words a few of you have.

Kumekucha has obtained the full list of names in the secret envelope handed over to Kofi Anan. The list is described in detail in Kumekucha Confidential our FREE weekly email newsletter.

If you are not a subscriber yet, subscribe now by sending an email to:-


N.B. Due to unavoidable circumstances to do with the gravity of the matter we regret to inform our readers that the Waki list is NOT available in Kumekucha Confidential. However the latest Confidential issue gives you clear instructions on how you can still obtain the list directly sent to your email in-box. ENJOY.

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  1. Whatever happened to one 'Daniel Waweru' the pro Kanu apologist, 'Wanjiku from Mombasa' and 'Mrembo wa ODM?'. Nice to see Phil is still going strong still clutching ODM's slippery straws. Careful of the sinking Titanic mate. Ok, so Taabu still has 'strange way with the words' despite frequent predictions of Armageddon whic never seem to come alive. Long Live Kumekucha! Long Live Kenya!

  2. Chris,
    So how many people are contained in your envelope and who do you intent ot hand them over to?

    Nonetheless NOT YET BLOGGER and the primary/principal objective of KK is not yet fully realized. We are trotting the throny path and no looking back. I pray that the whole KK house RECONVENES in full. I understand people outgrew themmselves and diversified but we have a job to do, ama?

    Sio kwa ubaya but trust me on this one my warnings are not ill-meant but to post RED FLAGS that we are hurtling full speed in the wrong direction. Otherwsie quit your anon handles-your words gives you away.

  3. Chris,

    You are racist. how can you not include Sam Okello?!!

  4. "Three cheers for Taabu, Phil, Luke, Vicky, Sayra and PKW…"

    What about Vikii, Derek and Ritch? one cheer for them??? You tribal moron!

  5. Chris said, "I am about to make a very important post but I am waiting for some information."

    Another heat with no fire! we have heard it all before only to end up "Kibaki is sick and close to death" hahaha ha, only to retact the statement with "kibaki is stubborn..."

  6. There are over a thousand blogs in Kenya, good people why stay here? Leave chris to lick his own wounds.
    he always like to brag but he doesn't own you!

  7. Kibaki has alzheimer's.

  8. anon kikuyu7:25 AM

    only a PNU lover from Mashada can post such childishness why are you here?? did anyone employ you to recruit people from kumekucha to go to other blogs?? move on moran.. stop being an embarrassment to your fellow kikuyu tribesmen, like kibaki is. shooo off!

  9. Chris,

    If you want your blog to be respecatble you must get rid of anon 8.28. the sicko who always post comments filled with Kikuyu shiate hatred.

    we know you pay this sicko to post hundreds of comments so you can prove KK is great.

  10. anon 7:25

    and yet you are still here!!

  11. anon8:36 AM
    chris should get rid of you.. you have many handles here from the same IP address somewhere in California, you are on different blogs abusing Raila and yes Obama before he become president elect calling him a kihii and if you are so concerned about your kikuyu tribe start talking to Kibaki to lead the way to Hague.

    push off back to Mashada where you belong with your childish tantrums and abuses of other tribes in kenya. you can be anonymous on here but you can't hide your IP address busted!

  12. anon 9:20 AM

    7:25 is also 8:36
    this individual can't get enough of Kumekucha- he works for Alfred Mutua and cronies at statehouse a very worried individual who sees his darling Kibaki frog marched soon to Hague:)

    ha!!ha!ha!! he!!he!! NO AMNESTY FOR KIBAKI.

  13. Chris,

    Sikuwa na ubaya na Vikii i still don't ... he's one of my best commentors in KK.

    Kumekucha must be read on a daily basis. A good place for some of the political information.
    And where is Derek?

    Chris job yenye iko ni mob sana. Ma-haters ni wengi and with that kind of attitude it will be a very slow painful ride. I know time is what we don't have and the dogs don't need Kenya.

  14. Kenyans are asleep as Kibaki keeps selling our heritage.... check who owns or is share holder of Knight Frank??

    I thought the Minister of lands and development was awake??? why are our kenyans islands being sold exclusively??? why !!why!!

    Manda Island, Lamu

  15. Even our wild life is being sold?? imagine 9,840 hacters?? who the hell give this people government protected wild life land for sell??

    where the hell is Orengo?? or persons in charge.. this is daylight robbery( this Knight Frank company) should be brought to book. IDP's everywhere in kenya and yet the government is handing over land to individuals to sell?? this is shear corruption yet again!!!


    Ready for development
    Approx. 9,840 hectares with abundant zebra, giraffe and other plains game.
    Breathtaking views of Lake Naivasha, Hells Gate National Park and Mt. Longonot.
    Easy access to Nairobi and Naivasha.
    Unlimited potable borehole water on plot boundary.
    Sale is by way of transfer of shares. (thieves share to whom)

  16. Oh |My god Kibaki through Knight Frank is selling all the Kenya little islands why kenyans are made to be confused on the waki report!! kenyans kenyans wake up and let us send this senile kibaki to Hague plus all the crocks involved in selling kenya off in pieces!! this is toooo much


    Kisite Marine Reserve South Coast

    """"4 beautiful totally secluded islands""
    The islands are adjacent to the Pemba Channel, with world class big game fishing and scuba diving right on the doorstep. Suitable for a hotel, lodge or other environmentally sympathetic tourist development. In total approximately 21.6 hectares.
    Leasehold 99 years from 1.7.2002. Pristine location



  18. Chris, what you consider controversial in me is in actual sense a penchant for the truth and independence of thought. It is a strong resolve to never give comfort to those always eager to shape everybody else's opinion, not by persuasion, not by the merit of their arguments, but by a brutal tearing down of everyone who stands between State house and their object of obsession. If we can have political discussions that are truth-based and without the lynch-mob tactics that so blatantly shroud the truth, character-assasinate opponents of "our father who art Pentagon House", and frankly distort facts, that would be a great day for Kenya. That would go a long way in redeeming this blog from the gaggle of spinners that it is. Otherwise fire is best fought with fire.

    About the "insults", I am afraid you guys have always chosen to play victim when indeed you are the aggressors.

    Sayra is a real pro. She is coolo shit. But let me use the example of her attack on me to illustrate the kind of gangsterism that you guys employ against those you differ with;
    Marianne Brinner is a pervert and gladly we all know that now. She trooped in here with stories of her sexual escapades with Njoroge Mungai and others. When I told her off with some deservedly vulgar language, you guys(not just sayra) came with guns blazing because she was a darling at the time. Now, when she later fell out with you, Chris, you tried to make it a communal issue. You demonised her and literally sought help from bloggers to fight her YET this was your fight. You started another fight with Sam Okello and his family, and you tried to romp everyone else into your fights.
    It is this mob culture, Chris that I detest. If I can be honest with you for a minute, we are not different from those lunatics stonning motorists in Kibera.

    That said, I have had a helluva time here, Chris. Thanks for the opportunity. I have met some great people and some not-so-great people. Some who should not have been born. But it's been fun, believe me.

    P.S; Derek was and still is a very important voice in this blog as far as I am concerned. I am hoping his ommission from your list is not by design.

  19. Thanx Vikii.

    I think it is a really great thing that we agree to disagree and can still talk.

    I am delighted that you have had a great time. And so have I. And the truth is that you have changiad (in no smal way) to the success of this blog. Thank you.

    However I draw your attention to your post script. This post is about the pioneers. Derek is a great guy and I really miss him. But he came much later and is therefore NOT amongst the pioneers.

    Is this a great example of how people don't read posts before commenting, ama they read but don't see anything except who the hell it is wrote the post?


    P.S. Maybe I should do another post on Wanjiku of Mombasa, Ivy, Mrembo wa ODM, Derek, Daniel Waweru etc. Ama? Possibly on the guys that are the heart and soul of Kumekucha now and the commentators who went AWOL.

  20. And what about us? Newbies? We're addicted to KK too...and we changia, hapa na pale?

  21. Vikii,

    Chris tried to mobilise bloggers perverts against Kwale not knowing Kwale has a psychological advantage over them. The mob culture is here and alive. For two days they attacked Kwale but in the end they were given a bloody nose. Chris claimed ati kwale uses four letter words but I have never seen four letter words on kwale's post. Yes Kwale can resort to insults especially when he is dealing with attacks but i don't blame him. I enjoy reading his comments.

  22. I never considered myself a KK pioneer, but hey, thanks for the ngemi (cheers).Now, I ain't no Wambui, shall I have my rightful place as first lady? Sayra, you are the other woman!

    I've to thank KK for helping me craft my e-identity back in the day, but a lot has happened between then and now, though KK largely remains the same. SSDDs/P (P for people) kind of thing. Case in Point;MB. Yet another;Waki. Ndio maana nimechoka.

  23. b-carotene said...
    And what about us? Newbies? We're addicted to KK too...and we changia, hapa na pale?

    Actually I love all you guys. You know the new crop of contributors (newbies) have brought something new to Kumekucha. And that is they keep us updated on the latest and breaking news with links and stuff, even as our main contributors are fast asleep.

    We all appreciate sana.


    P.S. PKW my dear, you are talking in parables. You said;

    ...though KK largely remains the same. SSDDs/P (P for people) kind of thing. Case in Point;MB. Yet another;Waki. Ndio maana nimechoka.

    Translation please.

  24. Vikii,
    Niliacha uganster kabisa. Mwalimu wangu alinishow ma-lunatics ndio hu-behave hivyo. And i aint no lunatic.

    Lol ... kweli? Sijui niseme ...
    Miss you gal, uko poa lakini?

  25. Chris,
    SSDD translation; Same Shit Different Day, and in our case, Same Shit Different People. Vikii had a great example of how will not ‘touch’ a one person depending on how we perceive them, not on the case at hand. But if it the same person dishes out the same shit to a different person, we come out and assassinate their character with a disclaimer under our blog’s ‘logo’. In the same way, Raila Odinga is the messiah we have been waiting for, but should never be allowed to live his morals vis a vis the Waki report, and not sacrifice them for political mileage. But we shall stone him if he does not protect ‘one of his own’, shall we not?

  26. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  27. @5:27 am:
    Useless blog.
    I'll stay in kumekucha!
    Blog administrator--can you sheild us from these idiot hawkers?
    They are a vexations to the spirit.

  28. b-carotene said...

    @5:27 am:
    Useless blog.
    I'll stay in kumekucha!
    Blog administrator--can you sheild us from these idiot hawkers?

    DONE. With pleasure as you can c above.


  29. Can you place your Disclaimer at the bottom of the page or some other place. It is so imposing and intimidating at the top. Like the "Nyayo-at-heart-or-not-Nyayo-enough" polarization of Kenya in the 1980s.
    I enjoy your blog all the same.


Any posts breaking the house rules of COMMON DECENCY will be promptly deleted, i.e. NO TRIBALISTIC, racist, sexist, homophobic, sexually explicit, abusive, swearing, DIVERSIONS, impersonation and spam AMONG OTHERS. No exceptions WHATSOEVER.