Sunday, October 12, 2008

IDPs Revisited: Paved Road to Self-Destruction

That the absence of war does not necessarily mean peace has never been truer for Kenya. After staring apocalypse in the face following the bungled elections, all we have to our credit is making false impressions of motion without any trace of commensurate movements.

At our element best we settled for political expediency in superficial and cosmetic political theatrics cobbled as selfish power sharing while conveniently glossing over the fundamentals under agenda four.

Look around you and what do you see? The IDPs continue to transform themselves into permanent refugee status within their own country. Meanwhile the very leaders who are the cause and source of their Kenya horrid predicament have their eyes singularly trained on the next political trophy which is another 2000 days away. Unwittingly cheering these scoundrels on are the Kenyan Diaspora with the MOVE ON mantra as our kin and kiths continue to starve in IDP camps. But again, who cares venturing in stale non-industrious ventures anyway?

Not only have we exported our village stereotypes abroad but we even continue to give it an abstract sheen albeit packaged as objective road map. Meanwhile the tribal chiefs continue to milk dry our motherland auctioning any prized jewel within her borders.

The gimmick of power sharing is not worth the paper it is written on. A closer look will disabuse any pretence of break from fraudulent schemes to feather the ruling elite’s nests at our collective peril. The facade of Kenyan being at peace is surely the lull before the ultimate storm. In our penchant to bandage festering national wounds we prefer to gloat over smokescreens of progress in our shameless antic to continue digging while stuck in the deep hole. Soon and very soon, we have nobody but ourselves to blame when the balloon of deception is finally pierced by reality.

Peddling tribal hemlock
Just like Moi used to believe that a country prospered on mere strength of PEACE, LOVE and UNITY empty slogans, we continue to be led by people whose collective strengths are premised on vices. The GCG is nothing but a product of international pressure and no Kenyan politician can take any credit for it as evident in no efforts to own it towards it. We are back to old and dirty political games of scheming and nobody is taking lessons from the near-Armageddon to build sustainable structures for that contribute to national peace.

Almost 10 months down the road, the IDPs have been relegated to footnotes of our national conscience as the political plots thicken with alliances and pseudo alliances. Every corner of Kenya is teaming with non-reversing 2012 presidential convoys emitting fake miracles in their wake.

How I wish these scoundrels would devote half the energy and the same passion fighting our national basics of poverty and harmony. But that is a wish with wheels to ride on in Kenya. Instead the reality remains serial and shameless peddling of tribal hemlock. Surely, we must be condemned to the curse of living a collective national lie.


  1. taabu

    well said

    and quite distressing


  2. Taabu
    Phil told us here once before that there were old IDPs before these new IDPs appeared on the scene, so Kenya has always been at war with herself don't blame us for loving to sweep things under the carpet.
    you said yourself our foundation is PEACE LOVE and UNITY how can we be hypocrites for wanting to remain the oasis of calm in a continent of wars?
    You can count in one hand the number of other countries in Africa whose heads of state are PHD's and they are not many
    we are the true success story and we have peace to show for it-
    our memoirs as a country one day will read "TO HELL AND BACK-NO ONE DOES IT BETTER"
    We've "BEEN THERE DONE THAT" thats why now we can MOVE ON- we are a people who love the status quo-
    change is only for the Americans thats why they believe in it and thats why they forced us to share power-
    left up to our own devices sisi tunge Kaa hivyo hivyo in permanent campaign mode as if elections are next week
    i don't blame us for not wanting to confront skeletons in our closets-we don't need TRUTH and INTEGRITY all we want is money in our pockets meaning the economy is growing-are you more man than the economy?
    If one day our bubble will burst again and we will teeter on the brink of destruction, we will just pull out our t-shirts and together read from the same hymn book-BEEN THERE DONE THAT MOVE ON
    If there's no need to bite the bullet why re-invent the wheel?

  3. "How I wish these scoundrels would devote half the energy and the same passion fighting our national basics of poverty and harmony" -
    How i wish taabu you could not be talking about yourself on this one. If the same passion you have for Rao could be channelled to poverty and harmony - Kenya would be a better place.


    Man! Its got to start from you - before you blame others. Otherwise a nice post.

    Mzee wa Kijiji

  4. Quite distressing. I wonder if the illegitimate sloth at SH ever thinks about these poor Kenyans.

  5. Taabu,

    May shame be permanently upon your face. After cheering the RV barbarians as they raped and murdered IDPs in January, you now pretend to shed some plastic tears for the IDPs.

    If you had half the power of the politicians you condemn, some communities would be wiped out of this earth, Hitler-style. It would have been better if you were never born.

    Everbody knows you here at Kumekucha. Go and try to fly your deception/armaggedon kite in Mogotio. That is where barbarians rape and murder their neighbours for voting differently!

  6. This is either utter dishonesty, a typical case of Satan being christened Bishop or the second conversion of Saul to Paul. I think people should be clear in their minds.

  7. Vikii,
    Please expound. And who is the pastor presiding on the conversion or baptism?

  8. Yes indeed, it is a tragedy Taabu.

    Especially coming after defrauding Kenyans of their civic mandate.

  9. Guys what happened to that woman who was kidnapped and was in a wheel chair? something to do with the church burnt in Edoret. (Apparently she did not die) It was just a clip on TV then it dissappeared. The story was never revisited. Is that woman alive? If she is, then we sure are a cursed country. May God have mercy on us.

  10. Haters,

    I hope you understand that despite all the attention given to RV IDPs, the IDPs are not just okuyus. Those that were perceived to be ODM followers were also hounded out of okuyu areas. To make matters worse ODM followers had to dodge the state bullets. So please don't get us started.

  11. Taabu, as a brother, I want to keep you as close to the truth as possible. You actually typify the Saul-Paul conversion. Have you not always clung to (actually vigorously advocated for) the dangerously misplaced notion that the IDPs belong to those camps, that they deserve every little bit of their predicament for voting against the "divine" order. Are they not, in your eyes, guilty of, not just betrayal, but also of outright foul behaviour? How dare they vote against the one and only? I think this is a debate you (and all those in your party) need to finalise with yourselves. Make your minds clear, folks!

  12. Vikii,

    You are one of those anon 4:34 is adressing.

  13. Vikii,
    You must be aware of the linear correlation between assumption and embarassment, don't you? What makes you so judgemental and even ambogate yourself the duty of assigning people parties. Unless you are letting some obsession cloud your take, you woud wish to know that all your insinuation only succeed in tickling your fancy. Sorry for my failure to do that bro. Continue praying, miracles happen, you never know.

    The truth is IDPs have been relegated to footnotes and your version of the truth is not surprising. May the REAL VIKII please stand up and disown the herd mentality albeit in disguise?Indulge..


    God the Creator, is the only one who knows where so many of us will be in 2015, and later in 2020. Some of us will be resting in eternal peace by the time Kenya gets there.

    Peace in advance to the living. And eternal rest to all those who will have departed from our midst by 2015 or 2020.

    Life is a journey.


  15. The problems of IDPs are not new issues. Kenya has been there before, since 1992 to be precise. Currently I think it is very difficult to get accurate figures of IDPs because populations are constantly fluctuating: some IDPs may be returning home while others are fleeing, others may periodically return to IDP camps to take advantage of humanitarian aid and so forth.

    But my question is why do we have IDPS in the first place?
    Why should anyone be driven out of their homes just because of voting for a candidate of their choice? This Taabu is where you failed to tell us.
    And that's why I always say Kenya is not ready for democracy, they simply don't understand it. You cannot claim to have democracy if you don't allow people to express their views and vote according to their wish. One of the component of democracy is freedom of political expression, freedom of speech, due process, civil liberties and respect of human rights.
    Taabu, why do your fellow tribesmen feel the urge to commit mass murder and all forms of depravity solemnly on the fact someone voted in a different way? You need to educate those bush people what is democracy and to respect other human being -everyone has the right to live and that's why God stated very clearly THOU SHALT NOT KILL. Life is very PRECIOUS and anyone who kills is simply invoking the wrath of God upon themselves.

  16. Anon @ 4.34AM, Okuyus, as you call them, did not commit pre-meditated murder, Raila,Ruto and their screaming, tearful hordes of ODM barbarians did. Those ODM Westerners who were chased out of Nairobi and Central, only got their just desserts after the Okuyus retaliated from witnessing the barbarism of the Westerners from arriving refugees. In fact,the Okuyus did not kill the Westerners but asked them to leave. Please argue while keeping matters in perspective. There is no need to mourn after the fact of your messiah's misjudgment. Raila underestimated the resolve and capacity of the Okuyus to defend themselves, and was indeed saved by the Army intervention. We would otherwise not have a country called Kenya now, very likely we would be having West Kenya Republic comprised of Luhyas, Luos, Kalenjins and some Maasais, and then Kenya proper. West Kenya republic may not even be the name of that breakaway republic, but something like say, the Orange Country. What a laugh.

  17. The problem of IDPs is purely political. Politicians are allowing these hapless jamaas to wallow in the camps as they wait to lure in their votes with promises of immediate resettlement right before the next election. We have seen this in Kenya before.

    Dilly dallying on the land issue is to the best interest of politicians. Please expect to see no progress in the near future. In fact, we are all guilty of effectively neglecting the roots of the problem that sees the very poor in our society living in football stadiums. Today we spend most of our free time strategizing and re-strategizing how our favorite politicians should ascend to the throne. We have chosen to totally ignore the bitterness inside those who were smoked out of their three bedroom condos in Kiambu and Eldoret and are now living by the roadside burning charcoal for a living. Appeasing such fellows is a long lost priority and yet we will all be genuinely surprised when we start cutting up each other in 2012.

    The way I see it, only a legitimate government with a tinge of responsibility to its legitimately acquired mandate can act soberly on the IDP issue. Coalition governments the world over are simply campaign vehicles driving to the next election. The sole agenda is outdoing each other and jostling for spotlights.

    But that is our fault. We should not have allowed Raila to buy into a coalition government. If we expect any salvation, we should buy into the religious Salvation Army credo; Blood and Fire.

  18. Kimi, I think you forgot that we might have had a Lesotho, be careful what you wish for and espouse.

  19. Kimi and that Idiot Kwale, Mungiki and some of your cousins had been slaughtering the so called Westerners throughout Kibaki’s first term. It is that culture of violence manifested in the Kibaki regime that alerted all other Kenyans to uproot Kikuyus from all over.

    Your argument is with Kibaki.

  20. Very well said Taabu. A lot of us Kenyans like living a lie.

    Sample this:

    Kibaki won fair and square. PUMBAFF! Theft is more like it.

    Kenya is a land of peace and harmony. PUMBAFF! Fake peace and harmony is more like it.

    When Kibaki STEALS the elections and people get justifiably angry. They are called barbarians. The real barbarians are Kibaki, the Mt Kenya mafia and the hordes of blind following Kikuyus who voted for him just because he is a Kyuk despite his glaringly mediocre, outdated and pumbavu leadership qualities.

    Raila (here we go again with this pumbavu obsession with Raila) plotted and executed the post election violence. PUMBAFF! If Kibaki and his cabal of panua mongrels had not BRAZENLY STOLEN the elections in broad daylight, nobody would have gotten annoyed and real peace would have reigned.

    "We" - you all know who this "We" is - are a hard working, industrious and enterprising community. This is the biggest PUMBAFF! FRAUD, DECEPTION and STEALING intoxicated community is more like it.

    I could go on and on but I'll stop there. Since this is the truth and panua mongrels do not like the truth - they hate it with a passion - I expect the brickbats to come flying at me from the usual quaters. Bring them on. They will just confirm that the truth has touched a raw nerve in them. To this I can only say Poleni sana.

  21. Anons @ 7.29 and 7.31am:
    If you do what you have always done then you will get what you have always got, and if you think what you have always thought, you will be as ignorant as you have always been.

  22. at KWALE at 6.42, I rarely comment on this blog but having read some of your four letter rants and juvenile points, I must tell you that you perfectly fit the exhibition of imbecility per excellence. You have curved for yourself on this universe, a niche of pure stupidity and concentrated buffoonery. Your empty and hollow skull is a place where only those with astonishing mental weakness can find solace and acceptance. Your resolve and resort to applying four letter curse words whenever cornered in your absolutely mind boggling dementia betrays your lack of creativity and extremely short vocabulary. Kwale, your lack of understanding of every and all issues under the sun provides a crucial case study for those in the study of the brain or precisely, lack thereof.
    Your inferences can only be construed as comedic at best. Your bright points are a source of daily laughter here at Kumekucha. But are we laughing at a mental disorder, I ask?
    The thing that comes out clearly from your comments on a daily basis is the confession that, as a child, while other were being immunized against polio, you were immunized against intelligence.
    I beseech you to desist using four letter words on this blog. But I’m unsure that you know what I mean as you most likely cannot count to four without the help of your fingers.

  23. anon 6:42 AM
    Kimi Raikkonen ( How dare you !! the blood thirsty mingiki thug that you are!! I guess you like many other thick kikuyu's need a reminder of facts
    1. the Eldoret church was burnt by paid kibaki and moi mungiki operatives just like they slaughtered and burned innocent kenyans in Naivasha and Nakuru!!
    the Eldoret church massacre was a diversion by kibaki and cronies to confuse the rigging that was taking place!! ask MARTHA KARUA" she has already admitted to a few close friends but she is a biatch since the heat is on hr now regarding PNU and her party that is why now she want to come out with what happened!!"kenyans know she is Kibaki's biatch!!

    Okuyus(KIBAKI AND MUNGIKI CRONIES did commit pre-meditated murder, ALL THOSE IDP'S and their screaming, tearful hordes of PNU
    barbarians did IT.So they should pack up and return to central kikuyu province of Lesotho!!

    Shenzi kikuyu that you are with youe head deep in the sand!!! Kibaki has started executing muungiki youths and if i were you!! I would be very careful and look my doors!! wewe shenzi sana!!

  24. Anon 8.09 "king Charles"

    I will not be surprised if you are not John Maina, the Codswallop, and foolhardy bastard.

    I am glad you find something to laugh about from my comments. I was about to resign from blogging here in KK (seriously) but now watch me, I will be here everyday posting comments on every post.

    Since you don't comment here, you do what you know best, prostitute your ass around Soho and leave me to do my comics.

  25. To argue with Taabu and other ODMites is argue with people who are not in control of their mental faculties. They have decided to subordinate their humanity to Mr Molasses' whims. He orders them to drop their pants and lose their foreskins and they do so in unison. They live short brutish lives of automatons.

  26. Kwale,
    Come on man, you can do better than that and you know it. Where is the difference? You don't have to stoop to that level in rage. And BTW what makes you so sure in attaching names to anons? Once again please bro avoid assumptions as a plague. Put yourself in JM's shoes and asssume the assult is misdirected.

    In other words walk the talk and show the diference. I know you can and you must, will you?

  27. Somebody should stop the hordes of savages roaming Luoland circumcising others by force. It was long when Mungikis were circumcising Luos by force and it is wrong now when Luo vigilantes are subjecting fellow Luos to this barbarism!!!!!!

  28. anon8:57 AM

    No my dear!! it is urging with PNU die hard supporters of the kibaki Senile thieving thug and his cronies is what is hard to swallow - PNU and affiliates are going nowhere Uhuru, Kalonzo musyoka and Kiraitu know for real that PNU and Odm-k is finished and none starter for the next election - but the die heard central kikuyu mungiki mafia on here keep trying to push that out of date agenda.....

    Kikuyu's are finished in Kenya they might as well start looking around in central on all that land that Kibaki, Uhuru and cronies own to start settling their IDP's tribesmen:):) oops I forgot Kibaki has started executing more mungiki youths!!!! his own tribesmen so for those die hard kibaki supporters watch out.....

  29. "Unwittingly cheering these scoundrels on are the Kenyan Diaspora with the MOVE ON mantra as our kin and kiths continue to starve in IDP camps."

    What kind of scewed thinking is this? Are all the people who leave comments here in the Diaspora, nay are even half of them in the diaspora? Am sure if we do an analysis we will find most of the people who spew ignorance are right there at home. While at it let me not absolve the diaspora community of blame. We should all try to embrace our motherland and stop fanning hatred PERIOD

  30. king charles

    "while others were being immunized against polio, you were immunized against intelligence"

    with apologies to whom it was directed, that was really funny dude


  31. at KWALE, since you threaten to continue your persistent indulgence in foolishness, you make it my duty to continuously gauge the overwhelming absence of intellect in your comments on a daily basis.
    I’m not John Maina neither I’m I a foolhardy bastard. I’m also not a prostitute.

    You on the other hand, as is loudly evident in your responses and comments, are a bona fide circus act. It is baffling that you use the words ‘ass’ and ‘prostitute’ to expose your latent and sordid homosexuality. Please stop focusing on the posterior of men.

    Your resignation from Kumekucha will not redeem you from the explicit evidence of a lot of space between your ears.

    In referring to your comedic rants, I was not really patting you on the back. But how would you understand?

  32. Kwale,

    Kindly don't get involved with these idiots-the likes of taabu and kalamari who like posting as anon when they can't handle the fire.

  33. at UrXInc and Fellow Kumekuchans: It is not with happiness that I choose to put this man Kwale in his rightful place. We should all collectively agree to disassociate with those whose minds are filled with curse words and vulgarity. This is a decent blog.
    As you have read in the past, Kwale has the habit of resorting to words describing everything surrounding the male genitalia in his responses to criticism. We must not allow such rubbish to flourish in Kumekucha.

    Kwale must keep the matters of his bedroom in his bedroom.

  34. 'King Charles',
    It make no difference by calling me unintelligent because I am. I never claim to be educated nor do I care if I lack education. I am not one of those people who brag about how educated they are. Perfectly happy and conceited with my life and you calling me unintelligent is not by a long chalk offensive. Suits me very well!
    In that penualtimate comment what vulgar word or curse word did I use? if at all my comments are that distressing you have the right to delete them without a question.

  35. Anon @ 8.24am:

    Whats with the numerous exclamation marks? Is it supposed to express your rage, or just that you are shouting? What symbol do you use to express a pause while you take a deep breath before going on the next rant? You really are utterly hilarious, do you know that? By the way, how short are you?

  36. 'King Charles', what you may not be aware is, as unintelligent as I am, I have the capability to bring this blog or any other blog to non-existence and remove it permanently from worldwideweb. It's not a threat and I do not intend to do so just letting you know.

  37. at Kwale, ha ha ha “penualtimate”. I guess that word makes you bright. The word is actually ‘penultimate’. Short of spelling and that you used it in the correct manner, I will give you an ‘A’ as a means of encouraging you to converse decently with the apt of a gentleman. If you are going to deride a comment, do it with style and wit. Don’t expose your inability to think beyond your bedroom fantasies.
    The jury is out. Kumekucha will not entertain vulgarity. I will continue monitoring your language and should you buckle, I will bruise your ego. The same goes for your surrogates.

    Let’s be decent.

  38. kwale

    I have the capability to bring this blog or any other blog to non-existence and remove it permanently from worldwideweb

    what do you mean?


  39. at Kwale, we are on our knees and our foreheads are touching the ground in sincere absolution to your mighty intelligent being, please do not bring down the Kumekucha blog. Oh please forgive us.

  40. UrXlnc, do you wanna bet?

  41. "king charles"
    One thing you have to understand about me is, as uneducated as I am, am not easily intimidated. And I will continue to use those words you find obscene and offensive, if you don't like them just delete my comments. Full stop!

  42. The post was....."IDPs Revisited: Paved Road to Self-Destruction"..

    Please let us keep to it and remain civil. no need of throwing e-tantrums. Let us make it EGO-FREE. Any takers out there?

  43. why is the comment section nowadays ruled by fools with well known aliases in blue hyperlink?

    There used to be a time when both the main post and the comments in response to the main post in this blog showcased brains of some of the finest bloggers with the most consistent comments well written, worth the time and effort in reading and even praising

    Of late some prominent fatheads with hyperlink monikers in blue have taken things too personally ati hawacheki na watu yet the rest of us are permanently showing the back of our pre-molars at the sight of your every comment

  44. kwale



  45. E-cop,
    the blog is the way it is because most of the posts are boring and inconsiquential. IDPs, stolen elections, ECK...we have debated these issues at length. What everyone is realising is that in Kenya, time erases all wounds. Kenyans are by nature very fickle. They can not give up their nyama choma na beer on Saturdays. Look at the youth who bore the brunt of the Kenya police and GSU during last years skirmishes and even going back to the fight for multi parties in 1992. The middle class was no where to be seen. Afterwards they went back to life kama kawaida.

    And that is how it is right now. People are working, drinking, dating, shopping, travelling...who cares about IDPs? Folks have moved on...

  46. Kimi Raikkonen

    The exclamation marks are the bullet shots that your Senile thieving goon ordered the police to shoot innocent kenyans- every time I use those exclamation marks -I'm counting the each innocent Kenyans death at the mercy of your senile Alzheimer filled Kibaki goon who ordered the police to shoot and kill mercilessly plus the in the hands the Kibaki gang of the Mungiki murderous thugs...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Count them too !! you might found out by surprised exactly how many innocent kenyans your senile Kibaki murdered by abusing his rigged power in office...

  47. anon12:31

    Kimi Raikkonen

    Keep counting this exclamation marks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and I will keep posting the exclamation marks in memory of those Kibaki the senile goon slaughtered in cold blood!!!!!!!
    na wewe shenzi sana!!!

  48. anon8:57 AM

    Thank good is dropping pants for circumcision not dropping pants for incest like most of you kikuyu's you are filthy kikuyu's- go get help from the counselors or i guess your Thai thai mungiki she-goat- that faces mt.Kenya

  49. anon2:07 PM

    Kwale stop the incest acts first with your family members before trying to abuse people on here!! central province incest traditions must be condemned and stopped with immediate effect.. kwani you guys can't look for sex outside your homes?? you are sicko's..

  50. Anon @ 6.14 and 6.17am. Keep on entertaining us. How about exclamation marks on the entire blog? Also, you did not answer my last question, how short are you?

  51. Taabu,

    Without wanting to be seen as judging anyone's intellect, If I get KING CHARLES correctly, he is trying to encourage civil language and mature debate on the blog. I agree with him entirely. No one ever wanted moderation, but at times it is enforced because the poor grasp of issues and the amount of insults leaves no alternatives. You remember me trying to talk about decorum and respect a few months ago?

    Anyone who has been following the blog knows there is a disgusting habit amongst some to resort to vulgarities and insults whenever arguments go against their preferred political persuasions.

    Guys and of course ladies, rise above pettiness.

    Thank you King Charles.

    PS. I have read a veiled threat of some poster claiming ability to closing down this blog. This is the funniest joke I heard since Kivuitu's 'I dont know who won the elections'. We've been here for a while and many have trodden that path lakini wapi. Most have decided cloning as the best way, ie Kumekuchas and Hakujakucha. Poleni sana.

  52. Taabu

    The least i can say is that we desperately need the services of Dr. Frank Njenga. A few of Kumekuchans have gone bonkers... with some even threatening to shut down KK....Ei ukistajabu ya Musa hujaona ya firauni!!!!

    King Charles verily verily whoever you are.....You have taken me off guard.

  53. I think Kumekucha have just asked what it did not bargain for.

    In all message boards anywhere in the internet the author is encouraged to delete any comment or message they feel have gone overboard. No one here have ever thought to do so here. What exactly did I say in that first comment that is vulgar?

    By coming out to attack me you are looking for trouble. I am not a push over.
    You have consistently encouraged people to attack others using improper language that is against the internet laws - language that is ethnically offensive. But when people like me (non-ODMers) say anything here we are confronted by angry packs of hunger hyenas.

    Like I said before, i was on my way out of this blog because without a doubt I thought my time here is truly over but here came along "king charles" with some of the most ridiculous tantrums. Concidence? perhaps Have you heard the saying do not poke a cat...
    Maybe it about time this blog is brought to its righful place!

  54. Kwale

    You are always leaving Kumekucha....Leave and shut the door behind you. Adios

    P.S....KK will definately miss you

  55. Iam not the incomptent Kenya internal security that has been unable to shut down tribal blogs which aims is to cause ethnic strife. Have you heard of computer wizards, those people who can hack into people computers and emails? Even if I am not one, i have cash to pay and is done within a spilt of a second.

  56. To your attention.

    I do not intend to leave KK anytime soon and I WILL NOT change the way I comment here. i will continue to respond to articles posted here in the same style I have done previously. This is to prove to all of you I am not a push-over neither do I yield to no-one.

    I hope that is pellucid prose to everyone here.

  57. Kwale said "Like I said before, i was on my way out of this blog because without a doubt I thought my time here is truly over"

    Kwale said "Maybe it about time this blog is brought to its righful place!" QN By who? Ithought you were before reading your comments;;;Kwale said "Read comments at 11:49"

    Do you know your money can go along way in fighting and eradicating poverty in this 3rd world country.

    Lastly Kwale said "I do not intend to leave KK anytime soon and I WILL NOT change the way I comment here"

    Folks could someone tell KK what this guy needs. Maybe chiromo lane doctors/nurses are out on half term....LOL

    Yes i am down on bended knees don't leave...Coz i mean with all the inflation, food crisis, IDPs, stolen elections...What a nice way to wind up reading your comments. You sure make my day.

  58. Kwale,

    We are happy you are staying. We need some PNU sympathaizers here to warn the Grand Thief and his Cohorts of the next Tsunami.

    To revisit IDP issue: It is all a sign of lack of direction by PNU.

    They should have organised a big kiss and hug party. Forgive Mungiki, Release youths, resettle IDPs and start receiving rent in Nairobi. Instead, PNU MPs went shouting "No Amnesty"..and are now busy campaigning for Uhuru and Kalooser. Uhuru even went ahead to declare in Molo that he is not interested in forgiveness with the Kelenjins. How myopic! That is why I shudder to think what will happen in 2012. ODM will win. Kalooser will steal. People will die. Police and Army will intervene. De javu!

  59. King Charles you made my day!!!
    Kwale, Kimi, Vikii etc really needed to be put in their place.

  60. You like underestimating people, you underestimated Kibaki and here you are trying to underestimate someone who is well capable of ceasing the existence of this blog. And I mean it, the threat is real. But, I believe the owner of this blog is Chris and that where I am on crossroad. Should I bring Chris's hard work to nothing just because of some mindless people or should I prove to everyone I can do what I say?
    It's a moral question and I am not sure yet if I can live with the fact I brought somebody else hard to zilch. I respect hard-working people irrespective of their beliefs.
    To some of you I would like to give you a double-whammy, lose the election and then lose Kumekucha. I have yet to decide. But the threat is real unlike others you had before and it will remain so until I decide otherwise.


  62. Phil,

    I don't think you know what you are asking for?! I can drop you a clanger. You are probably the reason I will go to extreme in order to shut this blog down. I know you think and eat kumekucha, so shutting this blog will automatically bring your life to non-existence.
    and how I would love that!

    You forget you are in a third world country and I live in a developed world where nothing is impossible under the sun and shutting a blog is as simple as making a cup of tea.

  63. Kwale,

    You are sharp person, but equally very impatient and irattional. When cornered you become an irritant.

    All the same you are great blogger minus vulgar language. A wise counsel from an elder in the blog - stick to issues, you are analytical and a must read for many in this blog. Dont stoop to low.

    Mzee wa Kijiji

  64. Damn we are tired of your empty rhetorics. you are becoming a nuisance and behaving like a spoilt brat. Shut the blog already. if you have nothing to comment take the fifth ammendment and continue living in your ideal world. Leave the third wolders alone. Kwani who do you think you are? For crying out loud give us a break. Will you? Mara shutting down, mara i am not moving, mara iam this, nyef, nyef...My foot

  65. Kwale
    I have just tried to delete all of your comments
    you must have a DEGREE in IMMOBILITY the way you hovering around this blog like an evil spirit
    Why are you making yourself a vexation to the soul?Don't worry Chris has PHD in PEST ERADICATION know that your presence here is not for granted and not guaranteed either

  66. I am actually enjoying this.

  67. KWALE,

    That was Kalamari the Luhyia asshole posing as King Charles.

  68. Kwale,

    Just leave us alone. We are not pushovers either. You can shut down this blog? Some of us are IT professionals. We know how this stuff works.

  69. Kwale,

    Just a thought. Are you comfortable with the profiling you get at schiphol and other western airports when you land? Yous see, i have noticed in my travels that they stop every black guy landing from these parts of the world to ask where they are going. See, some of us cant stand that kind of treatment, that is why we choose to stay here. But that is not to say we are stupid.

  70. Kwale,
    Do you know what people do when they are handed the rope after threatening to hang? Either you are mentally WEAK or a boy inside a man's body. The irritation and attendant rants may tickle your fancy but pleace expand the box burdening your shoulders.

    Why would you imagine that stating your ADDRESS (+CV as usual) lessens the rot and hollowness? You are simply engaging in AUTOEROTISM. Your complex is uncurable. Look all you have is shamlessly rolled in one thing: ADDDRESS. Please respect and represent your age. You may be a vilage hero but not here. Grow up, will you please Kwale?

    Thank God for small mercies. The market place would be such a bore without the mad man. Your ego must have drowned under your own pool of trivia.

  71. Kwale,

    Yu remind me of one Sarah Palin. How can you possibly be so shallow?

  72. Thank you King Charles for bringing me to attention!

    I really enjoy these kinds of attacks! You probably thought Kwale is a minnow that bows to pressure, criticism or barrage of missile. This is an area I revel in very well. Just makes me strong.

    If I was an ego mastic person, I would have just done what I said – this blog would have ceased to exist some 10 hours ago. But I respect Chris and his dream - knowing how hard sometimes is to achieve things in life makes me think twice. Just know you are very lucky to have Chris who does not involve himself with silly rants and personal attacks. His demeanour has saved this blog!

  73. The reason I know Kwale is a completely delusional dunderhead is because I did my O level at Yala and my A level at Alliance …… and I did not see him there.

    You sound like some good ol' coward kid going; "sema ngwe" The dared utters the "ngwe" & not a wink from the darer just another, "sema ngwe tena"...tena...tena!!!
    Kwale, go hang, PLEASE: )

  75. Kwale,

    ha ha ha haaaaaaaaa. Do you even believe yourself?

  76. CHRIS, PHIL can you give us the outcome of the cabinet meeting. Apparently they have chosen to adopt the Kriegler report with a 10 man team including Raila & Kibaki will be involved to oversee its implementation.


  77. The threat will remain on condition this blog will not publish an article or comment that is against Google webmaster terms and conditions.

    HATEFUL CONTENT: Users may not publish material that promotes hatred towards groups based on race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, veteran status and sexual orientation/gender identity.

    VIOLENT CONTENT: Users may not publish direct threats of violence against any person or group of people.

    Shall this blog fail to comply with the above conditions it will cease without any further warning!


  79. The likes of Kwale, Kimi Raikkonen et al should be "hammered" until sense prevails in that organ between their ears.

    Imbecility per excellence, stupidity and concentrated buffoonery that exist in their empty and hollow skulls should be knocked out.

  80. at Kwale, This day is over and you are still at it. So you have searched that vast desert in your head to come up with Google terms and conditions. You truly are the great king of idiots.

    This evening, I will not waste time on you. I have to meet some important people after work. But since you asked my opinion, I think you are as dumb as a box full of hair.

    Have a good evening.

  81. Kwale,

    Have you ever wondered why your blogs have such low readership?

    Thought so.

  82. The threat will remain on condition this blog will not publish an article or comment that is against Google webmaster terms and conditions


    I think you have the intelligence of a fence post.

  83. Only intelligent people go to work, guess what I am unintelligent and don't need to work. Well endowed and capable of "honoring" my threat to shut this blog down.
    This morning I was in touch with a Russian guy who is good at blocking, defaming and shutting blogs down. We agreed to leave it for now.

  84. Sorry that was meant for Charles aka Kalamari

  85. This morning I was in touch with a Russian guy who is good at blocking, defaming and shutting blogs down


    I still think you have the intelligence of a fence post.

  86. I am really enjoying this, whole blog against one person. This is hiralious. great stuff!!

    Anon 7.57 And what about if that threat is carried out?
    It only cost less than 500 euros to do so you know.

    Shall this blog cease to exist remember this name KWALE for the rest of your life!
    I will not say anymore.

  87. Anon 7.57 And what about if that threat is carried out?

    Go ahead dimwit.

  88. Shall this blog cease to exist remember this name KWALE for the rest of your life!

    Yeah, and while at it please learn some English.

  89. Anon, I lowered myself so you can see how uneducated I am that why my English is bad and I have no problem with my English. It will remain bad for the rest of my life Phil!
    At least I don't speak with your kind of accent!

  90. Anon, I lowered myself so you can see how uneducated I am that why my English is bad and I have no problem with my English. It will remain bad for the rest of my life Phil!

    If you don't see a problem with this then you are beyond help.

    At least I don't speak with your kind of accent!

    Yeah, right.

  91. My KiEnlish is bad and I don't need help, I love it the way it is.
    And to make matter weorse my swahili is worst.
    it's only KiEnglish I feel comfotable with. so what is your problem. do i come to ask you for food?

    If my english is good, you wouldn't have some point to attack in me. I am exposing myself so you can find some places to attack.

  92. Good.

    Now you can go and meet your "well endowed" Russian.

    Eh he he he he heeeeeeeeeee.

  93. at Kwale, I’m not John Maina and I’m not Kalamari. Stop being paranoid bwana. I’m King Charles. Stop pointing fingers and blaming others for your misery. You are the one who has been cursing here like there’s no tomorrow.

    Please don’t take offense, but honestly, how old are you? Are you still enjoying adventure books like ‘Hardy Boys’ and ‘Nancy Drew’? Ha ha ha! So now you are in league with Russian hackers. I guess your next move will be cruising in the Bat Mobile after killing James Bond. I say, Delusional with a capital D. And here I am thinking that your fantasies are cornered in your bedroom.

    I think this is funny: Kwale is an ‘outsider’ because he cannot figure out how to open the door.

  94. OK. Enough. This is not funny anymore. I think we should leave Kwale alone. I don’t want to be responsible for his suicide. The man has learnt his lesson. He will not swear again. And even if he does, let us try to be understanding. I have seen that with time, Kwale will grow into a decent young gentleman.

    Kwale, good luck in your journey to lordship and possibly knighthood. May the queen bestow good character in you when you reach there. Just remember, when she raises the sword, it is not because she wants to slash your head off.

    Ok now I really have to go ama nita miss mathree ya mine.

  95. Thank you King Charles, I really enjoyed it. The best day I have ever had since teenage years.
    Really nice, the fact you don't know me just add icing on the cake.


    Next time you pick on someone, please tread carefully, others might take offensive but me, just love it, Love it!!!!

  96. Really nice, the fact you don't know me just add icing on the cake

    I wonder what gives you that idea?

    Anyhow, good luck with the Russian.

  97. And incase you didn’t know, Russian hackers have a political party in Russia called The Electronic Frontier Foundation. Hacking is illegal but Russian hackers are the best in the market!

  98. at Kwale, Stop pushing it. Be very appreciative of the break I’ve given you.

    Ukiendelea hiyo upuzi yako nitawasha moto tena. Be warned. Abunuasi wewe!!

  99. OMG!!!!

    King Charles, you should comment more often.

    My ribs are still aching, aiseeee bana! Remember this?

    Your bright points are a source of daily laughter here at Kumekucha. But are we laughing at a mental disorder, I ask?

    Or this

    Kwale, your lack of understanding of every and all issues under the sun provides a crucial case study for those in the study of the brain or precisely, lack thereof.

    King Charles, please stay, I will send a cab to pick you and drop you wherever. Manzeee hizo zako ni kali.

  100. What are you waiting for. I don't want you to stop. the comments are on 100 mark. Kindly do not use swahili on me, I don't undersatnd it.

    Bring more and more. Come on!

  101. And incase you didn’t know, Russian hackers have a political party in Russia called The Electronic Frontier Foundation. Hacking is illegal but Russian hackers are the best in the market!


  102. Seems most of this blogs contributors are high school boys and if not,their mentality is not any different.
    Does this blog has a moderator?must be sleeping on his job.

  103. Kwale,

    Just curious. What do you understand exactly? You neither understand English nor Swahili, you have no clue when it comes to hacking, you don't know when to shut up... and you hang around "well endowed" Russians!

    Just go away.

  104. And, according to Wikipedia,
    The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is an international non-profit advocacy and legal organization based in the United States with the stated purpose of being dedicated to preserving free speech rights such as those protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution in the context of today's digital age

    So what exactly do you know?

  105. this has been the funniest thread in a long time

    king charles, we ni wetu bro, iyo ni deadly. keep them coming

    meanwhile back to planet earth

    i just dont get kibaki

    appointing the exact same team that went at each others throats during the Annan talks with no inch given no compromises made and everytime had to revert back to the principles (kibaki and raila).

    a commission (select cabinet committee) to implement a commission (review commisison) that investigated commissioners (ECK ) conduct.

    classic case of indecisive character. simply unable to make a decision.


  106. and perhaps something is about to hit the fan


  107. Have you heard of Dmitri Sklyarov, the leader of geeks, hackers and cyber-rights activists in Russia.

    Yes, I admit, The Electronic Frontier Foundation is an american advocacy legal org and the organisation prosecuted Mr Sklyarov for hacking computers in US. yes you have won there.


  108. True dat. This King Charles guy is funny. Sample the best-

    …..I must tell you that you perfectly fit the exhibition of imbecility per excellence.

    …..while other were being immunized against polio, you were immunized against intelligence.

    …. explicit evidence of a lot of space between your ears.

    …..So you have searched that vast desert in your head to come up….

    ….I think you are as dumb as a box full of hair.

    ….Kwale is an ‘outsider’ because he cannot figure out how to open the door.

    I’m still laughing my head off. If Kwale dies of anything but natural causes in the near future, we must take King Charles to court for driving him to his death. How can you humiliate a guy like this? This borders on comedic molestation.

    Pole sana Kwale. Congrats King Charles.

  109. kwale

    it does not take genius to engage hoodlums, gangsters and other types of criminals, which is where i erroneously thought you were headed. any dolt can do that. whats your point?


  110. "How can you humiliate a guy like this?"

    Do you understand what is humilation? To you and your ilk it is humilation but to me you don't know me. You don't even know whether am a SHE or a HE or a IT trying to give you idiots the run for the money.
    Ohh and how I am loving it!

    Only african idiots like yous here thinks that is an insult or humilation but to some like me is something that just pump up your ego.
    Why do you think Iam still here?

    The truth of the matter is, you can call me all the names you wish but they cannot change me or who I am. They cannot change where I was born, whether I went to school or not whether I am have money or not, whether I live in slums of Kibera or the posh surburb. It changes nothing in me!


  111. Kwale, poa bwana, poa. Kunywa maji baridi na machungwa.

    Relax, the new post has saved you.

  112. Bravo! Kwale,

    You really know how to bait these ODMorons. All day, you singlehandedly defended yourself against waves of these hordes of intellectually barren stone throwers. Some, led by King Charles, had to miss their matatus and are spending their nights in the company of K-Street denizens.

    What is amazing about this characters is that none of them discovered that you were enjoying baiting them. Were their brains stolen together with their votes last December, I dare ask. And these are the people we have to call fellow Kenyans for the lest of our lives?

  113. hahaha

    ati baiting

    that guy just walked into the deep end and was scrambling to get out as fast as he could paddle

    and yes for the "lest" of our "rives" we "ale" "ferrow" kenyans

    this was one of the most "hirilious things" i've heard.

  114. "And these are the people we have to call fellow Kenyans for the lest of our lives?"

    The bigot and tribalist that you are eventually comes out. You can run and try hide, but it all eventually comes out.

    Please read and re-read the above quote.

  115. You can call a donkey a horse but the fact will remain a donkey can never be a horse. By you calling Kwale all sorts of names will not make him those names.

    Bravo Kwale!

  116. Kwale and his likes will forever remain DONKEYS (PUNDA!). They will never be Horses.

  117. King Charles,
    This is for you and it is the last you will ever read from me.
    For the last two days, I lowered myself to allow you and your ilk to claim total victory over kwale's ego. And thankfully you did not disappoint. (you played your cards rights!)
    In meantime, I was preparing for an all-out war with you today here with some of the most disgusting and vulgar language you ever likely to hear anywhere, but with respect to Mzee wa Kijiji advice, I have decided not to resort to that. And believe me you I know every curse and swear word there is and without any fear of you or anyone here I was prepared to inflict them on you. (Trust me I fear no-one and you can bet on your life on that!) However, I would like to meet up so we can prove really who is the man, and with face to face confrontation then you can claim proper humiliation. At the moment what you have done here is just a drop in the ocean with impressions that Kwale is dead. It will take more than words to kill this Kwale. Unaware, you have just pump up Kwale's ego!
    Have you heard of internet profiling psychology or passing (sociology)? So before you can actually claim total humiliation of anyone over internet you need to understand you would need more than e- rants and insults to drop a clanger (embarrassment) on someone who is enjoying the anonymity of internet.
    Have you also heard the phrase "On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog". I will leave that to you find out for yourself!

    So be a man and let's have a face-off. Let's leave this blog to the bloggers.

    Here is my email address:

    PS: the reason some of you here brag about education is the fact most of you are the first generation to be educated. And so learning to speak English is like the seven wonders of this world and getting a degree is the greatest thing since the ascension of Christ..
    I can list more than hundred people who had no formal education but managed to re-shape this world. From the likes of Wright brothers to entrepreneurs like Richard Branson and the list is very long.
    So stop looking on others down merely for their lack of education, they could be the key to the dying AIDS patients in Nyanza.

  118. Kwale

    Just remember, when she raises the sword, it is not because she wants to slash your head off.



Any posts breaking the house rules of COMMON DECENCY will be promptly deleted, i.e. NO TRIBALISTIC, racist, sexist, homophobic, sexually explicit, abusive, swearing, DIVERSIONS, impersonation and spam AMONG OTHERS. No exceptions WHATSOEVER.