Thursday, August 28, 2008

Why Githongo Does Not Matter Anymore

Kibaki was right to snub John Githongo.

I'll be the first to categorically say that John was a patriot when he took on the Kibaki administration for its corrupt ways. Indeed, we must all hope that there will be many more Kenyans who are not afraid to blow the whistle on the corrupt tendencies they see in their offices. That said, I have to question why John felt the need to go to London to tell us about the rot in our own backyard. And after he did it, why did he come back home and frantically try to have an audience with President Kibaki? I don't like the way President Kibaki has run Kenya, but I agree with him that for the sake of our nation's integrity and his office, he couldn't agree to meet a man who soiled the image of Kenya abroad.

After three years of trying to save Kenya by telling the Brits and the rest of the West about our sleazy leaders, what can he tell us is the practical impact of his actions? Can he look Kenyans in the eye and point to what has changed because of his sit-down with the BBC and all the other Western networks that gave him audience?

Folks, here is where I come down on such matters. We can't allow ourselves to run with our problems to the West every time we have them. The announcement we make by doing things like that is this: We can't handle our affairs. Please, help us.

I'm aware John left because he had reason to worry about his security. I don't begrudge him that. But I detest whenever any patriotic Kenyan, and any self-respecting African, goes out there and slams the motherland. We all know how highly esteemed we are before the world community. Why continue to feed the negative stereotypes by running out there and screaming to the world to see just how incapable we are...many years after independence?

To the extent that John successfully brought this matter to the attention of Kenyans, his work is done. If he can come back to help sort out the mess, kudos to him. If he wants to keep yapping about how ugly the motherland is, I must say that he has ceased to be helpful or relevant. We have mechanisms in Kenya to deal with corrupt entities...and if those who are tasked to deal with corruption can't handle it, then there are mechanisms in place to deal with that too. That's how it's supposed to work. We can handle it. We must handle it. And we must demonstrate our maturity and the strength of our institutions by taking this matter on.

Let's not continue to be the white man's burden.

It shames us!


  1. John ni msaliti. Bure kabisa!

  2. Ok, if Githongo can force crooked Murungaru out of power and forever shame, humble and stop Mwiraria and Kiraitu.. yes that much little... then he has done his job. What have you done to help stem corruption in Kenya? Githongo has a right to sing.."First I was afraid, I was petrified.." la la la

  3. Sam,

    I wonder what will be the title of his bio....

    'Githongo: From Anti-corruption Crusader To Fugitive From Justice'.

  4. Sam, I think you are nuts. Period.

    In Kenya; People disappear.
    telling the truth, whether while home or abroad is not smearing. its just that; telling it like it is.

    The truth

  5. I think you folks are the most dishonest LOT. The moment Githongo did what he had to do no one said he wasn't patriotic. Now that he did not receive such a rousing welcome back in Kenya all and sundry are up in arms telling us just how unpatriotic he was/is. Folks be serious. Tell me if am to start reading this blog entries by such people as Sam I won't see the smear that you have done on motherland. What is so different between what is written here on Kumekucha and what Githongo did? Blogs such as these and sites like Mars Kenya must be accessed by so many people, Kenyans and foreigners alike so please............

  6. Do as I say, not as I do? Where you at? And Chris?

  7. John Githongo was right to slam his motherland, they expected too much of him. He showed to them he is just a man and does not have all the solutions to Kenya endemic corruption problems. Thumb up John, they thought you are another self-proclaimed messiah like that dickhead molasses.
    Someone here even suggested he will soon take up the new post in PM office. Ha ha ha ati Githongo take a job that is paying 125,000 Kes per annum, you must be having a laugh! He can make that amount of money in a day or conservatively in a week somewhere in 'Europe'.

    Sam Okello, for the love of the country, why do you return to Kenya and stop being a burden to the white man. With all the sermons you give here, do you think they can be useful to your motherland?

    Yes, the patriotic and self-respecting Mr Okello, Kenya needs you!

  8. I did not mind Githongo unitl the EA standard reported that the two white dudes with him were MI6.

    Really! did they have to make it so obvious? well let him go back to London and take it easy. Menawhile we will try to pull this country out of the muck

  9. Githongo chose to fight corruption the way he did as anyone else chooses the path to his destination!

    The Sam,i bet if you had any significant case agaunst say Raila or Kimunya and you dared spill,the next thing we could hear is that you are on a plane to USA and that your life is in danger.Wether Githongo's was a red herring or not i dont know for sure,but i doubt if you were in his shoes then,you would have done it any diffrently,infact your shout could have been loudest with a myriad of publications to justify your actions.

    Githongo did his bit and perhaps in your view his way of approach was archaic and village like,so what is your bit thus far because you and i agree there is corruption in Kenya.

    Put yours forth then we can discuss from there!But just rushing over the keyboard and fumbling afew lines demonsing JG just doesn't wash.If UK or US is so bad,what are you folks doing there?Why don't you stay put at home and make it as good as the US or UK is?Why reside in a place you so much detest?Before Githongo joined Government he had been at TI and used to do articles in the EastAfrican weekly,werent those two places where whatever he wrote or said had international scrutiny?If i am not wrong,Githongo began to shout corruption long before he was in Government!

    I dont see anything new in his approach on or before his depature and indeed his return!

  10. Kwale,

    I thought you said you live in Europe?

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Kwale the European dickhead lives all over Europe - hey are you one of those losers that run from one country to another collecting benefits? No wonder you have all the time to make numerous comments on every post.

  13. Anon 8.20, sorry I must have got myself confused. Is Kwale in Kenya or South Osettia?

  14. Sam said:
    .....We have mechanisms in Kenya to deal with corrupt entities...and if those who are tasked to deal with corruption can't handle it, then there are mechanisms in place to deal with that too.......

    If only things were that simple in black and white. But no we all know the truth. Githongo means many things to many people but the Kenya we know has very few of them.

    All the bile against Githongo is no genuine concern about his objectives. On hand his detractors think he is stealing the thunder from their belly while others imagine clever schemes to outdo them.

    You only need to be conversant with Kenya and her leaders to know how insecure you become immediately you help dethrone a powerful politician. Some of us cannot even shake their hands so imagine the guy who belled the cat. Sour grapes can be anything but sweet.

  15. First they praise him and then when they realize there's nothing inside him but hot air they crucify him.Who else couldnt see through the childish antics of Githongo except the dunderheads who run Kumekucha?You hero worshipped him and took his allegations as the gospel truth maybe cause he's called John and used it to celebrate the sudden halt to the political careers of one Murungaru and Poor Mwiraria.Shame on you!

  16. Anon 8.34, I earn-as-I-blog here, I dont wait for Mr. Molasses to create a job for me.

  17. If Lake Victoria was in central and the mountain was in Nyanza,the usual whiners would be complaining they're poor for they only have a snow capped mountain while God favoured some people by giving them all the fish in the lake(fish trapping isnt chicken farming)

  18. We must solve our problems ourselves. Whenever we are out of Kenya, we must lift up the image of our nation, not tear it down. If it's indeed true that John even brought the MI6 to protect him from his own people, shame on him. What I'm saying, however, is that for him to be constructive, he either comes back to Kenya to help or talk to our editors at Nation and Standard. The BBC folks will talk about these issues, but they have alterior motives.

  19. Let Githongo face the court.

  20. Taabu,

    John is a patriot for whistleblowing. But this story would have been sweeter if it had gone this way.

    * John talks to Kenyan press about corruption in government.

    * Kenyan investiagtive reporters establish the authenticity of his claims.

    * The KACC launches an investigation into the Githongo allegations.

    * If the allegations are found to have merit, the matter is turned to our courts for prosecution.

    That's how it should work. Tell me what we've achieved by taking this matter to London.

    And we wonder why we are treated like morons around the world?

  21. "for i come to bury ceasar, not to praise him"

    well it looks like the lid is about to be lowered on this issue and our dear fellow goes from hero to zero in record time.

    i think John Githongo should be honored or remembered for the effort he made in the short time he served 2003 - 2005 (a little over two years) to expose the depth of corruption in government.

    Like many govt organs, the dept JG was in charge of, could investigate corruption, but could not prosecute or do little else, notwithstanding the fact that it was a newly created dept and therefore probably lacked basic structures (in case people forget look how long its taken PMs office to be operational).

    Even Wako is on record stating that whereas he can prosecute offenders, his dept lacks capacity to conduct or influence investigations. And so we'll continue playing musical chairs as one group investigates some issue but the prosecutor cannot find credible evidence, and when credible evidence is obtained then the judges/magistrates can throw it out on some other ground, and that assumes that it goes past an executive committee of inquiry which has been created to yet again investigate that which had been investigated earlier.

    two events happened simultaneously in JG's tenure but somehow they have been collapsed into one. The first was the Kroll investigations into Moi's looted billions. If you recall there was much song and dance on that report (has been tabled, has not, is with so and so, has not reached so and so, and finally chief parrot blurting out that it was full of hearsay and unsubstantiated allegations).

    About the same time the report was hitting the mills, the anglo-leasing and related scandals were also exposed. This served as a lucky break for both set of corrupt players because both scandals or reports involved such large amounts the public was left swaying and swimming from one to the other just trying to count the number of zeros attached to the figures.

    it was a hard pick to decide which scandal to follow more closely. so for those wondering what JG achieved, you will remember the young gent accompanying Kroll investigators to many capitals culminating in the two kroll reports (on Moi and the Anglo leasing monster).

    this information appeared here on kumekucha and other places several times including JG's desperate attempts to get one CEO Kibaki to lift a finger even just to scratch his face (show some signs of life)

    So did JG fail? definitely not, but the corruption networks though exposed are too deeply entrenched, and whats more, crusaders turning villain at a flip of a coin and of course the loud silence from where it matters.

    but where are we today. too much water under the bridge, memories getting frayed, details evaporating or getting twisted and all this will quickly be forgotten and add to the never ending pile of unresolved issues

    so even as we close that chapter lets give credit where due, that fellow the spotlight fell on him alone at a time when he desperately needed help but he still did his best within the resources availed to him. COuld he have done more or different? that is a matter of conjecture and we cannot begin to imagine the threats to his safety.

    remember its not just murungaru its all those fellows adversely mentioned or featuring in the kroll reports that would be after him

  22. Sam you are spot on and I don't begrudge you on any of youir takes. Githongo is a mere mortal and he did his part. Let us comparer the comparables. My lil bro here will aptly bring Maina Kiai which is OK. the truth is JG is inviting barbs based on perception.

    * So you reckon if JG were to talk to the Kenyan press it would be more valuable and patriotic than BBC. Well Steve Shakur did a commendable job that no NMG or Std report has tried with UK. Did that make his probing qns any less weighty? And where are these Kenyan investiagtive reporters?

    * You suggest KACC to launch probe into JG's allegations. Ringera's hand is full with cases left decaying and mutating at his lap so why chase allegations?

    * Then you crown it all with a standing ovasion to our courts. Well, Ahmednasir will tell you taht a Kenyan is more likely to die (Lifespan=48) before having his appeal case heard leave alove completed.

    So you see Sam, JG has his faults and he has never proclaimed himself an angel. But count his ilk on one finger and I will show you an open palm with all fingers stretched out.

  23. 4 once i agree with a post on kumekucha.Githongo is not considered a traitor because he was a kyuk against kibaki it is because he was a kenyan handing over info to the british . Githongo is a pathetic troubled man . He should face murungaru in court fiirst b4 trying to meet kibaki . Why did he even want to meet kibaki -probably to try and poison him

  24. Sam said:
    John talks to Kenyan press about corruption in government.

    * Kenyan investiagtive reporters establish the authenticity of his claims.

    * The KACC launches an investigation into the Githongo allegations.

    * If the allegations are found to have merit, the matter is turned to our courts for prosecution.

    I said....BULL CRAP

    If so then why didn't ODM and its crew go to court over allegations of a stolen election? Sam be serious, that is not the Kenya we know OR at least I know. PERIOD.

  25. Earn-as-you-blog.....which job is that, Kwale? Am jealous.


    For those who still doubt the employers of Githongo, he displayed them in broad-daylight, the M16 (the secret agency of UK). Githongo was used in a big-power/business war, and he will be dumped soon unless the PM comes to his rescue.

    Early in Kabaki's first administration it was decided that the British would not continue to exercise monopoly over Kenya govt contracts. The govt decided to turn to Japan and China. UK govt could not countenance the move - to them we are still subjects (if not objects). It is alleged that, through the British business community, they approached Murungaru with lots of cash to take to Kibaki to help him reconsider the move. Kibaki chastised Murungaru and ordered him to return the cash for it to be donated to charity. Murungaru pocketed the cash (becoming instantly rich) and lied to the British that the govt would review the contracts in their favor, but nothing happened. Enter Githongo; he was first tasked by UK to find out what happened to the cash and/or the contracts. Soon M16 was arming him with taping devices. They soon found that Kibaki did not take the cash and that Murungaru was responsible for the loss of their cash. They could not believe that an individual could be that audacious and take all the cash alone. They suspected (wrongly) that Kiraitu and Mwiraria had eaten too. It was during this time the Meru MP first exposed the outlines of Anglo Leasing. Again M16 told Githongo to find out what was going on - remember the British were not interested in Anglo Leasing because they loved Kenya but because they felt cheated out of cash and denied what they considered their God-given right to a monopoly of Kenya govt contracts. When the UK High Commissioner was talking of people over-eating and vomiting on their shoes, you could see the red face of a "master" who had been used and dumped by a "servant." It is understood that UK will never forgive Murungaru. Kibaki is said to have given up on Murungaru for life for lying to him that the money was returned to the Brits.

    But was Githongo a zealous patriotic Kenyan civil servant doing his job the best way he knew how or was there something for him personally? Did he appreciate that his involvement with M16 was not movie making but international espionage where daggers are operated by men in the shadows? These are difficult questions but I will point you to two aspects of Githongo which are often neglected in trying to understand the Githongo/M16/Govt contracts/Anglo Leasing saga.

    First, Githongo's father owed somebody somewhere Shs. 50M (not a small amount) and the situation was becoming desperate. Has that debt been retired? And if yes, how was it retired? Second, Githongo is reputed to enjoy wild life documentaries featuring carnivores on the hunt. He is especially fascinated by the way a multitude of hyenas can harass and steal a kill from a female lion and its cubs. He is also known to widely use the metaphors of a skunk. Without psychoanalysing him, it is safe to say that this is a guy who sees the human world through the lenses of these animal documentaries.

    Both the debt angle and the documetaries angle point to someone who was in this game for his own benefit: financial and intrigue. The game is about to come to an ugly end. His salvation lies in getting a job in the PM's office with the salary specifically paid by the donors (read M16). That is the only way he can remain relevant to his subterranean sponsors. But you can be sure that when Githongo visits Nairobi again those M16 guys will not tag along.

    Next time we will explore why he wanted to meet the president and why the president said no despite intervention from the PM and the mzungu embassies!!

  27. anon 11:25 as much as that story borders on fairy tale and has a low rumbling of someones desperate attempt at disparaging JG, it certainly has me piqued. if this is not a lame rumor kindly proceed and shed some more light. how fascinating

  28. Anon 11:25,

    What you've narrated here is amazing if it is true. Seems to me like our notoriously sleepy journalists need to follow that angle about the fifty million that was supposed to have been owed by John's dad. If it was retired, who came to the rescue? And what was the role of the MI6 in this sage?

    I pray that John does not end up being discovered to have been a man spying against his own country.

    That would stink!

  29. Sam,

    You have not walked a day in Githongo's shoes so a little empathy is necessary.

    The world is a village these days. If the developed world can have their dirty laundry out in the open, sembuse Kenya? What is wrong with anyone standing up on the tallest mounting and announcing all the ills of our country? What we should be doing is making sure that we are not the laughing stock of the world by our uncivilized manner.

    If someone derailed your schemes to ganner billions for elections, thereby staining your legacy as president, squarely eliminating your buddies, and painting you as a dictator on BBC front and centre; then I too would not want to meet this chap for tea and biscuits.

  30. Githongo is an eyesore not only to the Kikuyu's but to his not so beloved nation. He should apologize to his country if what anon @ 11:25 says holds water.

  31. What a bunch of ironic crap , you type away these nonsense on your laptop in your american mansion and in the same breath orchastrate Githongo for being in europe, you are an embarrasment to the Africans who suffer everyday because we should not wash linen according to you.You should be the last person to criticize any body since you are also a runaway citizen , tell me okello was your life in danger that you had to runaway and become the whitemans burden in america?

  32. Urxlnc,

    Am telling you there is a conserted effort to demonize Githongo even by his own tribemen. All the anons popping up on any Githongo topic is unbelievable. It must be very hard for the tribalists to blame Githongo phobia on Raila and Luos although some have tried by referencing lakes and mountains!

    Kenya, O Kenya, where filth and rot is in the open for everyone with eyes to see but god forbid that anyone calls a spade a spade. I wonder what would happen if we ever had a functional executive, legislature and judiciary which upheld the constitution above all else without fear and favor. Githongo a traitor? What secrets does kenya have that the Brits don't know about? We are a pathetically poor country, we have no diamonds, gold, oil to write home about; so what secrets are we hiding? It must be that we don't want secrets about ourselves exposed, not to the Brits; but to the wananchi watukufu wa kenya!

  33. Kibaki should speak to Githongo. Githongo is a statesman. The traitor is Kalonzo Musyoka.

  34. 11:25 am: sounds like an outline for a most thrilling novel. I like the little snippets into Githongo's personality.....the hunting stuff...the scavenging hyaenas...quite intriguing, really. Great touch. Anything on sex? Dont mean that in a bad way--just need to round the story up: money, danger, betrayal, covert activity, are great themes, sex completes the loop.
    Keep writing!

  35. Sam, I think we should be careful not to demonize Githongo for his efforts. Well okay, 'demonize' is a strong word. My disappointment with this fellow is not that he spilt the beans abroad, rather it's because he has refused to divulge all the details publicly. Had he done so without fear and within the protection of M16, Kenya would be a better country today. He has instead chosen to adopt some damning dossier-trickling agenda with some sought of blackmail tendencies.

    Even with that, treating Githongo shabbily will only discourage future whistle blowers.

    That said, please believe that we are extremely incapable of solving issues related to democracy without outside help. That's a fact. As we speak the premier black African nation of SA is pursuing some nonsensical silent diplomacy as relates to Zimbabwe. Where do we really come up with this type of tripe? Our own foreign minister is publicly questioning whether democratic winner-take-all elections have a place in Africa.

    Sam, honestly, Githongo would be dead if he didn't flee. Ati you tape the prezo and you are allowed to wonder along the streets of Nairobi enjoying the sunshine? Kwani wewe ni nani? Kumbaf!!!

  36. hahaha b-carotene

    was thinking the exact same thing. classic story telling

    papa plus, i hear you, i was rahter looking forward to reading the rest of that fascinating spin.


  37. Anyone can get a job at M16 as long you are from a Commonwealth country, you have the right to live in UK and do not have a criminal record and you can keep a secret.

  38. Anon at 11.25

    If indeed the allegations are true, which they may as Chris says we live in very interesting times, then Raila running around trying to bring Githongo on his side also makes him - the PM - a gullible man and not one fit to lead Kenya!! But trust Raila he has his sources.

  39. Anon 11:25/PNU spinmaster,

    Keep on spinning. You all failed miserably but never seem to learn from your mistakes.

  40. Kalamari,

    I disagree with your assessment. Githongo will remain a disgrace to our nation as long as what anon @11:25 alludes to is proven right.

    I hope this is not the case because we Kenyans cannot stand traitors in our midst.

  41. Sam Okello,

    I heard you speak to a Jerome McDowell about Kenya on the Chicago Public Radio. How is that different from what Githongo does at the BBC?

  42. He sold his soul to the devil and little did he know that the bargain was a dangerous one. He now has an eternal damnation for the foolhardy venturer.

  43. Anon 3:08
    ...we kenyans can not stand traitors...

    That was funny! Cracked me up I almost spilled my Lagavulin single islay malt scotch whiskey aged 16 years that I've just cracked open in honor of Dr.Martin L King and Obama's acceptance speech in a few hours on the key board!

    Pray tell how Kenyans react to those that kill other kenyans? those that steal and burn other Kenyans? Those that add zeros and pull numbers out their butt? Who of these characters is at the top of that hated list?

    Guys, hongera kwa Bw. Obama on this very ospicious day that I for one will not forget for as long as I live!

  44. Sam,

    Were you on Chicago Public Radio?

  45. Anon @ 2:07pm
    MI6 needs some dirty hands (çlean-up crews)to clear up operational arenas that are messy. It all depends on what type of criminal record one has, his field of expertise and MI6's strategic needs at the time.

    The Brits learned the hard way during WWII as they tried to recapture the island of Sicilia (Sicily)from the Germans and Benito Mussolini's army. They lost a lot of good young men and equipment in the process, due to the fact that they didn't want to work with the underworld bosses situated on their side (waterfront landing) of the Sicilian island.

    In the meantime, the Americans were wise enough to seek the services of none other than Charles "Lucky"Luciano, the boss of Genovese "C" family, and got into a secret deal with him in order to save many lives of American soldiers.

    The USAMI (United States Army Military Intelligence) used his connection to secure safe passage for its ground troops during 'Operation Avalanche' and the 'Italian Campaign', which turned to be a great success.

    Back to Githongo: the dude should have delivered the promised killer blow at the corrupt hyenas in the Kenya government and remained in exile for a couple of years.

    I don't understand why Githongo decided to return to Kenya at this stage and time after much ado about nothing. He has become what the Japanese call "a Christmas cake in February".

    In other words, he is now like storm that has lost its punch, a very very useless person in terms of the very mission he set out to accomplish against the well connected currupt elements that forced him to flee from Kenya in the first place.

    Githongo is nothing more than a spent force that failed to complete he highly regarded mission, while corruption continues to flourish in all public as well as private spheres in Kenya. What's Githongo now? He = Bure + Ovyo Kabisa Kabisa.

    On a lighter note, I do understand the reasons that forced Archbishop Pius Ncube to ran into exile after his failed 'Tulip Revolution' against Mugabe's village government, but as for Githongo, I will never understand why some gutless men like him would take on a tiger by the tail, only to return back to the tiger's cage begging for mercy and a chance to resume sweating for stale publicty from the public media that will soon grow tired of his empty air antics in the name an anti-corruption crusade.

  46. Those who urge Githongo to publish all the tapes at once start from the wrong assumption that the tapes are his and under his control. The tapes belong to the M16 and they determine which parts to play and when to make them public. Some of the tapes cannot be made public without implicating M16 - blowing their cover so to speak. The Brits are not dumb as to play those tapes that involve the president when the man is still a leader of a purported friendly sovereign nation. Besides, there are security pacts between the two nations to worry about which are more important than cornering some corrupt Kenyan businessmen and second rate politicians.

  47. Daily nation kikuyu gutter press surprise surprise looked for an incest story from Usigishu District Eldoret!!!!ha!!ha!! ha!! ati trying to derail the facts of incest which as we all know is a tradition in Central province

    by the way in central province it is father and daughter, brothers and sisters, mothers and sons and first cousins too!!
    I'm laughing at the daily nation newspaper but guess what KUMEKUCHA should be happy it shows that this kikuyu paper has been reading your blog very closely


    because the incest story on this blogs as been on the heated discussions for several months- so of course the nation journalist had to travel to the rift valley to look for an isolated case- to remove central province of headquarters of incest from the glare and facts....

    central province = incest..... period.

  48. Daily nation kikuyu gutter press surprise surprise looked for an incest story from Usigishu District Eldoret!!!!ha!!ha!! ha!! ati trying to derail the facts of incest which as we all know is a tradition in Central province

    by the way in central province it is father and daughter, brothers and sisters, mothers and sons and first cousins too!!
    I'm laughing at the daily nation newspaper but guess what KUMEKUCHA should be happy it shows that this kikuyu paper has been reading your blog very closely


    because the incest story on this blogs as been on the heated discussions for several months- so of course the nation journalist had to travel to the rift valley to look for an isolated case- to remove central province of headquarters of incest from the glare and facts....

    central province = incest..... period.

  49. Daily nation kikuyu gutter press surprise surprise looked for an incest story from Usigishu District Eldoret!!!!ha!!ha!! ha!! ati trying to derail the facts of incest which as we all know is a tradition in Central province

    by the way in central province it is father and daughter, brothers and sisters, mothers and sons and first cousins too!!
    I'm laughing at the daily nation newspaper but guess what KUMEKUCHA should be happy it shows that this kikuyu paper has been reading your blog very closely


    because the incest story on this blogs as been on the heated discussions for several months- so of course the nation journalist had to travel to the rift valley to look for an isolated case- to remove central province of headquarters of incest from the glare and facts....

    central province = incest..... period.

  50. Daily nation kikuyu gutter press surprise surprise looked for an incest story from Usigishu District Eldoret!!!!ha!!ha!! ha!! ati trying to derail the facts of incest which as we all know is a tradition in Central province

    by the way in central province it is father and daughter, brothers and sisters, mothers and sons and first cousins too!!
    I'm laughing at the daily nation newspaper but guess what KUMEKUCHA should be happy it shows that this kikuyu paper has been reading your blog very closely


    because the incest story on this blogs as been on the heated discussions for several months- so of course the nation journalist had to travel to the rift valley to look for an isolated case- to remove central province of headquarters of incest from the glare and facts....

    central province = incest..... period.

  51. Daily nation kikuyu gutter press surprise surprise looked for an incest story from Usigishu District Eldoret!!!!ha!!ha!! ha!! ati trying to derail the facts of incest which as we all know is a tradition in Central province

    by the way in central province it is father and daughter, brothers and sisters, mothers and sons and first cousins too!!
    I'm laughing at the daily nation newspaper but guess what KUMEKUCHA should be happy it shows that this kikuyu paper has been reading your blog very closely


    because the incest story on this blogs as been on the heated discussions for several months- so of course the nation journalist had to travel to the rift valley to look for an isolated case- to remove central province of headquarters of incest from the glare and facts....

    central province = incest..... period.


    reading that article in the paper, left me wondering whether to celebreate or mourn. what a load of crap. competition to show my constituency is better than yours suddenly changes when there's cash handout involved and suddenly my constituency is poorer than yours.

    the biggest set-back to the kibaki administration is lack of guideline to support even the most fundamental of issues. Ministers, MPs and all administrators are constantly fumbling from one crisis or muddled process to another. constantly changing rules of engagement and shifting goal posts.

    these are grown men and women. most of them highly educated, why cant they sit down in parliament and draft credible processes complete with audits and benchmarks and then diligently follow through with evaluations. they collectively follow the budget, know the allocations and constituency needs vs resources available and disbursements possible, whats so hard about drawing up equitable resource allocations

    the culture of handouts is the bane of our society



  54. UrXlny:
    I thought Molasses Raila was straightening things out? What happened?
    Anyhow, good thing to have some formalized guidelines and processes, including M&E around this CDF thing.
    Kajiado Central is tops.....all those flower farms, perhaps?! I really hope this wont mean less resources to Kajiado Central :(.

  55. anon 3.23

    molasses can only beg us to pay his fat wife kshs 400, 000 for his low libido. At 64, the fellow cannot stand up to the occasion. and guys are still waiting for this hanger on to deliver anything? pleeeeeeeeeeeeeze!!!

  56. I will hate to say in 2012 that I told you so in 2002 and 2007.

    The more things change in the land of Kenya's corrupt politics, the more they will remain the same as long as Kenya continues to have the same old characters in places of influence.

    Does anyone of you know why I really love the concept of heaven?

    There will be no popes, prelates, bishops, primates, priests, nuns, elders, pastors, and so called God appointed messengers and born-agains (domestic/career/political/opportunistic/envious/ vicious/confused/ignorant types) in heaven.

    How I wish that the same was true for politicians in the here and now heaven called "Republic of Kenya."

    Where there would be no corrupt, tribal, greedy, lazy, blind, egocentric, and tumbo-tatu politicians who only seek office in order to advance their own personal agendas.

    Kenya's political landscape in 2012? Will it be any different at all?

    Well, I hate to say that the more things change ... and the real power to change the landscape rests with the citizenry.

    They will decide to throw away their precious votes for a piece of nyama-choma, tin of busaa, glass of chang'aa, cheap kitenge, bakuli of ugali, empty promises, tribal political violence, and civic blindness.

    Or they will stand up and be counted on the altar of craving to change the (United) Republic of Kenya for once.

    Sad thing to say, Our great grandfathers and grandmothers thought that Kenya would be a better after December 12, 1963.

    Our grandfathers and grandmothers believed that Kenya would change for better by December 12, 1970

    Our fathers and mothers never gave up during the 1980s, when they continued to hope for a better Kenya

    We came on the scene during the 1990s seeking real change for ourselves and Kenya's future generations.

    Unfortunately, our children will never live to see and celebrate the changes our great grandfathers wanted after December 12, 1963.

    Time will tell. I hope it does not usher in change by December 12, 2058. It will be too late for most of us. 88.8% of the current population.

    Cry for My Beloved Country

  57. Is PNU a Kiuyu party?
    Watch this Utube video and then decide:

  58. When will these ODMERs learn? You have been here on many occasions, you put your trust on Mariner Brinier she then turned against you, you move on to John Githongo now he has slapped you on your face, next will be molasses he will give you the biggest kick on groin you will never forget.


  59. b-carotene


    duties currently under PM but supposed to have been performed by President/Office of the President/Muthaura

    2002 - 2007

    2007 - 2008 National Accord (circa April) 4 months

    2008 April to date approx 4 months

    i.e PMs office is attempting to achieve in less than 0.5 yr what Kibaki admin should have but has instead fumbled with for almost 5.5 years, are you serious? Leave out the prejudice against RAO. are we perhaps taking the easier way out to lash out at a hate object rather than face up to reality? i hope not

    revamping those M&E units would be really useful rememeber the EMU initiated by the dream team of Leakey and others


  60. UrXlnc, go get your smelly foreskin cut and stop your bullshitting here ati ...PMs office is attempting to achieve in less than 0.5 yr what Kibaki admin should have but has...

    Why in his less than 0.5 years, molasses have not built toilets for his Kibera followers but yet he can afford to drive his latest hummer through muddy, crappy alleys of kibera. Shame on him!

  61. Urxlny:
    When you fling mud, dont be surprised if it comes hurtling right back. And dont whine--Very weak.
    True, there's great scope to improve some of these programs, especially with the benefit of HINDSIGHT.

  62. diversionary mud flinging usually misses its mark and has zero impact.

    sometime, i'll need a definition of whining. isn't that what 90% of these blogs are about?

    hindsight vision as always is a perfect 20/20

  63. UrXlnc,
    You better preserve the energy and go to bed if have nothing else to do. Can't you see experts in REVERSE LOGIC? They will persuade you to their level and promptly beat you with experience. You can do better than playing into the hands of schemers.


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