Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Kalonzo Moment, Welcome Aboard MV Miracle

Kenya’s present Vice President Kalonzo Musykoa is one politician that is often underrated owing to his unique way of conducting himself. The humble man of God from Tseikuru has been called many names but he continues with the resolve only known for those with unadulterated ambition couched with a vision. Political pundits have even gone as low as associating Dr. Steve with voodoo.

In his characteristic style, the Miracle man continues to attract allies with eyes singularly trained for the ultimate price come 2012. Kalonzo’s smart moves have ruffled very powerful feathers the wrong way and now they have reverted to DIRTY political tricks of yore. The second longest serving MP in 10th parliament is the man to watch as Kenya’s fourth president. And what a gift from God it would be for Kenya to have a saved leader leading from the front and by example.

The good old adage wouldn't have been more apt. Well, good and well-nurtured people like Kalonzo are magnets to evil designs selfishly crafted to pull them down - pepo mbaya ishindwe. After shaming the devils in last year’s general election, the schemes to derail Kalonzo’s oiled political juggernaut is working overdrive.

When ex-cop and PICK boss Mwau is not stealthily plotting to undermine the VP in his own backyard by renting ODM-K councilors, Water minister Ngilu is busy planting spies fully armed with the longest pins ready inside Steve’s inflated balloon. Speak of a prophet being handed a noose by his own people who unwittingly remain oblivious of the messiah they just about to murder.

Political noose
All the nasty schemes won’t see the light of the day and the miracle will soon acquire an unstoppable wave that will only recede when HE Steve has safely and soundly landed at the coast of State House. Make no mistake in numbers. The massive GEMA votes are secure in Steve’s bag since has shown the capacity to PLAY ball. Add that to the Kamba Block and with pockets of token votes from here and there thanks to Steve’s national political network, all visionary politicians roads will soon lead to Tseikuru.

Woe unto the poor Kiemas and Kilonzos of this world who have allowed themselves to be FOOLISHLY roped into devilish schemes to politically butcher one of their own. The political noose is tightening around their necks as we draw towards 2012. Meanwhile Kenya is head to the stars aboard the MIRACLE train. Forget pies in the illusive sky about corruption czars, better the angel we know who is tried and tested. Welcome aboard MV MIRACLE.


  1. Is this article a joke? Kalonzo is a coward through and through even Karua has more balls than this peasant. His ability to play ball makes him a leader? Please please tell me this a poor attempt at humour? I'll admit it gave me a chuckle!!

  2. taabu

    aish bana,


    iyo ni kali sana

  3. @Taabu

    Your attempt to ridicule Kalonzo and also to drag faith in the whole issue shows how low you are prepared to bend to whitewash Kalonzo. This begs the question about your own integrity and also why you would take time to insult him if he was so far from achieving his political dreams.

    Remember, thats how Njonjo thought of Moi in 1978 and 'the coward' came to rule for almost 3 decades!

    But it seems other than praising molasses and bashing anything that lives and is anti-molasses, you haved no other ideas between your ears. Keep on showing how stupid a writer can get just to promote a senile reader (HE molasses raila) who is way past political menopause.

    other than begging the tax payers to pay his fat wife 400, 000kshs for keeping his zippers on, i wonder what else he stands for.

    maybe githongo and his amnesty plea also serves as an aphrodisiac for this moron and his fanatics like taabu.

  4. Kalonzo is making moves behind the scenes, he is also in secret negotiations with Kipsigis and Masaai elders. The man is very covert.


    Between playing hide and seek from court sermons served by Hon. Murungaru and attracting media attention to himself, githongo desperately tried to book an appointment with HE in vain through molasses and ambassadeurs. reliable sources confirmed that githongo was keen to take his job back and wanted to use tapes on molasses raila as a leverage. Kibaki was however more engaged in important national duties.

    githongo is back to britain getting screwed by our former colonisers.

    full story in todays daily.

  6. looks like some people are not happy about their tin-god kalonzo being discussed

  7. I do not want to be left behind by the wiper flogging train. I will whip his sorry bottom until he gets himself back to planet earth.
    Ati the coward is making deals behind the scenes? Didn't he do the same in 20O7 with kibaki Moi etc. Apart from earning him a fraudulent vice presidency what else did he gain?
    I hope he is not banking on the same fraudulence to get to state house.
    Kalonzo is one goon who will do anything (raila haters are you listening?) to get to state house and. The most annoying part is that he is jostling to get there knowing full well that he would not know what to do with the presidency. 'dR' is too schooled in Mois ways, to be of any use in the future.
    Let him continue waiting for the gema backs to ride on to continue running their errands.
    By the way, if he already has the gema votes shouldn't this make him the most sought after politician? Who wouldn't want to associate with the future president?

  8. I do not want to be left behind by the molasses flogging train. I will whip his sorry bottom until he gets himself back to planet earth.
    Ati the coward is making deals behind the scenes? Didn't he do the same in 20O7 with Kalenjin warriors SDF etc. Apart from earning him a fraudulent prime minister what else did he gain?
    I hope he is not banking on the same fraudulence to get to state house.
    molasses is one goon who will do anything (kalonzo haters are you listening?) to get to state house and. The most annoying part is that he is jostling to get there knowing full well that he would not know what to do with the presidency. 'molasses' is too schooled in Mois ways, to be of any use in the future.
    Let him continue waiting for the kalenjin backs to ride on to continue running their errands.
    By the way, if he already has the kalenjin votes shouldn't this make him the most sought after politician? Who wouldn't want to associate with the future president?

  9. looks like some people are not happy about their tin-god molasses being discussed

  10. Taabu thinks he is being funny but he is right. Odmers stop pretending that kalonzo is a nonentity. You fear him and that is why you want uhuru to run.

  11. Taabu,

    You can make as much fun about Kalonzo as necessary to give you a good night's sleep. Unless he makes a stupid mistake, Kalonzo will be the next resident of State House. Not that I am great fan of his, but at least I am a realist. Compared to Raila, Kalonzo is a steadier hand and he thinks before he opens his mouth. Raila can not handle responsibly unsupervised executive power. Raila is too violent and he attracts violent followers. You saw the number of murders and rapes that were committed in his name early this year. Kenya cannot afford to have a president who has such high affinity to violence.

  12. It seems that the more anonymous you are the bolder you become..stand up and be counted cows!

  13. what about if I argue that neither kalonzo nor Raila on't make it. I see this post to be full of fantasies or if not then you are trying to mock Kalonzo. let me also add to this fantasy - I believe that the wave that swept nearly all our MPS last election will now sweap all presidential aspirants. I see no Raila, no Uhuru, no Kalonzo, no Ruto, no Mudavadi. Infact I can bet that this time it's going to be either Martha Karua, Madam Ngilu, Paul Muite..... and what is the name of that MP in Western, is it Namwamba......

  14. 11:35 PM, Out of all the ignorant nonsense you've just spewed, hahaha this was the best line;

    "Kalonzo will be the next resident of State House."

    Just like Kibaki, grand master of theft, if it is state house you want, we can give you A MIILION YEAR TITLE DEED, or better yet keep the darn house...coz its just a house!!!
    Meanwhile we have the elected president of Kenya, His Excellency & Right Honorable Raila Odinga & he is governing our beloved Kenya it comes, the darn house: ): )

  15. did i see Taabu's tiny tail waging behind his legs stiff scared by kalonzo???

    oops, molasses can continue telling his brothers to loose their foreskin for all i care!!!

  16. Hey, why is everyone gone anonymous today? This is free world ladies and gents, no need to fear anyone and no need to protect your identity. Clearing your chest is completely legal.

    Taabu, you will live to regret this post if you didn't mean it. Kalonzo WILL BE the next president of the Republic of Kenya. The fate has already been sealed for Mr. Molasses.
    Nahuyo ni ukweli tupu!

  17. Taabu,

    Kalonzo has been my MP since the early 80's. If there is a person who has led through FRAUD and DECEPTION, it is your Mr. 8% miracle. I had warned here before the elections about the type of character he is. I remember Vikii rubbishing my opinion on Kalonzo. But wasn't i proved right?. Negotiating for the VP position was at best opportunistic, although it helped save us from the claws of Violence. However, this does not amount to a leadership test. The test was in his ability to hold his'coalition' end together. You only need to look how he treated trusted allies and the word BETRAYAL is easily added to his character.

    I would hasten to add that unless our politics will have RADICALLY CHANGED, the person we elect in 2012, whether its your Kalonzo or anybody else, will not necessarily be a LEADER. Kenyans, including yours trully, are known to have diverse reasons for electing someone as Councilor, MP or President. Mostly, leadership qualities is never one of the reasons.

  18. While Hon. Dr. Kalonzo is as opportunistic as all politicians come, he has some qualities that are truly remarkable in Kenya's political land scape.

    He's not a loose-mouthed windbag neither does he incite others into violence against others nor does he engage in the politics of destruction. He is untainted and morally upright.

    If he does throw his hat into the ring, which I hope he will, he'll be sure of my vote. The rest are details that can be retrieved from his political CV of several decades.

  19. Jeff, we started this topic of RADICAL CHANGE yesterday but I have not heard from you what you mean or what you want.

    I agree, Kalonzo maybe imperfect and believe me you anyone who served in the previous KANU govt is not free from FRAUD and DECEPTION (sorry Taabu), but he is probably the best in a bad bunch.
    If he can get the right people around him, Kalonzo can bring the RADICAL CHANGE we so desperately need. His youthful, nonchalant style will inject the so much needed charm into our leadership.
    He will undoubtedly lead a modern, compassionate government that looks to the future not the past; promoting social justice, making sure that everyone has access to education, good healthcare and decent housing, tackling poverty, helping our country to be competitive in the global economy, protecting our citizens from crime, terrorism and evil militia groups and making us proud as a nation.

    He has proved he is a uniter and not a divider, a man who value peace than reputation. And that person is Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka!

  20. A uniter..... of Kambas? Hasn't he been busy fighting with his party mps and councillors?
    Someone said Kalonzo just needs to be surrounded by the right people ....I hope you don't mean kina mutula who has the illusion that he is working by building castles in the air. By the way why have a weak president in the hope that stronger characters around him will prop him up?

  21. molasses is good in showbiz, how does one buy a 10s of million worth vehicle and go showing off to his emancipated electorates in slums who elected him...

    how does the same fellow expect the same electorate to pay his fat lady 400,000kshs juat to keep his zippers up????

    how can the same moron expect the same people whose blood made him a PM make him their elders while he still tags along a smelly foreskin...???

    how does the same fellow who advocates pardon for murderors and looters expect to lead kenya???

    Kalonzo has no blemish, no blood shed in his name, no molasses type scandal and he didnt sell his party for a ministers flag (remember NDP)!!

    wake up aka mr. Taaba (misery)

  22. Kwale,

    My definition of RADICAL CHANGE is not about social or economic changes. These are but by-products of POLITICAL LEADERSHIP, which is what Kenya craves for. And an environment where the rule of law is ACKNOWLEDGED and RESPECTED. And reforming ourselves to elect leaders based on issues and not ethnicity, tokenism or mass hysteria. The rest should fall in place.

    Remember we have volumes upon volumes of excelent development plans and policies gathering dust in various government offices since independence.

    Unfortunately, non of the current so called leaders can give us this. We need FRESH input into our political system. How this can happen i have no idea. But an idea is a good place to start.

  23. Kwale,
    Please stop reading in between the lines, THERE ARE NO WORDS. Or have you become e-mind reader of late?

    Radical change is an overused buzzword that only excites aliens. Recal Kiraitu Murungi-Ringera radical change in judiciary? That was a selfish move couched in populist preface with the singular intention of putting the foot in the other boot. Well, as they say the rest is history.

    Meanwhile, thanks Kwale for summarizing the blueprints. You would wish to check Alfie's website for detailed programs authored by reknown professions.

    We are not where we are because of lack of ideas lest you forget. Just as Kenyans are not little devils not because of shortage of preachers - just take a walk on any open space or street and you will encounter consumers of sumptuous air-burgers donating 20 bob as they yawn their way back home.

  24. Taabu,hahahahha,you and i know very well the strengths and lengths the man can put up for the top seat.

    We haven't disabused ourselves of the memories his name elicits so your article tells me you were pretty idle as at th etime of going to press!

    But i wish him well in all his political undertaking but he should look for ways to contain Mwau who has also vowed he can't be in a cage at any given time!

    Good luck Steve!

  25. Jeff, I like this;

    "…reforming ourselves to elect leaders based on issues and not ethnicity, tokenism or mass hysteria…"

    REFORMING OURSELVES, you can say that again. Kenya politics are tribal whether you like it or not, but how do we reform ourselves from this mindset?

    Reform means beneficial change, or sometimes, more specifically, reversion to a pure original state. But have we Kenyans ever been in a pure original state? Kenya is a young democracy and like all other African countries, we are still struggling with the yoke of colonialism which I believe is the root cause of tribalism in Africa.
    Majority of Kenyans are not able or willing to forsake their tribal allegiances so what do we do with this mind set. How can we channel this tribal energy into a national mainstream? We need to understand the tribes before we impose nationalism on them. Tribes are a contradiction in today's modern Kenya; they are an evil if your tribe is not in power and a benefit if your tribe is in power. This is due to the nature of our political and government systems whereby there are no checks and balances. This fosters a climate of absolute power resting on the Executive and by extension to the Executive tribe. So what is the solution?

  26. This is in contradiction to an earlier article about Kalonzo. Are you running out of subject matter? Kumekucha, you're slipping...

  27. Kwale,

    I may not have all the solutions, but i think the biggest impediment towards achieving this radical change is ignorance at the grassroots level. This is normally fertile ground for our leaders to exploit the 'information gap' towards self-seeking goals (Remember the misleading statements about the proposed constitution during the referendum campaigns, such as that the document supported gay marriage, etc).

    To 'close' this gap, civic education is paramount, and not the type done by a plethora of NGOs in plush hotels in Nairobi and Mombasa. If you are looking for change agents from out there, then you will be disappointed. You and me and like minded have to dirty our hands. We are ultimately responsible for Kenya's destiny.

  28. Daily nation kikuyu gutter press surprise surprise looked for an incest story from Usigishu District Eldoret!!!!ha!!ha!! ha!! ati trying to derail the facts of incest which as we all know is a tradition in Central province

    by the way in central province it is father and daughter, brothers and sisters, mothers and sons and first cousins too!!
    I'm laughing at the daily nation newspaper but guess what KUMEKUCHA should be happy it shows that this kikuyu paper has been reading your blog very closely


    because the incest story on this blogs as been on the heated discussions for several months- so of course the nation journalist had to travel to the rift valley to look for an isolated case- to remove central province of headquarters of incest from the glare and facts....

    central province = incest..... period.

  29. Daily nation kikuyu gutter press surprise surprise looked for an incest story from Usigishu District Eldoret!!!!ha!!ha!! ha!! ati trying to derail the facts of incest which as we all know is a tradition in Central province

    by the way in central province it is father and daughter, brothers and sisters, mothers and sons and first cousins too!!
    I'm laughing at the daily nation newspaper but guess what KUMEKUCHA should be happy it shows that this kikuyu paper has been reading your blog very closely


    because the incest story on this blogs as been on the heated discussions for several months- so of course the nation journalist had to travel to the rift valley to look for an isolated case- to remove central province of headquarters of incest from the glare and facts....

    central province = incest..... period.

  30. Daily nation kikuyu gutter press surprise surprise looked for an incest story from Usigishu District Eldoret!!!!ha!!ha!! ha!! ati trying to derail the facts of incest which as we all know is a tradition in Central province

    by the way in central province it is father and daughter, brothers and sisters, mothers and sons and first cousins too!!
    I'm laughing at the daily nation newspaper but guess what KUMEKUCHA should be happy it shows that this kikuyu paper has been reading your blog very closely


    because the incest story on this blogs as been on the heated discussions for several months- so of course the nation journalist had to travel to the rift valley to look for an isolated case- to remove central province of headquarters of incest from the glare and facts....

    central province = incest..... period.

  31. Knoppix,

    You talk of people "containing" others. If you have never understood why some sections of the population "fear" rao, now there is the answer. He is very good at "containing" others.

  32. Now Kriegler himself has said there was NO election fraud!! It is all there in today's EA Standard.
    Those of us who kept faith with common sense have been vindicated. We have said all along that the ODM strategy of Taabu's beloved DECEPTION and FRAUD was going to come out and be seen for what it was; A campaign strategy based on insidious lies, vindictiveness and spite and supported by a patently dishonest civil society and media. Now what will all those voluble, self righteous ODM fanatics say?
    Kalonzo is slowly and steadily gaining traction as the next President and that is why he is being targetted for attack by drug dealers like Mwau at the behest of Raila. It is so transparent. Sooner or later, Mwau with all his ill-gotten wealth will be seen for what he is, a professional criminal and conman.


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