Thursday, May 29, 2008

Who Really Reads Kumekucha?

…and the tribe that lacks reading skills

If you are one of those chaps who believe in coincidences and believe that yours truly here is merely in love with conspiracy theories, then you will have plenty of fun reading today’s post.

A few days ago in a post here I asked where First lady Lucy Kibaki was. I also shared some information about her health that had come to my attention. The very next day she made her first public appearance for months. Mere coincidence? (By the way, it is not enough for her to be “seen” and photographed by the media, Kenyans need to be told where she was all that time and the state of her mental health. After all it is possible to remove somebody from some institution for them to pose briefly for the press and then quickly return them. We need a statement, even if it is the usual lies from Dr Mutua.)

Also Published today;

Hold off Kajwang: Power Brokers Plead With Kibaki

The Raila Factor: A Stark reminder


Actually there are numerous other cases that I can quote here that will shock most of you. However I will mention just two more.

Weeks after the disputed presidential elections, I wrote a post here about how the electoral commission was yet to officially release the final results of how president Kibaki “won” the elections. Barely two days later those results were suddenly released and the signature of the electoral commission chairman was even forged to facilitate that process. Mere coincidence?

Then there was this cabinet meeting where this PS went and forwarded ideas lifted straight out of this blog on how best to rein in the tribal monster in Kenya and related problems facing our nation. (read the story HERE for yourself). Mere coincidence?

I do not believe in coincidences and I am certain that some very important and powerful persons in the land read this blog religiously every day. I am also certain that not everybody who reads us wishes us well. The campaigns to discredit Kumekucha have been on for a long time and the strategy has always been to use the age-old propaganda trick which is based on the premise that if you repeat some falsehood enough times, sooner or later people will start to embrace it as the truth.

But nothing has fascinated me more in recent days than the frenzied activity here since I was forced to leave the country for a safer destination. Those carrying out the “campaign” and those of you who are observant enough will be able to quickly pick out what I am talking about in the comments sections of my posts. HINT: Look for a pattern.

Why do most of our beloved Kikuyu brethren lack reading skills?

Another very sad pattern that is clearly visible to regular readers of this blog is the fact that most of our Kikuyu brothers and sisters have serious problems with their reading skills. Very few of them indeed (like Wanjiku Unlimited, Ritchie, Fave and a few others) are able to read a post and understand its’ contents.

Amazingly the rest tend to see RED the minute the word “Kikuyu” appears anywhere. They will always conclude that the post or comment is bashing the house of Mumbi. I have watched with amusement as some balanced commentators here have been dragged into long and endless arguments by readers who hardly bothered to read their comments before spewing out all sorts of vitriol. Some regular contributors here will even quickly spew counter posts wholly written in well hidden parables in what they see as a way to counter “the attack” on their beloved house of Mumbi.

I can only shake my head in wonder and offer my sincere sympathy and condolences to my dear brothers and sisters with reading challenges whenever the word “Kikuyu” is used. In fact I will not be surprised if this post is seen as an attack on my dear Kikuyu brothers and sisters. Yet the focus of this post is on the challenge of reading skills on the African continent rather than on silly tribes.

We can of course look at the whole thing from a different angle. It is probably Wanjiku Unlimited and company who do not know how to read. Maybe they are not sharp enough to see all the deadly barbs aimed at the house of Mumbi. What do you readers think? Are they the ones lacking in reading skills?

Although I am trying to add a light note here, the truth is that I grieve in my heart as I write this post because when people cannot read and cannot respond to arguments and points without getting emotional, it simply means that there is no hope of ever effectively tackling the problem at hand. The Greeks once ruled the world simply because they became the first to develop the art of debate and to take the human race away from the age old habit f settling arguments physically in some sort of high noon shoot out where the man left standing is the one who was right and the one lying in a pool of blood in the dust was “dead” wrong (hence the expression). Are you aware that there are very many people who ended up “dead” wrong when they said the earth is round rather than flat?

I declare today the day for all Kumekuchans to develop their reading/listening skills as well as their debating skills. Two qualities we badly need for a better Kenya.

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The man who can't stand women


  1. Chris, on the issue of the 1st Lady and the elections results. Please do not try to tell us that someone in the govt read yr post and had to prove u wrong. It would have been better if u left it just like that without trying to prove that someguy in govt read kk and then decided "let's show kk that his wrong". Remember silence is golden.

    On the issue of Kyuiks'... I'm one of them but I wont even comment. Yes some dont even read the whole article and some read everything and decide to leave msgs. While others read and discuss the issues raised with fellow countrymen but do not leave msgs at all. Dont let the few that leave msgs taint the rest of the tribe. Remember as u have stated b4, only a few people can tarnish the image of millions of people.

  2. I was discusing this very issue with some friends yesterday. If ever anyone doubted how powerful kumekucha is then the Lucy Kibaki story all but confirmed the power of this blog. Lucy's story has been all over the place but as soon as it appears on this blog, KABOOM, the goes the first lady in public. Does anybody else wonder why she was "displayed" in public while the president was out of the country? All this reminds me of the initial days of the Narc administration when there were all kinds of rumors about the president's health since he was never seen in public. Then all of a sudden his handler decided to drive him around the city just to try to discredit the rumors even though the president looked obviously sick and could not even get out of the car to address wananchi

  3. Chris, its funny. The moment i saw your header earlier in the post on 'which tribe lacks reading skills', i knew you would attack the kikuyu. And no surprise when i scrolled down the post and saw it was indeed the kikuyu you attacked. I know you are accusing us of overreaction but i have been reading your blog for over a year now and most of the time when you mention the kikuyu, it is in a negative or derogatory context. So see Chris, its not us, its you. Perhaps you do it just for fun, stirring the hornets nest. Perhaps you are an avid tribalist, like 90%of non-kikuyu kenyans are. Either way, its sad to see the 'youth' who are meant to be providing the way foward behaving the same way as the politicians we are often so quick to criticise. Chris, you fan ethnic hatred then come here telling us about your 'beautiful kikuyu wife'. Haven't you read about the role of the media in ethnic conflict in Rwanda, etc.Why do we criticise our leaders when we are just as tribalist and corrupt (think of any kenyan you know who is not in the public limelight but has been fired from a job or gotten rich from stealing. Think of the Joshua Orina saga) as they are. It portends a bad future for our country and means we will continue to be outdone by the white man for the next century or two or even longer. Perhaps Dr Watson was right after all. Black people are truly inferior, intellectually and morally.

  4. Hey, Chris wacha hiyo maneno, we all know you are ant-Kikuyu and most of the comments posted here in KK are blatant Kikuyu bashing. You continue to condone post election violence forgetting most of your tribesmen were killed by Mungiki while others were crudely circumcised in one of the most sickening acts of depravity.
    How can a civilised man in his right state of mind call this a “democratic right” to protest against stolen poll?

    I have noticed that you said you left the country for you own safety - to seek asylum or economic migration?? I am not sure coz I have not logged into your blog for a week now. In fact, I have since left the country, but not for political reason or fear of my safety nonsense but for the betterment of my family. At least I am frank enough to admit. I just hope you didn’t resort to USA??? And if you did, I don’t mind inviting you here in French Riviera. The climate here is Mediterranean – hot and sunny in summer and mild cold in winters with a panoramic view over Adriatic and Mediterranean coastline.

    I just hope, where ever you are, you will continue to inform your beloved Kumekuchans with less tribal postings and less unpalatable misinformation. I am sure you will learn the ropes very soon here in the west, that politics are silly and Human lives comes first.
    Wish you well.

  5. i think we are giving the central brothers/sisters unecessary and undue attention. Its been said over and over and the best way out of this is to stop isolating or elevating this group and we move on. Let them and their supporters continue to write why they do stuff, think and behave a certain way, etc. let the rest of us move on and work towards tackling the challenges of nurturing a relatively young but growing democracy and the gigantic economic hurdles severely hampered by poor leadership and corrupt networks that continue to tag along. Posts like that of Phil on immigration are what we should be focusing on.


  6. Chris,

    central guys and their sworn defenders (typically people with strings/ties over there, marriage, business etc) are too predictable and its not fair for you to keep baiting like that. Notice the loud silence on public service delivery (Phil's post on immigration), but an immediately volley of responses on a post like this one that mentions or touches some aspect even in passing.

    Come on guys lets get out of this tribal tent.


  7. Chris,

    Instead of haranguing us with "Kikuyus lack reading skills," help them by opening a free institute for such skills and invite them to attend. Then teach them that "reading skills" mean agreeing with every hallucination you post. That way you will have millions of blind cult followers who will dutifully shout "Amen" even when their mothers are being raped!! Short of that you are wasting your time with "Kikuyu lack this or that" idiocy. But to start with, you need to have a grip on your reasoning ability before you extend your unsolicited tribal crap to others. You don't seem to have benefited from some university education if you attended any, and I am not being personal, just being concerned about my bother's reasoning abilities. Heeheehhee!

  8. Do you really try to tell us that somebody in State House is waiting to read whatever you have to say and then follows your advise?

    I hope this whole issue was meant as a joke, if not, then Kenya is really in troubles since according to you it is ruled by whatever Kumekucha hints to its readers.

    I am sure, Raila is laughing his head off when reading your post - or maybe tomorrow you come and tell us that also Raila is just waiting for your articles, then calls for a Cabinet Meeting, tells everybody what Kumekucha is suggesting and then all nod their heads in agreement.

    I repeat: I hope, you made a joke.

  9. Chris:

    You really do not need to write that you are right or the people in power circles read this blog. What we need is intelligent content which you, Phil and other post. However, we really do not need to be pointing fingers at at anyone, we all know the truth of what has happened and keeps on happening in this country.

    Its people like you, Phil, other and people who read this blog as well millions of Kenyans to demand change at all time. We have lived too long under imposition of power brockers who are selfish and have created a society of hatred.

    As the younger generation starts to embark on the road for change, the leaders we choose have to be subjugated to full scrutiny by the people of Kenya. This country has so much talent, skills and resources that it can be turned into a fast growing developing country in th enext decade and on its way to a developed world.

    What we have witnessed since the GE is very very sad, and it must be addressed. The pain of undoing the years of mistrust, land grabbing, corruption, killings etc is immense, but we will have to cross that hurdle inorde to reach our intended targets..

    Chris, stick to what you are good at, forget trting to defend yourself. Your opinions and views are welcome, and this is why its called a blog, and many others will have different views, they are bound to, after all we are humans.

    Our political leaders of today and tomorrow have to realise that Kenyans demand change and accountability at the highest level, impunity has to stop and transparency, responsibility and honesty has to be the order of the day...

  10. Who the fuk cares where she has been? kwani u want to kamata her?

  11. You must be joking to tell us that State House is waiting what you publish and then follows your suggestions or questions. I am waiting that next you tell us that also RAO is first reading Kumekucha before calling for a Cabinet Meeting - in other words: Kumekucha is ruling Kenya?

    I still hope at least this part of your post was a joke .......

  12. I'm actually happy to learn that some big people in government read this blog and get ideas. In that case I'm glad to be associated with Kumekucha. I've always wondered whether all the great ideas that are discussed here despite all the vitriol are getting anywhere or they're just being buried under fresh posts.

    It's good to know they're being discussed further in the right quarters.

    Sometimes I get the feeling that some readers don't actually read the main article. They go straight to the comments section, read a few comments and start banging on their keyboards.

    UrXlnc there's something we said the other week about you contacting Lumumba and some other great potential leaders? How far? The kinds of Lumumba are the ones we should be talking to.

  13. I will say it again, it is important that we discourage any type of reading….if its purpose is seeking buzz words for retaliatory attacks.

    Chris, umesema ukweli bwana. Even the current Nobel prize winner in literature cannot write one measly paragraph about the failures of Kenya today without mentioning Kibaki and Mungiki repeatedly. I have found that it is mostly those two words that ignite the wild fires in the bellies of my dear Kikuyu brethren and sistren. Were it not for the cover of the internet, jamaas like me would have been forcefully circumcised by use of a blunt penknife while being held down by some folks writing comments on this blog. Can one be circumcised twice? It reminds me of the day I was stung by honey bees at a pub in Kitui for talking ill of Kalonzo…while dating this hot Kamba chick.

    Folks, that we can solve issues amicably is not a forgone conclusion. To those who cannot resist puncturing an opponent's jugular vein, I say, let us choose peace here at Kumekucha. An attack on Kibaki or Mungiki, even in it's most serious or comical nature, is not an attack on the entire GEMA. Inabidi wasee wa relax.

    That said, I do understand that some of the automatic rabid responses to anything anti-Kibaki/Mungiki is mostly reflex action. You see, we have gone through the worst time of our history. The violence was excruciatingly painful even to those who saw the whole thing on you-tube. Without some type of grief counseling, we cannot expect all of us to be witty enough to read between the lines, laugh at a joke or cry after reading some poetry.

  14. KANU IS JUST ANOTHER TRIBAL POLITICAL PARTY, leaving ODM as the only serious political representation of all Kenyans.

    The new constitution should prevent tribal set-ups from joining Bunge. We should introduce a hurdle of 10%. Only national parties with 10% of all national votes are legible to enter parliament.

    Kenyans, let's do away with tribal politics. Let's forget the tribal parties like Kenda, ODM-Kenya(Kamba), Ford-K(Luhya), Ford-P (Kisii), Ford-A(Muranga), Narc-K(Kikuyu), DP(Mt Kenya), etc.

    Political maturity means political stability for Kenya.

    Please support the idea of 10% hurdle and help kick the ass of tribalism in our country.

  15. Ha ha ha ha. About mama makofi; after five months in the zoo, this lady's number one agenda is to shop for hideous wigs in Kiamaiko. Kwani there's a shortage of hungry displaced children to feed?

    If we lived in a better country served by a legitimate first family, 'our mother' would be busy consoling us after such vicious violence. The way I see it, the office of the first lady should have set up shop in all IDP camps. This office should have been at the forefront of offering assistance to Kenyans in their time of need. After all, what is the purpose of that office other than providing us with succulent matitis to suck on when in distress. I mean, we are all her children and when we cry she should be there with gunias of maize, beans and potatoes. In fact, most offices of the first ladies the world over are deeply involved in disaster management (as opposed to propagating disaster).


    It is politics and politicians who bring chaos into our small beautiful country.

    To burry tribalism in politics for ever, we need to introduce a 10% hurdle to every party intending to join parliament.

    Party membership should also be regulated such that only permanent members (long time single membership of at least 2 yrs) are allowed to be nominated by a party to be parliamentary candidates. Temporary candidates could be party bearers in civic elections only.

    This country is still exhibiting the symptoms of a failed state like Somali. If we don’t bring a suitable constitution nxt year then, we can bid Kenya bye soon.


  17. Guys, kindly stop the tribal warfare for a minute

    this is plain robbery.

    imagine working for a company x in the period 2003-2005 and then you leave it. after x no years, the companies profitability soars and so you go back to ask for salary arrears for that period. that is pure and plain BS.

    their time came and it went, they have no cause to effect back pays, this is absurd. kenyans are truly a cash cow for parliamentarians. when will this ever end if at all.

    soon we'll be paying kids of parliamentarians in anticipation of them becoming future MPs.

    What a load of rubbish


  18. Scandal after scandal after scandal

    but still nothing


  19. "____The Greeks once ruled the world simply because they became the first to develop the art of debate and to take the human race away from the age old habit f settling arguments physically_____"

    You are probably going to question my "reading skills" but what about your general grasp of history and logic?

    1. The Greeks never ruled the world. The Romans did.

    2. About debate being able to make the world a less violent place, perhaps we should ask ourselves who got killed not so long ago for voting "the wrong way". I agree with the need for more debate, for instance, let us debate land issues instead of killing the pawns in the game.

    Also, very debatable is your sanity.

  20. even if Lucy read this blog, she wouldn't understand it...she's kyuk, remember?

    That is just an example of how ridiculous your reasoning is. Almost always.

  21. Dear ODM Members,

    Mungiki (with the support of some leaders in ODM) are planning to storm Nairobi next week to destroy private property, harass and potentially injure innocent citizens. Dick Waweru, the former NRB mayor, has been tasked to rope Mungiki into ODM in Nairobi. Mungiki are reportedly putting a number of demands in exchange for their support, which if met by ODM could potentially compromise the national security of our country. It is Waweru (and not Thande from Lang'ata CDF) who has been delivering ODM messages to Maina Njenga in Naivasha prison. Thande is just being used as a decoy. This unholy alliance must be condemned by all Kenyans who love peace, and especially ODM members who believe in the ideals of the party.

    ODM must stop sinking sink this low. The victory of ODM in Embakasi should not justify ODM's association with Mungiki. ODM won the seat last time without Mungiki's help. I don't understand the source of ODM leaders' panic this time to the extent of embracing known murderers in exchange for votes. This is not what ODM members bargained for when they joined the party!!!
    Please ODM members raise your voices, the party does not belong to the leaders only, but also belongs to us!!!!!

  22. Coming back-to-back with another deal that saw outgoing members of the Ninth Parliament each take home a Sh1.5 million "send off" package, the deal is likely to raise a storm in an economy battered by post-election violence and pushed to the brink by rocketing

  23. Demogod 11:04 I feel you.Chris this post is all amusing and i guess you must have been in a good mood when you sat down to pen it.I also wish to imagine that you went through several empirical assesments to have come to that conclusion.I wont say for a fact kikuyus dont know how to read.Some that we have dealt with are pretty intelligent folks and also do read within the lines.

    The issue of your wife has featured on this blog a couple of times for the right or wrong reasons.If you asked me,your wife should not feature here at all as being the kikuyu she is you were impressed by her thought process,goodness,looks and etc as a person.By mere coincidence she doesnt do or say things that would attract your anger.
    What am saying individuals vary from one to the other.I have said it before that to be atleast fair to our kikuyu brethren we shall at all times to handle each personally.However it could be said that its just by co-incidence that not any one of them has condemned what we commonly feel is wrong be it from Kibaki or Kalonzo or any other person in government that is deemed to support the president.

    And yes everytime that word is mentioned here they all jump up and i tend to think its lack of elaborateness.It is my other belief that you can abuse someone with using vulgarities.So may be in response to claims against kibaki or lucy for that matter they lack the elaborately concise method to respond without being vulgar.

    However this other tribes if we classify them that way are not any better still.I have insisted that much as we may comment we should try to restrict ourselves to the post at hand and this habit can be said to reflect a majority of bloggers here.So many wild comments come in when for instance we are talking about governance then someone injects the not so good issues about say the firstlady.

    So yes it might be a coinicendence that its our brothers that have no regard for detail and again not all of them.

    Moving east Chris am waiting for the day when you will detail the trials and tribulations that you have had to contend with in entirity of the existence of this blog.We might demand to know who is it that is making your life unfit for you.I guess even M-pesa wouldnt mind to know who is who that reads this blog space from the high and mighty.

    Have a good day.

  24. Anon 4:59, your comments have a point but some i will just want to ignore....Unless you give us evidence i want to take 5th ammendment..Like you suggesting that Dick Waweru is the ODM go between. ODM said their representative was Thande and that is what i choose to believe...your assertion kindly let me treat as a rumour. If i remember well Dick Waweru was an aspirant in Embakasi..maybe just maybe (my thoughts) he was looking for mungiki support.
    But again your points are valid i dont know why ODM should be looking for mungiki support...That one until now i have never known the reason


  25. As a side step i found this article from one Philipo formerly at Nationmedia pretty intresting.


  26. Another very sad pattern that is clearly visible to regular readers of this blog is the fact that most of our Kikuyu brothers and sisters have serious problems with their reading skills. Very few of them indeed (like Wanjiku Unlimited, Ritchie, Fave and a few others) are able to read a post and understand its’ contents.

    Amazingly the rest tend to see RED the minute the word “Kikuyu” appears anywhere. They will always conclude that the post or comment is bashing the house of Mumbi. I have watched with amusement as some balanced commentators here have been dragged into long and endless arguments by readers who hardly bothered to read their comments before spewing out all sorts of vitriol. Some regular contributors here will even quickly spew counter posts wholly written in well hidden parables in what they see as a way to counter “the attack” on their beloved house of Mumbi.

    Chris, I don’t doubt that people in high places read this blog (perhaps intermittently to get a feel for the word on the virtual street). I don’t doubt either that you are ahead of the curve.

    But isn’t it a stretch to compile an assessment of literacy of an entire group based on the responses of PNU apologists (who may or may not be Kikuyu in the first place) on only one blog. Perhaps the more articulate ones are contributing to other blogs.

    The key, ndugu, is that the “us” is “them” – whatever is going on in one group of people is likely also in another – we aren’t that different.

    Chill, bro. My vote is for debate on more important issues as proposed by the UrXInc.

  27. Chris n all entire KK family.

    This is a challege to this blog. How about refraining from using the word "KIKUYU" for just one week..yes just 1 week??

    Sounds like a dare to's a double dare!

  28. Kalamari

    Huh you mean Lucy propagates disaster...Kweli
    The Qn is where was she? You mean she was being paid bila kufanya kazi..UrXlnc that is what i also call robbery without violence


  29. I would like to ask some questions seeing that most kikuyus are always bitter when something is said about them, yet most of it is true anyway.

    1. Do the people from central province like clustering themselves into groups when discussing their things in the presence of outsiders and also in their language, thereby isolating outsiders and making them feel like they are being talked about or having something plotted against them?

    2. When you go to a kyuk wedding, funeral service or whatever isn't it more probable that people will be speaking that language in the function when they took time to invite you an outsider to attend?

    3. When you work for a kyuk boss what are the chances that all office communication will be done in that dialect, including office procedures like accounting?

    4.When the truth is spoken who are the first people to jump on you denying even the very obvious?

    5. Which group of people did not vote for ODM based on the sole reason of their phobia for our luo brothers?

    6. Which group of people did not vote for ODM because they did not want change, they were very comfortable with the corruption and ills of the Kibaki presidency and they wanted another five years to propagate the governance of wizi na ukora?

    7. Which group of people were comfortable with mungiki extortionist schemes because it gave their children 'jobs' they still dont want to talk about it now even when mungiki goes out killing other people?

    8. Which people were being favoured in government jobs in the past three years without shame depriving other deserving kenyans of jobs?

    9. Which group of people benefitted immensely from the Kenyatta presidency, the other thieving president who stole land from kenyans? Which group of people defends Jomos thieving actions vehemently?

    10. Which group of people are swarming our courts with all types of crimes? In which kenyan community is stealing a virtue? In these circles its called 'hardwork'. Which community has the most girls working K-street?

    11. Which group of people are more likely to embarass kenya abroad with their extortionate schemes, their underhanded tactics and short cuts because they dont know how to do the right things? Which community produced the richest brothel owner in London? Which community recently had some of its members siphoning fuel from other people's cars? In fact which community has given immigration officials all over the world the most headaches(of course bar nigerians?

    12. Which community believes (with all their hearts) that Kibaki won the presidency in the 2007 elections despite glaring evidence to the contrary?

    13. Which community in kenya is given special status when it comes to resettlement by force? We have always had skirmishes in kenya but it is only when the special group was affected that it was necessary for the government to secure their resettlement.

    14. Which community in kenya was ferried from Eldoret and other Riftvalley towns using aeroplanes and helicopters to Nairobi, yet other communities were left to the mercies of mungiki to be chopped infront of the police?

    I am sure if someone answers these questions honestly they will know what the problem in kenya is today. Problem is, people dont want to hear it we should all bury our heads in the sand and move on with our lives as if nothing has ever happened. People 30 years from now will still be singing kikuyu this kikuyu that because no one wants to tackle this.

    I am sure there are a million and one good people from central province and these questions do not apply to them.

  30. Anon 9.16,
    You should never take what Chris write here seriously. One minute he is a Kamba, next he is a Dhuluo with a beautiful Kikuyu wife, the next he is a Kikuyu man who hate sleeping with his fellow kikuyu women because they are that bad in bed. Only God knows who Chris really is.

  31. I have to say I agree with Urxlnc and Mpesa. This story of kyuk this and that is annoying me now. Let us discuss better things, please.

    Like for instance, it has come to my attention that residents of Umoja II estate in Nairobi have had sewage 'syrup' coming out of their taps for more than a month now. How is that possible for heavens sake? Ati people have been building houses on top of sewer lines and some contractors have been connecting water pipes to sewer pipes unknowingly? City hall is of course quiet on this, these people make me very mad! Why do people pay taxes in Kenya? Why do we pay council rates and what not?

    The worst bit about it is that instead of the government addressing such things it goes quiet and no one is willing to accept the blame. The candidates in the by elections coming in Embakasi are falling all over themselves trying to win votes by bringing in water?!! What the heck is that about?

    It is not for the candidates to 'bring' water for the individuals, that is the responsibility of the government. No wonder people here expect Raila to build toilets in Kibera, its the Kenyan mentality!

    When I was young I was taught that water is life, its not something you bargain for using votes! That is the sad state of Kenyan affairs. I can't believe we have been reduced to this. I cry for my country.

  32. Anon 2.19
    Since you have mentioned the infamous rich brothel in London, which was owned by a Kikuyu woman, let me give you an overview of the story and how it came to existence.
    First, let me inform you, London is full of brothels and high class Escort agencies that are owned mainly by Europeans. They have been there since the medieval times, some dating back 13th century. Kikuyus only begun to arrive in UK in early 90s. So you cannot say Kikuyus brought immoral ways of earning a living to British society. That’s said.

    Now back to the brothel formerly owned by Ann Wangeci or Wambui as people knew her back in Uthiru and around Nakuru Township.
    According to her friend who knew her, her entrepreneurial ways kicked in at an early age.
    Each school holiday she and her six brothers and sisters would be given a bundle of clothing or a box of vegetables or a crate of penny chews. Their days would be spent hawking around Nakuru to earn the next term's fees. They managed to save about? 85Ksh each holiday. One of her friend recalled her, “as always enterprising." After leaving school at 16 she ran a clothing stall. In 1995 she had saved enough to study computer science in the UK. She later finished the course and then turned to running an Upmarket brothel employing mostly East European girls charging a minimum of £150.00 (20,000Ksh) per hour for the service rendered.
    At the time she was discovered by the police in 2003, she had already pocketed £1.6 million (over 200 million KES) and subsequently found guilty of running multi-million-pound prostitution empire but was spared jail sentence.
    Today Ann renounced all her immoral earnings and is known to be living a humble life.

  33. Anon 3.02, I did not say she started immorality in London.The question was which community has a knack for embarassing kenyans abroad, you answered the question yourself, by providing the name. Kikuyus think people are on their case for no reason yet everything said is the truth.

  34. Over 70% of all robbers, carjackers(remember what they did in Tanzania - thoroughly embarrassing Kenyans. Isitoshe, Tanzanians saw them ,Kikuyu's, STEALING THE ELECTIONS OF DEC '07), bank robbers, conmen/women and prostitutes are Kikuyu's and then they tell us they are enterprising and hardworking!?!? What nonsense!!!!

    We are not blind. We know what you people are made of (Deception, fraud and stealing by any means whatsoever). We can see through you.

    Just to remind you a bit of what Kikuyu's are all about, re-read
    Anon 2:19 AM comment. The one which starts with "I would like to ask some questions seeing that most kikuyus are always bitter when something is said about them, yet most of it is true anyway....."

  35. Mcheku ati residents of Umoja II are getting sewage from their taps? Now that’s a sad one. Some time back in Msa people were getting black oil from water taps. Someone had mixed up the pipes underground. Such things do not just happen. Someone is obviously sleeping on the job. Eating money and turning a blind eye while wayward contractors are having their way. Neither oil nor sewage is good lakini sewage is a bit worse ama?

    About Embakasi, I stand for Pasaris. I’ve a feeling that woman can really work and streamline a few things if given a chance.

    To think of it we’re not that badly off. We still have some potentially good leaders. I watched Lee Kinyanjui yesterday, MP for Nakuru and he looked like a very sober leader who can take Nakuru places. Such is the crop of leaders I pray we shall get when we finally get rid of some characters in the current parliament – something I believe Kenyans can hardly wait to do. I’m sure there are several others whose good spirits are being covered up by all the dust and noise that politics has become of late. Wavinya Ndeti and Harun Mwau too are said to be doing a very good job in their constituencies albeit quietly. More so Mwau.

    Ruto and a few other ministers are also injecting some very good energy into their ministries. The idea is for ODM ministers to deliver like crazy and stand out from the rest who spend their lives being misquoted on live TV. Kenyans are watching and they’ll not miss the difference between genuine workers and noise makers.

  36. Yes Wanjiku unlimited, Kenyans are watching and waiting, it is about that lot fulfilling the promises they made to Kenyans during the campaigns...Come to think of it is secondary school education free?


  37. Kumemkucha the readers did not take the reading skills u suggested. Look at that one who is saying you are a dholuo or kikuyu, when did you ever say that? I thought you said you were born in Kisumu when your parents were travelling? You are a kamba man with bukusu relatives and your wife is a kikuyu beauty. Maybe on top of the reading skills they should also get comprehension ones. Such simple things! Anonymous 2.19 everything you have said is the truth today I don't see them denying things. The truth hurts.

  38. I think we are now saturated with Kikuyu this and kikuyu that. Something better please. Kumekucha, probably we can also say that you knew that she was going to come out on that day hence your story came out a day earlier. Kindly clear your name....

  39. I read the proposed and the basically already implemented pension and gratuity plan for retired members of parliament with unbelievable horror and dissapointment. Indeed, for a moment I thought it was a horribel proposal or joke. Yet, it was not.
    As if the political class has not screwed us enough to this point, they now shamelessly proceed to take food from the mouth of babies and proceed to fill their pot bellies! Money is paid for work done and how much it is worth when it was being done. They signed a contract when they were elected and they knew their salaries at that point.
    My main question remains however, what have they done to deserve such payment? Have they not at best participated in the looting of the nation or even been complicit?
    By the same logic, anybody who worked during the same period requires a new pension plan based on current salaries inflation etc.
    Sometimes when I think things are going to get better, the political class reminds me I am very unfortunate to be Kenyan.
    For God's sake, their is sewage in the water in Umoja! spend the money repairing infrastructure. Now sewage in tap water is what I call shitty service!
    On the other hand, I am glad that Kumekucha is read by the raping (ruling) class. Now, they should read this from me once more; Kibaki is a thief, a murderer and a tin pot dictator one step removed from Mugabe.

  40. just wondering how pathetic your life would be without kyuks, I mean have you ever posted three sentences without them having kyuk somewhere.

    get a life man and earn a living like all men do. Not whining here about 8 million souls who are busy living their lives and cant tell the difference between chris and a mogotio goat.

    You are an irrelevant stupid troll pretending to have some influence somewhere.

    Grow up and get a life beyond kyuks. A woman and some sex would be a good place to start, get all that bitterness out of your system

  41. From: RKM

    To: All Council Members & Heads of Delegations

    Date: May 29, 2008

    Subject: Change of Dates & Venue/Additional Agenda

    It is emerging that that a number of delegates particularly those from Coast, Western, Rift Valley and Nairobi do not intend to attend the Sunday session proposed in our last council meeting. This means that we will not need the school hall as earlier thought because the evening mingling session has been cancelled owing to the number of participants who want to go back to Nairobi.

    To avoid creating a situation that may seem to exclude our partners from other communities, it is proposed that we squeeze the programme to end the Meru meeting on Saturday evening.

    To ensure that the media carries our story the following day, it was further suggested that our spokesmen prepare a press communiqué to share with the press in good time for coverage on Sunday. We propose that the media briefing takes place at 4.30pm.

    This being the case, you are all urged to get to the venue on time.

    Secondly after careful consideration it was found appropriate to communicate our seriousness with regards to our intended integration with friendly communities outside the mountain region.

    Select delegates from without the region – and in particular those from bigger communities and communities where sub-ethnic groups are fighting for political relevance – will be given a special session to share their views in respect to the best way of bringing them on board.

    Some of these delegates have demanded that they will do so only if we assure them that for the time being the media will not ignite a hate campaign against them. Kindly observe total confidentiality where this matter is concerned.

    Once again may I kindly remind you to keep time so that we do not inconvenience others.

    Additionally, let’s let those appointed to speak on our behalf to do so. The rest of us will maintain a “no comment” position at all time. Remember multiple voices to the press can only harm our intentions.

  42. From: RKM

    To: All Council Members & Heads of Delegations

    Date: May 29, 2008

    Subject: Change of Dates & Venue/Additional Agenda

    It is emerging that that a number of delegates particularly those from Coast, Western, Rift Valley and Nairobi do not intend to attend the Sunday session proposed in our last council meeting. This means that we will not need the school hall as earlier thought because the evening mingling session has been cancelled owing to the number of participants who want to go back to Nairobi.

    To avoid creating a situation that may seem to exclude our partners from other communities, it is proposed that we squeeze the programme to end the Meru meeting on Saturday evening. To ensure that the media carries our story the following day, it was further suggested that our spokesmen prepare a press communiqué to share with the press in good time for coverage on Sunday. We propose that the media briefing takes place at 4.30pm. This being the case, you are all urged to get to the venue on time.

    Secondly after careful consideration it was found appropriate to communicate our seriousness with regards to our intended integration with friendly communities outside the mountain region. Select delegates from without the region – and in particular those from bigger communities and communities where sub-ethnic groups are fighting for political relevance – will be given a special session to share their views in respect to the best way of bringing them on board. Some of these delegates have demanded that they will do so only if we assure them that for the time being the media will not ignite a hate campaign against them. Kindly observe total confidentiality where this matter is concerned.

    Once again may I kindly remind you to keep time so that we do not inconvenience others. Additionally, let’s let those appointed to speak on our behalf to do so. The rest of us will maintain a “no comment” position at all time. Remember multiple voices to the press can only harm our intentions.

  43. More updates on GEMA saturday's (May 31, 2008) meetingFrom: RKM

    To: All Council Members, Head, Think Tank & Counsel

    Subject: Update

    Date: May 28, 2008

    Further to the meeting the ‘CAUCUS’ held last night, I wish to bring to your attention a few amendments proposed by Interim Chairman and the Interim Organising Secretary concerning the Meru Meeting scheduled on May 31, 2008. To be on the same page with Interim Chairman who has confirmed that he will attend tomorrow’s morning’s meeting, you need to be aware of the following crucial issues so that we shorten our next meeting and also read from the same script.

    Special Guests
    As you recall, we agreed to categorise our links to significant others into ‘ ‘A’ & ‘B’. Upon seeking views of some of our TT members and our counsel earlier today, it was found appropriate to leave out ‘B’s for now and invite ‘A’s, not only as observers but as contributors to the strategy we desire to come up with.

    Regarding 2012 and Beyond
    Unfortunately the proposal to formalise a succession plan as a caucus was rejected completely. Instead upon consultations between Interim Chairman and his two co-advisers, it was decreed that our leaders will be discouraged from getting involved in this mission. It was felt that wasting time on succession will deflect attention from the more pressing issues our people are facing. Further, Interim Chairman was convinced that our goal to cohere our people and members of other communities warm to our cause will succeed only if we first empower them economically. Interim Chairman also exalted caucus members to concentrate on ensuring that poverty and selfish pursuit of wealth will never again be the cause of our disintegration or a reason for those bent on causing strife and divisions among us and our friends from yonder. I therefore urge you to do all in your power and ability to suppress any vestige of succession talk.

    All our energies and resources must be directed towards ensuring our brothers and sisters are all resettled successfully in secure atmosphere. To this end we ask you to forward names and exact locations of those who offered to donate portions of their land for the building of police posts. On the same subject, Interim Chairman emphasised that as we assist in the resettlement of the IDPs two goals MUST be pursued alongside. The first one is to ensure we restore both hope and confidence in our agenda and those of us who are still in our ancestral domains. Secondly, we must move fast and consolidate our partnership with all the wazees from ruguru who our people met a fortnight ago. Interim Chairman was also emphatic that where we need to invest to enhance harmonious co-existence between our people and their hosts. We shall therefore launch a kitty to take care of our friends from ithuiro.

    Reports from Envoys from Yonder
    Kindly remember to prepare ‘A’s scheduled to come to prepare notes for the plenary session. We must encourage them to talk and advice us freely. Remember also that a spirit of openness must at all times define our relationship with our newfound ithuiro friends. We must find ways of reassuring our people that there’s every benefit in changing our mindset on them. The Os, Meru West, Maa, Dawida and Mekatilili reps are critical to our future and must be integrated to our global framework as equals immediately. A bonding session befitting their status with selected wazees on our side has been organized in a private home close to the venue.

  44. about what kind of people read kumekucha , lots of people do but rarely comment. we are more thrilled with how deep in sht we are that commenting everyday is no use.

    we know all the main suspects by name who lead to the massacre of 0ver 10000 souls in the last decade are roaming free and even worst managing our destiny in government and public service positions while in the real sense they should be behind bars. its a wake up call because if you dint learn any lessons in 2007 elections they you've already been pimped.

    kenyans need to cut down on their siasa daily dosage beacause politics is all about who is able to pay. we need to round them up and serve them hard time and not argue in our poor midst.

  45. 1. which group of people produced one of Africa's revered writer?

    2. which group of people took charge of their destiny as early as 1920's forming African Independent Schools and political organizations such as KCA formed the foundations of the struggle for Independence?

    3. Which group of people produced the militant Mau Mau who opted to die fighting free KENYA than live under the white man's bondage? Which group produced Kimathi, which group inspired the militant anti-racist movement in the US, whom did Malcolm X offer glowing praise to in many of his speeches for their courage and temerity?

    4. which group of people suffered the most persecution under Moi. From which group of people was Matiba and Rubia?

    5. Which group of people was rigged out of elections in '92 and 97 but still had the civility to not take vengeance on their fellow Kenyans who had voted differently?

    6. which group of people is envied and loathed for their incredible business skills, their propensity to adapt and fare well in almost every corner of the globe?

  46. Chris,

    I agree with a sentiment expressed earlier. lets go for 3 days without tribal overtures if possible.

    moderate and delete any such nonsense whether for or against and lets debate national issues

  47. 1. which group of people produced one of Africa's revered writer?


    2. which group of people took charge of their destiny as early as 1920's forming African Independent Schools and political organizations such as KCA formed the foundations of the struggle for Independence?


    3. Which group of people produced the militant Mau Mau who opted to die fighting free KENYA than live under the white man's bondage? Which group produced Kimathi, which group inspired the militant anti-racist movement in the US, whom did Malcolm X offer glowing praise to in many of his speeches for their courage and temerity?


    4. which group of people suffered the most persecution under Moi. From which group of people was Matiba and Rubia?


    5. Which group of people was rigged out of elections in '92 and 97 but still had the civility to not take vengeance on their fellow Kenyans who had voted differently?


    6. which group of people is envied and loathed for their incredible business skills, their propensity to adapt and fare well in almost every corner of the globe?



  48. 1. Which group of people produced John Kiriamiti, the author of the Kenyan Criminal Bible.

    2. Which group of people is famous for the most violent crimes in history. Whicj group of people is proud of producing the highest number of most wanted highway robbers, carjackers, pickpockets and murderouis.

    3. Whick group of people are synonymous to thievery and first class conmanship.

    4. Which group of people is known the world over for their inability to honor any deals sealed by the law courts or the gentlemna handshake version.

    5. Which group of people will do anything for money including slaughtering their own families for small plots in Kiambu.

    6. Which group of people are famous for their tribalistic way of life even when in the diaspora.

    7. Which group of peiopel produces parking boys at the highest rate.

    8. Which group of people do not not have the word 'TRUST' in their lexicon.

    9. Which grioup of people are proud to have produced the most vote thieving president in the history of the world.

    10. Which group pf people have, through fake history, miseducated the entire world into thinking mau mau was a national liberation struggle; when in real sense, it was nothing larger than sporadic land clashes.

    11. Which group of people are responsible for the current land problems in Kenyan because of their exemplary land stealing tactics in the sixties as demonstrated by Kenyatta.

    12. Which group of people are mostly not pure Africans due to numerous rapes that occurred in the White highlands.

    13. Which group of people are the most insincrere when it comes to think ahead and forging a united Kenya.

    14. Which gropu of people are caught up in the web of perpetual victimhood.

    15. Which group of people has produced the highest number of prostitues within the borders of Kenya.

  49. Anon 9.00 AM - I couldn't agree more. When reading your comment I remembered something Robert Ouko once told me when he asked me if I knew the difference between a Luo and a Kikuyu. When I shook my head, he laughed and said: 'It's easy to tell - if you find a man sleeping, just take some coins into your hands and shake them. If it's a Luo, he continues sleeping - but if he is a Kikuyu, he will wake up immediately. That's the difference between us and the Kikuyus. We prefer to learn and read but when it comes to making a living out of it, we are a total failure. A Kikuyu does not even have to go to the University, but he has all the skills to become a successful businessman right from the start.' I couldn't agree more.

    And that's the reason why all of you envy them so much. They make the money which all of you would like to make too, but don't know how and where to start.

  50. Anon at 2.19 am, see my answers below.

    1. Maybe you ‘re right here. As far as I know, all kenyan tribes behave like this. In fact, human beings the world over behave like this. Why are you singling out the kikuyu?

    2. Again, several tribes in Kenya behave like this. Why are you singling the kikuyu. By the way, there is nothing to be ashamed of our tribe.

    3. Again, several tribes do this. Why are you singling out the kikuyu?

    4.ODM supporters, who, by the way, happen to be right all the time and know everything. Just like you.

    5. Who told you that was the sole reason?

    6. Again, what a genius you are. How do you know that’s the reason kikuyus did not vote ODM. Have you considered other reasons, like Raila’s involvement in the 1982 coup, Kibaki’s economic and other successes (poverty reduction by 10%, etc) and not wanting the kalenjin thugs Ruto and Kosgey back in govt (as well as Musalia the goldenberg thug)?

    Look at the ODM ministerial line up – Raila (cooperason with Moi), Ruto, Kosgey, Ntimama, etc – is that your version of change?

    7. I don’t know what childrens jobs you are talking about. I don’t know who doesn’t want to talk about it. I don’t get your point here.

    8. I don’t know the answer to your questions. This issue has been debated exhaustively, and governmental job lists published. Appointments are also made on merit, not tribe.

    You may be referring to the kalenjin here. This happened during Moi’s era

    9. I don’t know. Other than a small clique, most kikuyus are poverty stricken just like other Kenyans.

    The kalenjins benefited immensely during Moi’s era, but I don’t see you complaining.

    10. I don’t know the answer to these questions. If you have evidence, please produce it.

    If most k-street girls are kyuks, it’s a reflection of the city, which has a huge kyuk population anyway. This is basic statistics. Let’s avoid superficial analyses.

    11. Please produce your evidence. Again, if most Kenyans abroad are kyuks, it wouldn’t be unusual for them to have the most embarrassments, as well as successes. This is basic statistics. Let’s avoid superficial analyses.

    12. I don’t know. Maybe most kikuyus believe so. But maybe so do people from other tribes. I have been engaged in arguments with several of my kikuyu tribesmates who believe Kibaki stole the elections.

    What glaring evidence do you have –unverified numbers provided by KTN on election day? Raila strongholds having the highest voter turnouts compared to Kibaki strongholds? Kibaki turnouts being consistent with history, unlike Raila stronghold turnouts?

    13. Even Israel was created for the jews because they were constantly being victimized. Kikuyus are always being attacked for fabricated reasons, like the ones you gave in your post. So they deserve the most protection.

    14. See my answer to question 13.

    In addition, the violence was started by non-kikuyus, so what evacuation did they deserve.

    For more education, see the post by Anon at 9 am.

  51. even GEMA has finally acknowledged that the increasing animosity needs to be approached delicately, so why dont the minions posting here borrow a leaf and focus on other national issues


  52. Am an ODM damu and a small businesman in Nrb - most of my customers are nyumbas. One thing this post election violence has done is to unite the group for the first time. If you guys were complaining before, i dont what you will say now. When people realise people hate them for nothing ( as i see in nrb) - they coalesce together and create deep roots. There may no longer be kiambu kikuyu, muranga, kirinyaga etc. These guys are tight. This violence may have affected them but it has now made them even stronger. Time will. ODM tufanye aje

  53. I would forgive any non-Kenyan who from reading this blog, walks away with the idea that the other 41 tribes became extinct! Yet really when put against our frothing enemies, we are the minority. somehow the 1 continues to dominate the 41 despite the heckling, despite the ethnic cleansing, despite the constant crying on the blogs. Keep hating, we are going to keep on prospering and praying that one day you evolve and join the league.

  54. This anti-Kikuyu sentiment is too much. What has gone wrong Kenyans? Isn't this just a class struggle manifesting itself through tribe? I know marginalization of the surrounding provinces has a big part to play. But the 'contested' vote has brought out the worst side of Kenyan society.

    Historical issues aside, the political class really needs to find lasting solutions. Enough of this bro-against-bro crap. We need lasting solutions, starting with a new constitution to ease the animosity. Will the GC deliver? Enough, please.

  55. Chris, go to and get an education. The level of debate here is just pathetic, starting with you. I dare you to post something on Kenyaimagine. You will be torn to shreds and probably end up beating your Kikuyu wife in frustration.

  56. Robert Ouko once told me when he asked me if I knew the difference between a Luo and a Kikuyu. When I shook my head, he laughed and said: 'It's easy to tell - if you find a man sleeping, just take some coins into your hands and shake them. If it's a Luo, he continues sleeping - but if he is a Kikuyu, he will wake up immediately. That's the difference between us and the Kikuyus. We prefer to learn and read but when it comes to making a living out of it, we are a total failure. A Kikuyu does not even have to go to the University, but he has all the skills to become a successful businessman right from the start.' I couldn't agree more.

    And that's the reason why all of you envy them so much. They make the money which all of you would like to make too, but don't know how and where to start.

    10:50 AM

    TO ANON 10:50 AM


    If at all it is Dr Ouko who told you that, then he meant this: A Luo believes in hard word and likes to cash only the amount he has sweated for.

    On the other hand a Kikuyu wants to earn when a sleep. He wants to cash any amount he never seriously worked for. A mister Gikonyo (DN 31 May 2008) gave an example of a matatu driver getting more cash from passengers. There are many examples.

    It's true a Kikuyu is not more clever or more industrious than other Kenyans. A Kikuyu is known in Kakamega (my home town) as sly, corrupt, brutal at night and ready to risk his life for money. No morality when money is involved.

  57. Kimi,

    Thanx for those comments and I will absolutely allow for a bit of reasoning on this.

    I am sure that I have taken the flak not for my reasoning, but for a simple reason that I condemn a section of the polity in our country.

    I do not hate any of the ODM politicians, their campaign machinery or the citizenry of my country.

    Kimi, as a forum that enhances community cohesion, political deliberation and participation, I have found KUMEKUCHA to form that VOID that has existed since the concept of democracy and the PUBLIC SPHERE that allows for such kind of democracy. That is e-democracy.

    While kenyaimagine has its strong points that are incomparable at times, I believe that the citizen mobilisation on this blog can also be improved and serve as a forum to promote political participation outside the formal elections. (I have a few friends who blog there and once in a while I visit).

    In my humble words to those who have made this blog a pig-sty by posting skewed tribally-engineered posts should note that it is all about policy deliberation, collaborative information sharing, social capital, and plugging civil societal networks into the established representative processes at the local and national levels. Simple!

    It is not about the KIKUYU THIEVES, MT KENYA, LESOTHO, CENTRAL LESOTHO, GEMA and NAME-CALLING, it is all about changing the shape of the institutional processes that are central to the political system; political parties, and even sadly noted, election campaigns and political process (not calling for the killing of certain members of the society).

    I have a lot of respect for Chris and the personal rapport that I do engage with him and it ends there. I have my personal respect for him and that goes a very long way. I believe he is one of a kind.

    But I would take a pique on some situations where hatred for a community serve as reasons that make us different in every aspect. The name calling and the hatred and make-believe and know-it-all and unbending discourse make one wonder where creative policy talks and discussion on the internet affecting the social foundations of our citizenship went.

    As Chris said, some of us end up in the murk that is the downside of our political participation. We end up making tribal connotations at the end of it all, and even going to the extreme by getting sucked into the talks that are laced with tribalism, sycophancy and hatred. You end up being called a SPY for no apparent reason.

    To all and those who make comments and personal attacks, either stereotypical or malicious, unfounded comments that have degraded this e-citizenry, please pay a visit (I am not advertising it) and get to terms with mature engagements.


  58. I s nothing else to talk about, nothing else to report than to discuss who is reading and who is commenting to this blog. I am missing the old Kumekucha reporting and creating discussions - sometimes fruitful, sometimes just nuisance ones - but always interesting and always attracting the attention of many. But since some time now we have to wait. Posts are staying here for days and people are becoming tired logging in here and still finding the same outdated posts.

    I understand that Chris has left Kenya. But did he not also promise to keep us informed and updated as before here on Kumekucha?

    Or is this new Kararani-outlet which he is advertising here since some time now, his new venture for which he left Kenya trying to find a new life in the West?

    I think it is time to tell us the truth and not continue hiding.

  59. Its looks to me that majority of you complaining about one tribe suffers from acute low esteem and inferiority complex.
    I suggest to you all, read the book called “What is wrong with being black” book written by an African man and endorsed by former Nigeria president Olusegun Obasanjo and Rev TD Jakes.
    This book provides an in-depth exposition of the so-called pathologies and conformations that afflict the present generation of black people around the world. It also provides some solutions and a lot of hope for the future.

    In this book, you will learn why Black people envy each other, why Africa despite being the most richest continent, people are the poorest of the poor and why African tribalism is still rife in Africa today.
    In the summary of the book, the writer states black people are cursed coz of ancestral idolatry, African witchcraft, slavery, colonialism and our fractious nature are resultant factors of the curse.
    Expect a lot of preaching within, as the writer is a church minister.

    Read it and you will never be the same again, in fact you will begin to celebrate whenever you hear success of your fellow Kenyan regardless of their tribe or political affiliation.

  60. To Anon 5:36 AM - Kenya owes everything it is right now or better was until now to the hard work of mainly Kikuyus who had the vision of building up the tourist industry as well as the industrial areas attracting local and foreign investors - it is thanks to somebody like Dr. Njoroge Mungai who had the vision to attract the UNDP and UNEP Headquarters to Nairobi against many hindrances from other countries - it is thanks to many businessmen and also businesswomen (Kikuyu women are known to have the same sense for business than their male counterparts - just ask Evelyn Mungai, Rose Waruhiu and others) that Kenya florished and most important that Kenya had the reputation of being a rich and stable country.

    I do not underestimate the contribution others have made to reach this and here I especially refer to the Luos whose intelligence and teaching skills have contributed in a different way but both groups formed a strong bond to build a Nation called Kenya.

    Why did and still do certain groups now put all this in doubt? Or is it just this blog which continues to thrive on the tribal differences built up during the last months by certain politicians who had their own selfish reasons at that time - but who - contrary to certain contributors to this blog - have since moved on and left all this nonsense behind.

    Don't you understand that all of you have been used? And if you have some sense left, start thinking beyond all this rubbish of which tribe is the most clever, the most intelligent - or to go with some really stupid comments: which tribe is the most corrupt and ruthless.

    Because the truth is, all of your have participated, all of you have their share in this. Just be honest: Did you never pay or better: did you never receive bribes for whatever reasons?

    Why did you never complain in the past? Why all of the sudden it is such an important issue for some of you? Did you ever hear any of your politicians complain about it - not once did they protest especially not because they were the main recipiants of this and the money in their bank accounts does not 'stink' no matter from which source it was coming (Kikuyu, Luo, Luhya, Kalenjin, Kisii etc etc.) - money never stinks as we say.

    So why don't you move on - get back your life whereever you are or better: try to make your and other people's life a better one.

    If this is the lesson learned out of all this, then it was worth it. But the time has come to stop whining.

    Just look at Raila. He has left all of you behind and enjoys his new life and so do all the others.
    I sometimes have the feeling that it is the goal of this blog to keep the fire burning although the ashes have gone cold some weeks ago. All other Kenyan bloggers have started to see the light at the end of the tunnel, even better have gone into the light of a new Kenya - whereas most of the people visiting this blog are still stucked in the midst of the the darkest part of the tunnel afraid to move on and into the light.

    What are you afraid of? Don't you believe Raila who promised you a better Kenya, one in which everybody can live in fairness and peace? Have the courage to believe him - it is worth it or better, Raila deserves to be trusted. Only if and when you trust him and take him by his words, Kenya as a whole can survive.

  61. anon 8:35 i will not sya that i agree or diasgree with your wild allegations but my question is why then are these kikuyus so reluctant to let someone with better vision remove us from the kikuyu based mediocrity of kiosk ownership mentality to industrialised nation. why wouldnt they just agree that there could be others even more gifted as it were. whats the problem bro/sis

  62. Kwale,

    I dont envy the bros and sis from Central. These people are in a serious mess.

    They dont own land, they dont feel secure in Muranga, Kerugoya, Nyeri, Kikuyu, etc because of the numerous thugs.

    When I was at Kapsabet High, I could enjoy the place until midnight. At Njiris, they told me: enjoy until 4 pm otherwise you are a dead man.

    Why is it safe to walk around at Kapsabet, Kisii, Siaya, Kakamega, Kitale, Homabay, Mbsa, Malindi, Voi UNTIL MIDNITE but not at Nyeri, Kiambu, Karatina, etc? Why? It is safe to walk at nite in the BRONX than dare to walk in Muranga at 4 pm, even if you are a Kikuyu.

    Do you call that civilization? Do you enjoy life under such conditions.


    What we are saying here is not tribalism, we are just pinpointing the bad behaviour you are trying to export everywhere in Kenya.

  63. Anon,

    Credit where it is due, the UNDP HQs was done under a committee that was headed by Joab Henry Onyango Omino. He was actually handpicked in that committee by none other than Mzee Jomo Kenyatta. One, his father, was in the frontline in the independence struggle. Two, he was one of the most eloquent civil servants serving at that time. There is a rumour (it might be true) that when Joab came back from the UK where he visited on a government of UK Scholarship (he passed with flying colours-this is one record), he dad appraoched Kenyatta and asked him why his son cannot be given a good job.

    Omino aside, other people have performed better than Kikuyus in Kenya, but the founding cabinet of Kenya entangled us in the mess that we find ourselves in.

    Serving in half the cabinet posts on offer, they flooded the civil service and it has ended up 'monarchisised'. take it this way, until Moi brought his ilk, it was easy for a retiring Kikuyu civil servant to have his son or daughter employed in his place.

    This, part of the historical injustices meant that for the next 50 years, starting today, Kikuyu will have the hegemonic power in civil service.

    And look at the plum positions. The next Ndiriri is a Kamau, the next police commissioner by seniority is always a Kikuyu (unless Kibaki brings in ALI), the next solicitor general/AG is a kikuyu and the next deputy to a deputy in the government.

    Wonder why there are so many people at the Lands ministry from one tribe, why ministry of finance has more Kikuyus? the answer is since independence, there has been a high and significant presence of the tribe in postiions of power (PS, Minister or CBK).

    They work hard, milk alot of cows, sell flowers, utilise land properly, yes, but the proponents of the HISTORICAL JUSTICES will tell you that they were positioned in plum areas by none other than JOHNSTONE KAMAU NGENGI. Not luck but through 'I have slaughtered a cow, lets have a party. Kuja na kisu yako na kikapu ya kubebea, hapana tumbo peke yake'!


  64. Anon 9:03 AM - why should the successful Kikuyus pass their businesses to the others - if they are so much more clever as you claim, why then don't they start their own businesses or better why did they not do it in the past? What is this crying all about now?

    Is it nost just the fact that you have realized that you will never make it and that others have been more clever? And being clever and businessminded is not 'owned' by the Kikuyus. There are many others coming from various tribes. All of them had ideas and worked hard to realize their dreams and at the end their dreams had become reality.

    And that's what I fear is missing in most of you:

    Having dreams is not enough - having ideas is not enough. What is important is the urge and drive to make things happen and to work hard to win the fight.

    I repeat, everybody can make it. But it is easier to envy than to fight - so much easier. But don't blame your parents and your tribal background - blame yourself and nobody else.

  65. What are you afraid of? Don't you believe Raila who promised you a better Kenya, one in which everybody can live in fairness and peace? Have the courage to believe him - it is worth it or better, Raila deserves to be trusted. Only if and when you trust him and take him by his words, Kenya as a whole can survive.

    8:35 AM

    @anon 8:35
    I dont know how old you are, but I sense that you are clever, well educated but young and naive.

    The history of our country is not so clean, the way you have put it.

    Kenyatta did sad things to the Luos. Many Kenyans are just realising now how Kikuyus also suffered under him. They were thrown out of their mother land, which the white man had stolen. Kenyatta stole the land for the second time.

    Then came Moi, who declared and indeed practised the bad act of Kenyatta politics: Fuata Nyayo! It is again the Luos who said No to this rubbish. A few Kikuyus joined them but just to protect their riches (as we have now learnt- Kiraitu the clean ruler who ended up raping a willing woman).

    Then came Kibaki, whom all Kenyans(except Kikuyus) trusted to change Kenya. Gema wanted Uhuru, mind you. Kibaki soon turned to bad leadership of his predecessors (we are unbwogable, everyth is possible without Moi were bygones to him). Anglo-Leasing, Artur Bro saga, etc, Goldenberg revisited his senior miniters. He did nothing. Commissions followed commissions.

    Then came the gen elections. All Kenyans wanted a change and elected ODM with its leader Raila to take over. Kibaki started the first post-election violence by hitting and chasing all journalists, ODM leaders and internat observers from KICC. He then declared himself the winner Mobutu style.

    All Kenyans went crazy, except (Kikuyus and a few Kambas). Even otherwise moderate Kales could not take it and sought to violence. The Luos known for their anti-gov habbits were sent GSU to calm them, just as Kenyatta and Moi had done years ago.

    Now country mate, do you want us to cheer Kibaki and let him further practise his dirty game ?

    I'm convinced that Kibaki will seek a 3rd term, just like his Ugandan friend.

    Many people from Nyanza, RV, Western, Nbi and Coast have been let down for too long and want Democracy now. Even if it is Raila or Ruto who will be involved in a scandal, I assure you that they will be kicked out by these sensitive voters.

    My hope is that the Central People will wake up one day and differentiate between light and darkness. In my eyes they are still deep a sleep, when even Kales have realized that good governship is healthy for a country as a whole (they kicked the ass of all Moi sons).

  66. You know, if Karen Blixen, the famous Danish writer and the former resident of Karen Estate in Nairobi was to come back to life, she would be very disappointed by the way you attack ‘her kikuyus’. This aristocratic Danish woman fought tirelessly for ‘her Kikuyus’ squatters to be relocated to ‘somewhere they can call theirs’. And the colonial Govt heeded to her plea, which resulted in many Kikuyus being resettled in Dagorreti and in Waithaka while others were resettled in the RV.
    Even after leaving Kenya in 1931, she continued to write poignantly about ‘her Kikuyus’ and many people around the world knows about Kikuyus after her life was immortalized by the Oscar winning film “Out of Africa”.
    Please the Karen rest in peace by stopping attacks on her beloved Kikuyus.

  67. Chris, you once told me that controversy is the heart of journalism. That's how I take your post.

  68. Ritch,

    Controversy SELLS. If you are to buy a newspaper and it reads KIBAKI ATTENDS WEDDING and another paper has...RAILA CRUSHES COALITION DEAL. Which one will you go for???

    I will not read a story that says " adui yetu..."


  69. Anon 9.30, I think Kwale was giving a general overview of black people. And it’s very true, go to USA or street of Britain today; crimes of blacks on blacks are amongst the highest. Look what has been happening in South Africa lately, blacks chasing other blacks because they think they have taken over their country. Go to the streets of Sao Palo in Brazil, the murder rate in black neighborhood his the highest in the world.
    Something is wrong with the black race and it’s not until we realize it, will continue to blame others and never move forward.

  70. Chris
    are you ok , its been three days no post .We are worried please say something even if its here on the comments section.

  71. Title deed fraud should be probed

    Published on May 31, 2008, 12:00 am

    The story of a widow, 78, left homeless after a relative sold her land in Mathira, Nyeri, is sad.

    The grandmother’s plight is just a tip of the iceberg. Many other gullible Kenyans continue to be disinherited by their relatives in collusion with Lands ministry and provincial administration officers. A while back, the ministry introduced a petty rule, "Name correction". This gave leeway to rogue relatives, unethical Lands officials and chiefs to alter names on title deeds.

    The fraudsters usually take the form to the lands office where the application for the "name correction" is gazetted. Any interested party is supposed to raise objection within three months. Unfortunately, some of those who can object to the name change are illiterate or minors. At the expiry of the gazette notice, the ministry approves the name correction. Such fraud mostly happens when a husband or father dies without leaving behind a will. The fraud has increased family fights and even murders.

    The Government should set up an inquiry into all land titles where names have been corrected. Those found guilty should be held accountable.

    Aggrey Kulali,




  72. Deroo 9:37

    i've followed your contributions here and find them factual but you are forever at loggerheads with ODM supporters due to a patronizing/aggressive attitude typically found in PNU supporters.

    PNu supporters almost all to the last man, have a condescending attitude and are here and in any other forum to "disseminate profound words of wisdom"

    take Kwale's statement which almost implies that before an ODMer "rises to a certain level" they have to read, what kwale must have found inspiring. get real folks, no-one has a monopoly of knowledge and the solutions we are seeking have troubled mankind for centuries. these so called morsels of intelligence or wisdom are not only misplaced but in bad light and will keep us cycling here on the same spot for many more years to come.

    and anon 9:51, you just proved chris right that there are some people who cannot read/understand the entire context. no-one wants to take away kikuyu business, private enterprise is private, its public service and administration we are concerned about. the problem is that there an increasingly significant number of people that cannot differentiate these entities because the leaders have thoroughly corrupted the systems for personal (cronies, tribesmen, etc) gain


  73. GEMA REVIVED. Kenyans have a reason to get scared. These people are planning to buy your land or take it by force.

    Kibaki will go for a third term and he will get it, thanks the funds GEMA will pump in. Which law will he obey? All he needs is GSU, VoK, money and money.

  74. reading the discourse on this site amuses and yet scares me at the same time. it is very easy to fall into the trap of blaming certain tribes for the ills of an entire country instead of looking towards the political class and the alleged leaders in this country and ask them what the hell they are doing to better us as a whole. not certain tribes, not certain areas, but all of us. after all, no man is an island after all and all that.

    its time to realise that we have been duped. instead of looking at the political class as divided into odm and pnu we need to look at them as a monolith who will stop at nothing to get into power and stay there. as soon as kibaki and co announced themselves the winner and odm joined the coalition it has become more about paychecks and fancy cars and less about development and how to get the country out of a slump. kenya can have 40+ ministers who can write the best policies out there but anyone with half a brain can tell you that if there is no money to implement these things then we are right where we started - bloated government more concerned with arguing semantics than what is really going on.

    so, as we sit here discussing which tribe is evil, which tribe is prone to flashiness, which tribe is more likely to slurp its porridge in a certain way (that obviously is bad for kenya) the political class is cashing their paychecks. money that kenyans pay as taxes and that we beg from foreign countries is used to assuage egos and further political careers as we struggle to feed our families. as other commenters have said, most politicians have moved on and we the citizenry are left to argue amongst ourselves about which tribe is to blame instead of focusing on the old men and women determined to have power at whatever cost.

    i only wish that the amount of time we spent spewing forth tribal stereotypes and rumours was chanelled towards holding those we voted for accountable for their promises, as we sit here seriously (?) debating whether or not a certain tribe can read and other assorted assumptions kenya does not progress. we are stuck in the same rut that our politicians threw us in of pointing the finger at fellow wanainchi instead of at the waheshimiwa (odm pnu independent, whatever) who as far as i am concerned only think of number 1.

    i am assuming that all people on this comment board debating and hashing out imaginary controversies and issues have some level of life experience and education. how can we this forget to see that when it comes to the political class, its the same crook different coat? really, peoples who's political affiliations change as often as the tide are not to be trusted irregardless of whatever tribe they are from.

    i hope more from kenyans actively involved in taking charge of the future of the country. then again, i am exposed to both sides who feel that making gross generalisations is preferable to realising that the ruling class is far removed from the ordinary kenyan. i wonder how long it will take for the disillusioned to come t their senses and realise what we need is a totally new type of leadership in kenya along with a changed attitude from those doing the voting.

    then again, maybe, then i want too much from my brethren. i will sit back and get both amused and appalled at the discourse going on that has nothing to do with the real issues and everything to do with innuendo, gossip and stereotypes. long live kenya.



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