Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Balance Behind Sanity


  1. Kumekucha,

    Nawe utatuonyesha mambo kweli! Whats the pot all about? Why does the picture adorn Kumekucha? What is in the pot? Who is carrying it? Whats the moral of the picture? All the same, if the pot were to carry water, am not sure it would reach home. There is a problem with balancing? Whats this all about?

    Mzee wa kijiji

  2. Taabu,

    May i ask? shld i just enjoy the picture ama there is a message behind the picture. You know my art & craft teacher told me that pictures are not just pictures but they do have a meaning ... what is the meaning of this is one?
    What about the title?

    Swali tu?

  3. ill give it a try
    i think the picture depicts/symbolises the difficult position Raila is caught up in , on one hand he has to please the govt (read kikuyu ) and on the other his supporters (read rest of kenyans esp kalenjins) it will take a skillfull act of balancing to end up with both sides on his side either side.It may also mean the delicate balance of power btwn ODM and PNU, one slip and the GCG is down na maji yakisha mwagika haya zoleki !

  4. Mzee Wa Kijiji & Sayra,

    The message is more in the heading than the image.

    Go back to recent comments/insults, especially from ill-informed individuals, about Raila's recent thanksgiving ceremonies and how these comments degenerated into ethnic wars ending up with apologies and now up to the "Balance behind sanity" with an BALANCING image from.....Raila's homecoming in Bondo!

    Or would you rather the heading was INSANITY AHEAD OF IMBALANCE??????

  5. The photo is showing Ida Odinga - it was published was all explanations in the Standard. It as taken during the homecoming festivities for her husband in Bondo......... Taabu should have clarified this and Kumekucha should have referred to this before publishing it here.

  6. Since the photo is showing Ida Odinga obviously not very used to carry such a pot, does your title Balance behind Sanity mean: Ida is the Balance and Raila is the Sanity or Ida is the Sanity and Raila the Balance??????????? Or none of them is either that or the other - but the pot is both, Sanity and Balance?????????

  7. On a lighter note that picture depicts a real black african woman......The weight, you see an african woman should be big she should not look like she is suffering from anorexia, the pot symbolizez that she is good in the kitchen can cook, carry water and yes on a further lighter note the woman should not go slapping people ovyo ovyo her place is beside the husband supporting him through thick and thin and submitting even when she is not loved.....That is the price of being woman


  8. Kudos Ivy. You captured the picture very well.

  9. Ivy,

    Hata wewe utatufunza mengi kweli, you got all that from that pot picture?

    I can't even figure out what its about, all I see is a beautiful lady "trying" to balance a pot on her well done hair. If the title was balance behind the prevailing insanity, maybe I would have had something to say. Oh well, its a good thing am not an artist.

  10. Precisely Phil, hehehe Ivy.

    Lakini the person who made that round thing for balancing the pot missed the size. Ama the size is symbolic? With artists you never know. They are able to explain (read, read their own things?) in anything, everything and sometimes nothing. Otherwise Ida looks as good as ever. If the pot is symbolic in terms of size and possibly the weight then i dont envy that lady any bit.


  11. having removed the identifiers, the total word count on this page is about 600

    lends credibility to the statement a picture speaks a thousand words. nuff said.


  12. Gentleman

    The size is not symbolic at all that is where Ida missed it, it is supposed to be the size of the pot, the bottom part so that when you put the pot up it doesn't sit directly on your head, you understand!!! You see the inflation thing is affecting even our hair....These are the days that being a woman is just too expensive.

    Wanjiku you see all women want to look like Beyonce but apparently the real african woman is big like the fat lady on Monday's standard big issue, the only problem is that i have tried all that is in the books but the weight has just refused to come....So i gave up!!!


  13. @Gentleman 2:31

    Quite so. The ring is not meant to be a fancy hair band but should be balancing the weight of the ungainly pot...analogous to the unwieldy grand coalition that will soon be crashing down on our heads in the absence of a harmonious ring of intentions to hold it in place.

  14. Ivy this is the right time to give up on gaining weight. With sky rocketing food prices I see no chance of weight coming your way hehehee.

    However it may be good news for people on the opposite side. They'll slim down wapende wasipende. At this rate people will be forced to cut their food portions by a clean half!

  15. Thanks Kumekuchans for letting me know its Ida. I bet we would have passed each other.

    On a differnt note though - Fellow africans, do you realise why we are so poor, unproductive and die young. Imagine that pot in our mothers or sisters head for years? Imagine them carrying water with it and tell me how many years they shall live to enjoy this world? You would only need to go to the river once a day and you are done, yet you shall be so tired by the end of the day, while other women in other parts of the world are making money. The effort they put is not worth the few litres of water they home. This is wasting useful energy.

    Naomba Jameni, we bring tap water to our fellow village folks and plastic containers. To me Ida is reminding the PM about this. Period. Lets not take pride in carrying those heavy gadgets, they are mediaval and archaic. They are silent killers. The women in this blog should have been the first to protest about the picture, yet they are celebrating.

    Its sad that in the 21st century we should take pride in carrying water pots. Naomba tuondoe hii picha. Am yet to get the moral of the picture. Please help.

    Mzee wa kijiji

    Hope this is still not

  16. Mzee wa kijiji what do we mean that the women were celebrating? We were just saying the truth. Did you read y'days paper? didn't we not have a rationing timetable of water in Nairobi...So if the govt cannot give Nairobians water, what makes you think it will give the villagers water?
    We didn't protest coz: Ida was just showing us that whatever i can do she can do it better and the hustle i go through, she once passed through and knows the pain.
    Didn't we say on a lighter note...Easen up mzee you will grow old and wrinkless too quickly!!!


  17. sorry, Mzee plastic again?


  18. Rather than further confuse matters here is an article published by DN in 2001

    like i said b4

    nuff said


  19. She is a fat ugly bitch!


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