Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Real Culprits

Guest Post By Sam O. Okello

Fellow Kenyans,

The other day I heard Martha Karua speak eloquently in support of Kalonzo Musyoka's contention that those who committed crimes against humanity during the horrible weeks after the stolen elections must be punished. I fully agree with these two characters, but only if everybody is indeed punished. I don't need to go over the manner in which the election was stolen. The arrogance and impunity speaks for itself. What Kenyans need to remember, before we embark on the administration of justice, is that there are levels of responsibility in the manner in which events unfolded. Here is my list of the levels.

1. President Kibaki. This man, back in 2002, was elected by Kenyans to unite the nation. His presidency brought Kenya tribal hatred, an economy skewed against the poor and an election that he refused to concede. Now, the reason Kibaki should face punishment before anybody else is...he was the head of state. He was the one whose security apparatus presided over the killing and maiming of innocent Kenyans. Had he chosen to walk away after losing the elections, nobody would have died. For him to now turn around and blame others for the mess he orchestrated tells us a lot about this man's character. What a shameless goon!

2. Samuel Kivuitu. This man presided over a sham election. He knew that Kibaki had lost the election and yet went ahead to declare him the winner. Did Kivuitu hope that Kenyans would just fold up and accept a stolen election? And just how much was he paid to swing the thing Kibaki's way? It's my contention that had Kivuitu not accepted a bribe, and had he not called the election for Kibaki, Kenyans would not have needlessly died. For him to still occupy the chairmanship of the ECK speaks to what kind of a man he is. How dumb!

3. John Michuki. This man was in charge of internal security. He led the police force in brutalizing Kenyans, killing men women and children. If it can be proved that he coordinated efforts with the Mungiki, then indeed this is the man who killed Kenyans. He is responsible for the atrocities the forces committed against Kenyans. For him to sit out there and pretend he is innocent makes a mockery of the judicial system in Kenya. Idiot.

4. Uhuru Kenyatta. I watched this man in Nakuru at the height of the election violence. He was on a track, ostensibly on a mission to bring peace to Nakuru. But his body language spoke about his true intentions. He was in Nakuru to cheer the murderous Mungiki on. What does he know about the Mungiki? What does he know about how the election theft was planned? What made him insist he was going to be in government several months before the elections? To the extent that Kenyans died, Uhuru Kenyatta cannot escape blame for helping orchestrate the game plan that led to the death of Kenyans.

5. General Ali. The police commissioner is a man I pity. It's now clear that he so deplored the tactics employed by the Kibaki people that he resigned. But he was marched back to work. He catches blame because as the man who is responsible for the actions of his officers, he should have stopped their murderous campaign. If he feared for his life, like I'm aware he was, he should have fled the country. Honor is a great thing, General.

Guys, that's my list. Now, I know there will be people who ask why Ruto's name doesn't make my list. It's for the same reason I leave out the Mungiki and the Kalenjin warriors who raided an Eldoret church and fought like hell to drive out the invading Mungiki. What I'm saying is that The Mungiki and The Kalenjin warriors were responding to events that were planned by the five culprits I mentioned above. Did you expect the Kalenjin warriors to sit by and watch the wholesale slaughter of their children and wives? Did you expect the Mungiki to watch as their community in the diaspora was decimated by the rest of Kenya? I don't think so. These brave boys all fought to protect their people...even if they did it for the wrong reasons. By fighting like they did, they fought other people's wars. They fought a war planned by Kibaki's people.

So when the time comes to punish the evil people, we must start with Kibaki and go down the chain. This situation where the people who planned the evil are excused and the small man who valiantly fought to defend himself is blamed will not stand. It may now, but as sure as the sun sets in the east, it will only breed more discontent and will bring us the next implosion.

Is anybody listening?

If you are, here is my proposal. Punish Kibaki and his team, the people who led us down this path, or let the boys in prisons across Kenya go. We will not allow the fat cats to dump their foolishness on the small man. And to the small man, the time has come to think of Kenya in different terms. Aren't we tired of fighting the wars of these tycoons? Why do we kill each other for them?

I ask the Mungiki leadership, the young Luos around the world, the Kalenjin warriors, the youthful Luhya Brigade and the Coastal Vijana to rethink their political and economic situation. Maybe the time has come to worry about a future beyond these people. Maybe Luke Mboya is right to ask for a shift in our thinking. Maybe only younger leaders will save us.

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  1. Thanks for the post. So, Chris do you see why Kenya is doomed? If Kibaki, prosecutes (Ruto), then he must do the same to UK and Martha and Prof. Saitoti. In short, Kibaki will try to drag the RVP ODM luminaries to court, and then ODM will protest. Then Ministers will throw mud at each other here and there. Then the Coalition Of New Democratic Orange Movement (CONDOM) Government will collapse. Then we'll have the IDPs, the violence, etc again. Back to Square One.

    Phil, I posed some questions to you and Chris, but you ignored me. Anyway, now Ruto is throwing the spanner in the works. Phil, what is going on in ODM????

  2. no comment. You are just daft.

  3. Aiii the guys you named are heroes because if they had not acted, we could not be here debating today on this great blog. Kenya could have been wiped off the map by savage scum. Michuki saved this country from being obliterated by rampaging thieves, murderers and child killers. Five stars to Gen Ali for commanding our brave forces into defending 45 years of independence from pea brained barbarians! I hope if there's a grudge next time, God forbid, people will be more civilized and follow the rule of law. Violence must never be allowed to succeed whatever the cost!

  4. ODM encourages internal democracy and freedom of expression. Hon Ruto, Hon Namwamba, Hon Bett, et al have the right to express their personal opinion publicly on any issue of national interest. The captain himself is encouraging this by asking MPs to speak their minds freely.

    ODM is at the moment busy at its secretariat preparing to nominate candidates for the forthcoming by-elections.

    The Kreigler commission is going on with its work but parliamentary business has been affecting the work of the Prof. Adeneji. This is expected to improve because parliament adjourned yesterday for 3 weeks.

    I have no reason to panic. You see, this is the problem with Kenyans and its so called mainstream press. They know only Raila can improve daily newspaper sales index and TV viewers hence increased revenues from advertisers.Iko fitina mingi sana kwa headline, people expect ODM/Raila to hold political rallies every weekend.

    Like the captain says, ODM is now a partner in government and it is in process of discharging its mandate.

    On the other hand, I do not agree with the direction taken by Martha Karua and Sam Okello. Personally, I believe only comprehensive reforms, a fair TJRC and equality will bring about sanity back to this country. Retribution and revenge belongs to the 18th Century. Violence begets violence. In any case if we have punish ALL the culprits, who will remain untouched? Even the church is implicated in historical injustices. Even the so called 'freedom fighters' (Mau Mau, Sungu Sungu, Mungiki, Taliban, Chinkororo) are guilty of some atrocities. Politicians are the worst. The press is equally implicated!

    If leaders are sincere with the recent NARA, then I am willing to forgive and forget. How I wish the Okellos and Karuas of this world would do so too.



  6. Kenyan rights body says top military, politicians must stand trial for atrocities in crackdown
    2008-05-15 11:15:56 -

    NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) - Kenya's National Commission on Human Rights says top military and civilian officials must stand trial for the killings of scores of people and the torture of thousands in an operation to stamp out a brutal ethnic militia in western Kenya.
    The state-funded commission says the commanders of the army and police should be charged along with the defense minister and district officials.
    It told reporters Thursday that it has made these recommendations to Kenya's attorney general but hinted that if he does not pursue prosecutions it may go to the International Criminal Court.

  7. Anon 2:54 If Kibaki prosecutes Ruto...I am wondering on what charges? Then he not only has to prosecute UK, Martha na hao wengine then he also has to prosecute himself for housing thieves (mungiki) so you see it is getting thicker, My stand has always been prosecute all or none at all.....And before you people start hitting on me that i don't know the pain one goes after loosing a loved one, trust me i know and no amount of time that one spends behind prison bars, will bring that person back....And if it is the issue of money just tell me how much is worth a human being's life?
    I am thinking let us forge ahead na tusahau yaliyopita na tugange yajayo...Any swahili man/woman in the house?


  8. Chris

    please let us know the story behind the apointment of Musalia as local gvt minister and why he has not overturned all the shit done to the local authorities in terms of councellors nominations and subsquent mayoral elections by his predecessor. Isnt that a sign of weakness or did somebody put in a word for him because he is known to be weak.

  9. IVY,
    Take a deep brethe save yourself energy you can use to copy the dictionaty or bible. Selective logis and application of the law is a speciality of scoundrels and they are at it now. Don't bother explaining anything lest you run short of brethe. Si they can demand refunds from their schools?

    A toilet never screams for a perfume. Similarly Kibaki is neck deep in SHIT and has no moral authority to say or do anything resembling good. Leaves you wondering whether appearance has a direct correlation to quality of character.

  10. There are some idiots on this blog whos thinking is serously messed up. There is a place for protest in any civilised nation bad reaction to protest by the gava is another thing and is very uncivilised.....When kenyans went to war against the colonialists they must have broken a lot of laws. For the hundreth time law is by the people, for the people, the people can change it or disregard it. The people come before the law not the other way around.If your thinking even a bit you will notice that the current laws in kenya are illegal or largely overtaken by events thats why we are all craving a new constitution.One can easily have a law that says all kuyos should be this country once there was a law that practically criminalised being black,..all you have to do is have it on that document called the kenyan constitution. Get the point? Slow thinkers are a problem.
    The law justifies nothing. what we want is justice and okello is right kifucky's crime is so huge that he should be hanging by a noose like now and not talking crap
    anyone supporting him is clearly delusional, loving you tribe is one thing defending a criminal like kifucky reduces you two levels below him, if they exist that is cause kifucky is right at the bottom. The police must keep order but if they prove to be partial then they are worse than the devil, never mind what the 'law' says now lets also remeber the likes of Ochuka and all the sababa people killed in the past who fought for a better kenya. A lot of ppl blowing hot air here have never done anything for anybody sacrificially in their entire life.....Martha Karua and Saitoti have nothing positive to contribute, they have never been part of a progressive government that is geared towards development thats why all they can do in court controversy. Its funny how ppl humor them by saying they may be presidential candidates come which kenya? who will vote saitoti? Kibz struggled so much and yet he had so much goodwill...all these other crooks better forget, uhuru could not do it even with MO1 at his side....

    Sir Alex

  11. Phil, thanks for cooling my veins (but just a bit). You know, I am ODM like I said before. That's why I care so much whenever "we" read from different scripts. All the same, all ODM supporters should stand together. Wailer, relax. Don't forget that everyone is looking at/for Raila now. Hata bibi akikutandika, you seek appointment with the PM. That's why if Raila says something "unfavourable" today (what Orengo has been saying), then we'll have IDPs again. However, Phil, please tell the RVP MPs to tone down kidogo bwana. The kind of politics they are playing belonged to the past. Ruto, if he's not behind this, should reign on these guys. He can! You know the story Moi told us about buying a hen from the market? These guys need to be kicked before they move.

    All in all Phil, I am writing a book, but I am putting it on hold kidogo. Do you know the title: "A Political Orbituary of Raila Amollo Odinga!"

    Chief Dr. Al Hajj M.A. Minus Opportunity Nanga, MP. (Annon 2.54 AM).

  12. Mr Okello,
    For a moment there I felt like saying no comment but no no, for me this is seriously obtuse thinking and if every Kenyan thought like you then we all doomed. I mean, how can you even start to say things like Uhuru should be punished Because ‘his body language spoke about his true intentions’ and yet you go on to try and justify why Ruto is a genuine Kalenjin Warrior and therefore immune to justice and due process. You simply have to give us more than this otherwise please avoid speaking or writing just for the sake of it. Your whole piece is self defeating and prescribes the Kenya we don’t want to a tee. Please re-read your article but only carefully this time and try seeing why it makes no sense whatsoever.

  13. M-pesa you need to make up your brains asap. Mara the blog is great, mara it's degenerating into mashada, mara it's having links to porn sites. is it not in those you're callin porn sites that you also leave comments. hypocrite!!

  14. This post by Sam and subsequent comments brings out clearly a serious dilemma we have faced as a country for 45 years but more so in the last 30 years, and we must collectively seek and/or sambaza viable way out.

    i redefine the problem as over the years, politicians and other persons in leadership, either by design or inadvertently have committed minor or large scale crimes (which include, murder, looting, etc its a long list). In the process of committing these crimes against the kenyan citizen, a number of otherwise law abiding citizens have been manipulated (either because of being gullible or else somehow compromised) to be
    willing accomplices or unknowingly assisted in these crimes. Up to that point most are in agreement

    the bone of contention is what to do about it, where does the sword of justice begin and where does it end? on whom does it land on, and whom does it spare? easiest way out, a no brainer, typical kenyan solution to any complex problem, forgive and forget, create some moribund truth and reconciliation process, allow people to vent then sweep everything under the rug and look for the next atrocity to commit, then repeat the sorry cycle.

    a few mediocre thinkers suggest applying the law, which at face value is the logical thing to do, but stop short when faced with the blunt reality that wheels of justice in kenya are highly selective and partial in favor of ruling or moneyed elite while brutally quick and unfavorable to all others. its therefore obvious that a few footsoldiers will bear the brunt of the law, while the chief architects go free to plan more mischief. (patni, kamani, kivuitu, kibaki, jirongo, etc)

    the best way out and for the sake of the future, is to round up all these crooks including the footsoldiers and make them pay (jail time and/or fines) so that in future anyone trampling on the rights of citizens and/or breaking laws of the country whether citizen or foreigner (artur "brothers" etc) will know without doubt that they will pay. this has to start at the top and trickle all the way down which i think is Sam's point. This scenario unfortunately sounds utopian because we (the kenyan citizen) have been rendered toothless with the elite and system plucking out one tooth at a time until finally in 2007 all teeth came out with the only tool for change (voters card) rendered totally irrelevant. The three main contenders are in government and at the top, the opposition at the time (Uhuru/Kanu) is in govt, those voted out (tuju, kibwana, nyaga, etc) are slowly but surely finding their way back in through the backdoors and windows. in the looting corner we have pattni, kamani, mobitela, jirongo, ephraim maina, etc suddenly finding good graces and opportunities to wedge back in.

    we the citizens need to find ways to grow back some teeth. the laws governing us (as Sir Alex points out) should be for our well being. Politicians are supposed to further our agendas and not their own, we need to develop methods to instill that. police are supposed to uphold the law, not intimidate and be used to settle scores or for political patronage. and finally institutions and public servants are supposed to operate efficiently and with professionalism, lets find teeth to firmly deal with errant practices, behaviour and attitude. If we cannot come up with any teeth to hit at these issues then we can talk all we want, spew all ethnic and political diatribes etc but its all going to be running on empty. I challenge all upright citizens to stand up together with me and others to be counted.

    apologize the lengthy monologue


  15. Akala.

    I would hate to see this blog go to waste that's why I keep hoping and hanging on there for the best. Just imagine a world without hope? It's up to history to judge Kibaki and co and really not us although we can opine some few lines. The biggest problem with many of us is tribal minded bigotry in thinking that the president is not good enough no matter what he does unless he stems from your own tribe.

  16. Akala, why would anyone in his right mind engage M-pesa in a conversation

  17. anon2:54 AM
    why do you say RUTO is throwing spanner in works?? what by the way do you call democratic rights in your PNU circles??

    Ruto is voicing his rights as a kenyan and the whole odm !! why can't people see it that way instead of spreading propaganda ati Ruto and Raila don't seem to agree?? who said they have to agree on everything??
    the argument I believe is what is for the best interest of kenya and it is debatable!!
    so stop spinning irrelevant stories and propaganda here it will not work to undermine odm as a unified party- !

  18. anon3:16 AM

    a fool like you need to stay in central lesotho. i guess even educating you on kenya history is a waste of time.
    well if you accept that KIBAKI and MICHUKI have a right of executing scum and savages then what are they waiting for??

    we kenyans demand that kibaki hurry up and execute them!!! kibaki has failed kenyan people by not moving fast on this mungiki animals!!!

  19. anon3:26 AM

    are you asleep?? didnt you watch news yesterday regarding the meeting Riala had yesterday with the Kalegins from the Rift Valley and the Mt. Kenya Elders??

    Didn't you hear him say that Saitoti does not talk for the government regarding discussions with the Mt. Elgon militia and mungiki!! raila said the government must address this issues???

    where do you come from spreading lies and propaganda here?? i doubt if you are a Kaleo because then you would know what is happening behind the scenes!!Raila !! Rift Valley Elders and MP`s and mungiki members

    kikuyu PNU mouth pieces like you should be shut up!!

  20. Sir Alex

    4:29 AM

    crooks and murderers are kibaki!!uhuru!!martha karua!saitoti!! michuki!! i add kilonzo musyoka because if he had not supported kibaki and accepted the v.p position kenyans would have not continued dying !!he is a shiate head!period

  21. I cannot believe a man in his right mind can posted an article like this one. What happened after that fateful day of December 27 is abysmal enough but justifying the violence that followed, one must be a raving nutter. This is what makes me cringe-making (ashamed) to be called a Kenyan. Indeed this is a deeply macho morbid society but I can assure you all these acts of thuggery will continue to reverberate world over. It will take an awful long time to restore foreign investors’ faith back to our country. Myself I returned back to this country 3 years ago after many years of absence but already I am packing to go back. I would like to warn any Kenyan in Diaspora NOT to invest here until Kenyans get their acts together.

    We like the blame game in this country and that’s why we have not gone anywhere yet. Ruto has been implicated with killings since 1992. During 1990s land clashes in the RV many Luos, Luhyias, Kikuyus and Kisii were killed, now that he is implicated of killed Kyuks, he has become a hero. This man should have been banged up (locked) long time ago and the keys of nick (prison) through way. Killing people is not fun; it’s an act of depravity which must be condemned.


  22. What we are seeing in ODM is democracy as some of the more enlightened bloggers have commented. Unlike in PNU and other tribal parties ODM which is composed of many different ethnic communities allows differences in opinions amongst its members. ODM has the interest of the nation at heart if not they could have told their supporters to continue to fight the thieves that are the PNU leaders. Unfortunately because of their morals and integrity any thing that can be used against them for cheap political mileage is used by PNU and to a lesser degree but nontheless the press to put ODM in a negative light. I hear people saying Agwambo has written his political obituary, but if there is anyone in current Kenyan politics who should not be underestimated it is this man, After all the constitution had to be changed for him because while he was gracious enough in allowing thief in chief kibaki to keep face and remain in office he demanded, sought and got EXECUTIVE POWER. Personally I feel military officers and police should be brought to justice and if they have anything in their defense that provides definitive evidence that their orders came from above (PNU) then they should be brought to justice. The same thing should be apply to those who use violence to fight the thieves in PNU after election theft, but those arrested should be released until they are proven guilty. Otherwise Kibaki Uhuru, Karume and others kleptomaniacs in PNU need to be arrested as well.

  23. Sam Okello - do you really want to tell us that the Kalenjins and Ruto did the right thing when they killed and burnt those women and children in the church? Because according to you they followed an 'honourable' cause? Do you really want to say that if 'only' Kikuyu women and children died, this is right? Because a Kikuyu is of lesser value than a Luo? Just because Kibaki, Uhuru and others are of the 'wrong' tribe also all the others have to be killed and their murderers are even right doing this? Is this the way you try to paint Kenya in your (American) world? Or is your post serving as a prologue to another book of yours?
    Kenya needs hope and reconciliation and not people calling for more injustice and hate.
    Even Raila Odinga has understood this and also you should follow in his footsteps. Don't you think so?

  24. The Ego of Sam Okello cannot allow him to stand on the side as important things are happening. The Fool Sam Okello has convinced himself that he is a power mover and shaker and that his opinion is coveted. IT IS NOT!!

    Sam Okello, you liar, you came to this blog and threatened to close it down like you did another one of my blogs.

    Sam Okello, you liar, you came to this blog and told people that you have received a dossier that was dropped at your feet when you opened the door at night.

    Sam Okello, Liar, you came here and lied saying that the contents of the dossier were too much for you to bear. You asked us to stop crying because Raila was crying in his bedroom at night like a Luo witchdoctor.

    Sam Okello, even before all these took place, you advised us that the Kibaki Government would not last for 3 days, then 7 days, now we are headed to the budget. Should we believe you?

    Sam Okello, do what you do best. Write cheap fictional political and romantic thrillers from 'borrowed' storylines. Stick to what you do in the US of A.

    Sam Okello, we have enough of you.

    I remain anonymous.

  25. What i dont understand about this blog is why the kikuyu are always wrong, the luos and kalenjins right all the time.

    What i dont understand is why the blogger thinks all kikuyus rigged th elections and Rao and Ruto did nott rig.

    What i dont understand is why the intellectuals are the ones hitting kikuyus yet they only did the honourable thing - to vote democratically just like any one did. Is it undemocratic to vote some one other than Raila?

    Is nt this dictatorial?

    Tell me

  26. What i dont understand about this blog is why the kikuyu are always wrong, the luos and kalenjins right all the time.

    What i dont understand is why the blogger thinks all kikuyus rigged th elections and Rao and Ruto did nott rig.

    What i dont understand is why the intellectuals are the ones hitting kikuyus yet they only did the honourable thing - to vote democratically just like any one did. Is it undemocratic to vote some one other than Raila?

    Is nt this dictatorial?

    Tell me

  27. Are you actually saying that this Sam Okello has even gone as far as writing a book..? with this kind of half baked thinking too… if its true then lord save us all for we have no hope in a million years and I feel ever so sorry for his readership. Sincerely so

  28. I see your point but the reality is that Kibaki is not going to prison anytime soon. What Kenya needs right now is a scapegoat. We know it's not going to be Mungiki or the Kalenjin Warriors for these are politically protected groupings.

    For the nation to heal, we must consolidate all election atrocities and pile them onto one person. I suggest that this person be Kalonzo Musyoka. I'm sure we can think of some trumped up charges that will see this man in jail for years. Were it not for Musyoka, our revolution would have gone full circle. Kina Kibaki would be grazing goats at the base of Mt. Kenya and everybody would be happy. Instead, we now have a frustrated population that cannot easily be appeased. Matusi na madharau is on the increase. I say, put Kalonzo in jail and set free everybody else. Believe me, even the Kambas will cheer for this this will save them from a lot of continued embarrassment.

  29. M-pesa receive a huge E-hug if you may. The problem is the language M-pesa. Use foul language and we shall hear you. Use good language and we shall still hear you. Good language is kinder to your heart, your blood pressure and to your fingers - and of course to your fellow bloggers.

  30. anon 8:08 AM
    go wipe your mouth in kibaki's toilet and come back here and post facts not propaganda about Ruto- you think by repeating martha karua's mantra you will make people believe your propaganda?? do you recall your master PNU document talking about Ethnic cleansing in Rift Valley before it even happened?? date published pnu master piece Novembers 25th 2007??

    take your pick who burned those people in the church?? PNU and it's mungiki soldiers - a very well laid out plan before even elections happened!!
    How did PNU and Martha Karua Know that there was going to be Genocide in Rift Valley??
    Kibaki, Martha Karua and cronies knew they were going to lose the elections and in order to confuse the country they took the leaf right out of moi's black note book- strategic planning and blame it on odm the world will be in shock and that will give us time to rig elections and stay in power!!

    kikuyu's kill their own mothers and relatives for money!! wha is a few unknown kikuyu's from rift valley to them???


  31. Im sure at this point Raial wishes had had just settled for leader of opposition na kazi iendeleee , now he is in bed with some of the worst killers starting with Kibaki.

  32. Sam Okello's past prophecies after the General Elections:

    The Government was according to him lasting just 5 days - then it was 5 weeks - now it is 5 months ..... and still the Messias Sam Okello dares to open his mouth preaching to his Fellow Kenyans.

    Come back in 5 years and then we can talk again. Until then, just shut up.

  33. Kalonzo would not last in prison, he is a COWARD to the highes degree. I do not think Raila and ODM could nor should have accepted to be in the Opposition, because to begin with they won the elections, furthermore doing so would be accepting that Kibaki won the elections which even for the blindest of the blind is quite clear he lost. Kibaki is also a coward (A thief as well) but what makes matters worse is that this coward had and perhaps still has millions of supporters. Someone commented earlier that why are Kikuyus always perceived to be wrong and Luos and other tribes right, I do not agree with that argument either but I will say that almost from the onset of Kenyatta's presidency kenyatta and his elite associates and relatives from mount kenya region have been STEALING from Kenyans that is why theirs is such disparity between the provinces and why groups like Mungiki exist.

  34. anon @ 1:49PM, what do you have against our brilliant son from the lake. atleast Sam Okello has shown us he's got some brains. show us what you're made of. come back in five years if you can. will you?

  35. I feel Raila and Co. are taking the country for granted. Mr. PM where is the 50-50 power sharing. Kikuyus are still holding most high powered jobs. Mr. PM wake up and insist on a real power-sharing or you'll be toast in 2012. There a powerhouse in the diaspora that's watching you Mr. PM. Mr. Sam Okello is right on. If Raila cannot deliver and continues to sleep with PANUA...I urge young Kenyans like Sam Okello to bring a new brand of leadership to Kenyans.

  36. I'm sorry to say, but RAO better wisen up and really quickly. I don't know who his advisors are, but in politics, its all about "PERCEPTION". I think he got the "pleasure comforts" of the title and outriders and has quickly forgotten from whence we came. He needs to watch the likes of Ruto, "PERCEPTION" and he is quickly gaining ground.

  37. Ladies and gentlemen,

    My point is simple. Prosecute everybody who committed a crime or let everybody go. Selective justice is what I deplore. It always ends up being served on the poor defenseless Kenyans. Hit the guys who rigged the elections and started the nightmare. Start with Kibaki. Is that too much to ask?

    Sam Okello

  38. we are tired of this nonsense being posted by people in safe heavens , it is time to move forward let afew mungiki and a few other tribes be tried and hanged for pr purpose that way the victims can wishfully see some justice na maisha iendelee , kibaki will answer to his maker .Raila should just shut up after bowing to kibaki in broad daylight during the swearing in ceremony.

  39. Also
    Let us prosecute atleast one big fish from each side and call it a a day.

  40. Sam Okello - I ask you to keep your own words that every thief and liar should be prosecuted - because in this case you have to start with yourself. You are a proven liar and thief thriving on your illegal publishing business. In other words, you have already proven not to be different from the 'thief' Kibaki. So stop pretending to be a Saint because you are a proven Sinner. Kenya needs a clean and intelligent young breed and not people who have done nothing else in their life than staying abroad and living on the ideas and on the money of their Fellow Kenyans. How dare you even have the courage to introduce yourself here on this blog and on other blogs where you spread your own cheap propaganda as 'the brilliant son of the Lake' ..... there have been only two men upto now who deserved this title: Tom Mboya and Robert Ouko. Even Raila still has to live up to it. But calling yourself with this name is pure blasphemia and an offense to all decent Luos.

  41. Only a Kihii can write such an article.

  42. Anon @1:26Am Kwani are a shoga, what's with the obsession.

  43. Now back to the topic, I think Kibaki should be frogged marched to the Hague. That's where he belongs. And where's Kenya's first lady?

  44. Ruto's goose is already cooked, he is a desparate man who only started the amnesty nonsense to save his own hide, its interesting that with selective amnesia it is already forgotten that Ruto's long running corruption court cases resumed just the other day, the man is going down and he is out to cause chaos, besides he has a proven history of incitement to violence starting from 1992. The new laws that will be passed by parliament will ensure that he does not escape prosecution, for Ruto amnesty for the killers he funded and supported is his only saving grace from certain peril.

  45. Okello's asylum need to be revoked for the promotion of ethnic violence, support and funding of known killers and he should be extradited to face trial for his crimes. People who live in glass houses should learn not to throw stones, the United States does not tolerate supporters of killers, ask the Nazis who fradulently acquired US citizenship and are being smoked out even in their 90s.


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