Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Monday, December 31, 2007

Some Kenyans Spent The Night At Polling Stations Waiting To Vote The Next Day: Behold The Reward

I was very proud when I saw the way Kenyans waited in line (some even since midnight, as it was reported on all European TV-Channels) on December 27th - peacefully and full of trust that finally their voices will be heard.
It made me proud.

Then came the counting and my heart sunk..... every fear I had, every nightmare I could imagine was becoming true.

And I became first sad, then angry and now I am furious like hell. Does this never end ? Do the people never have any value ? Can it be that the same group of people who almost destroyed the country, still dare to decide on its fate and on the life and future of its people ? Should this be accepted ?

One comment in the German Television was: "Though there some hopes before this Election that Kenyan was going a different path now, the swearing in of President Kibaki for a second term even before the final election results are known shows that Kenya still has a very long and thornfull road ahead before its leaders will finally understand what Democracy really means.......".

There were many signs before who had put some doubt into me:

One was that Kalonzo never joined Raila and with Mutula Kilonzo in ODM-K, their goal was clear: keeping 'dry' - and Mutula is becoming the next Attorney General making sure that no Goldenberg, Anglo-Leasing, any other corruption and/or killing and even the criminal way in which this Election has been handled is ever investigated. I do not like to repeat it, but I said this already some weeks ago as Lucas Mboya in one of his comments remembered).

And there are more 'moles' even in ODM --- too many of Moi's and Kibaki's friend had changed sides on the surface making sure to go into Parliament on an ODM-ticket (I just mention Prof. Kamar - Biwott's wife ....) - but there are many others who should have never been accepted. On the surface it looked all very fine to have them 'joining' ODM - but it somebody ever ask why they did this? Why all of the sudden split from the forces who have financed them so many years? Did nobody question their real intentions?

Yes, there is the possibility to put a vote of no-confidence in Parliament..... but just wait what Mutula Kilonzo will reply to this ... and then - even if it is possible - wait how some of these re-born ODM Members will vote ..... I bet with you that there will be a certain number who will vote against it ...

It is indeed a sad day for Kenya.... one 'incident' gave me almost the assurance that it would come out like that:

When Lucy Kibaki got her 'salary' almost doubled, I knew that this the confirmation that they would continue for the next 5 years - everything was clear even before the Elections had taken place .... why else did she increase her salary just a few weeks before having to leave State House and even risk the outcry of the public? Because she knew she would continue being there for the next 5 years ........ she and her husband knew that it was not all over ..... and just wait and see, also Kibaki will 'accept' the increase in his monthly payments and even more ......

Like I said before, it is a very sad day for Kenya - only a miracle can save it now.

Guest post by Marianne Briner

P.S. Happy Birthday, Chris - although I can guess how you must feel right now. You told me so many times to cheer up, to believe in faith, to believe in the Kenyan People - so this time it's me telling you this. Things will change, I am still sure - but not with creating chaos and uproar. Here only the innocent and poor will suffer and maybe even die. There has to be another way, I hope.


  1. Kenya Election Domestic Observation Forum (KEDOF) conclusions (released 1 hour ago):

    - Whereas the General Election of 2007 were conducted openly, fairly and professionally, from preparation and deployment of materials and personnel to all polling stations across the country to the polling centres, and whereas the polling day went peacefully in that voters were largely able to vote freely according to their choices, the handling of the result of the polling and the rest of the process thereafter, in our opinion, were questionable;

    - Thre are significant discrepancies in figures released by the tallying centres and those by ECK at KICC, which make the concerns of agents of some of the presidential candidates legitimate;

    - Key officers of the ECK notably presiding officers, their deputies and in some cases the returning officers conducted themselves in a manner that was questionable. For instance, there were cases of presiding officers and their deputy presiding officers disappearing with the returns;

    - The delay in announcing the outcomes led to heightened fear, insecurity and anger in Kenya

    In our view, considering the entire electoral process, the 2007 General Election were credible in as far as the voting and counting process is concerned. The electoral process lost credibility toward the end with regard to the tallying and announcement of presidential results.

    Signed by the KEDOF co-chairs


  2. I just saw some horrible pictures on CNN - saw Police Officers beating up some poor people without any mercy - saw dead bodies lying in the streets of Nairobi and Kisumu - heard that more than 100 people have died upto now and more will follow ...............

    And then they showed Raila Odinga dressed in an impeccable light-yellow suit - talking on his cell phone, smiling and laughing ........ and the commentators presented him as the one not accepting the outcome of the Elections, the one calling for unrest, the one being respònsible ............

    This is outrageous ....... and it fits exactly to the comment Chris left here:

    The Americans are backing up Kibaki because he 'proved' to be their servant - but they do not trust Raila Odinga because he may prove to be a more honest and decent man not bowing down to their commands ........

    Marianne Briner

  3. Why have the fire-breathing Kenyan Americans, Europeans etc gone quiet?

    Kenyan Kenyans, what's happening on the ground?

  4. It is a sad day for Kenya indeed. I have heard that live transmission is on again.

    Spoke to someone at home this morning.

    Is that right?

    I could not understand the logic behind stopping live transmission, and censoring the press.

    Why the need to stop the people from seeing, and hearing what is really happening.

    A very, very sad day for Kenya, where dictatorship rules.

  5. Thanks PKW for this question. I had sent to Chris an email regarding this subject.

    But since he did not publish it yet, I do it here and maybe you will find the answers to your comment.

    Please, do not regard me to 'try to lecture' you - I regard you too intelligent to need that - but still allow me to express my opinion.

    I was very much shocked with statements and comments by certain people from the Kenyan Diaspora calling for uproar and chaos.

    Don't these people - and this includes mainly Hellen and Sam Okello (and please do not think that I am prtesting their thoughts because of my personal grievance with them) understand that something like this will claim the life of innocent Kenyans? Kenyans who have gone to the polls in a peaceful way trusting that finally their votes will be important not only to the future of their country but more important to their own life and future of their children?

    And if these certain people of the socalled Kenyan Diaspora sleeping in their nice soft beds, living their nice comfortable lives continue talking like that ..... ask them to come back to Kenya and do what they ask now others to do, i.e. die ...........

    Would they be willing to leave their safe sanctuaries to die on the streets of Kibera, Mathare or Kisumu? Would they really?

    I am sure they won't - and that's why I am asking them:

    Please stop calling for violance... unless you are willing to die yourself, stop these calls .... or I and others will challenge you to come back to Kenya and do what you aslk others to do ......!

    You have to learn to understand that you are only playing into the hands of people like Daniel arap Moi, Mwai Kibaki, Mutula Kilonzo and others to 'prove' that Kenya and its people are not 'ready' to understand the true meaning of democracy.

    Prove these people to be wrong - prove to them that you are ONE country, ONE People ... please.

    And STOP the call of certain people for violance - and in case they do not stop, ask them to come out themselves and fight at your side and then you will see how coward they will turn out to be.

    And to all Kenyans in Diaspora: Stop this maniac and deadly game. Unless you are willing to die yourself, don't ask your sisters and brothers at home to die for you.........

    Marianne Briner

  6. Its obvious that Kenyans overseas are busy working hard for the dollar/euro/other currency and coming here at night (their night) to incite Kenyan Kenyans. I repeat, I wouldn't die for you selfish guys! I think the biggest war is on the web, and that's a good thing.

  7. PKW, hapana, jana mimi na wewe na Vikii tumekesha hapa bwana. Ah! Usiseme hivyo hata nikiitwa SAS Agent PKW. Were we not in the same mourning spirit with you, Chris and Phil. Please mtoto wetu. Siyo wote.

    Like me, a cousin of mine, at CBK Kisumu was stoned in Eldoret and the news has just arrived. Nobody can check the hospitals and neither can his mobile number be raised. Fingers crossed. He voted for ODM anyway. He is a staunch supporter. And kind to the kitty!


  8. This is how it is for some Kenyans who are abroad.

    UK fears for loved ones in Kenya

    There have been running battles and looting in Nairobi slums
    The Foreign Office has advised Britons against all but essential travel to parts of Kenya, including Nairobi city centre and some districts in Mombasa.
    It is not advising against all travel into the country, but a spokeswoman said "that could be an option" if the situation continues to deteriorate.

    About 7,000 Britons are currently in Kenya, most of them on holiday.

    Briton Duncan Burr said his daughter had been imprisoned in her home in Kisumu as looters rampaged.

    The violence that flared up after Kenya's disputed presidential election has left scores of people dead across the country.

    Mr Burr, 67, a Briton now living in Spain, said he had been "necessarily worried" for his 42-year-old daughter Alison Rogers and her family.

    Ms Rogers is married to a Kenyan and is the principal of a large school in Kisumu.

    "There's obviously a lot of worry," he told the BBC News website.

    We are absolutely terrified to the bone because we don't know what's going to happen in the country

    Meera Shah

    Scores dead in poll clashes

    "We're still able to keep in touch and we're ringing up. I gather things have calmed a little bit this afternoon.

    "On the positive side, she's a committed Christian so we have the confidence that somebody else is in charge so we can leave it to them, to some extent."

    'Absolutely terrified'

    Kenyan Meera Shah, who is studying in London, said she was "terrified to the bone" for her family in Kisumu, where at least 43 people have been shot dead.

    Violence in Nairobi slums has been blamed on the presidential election.

    Ms Shah, 22, who came to London in October 2004, said: "Like me, there are thousands of Kenyans living and studying abroad.

    "We are absolutely terrified to the bone because we don't know what's going to happen in the country."

    She said she had been in constant touch with her family, who all live in the "peaceful town of Kisumu", where much of the violence has taken place.

    "This morning, when I called my family at 0700 UK time, my mother started crying and my brother was disorientated - I got very worried.

    "I called them back an hour later and they seemed OK."

    She said she felt happier now that the situation "appears to have calmed down".

    "It was really scary at the time," she added.

    'Like Iraq'

    Text messages she had received from family and friends included the following, sent on Monday: "Town is completely finished. There is a shoot on sight order. It's like Iraq.

    There has been widespread looting and property damage in Kenya

    "People have no idea what to do. Town has burnt down entirely and there are no more shops to loot."

    The Foreign Office has urged Britons in Kenya to "stay indoors and seek advice locally" before travelling around the country.

    A spokeswoman said: "We constantly review our travel advice for individual countries and will be looking at the Kenya situation closely."

    Many of the thousands of Britons currently in Kenya are on safari or staying in beach resorts close to Mombasa, where there have also been violent clashes.

    Holiday company Kuoni said it had scrapped local excursions from Mombasa and the capital, Nairobi.

    Kenya receives about 290,000 visitors each year, many in January and February.

  9. Proud Kikuyu Woman: Can I ask you - please - to keep contact with me - and in case you agree, ask Chris and he will tell you how .......

    You are one of a kind !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. PKW, be careful with that offer. PLease. You can be remember what others have gone through. Pliz wamaitu. Please, wendo usikubali

  11. Thanks, Marianne Briner.But no, thanks. I've learned to be cautious of foreigners in general, and you in particular, feeling that its not our interests they have at heart.

    I have a cleaner conscience pulling a collabo with a fellow Kenyan, much as I have beef with some of them. I'm convinced they love Kenya in the same way or close to the same way I do (if not better!) and are not driven by any ulterior motives. I can't say the same about suddenly-friendly foreigners.


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