Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Monday, December 31, 2007

CNN Puts Death Toll At 124 As Other Sources Say Over 500 People Have Died

With a virtual news blackout in Kenya, it is getting very difficult to get any information on what is going on.

However I have been able to establish the following facts;

a) There has been killing on a massive scale in the slums of Kibera and Mathare as well as in several parts of Kisumu. Gun fire was heard coming from the Kiberta slums from about 8 pm last night to early this morning. It is unlikely that the police were on target practice firing blanks overnight. Bullets are usually fired to kill.

b) Dozens of suspecting innocent Kikuyus countrywide have been dragged from their homes or caught in the streets and killed by angry mobs. This has mostly happened in Eldoret but reports of beatings and possible killings have also come in from Mombasa. Many Kikuyu business owners countrywide have suffered great losses in looted and burnt property.

c) Police have been given clear orders to shoot to kill so as to scare people back to their senses as quickly as possible.

CNN have put the death toll so far at 124. Kumekucha sources say that at least 500 people have died so far and the number is probably much higher because the country is now a police state where information is scarce and residents in many parts of the country have been ordered to stay in their homes, even if they do not have food supplies. Which is just as well because there are hardly any businesses open anyway.

The most worrying factor here is that it is obvious that this trouble will not end any time soon. Raila Odinga, the man who clearly won the election before the introduction of what international observers said were "clearly cooked figures" (see CNN story) is a master of of this game of creating chaos to bring about change. Already we have seen numerous SMS rumors being circulated mainly by ODm sympathisers whose main aim is to clearly destabilize and cause even more tension and anxiety.

Today small groups of Raila supporters were easily neutralized as they tried to make their way to Uhuru Park for the proposed ODM rally/swearing in ceremony of the so-called parallel ODM government.

Tension is very high in Nairobi and there are reports from parts of the city that huge numbers of dead bodies have been seen lying on the streets.


  1. This is so saddening. I look forward to a day when we shall vote democratically with no one person dying in pre- or post-election violence.

  2. I think the Gikuyus will Loose more than they bargained for.

    This chaos will isolate Kikuyus more than before.Every Kenyan will start hating Gikuyus just because of this and it's bad for them.

    Check pictures of Gikuyus being robbed, their shops looted and loosing businesses.

    Some Gikuyus have started moving out of Rift valley in places like Eldoret, Kapsabet and Kuresoi, Kisumu, Migori, Narok, Turkana, Bungoma, western towns and are now moving to Central Kenya.

    This is what we were avoiding.

    Kibaki should Just Leave that Seat for Raila, he is Old enough to see all these happening.


  3. thanks Chris - I am glad you received and read the CNN-News-Message I sent to you ......

    I guessed that it was difficult to get it directly in Kenya, so I transmitted it you by email.

    I think, Kenyans and the world need to learn what is going on.

    I just had some friends here with me. We have a Club here in the South of Spain called 'Our of Africa' - the members are mostly former Zimbabwens - and they told me that they never imagined something like this could ever happen in Kenya.

    It is indeed a sad day for Africa.

    Marianne Briner

  4. Its a loss for everyone including the Luos and Indians in Kisumo, the Kalenjins in Eldoret, the Waswahili, Mijikendas and Arabs at the coast.

    With the Indians' shops and supermarkets reduced to rubbles in Kisumo, its Indians out of money and Luos out of jobs.

    The law of supply and demand dictates that prices be high when commodities are scarce.

    Kenyans, we did not sign up for this.

  5. I am glad you brought this point to the publis:

    On one side there is the obvious cheating in the Elections and Raila Odinga being robbed off from being the next President of Kenya .....

    But then there is also the faith of many (thousands and even millions) of Kenyans at stake.....

    So - please - let's their life and future come first.

    And that's why I ask you, Hon. Raila Odinga, to come out in defense of the people of Kenya ..... in defense of their lives .... and not only in defense of your personal dream !!!!!!

    Tell them in clear words that you are 'their' man - but you will do it on clean democratic grounds.

    Because if you don't, you will just be the same as Daniel arap Moi and Mwai Kibaki.

    And I still believe that you are far different and way up above their 'ranks' .........

    Marianne Briner

  6. But Marianne, how can Raila come out in defence to us if he cant get on television or radio? I'd give anything to see his face right now and hear what he has to say. But how?

  7. Another day goes n am still holed up in my house in kakamega.The sounds of gunshots are all over.The looting goes on but atleast av saved one kikuyu property thanx to the raila tshirt i had. I had to spare 1k to do that,i hope the kyuk lady will pay back by acknowledgin that kibaki lost. I wish that gema pple cud flock the streets n demo against kibs for takin us back afterall they paid most for the past struggles.How many kyuks wanted kibs to rig? How many kyuks are comfy wit hard work bein reduced to ashes? This can stop only if all kenxans regardless of how they voted condemed kibs n cronies. At least there r no gsu in nxeri,that makes it the best place to voice our displeasure.Only the gema community can make the loudest appeal to kibaki.

  8. Another day goes n am still holed up in my house in kakamega.The sounds of gunshots are all over.The looting goes on but atleast av saved one kikuyu property thanx to the raila tshirt i had. I had to spare 1k to do that,i hope the kyuk lady will pay back by acknowledgin that kibaki lost. I wish that gema pple cud flock the streets n demo against kibs for takin us back afterall they paid most for the past struggles.How many kyuks wanted kibs to rig? How many kyuks are comfy wit hard work bein reduced to ashes? This can stop only if all kenxans regardless of how they voted condemed kibs n cronies. At least there r no gsu in nxeri,that makes it the best place to voice our displeasure.Only the gema community can make the loudest appeal to kibaki.

  9. Another day goes n am still holed up in my house in kakamega.The sounds of gunshots are all over.The looting goes on but atleast av saved one kikuyu property thanx to the raila tshirt i had. I had to spare 1k to do that,i hope the kyuk lady will pay back by acknowledgin that kibaki lost. I wish that gema pple cud flock the streets n demo against kibs for takin us back afterall they paid most for the past struggles.How many kyuks wanted kibs to rig? How many kyuks are comfy wit hard work bein reduced to ashes? This can stop only if all kenxans regardless of how they voted condemed kibs n cronies. At least there r no gsu in nxeri,that makes it the best place to voice our displeasure.Only the gema community can make the loudest appeal to kibaki.

  10. the current govt is determined to stifle all opposition by use of brute force. it will not end with the killing of people on the street but on systematic removal of all non-cooperating elected members of parliament. there are unconfirmed reports of sacking of army chief and resignation of police chief.

    as much as we offer "advice" on way forward, remember that all legal avenues have been blocked. Kenyans are dying in hundreds. democracy and rule of law has been destroyed or badly dented.

    the future of kenya is at stake, decisions taken must be to uphold due democratic process even forcibly if thats what state machinery drives us to. we are not advocating for violence. we want a popular uprising against the injustices, state machineries are being deployed to forcibly oppress dissent.

    which is more civil, a vote recount lasting some hours or a violent dispersion of demonstrators resulting in 100+ deaths

  11. there is the new tv-channel K24 with Jeff Koinange being one of their star journalists......

    should he not come out to report .-... he promised me - once upon a time - that he would be proud to report as an independent journalist - contrary when working for CNN ....

    challenge him - he is Kenyan and he wants to go into politics and evenm become your President in 2017 .........

    Marianne Briner

  12. not with his black cloud hanging over his head.

  13. Marrianne, this is a sad day for Kenya. Kindly please stop bringing in the Jeff Koinange story. What will Kenyans, like me, already fearing for a relative who has not been seen and had his car stone in Eldoret feel like. It is grave. Please dont drag us towards that direction.


  14. I am sorry -

    there is the Jeff Koinange 'saga' which is part of my private life - but there is the journalist Jeff Koinange whom I always respected.

    I know it is difficult for you to understand how and why I can make the difference between the both of them.

    You will soon learn why ......

    I have promised to myself and my daughter to leave my private life out of any public discussion.

    That's why I cannot tell you more right now.

  15. Then dont mention him at all. Please

  16. Marianne,

    Against my better judgement, let me ask you to desist from lowering the level of discussion here to an irrelevant past. Our nation is burning. That means a lot to us. Our democracy is being subverted. That means a lot to us. If you can't helpfully contribute to bringing an end to what people you worked with in previous governments in Kenya started, please be quiet.

  17. Sam Okello and also Hellen: stop talking at all..... you have not only cheated me but others too .....

    And most of all stop calling for uproar and more bloodshed .......

    and if you want to to continue>: Let is be your own blood and not the one of innocent people.

    That's the only thing I am asking you - not the money you still owe me and you owe to others - just that:

    Keep out of Kenyan politics because it's people like you Kenya does not need right now ... otherwise prove me wrong: come back after having enjoyed more than 15 years in the United States 'Diaspora' .... and declare yhat you are willing to shed your own blood, your own money (the rightful and the stolen one) - and then we can talk again .....

    In the meantime, leave decent Kenyans alone ....... !!!!!!!!!!!

  18. Marianne, you see what I was telling you. Please stop bringing Jeff into any discussion here. You know what, The Okellos are Kenyans and you are not. By mentioning Jeff's name, you are sharing a common friend that we are not supposed to eavesdrop and hear about.

    Now, you have started on Helen and Sam. Please leave them alone. they have more tpo worry than you. Yours and them is busniess and them and their folk at home is feelings and patritism. can you please stop. Dont bring your Jeff saga here. Right Marianne. Wachana na sisi.


  19. I am not bringing in my or Jeff's saga -Kenya has more than that to loose.

    And if you send comments here, use your own name and don't allow others to use it - we know that the Derek signature in this mail is fake ....

    Kenya is burning - people are dying - don't you think that you at least owe some respect to them?

    Forget me = but please do not forget the Kenyan People .......

    This is all I am begging you.

    Or is this too much to ask+

  20. Marianne, give it a rest already, will ya? I mean for christ sake, with each post about Jeff you sound more and more dillusional. Haven't you done enough to the guy already? If you were in the U.S., he would have surely sued you for defamation of character ages ago.


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