Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Saturday, December 29, 2007

PNU Announce That Kibaki Has Won

PNU have just held a press conference where they have announced that according to their figures President Mwai Kibaki has retained the presidency after getting 4.5 million votes to Raila Odinga's 4.2 milion votes.

A number of PNU leaders including Amos Kimunya, Uhuru Kenyatta and Raphael Tuju held consultations briefly just before Noah Wekesa addressed the press. I know Wekesa well and he looked visibly shaken as he made this announcement.

This press conference was a big mistake as it clearly shows the world for the first time what State House is thinking. It is clear that the game plan here is to hang on to power at all costs.

Their plan will bring nothing but chaos and somebody needs to talk sense into them urgently. You cannot frustrate the will of the people. Not when Kenyans are in the mood they are in, as clearly displayed in the way they voted.

Kibaki's government is now starting to resemble the Kamikaze-type Pakistan government that seems to have had a hand in the assassination of former premier Benazir Bhuto recently as she campaigned ahead of the General election in that country on January 8th next year.

Kenyans have rejected Kibaki (apart from some from his own community and a few neighboring communities), the honorable thing is for him to go home in peace. Why must Kenyan lives be lost before he gets the message?


  1. I'd say let PNU, ODM, and Kumekucha wait for ECK to make the official announcement before making their own.

  2. Fuck You Dude...i have been reading your propaganda for months and am tired. How come there is no tension when ODM declares victory...seems ODM has sensed defeat and is destroying the country...just let them know that we won't seat back and wait...GSU should go out and kill every trouble maker regardless of tribe or party and i hope you get killed too Phil

  3. I had decided to keep my calm and wait for the final results but I wont. Musaliam Mudavadi and Chris are not the ones mandated to announce the results to us. Samuel Kivuitu is. What evidence do they have that the government is planning to doctor the results apart from the usual unresearched domo? I spoke to a few Kumekucha friends and told them Raila doesnt need to celebrate anything coz Eastern province votes were yet to come. Who could not see he was leading because Nyanza 9And parts of Rift valley) results trickled in first? How come nobody is saying anything about Raila's meeting with ECK commissioners at a city hotel. Clandestine meetings can only be aimed at bribing the commissioners to overrule the chairman's announcement. Let whoever wins win, but it has to be in accordance with the law, not some 19th century jungle doctrines!

  4. it is dangerous for such announcements to be made before the final count is done. It is important for leaders to watch their public gestures and body language no matter what side of the political divide. The situation is very sensitve.

  5. haha!, tell them Vikki, i have not heard any other people go on the streets and say they will kill kikuyus other than you know who! and i have not also heard of any other tribe looting and stealing what others have worked soo hard for!, if this is what Raila promised his people, just like he promised DEYA! trust you me we will not sit and watch him destroy us! these people need to have ethics and respect for others, since they dont even respect themselves!, they only complain when something is against their favour as if they are the only ones that exisit!, hey we are kenyans too and Kenya is not Railas kitchen and his fellow alliens who most times are either dying of AIDs or being jelous of Kikuyus!!!

  6. Chris,

    This is bringing out your true colurs, unfortunately. As Viki said why is it that its only ODM who are anouncing results. This country belongs to all of us and let the mandated body do its work.

  7. fuck you! Tutaua jaluo...they never fought for independence of this country, kyuks did...and now they want to DESTROY! what we have laboured for?

    What's the logic when a young man goes into a Mhindi shop, loots yet this is an economy we've tried to build for so long? Beasts are made of Jaluo (sorry, beasts are made of these)

    Chris, for one you've annoyed me.


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