Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Election Update: EU & AU Observer Mission Urge Calm

The EU and AU observer teams are currently addressing a tension packed press conference in which they are urging calm to prevail "in this great country Kenya" even as skirmishes spread countrywide.

President Kibaki and some of his close ministers are holed up in State House Nairobi awaiting official results announcement by ECK. Raila Odinga's whereabouts are unknown.

The observers are urging restraint and stressing that kenyan citizens and their leaders whould learn to respect the law which in this instance mandates the ECK to undertake the counting and tallying of the votes before announcing the final winner(s).

The ECK are also investigating the sudden high voter turn-out in certain constituencies in Mt. Kenya region. They are concerned that the delay in releasing presidential results from these areas raised their interest, more so because the presidential votes appear to outstrip the sum-total of parliamentary and/or civic seats.

Questions are also being raised as to why tallying of votes was not done as is normally and commonly practiced. ie. Presidential, Parliamentary and Civic, in that order. Former ECK Vice Chairman - Gabriel Mukele - attributes this to pressure from politicians.

Raila Odinga: 4.356m
Mwai Kibaki: 4.009m

Votes still awaited from 21 constituencies. Kivuitu expected to announce results any time now.

Updates to follow.


  1. Ok. This is getting downright scary. And for what???

  2. Am a kenyan, and quite appreciative of the work your blog does, keep it up. May I also take this chance to wish President Raila well in this new task and that may he make Kenya a greater nation it has never been. A piece of caution is, please keep the people of this falling regime very far away from you and statehouse. We do not want to see the Pakistan thing done to you. We love you and may God bless Kenya.


  3. why can't sanity prevail among these Mt. Kenya dudes? How long are they gonna keep the country in a vacuum?

  4. What are the numbers for Kalonzo????

  5. As usual, you conveniently forgot to mention that the observers said so far, they view the electoral process to be credible.
    While the mainstream media is obviously biased, Kumekucha has set high standards in balanced reporting. Don't lose that edge during this election period. Report accurately, comprehensively and objectively.

  6. As at 12h00 midday on 30th December 2007, Up to this point anon, THREE WHOLE DAYS AFTER VOTING; THE ELECTORAL PROCESS IN NOT OVER!

    How then can the observers say the elections are credible?????

    Lets be honest with ourselves Kenyan brothers and sisters.


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