Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Mt. Kenya Kibaki Succession Plan: Secret Meetings Held to Dupe and Bribe

Uhuru Kenyatta's double-speak about his ambition to become Kenya's President after Kibaki is no surprise. Uhuru Kenyatta is the chosen heir in an elaborate plan by Mt. Kenya politicians to ensure that the Presidency stays with the community beyond 2022. A group of Mt. Kenya politicians have planned how Uhuru Kenyatta will take over the Presidency in 2012 whether Kibaki wins another term or not in December 2007.

Before PNU was formed, Kibaki had held a series of secret meetings with top leaders from Central Province to chart the way forward for the future of the Kikuyu Community after 2007. The meetings started as early as April this year when the Kibaki men realized that he had no credible party that could see him get re-elected. Purely Mt. Kenya outfits Narc-Kenya and DP were at the time pressuring him to adopt their ticket amid dissent from non-Kikuyu ministers.

Notably, while the politicians were of the impression that Kibaki should join either of the two Mt. Kenya parties, Kibaki's golfing baddies now entrenched in government, parastatals and in Mt. Kenya owned TransCentury share-trading and acquisition company were busy working on a formula that would see Kibaki re-elected at the same time ensuring that the presidency remains with the Kikuyu beyond 2012.

Handwritten minutes of meetings show that the planners - the athuri group are so secret that even members of the Ameru and Aembu are not included. The argument is that these communities will obviously support a Kikuyu come 2012 because they have no option. To this end, it was agreed that Kiraitu Murungi and David Mwiraria be returned to the cabinet to ensure "they are for ever grateful" and to win the loyalty of the Ameru. It came as no surprise that it was Lucy Kibaki who made hints of their return which was effected speedily. Minutes show the group nicknamed itself "athuri".

About the same time, the athuri secretive group comprising of Kibaki as chairman, Njenga Karume and John Michuki as alternate chairmen, Mary Wambui, Jimmy Kibaki, Judy Kibaki, Eddy Njoroge, George Muhoho, Stanley Murage, Nat Kangethe, Bishops Arthur Gitonga and George Gathii, and Cyrus Gituai (PS OP) were holding meetings with the retired president Moi's group of Nicholas Biwott, Ezekiel Bargetuny, Gideon Moi, Sila Yego and Uhuru to layout the post-Kibaki succession plan.

Ready to play ball as usual were Luhya leaders in the then GNU. A plot was hatched to have Ford-Kenya take the lead in the formation of PNU thereby hide the true intention of the Mt. Kenya boys. In one meeting it was agreed that Musikari Kombo was more pliable, weak and dumb enough to be used. That Kombo was weak on his Western Province turf after invasion by ODM was cited as reason enough for him to play errand boy without question. "Nyamu eno ahoyaga matigio. Reke tomuhe ihindi" (Roughly translated: this animal worships leftovers. Let's give him a bone to chew), Kibaki is said of Kombo in reference to empty departments given to Kombo's cronies after he threw a tantrum following a post-referendum new cabinet in 2005.

Not surprisingly, in a recent tour of Western Province, Kibaki told Kombo and company including Moody Awori that he will include him in his cabinet. It was strange given that the president found it necessary to make this promise when all parties under PNU should automatically be in Cabinet after elections. Was this an attempt to stem some disquiet regarding the president's mean trick of short-changing partners? Was this reassurance to Kombo and meant to appease Luhya voters who have lost faith and trust that Kibaki, an introverted tribalist, can never honour a promise? Problem is, there is no party Kombo can use to negotiate for positions in the post-elections cabinet. This is because Ford-Kenya has been swallowed by PNU and is fielding no candidates!

Earlier, in the athuri meeting, it was also argued that Kombo's never-ending ambition to be "given" the vice presidency was a great enticement to have him play blind ball. His desperation for money was also used fully. No less a person than his nemesis Soita Shitanda of Malava has accused Kombo of being in PNU for the money. It is instructive that while all parties under PNU have their own candidates, only Ford-Kenya failed to field a single candidate of its own. The ECK register shows that all Former Ford-Kenya MPs in Bungoma, including Kombo are running on PNU. It means that Ford-Kenya is finally dead!

That's how the equally quick-to-please Noah Wekesa was recruited to lead a façade of forming PNU while the backroom Muthaiga boys worked on a parallel plan. It is notable that immediately Wekesa thought he had clinched it with PANU, the Mt. Kenya boys too k it over renamed it PNU and got busy swallowing all the other parties other than Kanu. Wekesa's cries of betrayal were to no avail. His boss Kombo, as usual was more interested in the cash handouts that comes with "horse trading" than protecting his sidekick or the interests of Ford-Kenya.

Back to the issue of the Kibaki succession, Uhuru finally agreed to join the Kibaki team but was given enough concessions as the heir-in-waiting:

First, Kanu would field independent candidates but who will be funded by PNU to ensure Kanu becomes strong since PNU would disintegrate by 2009 and a win or lose by Kibaki would have prepared Uhuru to inherit the Mt. Kenya vote.

Second, the bad blood between Uhuru and Moi over his association with ODM would be cleansed by the appointment as ministers of Gideon Moi, Nick Salat, Paul Sang and Nicholas Biwott in a Kibaki government. As it were only Paul Sang got the appointment earlier than after the elections. These appointment promises remain intact for after 2008 and are the reason Moi and company are campaigning hard for Kibaki in Rift Valley.

Third, through such association with Moi's boys and should Kibaki lose, Kanu would have re-established a foothold in Central Kenya and the Rift Valley, and with Moi's support in the Rift Valley, Uhuru will be president and Gideon Moi the vice in 2012.

When it came to other communities and other competitors, the athuri prevailed upon Kibaki to abandon the ambitions of Awori, Kombo, Kituyi, Saitoti, Martha Karua and Kirwa as inconsequential. This was after Kibaki was presented with secret research evidence from Mutahi Ngunyi, who has since moved to State House. Mutahi reported that other than Karua, the pretenders to the throne would all loose their seats in the 2007 elections. Chipped in Karume in reference to Karua "Mwari wa muthambia kioro afataire kuihura/kuithambia mbere...." (Roughly translated: The daughter of a toilet cleaner should wipe herself first! - a derogatory reference to Kirinyaga people whom mainstream Kikuyu refer to as toilet cleaners. The slur was acquired in colonial times when the Kirinyaga dominated the Nairobi City Council cleansing department).

As for Saitoti, it was felt that he was an outsider who carried too much baggage from the Goldenberg scam. He was seen to be "disloyal" in his earlier announcement that he would vie against Kibaki in this year's elections. The Kiambu Muranga axis of the athuri felt that Saitoti
ambitions for 2012 did not augur well for Uhuru. Michuki reported he had met Moi who has no time for his former VP, and that consideration of Saitoti would antagonize Moi whom Saitoti blamed for the Goldenberg theft.

To placate Moi, the athuri minutes report to Kibaki refers to "Gacamia/Gathakaria ga gukenia Moi" (Roughly translated: or a sweetener to appease Mzee Moi). It has now emerged that the sweet for Moi is a plot to ensure Saitioti looses the Kajiado North parliamentary seat. It is with this hindsight the Saitoti is under siege from DP's Lee Kinyanjui and blames "someone" in PNU. And Saitoti is very uncomfortable at the moment with the Kibaki Group even going as far as claiming that PNU wants him to loose the Kajiado North seat. These fears are well founded as the athuri feel that Saitoti is an outsider in Central Province and therefore not the best bet for the Presidency even after Kibaki.

Part of their minutes show the athuri discussed ways of dealing with the imminent fallout with other communities in 2012. The Luhya as a community are dismissed as peaceful and would be grateful for anything. Kombo despite promises was ruled out as a running mate. Moody's influence in Western Province was found lacking and Kombo, Kituyi and Wekesa were seen
to have succumbed to the ODM wave in the Province. "Manegere Mathagu ma guku na nimakurota kuubuka", (Roughly translated: Give them some chicken wings and they will dream of flying), Michuki is quoted dismissing any worries about Luhya support for Kibaki.

The meeting thus decided that "Gutuma atongoria abaluhya mecirie nimakugia ufata munene kuri thirikari Kibaki ashinda" (Roughly translated: to give the Luhya leaders the impression that they will be a major part of Kibaki's government if he wins). The emphasis was that these leaders should be made to work for Kibaki since their worth as vote-getters had diminished. This seems to be the "decoy" assurance Kibaki was promising on his recent tour.

When PNU was taken over, it was decided that Kibaki give other parties like Ford-Kenya and Ford-People, the illusion that they are part of PNU. Only Kombo took this bait and Ford-K is the only party that is headed to oblivion in the PNU. Secretly, Kikuyu parties like Safina, Narc-Kenya and DP were to be allowed to "revolt" and field candidates in their own names
in the nominations. Kombo is being made to believe that he is a co-owner of PNU and therefore a future VP. However, in a telling game of juggling the liver ala Michuki, the athuri have argued that after elections, Ford-Kenya would be dead. The plot was to ensure Kombo got money to stand on PNU and let Ford-Kenya die. It is interesting that the ECK lists Kombo and his Bungoma cohorts as all standing on PNU!

Hence, the Kibaki athuri hatched a plot to keep all the non-Kikuyu members of PNU hopeful. However, the confidential athuri minutes show that after the elections and in case Kibaki wins, he will form an alliance with Kalonzo Musyoka as VP because Kibaki will only have Kikuyu MPs. The athuri also argue that most other provinces are already lost to ODM and there will be no need to reward "aragoli" (Mt. Kenya name for the Luhya) after they reject Kibaki.

According to Mutahi Ngunyi's brief, to boost turnout, all Kibaki needs to do is ensure large turnouts in Central where the "unattached voter" will be helped to vote. This is reference to double registration occasioned by national IDS numbers being shared by several voters and those also of dead voters given to other people. It is quite alarming that most cases termed
"double registration" by the ECK are actually ID numbers of other voters outside Mt. Kenya and the dead ones now given Kikuyu names and allocated voters cards. The rigging ploy is that while the original holder of the legitimate ID number will be denied voting because of double registration, the imposter in Central Kenya will have voted.

While analyzing the situation in Rift Valley, the athuri considered the consequences of naming Kipruto Kirwa as Kibaki's running mate, an idea they said originated from a meeting former President Daniel Arap Moi had held with Narc-Kenya chairman Raphael Tuju in Nakuru in October. Moi had argued that promising Kirwa a running mate position to Kibaki (without intending to make him VP) would clip the ODM wave in Rift Valley. This, it is explained, would make Kalenjins vote for Kibaki since former Eldoret North MP William Ruto who is a member of the powerful ODM Pentagon is not Raila Odinga's running mate.

But Moi's suggestion was rejected as the athuri argued that it would be very difficult to dump Kirwa after the elections were he to be named the running mate. Mutahi argued that Uhuru's support from the Kalenjin in 2012 would be jeopardized as the Kalenjin would rebel again. "Dukayihie mbogo ithitio. Nitutihitie andu aya maita meri matikugueterera gutihio ka
gatatu", warned Ngunyi, who is married to a Kalenjin, in his presentation. Loosely translated, it means "Never underrate a wounded Buffalo. We have wounded these chaps twice using them in 2002 against Moi and firing them after for Moi's mistakes. They will not wait for a third wound". The athuri finally decided that the VP slot should be left vacant and dangled to all communities especially the Luhya and the Kalenjin to vote for Kibaki.

Apparently, while Kibaki needs Moi's help, the athuri acknowledge that Moi is a danger given the Kroll Report, which revealed that the former President and his family looted public coffers more than Kshs.130 billion. They have decided to restrict Moi to campaigns against ODM in Rift Valley where they believe corruption by Moi is not an issue. Yet some members in the group are cautious with this arrangement arguing that it may backfire and hurt Kibaki on the platform of Corruption. It is with this in mind that an anxious Moi, whose moles had leaked the reservations by the athuri to him, met Kibaki at State House Nakuru for 45 minutes on November 29, 2007.

Sources reveal that Moi wanted assurance that Kibaki would not renege on a secret deal never to prosecute Moi and his family for crimes committed during his era. To secure protection Moi secured a free ride to Parliament for his sons and his private secretary, John Lokorio in three constituencies on a Kanu ticket. Moi who had just arrived back from Ethiopia contributed Kshs3 billion to Kibaki's campaign kitty.

However, a clever Moi said the money will be used by him in Kibaki Tena campaigns in Rift Valley against Raila. Moi is now funding all the pro-Kibaki candidates in the province. It is also believed that it is from this money that leaflets against Raila are being produced and distributed in Rift Valley.

The more dastardly of the cash use is the funding of ethnic clashes in Molo. Kikuyu and Kalenjin youth are being paid to kill and burn houses belonging to Kisii migrant workers in the area in an attempt to cut down ODM votes in the native Kisii-Nyanza. The pro-Kibaki media have deliberately chosen to focus on source interviews and nametag captions showing the Kisii as the victims. Yet this is not new. It is the third phase after the failure when government ignited ethnic flare-ups on the Kisii-Kalenjin border at Sondu mid this year as the ODM wave hit fever pitch in the country. The second phase failed where widows and orphans would be paid to parade themselves as victims of ethnic clashes in Kisii. It looks like Moi has now gone for the real ones by igniting the Kuresoi killings.


  1. Hey that's a beautiful photo of Mt.Kenya you posted!

    Talk is cheap my friend. I read the first few lines and fell asleep.ZZZZZZZ!

    Kenyans can tell porojo from 10 miles away.

    Long live Kenya.

    God Bless Kenya!

  2. One Kikuyu-name in all this is missing, i.e. that's the one of Jeff Koinange.

    He plans to become MP in 2012 and President eitherin 2017 (depending on who is then President - if it's Uhuru Kenyatta, then he would wait until 2022 to 'enter the race') - don't forget, Jeff's uncle George Muhoho (Mama Ngina's brother) is married to a Koinange...... and even President Kenyatta's second wife was Chief Koinange's daugher - i.e. the Presidency would firmly stay 'in the family' for many years to come......'fulfilling his grandfather's dreams' as Jeff has put it once.

    Here are Jeff's own words on this -accompaying Ombama to Kenya, he wrote on August 28:

    "Obama-Mania has been unbelievable .... and since I spoke to you, I'm now looking at Kenya with a different light .... you have 'opened' my eyes in many ways ..... and for that I shall forever be grateful!!!!

    And seeing Obama looking so Presidential and so dignified (and 'untainted'), makes me really think about what I told you the other day .... that one day I WANT TO BECOME THE PRESIDENT of this country ....

    To be honest, I've wanted nothing else since I was a small boy growing up ....

    I just didn't know how I would ever achieve it.... CNN has been an amazing journey of discovery for me .... I get to 'brush shoulders' with the best best and the very worst ..... and I get a front-row seat to History ....

    And everyday I feel I want to change things, that I can change things ..... and one day, GOD willing, I will.....

    Chatting to you makes me feel all this was meant to be....


    You see, the Kikuyu-rule will continue byeond those years you mentioned in your article.


  3. Phil what do you do for a living, allow me to ask? Your post looks very IMAGINATIVE yet informative. I wonder who would take minutes in mother tongue and have it leak like a sieve.

    True the succession war is out in the open and the daggers are drawn. You only deny it in enegaging in self-deception. Saitoti in no push over and he is surely in trouble. UK was a greenhorn in 2002 but he appears under new political sheen. But are Kenyans than gullible?

    Yes and no. Shouting that Kenya is no monarchy and we will elect our own prezzo come 2012 is obtuse naivity. Voters only appear at the end of the fod chain and the makers and weavers work behind the scene.

    Kenya is becoming more tribally polarized like never before. And only those who have tasted power have higher stakes. Wengine don't have what to lose.

  4. I have always maintained that there's something going on that Kenyans are not being told. It all has to do with succession. I hate to be a tribalist but it's Kenyatta who taught us that we were Kikuyus, Luos, Kambas, Luhyas, etc. We were not told that we were Kenyans!

    However Phil, your article is "too tribal". If it finds its way to the common mwanainchi, it is a sure way of creating tribal hatred.

    Everyone knows that Moi is the architect of the Molo and Kuresoi clashes. He used the trick successfully in 1992 and 1997 but was unsuccessful in 2002 and I can tell you it won't work this time round too. How can Kibaki talk of fighting corruption when he has the likes of Gideon and Kiraitu in the cabinet, and Moi pulling the strings from the Background. All we hear is "The ODM Pentagon is the axis of all corruption". Talk of wanting to remove a speck from your mate's eye not knowing that you have a log in your eye! What pride, apart from money, does someone get in getting the support of Gideon?

    And back to Vikii: I have an appeal for you brother. There are a few people we learnt about while still in Primary school. These people are, among others, Moi, Mwai, Nyachae, Karume, Michuki, etc. Yet to date, they are still competing with us in elective politics. These are people who have reached their political menopause and have nothing new to offer Kenya. That's why I want you to help me. Please help me reject these people. On 27th, Please VOTE ODM, FOR A BETTER FUTURE!

    I know you will ask me "What about Kalonzo. With all due respect, even he knows he will not win. He's still very young, and has a chance in future. For now, let's root out this cartel, the Michukis, Karumes, Nyachaes and Mois of this world!

    What say you, Bwana Vikii!

    Chief Dr. Al Hajj M.A. Nanga, MP.

  5. Spare Phil, he did not originate this article. It has been doing some hashed rounds and it was naturally right to let you who haven't seen it to read it. Does it sound unbelievable? What if somebody in the meeting felt short-changed and meant to spoil it for the few who are weaving it with arrogance? Give it the BoD.

  6. My oh my, is that a recent picture of Mt Kirinyaga? Have the glaciers on Mt Kenya receded that much? I wonder if any politician is talking about it and its connection to global warming?

  7. Only a fool can't see. Uhuru's reason for supporting Kibaki was that he didn't believe free primary education was possible. but now he has seen so he is supporting Mwai Kibaki. LOL

  8. okay dude u need to seriously get a life..whats with kenyans and their obsession with kikuyus/ mt kenya region???? aaiihh bwana blame everything on them and make up plots they havent even thot about themselves...get a life!!

  9. Lets see if you are able to get as many comments as you would expect by posting such a creatively controversial piece. Must be your goal, right?

    The thing with anything purported to be highly secretive is that the reader is duped to believe that no one but the author has access to the 'information', and therefore, only his version of the secret, if any secret exists at all, can be verified the 'truth'. I don't personally believe in anything that exists in a vacuum, with no control standards.

    On a closer look: I fail to understand how a Mugikuyu of such high order as to be part of 'athuri' (there is no such thing in Gikuyu) would at fail basic grammar and spelling in the written language. We don't even have an 'f' on our alphabet. What sounds like an 'O' as in Nyamo (animal) is a special 'U' (therefore the write word is Nyamu). No word ever starts with a 'D'.

    This was clearly not written by a Kikuyu. You are reading a piece by someone who understands the language but cannot put it into writing but does a 'decent' job translated the spoken word to the written word.

    Hats off for your imagination.

  10. As much as I concede that Phil has dedicated a lot of time coming with this Sidney Sheldon kind of fiction, I will not give him 100%. Phil, your score is 85%. It sounds believable except for the massive misspelling (I also noticed it!). The poor spelling only confirms your talent in fiction writing or the minute-Taker was a non kikuyu. The presence of children in a group dubbed athuri (sic!)is also strange. Honestly why would Judy care if the next president is a maragoli? Funny, very funny indeed!

    With or without these kind of meetings that have been so undeservedly demonised, Uhuru Kenyatta will be a big player in the search for the fourth president of the country. Uhuru's biggest threat as you rightly observed would be George Saitoti and so it makes sense for him to be elbowed out early. No matter how hard peolple try, labelling Uhuru kikuyu wont be easy. Martha Karua does come out as Kikuyu (The hard core type) but Uhuru hapana.

    Uhuru Kenyatta is the only politician getting standing ovations in the Kibaki Tena group. He got wild cheers in Voi, N eastern and Rift Valley. Nobody sees him as a kikuyu(Unless of course you are programmed to see just that). In fact if Kibaki wins this election the biggest contributor to that victory, besides himself will be Uhuru (Moi is proving to be a painful liability). My honest judgement, with or without "athuri" meetings is that Uhuru Kenyatta has a headstart over everyboy else come 2012.

    I am thinking Raila Odinga will still be a major political player in 2012. If Raila loses this election,as he surely will, it will not be because Kibaki is a better politician or is more popular than him, no. He will lose with a small margin which can only be attributed to the Incumbency advantages that Kibaki has. The size of that margin may send Phil's 'athuri' back to the drawing board. They will ask themselves if Uhuru will survive Raila Odinga's ethnic-based propaganda in 2012 AND that is where Kalonzo Musyoka may get a life line. The 'Athuri' may be forced to rally behind Kalonzo just to disarm the opponents whose only weapon is Anti-Kikuyuism.

    In other words, I am seeing President uhuru (80% chance) or President Kalonzo (20% chance) in 2012. Like I said, Raila will still be BIG in 2012 but old age coupled with Musalia Mudavadi's and Joe Nyaga's inevitable defection to the government side, he will be weaker than he is today.

    All in all, I dont see what is wrong with any community plotting to grab power or to retain it. All other communities do it, what's wrong with the kikuyus doing it?

  11. My oh my! Is that MB? I can't believe she's back again. Kumekuchans don't want your comments on Kenya. Leave Kenyans alone.

  12. Hon Chief Nanga, Mp,wewe ni mtu wangu lakini the ODM way of reasoning has clouded your otherwise super brains. I also learned about Raila Odinga, who is apparently the ODM presidential candidate in primary school. Go to K.I.E G.H.C Std 7, page 167 and you find him there alongside Kituyi, Orengo and Gitobu Imanyara. They went by the name "Young Turks" those days. Are you telling me they are still young. My friend age should not form the basis of any political decision but if you are convinced it should I am telling you these are not young guys---They are grand fathers with spare time to 'kiwi-polish' their hair. A 63 year old is not too young a boy, is he? You see the reason I am so unpopular here and elsewhere is because I do not understand double standards. If all old men should go home, then let us vote for the Republican fellow caled kukubo(or something like that).

    Chief Nanga, lemmie tell you one thing; I am not the easily excitable type. You seem, like so many other kenyns, to be suffering from what I call the Bandwagon syndrome. Kalonzo is assured of my vote, and this has absolutely nothing to do with his age or any belief I have that he can win the election. I have a conscience my dear brother. I am not going to betray it just so i am seen to be in the winning team. I am a little bit rigid. If I were not, I would probably vote for Mwai kibaki but I wont. What I am saying here Chief Nanga, Mp is that I can NEVER vote for the ODM, never. I detest any remote association with that Movement. Thank you for the invitation though and I wish you luck.

  13. Eh, Phil this post is the longest in Kumekucha history- i had to comment first before i read it-i will be back again after I've digested

  14. One thing I find funny if not to say something else but my education forbids me to mention the word:

    when it comes to socalled Kenyan politics, you forbid a foreigner - any foreigner and not only a certain one with the intitials 'MB' - to express his (her) opinion - God forbid - how could he (she) 'interfere' in your life ..... how could he (she' ....

    But when it comes to asking money, support or whatever ..... then we (the foreigners) are the ones you run to .... 'please help us.... please give aid .... please ....'

    Don't you think that this is more than just 'funny' ????

    Don't you think that this is something which many think is unexcusable?

    You - the Kumekuchans as you say - ask me to stay out of Kenyan matters -----

    I will, don't worry ----

    But I will also appeal to others to do the same .... I will ask them to leave Kenya to the Kenyans ..... let the Kenyans solve their problems themselves .....

    And whenever somebody from Kenya comes pleading 'please help us', maybe you should give the same reply as they continue giving to me and others ..... 'please leave me alone - we don't need you - we can solve our problems alone....'

    What do you think? What will Kenyans - not the Kumemuchans as you call yourself - reply?

    Will they not tell you, 'let the 'MB's' with their love for our country continue trying to help us, express their opinion even if sometimes they do not agree with what we think and do ? .....'

    What do you think?


  15. Phil, you are a pathological LIAR. You imagine things out. Please stop cooking things that make you look unreasonable. YOU HAVE FED US ON A PACK OF LIES.

    Did I tell you something about siasa za kinyozi. When I just cleared school, and wanted to read a newspaper, I could go to the barber shop and there was all lies about everything. Everybody knew about Moi's shoes, Biwott's half-boots, Njonjo's imported apples, Odinga's cursing finger and many more. VIRTUALLY EVERYTHING. When I ventured into real life, I dismissed all the lies. They are not different from what you have written here. LIES. At times I do support Vikki for his misgvings and thoughts about things. This one is out of this world. CHEAP and IRRESPONSIBLE. I did not know you were such an idler. I am not venturing into the sarcasm traits that come my way. I am calling a spade a spade and cheap talk, cheap talk. NYATANGA BARBERS.


  16. Hi Vikii,

    We need a leader who will stand up to Moi and the Kenyatta dynasty and the rest, without blinking an eye.Dawa ya Moto ni Moto

    And frankly speaking, Kalonzo Musyoka does not have the fire in him to fight this guys.We need to turn this system on its head and have a balanced playing field.

    Kenyans in the diaspora need to also organize and put their financial muscle behind people who stand for a new beginning if not now then in 2012.It will be very important to do this or we will be enslaved to the elites in Kenya forever.


  17. As much as you believe what you write some clarifications must be done and at least be getting your facts right. Go on with the mumbo jumbo you call intelligence but at least get some facts right. For your Information Lee Kinyanjui is contesting in Nakuru Town and on a kanu ticket under PNU. just thought you'd like to know.

  18. This has got to be the most offensive piece of smut I ever come across. Extremely informative tho', now I see that your work to change political dispensation is really only driven by one thing...your hatred of my people. Question...what did I, Wambui Mwaura ever do to you that u should pour out such hate at me my family and my community????

    There are better ways to win votes than to dehumanize an entire tribe. First comes the dehuminization then follows the genocide.

    Let me make it clear, in case you dont quite get it yet. I AM A KIKUYU. I HAVE NEVER, NOW NOR EVER, DONE ANYTHING TO SCHEME FOR POLITICAL POWER. I HAVE NOT BENEFITTED FROM HAVING RICH AND WEALTHY KIKUYUS RUN THE COUNTRY (I tarmacked to get my job, I have never given or received a bribe and I am no thief). I WILL VOTE TO REMOVE SAID KIKUYUS AND LUOS AND LUHYAS AND KAMBAS FROM POWER (becoz I want to see change).


  19. @Last Anon......

    This piece dwelt on a few Kikuyus colluding to retain power in the house of Mumbi. At no time does the it talk about all Kikuyu ploting against the rest of Kenyans.

    With that said, I believe your last statement about Phil's lakeside asd exemplifies why Kenyans are up in arms against Kikuyus and their way of thinking.



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