Saturday, August 18, 2007

Yet Another Tribal Chief Calls For Strategy Meeting

Suggests Kumekucha should be meeting place

They say it is never a good idea to reveal your weaknesses to the public, especially when you know that your enemies are clearly waiting with baited breath for you to make a mistake.

Most Kenyans for instance believe that the majority of people leaving comments in Kumekucha do so from cyber cafes and therefore the survey findings (some of which I shared and a lot of which I kept to myself) were “cooked”. Somebody (notice how the thinking is so similar amongst these NSIS guys) suggested that they will vote with their feet. For your information brother, your comments have no impact on the silent majority and if you know the first thing about how sites get most of their traffic, you would realize the kind of ignorance your comment reveals about you.

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  1. What happens to the Wanna-Haves.

  2. The main word, enigma means, that which can not be explained. I say a confusion. It also means a difficulty problem, and that does sound more like Raila. He really is international for a Nigerian scholar to write his biography. I mean even his best gospel is spread, by the man himself, outside Kenya. But if I was to write his biography, I would give it a probably catchier title. How about Raila the low flying vulture in Kenyan politics! Well it couldn’t be easy for his fanatical fans to tell the likeness but really that’s all he is. Raila, who claims to be the creator of Kibaki’s presidency by his two words; Kibaki tosha! is not known to work much, but he does talk a lot. His says it’s called politics, talking, talking, talking. He is the most popular Kenyan politician, he says. By which I think he means most known and surely you pull off having your name in the papers everyday and you will, be known. It wouldn’t matter much what you do or says. He always has something for the media and when he runs out of dossiers, he pulls out his favourite card. My life is in danger! Being in the media this much then why would anyone need to read his biography. Hiyo tosha!

    While he considers himself the most suitable to be Mr President after Kibaki’s term (since he didn’t get to be the executive prime minister he hoped to be), I would disqualify him from Kenya’s political scene. And that without questioning every thing he does or says which as we know is a lot, I would take just three of them, excluding coup attempts and destabilizing a government elect.(1) One, he denied Kenyans their democratic right when he led his gang of power hungries in stating that Kenyans should not read a drafted constitution, but must reject it. Without reading it. By doing so, conscious of how popular and influential he is; thus easily manipulating and misleading thousands of Kenyans to base their vote on him and his bunch, he stole one of Kenya’s most historical moments. The creation of a wholly Kenyan constitution.

    This I say coz it’s my strongest believe that people should have decided without the intervention of his kind of politics, if not non for that matter. The government had done a remarkable job, which deserved recognition, to not only print the constitution but also to make it within reach of Kenyans everywhere. A lot was spent on this mentally, physically and financially. The least anyone could have down is to let all Kenyans who can read do so and make their own decision. But to incite people to burn copies of such an important document just because of a political oblivion phobia is selfish and unworthy to lead any nation!
    (2)Then to run off or fly off to distant lands (read west) and wash ones dirty linen in those publics, talking ill and spreading lies about ones government is low, way too low. Raila could not himself last a day politically in those countries where he goes to sell Kenya. He is lucky that Kenyans like political jokers of his kind unquestioningly.

    He should by now understand that his western masters would only support or work with him for their own benefit. That’s the deal. He has convinced his followers and even himself that he is mightier than thou, the one, the only Kenya’s saviour. How about some dignity?
    But times are changing, a natural mystic is blowing. Slowly, maybe, but surely Kenyans even his own devoted are starting to see him for what he is. A vulture because he is (3) only after what President Kibaki is building. I prefer to listen to that who says, my aim is to make Kenya a working nation with a government of national unity. Simple. And someone has already said that and is doing it too. Raila had the opportunity to show us all how hard working he is. He, like a number of others was given a ministerial responsibility in the government (not his first). But he spent his energies in backstabbing that same government. He wasted a lot of energy in trying to bring down the same person whom he had pronounced best for the job. He probably made his worst personal mistake when he shouted Kibaki tosha! But that is probably the best thing that he has ever done for our nation. Thanks!

    While he is preoccupied with the thought that he is the best Kenya will ever have, he misses the most significant signs of all his time. The fact that no Kenyan leader in his circle of ´´illuminatas“ or outside it has ever, will ever bow to, or, for him. They all know that it would be a dangerous mistake. And Kenyans have neither time nor the luxury of such a mistake. His biography?

    Am yet to hear his fellow ODM princes declare him as tosha. If he is as good as he thinks he is, then how come he is not an obvious choice? The ODM leadership seem to be playing a game of waiting to see who breaks first, Russian roulette. Then things will fall apart!
    If am asked, the man from the lakeside should tone down and try to read the times lest he be left nothing but the noise maker he is, without an audience. Borrow a line from Saitoti ´´read my lips“ and do something honourable to attach to his résumé. Our glorious country is rising again to take its place among the stars; we can not afford a misstep, a backward move, Moi tosha! ed. We have had enough, and like the professor said ´´ there comes a time when the interest of the nation is of more importance than personal interest“. It is our patriotic duty to ensure that the leadership of our nation does not fall into the wrong hands

  3. Wow! Mogiyusuf that was a thesis albeit not bound nor examined. Chris should be kind to you to change the topic because yours is at an obtuse variance. Your debut post and this one are very CONSISTENT is baring it all. However, my fear for you is that you are more than 700 days behind Kenyans. The rant and rave about the referundum is stale. Why not try another tune bro. There is a very thin line between being a vritic and an irritant. The difference is as stark as day and night.

    You street catalogue is old school spawned from the streets. It smacks off vibes from a stuck record. Tru, Raila has his WARTS. But you unwittingly fall head long onto your own vomit. After crafting an unexamined dissertation on Agwambo have you not given him unsolicited publicity yourself? Reverse logic has never been applieed so aptly. Bare the fangs out bro and hope they land some flesh hata kama ni mgongowasi.

  4. Mogiyusuf, you have strayed away from the topic. You are singing praises and you are well off-target. You are singing platitudes here. If you had it before, you could have been told that you were not referring to the topic that Chris has initiated.

    In this case, you are wasting people�s time with telling us that Raila Odinga is international to call a Nigerian author to write his biography. Moi was international and before him TJ Mboya was and all had British writers do their biographies. Yoweri Museveni has also had a foreigner write his Mustard Seed. Have a copy of that!

    Then you talk of the referendum and the very reason that I take a shot at your ideas. I have told people before that this should not be a reason to imagine that Raila Odinga can win the election. If that is what played in his head that he can lead Kenya, then rethink your decision to support that.

    It is during the same referendum that Raila referred to the Kikuyu as our �ADUI� and that is the beginning of the end of his dream to be the 4th Kenyan president. The people who stood by him during the time that you are trying to lecture us about economics of printing a constitution are away with Kalonzo Musyoka and his brigade of supporters in another party, Maoka Moare in NARC, Omingo Magara confused and fearing for his own skin, Ruto William unsure of his future since he was told he is not Moi�s son and Uhuru Kenyatta and Joseph Kamotho are �back at home� and many more. So much space has shifted since the referendum.

    Politics and winning the elections is about numbers and coalitions and tribal networking as has been argued here. Raila has to reach for the Nairobians and Central Kenya. The Kikuyu in these two places will not vote for him and the Coastals will neither do that. They are not talking about him. In fact, they don�t have time to be told what he will do for them. They have decided and silent about it.

    If it is �Kibaki Tosha� then you are really wrong my friend. It was in 2002 and people wanted then tyrannical era of Kanu gone. They only needed a single direction to follow Raila simply made it clear to them. They fell for it and there was a rare display of national unity led Kibaki to power. That one will never happen again. Not in Raila�s remaining life.

    It will be easy for Osama bin Laden to attend next year�s Breakfast Prayers in Washington than for the Central Kenya folk to vote for ODMU (ho di emu) or to inverse Susan�s suggestion about the Nile, it will be easy to stop the Nile pouring into the Mediterranean than to elect Raila.

    Anyway, Raila is not electable as Kenyan president, he will not be elected and so please, as you plan your next plagiarising move, kindly save us the time used in conceptualising your post.

    Wait until Moi speaks then you will know that people in Keiyo vote to the last sick ones. They might be the only place on earth that registers a 95% return in the world. And you know what...Moi never campaigns in Iten or Kamariny. They all know that what they are told by his people (read Biwott) is right.

  5. eeeh lol i can tell you did not read my post .to think that i am a raila supporter is an insult to my post .i have never and will never support raila odinga .

    ps is english comprehension a dying skill with kenyans

  6. Mogiyusuf I agree with most of what is in your post. I, just like you, would rather stop a bullet than vote for Mr. Raila. What I dont understand is why you always introduce something different from what the blog boss brings up for discussion.Why dont u also give us your take on the other topics in the blog? That, in my opinion, would make more sense. When you follow the path u r already on, then we cant help but see the narrowness of your agenda.

    Like I said, I hate Raila with a passion, BUT please let us diversify our interests in the whole thing.


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