Friday, August 24, 2007

The Powerful Forces That DO Not Want Raila To Be President

Analysts including this blogger have long pointed to the powerful anti-Raila forces that seem prepared to do anything to ensure that Raila never sees the inside of State House as the main occupant.

Top on that list is Moi, whose tentacles after 24 years as Kenya's presidency spread far and wide, giving him plenty of influence, even when he is no longer president. Then there is the fact that he is rated as the richest Kenyan alive by many people who also place his son Gideon at number two, in terms of wealth. Money usually does miracles in Kenya and magically opens ever doors that have previously been firmly shut for a long time. There is little doubt that a lot of the Moi family fortunes will be put to work against Raila.

Then there is the Central Kenya billionaires club. This consists mainly of people who made their money during the Kenyatta days. Many of these men are in the twilight years of their life and are extremely anxious that the country avoids a Luo presidency at all costs. These individuals who even Kumekucha is frightened to mention here...

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  1. You have gone far, Chris.....

    Just scrutinize Mr. Kibaki's Kshs. one million per plate dinner function guest list and you will see these powerful forces you and I know so well.

    Moi will not attend this expensive luncheon/dinner but he is said to have promised 2B kenya shillingi towards Kibaki's campaign kitty.

    Mr. Mugoya is also another generous contributor, and his huge contribution earned him a cash bail from police custody.

  2. Rumours Phil!

  3. Rumours you say Derek? Isnt it true the Mr. Isabirya Mugoya was freed after making a hefty contribution to Kibaki's re=election kitty? And that he is now poised to make a come back and by pulling a major deal that will ensure his company is pulls through the receivership chains? I can scan and e-mail to CHris for posting reports of the meetings that led to his release. The judiciary is just but a puppet of the executive in Kenya...especially wit the Iron Lady in charge of the constitutional affairs ministry.

    Nobody likes going to trial or to jail. Thats why ODM and/or Raila/Ruto/Balala must be ket out of power at all costs.

    Including hiring hitmen in the name of Artur Margayan and Sargasyan to come and liquidate wana mrengo wa ODM and make night raids on a free press. Luckily for us, we have informers and friends supporting us even from government side. And we shall not relent.

  4. Moi can offer even KShs 5B for Kibaki's campaign, Whats wrong with that? I mean people have to stop being petty. I will pose one question to you Phil, would you rather take campaign money from Albert Deya or Moi? I would go for Moi's money anytime. It is cleaner if you ask me.

    This whole crap about forces opposed to a Raila presidency is all cry-babyish. Raila Odinga is a politician just like Moi and others and if he cannot take the heat then he can become a nurse or a pastor. Moi, Mungoya, Vikii and the other 'powerful forces' and 'their agents' are entitled to their democratic right to support whoever they want for the presidency. It doesnt have to be Raila. I get pissed off when people insinuate that Mwai kibaki may fear a Raila presidency. Kibaki is as clean as milk, what the hell does he have to fear? In my opinion it is Raila who should fear a Kibaki presidency. If Kibaki was as vengeful and vindictive as Raila Odinga or if he was doing his job right, Raila Odinga would be rotting in jail now. That is where he belongs. He has corruption cases he needs to answer and no amount of favourable coverage is gonna change that one fact. People in this blog are allergic to the truth but I will keep rubbing it on you.

    As far as I am concerned, and I have said it before, Raila Odinga is a leader unto anarchy, darkness and death. Even his most ardent supporters know that he is leading them to nowhere but they would never admit it. He should be shunned by all right thinking people. Anyone who wants to return Kenya to being a dictatorship should be shot in the ass. A millitant like him would have been better serving in the former communist Russia or Sani Abacha's Nigeria. There is no room for dictators in civilized democracies.

    I want nothing to do with Moi. His regime was one big-ass mess and I am a victim of that. Someone I have depended on all my life just found himself in the wrong political corner and he paid the price. I am saying this so that I dont keep being called an 'agent of the looters'. But with all that, I can say a Raila Odinga presidency would be worse than Moi's. You just need to look at how the man abused power the short time he came close to it. Raila Odinga was just a minister in the last days of the Moi reign and he showed to all what a perverrted sense of power he has. He is just bad news.

  5. Phil, you do not have such details. I dont think with the 'watch' that the executive have in Kenya at the moment, such a thing can happen. May be yes, but I dont think such a thing can happen, not three months to elections. For the business deals? Not under another name.

    Take the case of the Arturs, do you think that without the opposition and the others in the country, they could have stayed. No. It is that simple. In any case, If Mugoya is affected, you and me know what will happen and who he dealt with in the past. As for me, I have a close relative who is a victim of the Mugoya dealings and would not like to comment further.

    The Standard attack, it was an intelligence that went wrong. The government reacted to a pub tittle-tattle in Tanager Bar and Restaurant. If you read David Makali's Expression Today, you will know much about it.

  6. So it is right for criminals to be freed irregularly because they can finance a president's re=election?

    The problem is you are entering this debate half-way Vikii. All those guys lining up to support Kibakis 2nd term have 'valid' reasons for doing so. Otherwise, why cant they let the voter do his own justice? And you dont have to keep reminding me about your opinion on Raila - I know you just HATE the fellow. But that wont make him drop his bid for presidency nor will it make me stop supporting him.

    Kibaki has every right to fear Raila. He is in state house courtesy of Raila. And Uhuru is out of it courtesy of Raila. You can come up with your hypothesis on how 2002 elections were held, but you cannot change history.

    Raila to cry baby? You must be living in a different Kenya. Let the kibaki's say 'jameni' or Kalonzo say 'please please' or Moi say 'tafadhali'..... Raila will always DEMAND for the rights of the people. And you have heard him say many times, there are those things which are not negotiable, and that is my democratic rights.

    Tumekaliwa siku mingi.

  7. Do you say it is fair for criminals to be freed? Is it right associate with well-known criminals in the name of Henry Kosgey and William Ruto.

    It is also fair to accept stolen Kamlesh Pattni (remember 1993 by-elections). History is rich. For your information, please Kibaki does not fear Raila. He has a beachhead.

  8. Please Derek, I wont go into that. Tuwache siasa duni.

    And neither Vikii, I wont accept Moi's nor Deya's funds nor drug money from Mr. J.H. Mwau. I would just campaign amongst the masses as ODM luminaries ae doing.

    Did watch todays soccer match at Nyayo Stadium Vikii? That was you future ODM government showing you that what men can do, women can better....

    I'll talk to you guys tomorrow, from Mombasa. Lets hope no one gets heckled - all the big three are on the way there this evening.

  9. Phil wacha uwongo. Ati "Raila will always DEMAND for the rights of the people". Aaaiiii...

    He does that when he knows he will get much publicity from it. If he as nothing to get from it ... kaukeni.

  10. Phil you are one person who is hard to understand. What makes you think telling people how 'bad' Kibaki or Kalonzo are will make them change the way they will vote then? I am not telling you not to vote for raila either. Go ahead and vote for him, afterall you have always done that. Continue voting for him but know that changes nothing.

    When you say supporters of Mwai Kibaki should not campaign for him and 'should instead let the people do their own justice' dont u then agree with me that you have no business telling us about non existent Raila virtues? I mean dont u see the need in letting us do our own justice? We also know those 'virtues' and we will vote accordingly. If people have no business campaigning for Kibaki, then nobody has any business campaigning for Raila either.

    About Raila never using the words 'Jameni', 'please please' and 'tafadhali', i know that. Dictators dont reason with the people they are addressing, no. They issue orders for the likes of Phil to take. Strongmen the world over never leave any room for dialogue. Their word is law.

    I am just challenging you to endorse or condemn the economic and political crimes associated with raila Odinga. Only then will I stop seeing the blatant myopia in your support for the token element that is Raila.


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