Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Amendment of Retirement Benefits Act – Open letter to Hon. Paul Muite


James W. Wang’ondu Nganga
P.O. Box 536
Njoro – 20107


Amendment of Retirement Benefits Act – Open letter to Hon. Paul Muite

Dear Mheshimiwa Paul Muite

This letter serves to remind you about your commitment to move an amendment to the Retirement Benefits Act to enable those of us who retired on or after 1st January 2006 to draw the balance of our pensions, and not therefore have to wait until we reach the age of 55 years.

I am one of several affected by the law enacted by former finance minister David Mwiraria and was therefore very excited to read about your proposal to move for an amendment to the Act because I am in dire straits like many others. Both my matatus are grounded and my wife, two school going sons and myself are now heavily relying on our two daughters based in Denmark.

This is not fair on the two young ladies who are in their early twenties.

I am to blame to a very big extent because of silly investment blunders I made in the...

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1 comment:

  1. Just curious to find out if this is a fake- why is Wang'ondu using Egerton University's P.O. Box? Still working?


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