Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Secrets From Kibaki’s Inner Circle


Over a long period of time, this blog has gained a large following and one of the huge advantages we have today is our large army of trusted informers who give us information that many readers usually mock here only for the same information to be proved correct a few months later.

I am eternally grateful to all you friends of Kumekucha out there, because you are the ones who make us different from the rest.

I have just received some very disturbing confirmation of a story I have been pursuing for some time. Indeed I have let the cat out of the bag several times in this blog.

But first let us start with a big shocker that contradicts popular belief.

Contrary to popular belief the power brokers around President Kibaki are not worried about a Kalonzo Musyoka or Raila Odinga presidential candidacy. The person they fear most is Musalia Mudavadi.

The kitchen cabinet – read Martha Karua, Njenga Karume and the rest who are known – are comfortable with any other person taking the ODM ticket apart from Mudavadi. To start with intelligence reports have indicated that former President Moi has silently been backing Mudavadi mainly due to family historic ties which makes Moi trust him a lot. Remember that Mudavadi would be in parliament today had he left Kanu with the others, but he stuck with Uncle Dan, knowing full well what the consequences would be.

Mudavadi is regarded a moderate and he would easily fit into Moi’s political game plan (which he did not achieve with the Uhuru project in 2002). Mudavadi is easily acceptable to all communities due to his character and this is what has sent Kibaki’s men and women into a major panic.

A contest between Kibaki and Mudavadi would complicate Kibaki’s already well-calculated chances of being re-elected due to Kikuyu phobia amongst other communities. This is a candidate that can easily overcome the tribal obstacle. With Moi’s backing (read the Kalenjin vote) and other major communities, Mudavadi would trounce Kibaki without breaking into a sweat.

My impeccable inside information has it that panic reached fever-pitch for Kibaki’s men and women when it emerged that Mudavadi’s camp (Musyoka and RUTO) are favouring consensus as a means of choosing the ODM candidate. Ruto knows that he can’t win the ODM ticket but he projects himself as a serious candidate in order to use the Kalenjin vote as a bargaining chip with either Mudavadi or Musyoka.

Kibaki’s inner circle believe that Ruto is more likely to cut a deal with Mudavadi than Musyoka for obvious reasons. A Mudavadi-Ruto team would have a clean sweep in the vast Rift Valley and the whole of Western. Ruto has the solid backing of Kalenjins and many Maasais and these are the dorminant tribes in Rift Valley. The team would fully lock out Kibaki from the two provinces, which have too big a portion of the votes to ignore. In order to win the Presidency, the Mudavadi-Ruto team would then reach out to other communities to fill the basket. In a strange twist of fate, Moi and Ruto – the two political rivals fighting for control of the Kalenjin vote – would find themselves both heartily supporting Mudavadi as a presidential candidate.

A Mudavadi presidency would ensure that Moi’s future and that of his family and their vast wealth would be in safe hands. The Kibaki administration initially mistreated Moi but warmed up to him for survival when LDP started rocking the boat. Intelligence reports show Moi – being a schemer and professor of politics – opted to fake a warm relationship with Kibaki for his own survival – but he did not forgive what the regime did to him at first. Those who know Moi know very well how he likes public limelight and hates humiliation. He decided to swallow the bitter knowing very well that his time for revenge would come. A Mudavadi candidate against Kibaki offers Moi the sweetest revenge of his life. Being young and well educated, Mudavadi would appeal to the local and international community and he is more likely to remain in State House for 10 years. Ruto would be of course eying the seat after Mudavadi since he is also young.

The above scenario is what has made Kibaki’s men start wetting their trousers five months before the General Elections. They have now hatched a counter scheme to spoil the Mudavadi party in the event that ODM picks him. Remember what happened in Nigeria? We might see a repeat of it here.

One of the key suspects on trial over the Goldenberg scandal and former Treasury PS, Dr Koinange, has been approached by Kibaki’s inner circle to help them in their scheme with a promise that the case facing him will be struck out (and he will be cleared by the High Court like Saitoti was). But on condition that he agrees to testify against Mudavadi so that the state nails him.

It is believed that a Mudavadi file on his role in Goldenberg has already been opened at CID headquarters and everything is in place so that the players move fast – as soon as Mudavadi is named the ODM candidate. The man will suddenly find himself facing corruption charges in court. And suddenly the Kibaki administration will look good for prosecuting big fish.

And Ruto’s land case? The case has deliberately been slowed down for the past four years by a senior member of the President’s Kitchen cabinet. In the event that Ruto is to become the presidential candidate (which intelligence reports shows is highly unlikely) or Mudavadi’s running mate, his case will be fast-tracked and he might find himself behind bars during the election period. So, Mudavadi and Ruto would be busy fighting court battles (or be in jail) as President Kibaki moves his campaigns to a new level.

Another issue that is giving Kibaki’s men sleepless nights is Kibaki’s health. Which is a subject that this blogger has talked a lot about here, because I know the old Kibaki and the imposter that Kenyans are seeing now is NOT him.

The Kibaki Kenyans see in public is kept going by strong medication and the man is never himself. The car accident he had and the stroke that was triggered by the accident still weight heavily on Kibaki’s health. The man Kenyans see in public is not in control of his faculties and he survives by the grace of God and drugs. Before he ventures out in public, doctors have to prepare him for the task ahead by administering drugs. This is what Kibaki’s inner circle would never allow the public to discover. They want the public to think that the man is as fit as a fiddle.

There was a curious incident recently when Livestock Minister Munyao continued giving a speech and showering praise on Kibaki at a function only to be alerted that the man he was praising had left his seat. President Kibaki had stood up from his seat to use the toilet facilities behind the presidential dais without Munyao’s knowledge. The president frequently does this during public functions due to the affect of the heavy medication he takes. Although no one can blame President Kibaki for his ill health, it is wrong for the public not to be told the truth and his inner circle have been pushing him to run for a second term. In fact there are those who would argue that the country is in chaos because our president has some serious health issues and is not himself. With all the pressure around him, one can only sympathise and understand whay the first lady was so anxious to reduce his heavy schedule in Mombasa in that controversial incident in 2003.

Horror of Kenyan with female sex organ sharing cell with men at Kamiti Prison

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  1. Either way Kenya remains the looser. Mudavadis of this world will just take us back to Misri as my good old grandma (RIP) would always advise. What we are witnessing are expedited tribal motions without commensurate national movements. Moi won't rest til he exerts his pound of revenge and with his resources and network you only ignore him at your own political peril.

    That said, the guy may be seething with anger and boiling in rage only to meet his make without the intended political slaying. True, he may have been the political professor but Kenya has changed a great deal. But except a poor student to repeat his errors in abundance. Moi learnt his lesson in 2002 and no amount of his smartness saved him the humilation. If I were him I would ostrachise the smelling flies by avoiding to the very road they patronize. But like Kamanda and Mwenye he is a practical man with no time for abstractness, poor Dan!

    On MK's health I am not sure of anyything only being nostalgic of the brillian Mwai of yore. Power is sweet and if its true that he is a human vegetable ala Terry Schiavo, then we are back to the 1970s when we had a coconut for a president while the rulling class raped en masse. Welcome to African version of democracy (though it happened the US last century but they hav the benefit of running insititions unlike our staning personalities).

  2. Chris i thought i had transformed u from the rumour monger and liar u used to be to a sobre factual reporter and analyst. how wrong?

    one, mudavadi cannot and will never be the odm's presidential candidate. He has alot of groundwork to do before he becomes of age politically speaking. He should seriously look for ways of recapturing his parliamentary seat before looking for answers to questions about his involvement in corruption. musalia mudavadi against mwai kibaki is not a battle, the brazillian national soccer team vs our own harambee stars is a bigger one. i know you and your little disciples will be up in arms against me but as usual, u will be mistaking me with someone who cares.

    About mwai kibaki's health, i will reserve my comments. if i were to respond to that, I would start by questioning the sanity of your informers but I wont.

    One question for u sir, have you noticed your desperate efforts to try to depict any mudavadi questioning as politically driven? i know your response to this question is that u have not said that because u obviously assume we do not know the existence of the implied meaning on top of the said one. The government doesnt need to do a smear campaign on any politician especially one whose corrupt past was aired on live national tv every single day a couple years ago.

    And again, people should know that what Kenya needs is a principled leader. A soft marionette on another politician's string is the last thing we want in state house. I fully agree that Uhuru Kenyatta was Moi's 'project' and that is why we rejected him, but dont u also think mudavadi is Raila's puppet as well? One who will have to ask for permission from the king before making any decision?

    just as u have sources, we also have ours and u can be sure that mudavadi's insistence on consensus is a carefully calculated move to make people bliv he is reading from a different page with odinga. the idea is for odinga to 'beat a retreat' and support consensus with mudavadi as the candidate. That one as all the others before will backfire.

  3. As much as Vikii is entitled to his own opinion and comments, I think it's good to be rational and not emotional or abusive when debating an issue.

    The issues that Chris raised in his article are so critical and they can't be swept under the carpet purely because they are not music to Vikii's ears. You can't bury your head in the sand and assume all is well just because you are blind. A wise man is one who listens to all divergent opinions but a fool dismisses anything so long as it's not sweet to his ears. The fact that you don't like the issues raised by Chris doesn't mean they are not happening.

    For instance, Kibaki's ill health is no secret to Kenyans. The only thing Chris revealed are the behind-the-secenes secrets that Kenyans don't know about the state of health of their president. So, where does the issue of sanity arise here Vikii? Just because you would not want to imagine Kibaki is a sick man doesn't mean he is fully in charge of his faculties! There is a difference between credible sources (whom Chris is alluding to) and bar rumour mongers (the ones Vikii seems to be relying on).

  4. Mr. Anonymous, I dismiss everything that comes my way and I need no reminding what category of people does that. I am a fool and a proud fool for that matter. I was never here to take intelligence tests though. If I needed to do that I know where to take them.

    I respect your opinion of me. U r absolutely entitled to it and i have no business infringing on ya rights. I am also entitled to some rights, though not as many as u. I will exercise the few I have until that day when u decide I should enjoy them no more.

  5. As much as I don't want to engage any of you in a shouting match, Vikkii's comments cannot go unchallenged. Vikkii, you thought you had transformed Chris, I thought Kenya had grown beyond comments such as yours. You mean you are so idle that you take a precious 5 minutes plus of your time to write such rubbish!!?
    All the same Chris, I can tell you that MM will not be ODM's presidential candidate. Why? Because RO is not quiting the race for him! Chris, I hope you read RO's interview with the Sunday Nation. Raila is not entirely opposed to consensus. What he is opposed to is that predetermined mind, where someone says so and so is unelectable. Guys, let's analyse the scenario with an open mind. Who in ODM can beat Raila in any political contest? Who of them can stand on his own and win without Raila's support? I still insist, if anyone thinks that by confronting Raila, he will back down, then you are in for a surprise. Chris, I am not so narrow-minded that I'd celebrate a Raila victory in ODM. I want ODM to win as a team. That's why I advocate for consensus. But it must be structured. In a consensus,all parties enter as equal players. No one is better than the other. Otherwise, it is no longer consensus.
    As for UK, he's doing just what he came to ODM to do - break it, with Moi's blessings of course. As for Kibaki's health, it really doesn't matter. Masinde Muliro was elected posthomously.
    Chris, let me put a few questions (and answers) to you;
    1. Has Kibaki brought change in Kenya? Definitely! Is it adequate? No!
    2. Is there anyone in ODM who can make a better Kenya than Kibaki? Definitely! Who? Raila Odinga.
    Chris, how come that the so called council of elders is saying that if Raila were to back Kalonzo, Luo's will vote 100% for the latter while if it were the other way round, only 30% of Kamba's would vote in Raila. This is taking Luos for a ride. I am not disputing the figures, because they are grossly miscalculated. They are cooked. Infact, it will be a waste of time to analyse the figures. I can promise you Chris that things are going to be different this time round. I have toured Nyanza for the past two months and believe it or not, on the big day, if Raila's name is not on the ballot papers, the talk is that Luos should as well go on with their daily chores. The only person, they say, who can make Kenya better than Kibaki has done is one Raila.
    Just before I call it a day, I had promised to tell you guys why the late Maitha could not prosecute Gumo over the much talked about land. It is said that when Gumo was the City Council Chairman, he was in charge of the irregular allocations in the City. Kibaki, it is said, got the land where Lion Place stands (Kiss FM offices) in Westlands. Michuki (or is it Muchuki) got the land where the present day KENCOM is.Does it sound farmiliar? I am not a romour monger, but Chris, using your so called sources, you can investigate this!
    Always, Dan.

  6. As you say Chris, Kibaki's inner circle could be having sleepless nights as regards the possibility of Musalia Mudavadi emerging as the single ODM candidate, but the same 'intelligence' they rely on could not have failed to give them vivid reasons as to why Musalia withdrew from the then Rainbow Alliance in 2002 to re-join KANU, be appointed Vice President and eventually loose his parliamentary seat in very humialiating circumstances?

    So bloggers need to ask - Was it a forced withdrawal? Of course it was! And what reasons could Moi and his chronies used to arm-twist a rebellious Musalia to support rookie Uhuru? Goldenberg files? I dont think so Chris.

    Lets not pretend to having short memories and avoiding realities on the ground. Save for the shortest stint in the vice presidency, Musalia has an impressive public service CV. But in Kenyan politics, especially post 2002 polls, you will agree with me the present Kenyan voter is much more enlightened than ever before and is a little less tribalistic; and most importantly the voter is a factor you cannot ignore when making election predictions, right?

    In short Chris, I am saying that; while I can not dismiss your intelligence sources I can only agree with Vikii, Musalia has got miles to cover before he can come anywhere near Kibaki or even Raila for that matter.
    As regars Kibaki's ill health, is it really that serious? Because I doubt one can hide such serious health problems and continue to hold that office in the manner that he does. Besides, the constitution does have sections that talk about such eventualities to th holder of the office of the president, doesnt it, Chris? I know you may want to draw comparisons with Kenyatta's last years in power, but that was more than 30 years ago in a single party Kenya!!

  7. Dan and Anon please spare Vikii the tirade. Opinions are free and only facts are sacred. With that Vikii has all the freedom to say what he what and we must be tolerant to defend his thesis no matter how off the mark.

    Give it brother Vikii he so passionate about his man and claim to be an ODM(er) who will ONLY decamp if none of his favourites is chosen. Come to think of it that is a shade of democracy albeit a rare one, ama? What appears to gal Vikii more is anybody standing on the path of his horse and you can't fail to see him read malice and the hand of one Kenyan politician he hates with a passion albeit clothing the bile in plastic sarcasms.

    So guys lets address Chris' points of MM being a Moi poddle and the 'vegetatitive state' of MK. Don't shout, argue please.

  8. Rumours Chris. Did Johnstone Kamau not lead a united govrnment in most of the years before his death. Only once threatened by the death of JM Kariuki did his advisers force him to walk along Moi Avenue, in an unprecdented show of might.

    Many will tell you that the tens of times spent sleeping while the helpless women dance in the lawn of State House Nakuru, Mombasa and even in Kiambu when people made donations to Kiambu Hospital. So, Kibaki is up and about and leading a united, effective and a government that is making changes to me and you. So, he is okay.

    On the civil war in the opposition, the butchering will continue for the time being.

    Okay, now it is unraveling that the intentions are not known from some circles.

    For ODM, the talk of compromise candidate will make or break the party. It may be Musalia Mudavadi or Kalonzo Musyoka. Well, Musalia for one reason in that the Western Kenya elecorate will fall for the ploy, and Musyoka bouyed by the opinion polls that have always showed that the Mwingi bloke can win. No probem with that.

    As you say Chris, the only candidates who will have a beachhead in the ODM nominations is Raila Odinga and Musalia Mudavadi. Why, these are the only two with Mwai Kibaki who can marshall a whole constituency to launch a nomination or election bid.

    If Western Kenya voters can have Musalia as the ODM candidate, then, they can think twice and vote for a candidate who will bring the 'presidential standard' to their backyard and not one far away.

    So priced is the Western Kenya Province in the elections that it will see all the presidential campaigns start. Daniel Moi knows this better, that when the province turned their back on Kanu, it was Musalia who tasted the first reaction of this community that over the years supported him or his late dad (MOses).

    As a Moi lapdog, yes, Moi dragged him from the Tyson job to personally campiagn for him and later make him one of the youngest Ministers, denying him his freedom and social life in Nairobi West and other venues.

    But still, whichever direction the ODM nomination takes, the influence of the unelectable Raila Odinga wll count alot. On his own, NO. But if he rallies the massive support that he has, will count for the ODM candidate.

    AS to the anon alias Dan who says that there is only one man who can do better that Kibaki as the president is Raila Odinga, then it is not true. He is not a team player. Pushy, dictatorial and selfish, and you can now see what it all means after ODM decided to discuss their process of nomination.

    The simple reason that he annot be nominated after spending days upon days campaigning only to be a'advised' that their is a process that has to be followed by anoyone planning a shot at the presidency. That shows how it how hard it is to tackle an incumbent.

  9. There was this Swahili newspaper headline that was very famous in Tanzania, (no one should think differently) that: Oginga Odinga afa bila kuwa raisi...hata kwa siku moja'. that is what the incumbent can subject to opponents.

  10. Derek, spare us your hatred. Chris' original post was about Kibaki's innercircle worrying about facing Musalia in the forthcoming elections, with Moi's involvement. Chris also tells us about Kibaki's illness health. Though not proven, the guys behavior and actions tells us he is not 'normal' (am deliberately avoiding using the word healthy). I wonder how Raila is connected to all these?

    Now tell me Derek, why does the name Raila Odinga (and now the late Oginga Odinga) make you post comments bodering on insults about these individuals? I said it before, and I am saying it again, I have serious reservations about your knowledge of current affairs and it seems to me you are hell bent on casting Raila odinga in negative light whenever something political is posted here. And although you call him 'unelectable', I remind you he has numerous occassions re-elected as MP for Langata. He also remains the most visible Kenyan political player since the death of Mzee Odinga.

    And even if he is unelectable, can you really deny him the chance to offer democratically himself as a candidate? When one looses in a democratic election, it does not mean that one is less human or that you no longer have a role to play in public affairs.

    You might not realise it, but the ethnic violence Chris has launched a campaign against is actually very evident in this blog. Only that the machettes and guns have been replaced by the keyboard and mouse! Poor Derek.

  11. I simply said that Raila Odinga is the only one who can marshall a whole provincial support. Kalonzo Musyoka cannot, Uhuru Kenyatta cannot and Najib Balala cannot. Is it wrong to say that Raila can marshall a whole province and others cannot. And still to add to that, Not entire Nyanza province because part of the province can go the opposite way as it has happened twice before.

    Phil, is Raila's name sacred. If so, please tell me. Anything that is said about him is met with fury. Why? Should he not be talked about in Kenyan politics. Is so, tell me today and I will not do that again. Hasnt Chris ever said that Kibaki is ill. Who has rose up with such kind of anger to talk about it, even when it borders on our country's sensitive leadership? NONE.

    Unelectable, it has been said in many fora, and even Raila himself said over the weekend that there is a streotype and a potential backlash that 'A Luo cannot be elected.' Not me but Raila Odinga himself. This was all in the papers on Sunday and even Monday when he addressed a mob rally in Kamukunji.

    As for the knowledge, I think it is not privy to a section of the population to know somethings and others not to know. I like other Kenyans know abit of it. In anycase, I know a little bit more of what I say.

    On the Oginga Odinga case, there is a Tanzanian paper Uhuru (with a picture Julius Nyerere weeping) that ran the headline a day after the doyen of politics died. What is wrong with saying that history might repeat itself.

    Finally, I do not hate Raila. I dont HATE him and I will never hate him, and by you insinuating that I am stirring hatred is PITIFUL. Really!

  12. In order to remain relevant as well as avoid creating confusion on this international blog, I may recommend to you Derek - add comments that relate to the main post. Avoid personalising your criticism.

    Your 1st and 2nd posts are contradictory in several instances. eg. "....the influence of the unelectable Raila Odinga wll count alot. On his own, NO. But if he rallies the massive support that he has, will count for the ODM candidate" end of quote. Question is, how can one be "unelectable" and at the same time have "massive support"?

    I would prefer to read your constructive criticism of Raila on a main post that touches on the subject of his candidature. I would love to engage you on what you think are the pros and cons of these candidates, rather than imagined sins or Tanzanian press, or even worse on ethnicity. All of these people, including Odinga, have every right to offer themselves in an election, dont you think so?

  13. Oh yes, did Kenneth Stanley Njindo Matiba not have massive support? and he lost. Did Uhuru Kenyatta not have the same and lost yes he did. He has the influence to marshall a tribal leader like support. Period.

    He has a right to be elected, but he says that people are stereotyping his tribe and cannot be elected. Did he not say that the tribe is thinking about their position within Kenya. What is more serious than that statement.

    Politics is about personalities and it cannot be avoided in any political communication. So i offer to stick to the topic, avoid personalising and offer my criticism, if they will make Raila not walk out of the ODM meeting or change the way the other leaders will agree on a candidate the next time they appear before the amorphous ODM Council.

  14. Chris,

    I think your intelligence is based on bar talk rather than any facts.

    I am not sure who told you that Karua and Karume make up the Kibaki inner circle and if they told you this, tell them to check again. We need to stop being stuck in a political rut where we imagine that certain politicians form Kibaki's inner circle purely on the basis that this is how Moi or Kenyatta did it. For instance, anyone that ignores Awori in the people Kibaki listens to has not knowledge of the goings on in Kibaki's house.

    As for his health, the man is as fit as a fiddle, and it is perfectly normal for Kibaki to keep visiting the toilets - and this is a legacy of his old drunken days. I speak to his doctor quite often and they are very happy that he works a tough regime in the gym and his heart is kicking very well!!! That should explain the amount of activities the man has been involved in lately!

    Finally what about the Mudavadi theory? Perhaps Kibaki will be a worried man if it was Kalonzo the candidate as opposed to Mudavadi. Many reasons to this, but bwana Chris would be overwhelmed by his misinformation!!

  15. Everybody is welcome to throw anything at their disposal at me. I really dont give much of a damn. Mr. Anonymous Dan, if what i write is 'rubbish', then the english languagae is yet to find a word that describes what you write. I am promising u one thing little person: U gotta learn to put up with that 'rubbish' until such a time when I'll voluntarily choose not to post anything here. I can offer u a remedy for this----I dont use the "Anonymous" handle to post comments, I use the handle "Vikii" and so if u are sick of reading my rubbish, please skip my comments everytime you come across them.

    Phil I missed you, hope you guys were not tear gassed at Kamukunji. I must tell you that Derek only started talking about Raila as a response to an article done by this dan person that shamelessly alleges that Raila can offer Kenya a better leadership than we r seeing today. That was a lie that hd to be challenged.

    I am always ready to heed Taabu's advice though

  16. Hey Chris would you please connect Derek and Phil by e-mail so that they can continue CHATTING outside this blog? Regurgitating street talk as facts never won any argument gentlemen and would you please stop insulting our colective patience and intelligence.

    Bar talk did I read right? Well, if talking to MK's doctor (Gikonyo) I guess is not the most reckless bar talk then I don't know what is. Which doctor would discuss his client evn with his wife and a high profile one at that? None and I should know better. That is unless the physician is Dr. Kumar (the Indian fake ENT specialist who scooped a patient's brain while pretending to be attending to the inner ear.

    And honest and innocent question. Why would someone post an item that insult even the most average intelligence? Well, your guess is right, back your horse despite the shape of his nose.

  17. Bar talk yes, Dr Gikonyo cannot and will not discuss the president's health with Mumbi wa Gikuyu. Never. Even us talking of the pressy been ill is ill-advised and out of character.

    Taabu, on the other end, I would like to thank you about that comment on Dan's post. I do read most of the comment, starting with Chris' in the process, I noted dan's and even quoted it in my first post. Dan spoke of Raila Odinga, is it personal that I commented on it and Dan did not. I only feel for the comment of tribal hatred implied by Phil. As I say, it is sorry. On the link, I think it should not be there.

  18. Derek that credit should come to me. i and not my friend taabu ,pointed it out. I am calling for a just reward system Derek----kiddin

  19. ....who said Gikonyo is the president's doctor? Certainly not me!!!

    Now here is what I said: " I speak to his doctor - and if you only know Gikonyo, then you can appreciate the level of ignorance I spoke about that is not dissimilar to the allegations by Chris as to the make up of the inner circle.

  20. I am visiting this blog for the first time, and I must say that the discussion is quite mature. I believe everybody is entitled to an opinion even is the same opinion is detestable to others.

    However, there is one terminology that I don't clearly understand the context under which it has been applied by the various contributors, and that is that so and so is 'unelectable'. Somebody help me; how can an individual be unelectable in a one man one vote system of democracy? I thought everybody has one vote and whoever you choose to cast your vote to has no bearing on who somebody else would choose! How does unelectability come in. Yes, somebody may be unelectable to you, but he/she may be very electable to me, so how can one generalize that one is unelectable? I believe one only needs two vote, one from self and the other from somebody else, in an election to prove that he/she is electable.
    So please lets stop advancing this theory that some people are unelectable because it is erroneous. I believe we are all intelligent enough to recognise this.


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