Monday, July 30, 2007

Online Forensic Experts Point Out Possible Identity Of Porn Poster To Kumekucha


A former journalist who appears to be pretty idle now has been linked to the posting of pornographic material in this site. Evidence gathered based on the IP addresses from where the posts are being made and the writing, which compares with the writer's style elsewhere so closely that it is difficult to miss has left Kumekucha and an expert with little doubt as to who this mysterious poster is.

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  1. A 'former' journalist and the routing leading to South Africa ????
    There is only one person I can think of: a certain Jeff Koinange .....
    Having read his 'sexual fantasies' in the Steamy Mails he had sent to MB, this seems to me quite obvious ....... and did you read that most of these 'dreams' published over the weekend are talking about having sex with a 'blonde' - could it be that he is not 'over' MB yet ???????

  2. I can't believe this - could you really mean Jeff Koinange?
    On the other hand, it sounded like him - although I was a bit disappointed that he did not mention having sex in the swimmingpool (in the office, restaurant, elevator etc. etc.) but the pool was missing and that was one of his favourite places when writing to me.
    I wonder what a certain Proud Kikuyu Woman has to say about all this - by the way: I took your advise and checked on - thanks therefore.

  3. Please, stop this thing.

    Kwani Jeff alikula pesa ya nani?

  4. How old are Marianne Brinner? Something is wrong somewhere.

  5. I have not mentioned any names. So nobody should take me to task before I do.

    But having said that I am shocked at the high level of intelligence and detective work by readers here. How do you rule such people? (joke)

    And let's just leave out the emotions and consider the raw facts for a moment. The ip address where the posts are coming from was positively identified as South Africa. Secondly the small clues here presented by some readers. Finally we need to ask ourselves the big question; does he have a motive?

    Last but not least for those who still have witch-hunt at the top of their minds; ask yourself this question. Why would Kumekucha rant and rave about NSIS agents one day and then the next talk about evidence linking the attacks to some very different source from what he had first suspected?

    I have still not mentioned any names. I will stick to my promise and only mention names together with the additional conclusive evidence I have if they don't stop.

    P.S. I am glad that my policy here is the truth. How do you fool such smart Kenyans with lies and cheap propaganda? Impossible!!!

  6. Chris, I still maintain that I don't envy your particularly when faced with such volatile and emotive situations. One slip and its amargedom bro. Meanwhile I am happy you are holding on. Keep on keeping on. Hope and steadfastness in your singular hope and by the way the truth never mutates, ama?

    As the insinuations, they are all wild. But true to character, I will defend everybody's right to go ballistic except with commensurate responsibility. I fear for MB, she is wading in hot water. But she has all the right albeit at a very steep price.

    Let the JK ghost lie and die. Why flog a dead and burried horse. At least you can make humus andanimal food from it instead of trying to resurrect it. Please chaps out there give the guy a break lest the wife miscarries from stress traceable to you good people. That is not asking for too much, or is it?

  7. Let me be allowed to borrow the words of Ubako…huuuuu ni upumbavu….and that brainless woman should get herself busy with another jamaa…pointers… Mugabe will be good for her…..The mama is soooooooo oldddd but tends to think men fancy her pig-like, tired, old ugly features. Get a life. Sisi tunajenga nchi apeleke vako zake mbali

  8. Marianne,

    I was MIA, just busy with school and exciting work.

    I prefer responding to political posts that are of interest to me,but since you wanted my opinion, I concur with Berata above-get a life.Or try new markets for your products, books and all.I think 'everything' would be hot in the Western market where there is more talk on the same.

    Glad you checked out my recommendation, was it of help? Did you google Stop Trying to 'Save' Africa by By Uzodinma Iweala?Any thoughts?There are many opinions out there and I would appreciate hearing what you have to say as one of the real doers. Maybe we should touch base outside the blogosphere. What do you think?

    Keep me informed on your work in 'Africa'.

  9. to PKW and Bereta (if you 'borrowed' from the Italian Gun Company: it should be spelled with double tt - and it would also be more fitting) - but anyway: don't worry, I have a life and a very exciting one and a very sociable one too. Why else do you think a certain JK was interested in me ? And I am also thinking about getting again involved in some Charity Organizations in Africa - maybe even in Kenya. And a message to PKW: leave your email-address as a comment on my private blog
    leave it as a comment and I will answer to you - I think, we have a lot in common ...... outside the subject 'JK' and/or 'others' .....
    don't get scared because the blog is in German - just leave a comment at the end of the last post .....

  10. Marianne,
    On second thought, no thanks. I don't want something similar to what befell JK et al to befall me.Of course nothing 'private' would occur, but I'm just now starting to build my career. I'm taking many risk on that but I'm not willing to let you be one of those risks. I may disappoint you down the road, and there is no knowing what you might do in revenge. The First Post quoted you....Briner said: "I do not like to be cheated and I don't like cheating - that's when I fight back." Just saw that after I'd requested to 'meet' you elsewhere. I believe the bigger part of my life lies ahead of me, and I have lots of responsibilities already that I'd rather take on when I get the opportunity. Its just for me safer here.

    On our similar issues, I wish there were more people of like mind, and we could discuss more issues than politricks. I suggest since you and Chris seem to be in talks outside the blog, ask him to post more on that as he doesn't seem to realize how issues beyond Kenya and Kenyans' control affect all of us.
    With all honesty I wish you the best in your very exciting and sociable life. Continue doing your good work (much as the motive matters, the outcome does, too, don't you think?) in/for the darkness........was that Kenya or Africa in general?

  11. For PKW:
    I think you and I know who you are in reality !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    And that's exactly why I am not surprised or disappointed that you won't let me have your private email-address. To be honest, I never expected you either - I was only 'testing' you ...... but I knew the outcome beforehand
    I agree with you that you have a lot to look forward to since you have to build (or should we not better say 'rebuild) your life?????
    Believe me, I wish you all the best .....
    Still, inspite of everything, it would be nice to hear once in a while from you - maybe even talking about your future plans??????


  12. Well, something is cooking but I cannot discern the scent. Wanajuana kwa vilemba it seems. The less said the better. Best of luck in your endevours, PKW and MB.

  13. Marianne,

    No, we don't know each other apart from communicating here.All I know from you is what you have said on TV and online and from other sources online.
    As you can see, I'm a brilliant student (just the type our country needs to fight the darkness, right?)-I passed your test.I'll ignore your ignorance.

    Lets keep I touch here at Kumekucha.You won't be hearing about my plans any time soon. I prefer to keep my private life private.
    Thanks for wishing me the best, though I'm not sure I believe you.

  14. Ati now this brainless woman is telling me how to write my name. Either she is very idle or someone has mistakenly borrowed her identity (i dont think any sane person would want to do that). To you Brainess Mar....unataka? peleka upumbavu mbali...some kenyans dont want to know what you think blah blah.. as for starting a charity organization in kenya or Africa...i would suggest you first try and save your Drug-hungry, benefits-hungry countrymen. Or is the prospect of meeting some famous African men very exciting to you? Reconstructive surgery will be a mzuri thing to do before you embark on your mission. UTADO???? this cucu should be nyongwad with a big gee!!!!


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