Thursday, July 12, 2007

Kidnapped 3 Year Old Child's Severed Head And Hands Found On The Banks Of Nairobi River

As the police supposedly continue to win their war against crime, a child disappeared on Sunday in the Baba Dogo area of Nairobi and the mother has been looking everywhere for the 3 year old boy.

Her search ended yesterday on the banks of Nairobi River when a hawker in search of maize to sell stumbled upon the body parts of what remained of the boy. It is not clear who informed the mother and she arrived at the scene before the police arrived to remove the body, to confirm that the head was indeed that of her missing son. Naturally she could not be consoled.



  1. Pathetic. Low, and the most embarrassing act ever seen. If it is Mungiki, then it is low.

    This one now bears the hallmark of the Mungiki sect. They chop-off heads, leave them on the ground and let people live in fear and a trail of confusion in the process. The highpoint of terrorism. Did the politicians nurture, like corruption, a being they cannot tame?

    There should be a connection or a semblance in the way they act and that has been my argument with other murders in the past few weeks. Shooting to kill with one bullet might not be Mungiki, killing five people and leaving them in a bush (read shooting) might not be Mungiki, but this one, is truly theirs.

    Can someone actually tell us the Mungiki leaders who had an agreement with Daniel Arap Moi? From this, though hypothetical, we should be told what they said and how Moi pacified this murderous cult.

  2. Drek do you mean that if its not mungiki then its not low?

  3. Phil said...

    Chris this, like the others, is inhuman and barbaric. And it is all happening in the name of political power.

    Two days ago I cautioned you against using words like 'throwing stones and waving hammers' in reference to a certain group of people. You cannot use these segregative words and expect to run a successful anti-violence campaign at the same time. In a respectable blog like this, words like those only help in promoting tribal divisions but it also sadly confirms to us you have also joined the bandwagon of others in Kenya who rank themselves higher human beings than others.

    And as a respected political analyst Chris, I expect you to understand and appreciate the nature of our society before penning articles. Since independence, our political system has been the biggest promoter of tribalism and class society. It goes without saying that extremely deep resentment runs through parts of Kenya because of unfair distribution of wealth and political power..

    While I cannot blame this heinous crime on anyone inparticular, the press have learnt from Kariobangi residents that it is being attributed to a Mungiki revenge attack. It is an open secret that the proscribed group still maintains political backing and are now recruiting unsuspecting school going children and jobless teenagers. In other words Chris, the stakes are very high in the forth coming general elections.

    As regretable as it is, I only hope that this needless murder will not result in retaliatory attacks or end up clouding our continuing fight for a free, equal and prosperous country.

  4. Say it as it is. As I cautioned earlier, this thing will get out of hand, tenfold, when Mungiki begins exclusively striking those from other tribes. Unfortunately, such is the natural progression of such hideous crimes. Terrible as it sounds, the hunting and deposing of Mungiki traitors and their kin becomes a bore after a while. Further, it becomes politically pointless as we, as Chris would say; become accustomed to the smell. Without sensationalized headlines and front page color pictures of grieving mothers alongside decapitated torsos, Mungiki crimes suddenly become part of our social fabric/ common day to day activities. Teachers have complained of Mungiki students but Saitoti hasn’t said a word. While expecting Michuki to do nothing substantial with it, the defense budget has been slashed (read campaign financing). Brig. Ali way of saying hallo is; “ we know who they are and my boys are in hot pursuit”. How many times has the president himself demonized Mungiki….. by name? Shouldn’t that be in his daily vocabulary? Shouldn’t he too be having sleepless nights wondering how to appease the citizens in the morning?
    Think for one minute; where do you think all the hundreds of millions Kenya shillings that this group has extorted from matatus and slum dwellers for years has gone to? I doubt it has started income generating projects for its members…..neither has it been invested to buy land for its landless members. Your guess is as good as mine. If you are afraid of pangas and skull skinning razors, you may do better business in the sale of body armor.

    All these issues should have been addressed as soon as the first chopped head hit the ground. That said, some of you are still waiting for an opportunity to vote for Kibaki. You foolishly forget that with Kibaki, comes back another five years of Michuki and possibly Ali. Do you want an extension of the current lack of political will to stop this mayhem? For those who may think that I’m attacking Kibaki unfairly, remember this man of lost glory is your COMMANDER IN CHIEF. My dear friends, when the Mungiki problem is slowly pushed to the back bench, these murderous buffoons have no option but to kick it up a notch……. if not just to remain relevant.

    Three things are bound to happen; 1) Michuki will finally reign in all the Mungiki shot callers and shorties…… escorting them to dinner with Satan himself with the assistance of a bullet in the back of the head. 2) Failing to sense any type of state protection, defunct protective units (read all strains of Taliban) will take cue to regroup and recruit in anticipation of Armageddon. 3) Citizens will cower and lock their doors for the night by 5PM, always walk in loud talking groups after 6PM and keep vigil all night.

    If (1) happens, I will be the first to re-register as a voter in Kangema and vote for a gallant Michuki alongside a clearly rejuvenated and refreshing Kibaki. If (2) happens, it will be disastrous for the nation. The politically correct conversations on this blog will cease to exist and whether you like it or not, you will naturally be swept into the sewage that coagulates into a mix of tribal hate and animosity. The so called allegiance to wilt hate speech and calm minds will fizzle like a shook coca cola bottle. Your inability to type comments on this blog will be inhibited by your tear-filled keyboards. And the UN, well it will come six months down the line. Such are the stakes. If (3) happens, I pray that it will be the silent waiting for an opportunity to vote for change. Any type of change.


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