Monday, July 30, 2007

Dr David Awuor's Press Conference On Nairobi Earthquakes Gets Press Blackout


I often wonder would happen if Kumekucha called a press conference in Nairobi to reveal his true identity. Would most of the press ignore the summons or would it be packed?

There was a time when Dr David Awuor's press conferences would hardly attract a journalist. What would you expect from a man who says he is a prophet God speaks to? Well, yesterday when he called a press conference, the place was packed with every media house you can think of as well as plenty of curious Kenyans.

They all wanted to hear the latest from "Upstairs" concerning the Nairobi earthquakes. The man did not disappoint and dived straight into the topic. But today newspapers mostly ignored the story...

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  1. I’m sure there’s no doubt that one, possibly two or three, regular commentators on this blog are on the verge of delivering profound evidence to the effect that Dr. David Awuor is really and truly a Raila stooge assigned the heavy task of planting terrific fear in every Kenyan mind. Can you imagine doing business and improving the economy while seated in an office on the 27th floor of any Nairobi skyscraper……with thoughts of impending earthquakes clouding your mind? Obviously, business prowess will diminish, the economy will decline and Raila will have a field day confirming to Kenyans that Kibaki has failed…. economically.

    That said, this chap’s prophecy is tantamount to shouting fire in a crowded theater. Kwani waliwacha milango za Mathare Hospital wazi?

  2. Religion is so many things to different people. But what am sure it is not is to strike fear in the heart of your congregation. But doing otherwise would be akin to preaching to the converted. Kenyans only appear to understand threats of any shade, real and imagined.

    Awuor is only curving a niche of his own in the crowded field of Muirus and Wanjirus of this world. Karl Max's dictum that religion is the opium of the masses couldn't have been more apt. Kenyans are a vulnerable lot susceptible to religious hallucinations from any smart con. We have no living Kenyan to personify DIGNITY, INTEGRITY nor WISDOM. Cons will always emerge to fill such vacuums.

    That said religion is VERY PERSON and calling a press conference to spew threats (real or otherwise) takes the wind off the sail of objectivity. The relationship between you and your maker needs no impostor. Forget about the shouting and foaming at the mouth to cleverly divert attention from reality check so that before your audience says yes their pockets are all yours. Listen to any of these pseudo (tele) evangelists and do a Google of all their rants. All you get is a PERMUTATION of less than 20 distinct albeit big sounding words like righteousness.

    After the political scoundrels have had their pound of Kenyan flesh the men and women of the cloth have turned sharks who have smelt blood from our punctured motherland's heart. God save Kenya from these breed of Kenyans.

  3. With this piece Chris you have cooled down political temperatures that had reached a boiling point with all the Kumekucha posts of last week. Indeed i believe you when you say traffic last week broke all records.

    Incidentally, thank you Mwalimu Taabu for pointing out what i was observing with some amusement-the "thinly veiled biases towards the different people being defended and applauded" heavily took place last week

    I share Dr. Awuor's sentiments upto a certain point and with a twist; may an earthquake strike but only destroy all opposition and Govt. politicians. This way we'll have 222 (for now) new vacancies that need to be filled soberly. I for one will be eager to stand beside each ballot box in each constituency and observe how kenyans will vote to "get the leaders they deserve"

    Dare we all try and elect more shady characters who'll say in 2012 "we've only been answering queries in the house, reading newspapers and speeches the past 4 years but now please you pumbavus who elected us award us another pay rise of at least Ksh 5.85 million total"

    Meanwhile we will all still be here attempting to attach fig leaves to cover the nakedness of our preferred "conquerors" who wouldn't know the meaning of clean if it bit them



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