Wednesday, July 25, 2007

David "Signed Anglo Leasing documents" Mwiraria's Return To The Cabinet


The Message That The President Is Sending Is Sending Forth Is That Anglo Leasing NEVER Happened

The words on the Anglo Leasing tapes are still pretty clear on the minds of many Kenyans.

"I will use my own way…" Mwiraria said audibly meaning that he would use his own way to get to the bottom of the identity of the shadowy figures said to have embezzled and then allegedly wired back huge amounts of funds to the Central Bank. Actually billions of it.

Now the man who was also heard saying in the same Githongo tape that if they were not careful, this was something that could easily bring down the Kibaki government, seems to have had his "own way" and like his tribes-mate, Energy Minister Kiraitu Murungi, has bounced back into the Kibaki cabinet ahead of the general elections.

Even more interesting is the fact that not too long ago...

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1 comment:

  1. Kumekucha

    These are the contents of the text message we received on our mobile phones from Raila Odinga's SMS update (7445), and I quote:

    "Mwiraria's appointment reminds us of Biwott's; an insult to Kenyans! My government will be more responsive to public interest. Best regards, Raila Odinga."

    -end of quote-

    Re-appointment of David Mwiraria has left a very bitter taste in the mouths of anti-corruption crusaders. When will Kenyans get this constitution changed so that parliament can be allowed to thoroughly vet all public appointments by the president? It is obvious Mwiraria's re-appointment is on the basis of personal friendship rather than public interest.

    Just like Michuki's intimate negotiations with the infamous Artur Brothers at Windsor County and Golf Club, Mwiraria and Kiraitu were captured on tape uttering very comprising words to Githongo with respect to Anglo Leasing corruption scandal. What other proof does Kibaki need to show him his ministers were justifying corruption and irregular use of public funds? What other proof does Ringera need to prosecute these individuals?

    Michuki's recording was even more criminal because it captured him negotiating fees of hiring assassins (hitmen) to eliminate certain prominent individuals. The Speaker of Parliament refused to accept the CD containing the recordings tabled by Hon. Ojode on very flimsy grounds. None of the mainstream TV stations (including the Standard /KTN group who are victims of Artur's themselves) are willing to play this reording on public airwaves for obvious reasons. A day earlier, Hon Ndolo was being hunted by KACA officers over alleged corruption of CDF funds, although it was Ndolo who was to originally table the CD containing Michuki's dealings with the Arturs brothers. Whatever happened to Ndolo's case, Ringera?

    Just for your information Kumekucha, I am reliably informed that Githongo is yet to unleash the mother of all recordings - where he captured you-know-who on tape instructing him to drop pursuit of anglo-leasing suspects. He is said to be waiting for the opportune time, ie. just before elections to release it to BBC who will not fear airing it on their focus on africa broadcast.....keep your eyes open.

    And keep admiring the growing economy!


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