Monday, June 11, 2007

Explosion Rocks Nairobi: Have Suicide Bombers Arrived In Kenya?


Most Kenyans are numb with shock and desperately trying to digest the lastest bad news from Nairobi.

Eyewitnesses say that the explosion was caused by a man of Arabic origin who was about to board a Citi Hopper. Another eyewitness is drawing attention to a small case the man was carrying.

Journalists who were at the scene positively identified and caught on TV camera scraps of paper strewn all over the place by the explosion (written in Arabic) that were gathered by scene of crime detectives into a heap.

If it turns out to be true that this was a suicide bomber then Nairobi can now proudly earn the nickname of "Baghdad" since all the ingredients are there now. Innocent Kenyans are still losing their heads for a cause they don’t know or understand and now an explosion at a busy bus stop during rush hour.

The police were quick (too quick) to say that they are handling the incident as a serious crime rather than a suspected terrorist act. Strange that, when it has all the characteristics of an act of terror. You just need to ask yourself a simple question, what financial gain would a criminal get detonating an explosive gadget at a busy bus stage during rush hour? So as to pickpocket the victims after the explosion? Unlikely.

The police Commissioner who talked to the press at the scene was at pains to warn the press from speculating. He even said that they are already following some leads. What a super police force we have, folks. There is the still-to-be-resolved Mungiki issue and then they already have leads for a bombing incident in the centre of town.

Ironically this latest incident happened barely 200 meters from the old American embassy that was the scene of a horrific blast in the late 90s.

The most likely possibilities of this latest bombing could be either political (unlikely) or yet another terrorist attack. It will be interesting to see how local investigators proceed with this one and if they will require outside help or not in getting to the bottom of this rather strange incident.

35 people were taken to Kenyatta national Hospital and an undisclosed number to Nairobi Hospital. Police and Kenyatta Hospital staff say that amazingly only one person lost his life. Some eyewitnesses claim that as many as 6 people died. Let’s hope that the truth comes out.

Term life insurance and one-man-show online enterprises that make $500,000 monthly.


  1. No not again. These extremists must not abuse our hospitality. We have our hands full of blood already and don't need to import terror.

    Make ni mostake terrorists are smart chaps and they know when to strike. They did the London in when all the world power where in the UK for the G8 and they noo Kibaki is hosting Kikwete, M7, Kagame and Burundu guy. Even if they 'fail' the impact and message is phenomenal. We just hope the police will not take cue from the Mungiki lethergy.

    Ali was only doing what he must do, damage control. He knew terrorism was at everybody's lips. We are not safe in this volatile world come to thin of it. We arre also paying in arrears and fatally for our own corruption. Everything and document in Kenya has a price. Somalis took advantage of this in th 90s, bought Kenyan PPs, floode UK and then claimed refugee status. Our trophy? From 1997 Kenyans needed visa to the UK and you know the snaking line at Uper Hill. Fazul and co knows us better.

    That said we cannot and must not stomach these extremists anymore. Death is faithless and some few must not take advantage of our motherland's hospitality to settle scores with people and issues we have no remote idea about. It is electioneering period and everything Kenyans must be taken with a spade of salt. Pole to all the injured.

  2. I think the well written article in this weeks economist sums it up. Either Kenya makes it in the next year or so, hopefully with a peaceful power transition, or you will have a similar situation as in neighbouring countries. Either high level or low level insurgencies fuelled by poverty, ethnicity, and religion. Middle and educated Kenyans: this is your time. Don't accept your current neo-colonial leaders - it's a system that does not work! If this continues the UN will leave, but firsts the tourists will go. A shame.

  3. Taabu,
    Good one. This zealots should fight their wars outside our territory. In 1998, I remember seeing a man dragged from the rubble that was Co-operative House after this blokes struck- his only mistake was being in the vicinity of the American Embassy. It is a high time, as a country our sovereingty is respected and our hospitality reciprocated with unbriddled rewards. RESPECT FOR OUR PEACE.
    Well, there might not be a safer place in this world after Pennsylvania (HQs of the most powerful army on land was bombed in 2001) but it is a high time, the bearded Mullahs taught their subjects that Kenyans have enjoyed peace and we should be left alone.
    Whether Mungiki, Kamjesh, Osama et al, they should be told that we are a nation that lives in harmony and loves its peace.
    Give us a break

  4. Chris, that is an interesting question that you have posed in your heading. Why dont you make it a little bit better by acknowledging that this is the second one. I think the US-Embassy one was a suicide bombing, that time compared to the USS Cole one in the Middle East. Just to remind you that they have been there, if terrorism is to be reviewed from Nairobi to New York and Manila to Madrid, where they have left a trail of destruction in their wake.

  5. Kenya is bleeding; excruciatingly painfully I must add. However, the bleeding is from a paper cut rather than a slit jugular vein. In other words, we haven’t seen nothing yet. In the larger scope of things, the events of the past few weeks/months, though bloodily shocking, are nowhere close to an irreversible catastrophe. Kenya is not Baghdad. It will continue to “not be Baghdad” only if our citizens continue (or attempt) to remain ‘phallicly’ upright in the midst of violent atrocities. Let us not collectively cower and scamper to churches/mosques in search of divine intervention. Rather, let us encourage the police sweeping of Mungiki havens …..and now Mombasa shanties. What we are experiencing is similar to the biblical trials of Job. In my estimation, we are currently at the early stages of an uncomfortable itchy rash.
    What we must all be very afraid of is the continuation of the inept Kibaki-led-administration. The seeds of hate and deceit planted on kitchen gardens during the Kenyatta and Moi regimes have sprouted into flourishing seedlings in generously irrigated Kibaki plantations. Those believing they are safe behind the protective shield and spear wielded by Michuki and Karume (in light of their security dockets) must not be surprised to see and expedited growth of succulent Jacaranda trees with bitter fruits of despair and hopelessness (within the next year or so).
    Terrorists are by nature opportunistic scoundrels who strike when least expected. The confused, unfocussed and primitive hunt for the lowest cadre of Mungiki adherents and foot soldiers has opened a huge appetizing gap of opportunity for the bad men from the Middle East. Our compromised and stretched police force has left us at an extremely vulnerable and precarious situation. I mean, how does a chap walk around with a gunia full of grenades? Ok, I agree that it happens even in the London underground, however, you too must agree that based on previous times of terror, all anti-terror (anti-Osama i.e.) apparatus might mostly be focused on Ndura Waruinge and the forty thieves.

    By extension, the one guy (or six) who died in the explosion was killed by the murderous hands of Mungiki.

  6. Did I read right or these was a picture captured in words?

    "The seeds of hate and deceit planted on kitchen gardens during the Kenyatta and Moi regimes have sprouted into flourishing seedlings in generously irrigated Kibaki plantations."


  7. Taabu, these so called extremists will continue to abuse our hospitality so long as our foreign policy remains shambolic and our government continues playing games with domestic politics.

    Assuming that this was a terrorist attack, there could be various possibilities. One, it could have been as a result of the actions of enemies that Kenya recently made in Somalia. Remember, Kenya, as IGAD Chair, supported the outster of the Islamist government in Mogadishu, and also provided intelligence (apparently false) that resulted in US bombing villages near the Kenyan border in Somalia. Fatalities included civilians but missed the real target. Secondly, just a few weeks ago there were vicious police raids in Mombasa surburbs and mosques. Matter of fact, handful of youth were arrested and you must be aware two clerics have since been deported to comoros. Whether it is somalia extremist or Al Qaeda operatives, fact remains that these people, so called extremist are human beings and the kenya government must recognize they have genuine grievances instead of dancing to the tune of foreign governments.

    I dont need repeat what has been said about our domestic politics. Just visit the archieves section of this blog and see it for yourself.

    The "suicide bomber" actually had intentions of boarding a Citti Hoppa bus destined for JKIA. Citti Hoppa have been direct benefitiaries of matatu routes previously controlled by mungiki. The woes of KBS are also attributed to Citti Hoppa. Can you see the connection? Not very far fetched, huh?

    Casualties would have been much higher had this lunatic boarded that bus - which was by then filled to capacity. The bus itself may have ended-up causing a fatal accident after the explosion. It seems recent national prayers were answered outside Ambassadeur bus stop Monday morning.

  8. Phil I admire the way you have pieced pieces of evidence together. You are so good it hurts why you are not in the force. In fact I support your assertion that Kenya should open her doors to Comoros terrorist elements and give them a safe haven. The same generosity should be extended to Somali Islamists running away from Somalia. You are a genius! Chris your potential cannot go unnoticed. 6 people died. Ladies and gentlemen we have with us prophets of doom!

  9. Phil...the irony is that michukis son owns city hoppa having squeezed out the good old bus really, who beheaded who as a matter of speech? Michuki is an old colonial servant no more no less. a crook, a thief, and a bus driver in disguise.


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