Angry Ruto men vow to crush Gachagua BUT here's why the DP will win | Kenya news

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

This Is How Ridiculous Opinion Polls Can Get

The latest opinion polls released yesterday are clearly designed to prove that most Kenyans approve of Mwai Kibaki's presidency and administration (just forget those wananchi at Mama Grace Wahu's funeral last week who ignored the president and wildly cheered former president Moi, most probably those guys were not Kenyans—at least not the RIGHT Kenyans). BUT still there is one set of statistics that do not make sense at all.

According to the opinion poll allegedly carried out in March this year, 54.8 per cent of those polled said that they approve of the performance of the current parliament. Then the very same guys when asked if they would vote back their current member of parliament gave a contradictory answer. 63.6 percent answered "No." Meaning that most Kenyans think that the current parliament is just great, but most will vote their current MPs out. What a laugh!!

What is happening here is that we have too much "noise" and people trying to shout things at us when we are in the process of thinking so as to make a very crucial decision that will impact our children and our children's children for many generations to come. Most humans (except journalists covering political campaign rallies) think better where there is no noise. Clearly there are some people who do not want us to think.

Can the pollsters just shut up and leave Kenyans alone? Media houses should now just ignore them and boycott all those silly press conferences called to give some guys cheap undeserved publicity. Why not let them buy advertising space and give the newspapers some revenue for a change?

Keen readers of this site will have noted that we at Kumekucha no longer bother to analyze these so-called opinion polls.

If newspapers refuse to ignore them, then I appeal to Kenyans to ignore them. Let us concentrate on the real issues before us here. Let the pollsters and spin doctors spin themselves into their own intricate webs.

Woman reveals nasty men habits nobody wants to talk about

The surprising real reason why more and more Kenyans are having steamy extra-marital affairs

Woman Murders Her Best Friend To Steal Her Husband As Science Proves That It Is Deadly For Women To Have Casual Sex

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  1. What are the real issues. When a poll said that Raila could be the next president, it was right, now because Kibaki is being said to be in control, they are wrong. Be objective and neutral.

  2. The founders of this blog are one unfortunate bunch of people coz they will die before any of the weird and wild dreams comes true. Guys u are expecting a goat to give birth to a calf


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