Sometimes fate chooses a person when they themselves are not fully aware of why they are at a certain place at a certain time and why they are so prepared for the task at hand. Smith Hempstone's passing on seems to have gone largely unnoticed by the World. I am yet to find a single American newspaper that reported it.
To them he was just some journalist who was once posted as Amabassador to some banana republic.
To us he was a man who rose to the occasion at a particularly difficult time in our history and risked his life for a better Kenya. We as Kenyans should feel ashamed of ourselves because so few of us are prepared to do what a foreigner came and did so willingly. It seems that the curse of Kenyans is to always think of selfish interests. The people who seem to mention the interests of the nation are looters of national coffers who just make empty rhetoric while pretending that they are patriotic. It just makes me sick…
Kumekucha salutes you Smith Hempstone, on behalf of the ordinary, still voiceless, people of Kenya. Our fallen true hero of the Kenyan cause.
Alnoor Kassam Of TradeBank fame speaks to Kumekucha in an exclusive interview about Moi and Biwott and what he has in store for them.
Hempstone death: What about these links:
You missed. Copy and paste the addresses to get your fill.
Mtumishi as ever.
Hempstone death: What about these links:
You missed. Copy and paste the addresses to get your fill.
Thanx for the info Mtumishi. You're a real Mtumishi