Monday, August 14, 2006

How The Net Can Win Elections For The Youth Of Kenya In 2007

The 2004 American Presidential elections established the power of blogs as political tools in America. In France today it is said that nobody can win the presidency without a blog. France is the number one blogging nation in the world.

So how does this apply to a struggling country doing poorly like Kenya? Am I suggesting that elections can be won on the Internet? More so after the sentiments of a Nation columnist just yesterday?

My answer will shock you but please hear me out.

My answer is "YES."

I recently did a small survey amongst young Kenyans (below 45 years of age) based all over the country, some of them in very remote rural areas. Over 70 % of them have an email address (mostly Yahoo, but Hotmail and many others as well.) There are at least 1 million young Kenyans on email who check their mail t least once a month.

The figures of those with cell phones are even more impressive.

Meaning that by simply combining these two tools of modern technology, it is possible to influence a large section of the electorate. And it is my bet that many of them are opinion leaders who can influence the opinion of others.

There is one more reason that makes this particular tool so appropriate for our times. In Kenya the older folk fear computers so much that most of them do not own email addresses let alone understand how to use sms effectively to stay in touch and pass on messages.

This blogger intends to use mainly email and mobile phones to get the youth of Kenya to speak in one voice in 2007. This blogger has also today shelved his presidential campaign to concentrate fully on uniting all the youth of Kenya under one umbrella to speak with one voice in 2007.

If you support a younger generation taking over power in Kenya in 2007, you can play your role by registering your email address now at Just send a blank email to

We are asking you to do so little that can have such a huge impact in 2007. Send what I assure you will turn out to be the most important email you ever send, now.

Mystery Solved: The People Who Killed Mboya and JM Kariuki

Do you want to get the Younger Generation in Kenya into power in 2007?

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