Angry Ruto men vow to crush Gachagua BUT here's why the DP will win | Kenya news

Monday, July 03, 2006

Mwendwa Ngilu: Husband To The Only Kenyan Woman To Vie For Presidency Is Dead

A few hours ago, the body of the late Engineer Mwendwa Ngilu husband to Health Minister Charity Ngilu arrived in Nairobi from South Africa.

Mr Ngilu is said to have died while undergoing treatment in South Africa. His wife, Health Minister Mrs Ngilu, was at his bedside. The couple have three children and run a prosperous electrical conduit manufacturing company based in Nairobi no doubt inspired by Mr Ngilu’s engineering background.

Charity Ngilu the late Mwendwa's widow, holds the distinction as the only Kenyan woman to vie for the Presidency, which she did in 1997 when she came a respectable fourth, behind Moi, Kibaki and Raila in that order, a result that was still bitterly disappointing to her supporters hailing from across ethnic lines who had believed that she was a strong contender to unseat President Moi.

Then Kanu point man in Coast province, Shariff Nassir had written Ngilu off shortly before the election as a candidate whose reputation was mainly in media circles and did not reach grass roots support. His comment proved to be hugely correct.

Read full details on the late Mr Ngilu’s death.


  1. It is a bit disconcerting to see Tony Gachoka hovering over her shoulder at her house, airport and funeral home. For appearance sake he should keep away from her or TV cameras for the next month

  2. You are certainly an interesting person and I wish you had more than just one odd blog a day. Also it would do your readers good to get to know more about you.

  3. Is this fair? You Leave a comment as annonymous and yet you want me to bare all and spill all. A nice place to start is by you telling us your name at the very least.

  4. Bankelele, what are you suggesting about Hon Ngilu and Tony Gacoka? Please elaborate. Your comment has left us all in suspence.

  5. Chris: There have been rumours, media stories and even a lawsuit where she has filed against a media house. The least he could do is stay away at this time of mourning

  6. Wow. I really wonder about these rumours. There were also rumours about Raila and her (in 1997), apparently they are also still very close to date.

    You really never know about these rumours especially where a politician is concerned.

    Still, I am in total agreement with you about Mr Gacoka's behaviour. Whatever is happening in the background, appearances are everything.

  7. Aish! Speculate later and let the woman mourn. Even though she's had flings, which Kenyan hasn't????

  8. I know both Charity as well as Tony personally and that too I am not Kenyan. But all I can say both are nice people. Lets all ask our selves have we not done any sexual nonsense in our lives. What if tomorrow it was us in their shoes. So give them their own space brothers & sisters.


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