Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Friday, October 28, 2005

Why is your blood boiling, Kenyan?

These days every time the word “referendum” is uttered in front of a Kenyan, it gets the sort of reaction that you would expect from a dog hearing the word “cat”…

Blood starts “poiling”[boiling] according to our good friends of the Luhya community…

And people see “led”[red] according to you know who…

Just calm down for a minute and consider the following hard facts…

Despite the fact that Kenya has now survived 42 years of bad governance including 24 that were really, really bad, the country has survived and me and you are still here.

Why then have we allowed a bunch of politicians to convince us that the coming referendum is so serious and it is so important for your side to win, that if you don’t they’ll be chaos in Kenya?

Surely it cannot get any worse than it already is? Most people I know can’t feed the family these days and they used to own cars and businesses. Yet a few guys have gotten so rich in a few short months when auctioneers were waiting to move against them on January 2nd 2003.

No constitution, no matter how bad can be worse than the current one that kept a leader in power for 24 years against the will of the vast majority of Kenyans…

And has now allowed his successor to start behaving in exactly the same manner…

Put on your thinking cap and join the elite group of very, very, very few Kenyans who have actually leafed through, let alone read carefully, the draft constitution.

It is never a good idea to open one’s mouth or even to think, without the facts.

That kind of thing is only done by… (I won’t say. You figure it out for yourself).

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