Monday, June 07, 2010

Rigging being planned for referendum

For those who don’t know the intricacies of how rigging is usually done, I think it would be right to start with a brief appreciation of certain key points.

- Vote rigging works best when the results are close. That is one of the reasons why Mwai Kibaki’s rigging in December 2007 ended up being so disastrous. The truth is that Raila Odinga had a massive lead. In sharp contrast Moi never got caught because the results were always much closer. He did a good job of dividing the opposition at all costs.
Prof George Saitoti has perfected the art of rigging in his constituency.

- It is impossible to carry out a rigging exercise without the help of the intelligence service. Why? Because you need very precise and up to date figures to execute a vote rigging operation efficiently. The way it works is that as people are voting you are feverishly collecting figures. In the old days the votes used to be stuffed as the ballot boxes are being transported to one central place in the constituency for counting. These days it is much more expensive because the votes have to be stuffed in each individual polling station. The Kibaki guys went round that by simply ensuring that the vote count that arrives at the ECK was different from what was on the ground. Clean ups were then organized later in the individual constituencies. It is a massive and extremely expensive exercise these days.

- This national model for the country is often executed at a single constituency where the powerful MP uses his own people. One George Saitoti has perfected this system in his constituency.

Folks I am afraid that I have more bad news for you concerning the new constitution most of us are yearning for. Let me start by confessing that for a person with my years of experience I was rather naïve to believe that those who own Kenya would ever allow for an electoral system that they did not have any control over. The truth is that the so caled "tamper-proof" electoral roll has already been tampered with and non-existent voters introduced. And since it is NOT the same electoral roll that we will go to the general elections with, the only conclusion is that the intention is to rig the August 4th Referendum.

The game plan by the powerful owners of Kenya is for the NO camp to catch up with the YES majority so that the difference is around 20% or less. What will then happen is that NO will win with a very slim majority. Enough to deny most Kenyans what they are yearning for so much that they can no longer sleep too well. Those who have read the document and realize the sweeping changes it will bring into the country and the deadly blow it will deal to impunity.

What really scares me is that so far these powerful forces have been able to get things done through the NSIS and have even influenced the judiciary to make certain bizarre rulings. To me that is evidence enough that they are quite capable of going ahead with their well laid plan even as the president tires himself criss-crossing the country campaigning for a new constitution.

There is ONLY one way to stop them. And that is to ensure a landslide victory for YES. Anything less will be dicey.

Saturday, June 05, 2010

Bitter enemies of the new constitution: Can Kenyans stop them?

It seems that former powerful AG Charles Njonjo needed a favour from Gideon Moi in this instance. There are hardly any photos around of Gideon's brother and forgotten Moi son, Philip. When you know what he gets up to, you won't be suprised.

There was a time when I was pretty naïve and it cost me dearly. In fact I am still paying to this day (that is a very sad story for another day).

The personal tragedy that resulted from my naïve ways has made me very sensitive these days. I know how things run and who runs them. As you keep hearing on Kumekucha Kenya iko na wenyewe.

In this post I want to focus on some of these powerful dark forces who control everything from the shadows. Naturally these guys are not happy about the draft constitution. For starters it will bring too many naïve but powerful people to positions where they can hurt some of their illegal businesses. Take the business in drugs. I hope you are not naïve enough to believe those press reports about how the police are doing a great in the fight against drugs. The truth is that Kenya in recent years has become a major drug trafficking hub on the continent. It arrives in tons on containers disguised as all kinds of stuff and it gets into the country easily and effortlessly.

The image that most Kenyans have of drug traffickers as some dirty desperate Nigerians who somehow got into Kenya and are making billions from the illegal trade. Hahahahahahahahaha. That’s really funny. Those Nigerians are mere foot soldiers. Nobody can do any drug business in a foreign country without the full cooperation of some very powerful locals.

Secondly it is NOT small people who run major drug rings. It is usually very big people. The pawns and messengers are the guys who are always getting caught and amazingly they never lead the police to the kingpin of the whole operation.

To illustrate the kind of people involved in this business let me mention the forgotten Moi son whom the famous Kroll report singled out as a major trafficker in these shores for many years.

The press hardly mention President Moi's other son, Philip Moi. Yet some of his deals would make Gideon look like an angel in comparison. According to the Kroll report, Philip's estimated wealth stands at about $770 million and he is said to control more hidden cash than even Gideon. (Other Kumekucha informants tell me that this estimate of his wealth is a mere drop in the ocean and the man is worth much more. Philip uses low key Asians and even houseboys as proxies for all his business deals and interests.

Philip rarely travels himself and chooses to use his wife Rossana Pluda instead, who is an Italian and relatively unknown in Kenya, even amongst the press. So she is able to slip in and out of the country without attracting any attention. She is also his link to many Italian underworld businesses that he works with.

According to the Kroll report, Philip Moi has dealt in Hashish, Madrax tablets and bhang grown around the Mount Kenya area with the Akasha family. But it doesn’t stop there. He has also dealt with hard drugs like cocaine, providing cover for Italian families based in Malindi on the Kenyan Coast. It is said that with his help, the drug cartel in Malindi was able to offload 20-feet containers, packed with drugs.

The Kroll report names Muzahim as Philip's business partner. Muzahim has mainly been a car dealer, drug baron and money counterfeiter. Basically Philip provided the cover and Muzahim managed the operations. They jointly made counterfeit dollars for Somalia, Zaire, Sudan and Liberia.

When Muzahim and Philip fell out, Philip paid an assassin to kill him mainly because he knew too much and had armed himself with extensive documentary proof to protect himself. Amazingly the would-be assassin approached Muzahim and confessed to him what had happened. He was promptly paid off to abandon the mission.

Now these are the kind of characters that would do anything to ensure that the draft constitution never sees the light of day because it would complicate business for them, big time. Despite denials the truth is that the No campaign team is very well funded. Now the crazy thing about all this is that the church in its’ joint NO campaign with politicians like William Ruto is getting partly funded by drug money. Digest that!!!!

P.S. Notice how angry the No team are at the recent poll results on the upcoming referendum? These guys are getting big money to do what they are doing because they are telling their financiers that it is working. That is why they are now suggesting that all opinion polls get banned until after the referendum.

People being blunt about the good and the bad in the book Dark secrets of the Kenyan presidency