Ruto jitters: Is Raila really back? | Kenya news

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

TOM MBOYA: Focus on TJRC assassinations

Why was Mboya’s assassination so significant? Simply because the two bullets that were fired that Saturday lunch time July 5th 1969 changed the course of Kenya forever. Today we are suffering the consequences of that new course that was clearly charted out that day. Impunity won that day. Years later the rhetorical questions were to be asked over and over again by those who own Kenya; Mboya was killed and nothing happened, who is so and so? We survived the Mboya assassination what crisis can we not survive?

Tribal politics won that day. In killing Mboya the assassins killed nationalism. To date we are yet to see another Kenyan attracting national popularity in their own right enough to win a presidential poll with votes from every corner of the republic. Every single prominent politician now has their political base in their ancestral village and those who don’t have imported their fellow tribesmates in large numbers into the constituency they represent away from their village. Mboya's political base was Eastlands Nairobi and the non-tribal culture that rules the place today owes much of it's foundation to TJ, as his friends called him. Tom Mboya was a Luo (Suba) who was time and again voted in by mostly Kikuyus even when other prominent Kikuyus from very prominent families stood against him. To a young Kenyan who understands Kenyan politics today, this statement may sound like pure fiction.

Again Ben Gethi was deeply involved in that assassination that shook the world.

Monday, May 27, 2013

ICC Drama... na bado

The shadowy Alfred "Anglo Leasing" Gitonga pictured here in London with President Mwai Kibaki (is that a Tusker he is drinking?) shortly before the 2002 general elections that brought Kibaki to power. Gitonga who went to St Mary's with President Uhuru Kenyatta is believed to be a key member of the current president's kitchen cabinet.

The very suggestion of Jomo Kenyatta being Prime Minister appalled the knowledgeable Kenyan middle class and high society in 1960. After all a court of law had confirmed his links to Mau mau, those terrorists who thrived on chopping off the heads of innocent white settlers and natives as well.

The very suggestion of Uhuru Kenyatta being president appalled the knowledgeable Kenyan middle class and many others in 2013. After all he was linked to serious human rights abuses and was facing charges at the ICC.

For the very reasons that people were terrified of a Jomo Kenyatta premiership KANU won the 1963 elections emphatically and formed the government.

For the very reasons that some Kenyans were terrified of a Uhuru Kenyatta government, JUBILEE won the 2013 elections getting majority seats in both the senate and house of representatives and formed the government.

There are uncanny similarities between the situation in 1963 and 2013 (50 years apart). Little wonder that the good book says there is nothing new under the sun. Still, there are a few rather huge differences.

About 2 weeks ago I predicted here that the ICC issue which had been getting pretty boring was going to suddenly come alive and get very interesting. That has now come to pass (na bado) but what most Kenyans are not aware of is that there is a master plan for the ICC where the Kenyan cases at the Hague court are going to be attacked from all fronts. Those ICC cases MUST go away. They MUST!!!! Details of this master plan are jaw dropping to say the least and will involve considerable taxpayer's resources. Sorry folks security in the country has to take a back seat for now because this is way too important. Even if it was you would you ignore self-preservation to serve the people?? Think about it.

But what are the political implications of the AU signatories to the Rome statute protesting the work of the court in one voice (53 states out of 54) and even pulling out enmasse from the ICC (if what they want done does not happen)? What will it do to the authority of the court now desperately struggling for credibility when many in Africa had seen as a light at the end of a long dark tunnel of bad governance and impunity amongst African leaders? The sad truth is that the political realities in the West have changed dramatically amid unprecedented economic chaos and financial uncertainties. They now need Africa more than ever before. Not to mention the fact that East Africa is suddenly oil rich with significant deposits of the precious and very political resource having recently been found in Uganda and Kenya.

Meanwhile a quite battle simmers deep inside the JUBILEE government where powerful sources are bent on clipping the wings of deputy president William Ruto. Those who believe that the president is strong enough to keep powerful forces watching his back at bay are naive. Indeed the composition of the president's inner cabinet which includes his mother and one Alfred Gitonga amongst others should enable anybody to make a fairly accurate prediction on what is going to inevitably come. 

See also; Why has Mrs Pauline Musyoka wife of former vice president Kalonzo Musyoka always kept a low profile and done her best to keep a very safe distance from the limelight that her husband’s political career has attracted? The answer to that question is mighty interesting to say the least.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Happy 8th Birthday Kumekucha - Compliments From Rt. Hon. Raila Odinga

This twitter message from former Prime Minister Raila Odinga is to all readers, contributors and posters of Kumekucha Blog. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Ruto Troubles Plus Oldest Political Blog In Kenya, Kumekucha Celebrates 8th Anniversary

When a king uses a chariot to get to his palace, he normally leaves it outside when he gets to his destination.

That is the gist of what Kalenjin voters told William Ruto when he started appealing to them to vote for the JUBILEE coalition. Ruto's convincing response (as was earlier reported in an earlier issue of these raw notes) was that he had the king's clothes and all his shameful secrets and would expose him
if anything went wrong. In other words Ruto told his people in their Kalenjin dialect that he had the King by the balls and he would therefore be the real power behind the throne throughout the next 5 years.

This Ruto influence and power came out very clearly in the line up of cabinet secretaries and cynical Kalenjins must have breathed a lot easier. However it seems that their relief was premature and short-lived and it now looks like the prophets of doom will finally be proved right.

There are a number of clear signs that all is now well for Ruto and that powerful forces surrounding the throne have targeted him and are working very hard to ensure that the power he enjoys is greatly diminished. If you are rubbing your hands in glee thinking that he will be forced to resign then I have to disappoint you. It is extremely unlikely that it will come to that. However what Kenyans should expect is a return to the Kibaki days where the centre of power will only be the president and his close advisors. All signs are that Ruto will go through the kind of frustrations that Raila Odinga went through as PM and end up with a nusu mkate that in actual fact is a single slice or even less. I have given details of the numerous setbacks that Ruto has suffered in recent times plus the surprising composition of Uhuru's inner circle and kitchen cabinet in my latest raw notes.

Happy Birthday Kumekucha brand
It is with great joy that I celebrate the 8th birthday of the Kumekucha brand. The Kumekucha blog was stated on May 12th 2005. These raw notes were launched in April 2008 and so this is the 5th birthday for the raw notes.

As I look back I do so with pride at how far we have come as a country. Kumekucha was launched with a strong emphasis on political assassinations and historical injustices (see all our old posts for verification of this) indeed when we started strongly suggesting in 2005 that a truth and reconciliation commission be set up to address these historical injustices there was great skepticism over whether it would ever happen in our lifetimes. Not only did it happen but you will also be aware that the TJRC explosive report has just been released and is now in the public domain. You can see the full report HERE.

Indeed if I was to shut down Kumekucha now, I would already have plenty to be so proud of, the stuff that you tell your grandchildren with pride. But don't worry I have no such intentions, if anything today as I celebrate I re-dedicate myself to get even better at what I have been doing for decades and already for 8 years here.

To celebrate this auspicious occasion we are giving away the raw notes and other products almost for FREE. See the details NOW!!

Monday, May 20, 2013

The numb-shocking news about to break...

Kibaki's 500 million Mweiga home built with taxpayers funds: Will he ever occupy it?

These days Kenyans are virtually shock-proof. No news no matter how big will shock them. But one particular story is about to break that will shatter the shock-proof glass. 

I stumbled onto this information while following up on what appeared to be an insignificant development. Indeed one of my readers highlighted the fact that I was barking up the wrong tree and indulging in "speculative dishonesty".

Before I tell you what they said let me make it clear that I really treasure emails from my dear readers. Even the abusive ones (thank God I have a thick skin for criticism more so because my record speaks for itself and always vindicates me. Weeks and sometimes months later haters are always forced to eat their words as the "rubbish" I wrote comes to pass). What would any writer treasure more than the feedback they get from the very people who read what they have to say? More so in today's world where there is so much choice as far as reading is concerned and so if somebody makes the time to read what I have to say it is a great honour that I will always deeply appreciate and treasure. I thank you most sincerely that you are reading this.

The reader wrote the following email to me recently in response to an article I wrote here;

"Why would you expect KIBAKI, who has lived in Nairobi since 1958 and in his home in Muthaiga for more than 30 years' to retire to a different location (to do what in OTHAYA?).

Is that investigative reporting or speculative dishonesty?"

Well my response is that people are creatures of habit and become fairly predictable when you have been following their actions for a long time.

Moi and Kibaki are as different as night and day. Moi is a workaholic who still gets up before 4am every morning. And yet when he left the presidency he was flown to his Kabarak home where he spent some time relaxing before he was ever seen in Nairobi again.

Kibaki never gets out of bed before 11am (although he is younger than Moi) and during his presidency key government officials were forced to learn to operate around his limited time work day. The government worked slower and decisions took much longer to be made. The former president also loves to go to Mombasa to relax and will always be found at the Coastal town every Christmas without fail. So what you would have expected to happen is that he would have at least spent a few days in Mombasa after his retirement. He did NOT.  Kibaki has never left Nairobi or seen the need to relax after a presidency that took a terrible toll on his health.

Secondly the Kshs 500 million palatial home built for him with taxpayers funds in Mweiga was not done in secret. Clearly that is the place he plans to spend most of his retirement relaxing in. Yet he hasn't gotten there yet.

The truth is that Mwai Kibaki is facing the biggest crisis of his entire life. This is what has kept him from taking even a brief break. He cannot afford to just now. In my latest raw notes I investigate deeply what this problem is and using the latest shocking report (received late last night), I analyze his chances of weathering this storm and getting out of the crisis which are very slim indeed, hence the big screaming headline you must expect at any time.

You read here weeks ago that there was immense pressure from certain quarters to ensure that the CORD nominee for the Makueni senatorial seat would be Kethi Kilonzo. So you were hardly surprised when that news broke yesterday. Now you are about to read something that will break in the mainstream media maybe weeks from today and it will send shock waves right across the entire continent of Africa and beyond. Do ensure that you get my raw notes today.

What's going on at the Daily Nation?
The same reader who wrote me the email I have quoted above also said in the same message;

"Investigative journalism died with the Weekly  Review of  HILARY NG'WENO, the Economic Review of PETER  WARUTERE tried but they too folded.It is expensive and requires well trained journalists and NOT the type of half baked staff found in our media houses. Moreover, Kenyans are a fickle type they are better off reading "rumours" of the STAR newspaper rather than news."

Here I agree with most of what he has said. It is rather obvious that investigative journalism in Kenya is dead. However I beg to differ slightly. The Daily Nation for instance has some of the most talented journalists in Africa and even beyond (certainly NOT half-baked). Resources are also not a problem for the giant cash rich Nation media group. So they have absolutely no excuse for not delivering the kind of journalism that Kenya needs very badly just now.

But instead the Daily Nation has been publishing very strange stories in recent times from outright lies to the kind of stories designed to do damage that cannot be repaired.

The most recent example of this is the Ruto Kshs 100 million leased jet saga. The writer of the story did not seek to get a comment from the government and nobody will remember that the government has now denied the story let alone believe them. The damage has already been done and it is irreparable. Kenyans across the political divide and many within the JUBILEE coalition are livid about the wanton wastage in such a poor country as our banana republic and nobody wants the facts to get in the way of this juicy controversy.

What exactly is going on at the Nation media group? Who supplied the damaging Ruto story and why? We all know what kind of a person the deputy president is and his past sins are well documented but that is not the issue here is it? The really important story here is that the public are being fed with the kind of stories some powerful people want them to hear. My detailed raw notes digs deep into this issue and if you have been religiously swallowing everything published in the Nation you will be extremely disturbed by what I have unearthed.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Striking similarities between Uhuru and Obama?

(Guest post by Jeremy Kinyanjui)
Newly elected Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta and US President Barack Obama: Two Kenyans with strikingly similar stories and strikingly similar connections to each other;

1. As mentioned, both men are Kenyans

2. Both men born in 1961, Uhuru on 26th October 1961, Barack on 4th August 1961

3. Both are left-handed

4. Barack is of mixed-race, while his wife Michelle is not of mixed race. Uhuru is not of mixed race, while Uhuru's wife Margaret is of mixed race

5. Both men are devoted to their spouses, judging from their public utterances and actions

6. Both men do not have Christian names even though they are both very religious and spiritual. Uhuru's full names are Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta, while Barack's full names are Barack Hussein Obama

7. The first names of both men have profound meanings in Kiswahili, the Lingua Franca of East & Central Africa. "Uhuru" means "Freedom" in Kiswahili, while "Barack" is derived from "Baracka" which means blessings in Kiswahili

8. Both men are from Kenya's two biggest tribes. Uhuru is a Kikuyu, Kenya's biggest tribe, while Barack is a Luo, Kenya's second biggest tribe

9. Both men lead sharply divided and polarised countries. Kenya is worryingly divided on ethnic lines, while the United States is worrying divided on ideological lines i.e. Democrats and Republicans, the Left and the Right

10. Both Uhuru's father and Barack's father attended prestigious overseas institutions. Uhuru's father went to the London School of Economics, while Barack's father attended Harvard University

11. Uhuru is from an aristocratic background, while Barack isn't. Uhuru's father Jomo Kenyatta, was independent Kenya's founding Prime Minister and President, and his great-grandfather Kongo wa Magana (i.e. Kongo son of Magana), was a medicine-man. On the other hand, Barack's Kenyan grandfather, was a cook in colonial Kenya's army, what was then known as the Kings African Rifles (KAR)

12. Barack's father was a senior economist in Kenya's Ministry of Economic Planning when Uhuru's father was President of Kenya. At the time, Barack's father wrote a fiercely hostile critique of Jomo Kenyatta's economic growth & development module for independent Kenya, what was then known as Sessional Paper No. 10 of 1965 on African Socialism, which in Jomo Kenyatta's words , combined both "Western Capitalism and Eastern Communism". The senior Obama's dismissal of Jomo Kenyatta's Sessional Paper No. 10 of 1965, earned the senior Obama the wrath of Jomo Kenyatta's inner circle. The senior Obama lost his job at the Ministry of Economic Planning as a result of this. The senior Obama secured a job at the Kenya Tourist Development Corporation (KTDC), after this, but did not also last long at KTDC. While reeling from his second job loss, the senior Obama had the good fortune of bumping into an old acquaintance, Mwai Kibaki, at Nairobi's Hotel Intercontinental. Kibaki, independent Kenya's third President, was then the Kenyan Minister of Finance. The senior Obama did not mince his words, and told Kibaki he was looking for work. Kibaki asked the senior Obama to see him the following week, which the senior Obama promptly did. Kibaki arranged for the senior Obama to be hired at the Ministry of Finance, and the senior Obama was back. The junior Obama appears to have never forgiven the senior Kenyatta for his father's dismissal from the Kenya's Ministry of Economic Planning. When the junior Obama visited Kenya as Senator Obama in 2006, the junior Obama paid glowing tribute to then President Kibaki, referring to Kibaki as a "good man, for giving his father a job at the Ministry of Finance". Senator Obama made no mention at all of Jomo Kenyatta, and omitted laying a wreath at the mausoleum of Jomo Kenyatta, as is customary with visiting dignitaries to Kenya

13. Both men value their roots and heritage. Uhuru speaks excellent Kikuyu and very good Kiswahili, while the junior Obama visited his ancestral Nyang’oma-Kogelo village in Kenya’s Nyanza Province as a "nobody" at least twice i.e. 1987 and 1991. The junior Obama even visited in the company of Michelle in 1991

14. Both men have a great admiration and regard for their fathers and both men listen to alternative opinion. Uhuru used to keep long hair like his father Jomo, brushed backwards like Jomo used to. Uhuru's year 2002 campaign team advised against this and Uhuru complied. Uhuru has not kept long hair like his father Jomo since 2002. Barack on the other hand, was influenced by his wife Michelle, to drop his chain-smoking habit

15. Uhuru reputedly drank heavily in his youth, while Barack reputedly smoked marijuana in his youth

16. Both men appear not to have time for each other. Uhuru's hero is Fidel Castro, while Barack's is Abraham Lincoln. Uhuru is a fan of Bob Marley, while Barack is a fan of hip-hop and soul music

17. Both have an excellent command of the English language and both are excellent orators in English

18. Both men are humble and down to earth, men of the people

19. Both men's fathers had four wives each. Jomo Kenyatta's four wives were Grace Wahu, Grace Wanjiku, Edna Grace Clarke and Ngina, while Barack Senior's four wives were Kezia, Ann, Ruth and Jael

20. Uhuru's wife Margaret grew up on the affluent west side of Nairobi, while Barack's wife Michelle grew up on the less affluent south side of Chicago. Both Margaret and Michelle are however humble and down to earth, indeed, like both their Kenyan husbands

Will both men meet...? It seems likely...

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

So, Is The Press In Kenya Really Dead? Or Is Kumekucha Just Cooking His Own Stories?

A Muthui Saiti posted my article yesterday about the independent free press in Kenya being dead, on Facebook. It elicited some very interesting comments which tell a story of their own. I hereby reproduce those comments;

  • You, Kim Okumu, Carol Nyege and 5 others like this.
  • Luderick Ludriga I dont agree with this.
  • Sessiville Nani A thought provoking piece indeed
  • Luderick Ludriga We have alot of evils that hapened those Moi error days which the press upto today has not unearthed.Dont compel us to give u propaganda
  • Muthui Saiti Luderick, what don't u agree with?

    By the way it is Kumekuchas opinion
  • Luderick Ludriga If you want me to do a story on why Moi didnt attend the funeral then trust me its possible but one fact is the story will be mere speculation and to that effect almost propaganda.This is what used to be in most weekly tabloids in 80s and such ...See More
  • Kevin Orato Some truth in the rambling.
  • Roseline Oketch Am a poor reader,siwezi soma hiyo.
  • Carol Nyege @Luderick Ludriga our understanding of what investigative journalism, propaganda and speculation are is totally different. When Those brave American journalists did the Watergate story that removed an American president, I am told people were saying exactly what you are saying here "mere speculation." The Jicho pevu guy told us Saitoti died of poisoning, again mere speculation (according to you). Somebody has brainwashed Kenyans into believing that if it is not an official statement from the government spokesman then it is speculation. We prefer pure lies spun as the truth to speculation that is closer to the truth. Poor Kenyans. This seems to be the thinking in the leading media houses as well. Is it any surprise that our newspapers are so boring that I usually flip through in 3 minutes flat? I have been wondering when somebody will write a piece like this one about how low the Kenyan media has sunk since it was run by illiterate speculation peddlers in the 80s. I agree with my friend Chris Kumekucha give me back the 80s any time. Give me back "speculation". Where would I be if Facebook had not come along. I laugh and I get better informed. Wacha wale hawataki speculation walale. Thanks for this "propaganda" piece Chris Kumekucha. Pls keep them coming.
  • Carol Nyege I love The Star and it is the only newspaper I read these days. Nation I read the obit pages only. To be blunt the more educated people are the more stupid and less creative they get. I think that is what happened to the boring Daily newspapers. It is like reading a thesis. Plus the fact that the government gained control of Nation during the Kibaki days (speculation again but proven daily by the kind of stories they publish). Remember the one about Mary Wambui (Obako's second wife) being given space to tell Kenyans lies? Tena on a Sunday? Eti she is not Kibaki's wife. What were the GSU guys doing still guarding her? I guess that is not worse than speculation. Free press died in kenya a long time ago na hio ni obvious.
  • Kumekucha Chris Why is our "free vibrant press" not covering the truth about what is happening in parliament right now like those people being beaten senseless by the police. I guess it is NOT official yet. Bado ni speculation. Poor Kenyans!!!
  • Luderick Ludriga You guys dont read.Talking of parliament,what has not been covered?and if the Star have not covered it why say the media has not.Is the star not a daily.?How many people here read the Standard on Sunday and Nation on Saturday and Sunday?How many of you read other staff imd papers other than politics.Like the Standard and Nation on Wednesday and Thursdays you will get very detailed word on Technoloy and education.Do you people read agricultural articles in the papers?or all you want are investigations on who killed who and not investigations on how a street boy turns into a millionaire.?
  • Kumekucha Chris Bwana Luderick you sound exactly like those journalists I meet at cocktail parties desperate to look intelligent and busy proving that they read widely. Every time I look in their direction, I see them nodding their heads all evening completely failing to ask the right questions and missing the real story. I don't read agriculture because it is always based on press releases and I would bet that the story about the street boy who became a millionaire was organized by a PR company or spin doctor preparing the millionaire for the next level. How about an investigative piece on the entrepreneur who has grown rich supplying the glue and drugs for the street boys to get high on?
  • Kumekucha Chris Talking of reading widely, have you ever heard of a guy called Alfred Hamsworth (Lord Northclife) a newspaperman who read widely but always simplified, clarified and digested everything for the masses to easily take in? That is what true genius is. This discussion will be difficult when most people do not even understand what the role of the media in a developing country like Kenya really is. In my view if you cannot talk to even 30% of the population and you call yourself a leading daily then you are a joke. What people are referring to here is an elitist media. There is of course nothing wrong with being elitist except that it is a different discussion. The problem in Kenya apart from the clever control of the media by those who own Kenya (and it works because most of us are so gullible) is that the elitist media are trying to force their elitism down our throats and then blaming Kenyans for being poor readers. Hamsworth lived in the 19th century but he has very important lessons for the media in Kenya today.
  • Luderick Ludriga That has been covered.As l said you people dont read.An article has been done on how the streetboys and disabled are being used by those entreprenuers you are saying.l personaly with other reporters from the dailies we have extensively covered farming out of our initiative.My latest piece is on ivory trade:How the big names in KWS conspire witg poachers..the thing is,you people are political adicts.By the way,l dont do cocktails.l buy my bottle.
  • Kumekucha Chris Just as I suspected my brother Luderick is a journalist in Kenya today.
  • Luderick Ludriga Kenya today??man,its time you bring what you have done,l bring my work and we know who is who.By the way talking of Star,you wont miss my feature stories as a correspondent,my recent story,on rabbit farming,-read my brother.Read.
    let me tell you somet
    ...See More
  • Kumekucha Chris Thanx Luderick u r obviously a serious journalist. Now let's discuss the media in Kenya. Any problems with editors refusing to carry ur more controversial stories?
  • Luderick Ludriga The editors choping board will always be there.Good stories will sometimes be killed whereas some shody work will be published.The late Mr.Kaloki a former editor with the Nation would have told us its a perenial challenge.Yes l have had my stories being killed for reasons you will be told "our editorial policy"..many investigative stories on Uhurus visit in the UK were killed..Wanjohi Githae must be telling us this.
  • Kim Okumu Luderick what you say is interesting, so the problem is the readers - who dont read - not the journalist who write poor subjective ill informed stories
  • Kumekucha Chris @ Luderick WOW!!! WOW!!! Now that is what this discussion should be about. Who came up with that editorial policy and why? FYI editors in Kenya are mostly gatekeepers. For who and for what objective?
  • Kumekucha Chris Kim Okumu, u've hit the nail on the head. The problem will always be the ill informed readers who don't read. Just like the guy who can't sell his music because Kenyans have poor taste in music.
  • Luderick Ludriga @kim lets go with facts for facts-you give me an example of an ill informed story in the dailies then we compare notes.@chris ,yes alot hapens.We have a lot of hardworking young reporters who toil for stories but our editors are sometimes bought to hapens.As l said,its a perenial challenge.
  • Kumekucha Chris That editorial policy that kills stories, who came up with it and why? Is it designed to sell newspapers or to protect certain interests? Should an editor of a national daily be a gatekeeper for certain powerful individuals? Is it acceptable? How have these editorial policies impacted journalism in Kenya? How have employment policies in the press impacted us as a country? Like the one of NOT employing journalists who are not graduates (no matter how talented they are)? Is writing a gift or something that anybody who has had the privilege of higher education can learn in a flash? What happens in other parts of the world? How come the most notable legendary journalists, on Fleet street for instance, have mostly NOT been university graduates? Is the Kenyan media an elitist tool or a crucial development tool that should be used to reach the masses and educate them for a better Kenya? If it is for the masses do these editorial policies reflect this? What do Kenyan journalists thrive on, doing that story that was discussed in diplomatic circles or the one that ends up being passed around in the Mathare slums for weeks?
  • Kim Okumu the story of icc cases and the spin put on it - especially about witnesses withdrawing and cases collapsing sunday nation pg 26
  • Kim Okumu headline ya pattni - sunday nation - is it a scandal? really? pattni is right by law isnt he? and nation is always on pattni's case - who are they writing for?
  • Kumekucha Chris The spin oh the spin. ALWAYS beware of the spin.
  • Kim Okumu Luderick what you say about editors proves Kumekuchas article is correct - your personal diligence notwithstanding and it would be foolhardy to say anything contrary
  • Luderick Ludriga No,Kim,,journalists not doing their work and the stories being killed is a different work is t go out and get the story,,not to make sure it runs....Good you brought up the Pattni story..yes its a scandal...the question is,was he one in a scandal?what is different not to make the current happenings a scandal ...bottom line we have allegations.What is this inserpt they put that is fiction.That is what l want you to tell me Okumu.All papers carried te Pattni story..Nation decided to go with it as the splash.which is easily understandable.
  • Amaheno Jumbah Giving a closing remark here, Kenya is in damn shit because of the Sirikali thing in their mindset installed by the real colonialists and the neo ones. I hear you read widely, who has read 'Not Yet Uhuru'? Before you read that book you will never understand this nation. We are fakes! I loved the DAILY NATION till i realized its just a jumble of bought jounarlism. Editors too afraid of libel and the boards direction and cash flow projections for the next five years they dont wanna ruffle some feathers. I have had my articles published there too but the editing that occurs leaves the piece 'safe' not truthful! So i quit! We are at a Y junction. Hope i never digressed! That is the bottomline. The love of money is the beginning of all evil!!!
  • Kim Okumu Luderick -
    is an editor a journalist?
    the story is ill informed to misinform and heavily one sided - a half truth is a half lie therefore it is a lie meant to sway public opinion against an individual
    is Pattni robbing Kenya or are there 'some Keny
    ans' robbing him of his rights and exclusive contracts - in the name of the masses yet its a handful of organisations and people that are benefiting...
    Pattni hana haki ama?
    -"...easily understandable"? not if you're Pattni/Paul on Sunday? are these journalistic tactics to you?
  • Amaheno Jumbah You know what kim Kim Okumu, we have to have guys on the other side who suckle so we have to have action reaction! But its what makes the difference between truth n lies. You know we aint got grey areas!!!
  • Kim Okumu Luderick - Amaheno Jumbah is not alone - his closing remark does it for me - I hope you keep on the straight and narrow but be warned that if you sleep with the sheep you will certainly get fleas - unless you're extremely exceptional - which it seems you are! - kudoz
  • Kumekucha Chris You cannot spin lies and turn it into the truth and neither can you dress lies so well that it passes for the truth. The truth is that journalism in Kenya is in trouble. The best expose that is never published was never written pure and simple. How can you solve a problem that you do not see? To be honest it is disturbing when a practicing journalist defends a media industry where editors are killing their best stories and yet they find that acceptable. It disturbs me terribly. Admittedly my big "problem" is that I saw what was there before and I see what is there now. In those days editors feared to publish stories and that was understandable today editors try to outdo each other killing stories and that I cannot understand. That is the difference and we urgently need to answer the question why??? This is not a trivial matter because the future of our motherland depends on it.
  • Luderick Ludriga Well lets agree to disagree.This was an opinion by Chris.Which l have objected.My objection is an opinion which you can also object.

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