Angry Ruto men vow to crush Gachagua BUT here's why the DP will win | Kenya news

Monday, June 17, 2024

Shocking vision of Jowie's future dad saw on his death bed | Kenya news

Moments before 64 year old Julius Mwangi Irungu, (Jowie's dad) breathed his last on 15th June 2024, he had a vivid vision showing him the future of his son. It portrayed a very unexpected ending to the drama that saw his son, Joseph Irungu charged and convicted of the 2018 Monica Kimani murder.

A recent Infotrak survey confirmed that an overwhelming 87 per cent of Kenyans are strongly opposed to Finance Bill 2024. And yet it seems that over half of parliament is set to vote for it. So who exactly do those MPs represent? What will the most likely consequences of Tuesday 18th June 2024 be? Will the efforts of Azimio and the re-branded Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua garner the numbers to defeat the government bill? Some very surprising answers to those questions emerge in this Kumekucha in-depth analysis.
The Makadara courts drama leaves Kenyans in utter shock. But there is a much deeper story to be told that is more than scary.
President Ruto called retired President Uhuru Kenyatta to discuss delays in payment to him as per his retirement package. But hold on a second... does that make sense? Or is something strange and unbelievable happening here?
Plus Rigathi Gachagua's heavy hand luggage on a commercial domestic flight.

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