Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Sunday, June 09, 2024

Raila secretly working with Gachagua evidence now emerges | Kenya news

South Rift MPs and close allies to President Ruto did not mince their words when they recently warned Raila to stay out of Kenyan politics and focus on his AU job bid. They are bitterly complaining that Raila is working with people within UDA against Ruto and yet the government is sponsoring his bid for the AU job. Clearly there is panic here which may link Gachagua to Raila in recent political moves.

Insider Secrets: 5 Fatal Blunders That Have Altered Ruto's Political Future. Welcome to the latest Kenya news, Kenya politics and more analyzed by veteran Kumekucha Chris for the real inside story; Just like individuals, governments must always do their best to avoid making mistakes that they cannot come back from. In Kenyan politics, the Ruto administration has made some mistakes that they can never hope to come from. Kumekucha highlights 5 deadly ones in this revealing video.

Inside Scoop: The Truth Behind Gachagua's Controversial Party Purchase. Rigathi Gachagua the Deputy President has just purchased a political party, according to sources. But there is a much deeper story here and quite twist that will leave you breathless when you hear this story to its' shell-shocking conclusion.

Ruto's Biggest Hidden Headache: People Who Know Too Much About His Past

Most Kenyans may not be familiar with William Ruto’s biggest hidden headache. And even when they hear what it is, they may not quite get it why it is an issue. Well, the truth is that it is actually a most nagging problem for the president.

You see in the world of politics, it's all about who you know and who knows you. And it is never a good idea for people to know you too well, right up to where your skeletons are buried.

This is simply because, just like in any other contest, if your opponents know you too well, you start with a huge disadvantage because they can read your moves. They can even anticipate what you are going to do next and frustrate your every move.

For President William Ruto, two individuals who know him very well and are on the opposite side politically, are Martha Karua and Cyrus Jirongo. What makes this knowledge a headache for Ruto is the fact that these individuals have intimate knowledge of his past, which could potentially be used against him in the future.

Martha Karua: A Formidable Foe

Martha Karua, a seasoned politician, Azimio principal, leader of NARC Kenya and former Minister of Justice, has been a vocal critic of Ruto and his political tactics. She has not been shy about calling out his past dealings, including allegations of corruption and land grabbing. Karua's keen insight into Ruto's character and past actions could prove to be a significant challenge for Ruto, more so now when his regime is faced with so many serious and yet urgent problems.

Cyrus Jirongo: Ruto’s former boss turned adversary

Cyrus Jirongo, a former Member of Parliament for Lugari and the man who once employed Ruto as his driver, has also proven to be a thorn in the Ruto's side. Jirongo, once a victim of Ruto (in the infamous 1,000 for 10,000 Kanu T-shirts scam story) has since turned against him and has been vocal about his grievances. With his insider knowledge of Ruto's past dealings, Jirongo poses a significant threat.

The Impact of Knowing Too Much

Having individuals like Martha Karua and Cyrus Jirongo who know too much about his past poses a real threat to Ruto's political ambitions. Their ability to expose his past actions and questionable decisions could damage what little is left of his credibility and reputation among the public. In the cutthroat world of politics, trust and integrity are proving to be everything, even in corrupt Kenya.


In conclusion, William Ruto's biggest hidden headache is not just his past actions, but the people who know too much about them. Individuals like Martha Karua and Cyrus Jirongo have the potential to derail Ruto's political ambitions and contribute to ending the Ruto administration sooner rather than later. There are of course others who know Ruto well, but most may not have a strong enough motive to expose Ruto and his past deeds, and the impact all that may have in his current governance execution.

Read also; Kibaki Suspends Ruto in Debut Mashujaa Jab

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