Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Monday, March 11, 2024

ODM dismisses UDA-fueled reports in the media of a power struggle to succeed Raila

As the local media has suddenly gone overboard cra
fting headlines about a fierce non-existent power struggle within ODM to succeed Raila as he angles for the AU top job, a close ally of Raila has come out and dismissed the propaganda which has been choking our mainstream media in recent days.

According to Opiyo Wandayi, who is also the Minority Leader in the National Assembly, there are no divisions within the ODM party regarding the leadership position, and he has assure supporters that Party Leader Raila Odinga will remain at the helm of the party. This statement was made in response to speculation about internal conflicts within the party, as reported by the Kenyan media.

This seems to confirm assertions by this blog and its' sisteYouTube channel that the Ruto UDA propaganda machine is on over-drive to mislead Kenyans and thus weaken Raila Odinga and Azimio, politically.

According to Wandayi, the idea that there are factions within the political party, with one supporting former Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho and the other supporting former Kakamega Governor Wycliffe Oparanya, is NOT factual. Even if Raila secures the position of the African Union Commission Chairmanship, he will still lead the party. Wandayi also mentioned that in the unlikely event that Raila steps down as the ODM Party Leader, there will be an open competition for the position.

Opiyo says he was disappointed to be falsely associated with one of the alleged factions in media reports.

As the head of the Azimio Coalition in the National Assembly, Wandayi condemns any efforts to associate him with a nonexistent faction within the ODM Party. He serves as the unifying force for Azimio lawmakers in Parliament, and it is in very bad taste for anyone to connect him with any factions.

According to him, the ODM Party will continue to play a significant role in the political sphere of the nation for a long time. He rebuked those trying to create divides within the main opposition party, which was actively mobilizing for the upcoming national election.

According to Wandayi, he is in the ideal position to safeguard the party against takeover by conservative forces. He did not specify the forces, and urged for an end to the discussion about divisions within the ODM Party. He stated that these divisions were non-existent and were simply fabricated by certain individuals.

Last Thursday, while mobilizing grassroots support in Wajir, Raila emphasized the potential of Joho and Oparanya, who serve as Deputy Party Leaders, to lead the party to new heights if he were to take a break after being elected as the Chairman of the African Union Commission. This was mentioned during the ODM's grassroots mobilization efforts.

Raila, in his invitation to the podium, expressed his confidence in Joho and Oparanya to take charge of the party, "Raila: I won't leave ODM until I get AU job." He reassured that the party's solid foundation will remain intact, even without his direct involvement in its daily operations, due to its strong nationwide network.

Raila said that he has full faith in Joho and Oparanya to guide the ODM party to new heights. He believes that their prior experience coupled with the party's solid grassroots connections will lead to success. But he added that if he got the job, while he was away in Addis Ababa, he would still be accessible for consultation as needed.

Since the completion of his second term as the Governor of Kakamega in August 2022, Oparanya has been actively involved in the political arena. He has taken part in protests organized by the opposition party and was even detained by the authorities at one point.

Joho, on the other hand, has kept a low profile since his second term as Governor of Mombasa ended. He did not participate in the planned demonstrations for Azimio, but he resurfaced recently when Raila announced his intention to run for the Chairmanship of the African Union Commission.
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