Saturday, March 24, 2012

Can You Tell When You Are Being Cheated?

I find it necessary to state a few hard facts before I unleash this extremely sensitive post.

My children whom I love to bits have Kikuyu blood flowing through their veins. In other words I have close Kikuyu relatives.

I analyzed my top 5 best friends last night and they are ALL Kikuyu. Every single one of them. Including a very close female friend.
Although I was born in Kisumu (just because my parents happen to be travelling through and I couldn’t wait to come into this world) I am NOT a LUO. And neither do I support Raila Odinga. I believe he won the 2007 polls as do most political analysts the world over and as do most Kenyans who can analyze the situation through non-tribal lenses.

HOWEVER I DO NOT believe that most Kenyans will vote for Raila this time round. Sadly he has passed his sell-by-date.

On to the subject of this post which is my deep concern about the unfolding political games being played out that will achieve certain selfish objectives and at the same time leave me and you fighting each other in the belief that one of us started it when we are nothing but pawns being used in a chess game that has very little or nothing to do with us.

In the run up to the 2007 general elections President Mwai Kibaki realized that he was extremely unpopular. The 5 years had flown by way too fast for him and yes he had promised he would be a one term president but then political promises are always made to be broken. His advantage was that the Kikuyu people have numbers and if he extended to the other GEMA tribes we are talking millions of votes. All he needed to do, his handlers told him, was to position himself as a victim disliked and hated because of his tribe.

That was the message that went out to our precious Kenyan brothers. That Kenyans led by Raila Odinga and the Luos were against the Kikuyu and the plan was to “finish” the Kikuyu (whatever that means). A vast majority of Kenyans were against the Kibaki administration in 2007 and were keen to vote it out. But during the campaigns politicians in central province told the people that the community was under siege. We all know what happened.

Now fast forward to 2012 and what is the message being packaged and sold to us? It is simply this, that Kikuyus and Kalenjins are under siege. The Luo and other tribes want to finish these two communities by taking them to the ICC at the Hague where they will be found guilty and sent to jail. Reason? To keep them from winning the presidency.

I get amazed when very highly educated Kenyans write emails to me telling me what I have just said a most in as many words. I am being branded an Odinga man assisting him to “finish” the Kikuyu and Kalenjin. Indeed I received just such an email this week after I released my raw notes detailing what Kibaki handlers are doing to ensure that he remains in power into 2014 by stretching legal technicalities well beyond their limits. These emails were coming from Njoroges, Ngiges, Kamaus etc. most of them PhD holders. These same people have forgotten my controversial raw notes released late last year detailing Raila Odinga’s corrupt ways. If the cream of Kenyan society has swallowed the bait hook line and sinker what do you expect the down and out standard 8 drop outs out there in the villages to do? You tell me!!

Are Kenyans really that naïve? Are the Kikuyus and Kalenjins now brothers after the tragedy of 2007? Or is somebody just grouping them together for political gain?

I doubt whether Kenyans will be able to wake up on time to realize what is really happening. I predict that my Kikuyu brothers will read this post and see red. They will identify me as the enemy without reading and grasping what I am really saying here. But am I really the enemy?

Plans are at an advanced stage to turn Kumekucha into a flower selling blog. Or perhaps a blog selling diapers for toddlers will be more fulfilling? What do you guys think? Whatever you tell me do not mention politics in Kenya because I am just about done with that. Politics in our banana republic is a complete waste of time writing about. What is the point?

"Like" Kumekucha on Facebook and get regular updates including the stories I am following up some of which I never publish for various reasons.


  1. kenyans are generally low iq idiots, with the exception of our virtual economist! we shall go wherever the politicians lead us!

  2. Great post Chris. I now would like to hear what our Kikuyu brothers and sisters have to say about these nuggets of truth about them that you've written about.

    If only they could open their eyes and realize that they have been living a LIE and that their REAL ENEMIES resides within their 'NYUBA"

  3. Plans are at an advanced stage to turn Kumekucha into a flower selling blog. Or perhaps a blog selling diapers for toddlers will be more fulfilling? What do you guys think? Whatever you tell me do not mention politics in Kenya because I am just about done with that. Politics in our banana republic is a complete waste of time writing about. What is the point?


    Welcome to the LONELY, but, very happy world of the African Teacher brother. And, soon, many SHALL follow you.

    We have consistently, to the point of annoying very many people written that:

    (a) politics in Kenya, and the whole world have now reached a point of STERILITY.

    NB: This is why we have noted before that, studying national politics cannot yield fruits. The whole civilization must be understood so as to understand YOUR OWN MIND and YOUR BROTHER'S MIND.

    NB: There are very good reasons why this is so, (sterility of politics) but, we leave that for now.

    As such, to expect anything from the politics, is to descend into the world of ILLUSIONS, DELUSIONS, HALLUCINATIONS and CHILDISH FANTASIES.

    Having noted the above, as we have stated numerous times, we must decide to build a nation based either on:

    (i) hypocrisy of man ( so called national unity), or

    (ii) weakness of man. By this we mean, let us take MAN AS HE IS, and not as we wish he should be. How he should be, we leave that to the Creator.

    So, if we are serious, we must ACCEPT tribes are the reality and the national unity is the MYTH.

    Anyway, since what we write only makes sense YEARS LATER, we leave to enjoy:

    I tried

  4. Check out this article at the Star Newspaper


  5. It’s quite amazing that many people have swallowed the lie that they stand to benefit if the president come from their tribe. How, for example, did the people of Nyeri benefit for the last 10 yrs Kibaki has been snoring in state house? Nothing.

  6. @Mwarang'ethe

    You wrote "NB: There are very good reasons why this is so, (sterility of politics) but, we leave that for now."

    Care to tell us now?

  7. Chris,

    I know somebody leasing a flower farm. Hurry lest you miss out. Please drop me a line so that we can negotiate my percentage, LOL!

  8. My question to the GEMA slaves is this,are there poor GEMA people? if so do they make the majority? ,if both answers are yes then why do you walk in to this siege mentality yet there are only two tribes in Kenya ,rich and poor.Rala and Uhuru will share a cup of tea in bunge and crack jokes while you here are sharpening your machete to Kill your brothers, is it really worth it?You have been told that Raila brought ICC so he can block uhuru so he can go to state house ,but does this mean that Raila will force you and the Kalenjin to vote for himin the absence of uhuruto,even if Uhuru is not in the ballot you still have the freedom to vote for another candidate of your choice ,please use your heads and see the truth.And lastly remember that GEMA does not compose 50 plus one percent of kenyans and neither can one get 25% in 24 counties in this region only,you must learn to appreciate other kenyans.

  9. Anonymous said...
    It’s quite amazing that many people have swallowed the lie that they stand to benefit if the president come from their tribe. How, for example, did the people of Nyeri benefit for the last 10 yrs Kibaki has been snoring in state house? Nothing


    WAKE up kumekucha bwana!

    Kibaki has given the Central coffee and tea farmers over KES 30 billion in subsidies.

    Sample this:

    "November 7, 2010

    The Kenyan Government will waive a Sh4 billion [apprx. $50 million] debt owed by coffee societies in the country, giving a fresh lease of life to the sector, which has been struggling to REGAIN its footing."



    In 2011, you will find this:

    "Kenya: Government Releases Sh1 Billion Coffee Debt Waiver."

    The government has released a Sh1 billion debt waiver owed to coffee cooperative societies. The amount was loaned to farmers more than 10 years ago..."



    In 2004, we read:

    "NYERI, September 16, 2004

    Government gives debt waiver to coffee farmers"



    Coffee debt written off


    In 2011, we read that:

    "Coffee Debt Removal Helps Kenyan Farmers."



    We can go on and on, but, there is no use. So, we inquire,how many billions did the cattle keepers (Maasai's, Turkana's Pokots), fishermen (Luos and Coast), gotten? ZERO.

    We repeat. The idea of UNITY and so called democracy (OPIUM SESSIONS) is a means of providing legitimacy to the subjugation of one or more tribes by others.

    In the end, we INQUIRE, if growing this f$%3$ coffee is not profitable, WHY THE HELL DO WE KEEP GROWING IT?

    Why are we forcing WANJIKU subsidize the rich PERFIDIOUS ALBION when he sips coffee in his INTOXICATING luxury?

    Oh, Lord, as Africans cried when they were under the Persians, we may utter the same cry:

    Oh Lord, if you cannot give us a liberator, may you be an occupier who is merciful.

    NB: One may note the ironies and beauties of history because, today, the Persians are CRYING.

    Anyway, since many seem not to get what is going on, we leave in peace to continue enjoying:

    When will it be the PAY DAY for OUR COFFEE you false priest and slave driver?

  10. wa wa wa we we wi wi ha ha ha he he hi hi,

    It seems Chris is not alone in waking up.

    Orengo also, seems to have woken from his ILLUSIONS, HALLUCINATIONS and CHILDISH FANTASIES which we saw during the so called new constitution.

    Mtaamuka one by one from your insanity!

    NB: The Constitution give you INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS, but, you can only protect them as a GROUP. Simple.

    @ 2.40:

  11. Rala and Uhuru will share a cup of tea in bunge and crack jokes while you here are sharpening your machete to Kill your brothers, is it really worth it?


    We shall have time one day to say more on this. However, may you leave with this for today. The

    (a) SUPER UPPER CLASS (Raila, Kibaki, Uhuru etc,) and

    (b) MACHETE carrying KIBERA boys, in terms of PSYCHOLOGY, are the same.

    In other words, the UPPER UPPER CLASS and the POOR of the POOR, believe in VIOLENCE.

    It is for this reason, these two classes were the main and SHALL be main players in any violence not only in Kenya, but, anywhere.

  12. Chris, you can't give up! hang in there. I think if everyone stopped looking at kikuyus in a bad form, they will realise that kikuyus are really very nice and polite people who don't like to get involved in fights unless pushed to the limit, as with leadership they really have no choice but to support uhuru cos they fear the curse of Jomo. yes they do believe in such.

  13. @Taboo,

    My fellow pensioner, you are better at arithmetic than I am. My question is will our pension cut it with this flower farm thing?

  14. The issues of ever benefiting if the president happens to come from your people or area is old and as damn as the enslaving politics from the Animal Farm days of two legs bad and four legs good.

    Or similar to very foolish students celebrating the success of a former single student who happens to have been among the top ten students in the whole country.

    Yet the rest of them, damn student (just like idiotic tribal voters during general elections) will end up in the dumps after having performed so poorly, and with no hopes for a better future.

    We are what we are. We are who we are. And we will always be what we have been for the last five decades. We as in idiots from all tribal backgrounds, religious, educational and social caves and cocoons.

    We will remain as damn and doomed, and as idiotic as they come unless we wake up soon and reach a point where we are able to find a path of changing our stinking collective and individual destructive mentality.

  15. after reading this blog for a while with a very open mind, i have realised that the author (chris) is the worst tribalist who is trying to show the kikuyus in a bad light.

  16. If Chris is the worst tribalist of them all then the degree of the worst kind of tribalism found in some of us is twenty notches beyond his.

    Wicked attraction is the very definition of a merge between diehard ethnic cum political enemies whose only agenda is to seek a way for their so-called tribal lords to escape the legal gullitone choke at the ICC's.

    The worst tribalists and most dangerous persons among us are the education kind who are always in denial about the very obvious darksided tribal evils that take place in their communities and around the country.

    2008 - IDPs? IDPs - 2009! 2010 -IDPs? IDPs - 2011! 2012 - IDPs? IDPs - 2013! Until when?

    And someone still dares to call Chris "the worst tribalist who is trying to show others in a bad light"? How so?

    How about we start emerging from tribal darkness in to light rather tham merging into the sceptic underbelly of all that's negative and evil about tribalism.

  17. Sad what we have gotten ourselve in. The corrupt cat at the top need to be weeded out. Careful planning and execution. Very soon my brothers and sisters,very soon.VERY SOON...I PROMISE


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