Monday, April 18, 2011

Bye Dinosaurs: Mubarak, Gbagbo, Who's Next?

By KK Blogger

Contempt and impunity are their first and middle names. They treat their countries like person fiefdoms and the resources therein as their birthright to plunder. Their citizens are nothing but a herd to be whipped into submission towards advancing selfish gain. Meet the fast-dying African despots.

Our fools we have for African presidents have never bothered to learn from a single chapter of the history of vanquished African political leaders.

Case in point,Pharaoh Mubarak scoffed at his counterpart in Tunisia by claiming that the Egyptian domestic situation was very different from the one that was falling apart in Tunisia.

So being the real Pharaoh of Egypt with a huge military under his command, Mubarak turned down so many alternative offers for a quiet life in exile with a guaranteed immunity against prosecution and confiscation of his family assets.

The Pharaoh was so sure of himself to point where he chose to spend the rest of life in the resort city of Sham el-Sheikh as a statement of defiance against all the Egyptian people who wanted him out of power and gone for good from Egyptian soil and waters.

What a difference several weeks can make in the life of a one time mighty ruler of Egypt, it now turns out that Pharaoh Mubarak's family is in hot waters because of the pharaonic arrogance, hot temper, a lack of diplomatic skills, and an obstinacy that bordered on mulishness of their patriarch.

The Pharaoh is now languishing in prison, alongside his two sons, Gamal Mubarak, and Alaa Mubarak awaiting trial for misuse of power, corruption and a slew of other charges.

All the family's assets have been frozen, the Egyptian Court has dissolved the Mubarak Party, and all of his cronies and allies have been purged from the military, national police and civil service.

Pharaoh Mubarak and his sons now wish that they had accepted the offers to flee to quite and dignified exile in Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, Monaco or Australia.

The other arrogant former president is defeated Laurent Gbagbo, his wife, family and cronies who will be brought to justice.

While there is still hope that countless other Pavlovian fools like Robert Mugabe and others will face same fate that befell the Pharaoh of Egypt, his sons and cronies when the timing is right.

Ever wonder what causes mighty military organizations on the African continent to fall apart in the eye of the storm, when engaged with rebel forces?

Woe unto you the exported villager still enslaved in ethnic politics. The next candidate may as well be your tribal warlord. Good riddance to bigoted intellect.


  1. Ever wonder what causes mighty military organizations on the African continent to fall apart in the eye of the storm, when engaged with rebel forces?


    Simple. African standing armies are mercanaries (dogs of war) of the New Rome and its Free Allies.

    As such, the deal is always like this:

    (a) you (Kibaki, Mubarak, M7 etc), provide the muscle men, and

    (b) we (New Rome and its Free Allies), we provide the hardware and training.

    The reason the standing armies in Africa always lose is simple then. Whenever it suits the whims of the New Rome and its Allies, they arm another despot to remove the old despot which they had put in place and supported.

    However, there is something deeper than this which is never UNDERSTOOD by Africans.

    It is this. A nation that cannot MANUFACTURE, cannot win any war. As such, our weakness and problem is not politics, it is ECONOMICS.

    Leaving that for another day, now, sample this deal to the Libyan civilians, oh, no, rebels, oh, incoming despots:

    "Libyan rebels receiving anti-tank weapons from Qatar."

    "Officials in Doha confirm Qatar has been secretly supplying French-made missiles to Libyan rebel stronghold of Benghazi."

    In this case, France gives the Satraps in Qatar the missiles which are then handed over to the Libyan muscle men.

    However, as we stated above, the equipment must used to further the Imperial projects which means, maintaining the STATUS QUO.

    In this case, you must have learnt that, these civilians, oh, rebels, oh, incoming despots armed by New Rome and Free Allies, have taken leave from war to set up two Imperial WEALTH SUCTION TUBES, i,e.:

    (a) a central bank, and

    (b) a national oil company.

    We may add, all this is in the anticipation of PIRITIZATION of Libyan oil industry.


    Thus, the removal of an old despot and the ensuing useless spectacle as we see in Egypt, is a distraction from what is just a transition Imperial style so as to put a new despot in place. As such, there is nothing much to write about.

    In other words, it is 400 years and it is the SAME PHILOSOPHY and the little FOOLS do not see as Tosh taught us:

  2. Raila,Museveni.

  3. The next will be Mr.Half loaf,half carpet and no toilet.At the moment he is busy kissing ass in the US of A having been run out of town by the emerging G7.He must be reeling from the shock of G forces as he try to recharge his batteries for a counter offensive.But it all in the stars:-Like father, like son.We all know the story of the old man who was reduced to begging Arap Moi to be allowed at least one day in State House before his demise.We all know who the son is.

  4. Well put and accurate bwana Mwarang'ethe.
    Unfortunately, twits like taabu and ivy league fools are still stuck with the wazungu worshiping doctrines of the 70's...eti mzungu is never wrong, 'democracy' of thieves, bla bla bla...

    Tiskie of Jukwaa

  5. why do dubious quasi-scientific pseudo e-intellectuals on this blog seek to display their mental prowess by spewing vitriol in their intolerance of others by calling them abusive names?

  6. I pity libyans.they do not know who they r fighting,what they r fighting for and when they are finished they will never know what to fight and what for!

  7. Come on 'mr. Vitrol' the man is a genius let him be!

  8. @ Anon 4/17/11 7:03 AM

    My very sentiments , libyans believe that they are fighting despotism meanwhile multi nationals are busy signing up heavily skewed oil contracts with the rebels. Fight on libayans fight for recolonisation

  9. Anon 4:50 Am
    It's not a question of wazungu worshipping, but it's an issue of wanting to be little europeans on the African continent as well as in the Diaspora.

    Bottom line, never fail to appease the angry villagers because they are the prime reources for dangerous popular insurgency, the city folks/dwellers are easily controlled and contained when dealt with harshly.

    Always show understanding for the villagers' self-defense against the politicians' and government's tactless blundering that takes place everyday 24/7, 365.

    There is always an incident that ends up marking the turning point against the status quo with grave consequences and a lasting impact.

    So far, the changes, reforme and so called successes that have been realised in Kenya since 2003, are mainly being enjoyed by the upper and middle classes, leaving the poor even poorer.

    The villagers have yet to be uplifted from the dark economic times have been a staple for most of the Kenyan people, most especially the villagers.

  10. I have always wondered why there are some movies set in a future where the world is controlled by a handful of western 'coprorations.' are we already heading there?

  11. Who's next will be Mr.Half Loaf,half carpet and no toilet.Right now he is busy kissing ass in the US of A after having been run out of town by the emerging G7.He must be still reeling from the shock of G forces as he desperately tries to recharge his failing batteries for a counter offensive.But its all in the stars,like father like son.We all know the sad tale of the old man who was reduced to begging Arap Moi to at least let him spend a night in State House before his demise.Well,the son is also fast goi

  12. Has Tiskie become a Mwara Worshipper? Well Congratulations on your new found faith!!!

    Dini ya Msambwa Adherent!

  13. The problem is not with the Dinosaurs but with the Dinosaur balloter's.Why keep on deliberately electing obsolete relics from bygone era/error simply because they belong to your ethnic group?I hope 2012 will say goodbye to dinosaur voters

  14. Oracle,

    Tell us who it is

  15. @Philip,

    Kindly ignore the Yippe-Kai-Yeh!Loud Mouth! May KK users be made aware of this Merchant of impersonation and Identity theft who is obviously an old hand on this blog!

    I do not dwell on the kind of posts that he pens! from his own fraud labs.

    Well am still here impersona"T"or!

    The Oracle has Spoken

  16. He he he and the Real Oracle will continue to speak. Chris can't you do something about Identity theft?

  17. Bwa ha ha haaaaaa! Ruto is just another case of lost marbles! Bwa ha ha haaaaaaa! he thinks that he is the re-incarnated version of the nandi warrior. A pure breed of lost sheep Te he he heeeeeee! acting like one castrated malnourished bull dog.

  18. ICC told witnesses frequently disappear.

    “We wish to bring to madam President’s attention there is limited capacity to protect individuals under the circumstance that we are operating. What the prosecution means by that statement is we are operating in a situation where the suspects remain in position of power, where an environment the witnesses frequently disappear or become uncooperative,” Mr Moreno-Ocampo’s representative said.

    The Prosecution added that there was need to ensure that the protection of witnesses is assured before the disclosure of evidence can take place. The prosecution however assured that it wishes to provide all the information that is not sensitive.

  19. Mwarangethe,

    We are going to protest over inflation, but we don't know the solution. After the protest we'll surely go to sleep, and prices of goods won't change, maybe they'll continue increasing.

    What's your say?

  20. the so called young turks as represented by the likes of Uhuruto and the new kid on the block the amorphous amalgamation known as the G7 can also safely be classified as generational dinosaurs in gestation.

    They have no new ideas to offer us and have no solutions to articulate how they would address the problems facing Kenyans on a daily basis. G7 is simply another vehicle to get its occupants to statehouse. When you see the likes of Balala sharing the platform with Kalonzo the you know the monkeys have changed but the forests remain the same.

    These junior dinosaurs/chameleons should be shown the door next year

  21. Anon 7:01

    You sound haggard and old.
    So you have beef with the young leaders but has no qualms with the dinosaurs that are sitting senile in public offices like yours truly raila and his twin bro kifaki?
    Wacha zako wewe,we are sweeping those diaper totting fellows from the public offices in under 18 months.
    Get enough diaper changes and watch the vijana running the country to prosperity.

    The Oracle has Farted

  22. anon 7:01,
    Sorry i can't take anything you say seriously.but thanks for bothering to reply.

  23. Who's next? It is the looters of Kenyan public funds who are next:

    1)Moi and his sons (Kroll details)
    2)Uhuru and Mamangina (stolen Kenyan land)
    3)Kimunyua (Grand Regency)
    4)Kibaki (stolen votes and planned Pev)
    5) Ruto, Jirongo (Yk92, fraud, etc)
    The list is long.

    BY THE WAY the post election violence victims should sue the suspects in a civil court and ask for 1 Billion Kenya shillings from the suspects for every victim killed or injured (raped, slashed, etc).

    UHURU, RUTO, KOSGEY, SANG, ALI and MUTHAURA must be ready to part with more than 1300 Billions shs.

    This what was done to OJ SIMPSON and should be done in Kenya. These tyrant must be made poor.

  24. Philip said...

    We are going to protest over inflation, but we don't know the solution. After the protest we'll surely go to sleep, and prices of goods won't change, maybe they'll continue increasing.

    What's your say?

    4/18/11 7:01 AM


    With due respect, Kenyans, and it seems that, the whole world is deluded ile mbaya.

    Firstly, if you recall, for the last two years, we have been shouting on this blog that, the printing of the USELESS papers by the USA will bring unprecedented global inflation.

    Basically, the Americans are printing their USELESS papers and then use the same to BID UP the price of land, housing, food, oil etc. By so doing, they are commiting global GENOCIDE against the poor. When it comes to this naked genocide, the so called human rights FOOLS have no idea.

    Without going into further details, we look to the past, to warn you of the on coming future:

    When economist William Nassau Senior, who had taken over from Thomas Malthus’s position at the East India College was told that a million people had died in Ireland’s potato famine. He remarked succinctly:

    “It is not enough.”

    Secondly, check the Kenyan Central Bank USELESS note. You will see these words: LEGAL TENDER and off course, the head of a tin despot.

    This is what it means. Assume you have a farmer who has been supplying you with 1 liter of milk every morning for the last 6 months.

    Having supplied you for the last 6 months, you notice that, of late, the milk is becoming a bit watery. When you take that milk for analysis with the KBS you find that, half of the liter is water.

    Having discovered that truth, you confront the farmer. Instead of this farmer acknowleding what he has done, he asks the Parliament to make it COMPULSORY for you to take 1 liter of diluted milk, while paying as if it was 1 liter of milk.

    In such a case, so as to maintain you diet, you will be forced to buy extra half a liter of milk.

    In simple words, the innocent words LEGAL TENDER on the note in your pocket, is a LOADED GUN on your head to FORCE you to take USELESS paper.

    In other words, you work as you worked last year, or even more, but,you are buying less. In other words, someone is taking your labour in exchange for nothing.

    Isn't that special form of slavery?

    As such, if hear anyone talking about inflation and does not mention the word LEGAL TENDER, just know this. He/she, is either:

    (a) MAD or,
    (b) part of the OLIGARCHY.

    Anywway, let us continue listening to H Rap Brown whose warning no one took seriously:

  25. @MWara,
    And imagine you are typing on a keyboard boght with the same USELESS PAPER and paying rent using the same. Oh, and your cosmetic firm was meant yo mint you same paper.

    Who is smarter now? Stop delusion and be real. Hakuna haja ya EGO TRIP. You are only impressing (sorry fooling) yourself. Endelea na kuhara and sure this will leave your fingers itching calling names kama ULISOMA WAPI?

  26. With the PEV happening in Nigeria, i propose that, to avoid future PEVs in Africa, we re-partition Africa into its constituent tribes, i.e. the kambas will have their own 'states', Kikuyu, Maasai (extending) into TZ, etc. Each tribe shall govern itself. Other tribes living within the tribal boundaries can choose to leave or be assimilated.

    Each tribe shall nominate/choose/elect a 'chief' and cabinet to govern and look after their affairs.

    Then all chiefs will choose/elect/nominate a chief 'chief' for Africa.

    Gaddafi was not wrong after all.

  27. Jeff@12:20am
    Good idea! but i foresee problems with all chiefs choosing/electing/nominating a chief 'chief' for Africa. This will surely just deteriorate into a State-Wide PEV

    No i think the best answer is to completely eradicate the mentality of voting for tribal chiefs out of voters by educating them on how to choose who leads them and who should never set foot in parliament again

  28. JEFF said...
    With the PEV happening in Nigeria, i propose that, to avoid future PEVs in Africa, we re-partition Africa into its constituent tribes, i.e. the kambas will have their own 'states', Kikuyu, Maasai (extending) into TZ, etc. Each tribe shall govern itself. Other tribes living within the tribal boundaries can choose to leave or be assimilated.


    Why not call the ICC?

    On a serious note, we have noted many times this. What we need in Africa is not UNITY, but, IMMEDIATE DISUNION and an Article of Confederation of the Nigerian Tribes for instance.

    Let us give an example. In the Alps, where despots and wealth hide their wealth, we find arch - enemies - Italians, Germans and the French united for a common purpose of FREEDOM, PEACE and Economic development.

    The percentage of these groups are roughly like this. Germans 70%, French 20%, Italians 10% and we have the fourth Romanche. (One may update these figures for us).

    Now, were these groups to be UNITED under one Emperor, it would envitably result in the domination of the Germans speaking block over others who would be called MINORITIES.

    NB: Do you remember Dr. Kibunja's report and the fate of minorities?

    In fact, if DEMOCRACY as we are told Africans should practice was the norm in the Alps, the domination by the Germans would be total. With such, other groups would agitate to leave and there would be what we see in Nigeria.

    Anyway, from the BBC, we are reading this:

    Goodluck Jonathan: "We have, by this election, found our unity as one nation under God."

    Reading such words, we were forced to take a flight to distant times where we heard these words:

    "One Empire, One God, One Emperor."

  29. @Mwarang'ethe,

    In your enthusiasm to defend corrupt African leaders under the incredible guise that they are simply victims of neo-colonial machinations and global power elites, you never explained why leaders such as Rwanda's Kagame continue to defy this stereotype and yet the West has not found it wise to depose or assassinate him.

    He is not corrupt, is he?

    Another African leader who to my knowledge never plundered the resources of his nation...and surprise surprise...was not deposed either...was Sir Ketumile Masire of Botswana. If my History serves me right, he took over from the current president's father, Seretse Khama, who was equally clean.

    I've challenged you before on this and you've never given me a clear and definitive answer. Kindly let me know how these leaders were not "forced" to "eat" their people's wealth by the "cunning" Western Powers.

    Please do so as soon as you comment again. Otherwise your defence of African Kleptocrats is starting to sound very hollow and pathetic.

  30. @Mwarang'ethe,

    Just so that you can consider your answer carefully, here's some interesting stuff on Botswana's First President Seretse Khama - Wikipedia.

    Between 1966 and 1980, Botswana had the fastest growing economy in the world. Much of this money was reinvested into infrastructure, health, and education costs, resulting in further economic development. Khama also instituted strong measures against corruption, the bane of so many other newly-independent African nations.

  31. @Mwara
    Please be ENTERPRISING and start an intellectual consotium to defend African despots. You are doing better on this blog than M7 and Gaddafi both put together.

    And please make your motto clear: ALL AFRICAN PROBLEMS ARE WEST-AUTHORED, period. Add orlligachs, wealth, land, USELESS paper and Bob Marley.

  32. DM-Nairobi said...

    In your enthusiasm to defend corrupt African leaders under the incredible guise that they are simply victims of neo-colonial machinations and global power elites, you never explained why leaders such as Rwanda's Kagame continue to defy this stereotype and yet the West has not found it wise to depose or assassinate him.


    The accusation that we defend African despots is totally unwarranted. We have not, and we shall never defend any despot.

    What we have tried to explain is this. Even if you remove Gaddafi, Mubarak, tyrants as they are, the next guy will be no better because, the conditions that lead to tyranny are still in existence.

    Did you get that?

    In other words, should you desire liberty, you should work towards establishment of the conditions which are necessary for liberty.

    As such, to state what should be obvious to a kid is not the same as supporting despots. In stating this, we are only warning that, Africans have become the modern

    Did you get that?


    Now, you ask why the Babylon has seen it wise to not to remove Kagame.

    Ok, let us hear from you:

    (a) who trained him?
    (b) who armed his rebels?
    (c) what was the objective of arming and installing him in power?

    We are also aware of this. NATO is present in Sudan. Kagame's soldiers are also there.

    This being the case, can you tell us, what is the FINAL OBJECTIVE of NATO assisted by the African troops in Sudan?

    As concerns the genocide, two things are well known:

    - Kagame was being funded by the USA/West.

    - also, the Habyarimana regime financed the war against Kagame and the genocide from direct military aid from France and the WB's soft lending affiliate, the International Dev. Association (IDA), the African Dev. Fund, the European Dev. Fund, and also by Germany, the USA, Belgium and Canada.

    Surely, if these are the irrefutable facts, what conclusions do we draw from them?

    More importantly, was the loans to the Habyarimana regime not declared Rwandese people's debt? In other words, debts incurred to finance the genocide became debts payable by the victims.

    If these are the facts, did Kagame dispute the idea of saddling the Rwandese people with wartme debts?
    If not, why?

    And, to answer your query, if it were you, wouldn't be wise to let a guy who saddles his own people with genocide debt be left alone to ensure those debts are paid?

    And, while still in Rwanda, what did the sources that feed you mind say about Rwandese leadership in 1970's. Well, they said, progressive, progressive bla bla.

    For those who look at societies from a longer term perspective, we can see and hear the same progressive, progressive bla bla bla nonsense you are writing about.

  33. DM-Nairobi said...

    In your enthusiasm to defend corrupt African leaders under the incredible guise that they are simply victims of neo-colonial machinations and global power elites, you never explained why leaders such as Rwanda's Kagame continue to defy this stereotype and yet the West has not found it wise to depose or assassinate him.


    The accusation that we defend African despots is totally unwarranted. We have not, and we shall never defend any despot.

    What we have tried to explain is this. Even if you remove Gaddafi, Mubarak, tyrants as they are, the next guy will be no better because, the conditions that lead to tyranny are still in existence.

    Did you get that?

    In other words, should you desire liberty, you should work towards establishment of the conditions which are necessary for liberty.

    As such, to state what should be obvious to a kid is not the same as supporting despots. In stating this, we are only warning that, Africans have become the modern

    Did you get that?


    Now, you ask why the Babylon has seen it wise to not to remove Kagame.

    Ok, let us hear from you:

    (a) who trained him?
    (b) who armed his rebels?
    (c) what was the objective of arming and installing him in power?

    We are also aware of this. NATO is present in Sudan. Kagame's soldiers are also there.

    This being the case, can you tell us, what is the FINAL OBJECTIVE of NATO assisted by the African troops in Sudan?

    As concerns the genocide, two things are well known:

    - Kagame was being funded by the USA/West.

    - also, the Habyarimana regime financed the war against Kagame and the genocide from direct military aid from France and the WB's soft lending affiliate, the International Dev. Association (IDA), the African Dev. Fund, the European Dev. Fund, and also by Germany, the USA, Belgium and Canada.

    Surely, if these are the irrefutable facts, what conclusions do we draw from them?

    More importantly, was the loans to the Habyarimana regime not declared Rwandese people's debt? In other words, debts incurred to finance the genocide became debts payable by the victims.

    If these are the facts, did Kagame dispute the idea of saddling the Rwandese people with wartme debts?
    If not, why?

    And, to answer your query, if it were you, wouldn't be wise to let a guy who saddles his own people with genocide debt be left alone to ensure those debts are paid?

    And, while still in Rwanda, what did the sources that feed you mind say about Rwandese leadership in 1970's. Well, they said, progressive, progressive bla bla.

    For those who look at societies from a longer term perspective, we can see and hear the same progressive, progressive bla bla bla.


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