Thursday, April 07, 2011

ICC Finally Confronts Kenya's Infamous Culture of Impunity

Flashback: The body of a woman lies on the floor as her child cries during ethnic clashes in Naivasha, about 60 km (37 miles) west of Nairobi, January 27, 2008, after members of Kenya's President Mwai Kibaki's Kikuyu tribe fought running battles with the Luos and the Kalenjins who back Kibaki's rival Raila Odinga. The clashes killed at least 10 people in Kenya's Rift Valley on Sunday as former U.N. chief Kofi Annan met Odinga to try to resolve a month-long crisis that has claimed 750 lives. REUTERS/George Phicipas (KENYA)

Thank heavens for small mercies, the road to justice for post elections violence victims has begun. The war against impunity in Kenya is underway.

This morning, history unfolded with appearance of suspended Higher Education Minister William Ruto, former Minister for Industrialisation Henry Kosgey and radio executive Joshua Arap Sang - all from the ODM wing - appeared at the ICC in Hague for the preliminary hearing to face charges that include of murder, deportation, persecutions and torture.

More history is due to unfold tomorrow when Uhuru Kenyatta - deputy PM and scion of founding President Jomo Kenyatta - is set to make his appearance at the ICC alongside Chief Secretary Francis Kirimi Muthaura and former police commissioner Maj-Gen Mohammed Hussein Ali to face charges of murder, deportation, persecutions and rape.

Very serious crimes against humanity indeed. Here at Kumekucha, we predicted these unlikely scenes way back in 2008. In actual sense Kibaki's fate in tomorrow's and other hearing hangs by a thread especially if Uhuru, Muthaura and Ali confess and prove that they were acting under the orders of the then duly erected (pun intended) Commander in Chief with a clearly defined chain of command. Looking at the ICC summons, no such fears exists for Raila and ODM's Pentagon, although the party has sent legal representatives to observe the proceedings.

While Presiding Judge Ekaterina Trendafilova was issuing stern warnings to Messrs Ruto, Kosgey and Sang informing them that the ICC would issue warrants of arrest should the suspects continue to make remarks that are likely to retrigger violence in Kenya, outside the court, some 40 Kenyan MPs gathered to protest against the proceedings, singing and chanting prayers. These are MPs who do not pay tax and who the country are relying on to fastrack the implementation of the new constitution making a fool of themselves, embarrassing the country in front of international press in a foreign country just because they got free tickets and good allowances to make a Hague appearance ostensibly to offer moral support and intimidate the International Criminal Court!

Uhuru and Ruto - christened 'powerful' and 'frontrunners' by the discredited Kenyan mainstream media - have lately held highly emotional nationwide political rallies with most speakers directing their heat towards Prime Minister Raila Odinga, and blaming him for all their tribulations. What Ruto and Uhuru did not know, is that the ICC has been following what they say at these rallies very keenly and today's proceedings confirms what is technically a GAG ORDER on the accused. A casual look at the MPs who opposed the formation of a local tribunal when it was brought to parliament up to three times show that it was actually Uhuru and Ruto's allies who failed to support the bills in the presence of PM Raila and President Kibaki. Like they say, mtoto akililia wembe, mpe! Na sasa wamepewa!

Back in court, a fidgety, restless and arrogant Ruto had to be warned several times by the presiding judge to 'sit down'. Ruto belittled the court when he was quoted as wondering why he had to be 'dragged' up to this place, meaning the ICC, and later contradicted himself by conceding he been sufficiently briefed and clearly understood why he had been summoned by the ICC. Flip flopping on topical issues does not add points at the court.

The pretrial judges have set September 1 as the date for a hearing to confirm the charges and determine whether the suspects should be ordered to stand trial. With an eye on 2012, Ruto's lawyers wanted this date brought forward. But thankfully, this is not the corrupt Kenya judiciary but the ICC where respect of rule of law is paramount and proceedings are conduted through pre-determined procedure.

The court also set a date of April 18 for a status hearing to discuss evidence disclosure. If successful, Kenyans should brace themselves to hear horrific tales of what the masterminds did in visiting terror against innocent civilians.


  1. That picture leaves a very tight knot on my throat!

    Justice for this woman and moreso the child and all other victims must be pursued relentlessly regardless of what the political elite in kenya want or think. Who do they think they are!!!

    I would have hoped for a local tribunal mellowed with some form of truth and reconcilition commission but going by the events of the last couple of months I would rather the ICC takes the lead on these grave matters. I dont care if the fire consumes Kibaki and Raila, I just want my children to one day wonder our beautiful land as patriots committed to uphold the kenyan contitution and more importantly proud to be Kenyan. I dream a kenya where my children can buy a tea farm in kericho, a coffee farm in kiambu or even a beach plot along lake victoria without looking over their shoulders.A kenya where it does not matter if a president is Kikuyu or Jaluo. If ICC delivers this then, they have my 100% backing..

  2. The Judges were fair. They should have locked up Ruto for interrupting a predefined process. What advise does his equally verbal Professor give him? I bet the judges already know the criminal they are dealing with.

  3. One of the hardest issues to understand with regard to the so called 'educated people' like 'so and so' is that the duo knows very well and they are very much aware of the fact that they are innocent until proven quilty by the ICC, yet they have been very busy running around in some parts of the country like headless chickens howling mad at their political opponents instead of the Mr. Moreno Ocampo or redirecting their misplaced personal seething anger, venomous hatred and pounds of disgust toward the ICC.

    Believe it or not, the most dangerous persons to have in your midst or as persons in positons of leadership are those who claim to be well informed or even educated in some of the world renowned instituttions yet their daily personal and public actions continue to smoulder with self-sustained ignorance, arrogance and outright disregard for all things pertaining to self-control, foresight, law and order.

    Why would anyone in their right mind kick and scream against their potential political rivals when they are very much aware of the fact that they are not being sent to the gallows or condemned to taste the weight of the guillotine when in fact they are considered innocent until proven guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt?

  4. Phil,

    Well Said, but be prepared for virulent rebuttals from tribal and viral naysayers whose wordings will be as potent loaded with stinging attacks.

    Justice must be seen to be served. Meanwhile, free transport will be provided for Loyal FOOTsubishi users to enable them attend the home coming party of the "usual" suspects.

    Village barazas are being conducted in 'mother tongue' accompanied by Oath taking ceremonies by we all know whom...

    The Movie Continues..Lights..Camera... Action.

    The Oracle has Spoken

  5. Someone is now being tutored in the painful realities of 'jogoo la shambani haliwiki mjini' and 'asiye funzwa na nchi yake atafunzwa na ulimwengu'.

    Growing pains at a latter stage in life can be very bitter pill to swallow for some people who have gotten used to have their way or being treated like little deities and demigods of Zamunda.

    Let justice reign.

  6. More history unfolded today when Mau Mau war veterans took their case to UK High court this morning.
    It is BIG news here in UK - front page news on all major Newspapers and News Cahnnels.
    Many here (Brits) are commenting the case is too embarrassing while others are stating Britian is the source of ALL world troubles.

  7. recorded hearing at ICC

  8. We've heard it said so many times since they days the slave traders and colonialists started trooping into our geo-political region that 'Kenya is more than a single group of people, tribal political chiefs, demagogues of today, lords of impunity and those who have deluded themselves into believing that ruling the country as a whole is their birthright.'

    Since the passing of the new constitution, a mix of hope and pessimism has become characteristic of a nation yearning for a peaceful and prosperous future yet stuck in a quagmire prolonged by squabbling politicians, lords of impunity, tribal demagogues and masses of ignorant population entrenched in their tribal cocoons.

    Oh my gosh! 40 MPigs at The Hague? Imagine for a second the type circus tribo maximus these same MPigs would have put up for public show had a local tribunal held in Kenya, not forgetting the amount of potential mayhem caused by busloads and truckloads of tribal adherents ferried to the city in order to try and intimidate the judges, witnesses, media, perceived opponents and residents.

    The light at the end of the tunnel is turning out to be glares from our trademarked cesspools of political immaturity and tribal cocoons rather than a new beginning for all Kenyans.

    The fact remains that Kenya is more than any one single individual, clsuters of weslthy families, a group of people, dominant ethnicities, two major political parties and a government that has persistently failed to rise up above the influences of tribal cocoons, political cesspools, lords of impunity and dens of corruption at any given period in its history.

  9. Raila is to blame for the post-election violence. He refused to accept the defeat and as a result the violence broke-out piting against 1 community called "kabila adu yetu"!
    This man is dangerous and unless he himself appear before ICC there will be no Justice!
    I'll bank on General Ruto to expose this thug that pretend to be the saviour of our beloved country!
    Raila is a THUG and he must stand the trial!!

    The Oracle has spoken

  10. Tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock......
    The clock has ticked, is ticking and will continue to tick until blind lady justice indiscriminately judges and either convicts or acquits everybody concerned with the horrifying events of 2007/2008

    As for the exported villagers cheering squad aka EXTERNALLY DISPLACED MPs who wrongly interpret "African culture" as accompanying suspected criminals to Netherlands and standing around in heavy warm clothes chanting and singing songs of tribute in the name of their fellow MPs i beg of you my fellow Kenyans take note of their faces and make sure they never see the inside of parliament buildings ever again PLEASE for your own good

  11. The real oracle has not yet spoken! Get lost you idiot

  12. Anon 6.28 is an IDIOT!!! Who has been trying to imitate the oracle and he is famous for identity theft on this blog. Get lost looser

  13. Kwa hakika huku si kama huko Amerika, kila mtu na uhuru wa kwenda popote, hata kwenye red-light district bila kuogopa au kukwepa polisi. Twende kakule matunda kabla hatuja rudi nyumbani. Huko kuna uhuru kamili.

    The Hague tourism has other benefits besides the claims of have been there in defence of political allies, or for the jostling of control, power and frontline positions should the outcome turn out to be more than favourable.

    Although some travelled to The Hague to witness the historic process, many others are there for other personal agendas such as the hunt for what's exotic, such as the fruits, vegetables and flowers that are freely available for a fixed price by licensed pratical providers in the red-light districts of De Wallen.

    Word of caution kwa wazee wa kazi, whatever extra carricular activities that takes place while we are in The Hague remains here and it's of no body's business or concern back home. Just be very discreet while you drink, eat and make merry for soon we shall be returning back to the usual grinding politics in defense of our seats in December of 2012.

  14. These guys should have ignored ICC like bashir did, Wange do?

  15. As the wheels of justice continue to spin at the ICC, there is one cast member who will surely have all the opportunity to write a second script with either a sweet or bitter ending to his own movie that is based on a choreographed and manufactured story that has nothing to do with justice but more to do with what he feels is a set-up that has been placed in the works to prevent him "the anointed one" from ascending the hill to the state house in 2013.

    In the meantime, the ICC judge has warned the suspects against remarks that may re-ignite violence, pointing out that the CHAMBER is AWARE of DANGEROUS SPEECHES, through Kenyan newspapers, that may reignite violence. She also warned that the COURT would not HESITATE to replace the summonses with WARRANT of ARREST.

  16. Bashir has oil, a battle tested and hardened military at his disposal.

    He always maneuvers in very well secured territories within the confines of Sudan and he is not scared of being snatched, captured or betrayed at any time for a reward by his own military, people and country men.

    Furthermore, the man always conducts his personal business and political activities through the Arabic language, a secure avenue that makes it harder for the outsiders to zero in on what he may be doing or figure out his next move, which leaves many of who would hunters from the outside guessing.

    Now imagine for a second, the Kenyan government being denied or shut off from its guaranteed share of international aid and corporation, and the armed forces being restricted from any sort of importation of necessary arms and equipments unless so and so is handed over to the ICC.

    Do you think the above mentioned will hesitate for a second without handing over any of the wanted suspects to the ICC?

    Your guess is as good as mine, because politicians have come and gone, tribal lords have always risen and fallen, and fugitives on the African continent never outfox nor outlive their captors for long.

    The rest is history for future generation to learn from.


    The prosecution defends its allegations using evidence; the suspects and their lawyers disparage the claims on account of law; while the judges arbitrate in the tussle and deliver the ruling. Like in any other court, impressions matter and how one carries himself before the judge, matters even more.

    Now it is suicidal to turn your wrath on the ‘referee’ or to show disrespect for the court. It is also foolhardy to be accused of being a warlord and to seemingly look like one out to prove this is true by arriving complete with a ‘delegation’ of fire-splitters.

    Whether the Ocampo Six are innocent or guilty, they must remember ICC has a bad impression of them. They can just make it worse or better for themselves by appreciating the new phase of battle will be won or lost in the court-room – not political rallies and prayers.

    And in the courtroom, you do not need a cheering squad, they will only make your case worse and still look good.

  18. Finally, it's very encouraging on many levels to have the proceedings take place under the ICC's charge rather than in Nairobi where the judicial system would not have been competent enough to handle the prosecutions in any way, shape or fashion, given the well orchestrated and choreographed political circuses that have been taking place in Kenya.

    There is no doubt that the alleged suspects are innocent until proven guilty when and if the two groups face trial at the same venue in due time.

    However it's refreshing to have judges like Ekaterina Trendafilova among others who will not tolerate any semblance of intimidation, tirades and evidence of witness tampering, coercion, corruption attempts, threats of any kind and juvenile antics.

    Having the matter handled in neutrality at The Hague is like proof that world is a good place, full of people with the best intentions. Everyone in Kenya needs to be reassured of that at some time.

    Kenya's worst violence since independence in 1963 contributed to the 1,600 Kenyans died and over 600,000 Kenyans forced from their homes.

    "You cannot commit atrocities to gain power or to retain power. You cannot do it Kenya, you cannot do it in Libya and you cannot do it in other parts of the world." - Loius Moreno-Ocampo.

    A group of 40 Kenyan member of parliament gathered to protest against the ICC proceedings, calling for a local tribunal.

    Promises are not enough. You have to prove there is a national case for the same incidents, the same individuals and the same charges. There is nothing like that in the challenge. - Louis Moreno-Ocampo.

    The questions remains, who will speak for or on behalf the 1600 dead Kenyans?

    Who will continue praying, supporting and comforting the 600,000 Kenyans who were forced in 2007? from homes?

    And when will Kenyans from all walks who were maimed for life ever see all those who committed the heinous crimes and killings brought justice?

  19. Are some of the people protesting at The Hague any smarter than Slobodan Milosevic and his crew of diehard supporters were?

  20. Does the following sound familiar to some of you, the champions of democracy and freedom of speech?

    "I am much luckier than those who were killed, wounded or raped, those who are languishing in refugee (IDP) camps or living without water and electricity."

    Count your blesses or thank your luck.

  21. This is an historic day for Kenya.

  22. The plight of the IDPs is really the worst case scenario in comparison to the accused or even the dead victims of the skirmishes in 2007/2008

    The definition of a nightmare is when you are afraid to return to your home because the violence that broke out was without warning and carried out by your next door neighbour whom you've grown up knowing all these years.

    These are the people for whom justice is more than a necessity it is a right. The dead have buried their dead, and whereas their memory is painful to the living they themselves feel no pain. let the hague deliver justice for the IDPs and for the rest of Kenyans sick and tired of lies, impunity and bad leadership

  23. When I look at that ghastly photo I can’t help but wonder whether a human being capable of doing that is normal. Does such a fellow has conscience? I fail to understand what amount of incitement can turn a man into some sort of 'blood hungry beast'.Anyway I hope after the Hague, the cruel goons who did the actual killing will also have their day in court. In fact, some of them should be sent straight to Kamiti to face the hangman.

  24. David Cameron, UK Prime Minister said this week while on official tour to Pakistan "Britain and the legacy of its empire was responsible for many of the world's historic problems"
    This is a startling admission!

    This admission includes Tribalism and inequality problems in Africa. All African problems can trace their roots from colonialism. And here we have a Kenyan Prime Minister (and the extension, the whole of his tribesmen) who thinks white people are gods. Shame on you who think Mzungu is something special!!! Some kenyan tribes need proper education.

  25. Anon 3:50 AM,

    Raila has never said that wazungus are better that Africans.

    What he is suggesting is a TEMPORARY measure - remember the reforms that had been anticipated to be carried our at this arm of government have not been carried out as yet PLUS AGAIN the vetting that was supposed to take place has also not taken place.

    Basically what we have in place is still the same discredited judiciary that has consistently FAILED to deliver what it is supposed to do: JUSTICE. It would a be a tragedy of immense proportions if this same judiciary, as presently constituted, were given the responsibility of trying the suspected masterminds of the PEV. Your guess is as good as mine - its main aim would be to AQUIT and not to deliver justice. That is a PUMBAVU way of doing things which right thinking Kenyans do not want.

  26. Now, while still at it, since we all know the hurdles and charges that Uhuru faces at the Hague (no need to enumerate them here), let us examine some of the Prosecutor Ocampo weaknesses and hurdles. I choose Uhuru since, of the Ocampo six, he is, in my view, the one who excites the highest passions of love/hate in Kenya

    1. Ocampo is yet to win any convictions, and while he successfully appealed the dismissal of Thomas Lubanga, for which trial is ongoing, charges against the Darfur rebel leader (Bahar Idriss Abu Gardawere) were effectively dismissed and he is now free of any charges. Therefore, for the first prosecution to come to a completion, Ocampo lost. See:

    2. There have been serious allegations of professional misconduct and judgment against Ocampo as a prosecutor, which may have a bearing on how successful he will be. For details, see:

    3. Even with the very low burden of proof required for the pre-trial chamber (before the higher burden of proof of actual trials), Judge Hans-Peter Kaul, the most experienced of the three judge bench, is already dissenting. He is unlikely to change his stand. Another judge is likely to join him and they gain the majority required for rulings and judgments;

    4. The burden of proof required keeps on increasing, it will be higher of the hearing of confirmation of charges that will begin in 1 September. If charges are confirmed, Ocampo or his successor will have to proof beyond reasonable doubt through direct evidence at the actual hearing;

    5. Contrary to press reports, excitement and usual editorial errors in the Kenyan press, the Ocampo six are at the Hague for charges to be read to them, not for their confirmation, and yes, they have not been confirmed even for Ruto et al. who appeared yesterday. The actual confirmation hearing will only start on 1 September 2011, and based on technical issues, amount of evidence, cross examinations etc, likely to take over another year. By then, Ocampo will not even be the Prosecutor at the Hague, as his term ends in June 2012. About confirmation hearings, see ICC website:

    6. I stated that Ocampo term ends in June 2012. Given that African states form the largest block of ICC members, and some of the most powerful states like USA and China are not even ICC members to influence choice of next Prosecutor, African states, given their dissatisfaction with the local and international politics of ICC prosecutions, have already began pushing for an African Prosecutor, or at least one favourable to their views. The new Prosecutor is likely to be more sympathetic to the interests of African leaders, whether good or bad. After all, ICC does not operate in vacuum of international and local politics. If it did not, Kibaki, Raila, Blair and Bush would be at the Hague at the time of my writing of this article!!!

  27. Now, while still at it, since we all know the hurdles and charges that Uhuru faces at the Hague (no need to enumerate them here), let us examine some of the Prosecutor Ocampo weaknesses and hurdles. I choose Uhuru since, of the Ocampo six, he is, in my view, the one who excites the highest passions of love/hate in Kenya

    1. Ocampo is yet to win any convictions, and while he successfully appealed the dismissal of Thomas Lubanga, for which trial is ongoing, charges against the Darfur rebel leader (Bahar Idriss Abu Gardawere) were effectively dismissed and he is now free of any charges. Therefore, for the first prosecution to come to a completion, Ocampo lost. See:

    2. There have been serious allegations of professional misconduct and judgment against Ocampo as a prosecutor, which may have a bearing on how successful he will be. For details, see:

    3. Even with the very low burden of proof required for the pre-trial chamber (before the higher burden of proof of actual trials), Judge Hans-Peter Kaul, the most experienced of the three judge bench, is already dissenting. He is unlikely to change his stand. Another judge is likely to join him and they gain the majority required for rulings and judgments;

    4. The burden of proof required keeps on increasing, it will be higher of the hearing of confirmation of charges that will begin in 1 September. If charges are confirmed, Ocampo or his successor will have to proof beyond reasonable doubt through direct evidence at the actual hearing;

    5. Contrary to press reports, excitement and usual editorial errors in the Kenyan press, the Ocampo six are at the Hague for charges to be read to them, not for their confirmation, and yes, they have not been confirmed even for Ruto et al. who appeared yesterday. The actual confirmation hearing will only start on 1 September 2011, and based on technical issues, amount of evidence, cross examinations etc, likely to take over another year. By then, Ocampo will not even be the Prosecutor at the Hague, as his term ends in June 2012. About confirmation hearings, see ICC website:

    6. I stated that Ocampo term ends in June 2012. Given that African states form the largest block of ICC members, and some of the most powerful states like USA and China are not even ICC members to influence choice of next Prosecutor, African states, given their dissatisfaction with the local and international politics of ICC prosecutions, have already began pushing for an African Prosecutor, or at least one favourable to their views. The new Prosecutor is likely to be more sympathetic to the interests of African leaders, whether good or bad. After all, ICC does not operate in vacuum of international and local politics. If it did not, Kibaki, Raila, Blair and Bush would be at the Hague at the time of my writing of this article!!!

  28. anon 3:50am
    well if that is the case then i wouldn't expect any white people to be representing the unschooled black people from the tribes appearing at the Hague.

    You need to learn to think beyond your naked ethnic aversion towards Raila

  29. Phil, that picture is a sorrowful reminder of what happened during PEV. Many who were not affected are not aware of such incidents. It is now that real justice for Kenyans through the ICC process has begun and Kenyans will be shocked to hear what evidence Ocampo gathered. The suspects asked for Hague and now they have it. Kenyans are happy they will be tried by an international, professional judicial system not the local juakali like judicial system we have in Kenya. The MPs who have wasted their time and money to accompany them look so foolish singing patriotic songs at the Hague anyway it is said "birds of a feather flock together".

  30. Now, while still at it, since we all know the hurdles and charges that Uhuru faces at the Hague (no need to enumerate them here), let us examine some of the Prosecutor Ocampo weaknesses and hurdles. I choose Uhuru since, of the Ocampo six, he is, in my view, the one who excites the highest passions of love/hate in Kenya

    1. Ocampo is yet to win any convictions, and while he successfully appealed the dismissal of Thomas Lubanga, for which trial is ongoing, charges against the Darfur rebel leader (Bahar Idriss Abu Gardawere) were effectively dismissed and he is now free of any charges. Therefore, for the first prosecution to come to a completion, Ocampo lost. See:

    2. There have been serious allegations of professional misconduct and judgment against Ocampo as a prosecutor, which may have a bearing on how successful he will be. For details, see:

    3. Even with the very low burden of proof required for the pre-trial chamber (before the higher burden of proof of actual trials), Judge Hans-Peter Kaul, the most experienced of the three judge bench, is already dissenting. He is unlikely to change his stand. Another judge is likely to join him and they gain the majority required for rulings and judgments;

    4. The burden of proof required keeps on increasing, it will be higher of the hearing of confirmation of charges that will begin in 1 September. If charges are confirmed, Ocampo or his successor will have to proof beyond reasonable doubt through direct evidence at the actual hearing;

    5. Contrary to press reports, excitement and usual editorial errors in the Kenyan press, the Ocampo six are at the Hague for charges to be read to them, not for their confirmation, and yes, they have not been confirmed even for Ruto et al. who appeared yesterday. The actual confirmation hearing will only start on 1 September 2011, and based on technical issues, amount of evidence, cross examinations etc, likely to take over another year. By then, Ocampo will not even be the Prosecutor at the Hague, as his term ends in June 2012. About confirmation hearings, see ICC website:

    6. I stated that Ocampo term ends in June 2012. Given that African states form the largest block of ICC members, and some of the most powerful states like USA and China are not even ICC members to influence choice of next Prosecutor, African states, given their dissatisfaction with the local and international politics of ICC prosecutions, have already began pushing for an African Prosecutor, or at least one favourable to their views. The new Prosecutor is likely to be more sympathetic to the interests of African leaders, whether good or bad. After all, ICC does not operate in vacuum of international and local politics. If it did not, Kibaki, Raila, Blair and Bush would be at the Hague at the time of my writing of this article!!!

  31. Now, while still at it, since we all know the hurdles and charges that Uhuru faces at the Hague (no need to enumerate them here), let us examine some of the Prosecutor Ocampo weaknesses and hurdles. I choose Uhuru since, of the Ocampo six, he is, in my view, the one who excites the highest passions of love/hate in Kenya

    1. Ocampo is yet to win any convictions, and while he successfully appealed the dismissal of Thomas Lubanga, for which trial is ongoing, charges against the Darfur rebel leader (Bahar Idriss Abu Gardawere) were effectively dismissed and he is now free of any charges. Therefore, for the first prosecution to come to a completion, Ocampo lost. See:

    2. There have been serious allegations of professional misconduct and judgment against Ocampo as a prosecutor, which may have a bearing on how successful he will be. For details, see:

    3. Even with the very low burden of proof required for the pre-trial chamber (before the higher burden of proof of actual trials), Judge Hans-Peter Kaul, the most experienced of the three judge bench, is already dissenting. He is unlikely to change his stand. Another judge is likely to join him and they gain the majority required for rulings and judgments;

    4. The burden of proof required keeps on increasing, it will be higher of the hearing of confirmation of charges that will begin in 1 September. If charges are confirmed, Ocampo or his successor will have to proof beyond reasonable doubt through direct evidence at the actual hearing;

    5. Contrary to press reports, excitement and usual editorial errors in the Kenyan press, the Ocampo six are at the Hague for charges to be read to them, not for their confirmation, and yes, they have not been confirmed even for Ruto et al. who appeared yesterday. The actual confirmation hearing will only start on 1 September 2011, and based on technical issues, amount of evidence, cross examinations etc, likely to take over another year. By then, Ocampo will not even be the Prosecutor at the Hague, as his term ends in June 2012. About confirmation hearings, see ICC website:

    6. I stated that Ocampo term ends in June 2012. Given that African states form the largest block of ICC members, and some of the most powerful states like USA and China are not even ICC members to influence choice of next Prosecutor, African states, given their dissatisfaction with the local and international politics of ICC prosecutions, have already began pushing for an African Prosecutor, or at least one favourable to their views. The new Prosecutor is likely to be more sympathetic to the interests of African leaders, whether good or bad. After all, ICC does not operate in vacuum of international and local politics. If it did not, Kibaki, Raila, Blair and Bush would be at the Hague at the time of my writing of this article!!!

  32. Now, while still at it, since we all know the hurdles and charges that Uhuru faces at the Hague (no need to enumerate them here), let us examine some of the Prosecutor Ocampo weaknesses and hurdles. I choose Uhuru since, of the Ocampo six, he is, in my view, the one who excites the highest passions of love/hate in Kenya

    1. Ocampo is yet to win any convictions, and while he successfully appealed the dismissal of Thomas Lubanga, for which trial is ongoing, charges against the Darfur rebel leader (Bahar Idriss Abu Gardawere) were effectively dismissed and he is now free of any charges. Therefore, for the first prosecution to come to a completion, Ocampo lost. See:

    2. There have been serious allegations of professional misconduct and judgment against Ocampo as a prosecutor, which may have a bearing on how successful he will be. For details, see:

    3. Even with the very low burden of proof required for the pre-trial chamber (before the higher burden of proof of actual trials), Judge Hans-Peter Kaul, the most experienced of the three judge bench, is already dissenting. He is unlikely to change his stand. Another judge is likely to join him and they gain the majority required for rulings and judgments;

    4. The burden of proof required keeps on increasing, it will be higher of the hearing of confirmation of charges that will begin in 1 September. If charges are confirmed, Ocampo or his successor will have to proof beyond reasonable doubt through direct evidence at the actual hearing;

    5. Contrary to press reports, excitement and usual editorial errors in the Kenyan press, the Ocampo six are at the Hague for charges to be read to them, not for their confirmation, and yes, they have not been confirmed even for Ruto et al. who appeared yesterday. The actual confirmation hearing will only start on 1 September 2011, and based on technical issues, amount of evidence, cross examinations etc, likely to take over another year. By then, Ocampo will not even be the Prosecutor at the Hague, as his term ends in June 2012. About confirmation hearings, see ICC website:

    6. I stated that Ocampo term ends in June 2012. Given that African states form the largest block of ICC members, and some of the most powerful states like USA and China are not even ICC members to influence choice of next Prosecutor, African states, given their dissatisfaction with the local and international politics of ICC prosecutions, have already began pushing for an African Prosecutor, or at least one favourable to their views. The new Prosecutor is likely to be more sympathetic to the interests of African leaders, whether good or bad. After all, ICC does not operate in vacuum of international and local politics. If it did not, Kibaki, Raila, Blair and Bush would be at the Hague at the time of my writing of this article!!!

  33. Now, while still at it, since we all know the hurdles and charges that Uhuru faces at the Hague (no need to enumerate them here), let us examine some of the Prosecutor Ocampo weaknesses and hurdles. I choose Uhuru since, of the Ocampo six, he is, in my view, the one who excites the highest passions of love/hate in Kenya

    1. Ocampo is yet to win any convictions, and while he successfully appealed the dismissal of Thomas Lubanga, for which trial is ongoing, charges against the Darfur rebel leader (Bahar Idriss Abu Gardawere) were effectively dismissed and he is now free of any charges. Therefore, for the first prosecution to come to a completion, Ocampo lost. See:

    2. There have been serious allegations of professional misconduct and judgment against Ocampo as a prosecutor, which may have a bearing on how successful he will be. For details, see:

    3. Even with the very low burden of proof required for the pre-trial chamber (before the higher burden of proof of actual trials), Judge Hans-Peter Kaul, the most experienced of the three judge bench, is already dissenting. He is unlikely to change his stand. Another judge is likely to join him and they gain the majority required for rulings and judgments;

    4. The burden of proof required keeps on increasing, it will be higher of the hearing of confirmation of charges that will begin in 1 September. If charges are confirmed, Ocampo or his successor will have to proof beyond reasonable doubt through direct evidence at the actual hearing;

    5. Contrary to press reports, excitement and usual editorial errors in the Kenyan press, the Ocampo six are at the Hague for charges to be read to them, not for their confirmation, and yes, they have not been confirmed even for Ruto et al. who appeared yesterday. The actual confirmation hearing will only start on 1 September 2011, and based on technical issues, amount of evidence, cross examinations etc, likely to take over another year. By then, Ocampo will not even be the Prosecutor at the Hague, as his term ends in June 2012. About confirmation hearings, see ICC website:

    6. I stated that Ocampo term ends in June 2012. Given that African states form the largest block of ICC members, and some of the most powerful states like USA and China are not even ICC members to influence choice of next Prosecutor, African states, given their dissatisfaction with the local and international politics of ICC prosecutions, have already began pushing for an African Prosecutor, or at least one favourable to their views. The new Prosecutor is likely to be more sympathetic to the interests of African leaders, whether good or bad. After all, ICC does not operate in vacuum of international and local politics. If it did not, Kibaki, Raila, Blair and Bush would be at the Hague at the time of my writing of this article!!!

  34. RAO 2 - 0 PNU/KKK
    1. Preference for foreign lawyers over local lot

    2. The Hague is now professional, LOL


    UK: I was born in 1961, Nairobi. Courtesy of people of Gatundu South, I am the MP and courtesy of the DULY elected president of Kenya, Finance minister.

  35. That picture is a sorrowful reminder of what happened during PEV. Many who were not affected are not aware of such incidents.

    One reason why more of those harrowing pictures must be published in a 250 page book as a constant reminder to those who are busy feigning collective amnesia.

    A national monument must be erected somewhere in Uhuru Park, Jamuhuri Park or some where in the city center, as well as in towns like Thika, Nakuru, Naivasha, Kericho, Eldoret, Kisumu, Kakamega, Mombasa, Likoni, Machakos, et al as a stark reminder of how over 1,600 innocent Kenyan citizens lost their lives in the course of post-election violence that was engineered and orchestrated by the cold hearted politicians, lords of impunity, tribal warlords and executed by their henchmen and the usual ignorant legions of tribal sycophants and rabid foot soldiers.

    So far, one of the worst problem among Kenyan tribes is that many of them have come to believe that they are not only immortal but impervious and will always be safe because of their numbers in the event that the whole country should get engulfed by a fullscale civil war.

    The writing is already carved in stone on the walls of our geo-political neighbours, and let the domineering tribes of Kenya find out from their counterparts (the bigger/huge/dominant tribes) in Angola, Mozambique, Sudan, Uganda, Ethiopia, Chad, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, Cameroon, and Ivory Coast, what really became of the ordinary woman, common man, abandoned children, orphaned babies, displaced populations, places they once called home or tribal-land and their whole countries.

    The point is that nobody wins, no one particualr tribe emerges as the victor, the whole country's population loses big time and it takes years to recover from the nationwide ravages of a civil war.

    Case in point, Mozambique, Angola, Uganda, Sudan, Ethiopia and Eretria are still recovering from devastating efffects of their civil wars, and it will take decades to reverse the damages caused by man made conflicts.

    Well, let wajinga waendelea kulilia wembe (civil war) that knows no tribe, age, gender, class, relgion, or regardles of how well one side maybe prepared in advance or heavily armed by the powers that be.

    Case in point, just ask the one time henchmen and tribes of evil men like Idi Amin Dada, Samuel Doe, Mengistu Haile Mariam, Charles Taylor, Mobutu Sese Seko, Momoh, Koroma, Fonday Sankoh* ('evil incarnet), and now one Laurent Gbagbo and his henchmen and entrourage that's now holed up in a bunker without electricity, running out of water, food and medical supplies, and wreaking of human waste because the underground sewage system is overwhelmed.

    Kenyans simply cannot judge the profound impact or negative consequences of their actions - they cannot see the ripples of effects that results from their deeds.

    The next generation will benefit from our good deeds or they may end up reaping the tribal conflicts that are being sowed by through the current evil seeds of ethnic strife and time wasting power struggles.

    Time will tell, although there seems to be a reincarnation of one or two *Fonday Sankoh* on Kenyan soil and the evilness in them must be nibbed in the bud asap.

  36. Oh my my my my....
    watching Uhuru Kenyatta, Ambassador Francis Muthaura and Major General Ali sitting in the bench of the international criminal lawcourts today was a sad and sorry sight indeed.

    Septuagenarian Muthaura and quinquagenarians Ali and Uhuru must have been quietly pondering what cruel twist of fate led them to this foreign country where their only hope lies in being defended by the same white people some commentators here in Kumekucha have called "gods" One thing is for sure those "gods" are the only line of defence for UK, FM and HA against the alleged crimes against humanity!

    Surely the international courts of justice are no place for these aged family men who all have grand children and maybe even great grandchildren named after them!oh what a bitter end to a once normal life....

  37. This is what affects me....

    'East African Breweries has increased prices of some of its popular beer brands by Sh5 and Sh10, barely a year after it revised them when the government raised taxes on alcoholic drinks.

    The regional beer giant attributed the increase to “escalating costs of raw materials and utilities” but brewers’ revenues have also been hit by new regulations on alcohol advertising, sale and consumption that have cut sales.

    The latest regulations, known as Mututho rules, have put curbs on selling points and drinking hours, reducing the amount of beer consumed and sobering up an industry that was high on sales.

    According to prices it released on Thursday, EABL appeared to punish the middle to the high-end of its drinking market by selectively raising prices of its premium beers and some of its most popular brands'.

    All else that you guys are yapping about here is total balderdash,whether they are tried in Kenya or at the Hague hainisaidii....!!

  38. Mr Kenyatta and Mr Ruto have been saying they will be candidates in the 2012 presidential election when Mr Kibaki's tenure comes to an end.

    An indictment by the ICC would almost certainly end these ambitions.

    The foremost beneficiary would be Mr Odinga, already being prejudged by opinion polls as the 2012 presidential frontrunner. Yet the ICC matter is hurting the ODM leader almost as much.

    It has intensified the long-running feud between Mr Odinga and Mr Ruto.

    Those who are backing Mr Ruto have been driven into a marriage of convenience with the PNU, and specifically Mr Kenyatta, with the sole intention of stopping the prime minister's political ambitions dead in their tracks.

    Improbable as it sounds, a whispering campaign that Mr Odinga somehow wrote the list of targets for Mr Ocampo, is spreading among both Mr Kenyatta's and Mr Ruto's core supporters.

    The other silent beneficiary of the ICC ruckus is Vice-President Kalonzo Musyoka, but he has opted to play his cards more tactfully than his bitter foe Mr Odinga. With an eye on 2012, he has deliberately chosen to be the face of the government's anti-ICC campaign.

    By doing this Mr Musyoka is making a critical investment, drawing on potential supporters in the areas that Mr Kenyatta and Mr Ruto control.

    The expectation is that he will reap the rewards come election time. If indeed the ICC was to put Mr Kenyatta and Mr Ruto out of political circulation, then Mr Musyoka may be looked upon kindly for his efforts.

    So far, the question of his sincerity is being delicately side-stepped.

    What is beyond doubt is that if this previously implausible alliance between Mr Kenyatta, Mr Ruto and Mr Musyoka ends up fronting a joint candidate - who the vice-president fervently hopes will be himself - the numbers they can call up would easily overwhelm Mr Odinga.

  39. By the way, i'm still waiting for cucu Murugi to strip!whatever happened to her rallying war cry to lead the women to Uhuru park for a stripping ceremony?for shame Esther for shame!

  40. @ anon 4/8/11 10:08 AM
    What is beyond doubt is that if this previously implausible alliance between Mr Kenyatta, Mr Ruto and Mr Musyoka ends up fronting a joint candidate - who the vice-president fervently hopes will be himself - the numbers they can call up would easily overwhelm Mr Odinga.

    Surely, the gods do have a sense of humor, in one deft move they have raila handing victory on a silver platter to his much despised enemy, kalonzo.
    Remember the oedipus story: in trying to avert his destiny he ends up fulfilling it.
    raila thought that by getting uhuru and ruto out of the way, he would get a free pass to the house on the hill but then, fate had already decreed that he, like his fatherbefore him, was destined to being a perpetual loser, whatever he does he ends up fulfilling his ignominious destiny. There is a free pass to state house but its kalonzo's

    Whatever he engineers ( 82' coup, 41 vs 1, lesotho ethnic cleansing , mwizi na mvutaji bangi, ICC suspect etc, etc ) however much blood he spills, he will never be the president of kenya and that is his fate. He might as well learn to live with it.

  41. Raila thought that by getting uhuru and ruto out of the way he would get a free pass.

    How so? Could you enlighten the public about the above mentioned, the public is all ears.

    Tribal blinders can have very disastrous consequences on the lives of both the illiterate and literate Kenyans as well as the country as a whole.

    However when a segment of a population once regarded as educated, enlightened, well traveled, and thought to have some understanding of how and why the ICC took charge of PEV case, yet are found to be buying into the manufactured propaganda that's making its rounds by scapegoating one individual as repsonsible for Kenya's current embarrassment at The Hague, then we as a people and as a nation have really qualified to earn the status of a Banana Republic, failed state with a banana minded population whose psyche has been poisoned by very high levels of untreatable tribal toxicity.

    Before thousands of toxic tribal barbs are released, will some of the experts out there try and educate the public on how or why Raila Odinga is responsible for sending two of the Ocampo-6 to The Hague for his own political benefit?

    And why have politicians failed to address the IDP issue, an eye sore and condemnation of sorts in the nation's backyard, yet they are so busy politicising and tribalising the ICC issue in the most poisonous manner and crude fashion?

    How about the same people put the same amount of energy and resorces into reaching out and helping the IDPs who have been languishing in internal refugee camps since 2008?

    Begging the question, how will one tribe hanging onto to political power or the other tribe struggling to gain the same political power solve myriads of giant economic, social, health, ethnic, educational, and environmental issues that have bedeviled the country for the last half a century?

  42. @Mother Nature,

    Thanks so much to Mother Nature for coming to the rescue whenever she's needed, although this time around her aid is beginning to trickle in fifteen years later.

    Case in point, allies of Zimbabwe's president are pushing for a quick vote because of Mugabe's deteriorating health which may end up getting complicated by senility.

    Mother Nature may end up just doing for Zimbabweans what they couldn't do for themselves in the last twenty to fifteen years, by liberating them from the tyranny of Mugabe, Grace Marufu ('Rufurufu'), his henchmen, ZANU- PF and a military that's dominated by a faction of militant generals who have taken advantage of Mugabe's deterioting mental health over the last fifteen years.

    More power to Mother Nature and more power to a better Zimbabwe after Mugabe.

  43. The ICC does not have sufficient evidence to send any of the so-called Ocampo six to the gaol. They know that. The person who should really be worried is the one waiting in the wings for this to happen--the opinion poll president. Poor chap! Hasnt made it to the presidency despite all his (mis)adventures of the past three decades and seems not to get any closer to state house as time marches relentlessly on. Which witch/wizard will he see this time around?

  44. A word of caution to Uhuruto: remember Emilio's motor accident of years ago? Dont ever forget it. It was less an accident than an assassination attempt by self-serving, power hungry, feckless types.

  45. Appearing in hague as criminal suspect ni baya sana. Uhuru will never be a leader of kirinyaga,nyeri,muranga,nyandaruaand embu leave alone Kenya. Who wants a bloody thirsty murderer as a leader?

  46. I don't talk ill of the dead. But, that lady is dead so she has nothing to say! But how about that little boy/girl?
    What did s/he do to deserve seeing his/her mother die such a death! Why did this have to happen?

  47. Why have the PNU politicians failed to address the IDP issue (over 90% are from the Kikuyu community), an eye sore in the nation's backyard, yet they are so busy politicising and tribalising the ICC issue in the most poisonous manner and crude fashion?

    How about the same people put the same amount of energy and resorces into reaching out and helping the IDPs who have been languishing in internal refugee camps since 2008?

  48. WOW! That picture is really wot its all about.Not the political intrigues and power struggles of the pro and anti Raila/Kibaki?Ruto/Uhuru or even court room drama that is keeping Kenyans glued to their sits.Kenyans have a shrt memory and Im one of them.Thanks for reminding us - wot its really about - JUSTICE FOR THE VICTIMS - not for our entertainment,not about our tribemate.About innocent Kenyans who died terrible deaths and those who are left who are destitute and scarred for life after rape,arson,forced circumcision and mutilation.may God have mercy on the victims the Ocampo 6 CAN GO TO HELL!!!!Am sure they will pay to get a comfortable spot.

  49. Wow, Wako has just remembered today that there are 3500 cases that need to be investigated before the case for O-6 could be brought back home.
    All along for 3 years these cases have not been investigated. Now Wako wants it done, NOT for the victims but for Ruto and Uhuru.

    Make up your minds Kenyans. Kenya belongs to Ruto and Uhuru. The rest are just movie objects.

    What a shame.

  50. the writing is clearly on the wall and without a doubt Uhuru and Ruto are out of the race for 2012!

  51. The hypocrisy shown by the PNU/KKK politicians and the pastors and bishops who prayed for them is as debilitating as the irony is cutting. The irony is that hundreds of millions of shillings have been spent towards escorting the ‘Ocampo Six’ to The Hague, while not a word has been said of the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs). Never mind they were created by the circumstances now before The Hague. Not even in the holy prayers that preceded the trip to The Hague have they been remembered. The more I have followed the prayers, the more I have understood the Prophet Isaiah in Christian writ.

    The holy men of God who prayed for the six said not a single word about those who were sexually assaulted, the maimed and homeless. The men of God did not even pray for the souls of those who died in the violence that is now before The Hague.

    And so I understand the Prophet Isaiah when he says, "Your country is desolate, your cities burned with fire. Your fields are being stripped by foreigners right before you…. I cannot bear your evil assemblies…. When you spread out your hands in prayer, I will hide my face from you. Even if you offer many prayers, I will not listen. Your hands are full of blood" (Isaiah 1: 7-15).

    When the holy man of God prays for The Hague six and says nothing about the IDPs and the PEV victims, then he has read his Bible selectively. He has not read where it is written, ‘The eyes of the arrogant shall be humbled and his pride will be brought low’ (Isaiah 1: 11).

    That is why politicians can walk from prayer meetings and go on to live television on Sunday evenings to display unbridled arrogance. Like the profane priests who pray for them, they have never read where it said, ‘Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the cause of the widow’ (Isaiah 1: 17).

  52. Hallelujah! The messiah, fresh prince of democracy wont be running for presidency in 2012. He just found out that Kenya is bigger than him. Took the moron a whole 30 years to figure that out. Ya mungu ni mengi!

  53. @anons 4/8/11 3:13 PM and 4/9/11 3:51 AM

    Perhaps the question should be directed at orengo who has admitted to having money to purchase the land but somehow in the whole entire kenya cannot find the land to purchase for the IDPs the man is either sleeping on the job or waiting for 2012 to begin resettlement and gain electoral mileage , very cynical ploy but very ODMish

    However my greatest joy is that raila's goose is so cooked he will never be head of state !!!

  54. Maumau case in UK. These heros are unlikely to win since Kenyatta sold the. He signed to exonerate the colonialists. For information kenyatta was never a maumau.he was in uk only to service and con KAU, Gichuru, odinga and real heros. He became a homeguard.this explains the impunity that exists.homeguards believe they are the owners of kenya.Kikuyus live a lie.Kenyatta was never a freedom fighter.look at his defence for that kapenguria trial.he rightly denied maumau. He was never one. All kikuyus apart from kiambu know this.for this reason, uhuru will never rule beyond gatundu. Look at kroll report for further prove. Lies lived will one day be exposed by true historians.

  55. Why waste time redirecting the question? Why deflect the real issue staring right at us?

    Which is, why are the survivors of post-election violence still wasting away in internal refugee camps all over the country?

    Why have they not yet returned to the homes they left behind during the post-election violence?

    What has happened to the homes, livestock and land that once belonged to the survivors of post-elections violence and those who perished at the time?

    Who or what sort of people have now taken over the spoils of post-election violence?

    Are they the same people or supporters of some individuals who were seen demonstrating at The Hague, not against the ICC but in defence of the ill gotten gains, loot and booty?

    Who is fooling who? Is it the survivors of post-election violence, the looters/grabbers, the politicians eyeing the 2012 genral elections, or those who stand to benefit from the whole fiasco while seating on the political sidelines?

  56. Uhuru will never rule kenya.idps re: kroll report. And we have
    Kikuyu IDPs

  57. Anon 20:24 AM
    You are preaching to the choir, however people like Gichuru and Odinga were never heroes of the struggle against the colonialists in Kenya.

    The real heroes died fighting, others died in concentration camps, thousands died homeless, and many mor still live in abject poverty in a post-colonial Kenya.

    What did Odinga or Gichuri do for the nation besides shooting their mouths at the time when many gullible Kenyans had misplaced their hopes, trust and future in the wrong hands?

    The proof is now in the banana pudding, failed state, junk state and corrupt government that exists five decades alter.

  58. A country divided will never ever manage to stand on any good foundations that were laid down after its independence.

    While the Kikuyu and Luo politicians with their kabila-mikia (supportive cast of several smaller tribal groupies) are very busy trying to outwit, outsmart, outstage and outlive each other, some westerners, the Maragoli and Bukusu politicians are already at each others political throats in preparation for showdown on gameday 2012.

    Wonder whether each group will be rewarded with a single cabinet post depending on how much credible firepower they provide for their political giants (goodfathers) in the battle of battles in 2012?

    The more confusion, the more fights, the more mudslinging tribal campaigns and more attacks, the merrier it will be for the kihooto political candidates all over the country.

    What's the real difference between the Bukusu and Maragoli, is it similar to Meru and Embu, or Digo and Giriama, or Kisii and Kuria, or Masai and Samburu, or Tugen and kipsigis, or Turkana and Pokot?

    Can't wait for the clash of Lieutenant General Wetengula's and Lieutenant General Mudavadi's troops at the battle of 'We are better than them'.

  59. wow,how unfair is life? if only the IDPs could be as important as the Ocampo 6? Then we would see faster resettlement,land being made available,funds to help start a new life over and every other necessary thing required to make them live as comfortably as possible in their new lives. And all this would happen overnight as is the case with the 6 suspects there in the Hague who one of them Arap Sang managed to raise not only enough funds to travel to Netherlands but also to engage lawyers in his defense which he claimed all along was not possible.mmmmh!

  60. Who is that fake priest praying for the 2 murderers? Which God was he praying to?

  61. KIKUYU OATH 1969/2011

    No uncircumcised leaders will be allowed to compete with the Kikuyu. You shall not vote for any party not led by the Kikuyu. If you reveal this oath, may this oath kill you.

  62. Evil happens as it has often occurred in our nation's short history, because good Kenyan people do nothing, and we must caution ourselves not to underestimate evil, thinking it will not affect us.

    We have heard it mentioned on so many occasions: kidogo kidogo hujaza kibaba, however many good people in our midst are always oblivious to the fact that dripping water can fill a pitcher, drop by drop; one can become filled with evil, even if one acculates it little by little.

    Hence, the continuous presence of IDPs on Kenyan soil have failed to make us as a nation to examine our own reaction to fellow citizens who need help and so also to examine our personal values and actions.

    So far, no body is vigorously representing the real plight and interests of the victims of post-election violence at The Hague other than one 'conscientious outsider' by the name Louis Moreno-Ocampo and three Kenyan sisters, survivors of the post-election violence who now reside in the Netherlands.

    As it turned out last week, even the Kenyan media and the so called diasporans freelancers who turned out in large numbers to take photographs of the political celebrities and their diehard supporters matching to and from the ICC, totally ignored the three sisters formerly displaced persons who lost their parents, four siblings, three paternal uncles and fifteen first cousins at 8:30 PM on January 7th, 2008 during the post election violence.

    The three sisters who are now students at Rotterdam University were seen holding orange banners with black inscription, "We Will Stand Firm In Seeking Justice For All Victims in Kenya" and later distributed orange cards with a very clear message printed in "The biggest disease today is...the feeling of being unwanted, uncared for and deserted by by everybody. The greatest evil is the lack of love and charity, the terrible indifference towards one's neighbour who lives at the roadside [IDP Camps], assaulted by exploitation, corruption, poverty, disease and racism [tribalism]." - Mother Teresa.

    I wonder whether the just concluded ICC proceedings and consequent trials will become major "aha" experiences or epiphanies in the lives of many good Kenyan people?

    And whether many Kenyan people will be particularly and profoundly affected by a does of double exposure of what really took place at the darkest moment in our nation's history, when and if trials are held at the ICC.

  63. Wakenya wana vichekesho tele and ignorance is bliss. True or False? "A Kenyan Abroad is just a mirror image of a Kenyan in Kenya. Same Tumbiri Different Forests."

    One party militant has completely bought into the sanctioned political mantra that was used over and over by one extreme right wing christian group and some neo-nazi skinhead sympathizers, "We may not know who to vote for now but we already know who to vote against in 2008, and we will make sure no n_ _ _ _ sets his black foot in the hallowed grounds of the White House and the inner sanctum of the Oval Office." Ignorance is bliss.

    Tendawili? Woof! Woof! Woof! Blah blah blah blah blah blah!

    Just keep in mind the fact that, Mola hakosi kuwanyunyuzia Wakenya wote baraka pamoja na neema zake kwa wingi.

  64. Is Mwangi Kiunjuri the latest reincarnation of David Mwenje, the one time KANU's ligtning rod that was employed to repeteadly strike at the likes of Josphat Karanja and company into political oblivion?

  65. The ill and poisonous wind from the kavirondo is starting to blow again. But the noxious wind faces a problem. As follows. Inciting hatred against the Kikuyu is now going nowhere, much thanks to the stuttering, two-faced buffoon (i.e. Raila Odinga) and the laskeside mafia that have captured ODM-Raila. Sweet!

  66. Raila Amolo Odinga will NEVER be the president of Kenya. Uhuruto and their allies have put paid to that ambition even before the first ballot is cast in 2012. Kenya now has a chance at broad-based unity. What remains is to lock the stuttering leader of ODM-Raila in a closet and throw away the key. Btw did anyone get to watch his speech to the thin, gema faction of ODM-Raila? That was telling--check it out.

  67. @Anon 10.06pm.
    Thanks for your message about RAO. That is your democratic right to say that RAO will never be a president of Kenya. But other Kenyans may have something to say about that. Kenyans have to vote to determine who their president is. Unless you know of another plan to rig the election. That would be criminal you know.
    You are right to vote for someone else. You don't have to be rude or call people names. How I wish Kenyans would to discuss issues and not personalities!
    Good day

  68. The stuttering Raila Amolo Odinga is a public figure--he's fair game, if not he should get out of the kitchen and to be sure I'll leave him alone. But unfortunately, he. will. never. be. president. The writing is on the wall. Read it.

  69. Whether Raila is president or not one thing is certain for sure:-Ruto and Uhuru are out of the race to statehouse in 2012!maybe they will be president and vice president in 2030-what a new meaning to Vision2030 LOL!

    Well,for the first time in the history of our nation impunity and bad governance will be dealt a fatal blow by the proceedings taking place at the ICC as the criminal prosecutor begins to deal with the six suspected PEV masterminds come September 2012.Kenyans of all shades and walks of life can rest easy knowing no elections will EVER be stolen and fought over again in the future of our beloved country

  70. The legitimacy of the ICC process is deeply in question. Increasingly labeled as an 'African' court and with Ocampo himself unwittingly saying that he'll make 'an example' of the Kenya case together with his biased selection of who gets prosecuted raises deep reservations about the process not only among the defense but in the broader community of interest.

    Moreover, it is unclear to me how a court resident more than 3000 miles away (and whose legitimacy is currently challenged) can deal a 'fatal' blow to impunity. That is utter nonsense for which we have real life examples do not exist---what is happening in Liberia today? How did Rwanda go?Such naive optimism must be tempered by the track record of the court itself--what is the history of successful prosecutions?

    In the end, I place much more faith in the Kenyan people than in some foreign court manned by white men wishing to 'make examples' of black men, in a court accurately dubbed an 'African court' and which fails to garner sufficient evidence to reach successful prosecutions. A kangaroo court as it were.

    Here's why I have more faith in Kenyans:
    1. They for example saw the bigoted rhetoric by Raila Odinga, his successful attempts at isolating and demonizing one ethnic community and the eruption of violence which saw that ethnic community systematically massacred. They will not allow for a repeat of this unfortunate event and we now see organizing of coalitions among different ethnic groups. Raila Odinga will get politically isolated as an *individual*. I cannot complain about that.

    2. Kenyans appear to have learnt a major lesson about democratic process. You can never be too certain about outcomes, even in a free and fair process. That is a FUNDAMENTAL tenet of democratic contestation, which makes it possible for protagonists to concede defeat. That Raila Odinga had made it clear that ODM had won even before the first ballot was cast and that any result contrary to that was the result of rigging made such results unacceptable, concession impossible, and indeed was another factor that contributed to the violence that mainly targeted one ethnic community, roundly demonized by Raila Odinga during his campaigns. His discourse and rhetoric conferred responsibility on the ethnic community and fuelled the violence against them. Kenyans have learnt their lesson.

    Sadly, these lessons were practical and real. No court can legislate or prosecute the learning of such lessons. Selah.

  71. What the black man cannot do for himself the white man will do for him exploiting resources justice funding elections etc so off to the hague we go! If kenyans a stones throw away could not jumpstart some justice we could all settle for an overseas kangaroo court! Point is, Its better than nothing! Get it?

  72. @ anon 4/9/11 5:52 PM
    <1>KIKUYU OATH 1969/2011

    No uncircumcised leaders will be allowed to compete with the Kikuyu. You shall not vote for any party not led by the Kikuyu. If you reveal this oath, may this oath kill you.

    Then you cant possibly know what the oath is because the only ones who can substantiate stayed mum or died depending on which side of the oath they stand. I can only conclude its pure fabrication of the raila types to "shame" kikuyus into joining them. clever ploy but wont work it is so yesterday!

  73. The ICC trial is not about Raila Odinga or Uhuru Kenyatta or other nemesis the 2012 general elections, it is about seeking justice for all the victims: survivors and those who perished during the post-election violence.

    The ICC trial is not a "manufactured tribal" process against a so called particular community with all its tribal chiefs, tribal warlords, tribal legions and raving tribal lunatics.

    It's about justice for all Kenyans who suffered and perished during the post-election violence.

    The constant inclusion of the name or names of perceived political enemies or ethnic nemesis is bigoted rhetic at best.

    While the only practical and real lesson for Kenyans from all walks of life is: those who ignore the lessons of the darkest moments in Kenyan history are abound to it repeat it without a second thought or worse at a blink of a tribal eye.

    Therefore let's hold the ongoing bigoted rhetoric for a moment and deal with the real black mamba (hate speeches) and the albino python (bigoted rhetoric) that are being nurtured in our various ethnic backyards.

    In the meantime, let's concentrate our combined efforts in reaching out to the IDPs, and all Victims of PEV.

    Over due justice is owed to all Kenyans who perished during the post-political violence of '07 and '08!

    NB: The politisation and tribalization of the ICC process will do any good for country and its people, but it should be nibbed in the bud by all accounts.

  74. The ICC will not resolve impunity in Kenya--take that to the bank. More importantly to me, it will not bring about peace and/or tolerance among communities. ODM-Raila's and their uncritical followers should be treated with the suspicion and contempt they deserve. They cant even plan their own rallies, instead wanting to disrupt Uhuruto pre-planned gatherings. Not surprising given the violent, thuggish nature of ODM-Raila and their followers. I have said it here before that the stuttering buffoon is on a losing track and will use the most familiar tool to him--violence. I did not think it would come this soon, but HERE IT IS!

  75. KIKUYU OATH 1969/2011

    No uncircumcised leaders will be allowed to compete with the Kikuyu. You shall not vote for any party not led by the Kikuyu. If you reveal this oath, may this oath kill you.



    15:58 She says that the Chamber will strictly adhere to the subject matter of the hearing: Inform suspects of the charges facing him, their rights and set date of confirmation hearing.

    15:57 The judge says today's hearing is not a trial, nor a confirmation hearing. No evidence will be collected.

    15:55 She says that the Chamber is concerned about articles in Kenyan newspapers referring to re-triggering violence and such actions constitute a breach of conditions in the summonses and may lead to warrants of arrest.

    15:52 Judge Trendafilova: Judges expect parties to conduct themselves with decorum and nay deviation will not be tolerated. Chamber will not hesitate to implement sanctions.

    15:49 Ali: Born in Eldoret and currently CEO Postal Corporation of Kenya.

    15:47 Kenyatta: I was born in 1961, Nairobi. Courtesy of people of Gatundu South, I am the MP and courtesy of the duly elected president of Kenya, Finance minister.

    15:45 The judge is satisfied that Mr Muthaura is proficient in the English language.

    15:43 Muthaura: I was born in Mariaine, Meru and currently head of civil service and secretary of Cabinet. Born in 1946.

    15:44 Judge Trendafilova introduces the other judges.

    15:42 Major General Ali's legal team introduces itself before the court followed by the Registrar.

    15:40 Queen's Counsel Kay introduces Mr Kenyatta's defence team.

    15: 39 Mr Muthaura's legal team introduces itself.

    15:37 Mr Moreno-Ocampo introduces the prosecution team.

    15:35 Judge Trendafilova tells the parties to speak slowly so as to allow interpreters to take notes.

    15:33 The case is called by the court officer.

    15:32 The judge directs the court officer to usher in photographers to take pictures for 90 seconds.

    15:30 Judge Ekaterina Trendafilova tells the suspects to stand up and she welcomes them to the Chamber, the prosecutor, defence team and Registrar.

    15:29 The hearing is about to start.

    15:23 We are minutes away from the initial appearance of Mr Kenyatta, Mr Muthaura and Major General Ali where they will start by introducing themselves before the court.

    15:19 On April 18, the court will hold a status conference where Mr Moreno-Ocampo is expected to disclose the evidence he intends to rely on in arguing his case against the Ocampo Six.

  77. We are minutes away from the homecoming rally! Exciting!!

  78. anon 12:58AM
    the plight of IDPs is also minutes away from being completely forgotten by politicians such as the ones you are welcoming at Uhuru Park. Je hii ni ungwana?

  79. Strange how the IDPs are at the forefront of your agenda now, yet when you and your kimundu messiah were demonizing a whole community in 2007 it never occured to you. Feckless hypocrites!

  80. anon 1:38AM
    was i really? he he you even know who i am?

    anyway, crawl back to twitter or facebook or whatever rock you were under, it seems you can't handle the heat of KK wildwest without resorting to your usual base insults and name calling.

  81. Ruto sobers up while Uhuru shows childish bitterness

    Outside the airport, the two politicians sent a message of peace and reconciliation. Mr Ruto pledged that the violence in 2007 and 2008 won’t happen again by the grace of God.

    “As leaders we have resolved that a Kenyan would not spill blood or destroy property because of politics,” he said. “We are going for a prayer meeting. We do not want to confront anybody. We only want to pray for our country.”

    Mr Kenyatta also said that they will ensure peace prevails in the country. He said their main goal was to ensure peace and stability fort he development of the nation.

    “We want to move to every village in this country and preach peace,” Mr Kenyatta pledged. “There are some people who thought we will never come back. We are back and truth will come out. We are praying for those who are pulling as back…we are now moving on.”

    Read more:
    Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives

  82. ahahahaha, ehehehehhe,

    We were told the New Constitution will end impunity. For those of us who are sober in an age of mass madness, we answered, DELUSIONS.

    Now, we are told that, the Kangaroo ICC which is nothing, but a recreation of NEW ROME, will end the impunity. As usual, we say with contempt, DELUSIONS.

    Oh Kenyans! You strain out a gnat (TRUTH) but swallow a camel (OUTRIGHT LIES).

    The structure of the Kenyan State and Government is AGAINST the NATURAL ORDER of things. That is the problem and not the usual suspects.

    As such, since the laws of nature which govern society must reassert themselves, and which are like those of physics and maths, the whole structure must collapse.

    If you fancy, you can try one party system, multipartyism, OPIUM taking every 5 years, new constitutions, ICC, counting civil servants as per tribal areas, endless commissions like those of Kibunja, Nyachae, senators, governors, more mps, CDF, etc etc.

    It shall all be in vain. The most AMUSING thing is this. Anything we try under the system we have, will only accelerate the COLLAPSE.

    Isn't that special?

    The whole thing can be summarised in three lines:

    They keep us HUNGRY,
    And when you gonna get some FOOD,
    Your BROTHER got to be your ENEMY.


  83. "Now, we are told that, the Kangaroo ICC which is nothing, but a recreation of NEW ROME, will end the impunity. As usual, we say with contempt, DELUSIONS."

    Hear! Hear!

  84. For those among you valiantly seeking justice for the IDPs, here's a rather nice piece to keep you upbeat in your advocacy. Dont get tired nor lose sight of the end--even if your valiance comes a little too late and as part of one dangerous man's impossible mission to the state house.


  85. Mwarang'ethe,
    why then is your cosmetics shop operating in a system that is going to collapse?or are you after the insurance money you would gain from such a loss?

  86. Mwarang'ethe,
    why then is your cosmetics shop operating in a system that is going to collapse?or are you after the insurance money you would gain from such a loss?

    4/11/11 4:05 AM


    The Kenyan State, Government, ICC, UN, USA and such artificial satanic creations meant to enslave humanity SHALL collapse in due course.

    If you are not aware, the modern States are very new and even worse, creation of blood thirsty Barbarians. No wonder they specialise in murder, torture and robbery, i.e. what they call taxes.

    And, to what end do they rob those who toil? To build nuclear weapons, tomahawks missiles, F 16's to spill human blood for their satanic cravings.

    However, we the people SHALL remain. And, when that happens, we shall continue farming, fishing (even if they poison oceans with their nuclear), mining, trading and selling.

    Thats the way it has always been and it shall be. As such, the collapse of the satanic system shall not prevent people from going on with their stuff.

    In any case, we can do better without their goldenbergs, Anglo Leasing, and such weird stuff these Satanists employ to rob us of our sweat and blood.

  87. Oh dear, dear me,
    It seems the bell has finally tolled for one so called strongman of Africa Laurent Gbagbo, and in the most embarrassing of ways too LOL!

    Powerless toothless gumless African Union were defeated in ousting this stubborn pain in the neck so the French had to do for the Ivory Coast people what they couldn't for themselves i.e. publicly oust out of office by force Big G

    In my opinion his was way too dignified an exit and he should also find himself in the criminal courts of the Hague together with his Kenyan counterparts at least in terms of mayhem. Africa its truly your time. Rise and rise again

  88. Like i said, what the black man cannot do for himself, the white man will do for him! and add political intervention to the list now i cant believe mwara believes in the devil, this ivy league hater is actually exhibiting signs of religious leanings, do you believe in god?

  89. Gbagbo is gone. Arrest and displayed looking like a bush man! Not dignified at all. So who has the last laugh? RAO or those PNU morons calling him names?

  90. The wonder working power of the ICC has already begun to take effect and discerning Kenyans could see that today Uhuru and his new best friend forever Ruto were unable to utter their true minds to their poverty striken rent-a-crowd mob of exported villagers

    They know Ocampo is listening and will hear anything they say loud and clear before smartly issuing them with arrest warrants. Thus the heretofore hate speech duo have now been reduced to simply making timid public statements of thanksgiving (to which gods i wonder? Sumeria it must be) and recanting holy catchphrases hoping that they do not step out of line with the stern warning of the ICC

    Tell me how can such caged birds sing let alone campaign for presidency in a mere 16months time when the temperature is set to get hotter from the kitchen?

    I repeat once again Thank God Uhuruto are out of the 2012 race to statehouse

    They have


  92. Anon 3:40 AM and 1:30 AM

    Take a good look in the mirror before bedtime or whenever you rise up tomorrow and figure out whether the image you see is that of a real patriot, feckless hypocrite or an old time crude racist (tribalist)?

    The truth is a hard pill to swallow but you make the call in the silence of your own heart, mind and home.

    Good luck to you.

  93. The greedy Kibaki should see the pic of the DEAD MOTHER and child and know the untold suffering he caused to thousands of families in Kenya.ALL FOR WHAT!HONESTLY FOR WHAT!
    Breadwinnners were lost and lives were changed forever due to GREED AND LUST for power.The same CLOWNS ARE BACK on our streets preaching UNITY AND PEACE! WHAT A SHAME!
    Our country has slowly but surely sunk to the lowest levels due to greedy leaders who are sworn in at midnight!
    The photo is heartwrenching-what did THIS MOTHER DO to deserve this-she belonged to the "WRONG TRIBE" the people who killed her were "WHITE PURE BREDS" do they sing a different anthem,do they use a different system of education?is their money different?PLEASE TELL US!
    She had no rights according to the constitution of STEALING ELECTIONS!
    How do u go on with normal life-feel pain and pity YET DO SUCH HORRIFIC THINGS! This was done by KENYANS-shame on us ALL!here we are again talking nonsense about fake prayer meetings cum political rallies.we are heading back where we were.
    A PRAYER FOR THE WOMAN in this pic and her child-the meek shall inherit the earth.all those goons murderers walking scot free and sitting pretty in state house-justice is coming!

  94. The Ivorian Constitutional Court has a lot to answer for as to why they decided to overrule the decision by the Electoral Commission.

    When all is said and done, clemency should be extended to the ordinary Ivorians who were either conscripted, forced, enslaved or coerced into fighting for the now vanquished forces of the evil despot, Laurent Gbagbo, a one time historian who ignored the obvious lessons of history and stubbornly refused to relinguish power after he had been rejected at the polls by the majority of Ivorians.

    In the meanwhile, the voices of reason, the French, and the international community should constantly remind Alazzane Quattara that now is not the time for millitary reprisals nor for settling old political scores but a fresh mandate to jumpstart plans for national reconcialiation, development and economic recovery.

    By the way, "capture of Laurent Gbagbo was like a scene from one of those Nigerian movies" and the dejected, humiliated look on his unshaven face while he was being offered a common man's shirt to wear should be a sombre reminder for the next despots out there, the likes of Blaise Compaorè(a graduate of the so called Muammar Gaddifi's 'World Revolutionary Center') and company.

    Poor first lady, Madame Simone Gbagbo was not given the opportunity to wear her make up, fake hair (tarte) and expensive jewelry, but I am sure Ivorians who like her or hate her will now have the opportunity to see her in her natural beauty and true colours.

    She didn't look any different from millions of our poor women from the urban slums of many African countries, with the exception of the middle class bunker bed she was sitting on.

  95. Kumekucha, some people took a cue from you and did the needful by making sure that the survivors and victims of the PEV remain at the center of the forthcoming trials at the ICC.

    The PEV pictures speak a billion warnings to those of us who are still in a deep denial or have taken th easier road to the convenient valleys of collective amnesia as well as the hills of selective memory.

    They can not be wished away or whitewashed by in the name of elections 2012 or the ongoing tribal politics.

  96. Pilau and Kachumbari all contribute to the same broth! KK clowns continue to defacate on our conscience.


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