Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Ocampo Plans to Arrest Muthaura on April 8

Forget about April 7. Now the D-Day is April 8. Ocampo is no fool to crowd a day designated for his prized catch. While Ruto and Koskei will appear before ICC Judges on the morning of April 7 to confirm the charges against them, Muthaura and Uhuru have been reallocated a new date/day to enable Ocampo sufficient time to execute his plans to detain them on account stopping them from interfering with police, investigations and witnesses in the course of their official duties.

Make no mistake, President Kibaki is no fool as WikiLeaks revealed the other day. HE knows too well who prosecutor Luis-Moreno Ocampo has on his radar. And when push comes to a shove Mzee Muthaura has already made it known about his dismay at being left holding the can of worms. The next natural course of action will see him letting the worms slither. Well, a few more TRADITIONAL mysterious deaths in the near future is not fat-fetched.

All the war drum gimmicks will be served the contempt card they duly deserve. The hydra that is Kenya's impunity has exhausted all orifices to sprout ahead. And Moreno knows it that is why he is waging both media and legal wars to prepare both suspects and their gullible apologists for the dark political/legal future lurking ahead.

Diner with the devil
Now our patriotic leaders are shamelessly peddling the cheap and laughable theory that local political parties have extended their influence from ICC to the UN. Looking at all the motions and charades to defeat justice, one need not be a nuclear physicists to imagine what a local tribunal would be mandated to do. You have to excuse the regime apologists for supporting the hitherto poisoned judicial appointments.

We invited the devil for dinner and he must be ready to sup with our guest now that he is promptly seated. Like him, hate him, Ocampo has the ruling class by the balls. No amount of posturing or bravado will loosen the grip. Hardly 1000 days after collectively raping a country and her voters, the incalculable bill of that national fraud is just beginning to stream in threatening to blow up the calculators.

While we live beautiful national coloured lies always prefaced in denial and acute selective amnesia, the internationals community which saved from ourselves are knocking for their pound of flesh. No amount of threats will have them buy our twin vices of deceit and fraud. We made the bed and must brace ourselves for the eventful sleep.


  1. Some individuals are still stunned and in denial about the prospects and realities they about to face.

    The ICC proceedings process are not similar to the ndururu courts of Kenyan where politicians, civil servants, wealthy business people, their relatives, mistresses, girlfriends, and those with godfathers can just pop in with threats or throw in some corruption laced with money to influence, stall or derail the outcome.

    People should be prepared to have a real taste of international justice.

    Where those found not guilty will be set free to return home to their normal lives.

    While those found guilty beyond the shadow of a doubt will have to swallow their buckets of denial with shell shocked facial expressions, face consequent punishment alone, and serve imposed sentences on their own without the drag along option of involving their whole village community, ethnicity, political allies or nation.

    Everyone should carry their? Own cross! Kila mtu abebe? Msalaba wake!

    It doesn't matter whether it's made of wood, plastic, clay, paper, nylon, straw, reeds, glass, leaves, hide, fiber, steel or blazing coal fire.

    The time is coming, the reckoning day will soon be here, and the hour for taking a reseerved seat in the dock at the ICC will be a teachable moment for the current generation and generations to come.

    There comes a moment in a nation's history when others should learn from the costly mistakes, deadly blunders, and unlawful actions of others.

    Full stop.

  2. this is beginning to sound like a broken record....taabu get another sory...this is becoming old and boring.

  3. Taabu is recycling and milking the same theory over and over and over. But it is expected of a pensioner wallowing in dire intellectual poverty. Jua kalulu recycled and stale posts magnifying absolutely nothing.
    Wax on and wax ahead Taabu mingi sana.

  4. 2012 Opium taking session will cost the Tax payer a whopping Ksh 48 Bn. Na bado, didnt we just borrow Ksh. 40 Bn from the IMF which is yet to even leave our CBK vault.

    Tiskies more educated friend

  5. What is China upto? Really nice, though, that the world is now witnessing a move towards some kind of balancing of power. The western idea of human rights (whose human rights anyway?)and which the Africans have mindlessly bought into is likely to be a casualty of China's engagement in global politics. Kudos to China for demonstrating quite decisively that markets dont need western-style democracy to function effectively. More power to China!

  6. Taabu is just an old school teacher, all he can do is recycle texts that are already in the public domain. That's his training and you don't expect an old dog to learn new tricks especially for a 6 decade retired dog. Just let him be, as always, he will get tired and dissapear from kk. He is the kind that gets excited at the prospect of impending peril of others and what brought him back to kk is the Hague issue. He cannot help but rub his hands in glee at the prospects of a messy hague trial for the mount kenya fellows. The last time Taabu was this active was during the PEV when he cheered on the murderous gangs out to finish kabila adui. Just check KK archives if you think I am bluffing. Luckily, senility is soon booking him an appointment with the grim reaper.

    The oracle has spoken

  7. Taabu,

    So what if people are taken to Hague. It is neither the end of the world nor will it be an ugali multiplier event. You think the is the new armageddon.

    It seems as if Raila is not an enough god to you anymore; you have adopted Ocampo thinking he is a higher god simply because he is white!!!!

    Get a new life!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. samuel obare omani.3/19/11, 2:09 AM

    Kibaki and Co. the epitomy of stupidity. Threatening the international community with instability is dumbest of all ideas.This is what they want INSTABILITY so that ICC can have more prosecutions and if war erupts then the west can sell more guns to you to kill yourselves.Dumb behind kenyans.get real and get is a win win for ICC either way chaos or stability.Kenyan solution should be compromise and civility.IF u can make the coalition government work without bias then we might have a way out.

  9. This is the same Taabu who told us that Kikuyus should not stand as councillors in Mogotio because I don't know it was whose ancestral land. He cannot stand seeing Kikuyus and Kalenjins co-existing side by side.

    Taabu epitomizes what is wrong with some Kenya - tribalists pretending to be educated just because they have been to school.

  10. A critique of Uhuru and Muthaura is not a critique of Kikuyus. Grow up folks.

    ICC = end of impunity.

  11. THE CHICKENS ARE FINALLY COMING HOME TO ROOST The 40th day of the election thieves is coming closer and closer....

    Why Kibaki Won't Let Muthaura Go:

    The fierce battle to save the ‘Ocampo Six’ is turning out to be a desperate bid to ensure Mr Mwai "pumbavu!!" Kibaki is out of harm’s way should the International Criminal Court want to dig deeper into the 2008 post-election violence.

    There is mounting fear in the Party of National Unity (PNU) that when push comes to shove Francis "Matharau" Muthaura, arguably Kibaki’s most trusted ally in the Government, could opt to shed light on the grey areas in the Waki Commission report, which points a finger at State House as the place where some of the violence could have been planned.

    Muthaura, in an audio-clip that has generated a lot of heat in Kibaki’s camps, places blame on his ‘superior’ and heads of security agencies. "If you are an advisor you cannot take the highest responsibility. The person you are advising and the bodies you are advising take the highest responsibility," the voice on the clip says.

    Unsure of how Muthaura will handle the matter, PNU has held a series of strategy meetings to subvert the ICC process in a manner observers liken to the biblical Tower of Babel. Thus far, all their attempts have BACKFIRED HEAVILY - the latest is where the UN security council REJECTED PNU'S deferral bid.

    People close to Muthaura say he privately complains that Kibak’s ‘kitchen cabinet’ set him up and after the 2008 chaos they can only sympathize with him as he carries the cross of those in power. The Head of Civil Service is said to have tendered his resignation in 2007, but Kibaki prevailed upon him to stay on... ONLY FOR HIM TO BE LEFT "HOLDING" THE HAGUE QUAGMIRE. There is no honor among thieves!!

  12. Every person in authority has a fall guy. Even in corporations, more so in multinationals. Is it unusual then that Muthaura would be the fall guy for the regime?

    The problem is that the guy who really authored and inspired the violence is still at large. Reading through events of 2004-2007 it looks obvious that the US and UK were executing a regime change plan. The "mass action" of dec 2007 and early 2008 was part of that plan.

    Ruto and Kosgey are the fall guys of ODM/UK/US alliance. This is international politics and it is brutal with many collateral damage casualties. Rainebergar and his UK Pinochio are just covering for their countries.

    Kenyans are being taken for a ride that it is about fighting impunity.

    If you must fight impunity then charge Raila with election violence and uprooting non ODM populations in Busia, Kakamega and KIsumu. Also for theft of Triton oil and maize scandals etc.

  13. Every person in authority has a fall guy. Even in corporations, more so in multinationals. Is it unusual then that Muthaura would be the fall guy for the regime?

    The problem is that the guy who really authored and inspired the violence is still at large. Reading through events of 2004-2007 it looks obvious that the US and UK were executing a regime change plan. The "mass action" of dec 2007 and early 2008 was part of that plan.

    Ruto and Kosgey are the fall guys of ODM/UK/US alliance. This is international politics and it is brutal with many collateral damage casualties. Rainebergar and his UK Pinochio are just covering for their countries.

    Kenyans are being taken for a ride that it is about fighting impunity.

    If you must fight impunity then charge Raila with election violence and uprooting non ODM populations in Busia, Kakamega and KIsumu. Also for theft of Triton oil and maize scandals etc.

  14. I didn't do anything wrong because I was just doing my job as directed (commanded, instructed, told) by the powers that be at the time.

    Why I am the only one who been singled out? There others out there who were involved as well, it wasn't just me, Muthaura alone. What sort of justice is this?

    Am I the only who has been selected to serve as an example for the entire nation?

    This is not fair, this not just and this is not the way it was supposed to be.

    I was quaranteed leniency and promised clemency. Sasa hi ni matharau tele (now this is total disrespect)

    Will Muthaura ("Matharau") opt to shed some light on who ringleaders were at the state house 'adhoc revenge meeting' and what really happened during?

    Or will he decide to squeal like a deserted man at The Hague in need of alternative deliverance?

    People can't wait for the sh*t load of evidence to hit the fan at the ICC.

    Muthaura's pinata (yes you heard it, 'Muthaura's pinata) awaits for a first strike by the prosecute.

  15. tick tock tick tock tick tock....
    hear that? thats the loud ticking reminder of the impending date with blind lady justice

    on one side of the court stands the ghosts of our fallen brothers and sisters the PEV victims. their deafening cheers fill the ICC courtroom louder than the noise from a Kenyan weekend political rally

    On the other side of the court stand the 6 accused MAFISI, and in the shadows lurks their emperor Keugoya. oh my...the silence from that corner of the court room is deafening.

    The house of cards built on the theft of kenyans blood sweat and tears is about to come crashing down around the emperor.will he be left naked again? will his crooked friends end up impaling themselves on the sword to save their general keugoya?

    Roll on April. The world awaits you standing at rapt attention

  16. I will repeat again here....!

    Thanks God for Raila!
    If it was not for Raila we would never have known how stupid some section of Kenyan community is - so daft!
    I mean despite Raila's constant and blatant failures, lies, antics... some kenyans still think he is the best Kenya can offer. This is cuckoo-ness beyond any help! I pity them... I really do.

    And as of Raila becoming the next President of Kenya, I can say emphatically...NO CHANCE!
    Infact I have more chances of going to the moon than having a "H.E President Raila Ojinga"!

    Phil's Mistress

  17. Going to the moon or 'being in the moon' every so often as some people are fond of saying?

    Anybody can be president or prime minister if they so choose to run and get elected by the majority.

    Gone are the days when extremists, right wing political elements and racist goons in South Africa and the United States of America used to hold onto the same views; that no African in South Africa or person of color in the United Sates of America could ever rise above the old boys club and go on to become prime minister or president.

    Does it really matter that much whether Kenya's next president is of Burji, Garreh, Baluchi, Malakote, Teso, Bajuni, Rendile, Ajuran, Giryama, Digo, El Molo, Dahalo, Samburu, Pokomo, Sagalla, Mshihiri, Duruma, Indian, Borana, Boni, Chonyi, Nubi, Talai, Sanye, Talai, Panjabi (Singh) or from your own village, as long he or she provides Kenya with a better and very different political leadership and adminstration from the current type decay that has polluted Kenya in the last four and half decades.

    People always deserve the leaders they elect. So elect better leaders instead of the same old political goons and deadwood from your usual comfort zone and ethnic backyard.

  18. anon 11:03AM
    Ahh yes, yet another brave but solo voice of reason quietly whispering in the drowning cacophony of tribal miasma your fellow countrymen are drowning in

    help us fellow "wahenga" but i warn you, you will be singing till you are blue in the face before the farm animals come back to the kraal. good luck for what its worth

  19. @anon 3/19/11 11:03 AM

    It really doesnt matter who leads this country
    but not raila!,
    it could even be a chicken or a goat
    but not raila!
    ............Insert what ever ...... ............repeat refrain........

    Time is up for those who caused UNTOLD SUFFERING and MISERY to innocent Kenyans.
    Livelihoods were destroyed.Breadwinners died and their children continue to toil and languish loitering in miserable IDP concentration camps!
    Things have come FULL CIRCLE....Gaddafi is busy trying to fend off TOMAHAWKS AND FRENCH RAFALE JETS from the very countries he heavily invested in.Submarines and other HEAVY COMBAT ARTILLERY are ready to be tested in Libya.
    Kenya is NO EXCEPTION!
    The Ocampo 6 are a doomed lot!Muthaura,Ruto and Uhuru had best prepare for NOT LESS THAN 10 YEARS AND HARD LABOR!
    This suspense is too much.WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT!
    ASK WIKILEAKS what OCAMPO and the West think abou Kenya and Kibaki.It all looks very dimmed and BLEAK!

  21. American diplomats in Nairobi doubted the authenticity of opinions polls prior to the 2007 elections that purpoted to show Raila having a big lead over Mwai Kibaki.......

    "Our election analysis indicates a close race for the presidency. This analysis is based on voter registration data and traditional turnout rates as well as polling on presidential candidate preferences,” the cable says.

    “We were concerned that widely published public opinion polls, which showed ODM’s Raila Odinga well ahead of President Kibaki, did not accurately reflect the true status of the contest. Given the rising political temperature, partially due to the use of blatant ethnic appeals by both sides, we were concerned about the reaction of ODM supporters should their candidate lose in a close outcome when they were led by public opinion polls to expect a landslide victory.”End of quote.

    And it came to pass ODM supporters had been conditioned to think there was no way their presidential candidate could lose.

  22. While The Going Is Good, The Westerners Will Caddle The African Statesmen To Hell And Back.but When Things Go Wrong They Bomb The Country. Are We Lucky We Didn't Become Us Puppets Or Is Hague The Prize For Rejecting?

  23. A show of force and power by the Tomahawks and Tornado GR4 may be the only language that will be clearly understood, respected and obeyed by most of the ethnic cartels involved in vicious political wrangles, squabbles, corruption, greed, fights, and murders of innocent Kenya, when the time comes, in the same way Muammar Gadhafi is feeling the hit he had not anticipated nor prepared for.

  24. When Fellow Countrymen Hack Each Other To Death It Is Civil War, When Gava Bomb Insurgents It Is Crime Against Humanity And Hague Beckons. But When Big Brother Bombs, It Is Fighting Tyranny. Obama Sacqosky And The Uks Pm Should Keep Ocampo Busy On April 9

  25. A show of force and power by the Tomahawks and Tornado GR4 may be the only language that will be clearly understood, respected and obeyed by most of the ethnic cartels involved in vicious political wrangles, squabbles, corruption, greed, fights, and murders of innocent Kenya, when the time comes, in the same way Muammar Gadhafi is feeling the hit he had not anticipated nor prepared for.


    For those who are celebrating the recolonisation of Africa by the New Rome, we only have few words borrowed from Pliny, who in BITTERNESS and TRUTH said this:

    "The arts of avarice were those most cultivated in Rome."

    No doubt, the New Roman Empire is on the march. Yes, on the march to destroy Carthage. We hope, it will not put salt on new Carthage.

    If you look at the USA's Constitution, you will find in Article I something like this:

    "Congress shall have Power To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water."

    Can anyone show us the Resolution by the American Congress declaring war against Libya?

    Just like the ancient Emperors/oligarchies, we are now seeing the New Rome Emperors/oligarchies declare wars without approval of the Congress/people who must pay taxes.

    Yes, we are told it is to defend the Libyan people. Well, didn't Rome use the same language?

  26. I smell oil

  27. Is Tinga also behind this new detention plan? If this is the case, then this man is the best for Kenya.

    He can influence ICC, he can determine how UN decides, he can stop mischief in electing CJ, DPP and AG.

    Kenya needs a personality who has power to stand with the world leaders. Yes, Tinga Tosha.

  28. Without Aguambo, Kenya would still be using a razor to cut a mugumo tree.

    Even if he will not be the Plesident, he will go into the histoly of Kenya as the most important Ribelator of Kenya.

  29. The new "scramble and partition" of africa begins with the bombing of libya , the target is to separate Gadaffi from the oil in benghazi and western industries will be supplied with oil. As a matter of fact fuel prices have started dropping in my part of the world.

    NB As soon as Seif gadaffi asked sarkozy to return money they gave him for his campaigns, he quickly agreed to western intervention.

  30. Kenyans never cease to amaze. They would rather sit back and tremendously benefit from the miseries of war, and political as well as economic instability among their African neighbours.
    When Mwalimu Julius Nyerere had one single objective in mind when he ordered TPDF (Tanzania People's Defence Force) to counter attack and repulse the invading Ugandan forces from Tanzanian territory, which was, to flush out the snake (Idi Amin Dada) and either cut its head off or drive it out from Uganda forever and consequently free the people of Uganda from tyranny and living hell.

    He achieved his main objective against the wishes of the OAU (dead), UN, EU, UK, USA, USSR, Arab League (League of Arab States), his nemesis, Jomo Kenyatta, and ended up saving countless lives of Ugandan generations.
    How can people who have ensalved themselves and accepted to be ruled by village tyrants like Gadhafi, Bashir, Kabila, Mugabe, Museveni, Afewerki, Zenawi, Nkurunziza, Kibaki, Raila et al be recolonized by the European and North American nations ever see the light or get a taste of what its feels to enjoy real freedom and democracy ?

    That's one fo the reasons why North African countries are fighting against political, economic, social and mental enslavement, so that they be free from all kinds of slavery within their national borders.

    While their counterparts in Sub-Saharan Africa would be ruled, ensalved, brutalized and butchered by the political pigs and the wealthy ethnic elites.
    Kenya benefited tremendously when there was a lot of political instability in Uganda, Somalia, Comoro Islands, Ethiopia, Sudan, Rwanda, Burundi, and economic hardships in next door Tanzania.

    So why should anyone be so surprised when the Kenyan political leaders and the economic elites come to the aid of Muammar Ghadafi at his hour of need?

    They are so worried of what would happen to their ecomonic and political interests should the political wave sweeping through North Africa flow or spill over the Africa Souht of the Sahara and cleanse out the unwanted leaders plus their political entrourage.
    Four legs good! Two legs bad. The west is bad. Muammar Gadhafi is good because he provides our nation with free crude oil, every six months.

  31. Thanks Mwarangethe for your note. It makes perfect sense!

  32. That's one fo the reasons why North African countries are fighting against political, economic, social and mental enslavement, so that they be free from all kinds of slavery within their national borders.


    And, who is helping them?

    You are a strange kind of a human being for you are not able, or, unwilling to see the obvious.

    Last Dec. the EU president was smiling with Gadafi as we see here:

    Now, a few months later, the same EU are supporting terrorists to take over Libya for strategic plans and you tell us Arabs are fighting for their freedom.

    Wake up!

    The chaos, tyranny, economic mess you see in Africa is not an accident.

    It is a logical outcome of a serious plan.

    However, since what BBC, CNN and your teacher has never told you, does not exist, you will dismiss what we have said as usual.

    Anyway, let us give an example:

    "New York University researchers Daniel Berger, Bill Easterly, Shanker Satyanath—together with Harvard economist Nathan Nunn—have analyzed Perkins' "economic hitman" theory—that is, the theory that the U.S. government has used the CIA to promote American corporate interests abroad.

    The economists prefer the term "political influence hypothesis" to "economic hitman theory.") Based on information from declassified documents detailing covert CIA operations during the Cold War, the social scientists find that Perkins' claims are backed up by the numbers:

    Countries targeted for CIA political interventions started importing more U.S. products, a sign of American economic imperialism at work."


    NB: Many are yet to wake up from the delusions that, since we parade dogs and soldiers on independence day, we are free. Nothing can be further from the truth.

  33. That's one fo the reasons why North African countries are fighting against political, economic, social and mental enslavement, so that they be free from all kinds of slavery within their national borders.


    And, who is helping them?

    You are a strange kind of a human being for you are not able, or, unwilling to see the obvious.

    Last Dec. the EU president was smiling with Gadafi as we see here:

    Now, a few months later, the same EU are supporting terrorists to take over Libya for strategic plans and you tell us Arabs are fighting for their freedom.

    Wake up!

    The chaos, tyranny, economic mess you see in Africa is not an accident.

    It is a logical outcome of a serious plan.

    However, since what BBC, CNN and your teacher has never told you, does not exist, you will dismiss what we have said as usual.

    Anyway, let us give an example:

    "New York University researchers Daniel Berger, Bill Easterly, Shanker Satyanath—together with Harvard economist Nathan Nunn—have analyzed Perkins' "economic hitman" theory—that is, the theory that the U.S. government has used the CIA to promote American corporate interests abroad.

    The economists prefer the term "political influence hypothesis" to "economic hitman theory.") Based on information from declassified documents detailing covert CIA operations during the Cold War, the social scientists find that Perkins' claims are backed up by the numbers:

    Countries targeted for CIA political interventions started importing more U.S. products, a sign of American economic imperialism at work."


    NB: Many are yet to wake up from the delusions that, since we parade dogs and soldiers on independence day, we are free. Nothing can be further from the truth.

  34. That's one fo the reasons why North African countries are fighting against political, economic, social and mental enslavement, so that they be free from all kinds of slavery within their national borders.


    And, who is helping them?

    You are a strange kind of a human being for you are not able, or, unwilling to see the obvious.

    Last Dec. the EU president was smiling with Gadafi as we see here:

    Now, a few months later, the same EU are supporting terrorists to take over Libya for strategic plans and you tell us Arabs are fighting for their freedom.

    Wake up!

    The chaos, tyranny, economic mess you see in Africa is not an accident.

    It is a logical outcome of a serious plan.

    However, since what BBC, CNN and your teacher has never told you, does not exist, you will dismiss what we have said as usual.

    Anyway, let us give an example:

    "New York University researchers Daniel Berger, Bill Easterly, Shanker Satyanath—together with Harvard economist Nathan Nunn—have analyzed Perkins' "economic hitman" theory—that is, the theory that the U.S. government has used the CIA to promote American corporate interests abroad.

    The economists prefer the term "political influence hypothesis" to "economic hitman theory.") Based on information from declassified documents detailing covert CIA operations during the Cold War, the social scientists find that Perkins' claims are backed up by the numbers:

    Countries targeted for CIA political interventions started importing more U.S. products, a sign of American economic imperialism at work."


    NB: Many are yet to wake up from the delusions that, since we parade dogs and soldiers on independence day, we are free. Nothing can be further from the truth.


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