Thursday, January 27, 2011

Now Kenya Exports Shuttle Diplomacy to Africa

That Kenya always scores a first in the Africa continent is given. Barely a week after VP Kalonzo's shuttle diplomacy to secure Africa support in pulling out of ICC, troubled Cote d'Ivore has launched charm offensive to legitimize the DULY ELECTED President Laurent Gbagbo.

Forget about all that cheap game of semantic on referral and deferral. We are sovereign and if not conquering the world with toxic tribalism, we are expanding the sphere of intellectual fraud. Even Gbagbo knows the wide rift between our leaders and what a better way to exploit the same to advance his brand of democracy.

Toothless AU can scream till her voice turns hoarse but Gbagbo knows where to seek similar and useful support. Kenya and Zimbabwe are automatic stops. Here we had a mediator who was set by AU to fix him after deriding the same AU as ineffective. That was an apt case study of helping make a sturdy noose for your own round neck.

Our very own Samuel Kivuitu's electoral manual has proved such a continental bestseller. All that heat about AU position had no trace of light. AU must must have been mad to imagine that any CREDIBLE leader would negotiate himself out of power. And lest they forget, Gbagbo is in very good company. The noise makers can willfully buy a one-way ticket to refurbished hell.

It is a pity nobody is listening to Gbagbo's explanation about electoral irregularities during the disputed presidential elections in his country. Here is a leader, just like our own Kibaki, who crying to be heard after refusing to play dirty. Only such unrivaled democrats can allow massive electoral fraud by the opposition without unleashing state power on them.

We have been there. Sending special advisers to African capitals is an old trick. You only need to remind yourself of Kenya's own charm offensive after the 2007 polls to secure continental acceptance. Gbagbo is right, the Independent Electoral Commission only gives provisional results. We must learn to respect institutions and accept that Ivory Coast's constitutional court has the sole mandate of declaring the poll winner.

Only Ivorians voted and the so-called international community must shut up and leave them alone. The President-Pretend Allassane Ouattara must accept the verdict of the electorate and stop causing more suffering. True, Kenya may have been saved from stewing in her own blood but the international resources are limited.

Gbagbo has rejected mediator Raila and is in order to send and emissary to the ultimate boss/CEO. The truth is Raila had no mandate of his own but to deliver the poisoned chalice of negotiating Gbagbo's safe exit. Now that the noose has snapped and with the AU summit looming, Gbagbo's masterstroke has pitted PNU against ODM which will buy him the much-needed political space. NA BADO.


  1. sh_ t !! happens what are gonna do!!!!

  2. Who is paying for these trips Kalonzo is doing? Of what importance is saving the 6 individuals for 39 million Kenyans that we should pay for Kalonzo's trips around Africa?


    In most countries with some civility the politicians listen to their voters if they expect to remain in the career. Not here. They dont give a shît about us, because they know we will still vote for them. They will either play the deadly tribal card or give us ksh100 each and we will sell our future to them and dance to what they sing.

    We have had enough! Stop this nonsense already! Perpertual campaigns while we need to hear DEVELOPEMENT. NGOs and foreign volunteers, high school kids, are taking care of our orphans and our sick. While the politicians who pocket the highest salaries in the world go around talking shit. destroying our moral fabric and hindering our pursuit of happinness. At least if they could just shut up like those Lamu MPs who are just enjoying the breeze while we are paying them. No that's not enough, they have to steal more, destroy, divide, bring drugs and other ills.

    We want ICC because we want to be sure PEV will never happen again. Politicians saying otherwise should be ignored and should be kicked out come 2012. We need to inform the world that the politicians are not speaking for us. They are ignoring us and we should ignore them. Kenyans wake up!

  3. No need to ask Kenyans to wake up becoz they are DEAD ASLEEP, LOL.

  4. You may try Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa ( i know a lot of people use it, its also non alcoholic, though it's effectiveness is not as good as alcohol based cough medicine, but it's still good to use on not so serious scratchy throat.

    apprently ( according to the instruction) children from 2 to 12 can use it.

  5. Kenyans have overwhelmingly said through all opinion polls they want Ocampo Six whisked to the Hague as fast as lightening. This is simply because our judicial system is not only corrupt but also one big joke which is rotten to the core. It's a game of musical chairs when we have a new AG and CJ yet the institution of the judiciary remains more or less the same. So why is Kibaki wasting our taxes then with all the stupid shuttle diplomatic offensives when that money can be used to feed starving people in Turkana or take care of IDPs still languishing painfully in camps? I have always said Kibaki doesn't care what Kenyans think and that point I raised prove as much. This old man seems to have aheart of stone and deaf to Kenyans pleas. This is the same Kibaki who invited mass murderer Sudanese president Al Bashir to mess/soil/taint/crap our Promulgation day at Uhuru Park. He's now busy welcoming Gbagbos men in luxurious 5 star hotels to embarrass Raila and legitimize a fraudulent election! This is the same Kibaki whose reign is defined by mega corruption scandals and rampant tribalism. I really can't wait for the elections in 2012 whereby fed up Kenyans will 'hopefully' cautiously exercise their democratic rights and elect decent men and women who really care about our motherland. The current bunch of 'leaders' have turned Bunge into something closer to a thugs den or one big whorehouse where wheeling and dealing is the norm instead of addressing issues that really matter to the common man.

    (Condolences Chris poleni sana.)

  6. That Kenya always scores a first in the Africa continent is given. Barely a week after VP Kalonzo's shuttle diplomacy to secure Africa support in pulling out of ICC,


    YES, let us pull out of the so called ICC. The so called international justice is as CORRUPT as our own.

    Many Kenyans/Africans, too BRAINWASHED by propaganda, seem to believe so called ICC is the solution. It is not. Sample this:

    In the Bosnian Muslims Prisoner case the ICTY prosecutors presented their KEY WITNESS a guy called Erdemovic.

    This guy, who claimed to have been a member of a Bosnian Serb Military unit, the "10th Sabotage Unit," claimed to have taken part in shooting of 1,200 Bosnian Muslim prisoners at Branjevo Farm, north of Srebrenica. The ICTY called this genocide.

    One of the most interesting facts was/is this. In his testimony, he named SEVEN individuals who did the killing with him.

    So as to corroborate such evidence, as we would expect in terms of law of evidence, one would have expected the ICTY, to bring any of these individuals to testify. And, it is not that, these individuals are in hiding. No, they are living peacefully.

    So, why did the ICTY leave these individuals without testifying?

    Simply, ICTY, just like the ICC, was/is not in the business of serving impartial justice which would have demanded the arrest and trying of the wholesale killers of Bosnian Muslims in a case the ICTY itself called “genocide.”

    By ignoring the co-perpetrators in this case strongly suggests that the prosecutors and judges were engaged in a political project—protecting a witness who would say what the ICTY wanted said, and refusing to allow any contesting evidence or cross-examination that would discredit the star witness.

    Does that kind of CORRUPTION ring a bell to what Ruto has been saying?

    Offcourse, since Kenyans have never bothered and will not bother to read these cases and their background, they rely on their MAINSTREAM newspapers to "educate" them.

    More so, since some guys like Ruto are already guilty in the GULLIBLE and SMALL minds of the masses and their pseudo intellectuals, whatever he says, is dismissed as hot air.

    Only those who parrot the ICC nonsense are serious people. But, what would one expect of LITERATE ILLITERATE intellectuals?

  7. Taking the Ocampo Six to the Hague will not solve any problem as long as the heads of Impunity (Raila and Kibaki) remain in power. Kibaki stole the elections in Mt Kenya region and Raila stole in RV, Western and Nyanza and we killed each other on their behalf. Kibaki sees us as silly little people who are better ignored and Raila sees us thoughtless masses who only need a regular dose of vitendawili. Kibaki allows his buddies steal from us while Raila packs the govt with his relatives and mistresses!!!!!!!

  8. Taabu,
    I don't care what Raila does while in Ivory Coast (I saw him in a photo embracing Gbagbo like a long lost lover).

    What worries me is that here in Kenya, he has started his old bloodthirsty business of tribal-tagging and tribal-tagging other people by calling them KKK. In 2007, he went around the country calling the Kikuyus "kabila adui" with terrible consequences. This man knows that he cannot win a preidential election witout inflaming tribal emotions. But this time many Kenyan communities are fed up with his delusional and violent brand of politics.

    I can't wait to see him kicked out of politics in 2012 by the Majestic People of Kenya.

  9. Lately, only Moi and Raila are talking about KKK. Will they be joint-venturers in 2012??????

  10. Oh my!..Oh my! A fresh article atlast, poor Chris' old tired brain with his blog moderation button switched on had run out of ideas. Well done Taabu

  11. Mwara"N"gethe

    What's democracy to you?

    Most Kenyans want The Hague option. Can't you respect that decison?

  12. To be freed from the shackles of economic slavery, learn how to make real money and not 'cosmetic money'.. Vote for our 'Virtual economist' here

  13. Taabu is 56 years old this year.
    Please give him a retirement package and let him go and tend his father's goat in mogotio.
    Bure kabisa yeye!!!!

  14. What does raila mean when he says the cabinet committee disussed referal and not deferal. How can they discuss referal when the matter is with icc. Methinks what is going on was discussed and agreed on. But after h. kosgey joined ruto, raila has nothing to gain fro deferal.

  15. So what if Taabu is 56years old, this youth thing is getting into some people's head.

  16. Mwara' google this, 'australia unveils flood tax' to pay for reconstruction work after the destructive flooding! so should we be expecting PEV tax in kenya i mean can governments invent new forms of taxation and impose them on a nation? Over to you 'virtual economist' (i know i have made your day)

  17. @anon 6.33 am

    You have surely lit a fire in the belly of mwaratax. He must be busy compiling his article complete with abbreviated web reference. 'Virtual economist', kazi kwako buda. Tupunguzie ujinga

  18. KK Wild Wild West or is it www. Never ceases to amaze me, it seems Mwarang'ethe has new aliases created for him everyday 2011 it is 'virtual economist' Lol.

    For 2010 t was sumerian high priest, kk vampire, and Bob Marley, is there any that i may have forgoten?

  19. Hey guys,

    Do you want to watch the green hornet? It is not released yet but you can watch it online already!

    Click here to [url=]watch the green hornet online[/url]

  20. For the ICC singing brigade maybe this is something yuo should read by Dr. David Hoile

    While the ICC presents itself as an international court this is quite simply not the case. Its members represent just over one quarter of the world’s population: China, Russia, the United States, India, Pakistan and Indonesia are just some of the many countries that have remained outside of the Court’s jurisdiction.

    The truth is also that the ICC is as independent as the United Nations Security Council and the Court’s European Union funding lets it be. Far from being an independent and impartial court, the ICC’s own statute grants special “prosecutorial” rights of referral and deferral to the Security Council, or more specifically its five permanent members. Political interference in the legal process was thus made part of the Court’s founding terms of reference.

    The Court is also umbilically tied to the European Union which provides over 60 percent of its funding. The English expression, “He who pays the piper calls the tune”, could not be more accurate. The ICC has ignored all European or Western human rights abuses in conflicts such as those in Afghanistan and Iraq or human rights abuses by Western client states. Instead, the Europeans have chosen to focus the Court exclusively on Africa. Despite over 8,000 complaints about alleged crimes in at least 139 countries, the ICC has started investigations into just five countries, all of them African. Given Africa’s previous traumatic experience with the very same colonial powers that now in effect direct the ICC, this must create an alarming déjà vu for those who live on the continent. The EU is additionally guilty of economic blackmail in tying aid for developing countries to ICC membership.

    The Court’s proceedings have often been questionable where not farcical. Its judges – some of whom have never been lawyers, let alone judges – are the result of vote-trading amongst member states. The Court has produced witnesses who recanted their testimony the moment they got into the witness box, admitting that they were coached by non-governmental organisations as to what false statements to make. There have been prosecutorial decisions which should have ended any fair trial because they compromised the integrity of any subsequent process. The ICC’s first trial stalled because of judicial decisions to add new charges half-way through proceedings. Simply put, the Court has been making things up as it goes along.

    The ICC claims to be “economical”, yet it has cost half a billion Euros to put on one deeply flawed trial, which subsequently ground to a halt for months. The ICC claims to be victim-centred yet Human Rights Watch has publicly criticised the ICC’s ambivalence towards victim communities. The ICC claims to bring “swift justice” but it has taken several years to bring the first accused to trial for allegedly using child soldiers. The Nuremberg trials, which addressed infinitely more serious charges, were over within a year. The ICC claims to be fighting impunity, yet it has afforded de facto immunity and impunity to several serial abusers of human rights who happen to be friends of the European Union and United States.

    The study’s author, Dr David Hoile, has noted:

    “Africa fought long and hard for its independence. It must reject this new ‘legal’ colonialism. The ICC’s double-standards and autistic legal blundering in Africa has derailed delicate peace processes – thereby prolonging devastating civil wars. There is a clear lesson for countries in Africa and elsewhere: do not join the ICC and do not refer your country to the ICC. It is the equivalent of inviting a cancer into your system. The ICC does not have Africa’s welfare at heart, only the furtherance of Western, and especially European, foreign policy and its own bureaucratic imperative – to exist, to employ more Europeans and North Americans and where possible to continue to increase its budget.”


  21. Good people,

    Listen to what a Luo man told me the other day in Embakasi:

    That if Kikuyus don't vote for Raila in 2012, Luo men will withdraw their committment to circumcision; that they were getting circumcised only to please Kikuyus and make them accept their man as an equal.

    I coudn't believe what this son of Homa Bay was telling me, that when Raila ordered mass circumcision in Luoland it was just an election stragegy to hoodwink the Kikuyus and catch his political rivals by surprise. Wow! Kenyan tribal politics never ceases to amaze especially when mixed with delusion and desperation.

  22. ICC is not all that the Kenyans (and especially European funded NGO types) claim it to be. A study by Dr. David Hoile (He was on K24 this week)

    He says:

    While the ICC presents itself as an international court this is quite simply not the case. Its members represent just over one quarter of the world’s population: China, Russia, the United States, India, Pakistan and Indonesia are just some of the many countries that have remained outside of the Court’s jurisdiction.

    The truth is also that the ICC is as independent as the United Nations Security Council and the Court’s European Union funding lets it be. Far from being an independent and impartial court, the ICC’s own statute grants special “prosecutorial” rights of referral and deferral to the Security Council, or more specifically its five permanent members. Political interference in the legal process was thus made part of the Court’s founding terms of reference.

    The Court is also umbilically tied to the European Union which provides over 60 percent of its funding. The English expression, “He who pays the piper calls the tune”, could not be more accurate. The ICC has ignored all European or Western human rights abuses in conflicts such as those in Afghanistan and Iraq or human rights abuses by Western client states. Instead, the Europeans have chosen to focus the Court exclusively on Africa. Despite over 8,000 complaints about alleged crimes in at least 139 countries, the ICC has started investigations into just five countries, all of them African. Given Africa’s previous traumatic experience with the very same colonial powers that now in effect direct the ICC, this must create an alarming déjà vu for those who live on the continent. The EU is additionally guilty of economic blackmail in tying aid for developing countries to ICC membership.

    The Court’s proceedings have often been questionable where not farcical. Its judges – some of whom have never been lawyers, let alone judges – are the result of vote-trading amongst member states. The Court has produced witnesses who recanted their testimony the moment they got into the witness box, admitting that they were coached by non-governmental organisations as to what false statements to make. There have been prosecutorial decisions which should have ended any fair trial because they compromised the integrity of any subsequent process. The ICC’s first trial stalled because of judicial decisions to add new charges half-way through proceedings. Simply put, the Court has been making things up as it goes along.

    The ICC claims to be “economical”, yet it has cost half a billion Euros to put on one deeply flawed trial, which subsequently ground to a halt for months. The ICC claims to be victim-centred yet Human Rights Watch has publicly criticised the ICC’s ambivalence towards victim communities. The ICC claims to bring “swift justice” but it has taken several years to bring the first accused to trial for allegedly using child soldiers. The Nuremberg trials, which addressed infinitely more serious charges, were over within a year. The ICC claims to be fighting impunity, yet it has afforded de facto immunity and impunity to several serial abusers of human rights who happen to be friends of the European Union and United States.

  23. Anon 1:35-EXPOUND ON the mistress part?
    Anon 1:55-Who are the Majestic people of Kenya -KKK?
    Anon 9:51- When did u last see a doctor?
    Onto some real points.
    The hague option wont augur well with the electorate as well as Mp's.
    Raila is still the best choice for president but its going to fast fade away unless he will not run come 2012.has he made his decision already?


    This zorillo is the granddaddy of them all and a shameless zorillo of all plagiarists scouring Kenyan sites and other sites for fodder to fuel multiple chambers of grandiosity.

    The zorillo is branded shamlessly bold for having uploaded and appropriated for self the use of the Al Kosgey (Al Capone) image from Kumekucha @"Will Other Ministers Follow Kosgey to Court", of Thursday, January 06, 2011 by Chris.

    Then the zorillo shamlessly plagiarized Phil's comments on the construction and housing boom in Nairobi, Kenya.

    And also went on to plagiarize comments from an anonymous blogger @Kumekucha, who was replying to the subject in question by providing Phil with specific directions on how to locate some of those "condos" in the Westlands area of Nairobi, Kenya.

    What became of giving credit where credit is due and in this particular case, oh yes, to Kumekucha, Phil and the anonymous blogger?

    4 the Zorillo aka "jchelelgo" aka Mephitis aka Spilogele aka Mydaus aka Conepatus, consider yourself served.

  25. As suspect as the ICC is it is far much better than the nothing we have here in kenya to deal with PEV He it is so bad why are only the guilty and politicians running sacred?

  26. Kenya kuna mambo. It's easy for one "Johnny" to win an election petition against an incumbent MPthug and to ride a camel through the streets of Nairobi than it will be the case for winning the seat that has just fallen vacate several months before the general elections in 2012.

    It's high time other future political candidates followed suit and started riding bulls, horses, buffaloes and elephants when a grand entry or exit from the calls for it.

    Mmmmmmmmmm! There is something about Ibrahim Ahmed of Kamukunji that is reminiscent of Rueben Ndolo, but I have yet to put a political finger on it.

    Time will tell after the by-election or after the 2012 elections.

  27. A proof that presidency was stolen

    Our President is no better than the stupid Ivorian leader who has refused to vacate his office after being kicked out by voters.

    Birds of the same feather do flock together. Kalonzo knows also that his VC position was stolen from Mudavadi.

  28. @Taabu,
    Feel the BENEFITS of living in a country led by 3 Principals won't you bro?

    Kenya is the success story of Africa and we have UNRIVALLED PEACE (ACCORD 2008) to show for it. how many other countries in the continent do you know are equally led by 3 PhD holders successfully?

    Coalition governance has never been carried out successfully before us on this continent yet here we are setting the pace and blazing the trail but do we say?

    We have been to PEV HELL and back with the T-Shirt to show for it,don't forget we are sovereign and we fund 95% of our economy from our own budget, now we shuttle diplomacy, let us continue to lead from the front and by example

  29. even our illuminated minds like mwarangethe still harbour will take generations to wash this out of the kenyan system. for now i see no hope for kenya just continued bloodshed.
    1/3 of you who live in kenya will sure kill themselves with stupidity and inbuilt ignorance.
    All i can say is Mungu saidia kenya.

  30. Anonymous said...
    even our illuminated minds like mwarangethe still harbour will take generations to wash this out of the kenyan system.


    Rejecting the stupidity of BREAD FED scholars who preach bullshit that, the ICC is the solution is kinyumbani?

    We have done our research. In 1945, at the USA Senate Hearings which were the part of setting the IMF and WB, and ITO (USA rejected this), which later became GATT and then became WTO, something very interesting was noted. It was this:

    "unless something is done, it is my belief that you are going to have a continuing CHAOTIC CONDITION in those countries (European countries which had been devastated by war) and that they will inevitably go on to some form of TOTALITARIAN government...

    CHAOTIC ECONOMIC CONDITIONS in a country PRODUCE CIVIL WARS and civil wars are apt to produce wars between nations."

    Yes, the Americans knew in 1945 that, leaving Europe in that state would lead to two things:

    (a) tyranny, and

    (b) civil wars.

    To avoid this, the Americans RE - INDUSTRIALISED Europe by taking GOLD from Latin America.

    Now, 60 years later, we see civil wars in Africa due to CHAOTIC ECONOMIC conditions imposed on Africa by our so called friends.

    Very sadly, instead of the African so called intellectuals doing their research, they just wait for COMMUNICTAED NONSENSE from the ICC, IT and start shouting like mad men in so called conferences in Oxford as they count the dead bodies of Africans.

    Shamelessly, they call this counting dead bodies and corruption statistics as research. Yes, research which they do while eating FREE biscuits provided by the so caled donors in these conferences.

    So, if you wanna join the African mad intellectuals who are BREAD/BISCUIT FED by the ICC, IT and such useless bodies, sawa, go ahead.

    However, for us, we say hell NO.

  31. Simon Mbugua's loss is symptomatic of a certain gene programmed in fraud, any guess? Imagine the impunity on 2 previous judges and the guy still claims the title HON, only in Kenya, wapi nduru!!!

  32. When is Raila going to be crowned a Kikuyu Elder at Ruringu stadium in Nyeri as per his wishes? I am tired of waiting and the color of my ODM orange kitenge is fast fading.

    I heard the guy trace his roots to the Luhya king Wanga. Sometimes you wonder whether the doctors put back the nuts properly after they drilled his head.

  33. @5:37
    The man was recently claiming to be Obama's no surprise there really.

  34. I love FREE BISCUITS! Kwanza with KETEPA chai! I hate RESEARCH right from my school days, I remember with nostalgia using mwakenya to pass my exams, but now my twin bro continues and represents me very well in that department via copy and paste theories, keep it up 'virtual economist'

  35. Mwarang'ethe,

    For heaven's sake you are in your 40s heading to 50s, do you have to use the word Bullshit, didn't your mother teach you any manners? Why not be like fellow kk village elders like Luka, Philip and Taabu

  36. The Mr Mwai "pumbavu" Kibaki/Kalonzo Musyoka/PNU shuttle diplomacy across African capitals in search of support for their cases to be deferred is a waste of time. A big waste of our tax monies.

    Kalonzo is being used Kupanguza the The Mr Mwai "pumbavu" Kibaki/PNU ass hole.... He will be dumped big time after he has wiped it "clean."

  37. Mwarangethe wrote this?

  38. According to the 2009 census results,the Somali,s have miraculously multiplied and are now more than 2 million people.Now do you see why Raila promptly rushed to North Eastern ostensibly to counter the peace rally in Eldoret and who is it that said his(Raila's)head is not working as well as before?He is still as cunning and divisive as before.Loose the Kalenjin...court the Somalis.....!

  39. Anon 3:01 AM,

    This post is not about Raila. You Railaphobics just amaze me with the kind of intense and irrational hatred you have for the man. It is absurd, comical and nonsensical.

    This is guy who is harmless. He can not do what your own brothers (the Mungiki thugs, bandits and hoodlums) did to their very own tribesmen and women (Kikuyus) - Namely CHOPPING THEIR HEADS OFF - It was a very big BASH of CHOPPING their fellow tribesmens heads off and this was prevalent only in central province and the Kikuyu diaspora.

    You imbeciles hate Raila while forgetting that your real enemy resides WITHIN yourselves - I have just given one example: The Mungiki murderers, extortionists, thugs and bandits. There are many others...

  40. Can mwarang'ethe tell us what he thinks of the Mungiki, or is he an exported one for that matter. Me thinks mwara plays with our minds, mwara does not reside in the diaspora but is comfortably tucked somewhere in Meru chewing TAX free miraa!

  41. How I wish that some people like so many of us would shelf their ethnic party politics of fear, hatred, greed and misinformation for a second, and learn to keep in mind that there areas in Kenya where the residents don't really give hoot or care about the same old brand of PNU vs ODM type of stale politics.

    These are the times when forward looking Kenyans hope that tribal goons in their midst would know when to burry their ugly heads in the sands under the Kenyan skies until the 2012 elections are over and done with, and for the years following.

    Nevertheless, ignorance is bliss when it comes to knowing anything about Kenyan born residents living in the north eastern and upper eastern regions of the country.

    As a matter of fact, the population of Kenyan Somali should be more the than what's been portrayed or purported in the 2009 census and in the last four decades.

    Embracing them rather than spreading fears about a recent spike in their numbers does not go a long way in uniting a country that is still recovering from the disastrous political and ethnic mistakes of 2007.

    It goes without saying that presidential candidates have always used the regions' population for their own political mileage and abandoned them to fend for themselves after every election season.

    But guess what, times have changed, people are more well informed and all of the next presidential candidates will have to really fight hard and win the hearts and minds of the residents in 2012.

    I also hope that the coastal and sixty percentage of the upcountry residents will be wise enough not to throw away their votes or waste their political clout as they have done in years past by supporting the wrong political parties as well as voting for unsuitable candidates that don't have the interests of all Kenyans at heart.

    These are trying times for Kenyans living in north eastern region, as well as the rest of the country, who are concerned about the plummeting political climate and the future of their most valuable asset - their country, increasing ethnic tension and the rising underhanded political alliances that is creeping into places it has not since the days of colonial adminstration.

    There is no enemy (ignorance, poverty, preventable diseases, abysmal infrastructure, unfair trade and media imperialism) that can defeat or bring Kenya to its knees if the country consists of citizens with different political pursuasions, cultivates a healthy political environment and suitable political candidates are elcted in places where they are needed most.


    Raila is DEAD!!

  43. Kibaki no longer in charge in Kenya
    PRESIDENT KIBAKI names Justice Alnassir Visram as new Chief Justice, Githu Muigai Attorney General and Lawyer Kioko KiluKumi as DPP.

    Why all these miscalculations that ignore the constitutions. we are in for a surprise.
    These appointees are qualified for the positions, but the legal procedures should be followed.
    Rough times ahead.

    Where is the role of Bunge as stated in the new constitution?

    where is the role of Odinga(consultation)?.It is all there in the constitution- old a the new..
    Kibaki cares less if Kenya goes to the dogs!

  44. Kioko Kilukumi: what does this say?

    Ruto's lawyer, Kioko Kilukumi, said adjourning the hearing would be prejudicial to him.

  45. Please pardon the digression.

    'Exported Protests and Revolutions In North Africa'.

    Will Tunisian model repeat itself in Egypt?

    The answer is a big NO. Egyptians unlike the Tunisians, may end up falling from the current political frying pan into untamed fires that are waiting to be fueled by fragmented groups of opposition that have been at loggerheads for decades.

    With all due respects to our African neighbours in Egypt, neighbours because we share the same natural waters of life, I hate to rain on your political struggles by reminding you that copycat protests aka "imported revolutions" should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

    It should never be assumed that mass protests guarantees intended outcome nor do they ever bear any tangible results after the streets have been emptied or deserted.

    Of course, it's one thing to protest against an unpopular government and it's old leadership, while it's another political beast all together to figure out the hidden agendas, calculated motives and whatever it is the various camps of protesters really want at any given time, and who the main forces are behind the protest movements.

    We don't have to wait for political scientists or historians to remind us how the Tunisian uprising was unique in its own way because it was sparked from within, by the people and without any undue influences from the neighbouring geopolitical region or the so called diehard exiles.

    So, any groups of people or protest movements trying to emulate or replicate the Tunisian uprising will not succeed at this point and time because the political deck, military deck as well as the geopoltical decks are heavily stacked against them.

    And again, apologies to the young Egyptians, the old guard in the opposition movements and the April 6th Youth Movement who happen to be the trigger for these comments, but are by all means trying to reproduce a Tunisian type of uprising on Egyptian soil.

    Egypt is unique and there is need for a very unique solution to Egypt's mirad of problems.

    Egyptians may have demonstrated over the years about low wages, poverty and election process, but never in such a wide spread fashion.

  46. Now you know why there was a GAG order on KKK here is the reason.

    William Kirwa - Controller of Budget

    Kioko Kilukumi - DPP

    Prof Githu Muigai - AG

  47. This man Kalonzo Musyoka, this Kalonzo Musyoka, I tell you, Kalonzo Musyoka is a betrayer. Kalonzo Musyoka is a real betrayer.

    Daniel arap Moi had no clue when Kalonzo Musyoka used and left him for fair weather political parties.

    Raila Odinga didn't know when kalonzo Musyoka had crossed over to the other political camp.

    I am sure Kibaki, Ruto, Uhuru are in for a real surprise when the time comes for Kalonzo Musyoka to abandon them and seek another alternative party to further his political career and presidential aspirations.

    This man Kalonzo Musyoka is a betrayer, one of a kind who will say and do anything so that he can pass in between a rock and a hard place, yaani njia ya katikati in 2012.

    This man Kalonzo Musyoka is a betrayer of the highest degree right now.
    - Atwoli on youtube.

  48. Beware of what you wish for you might as well get it in due season.

    "Sisi hatutaki siasa ya ukabila na serikali ya ukabila. we don't want ethnic based appointments in the judiciary and civil service."

    Does the name Alnassir Visram ring a bell? Yeye kabila gani? lol.

    Orengo, embrace your brother from the lake and a comrade from the good old days, the new Chief Justice Alnassir Visram.

  49. @11:25 AM
    Ibrahim Ahmed (center) joined in celebration by former Makadara MP Rueben Ndolo (left)... Picture in the Standard.

  50. Anon 11:51 AM

    All done in naked violation of Articles 228, 229 and 245 of the Constitution.

    Articles 156 and 157 will be violated as well with no regard for consultation with the ruling coaltion.

  51. Egyptians may have demonstrated over the years about low wages, poverty and election process, but never in such a wide spread fashion.

    1/28/11 11:16 AM


    Look, as we have said before, this DECADE will be a TOUGH one. What you see in the streets is not the REAL DEAL. The Tunisians have not achieved anything. The Egyptians will achieve nothing.

    These are well MANAGED REVOLUTIONS by the OLIGARCHY. If you doubt, sample this. After the Tunisian mess, we read this:

    The Tunisian Islamic leader Rachid Ghannouchi was prepared to return home from BRITAIN where he had lived for 20 years. We continued to hear this:

    He is preparing to revive his ISLAMIC PARTY formally, even though he denies any political ambitions himself.

    NB: Do you remember Khomeini flying Air France to Iran?

    NB: Do you recall the BBC refusing to give Shah a chance to explain his side of the story during the Iranian "Revolution"?

    NB: If these "revolutions" reach Saudi Arabia, then, the REAL DEAL will emerge.

    For now, pass the popcorn as we watch history repeat itself.

  52. Mwarang'ethe,

    You forget one character, the later day wannabe revolutionary, Mohamed ElBaradei whose political vision for Egypt is oceans apart from that of the April 6th Youth Movement, the Brotherhood, and the Islamists.

    The Tunisians have not achieved anything. The Egyptians will achieve nothing.

    While Kenyans will repeat in 2012 what they did to their country and fellow citizens in 2007, if the political bigwigs and their political parties continue with dirty business as usual.

  53. lol! The guys are busy protesting and clashing with police during the day, while looting during the night.


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