Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Kalonzo, Ruto Unite in Mission to Expose Raila

The Hague is vague, the problem is Raila, PERIOD. We have this confirmation from none other than the VP himself. And the God-fearing cannot lie in church when he declares that he knows Kibaki bears no grudges even after after teaming with Raila to abuse the President.

Teaming with the straight-talking, brave and dare-devil Ruto, Kalonzo is showing Kenyans the way to go and that is to TAME RAILA. You see, only fools do not change their minds and the VP is not a political fool. He has grown and outlived cheap talk and activism to real governance now that is he is constitutionally just a heart beat away from the throne.

Raila's half-hearted quest for a local tribunal to try PEV perpetrators has been summarily busted. Poor son of Jaramogi has enough political foes with the furious Ruto the latest to join Uhuru and Kalonzo who both blame Raila for deflating their political balloons in 2002 and 2007 respectively. The PM is a marked man with enmity and venom oozing from every political orifice, damned either way he acts or speaks.

But we must not lose sight of the trophy. To their collective rescue, Kenyans are better advised to listen to the two voices of God through Kalonzo and Ruto and consign the PM to political dustbin lest they fall to his machinations to eliminate opponents prior to 2012 polls.

Prof Luis Moreno-Ocampo himself epitomizes bad omen and death. The last time he was here coincided with the cold murder the late Mungiki spokesman Njuguna Gitau Njuguna. What is more, Moreno's presence last week was accompanied with the death of three policemen who succumbed to grenade attacks.

Make no mistake, the ICC is Raila's project through the US with Ocampo being just a handle under manipulation. Removing UK and Gen Ruto from the Kenyans political landscape will not be an easy task. Their respective communities knows what true power is than the other 40+ Kenyan tribes. They will fight to the last blood buoyed by the exported Diaspora who have their ears and village loyalty on the ground.

So there we have Kenya's vision clearly spelt out for us by the VP. We must join Kalonzo's prayer to have Ruto's ICC case expedited to pave way his return to the cabinet even if it means take shade under ODM-K umbrella. But above all else Kalonzo needs Ruto on his side to formulate agenda for a brighter Kenya come 2012. Woe unto masters of mass action.

As a footnote to the doubting Thomases, Kenya remains a continental trailblazer in exporting fraud. And if in doubt just ask one Laurent Gbabgo of Ivory Coast. Pretender Quattrra is better advised to accept Thambo Mbeki's predictable proposal to serve as PM in a coalison government. NANI KAMA SISI? Hakuna. We lead, others follow.


  1. He he he Mr serial abuser, in the mean time Mrs Ngilu is being abused by his "friends" for saving his people from thirst and drought and perpetual starvation.

    Water! Maji tafadhali Mr now VP after sijui ngapi years in siasa. Maji ni kitu gani ? Can you people not see that am busy wipping ?

  2. ICC-whole Kenya government against it.
    see what Raila did by claiming that those who stole elections......
    The man was fueling the fir that is on to make the ICC process even more "politicised" and weaken its credibility.
    He knew that every politician in Kenya-more so PANUAs will shout this weekend. and they have.
    but the ICC train is unstoppable as Muite says.
    Raila and Wako are swimming in same boat. one for DOMOs and the other for the PANUAs
    Why would Rao take this route?- to later tell kales that he was in the side of RUTO!

  3. I have never cared for Raila and his brand of politics due to obvious reasons that have been evident since the coaltion government extended its "old foot" into parliament and took hold of a fagile transition democracy.

    Back to one man named Kalonzo Musyoki, the current vice president of Kenya, I suppose. Will Kalonzo be wise enough to learn some very hard political lessons from the life of Albert Luthuli, or will he end up follwoing in the well known footsteps of one Buthelezi?

    There was a time when South Africa's Pan African Congress (PAC) had perfected the art of spreading malicious stories against African National Congress (ANC) during meetings in various African states, calling it a "Xhosa army" and "riddled with White communists."

    The rest is history as we know it, and no one remembers the names of some of party leaders, exiles, activits, leaders of various South African "guerrilla movements" and self-styled messiahs who were so busy seeking personal glory, financial gain and political mileage instead of working to liberat South Africa from the jaws of apartheid.

    Will history repeat itself when the dust has settled in Kenya of 2022 with regard to people, call them politicans if you will, like Kalonzo Musyoka, William Ruto, Mwai Kibaki, Raila Odinga, Uhuru Kenytta and the others?

    Do they really care about Kenya's well being and its future? Do they?

  4. The VP is right PORK has proved his abuse tolerance time and again

    Take for example the bad mouthing he endures daily from noisy opinionated Kenyans on this blog yet he has never asked Cohesion doctor Kibuja to curtail the activities of Kenyan blogosphere

    Even the great USA is attempting to censor wikileaks with Denial Of service and removing internet domain name.It seems cousin POTUS doesn't have the gentlemanly mien of PORK

    As i said before prosecution of PEV is not an open and shut case but stubborn Moreno is refusing to see both sides of the same coin-Kenyans didn't just wake up one day and start hacking each other for no reason.

    Thank God for the two voices of reason Kalonzo and Ruto-ICC must not be hijacked as a political project to finish 2012 political candidates.

    Chepalunga MP has warned us already of mayhem ahead if we don't take heed! Therefore let our gentlemanly mien President constitute local tribunal at his wise discretion to deal with guilty perpetrators locally. we are tired of airing our dirty linen in the public world

  5. Raila is a blood-thirsty leader! Raila should top Ocampo's list. His mass action calls gave birth to mass murder. Raila and Kibaki posted suspect results in their strongholds and Raila cant play angels role. He told his goons to make Kenya ungovernable and rode to power on the blood of innocent Kenyans. Am glad Ocampo has stated he is not interested in elections and how they were conducted. In 1982, he caused deaths of many through a coup. I wish Moi hanged him then since PEV would not have occured.

  6. One of the thorny legal issues known by many rational minds in Kenya is the fact that the ICC's prosecution of well known twelve chief architects, seasoned perpetrators and usual party/ethnic hooligans of PEV is not an open and shut case, neither will it be a slam dunk case for the prosecution.

    More needs to be done so that justice can prevail and future episodes of post election violence are nipped in the bud, or deterred all together.

    That's one of the reasons why the ICC process must not be hijacked and sullied by one group of political opportunists whose modus operandi is always laced with negative ethnic overtones, including that of their allies.

    While at the same time, the same ICC process should neither be politicized by another band of allied electioneering politicians for 2012, who are also known to indulge in negative ethnic political wranglings and opportunistic stampedes of their own.

    As a matter of fact, all politicians, including the Chepalungu MP, the vice president, prime minister, all politicians, Kenyans and diasporans, should consider themselves served with dire warnings.

    Any repetition of the pre '07 brand of electioneering as well as the post election violence and mayhem, will have irreversible devastating poltical, economic, social, ethnic, regional and personal effects that many of them will not be able to withstand nor endure for a very long period of time.

    By a longtime which is equivalent to a minimum dark period from 2012 - 2032.

    That's why Kenyans should never stop learning from the painful lessons of history that have resulted from the grievious political and ethnic mistakes of their regional neighbours such as Sudan, Uganda, Rwanda, Somali, Ethiopia and Eretria.

    Where thousands and thousands of innocent lives were lost in senseless conflicts.

    Thousands and thousands of victims were internally displaced, and many more thousands and thousands of people were forced into exile without the posibility of ever returning to their respective homes and countries.

    While we are still at it, let's not forget the shameful fact there are 600,000 IDPs on Kenya soil as of 2010.

    These are people who once had pride, dignity and very productive lives at one point and time, just like so many of us do in December of 2011.

    So how many more Kenyans will be displaced in 2012 and 2017 as a result of a few political opportunists jostling for power and a chance to warm their arthritic feet, knees, hands and hips in the colonial state masion?

  7. Kweli sisi wakenya tuko na taabu mingi sana.

  8. The Domo Domo Thug Raila was helped by the Kalenjin warriors to get Pm position. Without these warriors, how is he going to get the presidency. Most of his worshipping Jaluo stone throwers are still undergoing circumcision, and I doubt the Thug will have enough circumcised men to unleash to his opponents. Poor Thug will die like his father with eyes transfixed on unattainable State House!!!!

  9. Yes, Raila thught that by forcebly marrying his son to a Kikuyu woman the Kikuyus would accept him into House of Mumbi as one of them. At every opportunity he refers to them as athoniwa (in-laws. Hasn't he ever wondered why they never reciprocate. If only delusions were votes Raila would be our president today.

  10. Anon,

    Raila will be our president when the insane Kenyans will outnumber the sane ones. Case closed!

  11. Charity was doing a good job but spoilt it by awarding contracts to her extended family.

  12. @Kenya Army! Afande Sir! Would it be inorder had the contracts been awarded to our Battalion Afande Sir! Am sure our idle commandos would have dug the dams with their bare hands Afande Sir! And at no additional cost to the tax payer Afande Sir!

    @Taabu, ati Raila owns the Hague process through USA.. Are u insane in the membrane. I thought Raila was for local tribunal while the Nandi warrior was for hague. I remember US of A tried to send two law professors a few months back to try and scuttle the ICC process.

    Meanwhile the VP-Musyoka should head for the Toilet as he usually on all issues of National importance. Ngilu has taken water to Kaos who can atleast take a shower now.

  13. Kibaki - Murdered and slaughtered through his shoot to kill order

    Uhuru- Killed and slaughtered innocent kenyans using Mungiki


    Michuki killed and slaughtered innocent Kenyans using mungiki


    trying to use side shows like Ruto & Co will not wish away the HAGUE

    RUTO COME OUT STRONGLY SHOUTING KIBAKI WON THE 2007 ELECTIONS not tell me was he involved in the shoot to kill orders with Kibaki too?


  14. Raila is here to stay even when the central mafia call him Kihee, if Raila is to face Hague then the millions of kenyans who matched with him in peaceful demonstrations are ready to face HAGUE TOO in solidarity!! the demonstrations were peaceful until Kibaki and Michuki unleashed the Police order "SHOOT TO KILL" and on the other hand Uhuru unleashed the dreaded killer gangs Mungiki

    so who are the murderers?
    1. Kibaki
    3. Muchuki
    3. Uhuru
    4. Saitoti
    5. Martha Karua ( for the facts she was busy on BBC and CNN abusing Kenyans and helping to swear in the illegal president in the dark while Police were busy shooting innocent Kenyans- I see her hands full of innocent kenyans blood)
    6. Major Ali
    7. Police commander Mbugua
    9. Karume
    10. MP Jane Kihara
    11. Kabando wa Kabado ( commandeering mungiki to slaughter all the other trips who were unfortunate enough to be in central province in during the clashes and could not get home) families are still looking for their loved ones, we hear they were buried in trenches and mass graves, warning even in Chechnya- was Graves were found after the war and people were held accountable..

    all the above must fact the law and must be locked up for life, they slaughtered many innocent kenyans

  15. We have a thief for a president in Kenya, called Kibaki
    ass a VP who is so cheap and with loose morals if he were a woman with such behavior then by now he would have slept with all the men in parliament to gain favors, mara he s with Kibaki, then Uhuru and now Ruto, what a malaya VP Kalonzo Musyoka is**** no need to say more

  16. Kwa kweli there is no honour among political goons.

    Are they not the same people who had barricaded themselves in the ODM camp while waging vicious ethnic battles against their opponents in the PNU camp?

    According to one Kalonzo Musyoka "it's important to say the truth," in other words, his version of the truths as he continues to calculate ways in which he can become the next president of Kenya.

    Well, how is his calculation possible when one William Ruto and another Uhuru Kenyatta are vying for the two top most political positions in the country?

    Or is Kalonzo Musyuka vigorously seeking to protect and retain his vice presidency just in case his Kenyan dream of being numero uno doesn't pan out.

    So where were Kenya's political heroes like Jongstone Muthama, William Ruto, Linah Jebii and Kalonzo Musyoka when 600,000 Kenyans were forcifully being evicted, uprooted and exiled from their legal homes?

    Where were they when Kenya was at the brink?

    Ati "so and so and so and so called for mass action, therefore is the one who is responsible for post election violence."

    "And so and so and so and so told their followers to arm themselves to the teeth and go out to rescue and defend their own, therefore he is responsible for the post election violence."

    "While so and so and so and so encouraged their followers to destroy the properties of their political opponents and rightfully take over the "empty lands" that had been vacated by the fleeing owners."

    Are these same politicians who violently defended their turf and party status during the disputed elections of Dec. 27, 2007 going strike a deal with ICC or will they condemn their country to another series of chaos in 2012 by trying to defend the real culprits, whoever they may be?

    The ICC is strictly going after certain individuals and not specific ethnic communities.

    It's the criminal heads of the well known venomous political snakes that need to be chooped and taken to The Hague before the 2012 elections.

    What became of "let some heads roll." Or "let evryone carry their own cross"?

  17. Raila is here to stay, mupende musipende even if you praise Ruto the thief Kalonza the turncoat and yours truly Kibaki & Uhuru the murderers -icc is still waiting for them and if not they will get what is due to them, they can't walk around using their ill gotten power and stolen wealth to give orders for Kenyans to be killed? why should they be allowed to walk free this people must pay for what they did even the police force now want protection against them after taking orders from them,

    I wonder whether these murderers drink blood for survival? it seems to me giving orders for people to be killed is like just shaking hands with the devil
    remind me if I'm not wrong 500 mungiki youths massacred mercilessly and activists murdered in cold blood for knowing too much by the same individuals! let Kenyans not forget the dangerous individuals we are dealing with here they are Devils reincarnation and they must face the brunt of the Hague law since they have pocketed all the Judges in Kenya even Amos wako

  18. Ruto will carry his own cross if indeed he is found guilty so should everyone involved in the deaths of more than 5000 Kenyans ( I repeat 5000 Kenyans because those that were killed while trying to flee from central province were never accounted for by the same government under Kibaki that gave the shot to kill order, I pray do you imagine or believe, Michuki! Kibaki! Karua!Uhuru! Saitoti would give those numbers killed in their own backyard? I hear Ocampo has details from eye witnesses who managed to escape from central province while their loved ones were slaughtered in front of their eyes, some had to walk Km to escape

    let the murderers and their programed gangs carry their own crosses the guilty are always afraid, we are now in the last face of the dying horses the last kick is normally very strong

    compare that to the shouting and screaming of Ruto, Kalonzo, Uhuru through his auntie Beth Mugo and Kibaki through his gang of thieves let the dice roll. na washidwe

  19. Where you intoxicated when you wrote this? which Kenyan politician can you trust? Dont try to Beautify Kalonzo, Kalonzo along with every other big politician are scum. Kenya is Tribal to the core thanks to the heritage of tribal polirization we bear from Kenyatta to Moi to Kibak Raila Ruto Kalonzo Nyachae and co.The Only hope is for people to put aside the politicl changaa and find out who to financially starve this political economic axis till the only way foward for their unending greed to benefit is in projects that benefit the people of Kenya equally


  20. "Raila's half-hearted quest for a local tribunal to try PEV perpetrators has been summarily busted."

    The bondo bumpkin, like most other kenyans, mindlessly delights in all things foreign/imported. Remember he was at the frontline calling for international mediation since HE DIDNT TRUST THE COURTS? Note that he later trusted the courts when they absolved the bugger of corruption charges--i think he'd stolen some land somewhere but they said he hadnt (wonder how much he paid??). Anyhow, it bothers me how such a snake-tongued, violent and dangerous man is still in the free preaching more hatred and violence now against gays. Next he will be back to the madoa-doa's. Stay tuned.

    ps: i am starting a webpage called The Daily Omweri--the main feature will be called forked tongue and edited by lakeside mafiya. Anyone with interesting insights into Kenya's politics/politicians is welcome to contribute. More details soon. Stay tuned!! ;}

  21. "I wonder whether these murderers drink blood for survival? it seems to me giving orders for people to be killed is like just shaking hands with the devil"

    Raila does, I think. I hear he went to visit some witches/wizards in south africa at some point. There might be pictures of these too. Someone also said that Ngilu is a witch.

  22. OPEN MESSAGE to ALL Kenyans from AKHEILLUS: If not you, If not Us then who?
    : When you go to the Local Kiosk to get a soda, Knorr beef cube, brookside milk or when you go to the local brewery to sip a few are you buying brand kenya or brand tribal? did the owner(s) of the company whoses product your purchasing give much to make kenya a better place? what would they do with the millions,billions they gather from kenyans buying everyday goods just like you? whatever item it is that fits your needs does any sum of that money go to further developing/ uplifting fallen wanainchi living in slums. Instead of buying that extra beer how bout buying some extra nyanyas from from the Grandma selling vegetables in the street from her stone perch.How but some buying some roast Maize even if you are full to burst or never eat the stuff from the guy on the corner Why not take that extra bus or ride to Wakulima Market and refamiliarize yourself with shopping everyday folk rather then the local hypermarket.
    Instead of that extra Nyama choma meal is there not some rural school buried deep in the back of your mind you saw when you went to your shaggs ( or if your just a Nairobian the last time you ever went), is there not some orphan or child from a dependant family that you can better spend that extra 100 bob on rather then loud mouthing about what we need to do to change our country but doing nothing or dramatically stating what the world already knows that our government is full of politicans not leaders.? How Many of us thought today I can walk somewhere randomly and through a selfless act make a huge difference. How about not waiting for your local Mp How about making them redundant? They stand on Wanainchi not the other way around.

    Dirt Poor or Filthy reach when you spend any cent of your money on anything make sure the profiting entity is someone who gives back or spend your money somewhere else?
    How about you and 5 of your friends starting the littelest of projects in the remotest corner of shaggs where most likely your MP has never reached

    If you think this worthless bable and I am being over dramatic, how come so few Kio's in the local estate give credit nowadays? how many newspaper sellers do?
    We cant afford charity but we can always get that extra beer.
    Enjoyment and over self indulgence at all costs is what were hooked on and the big politicans love it cause we are placing that money in thier pockets.
    Everyday I here things have gotten better and truthfully I cant deny somethings have, but everyday when you wake up given the samllest chance to improve your country or someone elses welfare without any deteriment to yourself except that extra whim you can do without, ASK yourself If not me if not US then Who?


  23. OPEN MESSAGE to ALL Kenyans from AKHEILLUS: If not you, If not Us then who?
    : When you go to the Local Kiosk to get a soda, Knorr beef cube, brookside milk or when you go to the local brewery to sip a few are you buying brand kenya or brand tribal? did the owner(s) of the company whoses product your purchasing give much to make kenya a better place? what would they do with the millions,billions they gather from kenyans buying everyday goods just like you? whatever item it is that fits your needs does any sum of that money go to further developing/ uplifting fallen wanainchi living in slums. Instead of buying that extra beer how bout buying some extra nyanyas from from the Grandma selling vegetables in the street from her stone perch.How but some buying some roast Maize even if you are full to burst or never eat the stuff from the guy on the corner Why not take that extra bus or ride to Wakulima Market and refamiliarize yourself with shopping everyday folk rather then the local hypermarket.
    Instead of that extra Nyama choma meal is there not some rural school buried deep in the back of your mind you saw when you went to your shaggs ( or if your just a Nairobian the last time you ever went), is there not some orphan or child from a dependant family that you can better spend that extra 100 bob on rather then loud mouthing about what we need to do to change our country but doing nothing or dramatically stating what the world already knows that our government is full of politicans not leaders.? How Many of us thought today I can walk somewhere randomly and through a selfless act make a huge difference. How about not waiting for your local Mp How about making them redundant? They stand on Wanainchi not the other way around.

    Dirt Poor or Filthy reach when you spend any cent of your money on anything make sure the profiting entity is someone who gives back or spend your money somewhere else?
    How about you and 5 of your friends starting the littelest of projects in the remotest corner of shaggs where most likely your MP has never reached

    If you think this worthless bable and I am being over dramatic, how come so few Kio's in the local estate give credit nowadays? how many newspaper sellers do?
    We cant afford charity but we can always get that extra beer.
    Enjoyment and over self indulgence at all costs is what were hooked on and the big politicans love it cause we are placing that money in thier pockets.
    Everyday I here things have gotten better and truthfully I cant deny somethings have, but everyday when you wake up given the samllest chance to improve your country or someone elses welfare without any deteriment to yourself except that extra whim you can do without, ASK yourself If not me if not US then Who?


  24. OPEN MESSAGE to ALL Kenyans from AKHEILLUS: If not you, If not Us then who?
    : When you go to the Local Kiosk to get a soda, Knorr beef cube, brookside milk or when you go to the local brewery to sip a few are you buying brand kenya or brand tribal? did the owner(s) of the company whoses product your purchasing give much to make kenya a better place? what would they do with the millions,billions they gather from kenyans buying everyday goods just like you? whatever item it is that fits your needs does any sum of that money go to further developing/ uplifting fallen wanainchi living in slums. Instead of buying that extra beer how bout buying some extra nyanyas from from the Grandma selling vegetables in the street from her stone perch.How but some buying some roast Maize even if you are full to burst or never eat the stuff from the guy on the corner Why not take that extra bus or ride to Wakulima Market and refamiliarize yourself with shopping everyday folk rather then the local hypermarket.
    Instead of that extra Nyama choma meal is there not some rural school buried deep in the back of your mind you saw when you went to your shaggs ( or if your just a Nairobian the last time you ever went), is there not some orphan or child from a dependant family that you can better spend that extra 100 bob on rather then loud mouthing about what we need to do to change our country but doing nothing or dramatically stating what the world already knows that our government is full of politicans not leaders.? How Many of us thought today I can walk somewhere randomly and through a selfless act make a huge difference. How about not waiting for your local Mp How about making them redundant? They stand on Wanainchi not the other way around.

    Dirt Poor or Filthy reach when you spend any cent of your money on anything make sure the profiting entity is someone who gives back or spend your money somewhere else?
    How about you and 5 of your friends starting the littelest of projects in the remotest corner of shaggs where most likely your MP has never reached

    If you think this worthless bable and I am being over dramatic, how come so few Kio's in the local estate give credit nowadays? how many newspaper sellers do?
    We cant afford charity but we can always get that extra beer.
    Enjoyment and over self indulgence at all costs is what were hooked on and the big politicans love it cause we are placing that money in thier pockets.
    Everyday I here things have gotten better and truthfully I cant deny somethings have, but everyday when you wake up given the samllest chance to improve your country or someone elses welfare without any deteriment to yourself except that extra whim you can do without, ASK yourself If not me if not US then Who?


  25. What is next after all has been said and done?

    Who will have their feet held against the fire of justice by the ICC?

    And who will have their heads carted off the chopping block after the ICC has delivered its verdict?

    Let the political ravings and ethnic rantings continue to do their rounds for the time being until reality sets in.

    Only time is going tell who among those who will soon be marked as the most wanted will end up facing poetic justice as well as embracing their over due fate at The Hague.

  26. "When you go to the Local Kiosk to get a soda, Knorr beef cube, brookside milk or when you go to the local brewery to sip a few are you buying brand kenya or brand tribal?"

    IDIOT. You should know that even more of the brands are foreign--does that make them OK? Take your stupid tribalism and go jump off a cliff.

  27. The 1982 coup should also be classified as a crime against humanity.

  28. IMF's and WB's structural adjustment programs in Kenya are the ones that should be classified as crimes against humanity.

    Why are Kenyans in the rural areas still paying for what they never benefited from in the fist place?

    Remember Yoweri Museveni, leader of the NRM, 1981-1986? He was the lesser evil that helped Uganda emerge from darkness that had been imposed on it by the British and Israeli who helped Gen. Idi Amin Dada rise to power for all the wrong imperial reasons under the skies above the Nile river.

    Now look at the brighter side of issues, the 1982 coup could have cleaned out a lot of political and tribal pumkin menatlity, and then it would have been followed by Kenya's version of Yoweri Museveni.

    The post colonial Kenyans continue to take a lot for granted because they have never been forced to face the dark nights of war and death for a period extending beyond one or two months.

    The dark nights filled with the stench of lead and death will set upon our land if we don't change our national direction.

  29. To Anon at 12/6/10 5:42 PM

    You are either delusional or disturbed. My post did not have any tribal connotations or gave no support to one tribe over another.

    As for jumping off a cliff, seems like you already did so looking before you leap without reading the post in its entirety

    And the fact that the brands may be foreign makes my point all the more relevant. How many brands that you know so much of then invest and build in kenyas development rather then menial labour or a few sporing events here and there.
    Couldnt you have even come up with an intelligent argument? I am open for debate not your brand of idiocy.

  30. Let the four political stoogies continue to expose their own weaknesses including the weaknesses of their opponents as they try to blindly scrumble for the 2012 power grabbing contests.

    Poor villagers! Tribalism is one of the worst endeavours (home grown cottage industries) on the African continent.

    Why? Because at the end of the day, a person's tribe does not provide their own people with shelter or put food in their granary, on the fireplace or on their table.

    That is why the biggest losers are always the individual households that have to fend for themselves at the end of the day, at the end of election campaign cycles, at the end of every tribal chest thumping or blind rallies in support of their tribal chieftain.

    Ever wonder what are the real benefits in hanging out as a tribal pack for political hunts or mileage only to return home on an empty stomach or to the village without knowing where the next meal will come from?

    What's the value of tribal affiliation without the availbility of clean drinking water, electricity, good rural access roads, good schools for the children, hospital for the villagers, and enough food at the local village market?

    At least the Israeli have a good excuse of hanging together as a group, due to the fact that they have their own versions village kibbutz to sustain their way of life.

    What about us, the so called diehard tribalists, tribal warriors, cultural guardians, social activists, protectors of the village way of life and carriers of the tribal flames in times of ethnic tensions, vitriol rivalry and venomous contests of spewing begative tribal verbiage in order to get our point across?

    Is there such a thing as the equitable distribution of tribal crumbs from the political tables of the respective tribal chieftains?

  31. "Now look at the brighter side of issues, the 1982 coup could have cleaned out a lot of political and tribal pumkin menatlity."

    But the coup was conducted by drunken jaluo airforce men under the bondo bumpkins command. How would that have purged tribalism?

  32. ruto killed for raila. he was ordered to kill by his boss.

  33. hmmmm. as if the bumpkin held a gun to anyone's head.
    "Excusatio non petita, accusatio manifesta."

  34. We shall continue listening to deafening decibels on corruption & The Hague - by our very own able political choir, but will really change anything???.

    Now that Ngilu is facing the political test of her life in relation to corruption allegations - awarding contracts to family members etc which is nothing NEW! It's the way of life of the political class in this country.

    Aptly put, Civil service head Francis Muthaura's lawyer of a daughter Suzanne Muthaura is hogging all government corporate contracts, which have raked in Hundreds of Millions for her law firm ( Muthaura & Njonjo Advocates) - corporates like NBK, KQ, Consolidated Bank, Safaricom IPO & Transcentury ( who are hell bent to "privatise" all things Kenyan under the sun) are all under her wing.

    Is it also a coincidence that the law firm Daly & Figgis, that wants to be part of the scuttling team @ the Hague - is being led by one of the firm's Senior Partners, one Julius Wako ( Amos Wakos Son). Must have learned from "able" Daddy on how to tolerate Impunity.

    Kenyans should be more vigilant, us we listen to "innocent" politicians who run to the court of public opinion & hired acrobats that come with the entertainment, to try & convince us of their innocence.

    Back then the story was 2090, as the Hague was deemed to have the gusto & speed of a chameleone, so the political class decided to enter the race with their spruced up wheel chairs, a "faster vehicle" ... Ocampo & Team dropped the Chameleone tag & now Dec 17, 2010 seems so much closer than the yr 2090.

    All the best to whoever will win the race.

    The Oracle has Spoken

  35. LOL! "TRIBAL PUMKIN (malenge) menatlity" is what keeps cheap politics alive in Kenya.

    May be that why some political elders are still trying to find out who ate the homestead pumkin that once belonged to their chief?

  36. Charles Nairobi.
    A looker on sees more of the game than a player..All politicians know Ruto is out to remove Raila by any means necessary..the man is bitter... we all know why..LETS BE HONEST he is using 2012 to get even with Raila.All issues development have been thrown out the window.
    The Hague beckons...the murderers were Kenyans themselves-the wananchi burning looting and baying for blood.
    FACT.we are not good people.....still they walk scot free and proud waiting for 2012 to add more victims to their list.
    There will be nothing new come 2012..hear them then....OK...hear them now.
    Our leaders only care about themselves and their families..when the ARAMAGEDDON BEGINS..they will be the first to flee.
    Kenyans ..Wipe the nose of your neighbour's son, and marry him to your daughter.

  37. Excuse me for my English-lexified street language with East African village influences, and for the random digressions from the main topics. My sincere apologies to the authors and readership at large.

    Please correct me if I am wrong, but back in the days when Daniel arap Moi and Bill Clinton were still in powerful political positions, and Ton Blair was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, the government of Kenya received eight hundred million dollars from the USA and another five hundred million pounds from the UK as aid for the roads and transport sector in Kenya.

    If memory serves me right, the funds were to be utilized in the construction of new roads, improvement and widening of existing major roads and highways in Kenya.

    The question is what became of the project as well as the funds that were delivered to the Kenya government and allocated for the nationwide road projects in August of 1999?


  39. Who ordered the hit (killing) on the late Moses ole Mpoe, a land rights activist and his brother Joseph ole Mpoe?

    The Mpoe brothers were the sons of Mzee Kikon ole Mpoe?

    Why would intelligent business person, property owner or wise politician order such a cold blooded murder with expectations that the permanent absence of Moses ole Mpoe will go a long way in facilitating whatever immediate objectives they may hold up their bloody sleeve.


    Wikileaks: Kibaki indolent, raila a thug:

    President Kibaki has been described as indolent in cables sent from Nairobi to Washington. Confident about the secrecy of the cables, the diplomats tear at the coalition leaders in ways that may have far reaching ramifications to the US-Kenya political engagement.
    In the cables it is alleged that Mr Kibaki told a visiting US dignitary: ‘I once worked with President Clinton’s dad in Nairobi.’
    ‘Mr Kibaki has an attention span of at most 30 minutes’, the cables allege.
    About Mr Raila Odinga, the cables contend that ‘he associates with well known thugs. I would classify him as a thug too.’ They also pour scorn at the ICC saying that if ICC played by western standards of jurisprudence, there is no way Raila would have been spared from prosecution.

    Der spiegel

  41. @8:05 AM
    There will be so many better alternatives from various regions of the country when and if that happens.

    Kalonzo Musyoka is as good as George Saitoti, Moody Awori, Musalia Mudavandi, they made very good and obedient vice presidents who were there to be ssen and not heard.

    Or Kalonzo Musyoka can wait for his turn to shine in 14 yrs time, in the same manner Mwai Kibaki did after he had been left out to dry in political oblivion after Dr. Njuguna Karanja was selected as his immediate replacement in 1988.

    Maybe, maybe the next generation of Kenyans will be ready for his presidency or prime ministership in 2027.

  42. There no people in this blog that can write something interesting to read?

  43. We dont want titbits from Wikileaks,what we want are the original unaldulterated,unedited versions so that we know what the US of A diplomats think of thug Raila.We dont care what they think of Kibaki,he has only 2 years of public life remaining before he retires to Othaya!

  44. Anon 8:30 AM

    I am not contradicting the contents of the cables in question, but let's say if Raila Odinga associates with well known thugs, and he is classified as a thug, then what's their qualified diplomatic classification with regard to leaders like Silvio Berlusconi, Vladimir Putin and many other worlds leaders?

    Likewise if Mwai kibaki has an attention span of 30 minutes, then what's their classified diplomatic take (assessment) on the Queen of England and Pope at the Vatican?

    Always consider the source with regard to such publications coming from papers like the Der Spiegel and find out why they usually pick to concentrate on some particular cables and not others.

    What's their real take on the atrocities of German imperialism in South West Africa, present day Namibia?

    What about the genocide that was carried out by imperial German against the the Ovambo, Herero, Khoisan, Himba, Damara and Namaqua people of Namibia?

    And what has been the Der Spiegel accounts about the age old national blemish and political eye sore with regard to the 1000s of dormant Swiss accounts of former SS officers, Nazi party leaders as well as those of the one time very wealthy German Jews who perished in the holocaust?

    [Nothing anti Der Spiegel or even German, but just asking in name of the Freedom of Information Act]

    Well, well, well, If the ICC played by the so called western standards of jurisprudence, there no way George W. Bush, founders of Black Water and their operatives would have been spared by any higher court or society in the civilized western world.

    What do you think? And what do you think is their school of thought on such issues?

  45. @9:23 AM
    Why don't you set a good example with a higher threshold and lead the way? Be a doer for a change and not a classic whiner at work 24/7? The "people" are eagerly waiting.

  46. I think todays article in my opinion comes with a higher and much more closer observation to the reality of the way things are and will be. Couldnt agree more.

    Also, as much as we want to shun tribalism, we cant avoid think along ethnic and regional lines. Competive democratic elections is about numbers. As much as we want quality leadership, these leaders have to come from somewhere, they got to have some backing and we can run away from that. It will take a few generations before we can elect leaders maybe even from least populous tribe but able leaders! For now we cant avoid alliances and regional politics!

  47. Mutua Nzioka12/7/10, 1:39 PM

    The last time Kalonzo played these Porojo na unafiki against RAO in 2007, he got zero votes from Rift-Valley and 8% nationally. He is at it again, inciting Kalenjins and Kikuyus hoping to sandwich 'em to his ludicrous reasonings. Meanwhile, he assumes the rest of Kenyan communities outside his KKK are idiots. Wait 2012 Kenyans will confine this traitor Kaloozer to political dustbin that he so deserves. With or without Ruto, Ocampo or Uhuru, Kalonzo is one man that history will punish very harshly. He belongs to the class of Jirongo, Kutuny and Simon Mbugua.

  48. Mwana siasa mwenye unafik, porojo na wakujipendekeze mara kwa mara akiwa na matumaini ya kupokea (kunyakua') mamlaka ya urais wa jamuhuri mnamo mwaka wa 2012 ua 2017, hafai kamwe.

    Potential candidates like William Ruto, Uhuru Kenyatta, Najib Balala, Martha Karua, et al should better watch their backs and keep very tight lids on their political strategies for future races.

    Need I say more?

    "Anayekueleza ya wengine hadharani atawaeleza mengine mengi ya kwako."

    Is that the kind of politician any wise party leader would dare partner with during crucial national elections that will or might end up being determined by swing voters?

    Time will tell!

  49. Dear all,

    I love Kenya but above all we should ride far beyond cheap politics.

    Anyone who would praise the 'fierce' William Ruto or talk of 'taming'
    Raila Odinga or even tell of the teethless 'KKK' alliance should
    recheck their political analysis. This talk is all in the past and
    they (politicians of the past) all have innocent blood in thir hands.

    Lets be wise. Lets look into us as the future and change the status
    quo. The future is the new constitution and the future is you.

    Macharia wa Gakuru


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