Tuesday, November 02, 2010

KACC Effect: Can Sheriff Lumumba Make Heads Roll?

UPDATE: Kenyans have yet another reason to show their post molars in jubilation this week as embattled Truth Justice and Reconciliation chair Ambassador Bethwel Kiplagat resigned(read stepped aside) today ostensibly to avoid embarrassing his appointing authority as investigations of accusations levelled at him begin

Tanzania Election Update:read Kumekucha's latest update on the Tanzanian elections in the comments section of this post or click here

Once laughed off as a bunch of buffons on this very blog, the KACC advisory board must be rubbing their hands in glee at mother nature’s gift to them: a second chance to redeem their reputation through the appointment of a new graft boss in the shape of PLO Lumumba. This comes after the disastrous tenure of the office’s previous holder. Kenyans already know there is a new sheriff in town recently appointed head of the Kenyan dragon slaying unit(Kenya Anti Corruption Commission)

new graft watchdog fighter Professor PLO Lumumba

The similarities between Sherriff Lumumba and his predecesor rtd. Justice Aaron Ringera are numerous: both were well known Nairobi law practitioners, and both were well known public speakers notably quoting the works of famous dead men such as Shakespeare and other well known works of historical literature. However it seems that is where Sherriff Lumumba wants the similarities to end because he is determined to make it clear from the onset that his tenure will clearly be a different ball game from that of his predecessor(see video below)

The face of emerging Kenya under the new constitution
Ever since reporting for duty PLO and his newly appointed graft watchdog team have slowly been attempting to match the strength of their punches with their constitutionally mandated institutional weight as a public institution. So far it is commendable that the sherrif and his army of dragon slayers have been reeling in catch after latest catch. However majority of Kenyans remain unimpressed and have so far refused to be taken in by the Oxford dictionary English speaking Nairobi lawyer. Kenyans argue that the sheriff is simply re-inventing the wheel in giving the impression of catching government of national unity grand fraudsters. We are weary as we have seen it all before and will settle for nothing less than Heads rolling

WanaNICHI want him to do more than just raise the temperature under the collars of know crooks and wanted criminals. They want Sheriff Lumumba to make major inroads in the war against the vice. The graft boss and his team must have been the most headhunted private sector professionals. Now that they have crossed over and been appointed to public positions Kenyans need to believe that at the end of the day the new leadership o f KACC will not turn out to be a very big disappointment.

Good preaching
Corruption is deep rooted in our system but this new constitution carries all the political will to root it out. This cancer can cease to be a way of life in this country and Sherriff Lumumba may just be the non-ceremonial figurehead outside the executive arm of the Government to fight it without fear or favour

Without a shadow of a doubt the newly appointed KACC director may find that his life will be threatened several times in the months and years ahead in the course of patriotic duty but he must take heart because Kenyans are beginning to note his efforts with appreciation. Not many Kenyans can handle the heat of the seat upon which the mention of your name immediately invokes both admiration from a grateful public while striking fear among the looters and the corrupt. The Sherriff and his team must adequately be described as both loud barkers and biter in equal proportions

Kenyans are ready to give the benefit of the doubt this time if the Sheriff can prove equal to the task of fighting corruption with the full weight of the country behind him. God bless KACC and God bless Kenya


  1. Kenyans must watch out for terms like "stepping aside" which are beginning to have their own definition.

    According to some people in Gov circles, stepping aside is NOT resigning. Neither is it suspension. Thus a person who has "stepped aside" continues to earn a salary without having to work for it.

    This looks like a clear cut case of corruption and impunity right under our noses! KACC, PLO Lumumba and Patriotic Citizens must reject this "stepping aside" nonsense.

    Let people resign, be suspended or be dismissed in accordance with the law.

  2. Tanzania election update:

    Those who know Tanzania are shocked to hear of election protests in Arusha, Mwanza, Busada, Tarime, Zanzibar and even in the populous Tandale in the heart of Dar-es-salaam. All these protests are against suspect CCM wins. Tz is a vast country with many remote areas and it is easy for the government to keep the International community from knowing the real situation on the ground.

    My appeal to our Tz brothers is to do everything in their power to avoid escalation of violence. There are other ways to clamour for change. Please don't go the Kenya way.

    My passionate appeal to Jakaya Kikwete... Please, please whatever you do, don't do a Kibaki. Don't rubbish the will of the people of Tanzania.


  3. Kiplagat should have resigned long time ago and spared himself as well as sheltered some members of his immediate family from being dragged through the mud.

    Hanging on at the TJR was one of the worst moves he ever made after having served under the now defunct regime of iron man Daniel arap Moi.

    Every good soldier does what he is told to do. He obeys all the commands and follows through. BUT they need good leadership to rely on.

    There was no good leadership in Kiplagat's case as was the cases for many other Kenyans ("... well known rotten apples, spoiled bananas, rabid rodents from KANU era ..."), some of whom are still in positions of power and influence.

    The question now is: Will they - not all of them but some of the others - resign as well?

    Or are they going to hang onto power and positions of influence for all its worth?

    We should avoid the habit of picking and choosing who resigns and who stays, given their well known tainted histories that date back to the 1980's.

    Muru wa Gacii

  4. It comes a time that one has to refuse to answer to his leader if he also answer to his conscious." Kiplagat was silent when they plot to kill Ouko and when the they killed during the Wagalla masacre. How close do you have to be to power to take responsibility; do you have to be the president?Now after retiring he wants to lead us to the root of the problem. This is taking the say send a thief to catch a thief, it does not mean you making him a police, it only means you lock him up but use him to catch his fellow thieves. Too late to try clear your image, a times the silence of friends hurt more than the abuse of enemies when they stay quiet when they are supposed to speak.
    Duncan Ojwang

  5. @ Luka

    Never count the chicks........

    Until and when PLO successful a convicts and jails a corrupt big fish, I shall not count any chicks.

    PLO's KACC has found work-in-progress and cannot claim any credit for the recent resignations or even the Ruto land grab and fraud cases.

    I heard him say that this (as in the anti-corruption crusade) is a relay. Meaning his job is only limited to forwarding files to the AG to prosecute! Nothing is guaranteed yet, until we seen these thieves donning the white stripped prison uniform at Kamiti.

    Even in a daylight robberies like what Wetangula did in Tokyo, I expect PLO to prepare a water tight case against the minister and the PS given the parliamentary committee already did 90% of the work for him.

    Not forgetting the person Chris Kumekucha predicted would bring down the prime minister and destroy ODM, one William Kipchirchir Ruto, fast digging his political grave and soon to be jailbird.

    Twende kazi sasa

  6. Kiplagat has dared any one with evidence to face him before the tribunal. Can fellow commissioners and civil society put up or shut up!

  7. Those TJRC salaries must be super good, nobody wants to quit.
    First came Betty murungi who resigned for the vice chair but chose not to quit from an organization "whose leadership she lost faith in". What principle?
    Then comes Slye who resigns but the doesn't quite. Now he claims he he didn't resign but "announced intention to resign". What cheek!
    Then good old Kiplagat steps aside from the day to day running of TJRC what does these mean?
    The bottom line is they all retain their huge salaries and perks at the tax payers expense in spite of the said individuals or the public expressing doubts on their ability to perform. Are these the persons of integrity envisaged by the new constitution?

  8. while ruto and his cronies continue thumping their chests threatening to leave odm, can his worshipers remind him not to continue masquerading as an odm representative! what is this nonsense about being introduced as a kenyan govt and odm rep at museveni's prezi launch. kweli the man still lives in denial and imagines he's the once powerful cabinet minister.he'd better be man enough and ship out - good riddance bwana ruto, i hope museveni will provide the hiding cave that you will soon need.

  9. Chris and Philip,

    First of all, I hope that all CHADEMA MPs who get elected will remain true to their campaign colours and the public image they have tried so hard to portray.

    In other words, they will stick (remain loyal and faithful) to wearing the the CHADEMA Safari - American Khaki - suits that they have been fronting through out the campaign season.

    And they will not be tempted to turn around and trade them in for expensive imports like Armani, Louis Raphael, Claiborne, Gabardine suits et al that have flooded the wardrobes and closets of the so called present day political, business, and professional elite of Tanzania.
    Second, I wonder how CCM's main rival, a political party of CHADEMA's stature failed to capture a single seat in Zanzibar?

    CHAMEDA was missing in action - MIA - when the elections results were announced.

    So, what do we make of such a huge electorate void on the islands of Zanzibar, Pembe, Mafia and Pate?

    Why is CHADEMA gone MIA?
    Quasi Election Violence:

    There were some small groups of the usual suspects, juvenile goons aka "hired hands" who tried to throw stones, set small fires, block roads and disrupt businesses - here and there - in the slum areas of Dar-es-Salaam and in few other towns.

    I am sure they were hired hands for some special interest political individuals who would very much want - love - to see the current government, the CCM, the nation of Tanzania and it's law abiding citizens get bad press in the media - both domestic, continental and international.

    Fortunately, the local authorities, with the help of police had helped curb the nuisance caused by hired juvenile goons.

    Suffice to say tah there was no any escalation of disturbances around country due to the delay in announcing the results of general elections.

    Otherwise, the personnel from the FFU would have come to the rescue or been deployed to various regions of the country.
    Lastly, do have any idea as to why CHADEMA - that wants to rule the whole republic - is always referred to as "a southern party" or "a party of the people from the south"?

    Muru wa Gacii

  10. Chris and Philip,

    First of all, I hope that all CHADEMA MPs who get elected will remain true to their campaign colours and the public image they have tried so hard to portray.

    In other words, they will stick (remain loyal and faithful) to wearing the the CHADEMA Safari - American Khaki - suits that they have been fronting through out the campaign season.

    And they will not be tempted to turn around and trade them in for expensive imports like Armani, Louis Raphael, Claiborne, Gabardine suits et al that have flooded the wardrobes and closets of the so called present day political, business, and professional elite of Tanzania.
    Second, I wonder how CCM's main rival, a political party of CHADEMA's stature failed to capture a single seat in Zanzibar?

    CHAMEDA was missing in action - MIA - when the elections results were announced.

    So, what do we make of such a huge electorate void on the islands of Zanzibar, Pembe, Mafia and Pate?

    Why is CHADEMA gone MIA?
    Quasi Election Violence:

    There were some small groups of the usual suspects, juvenile goons aka "hired hands" who tried to throw stones, set small fires, block roads and disrupt businesses - here and there - in the slum areas of Dar-es-Salaam and in few other towns.

    I am sure they were hired hands for some special interest political individuals who would very much want - love - to see the current government, the CCM, the nation of Tanzania and it's law abiding citizens get bad press in the media - both domestic, continental and international.

    Fortunately, the local authorities, with the help of police had helped curb the nuisance caused by hired juvenile goons.

    Suffice to say tah there was no any escalation of disturbances around country due to the delay in announcing the results of general elections.

    Otherwise, the personnel from the FFU would have come to the rescue or been deployed to various regions of the country.
    Lastly, do have any idea as to why CHADEMA - that wants to rule the whole republic - is always referred to as "a southern party" or "a party of the people from the south"?

    Muru wa Gacii

  11. Corruption is deep rooted in our system but this new constitution carries all the political will to root it out. This cancer can cease to be a way of life in this country and Sherriff Lumumba may just be the non-ceremonial figurehead outside the executive arm of the Government to fight it without fear or favour


    In other words, Sherriff Lumumba (I shot the sheriff) is the standing phalanx against the vice of corruption?

    Another of the many common delusions. Man can only get rich via two ways:

    (a) static and diminishing rents, or

    (b) dynamic and increasing rents.

    Kenya lacks (b). It follows and must follow that, the best shot of getting rich in Kenya and we may add, much of the world in 2010, must be via static and diminishing rents which must involve war, fraud, corruption and such vices.

    So, how can our new phalanx (idle we may add) fight that which is the driver of our economy?

  12. "Uncle" Kiplagat is a disgraceful old man serving the interests of Gema mafia for a super salary. Let him be!

    Whatever happens in TZ..this is the beginning of the end for Chama Cha Mapinduzi! Same script as with KANU but this round in our sister country!

  13. The visceral disrespect for the American president from the 'Tea Party' is a foul scorn full of innuendo that skirts the boundaries of racism.

    The winners of American mid-term elections are not going fix the economy any time soon, nor will they be able to bring back the so called "run-away American Gravy Train" before 2012.

    Blaming the US government and the White House for the mortgage crisis ("excessive greed), unemployment and for everything that has gone bad (decayed) since 2000 and what have you, will not bring the intended relief any time soon.

    Both the Republicans and Democrats have no clue of how they can bring the comatose economy back to live. So far, all they can do is talk, talk, talk, from both sides of their political mouths.

    As for one John A. Baker, he should have been aware of what he was wishing for. Now he is welcome to jump into the frying pan on Capital Hill. The shoe is on the other foot. Welcome.

    Oh, lest he forgets, he cannot have his cake from the Green Party and eat. One wonders whether he will remain aware of the temporary gifts they have brought to his party table?

    Talk, talk, talk. the American people get so tired of it. Majority of them agree with the Elvis song that says, "A little less conversation, a little more action please."

    Don't tell the American people what you plan to do, want to do, think you should do, or are going to do.

    Just show them what you are doing [for the common good]. ACTIONS CHANGE THINGS. Words don't.

    BTW, it's going to take more than ten years, yes, you heard it, yes, let them hear it, it will take more than a decade to bring back "the good economic times" aka economic-gravy-train.

    I hate to rub it in, but some jobs have left continental America for good and they will not be coming back.

    Does the 'Detriot's 35 Year Devasting Effect' ring a bell?

    Well, there are two choices, American people can counter the same with a magic bullet -INNOVATION! INNOVATION! INNOVATION!.

    Or they can do what they do best, which is to keep shooting the messenger every time they hit the polls during the mid-elections and the general elections, for all it's worth.

  14. Are you for real? KANU can never be compared to CCM. KANU had no ideology at all and that's why it died a sudden death.

    On the other hand, CCM has continued to thrive for years because it has an ideology that has no ethnic inclinations or "land grabbing shenanigans" that were at the heart and soul of KANU's leadership.

    Anyway, hate it or like it, Tanzania's ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi party is poised to win 79percent of the seats in the country's legislature in elections that were held on Oct. 31.

    The party, led by President Jakaya kikwete probably won 188 of the 239 elected seats in parliament.

    What became of FORD, FORD-Asili, FORD-Kenya, FORD-Yetu, FORD-Pekee, FORD-Alliance, FORD-United, FORD-Revolution, FORD-Turks, FORD-Original, etc?


  15. Some heads should be rolled at the DoD. How could a nation like Kenya agree to be duped into purchasing third-hand jet fighter plans that had already been decommissioned after the Gulf War of 190-91?

    $30 million was lost through shady dealings at the DoD!

    The word among rank and file is that, $5 million were used to purchased the junk fleet with hope of reviving them for ceremonial parades, while the rest of the $25 million was distributed as usual among who is who in DoD, Ministry of Defense, President's Office, and the top brass within the KAF.

    The corruption deal came to light only after the airforce technicians sabotaged the project when they were denied their "13% cut" by some overly greedy individuals.

    The real figure is $30 million and not $28 million.

  16. Typo:
    Gulf War of 1990-91.

    The old fleet of Jordanian air force F-5s was decommissioned on the orders of the late King Hussein bin Talal, and replaced by a new fleet jet fighters.

  17. Well, there are two choices, American people can counter the same with a magic bullet -INNOVATION! INNOVATION! INNOVATION!.


    No, no, no. Nothing like this SHALL work. Start here please:



    USA as the UNIVERSAL EMPIRE of the the Western Civilization, which has engulfed the whole world, is in what historians call the Age of Conflict.

    We may add that, the Western civilization has had this part in 1300 - 1430 (100 years), 2nd 100 years between 1650 - 1815) and 1900 to date.

    At this Age, which has been noted in all past civilizations, the period is marked by the following:

    (a) Decreased rate of expansion of the economy,

    (b) imperialist wars,

    (c) class conflicts, when the institution of class oppression controls political power,

    and, very important,

    (d) irrationality or illiteracy when the institution of irrationality controls much of the intellectual life (UNIVERSITIES).

    On (d), we may note this:

    (i) the masses turn into irrationality to compensate for the growing INSECURITY of life,

    (ii) the elite support imperial wars and irrationality to divert attention from uninvested surpluses.

    They do this by diverting the excess surplus which is not invested in productive areas into the creation of institutions of class oppression to support wars (think tanks) and irrationality (capturing the universities) and thereby, make reforms IMPOSSIBLE.

    Now, when you think that INNOVATION will save USA, you are ignoring or have no clue in the bitter lessons of history.

    In 1848, Karl Marx said this:

    "... the Free Trade system works destructively... In a word, the Free Trade system HASTENS the Social Revolution. In this revolutionary sense alone, gentlemen, I am in favor of Free Trade."

    Karl Marx knew the history of FREE TRADE between ancient Rome, Africa (Egypt) and the East.

    NB: History is repeating itself as we watch.

    Today, how many of our high priest in our universities know this?

    If you think these ecomomic laws have been repealed by Washington Consensus, good luck with your INNOVATION, INNOVATION mantra.

    Meanwhile, pass some poppcorns please as we enjoy this movie.

  18. @Mwarang'ethe,
    Please spare us your Sumarian folklore-laced lectures. Stop being a professional PREDATOR. We have read US mid term elections just like you and repeating your delusional lectures will make no difference. If you want to trade in gold, start from your house and plant your own food. You sound like a stuck record, change please and stop the stale quotes, will you?

  19. Anonymous said...
    Please spare us your Sumarian folklore-laced lectures. Stop being a professional PREDATOR. We have read US mid term elections just like you and repeating your delusional lectures will make no difference.


    No doubt, you have read. Nothing worthy writing about really. Even a nursery kids can read.

    On our part, we read AND do the classical analysis of events in terms of historical change and institutional contradictions.

    In this, we focus on 3 areas:

    (a) The structure of a given society,

    (b) where a particular society stands in human history, and

    (c) what kinds of men prevail in such a society and what do their characters reveal?

    Whether you listen or even understand, or not, thats up to u.


    About stale quotes, does this one by Nero Obama make you happy?

    Yes, We Can and Change We Can Believe In.

  20. It's been said, "the Rome was not built in a day", in other words, it took years to build the one time mighty Roman Empire.

    But there is one thing that many political historians have failed or forgotten to remind those interested in the Roman versions(s) of life, that "the Roman Empire did not crumble in a day or five years, but it was brought down by years of decay from within."

    a) excessive greed among its citizens,
    b) insidious arrogance,
    c) vicious political divisions, partisan wrangling 24/7,
    d) always looked down on their neighbours,
    e) absolute lack of respect for the rest of the world,
    f) constant wastage of the empire's resources ('gold coins')on unnecessary military expenditions and adventures,
    g) corporate, cultural, religious imperialism.
    h) ignored, ostracized, exiled or even executed voices of reason.
    i) the Roman senate failed to live up to its standards,
    j) playing god
    k) know-it-all-attitude
    l) etc.

  21. A House Divided ...?



  24. @Mwarang'ethe,
    Please educate the lazy lot about the relationship between Ruto's trip to the Hague and land+welath.

    And while at it please provide an abbreviated web link and stale quote from Bob Marley, LOL!

    Mwara"N"gethe for Nobel prize for intellectual PREDATOR with no original ideas but to lurk in the shadows for news from dailies, abstract them with Sumarian folklore and abacadabra, PROF!!!

  25. And in Other news, Ruto has finally decided that he is not going down alone.

    I pray to God that he learnt a thing or two from Githongo on how to gather evidence and he is going to see Ocampo with something tangible (that includes the Pentagon minutes).

    It is time Kenyans knew the TRUTH on how the 2007 GENOCIDE was organized, by who and why.

  26. @ Anon. 11/3/10 3:10 PM

    And closely behind Uhuru and Michuki will be Raila, Balala, Mudavadi and Ngilu.


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